



中英文订货合同模板【合同编号】Contract No.: __________【签订日期】Date of Signing: __________【签订地点】lace of Signing: __________甲方(卖方)arty A (Seller): __________地址 Address: __________电话 Tel: __________传真 Fax: __________电子邮件 Email: __________乙方(买方)arty (uyer): __________地址 Address: __________电话 Tel: __________传真 Fax: __________电子邮件 Email: __________鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款进行商品交易,现达成如下合同:Whereas arty A agrees to sell and arty agrees to uy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated elow, this Contract is herey made:一、商品描述 Commodity Descrition:品名 Name of Commodity: __________规格 Secifications: __________数量 Quantity: __________单价 Unit rice: __________总价 Total rice: __________包装 acking: __________二、交货期 Delivery Date:货物应在 YYYY年MM月DD日前交付。

The delivery of goods shall e comleted y DD/MM/YYYY.三、价格条款 rice Terms:FO [装货港] / CIF [目的港] / [其他贸易术语]FO [ort of Shiment] / CIF [ort of Destination] / [Other Trade Terms]四、付款方式 ayment Terms:通过即期信用证支付。



销售合同PURCHASE CONTRACT合同号/S/C No:卖方/Seller:电话/Tel:地址/Address:买方/Buyer:电话/Tel:地址/Address:经甲乙双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同(All the items are list as following were confirmed by both part A and part B, These are the final content of the contract):1 订货内容及价格(Quotation):2 运输方式(Transport Method):3 交货地点(Deliver Destination):4 到货期(Deliver Date):5 服务(Services):卖方在48小时内免费无条件更换任何质量或外包装上有问题的货物。

Part B response for replace any goods with any flaw on the package or some quality problemsWithin48 hours without any condition.6 付款方式(Payment Terms)订金:在签署合同后的工作日内,交付合同总额之百分之;在到货验收合格后之工作日内,交付合同总额之百分之;在运行正常的条件下,余款在工作日内付清。

The Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon signing this contract within work days;The 10 Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon delivery and check & accept within work days;The rest of the contract amount is payable by Part A within work days on the basis of product run in normal.7 违约责任(Penalty Terms):1)、乙方到货期不符合合同规定的,承担以下违约责任:乙方逾期交货的货物,遇价格上涨时,按原价格执行;价格下降时,按照新价格执行。





二、价格条款及支付方式1. 交易价格:双方约定商品总价为________元人民币(或美元),具体价格根据商品种类和数量确定。




2. 支付方式:(根据双方协商选择支付方式,如电汇、信用证等)三、交货时间与地点交货时间:双方约定在合同签订后____天内完成发货。












卖方THE SELLER:买方THE BUYER:兹双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:1.装运条款和交货期:于合同生效后月日前以陆运形式送货到达。

Delivery time(CIF HONGKONG): After the order in effect by truck to , and arriving at on or before: .2.最终目的地:。

Final destination:.3.付款条件: 电汇,月结90天付清货款。

Term of payment: By T/T after 90 days.4.保险: 按发票金额110%保一切险及战争险(中国人民保险公司条款)。

Insurance :To be covered by the seller for 110% of invoice value against all risks and war risk as per the clause of the People’ Insurance Co. of China.5.品质与数量,重量的异议与索赔: 货到最终目的地后, 买方如发现货物品质及/货数量/重量与合同规定不符,除属于保险公司货船公司的责任外,买方可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的检验证明向卖方提出异议,品质异议须于货到最终目的地起15天内提出,数量/重量异议须于货到最终目的地起10天内提出。

Quality /Quantity/Weight Discrepancy and Claim: In case the quality and /or quantity/weight are found by the Buyer not to conform with the contract after arrival of the goods at the final destination, the Buyer may lodge a claim against the seller supported by a survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed upon by both parties with the exception of those claims for which the insurance company and /or the shipping company are to be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination while for quantity / weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 10 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination.6.人力不可抗拒: 本合同内所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒原因,使卖方不能履约或延期交货,卖方不负任何责任。



英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本(一)Buyer: 买方:Add.: 地址:Seller: 卖方:Add.: 地址:This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by andbetween the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the ContractLaw of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agreeto sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据>及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。

