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• What is the origin of “Canada”, “Toronto” and
Native Indian language.
Listen for details
1. Canada encourages people to keep _________.
2. Canada is a mixture of __________.
1. Canada encourages people to keep ____t_h_e_ir__o_w_n__c_u_st_o_m__s______.
2. Canada is a mixture of _m__a_n_y__cu__lt_u_r_es and __ra_c_e_s_.
3. If you live in the province of Quebec,
7. The families ____ are usually all mixed up.
First listening
• Who is the speaker?
A Canadian.
• What are the official languages in Canada?
French and English.
Watch and Enjoy
21..WWheic_shh__aci_rtey ouirs the video creaabtoiuvti?ty, our talents; we _s_h_a_r_e__ our past, present, and future.
Why is “share” used here? Why not use “have”?
We share our past We mix together with _d_if_f_e_r_e_n_t_ cultures.
Canada is a _m_u__lt_ic_u_l_t_u_r_a_l country.
Most Canadians are
people firmommoitghrear ncotusntries.
We have two official languages, French and English.
radio and TV programmes.
6. You may find areas where many _p_e_o_p_le__fr_o_m__t_h_e__sa_m__e_c_u_l_t_u_r_e__ live near each other.
7. The families _w_h_o__li_v_e_d_i_n__C_a_n_a_d_a_ _fo_r__a_l_o_n_g__ti_m_e_ are usually all mixed
6. You may find areas where ____ live near each other.
7. The families ____ are usually all mixed up.
Complete these sentences with correct information.
4. BNa.CtivaenInaddiaanissaandctohue nInturiyt awreitrhyiang to ___. 5. Mosrhe othratnh_i_s_t_olrayn.guages are used in radio
Can.dCTaVnpardoagriasmammes.ulticultural 6. Yotohuceorm.uany tfrinyd. areas where ____ live near each
3. If you live in the province of Quebec, _______.
4. Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to ___.
5. More than ____ languages are used in radio and TV programmes.
Except for the Native Indians, everybody else who lives here came from another country or their ancestors did. Canada is a mixture of many cultures and races. It is what we call a multicultural country.
Listening text
WHAT IS A CAHADIAN? I am a Canadian and very proud of my country. However, people sometimes don’t know what being Canadian really means. People who come to Canada are encouraged to be proud of their own culture and keep their own customs.
The topic of the recording is _______
1. Canada encourages people to keep _________.
2. ACa.Cnaadna aisdaamiisxtaurbeiogf _a_n_d__b__e_a_u_.tiful 3. If ycoouulinvetriny.the province of Quebec, _______.
__y_o_u__a_r_e_e_x__p_e_c_te__d_t_o__s_p_e_a_k__F_r_e_n_c_h___ .
4. Native Indians and Inuit are trying to