1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套SPECIFICATION AND PRICE 规格与价格:Grey cow split leather .The leather palm is to measure 205 mm from the tipof the middle finger to the wrist and 125 mm hand wide.灰色牛革质料。


PRICE OF PAIR: 价格:每双:6元人民币QUANTITY: 4000 pair 数量:4000双TOTAL AMOUNT: 总价:2. Delivery: 交货方式:Description, quantity, unit price, total amountand other details of thegoods ordered please refer to detail order, invoice and packing list. The nameof the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.采购品名、规格、数量、单价、总价、交期等参考每次采购相应订单、发票及装运单,发票的填开单位必须与本合同中卖方的名称相一致。






三、甲方的义务1. 按照乙方的要求,为其寻找合适的供应商或销售渠道。

2. 负责商务洽谈、签订合同等对外贸易事务。

3. 负责货物的运输、报关、报检等物流事务。

4. 及时向乙方汇报业务进展和订单情况。

5. 确保代理业务中的商业信息保密。

四、乙方的义务1. 提供合法、真实的经营资质和相关证明文件。

2. 明确代理事项的具体要求和目标。

3. 按照约定支付代理费用及相关费用。

4. 负责货物的品质、数量及交货期限等事项的确认。

5. 确保所提供资料的真实性和合法性。

五、代理费用及支付方式1. 代理费用根据具体代理事项和订单金额进行协商确定。

2. 乙方应在甲方完成代理事项后按照约定支付代理费用及相关费用。

3. 支付方式:___________________(如电汇、信用证等)。

六、合同期限及终止1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。

2. 合同到期后,如双方继续合作,可续签合同。

3. 本合同任何一方如欲终止合同,需提前____个月书面通知对方。

七、违约责任1. 如因甲方原因造成乙方损失,甲方应承担相应赔偿责任。

2. 如因乙方原因造成甲方损失,乙方应承担相应赔偿责任。

中英文货物出口合同(Sales Contract)3篇

中英文货物出口合同(Sales Contract)3篇

中英文货物出口合同(Sales Contract)3篇篇1本合同由以下双方签订:卖方:__________ (以下简称“甲方”)买方:__________ (以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲方同意向乙方出售特定货物,乙方同意购买该货物,双方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,订立如下条款,以资共同遵守。

一、货物描述1. 货物名称:__________2. 型号/规格:__________3. 数量:__________ (具体数量依据订单而定)4. 质量标准:按__________标准执行,或由双方协商确定。

5. 包装要求:须适应货物特性的需要,妥善包装并保证安全运输。

二、价格条款1. 货物的价格以__________(货币)计价。


2. 除非另有规定,所有价格包含包装和运输费用。


三、交付和验收1. 交货时间:按照乙方订单要求的日期进行交货。

2. 交货地点:甲方的仓库或双方约定的其他地点。

3. 运输方式:由甲方负责安排运输至乙方指定地点。


4. 验收标准:按照合同规定的质量标准验收货物。


四、付款条款1. 付款期限:乙方应在收到货物后的______天内完成付款。

2. 付款方式:通过银行转账或其他双方协商确定的支付方式支付。

3. 逾期付款责任:如乙方逾期付款,甲方有权要求乙方支付逾期付款违约金。




六、违约责任This contract is made by and between the Seller: __________ (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)and the Buyer:__________ (h ereinafter referred to as “Party B”)篇2本合同由以下双方签订:买方(以下简称“甲方”):英文名称:___________地址:___________卖方(以下简称“乙方”):英文名称:___________地址:___________鉴于甲方希望购买,且乙方同意出售下列货物,双方根据平等互利的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条合同货物1. 货物名称:___________ (具体商品名称)2. 型号/规格:___________3. 数量:___________ (具体数量)4. 质量/规格:应符合国家标准及双方确认的样品标准。



常见外贸合同(中英版)5篇篇1合同编号:【编号】甲方(买方):【甲方名称】乙方(卖方):【乙方名称】鉴于甲、乙双方本着公平、公正、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜达成如下协议:一、商品描述及规格(Commodity Description and Specification)甲方购买乙方商品的具体名称、型号、规格、数量、质量等详见附件一《商品清单》。

二、价格与付款(Price and Payment)1. 乙方应按照甲方确认的报价单上的价格向甲方出售商品。


2. 甲方应在收到商品后【具体天数】内完成付款。


3. 若因货币汇率波动导致价格波动,双方应另行协商调整价格。

三、交货与验收(Delivery and Acceptance)1. 乙方应按照合同约定的时间、地点将商品交付给甲方。

2. 甲方应在收到商品后【具体天数】内进行验收,并书面确认验收结果。

3. 如商品存在质量问题,甲方有权拒绝验收或要求退货。

四、运输与保险(Transportation and Insurance)1. 运输方式:【具体方式】。

2. 运输费用由【甲方/乙方】承担。

3. 货物保险由【甲方/乙方】购买,费用由【甲方/乙方】承担。

五、违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract)1. 若一方未按照合同约定履行义务,应承担违约责任。

2. 若因违约导致合同无法继续履行,守约方有权解除合同。

六、不可抗力(Force Majeure)1. 若因不可抗力导致一方无法履行义务,该方应及时通知对方。

2. 双方应共同协商应对不可抗力的事宜。

七、争议解决(Settlement of Disputes)1. 若双方在合同履行过程中发生争议,应首先友好协商解决。

2. 若协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地法院提起诉讼。




中英文购货合同模板【购货合同】合同编号:________日期:________卖方(Seller):________地址(Address):________电话(Telehone):________传真(Fax):________电子邮件(Email):________买方(uyer):________地址(Address):________电话(Telehone):________传真(Fax):________电子邮件(Email):________鉴于买卖双方同意按照以下条款和条件进行商品交易,现订立本合同:1. 商品信息1.1 商品名称:________1.2 规格型号:________1.3 数量:________1.4 单价:________1.5 总价:________2. 交货2.1 交货日期:________2.2 交货方式:________(例如FO、CIF等)2.3 交货地点:________3. 付款条件3.1 付款方式:________(例如信用证、电汇等)3.2 付款时间:________4. 质量保证4.1 卖方保证所提供商品符合合同规定的质量、规格和性能要求。

4.2 商品应符合所有适用的标准和法规。

5. 检验与验收5.1 买方有权在收到货物后____天内进行检验。

5.2 如发现商品存在缺陷或不符合合同规定,买方应及时通知卖方。

6. 违约责任6.1 如一方未能履行合同义务,需向另一方支付违约金。

6.2 如因不可抗力导致无法履行合同,应及时通知对方并提供相应证明。

7. 争议解决7.1 双方应通过友好协商解决合同执行过程中出现的任何争议。

7.2 如协商不成,可提交至卖方所在地的仲裁委员会进行仲裁。

8. 法律适用本合同的订立、解释、执行和争议解决均适用卖方国家的法律。

9. 其他条款9.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

9.2 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。




一、货物描述及规格(中文)货物名称:【货物名称】(中文)型号/规格:【型号/规格】(英文)Goods Description:【Goods Name】(英文)Model/Specification:【Model/Specs】二、数量及单位(中文)数量:【数量】(中文)计量单位:【计量单位】(英文)Quantity:【Quantity】(英文)Unit of Measurement:【Unit】三、价格与支付方式(中文)货物单价:【货物单价】(中文)总金额:【总金额】(英文)Unit Price:【Unit Price】(英文)Total Amount:【Total Amount】支付方式:【支付方式描述,例如:通过不可撤销的信用证,货到付款等】四、交货与包装(中文)交货期限:【交货日期】(中文)交货地点:【交货地点】(英文)Delivery Time:【Delivery Date】(英文)Delivery Place:【Delivery Place】包装要求:【包装描述,例如:按照惯例进行适当包装,保证货物安全等】五、品质保证与检验乙方应保证货物符合合同规定的品质与数量。





九、法律适用与争议解决篇2合同编号:【编号】甲方(买方):【买方名称和地址】乙方(卖方):【卖方名称和地址】根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,就买方向卖方购买商品事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格、数量及价格(中英文对照)Commodity Name, Specifications, Quantity and Price (中英文对照)商品名称商品规格数量价格备注(请根据实际情况填写)二、交货期限与方式(中英文对照)Delivery Time and Mode (中英文对照)乙方应按照甲方要求的交货期限将商品交付给甲方。



订购协议(中英文对照)6篇篇1订购协议订购协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方签订:甲方(买方):____________________乙方(卖方):____________________鉴于甲方有意向购买乙方提供的商品,双方本着平等、自愿、公平的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、订购商品1. 商品名称:____________________2. 商品规格:____________________3. 商品数量:____________________4. 商品单价:____________________5. 总金额:____________________二、支付方式1. 甲方应在本协议签署后___(约定时间)内将全款支付至乙方指定账户。

2. 乙方在收到款项后,应按照甲方的要求提供正规的发票。

三、交付日期及方式1. 乙方应在本协议签署后___(约定时间)内,将商品交付给甲方。

2. 交付方式:乙方应按照甲方的要求将商品送达指定地址或由甲方自行提货。

3. 如因不可抗力因素导致商品延迟交付,乙方应及时通知甲方,并协商解决方案。

四、商品质量保证1. 乙方应保证所售商品的质量符合国家标准、行业标准以及甲方的要求。

2. 如甲方发现商品存在质量问题,有权要求乙方进行退换货处理。

3. 乙方应对商品质量负责,因商品质量问题导致的损失,乙方应承担相应责任。

五、保密协议1. 双方应保密本协议的所有内容,不得向任何第三方透露。

2. 双方应保护对方的商业机密和隐私信息,未经对方同意,不得向任何第三方披露或使用。

六、违约责任及解决方式1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担相应的违约责任。

2. 如因违约导致本协议终止,违约方应承担由此产生的所有损失。

3. 对于因执行本协议而引起的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。


篇2订购协议订购协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方签订:甲方(订购方):__________________(以下简称“甲方”)乙方(供应商):__________________(以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲方有意订购乙方提供的商品或服务,且乙方同意按照本协议所规定的条款和条件提供商品或服务,双方经友好协商一致,达成如下协议:一、订单确认与商品描述1. 甲方通过____(订单方式)向乙方发出订单,乙方应在____(回复时间)内确认订单的接受。



外贸常见合同(中英版)7篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(卖方):___________ (卖方全称及英文名称)乙方(买方):___________ (买方全称及英文名称)根据平等互利原则,经友好协商,双方自愿签署本合同协议。

为明确各自责任与义务,保护双方权益,确保合同履行地合法性和有效性,特制订本合同条款如下:一、合同双方基本信息Article 1: Basic Information of Contracting Parties二、货物描述及规格Article 2: Description and Specification of Goods商品名称:_______ (商品名称英文翻译)Number:(商品编号)规格型号:_______ (规格型号英文翻译)数量:_______ (数量)单价:_______ (单价及货币类型)总价:_______ (总价及货币类型)等详见附件清单。

Total value and detailed specifications as per attached list.三、价格条款及贸易术语解释Article 3: Price Terms and Interpretation of Trade TermsCIF价包含商品本身的成本和运输到买方目的地的成本及保险费,装船港_______(装船港名称)。




The CIF price includes the cost of the goods, cost of transportation to the buyer's destination, and insurance. The port of shipment is _______ (装船港名称). The delivery period is within _______ days after shipment. The price is fixed and will not be adjusted unless agreed by both parties. Any special circumstances that may affect the price, such as tax changes, must be agreed upon by both parties before adjustment.四、交货条款及包装要求Article 4: Delivery Terms and Packaging Requirements货物必须严格按照出口标准进行包装并保证货物安全送达目的地。



订货合同范本英文Purchase OrderThis Purchase Order is made and entered into as of [date], and between [Buyer's Company Name] (the "Buyer"), and [Seller's Company Name] (the "Seller").1. GOODS AND PRICE LISTThe Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to purchase, the goods and services specified in the attached price list (the "Goods"). The prices listed in the price list are firm and exclusive of any taxes, duties, or other charges.2. DELIVERY TERMSThe Seller will deliver the Goods to the Buyer's specified location [date]. The Buyer will be responsible for arranging for the receipt and inspection of the Goods at the delivery location.3. PAYMENT TERMSPayment for the Goods will be made the Buyer within [number] days of the invoice date. The Buyer will pay the invoice amount in full, without deduction or set-off.4. QUALITY ASSURANCEThe Seller warrants that the Goods will conform to the applicable specifications and standards. The Seller will also take all reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the Goods. In the event that the Goods do not conform to the warranty, the Buyer may return the Goods for a refund or replacement, at the Seller's option.5. WARRANTIESThe Seller warrants that it has the right to sell the Goods and that the Goods do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. The Seller will defend, indemnify, and hold the Buyer harmless from any clms, suits, or losses arising from such infringement.6. CONFIDENTIALITYThe Buyer and the Seller agree to keep the terms and conditions of this Purchase Order and any related information confidential. Neither party shall disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.7. FORCE MAJEURENeither party shall be liable for any delay or flure to perform its obligations under this Purchase Order due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, or shortages of materials or labor.8. TERMINATIONThis Purchase Order may be terminated either party upon written notice to the other party for any reason.9. GOVERNING LAWThis Purchase Order will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].10. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis Purchase Order constitutes the entire agreement between the Buyer and the Seller and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, or representations, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Buyer and the Seller have executed this Purchase Order as of the date first above written.[Buyer's Company Name][Buyer's Signature][Date][ Seller's Company Name][Seller's Signature][Date]。



外贸合同中英文外贸合同中英文精选3篇(一)外贸合同范本甲方(买方):[买方公司全称]地址:[买方公司地址]联系人:[买方联系人姓名]电话:[买方联系电话]邮箱:[买方联系邮箱]乙方(卖方):[卖方公司全称]地址:[卖方公司地址]联系人:[卖方联系人姓名]电话:[卖方联系电话]邮箱:[卖方联系邮箱]产品名称:[产品名称]规格型号:[产品规格型号]数量:[产品数量]单价:[产品单价]总价:[产品总价]质量要求:[对产品质量的具体要求]交货日期:[具体的交货日期]交货方式:[交货的具体方式,如FOB、CIF等]交货地点:[具体的交货地点]总价:[合同总价]付款方式:[具体的付款方式,如T/T、L/C等]付款条件:[具体的付款条件,如预付款比例、余款支付时间等] 乙方应保证所供产品符合合同约定的质量要求。







甲方(盖章):_________________ 日期:年__月__日乙方(盖章):_____________ 日期:____年__月__日外贸合同中英文精选3篇(二)外贸合同是国际贸易中非常重要的法律文件,它规定了买卖双方的权利和义务,是解决贸易争端的依据。









)二、交易条款1. 交易价格:以双方商定的价格为准。

2. 付款方式:电汇/信用证。

3. 付款期限:交货前预付XX%,余款在收到货物并验收合格后支付。

4. 交货期限:自合同签署之日起XX天内。

5. 交货方式:海运/空运。

6. 运输保险:由乙方负责购买运输保险,保险费用由双方协商承担。

7. 关税和税费:关税和与进口商品相关的税费由甲方承担。

三、品质保证与索赔1. 乙方应保证所销售的商品符合合同规定的质量要求。

2. 若因乙方责任导致商品质量不符合合同规定,甲方有权要求退货或索赔。

3. 如发生索赔,双方应友好协商解决。



五、违约责任1. 如一方违反本合同的任何条款,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。

2. 违约金的数额和支付方式由双方协商确定。

六、适用法律与争议解决1. 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。

2. 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

七、其他条款1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

2. 本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。

3. 未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。

【英文对照】Foreign Trade Contract Template (Both Chinese and English)Contract Number: [Number]Party A (Buyer): [Buyer’s Name and Address]Party B (Seller): [Seller’s Name and Address]WHEREAS Party A desires to purchase and Party B is willing to sell the following goods, both parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations:I. Description of Goods(Details of the goods purchased by Party A, including but not limited to commodity name, specifications, quantity, unit price, total price, quality, packaging, etc.)II. Trading Terms1. Transaction Price: As agreed upon by both parties.2. Payment Method: T/T or L/C.3. Payment Term: Prepay XX% before delivery, the balance shall be paid after receiving the goods and passing the acceptance inspection.4. Delivery Time: Within XX days from the date of signing this contract.5. Delivery Mode: Sea freight/air freight.6. Transportation Insurance: Party B is responsible for purchasing transportation insurance, and the insurance premium shall be borne by both parties through negotiation.7. Customs Duties and Taxes: Customs duties and taxes related to imported goods shall be borne by Party A.III Quality Assurance and Claim1. Party B shall ensure that the goods sold meet the quality requirements specified in the contract.篇2合同编号:【合同编号】甲方(买方):【买方名称和地址】乙方(卖方):【卖方名称和地址】鉴于甲、乙双方同意按照本合同规定的条款进行对外贸易交易,特制定本合同。



国际货物买卖合同书中英文范本SALES CONTRACT编号:No:日期:Date:签约地点:Signed at:卖方:The Seller:地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code:电话:Tel:传真:fax:电子邮箱:E-mail:买方:The Buyer:地址:Address:邮政编码:Postal Code:电话:Tel:传真:fax:电子邮箱:E-mail:买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to装运港:PORT OF SHIPMENT:目的港:PORT OF DESTINATION7. 付款条件:PAYMENT:8. 保险:INSURANCE:□由卖方按发票金额的110%保一切险及战争险。


To be covered by the Seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risks. If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.□由买方自理To be effected by the Buyer.9. 付款条件Terms of Payment(以下四项任选一项):(1)信用证方式:Letter of Credit:买方应在装运期前/合同生效后__日,开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的议付信用证,信用证在装船完毕后__日内到期。

The Buyer shall, ______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated.(2) 付款交单:Documents against payment:货物发运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的付款跟单汇票,按即期付款交单(D/P)方式,通过卖方银行及_____银行向买方转交单证,换取货物。



产品购销合同(PURCHASE CONTRACT)甲方(买方):Buyer :乙方(卖方):Supplier :买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below:第一条定购产品:Art.1 Ordered products:第二条质量要求及技术标准:Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications:2.1按照本合同第一条约定的规格生产产品,质量标准按照生产厂商技术标准。

2.1 In accordance with prescribed products description of Art.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturer’stechnical standard.第三条发货时间和发货方式:Art. 3 Delivery time and terms of shipment:3.1 发货时间:3.1 Lead Time:3.2 发货方式:3.2 Terms of shipment:第四条付款方式:Art. 4 Terms of payment:第五条收货和验收条款:Art. 5 Goods reception and acceptance:5.1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。

5.1 Acceptance criteria: according to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications of the present contract第六条违约责任:Art. 6 Liability for breach of contract:6.1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的0.5% /日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。



国际货物买卖合同(中英文对照) Contract for the International Sale of Goods第一条合同双方Article 1: Contracting Parties甲方:[甲方名称]Party A: [Name of Party A]乙方:[乙方名称]Party B: [Name of Party B]第二条货物描述Article 2: Description of Goods1. 货物名称:[货物名称]2. 规格型号:[规格型号]3. 数量:[数量]4. 单位:[单位]5. 包装:[包装方式]6. 质量标准:[质量标准]7. 交货地点:[交货地点]Article 2: Description of Goods1. Name of Goods: [Name of Goods]2. Specifications: [Specifications]3. Quantity: [Quantity]4. Unit: [Unit]5. Packaging: [Packaging Method]6. Quality Standards: [Quality Standards]7. Delivery Location: [Delivery Location]第三条价格条款Article 3: Price Terms1. 价格条款:[如FOB, CIF, DDP等]2. 货币单位:[货币单位]3. 总价:[总价]4. 价格条款解释:[根据国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms)解释价格条款]Article 3: Price Terms1. Terms of Price: [e.g., FOB, CIF, DDP, etc.]2. Currency: [Currency Unit]3. Total Price: [Total Price]4. Explanation of Price Terms: [Explanation according to Incoterms]第四条支付方式Article 4: Payment Terms1. 支付方式:[如信用证、电汇、承兑汇票等]2. 支付期限:[支付期限]3. 支付货币:[支付货币]Article 4: Payment Terms1. Method of Payment: [e.g., Letter of Credit, Telegraphic Transfer, Acceptance Draft, etc.]2. Payment Schedule: [Payment Schedule]3. Payment Currency: [Payment Currency]第五条交货期限Article 5: Delivery Time1. 预计交货日期:[预计交货日期]2. 交货期限:[交货期限]3. 延迟交货的后果:[延迟交货的后果]Article 5: Delivery Time1. Estimated Delivery Date: [Estimated Delivery Date]2. Delivery Period: [Delivery Period]3. Consequences of Late Delivery: [Consequences of Late Delivery]第六条质量保证与索赔Article 6: Quality Assurance and Claims1. 质量保证期限:[质量保证期限]2. 索赔期限:[索赔期限]3. 索赔程序:[索赔程序]Article 6: Quality Assurance and Claims1. Quality Assurance Period: [Quality Assurance Period]2. Claim Period: [Claim Period]3. Claim Procedure: [Claim Procedure]第七条违约责任Article 7: Liability for Breach of Contract1. 违约责任:[违约责任条款]2. 赔偿范围:[赔偿范围]3. 争议解决:[争议解决方式]Article 7: Liability for Breach of Contract1. Liability for Breach: [Liability Terms]2. Scope of Compensation: [Scope of Compensation]3. Dispute Resolution: [Dispute Resolution Method]第八条法律适用与争议解决Article 8: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution1. 适用法律:[适用法律]2. 争议解决方式:[争议解决方式,如仲裁、诉讼等]3. 仲裁机构:[仲裁机构名称]Article 8: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution1. Applicable Law: [Applicable Law]2. Dispute Resolution Method: [Dispute Resolution Method,e.g., Arbitration, Litigation, etc.]3. Arbitration Institution: [Name of Arbitration Institution] 第九条合同生效Article 9: Effectiveness of the Contract1. 合同生效条件:[合同生效条件]2. 合同生效日期:[合同生效日期]Article 9: Effectiveness of the Contract1. Conditions for Effectiveness: [Conditions for Effectiveness]2. Effective Date: [Effective Date]第十条其他Article 10: Miscellaneous1. 附加条款:[附加条款]2. 合同修改:[合同修改条款]3. 通知方式:[通知方式]Article 10: Miscellaneous1. Additional Terms: [Additional Terms]2. Contract Modification: [Contract Modification Terms]3. Notice Method: [Notice Method]本合同一式。

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合同号/S/C No:
经甲乙双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同(All the items are list as following were confirmed by both part A and part B, These are the final content of the contract):
1 订货内容及价格(Quotation):
2 运输方式(Transport Method):
3 交货地点(Deliver Destination):
4 到货期(Deliver Date):
5 服务(Services):

Part B response for replace any goods with any flaw on the package or some quality problemsWithin48 hours without any condition.
6 付款方式(Payment Terms)

The Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon signing this contract within work days;
The 10 Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon delivery and check & accept within work days;
The rest of the contract amount is payable by Part A within work days on the basis of product run in normal.
7 违约责任(Penalty Terms):



Part B would be charged with the liability of penalty during any delay
of the delivery:
If the prices of product increased during the period of delivery delay, the original price was
validate for the contract; whereas, the new price is validate for the contract.
Part B would pay the piper for percent of contract amount as penalty to Part A for each
day of the delivery delay and have to perform the contract.
When the delay date exceed 0 work days after delivery of the contract, Part A have the
authority for reject, compensate or rescind the contract .

The number of the goods is not the same as that prescribed in the
contract, Part A have the following authority to ask for penalty depend on different case:
Make up the loss within work days, ask the same penalty as delivery delay; Part A can accept the redundant goods as same price and
specification or reject them .

The quality or specifications of the goods are not accord with contract description or special
area specification or government principle, Part B would be changed with repair, change, be
rejected, decrease quotation etc.

Each of the Part breach of contract for the third party reason, it
should be response for the liability of the other Part.
8 其他(Others)

The probation period is work days, Part A should reimbursement immediately and without any terms if any flaw were found in the probation periods.
9 合同的变更(The modification of Contract):


Any modification must on the basis of fair negotiation and be accepted by both sides. The formal file of modified contract should be validating after signed and sealed by authorized person of both sides. All the modification has the same effectiveness in law and attached as appendix.
10 合同的有效性(Validate Date of contract):

The valid data start from the contract signed and sealed and sealed by authorized person of both sides.
11 份数(Duplicate number of the contract):

There are 2 duplicate of the contract, they would be keep by both sides.
12 合同未尽事宜的说明(The explain items not included in contract):

The items that are not included in the contract should be negotiated by both side on the base of 《Contract Law》.
Seal of Seller Seal ofBuyer
法人代表或委托人签字:法人代表或委托人签字:Signature Signature
Date Date。
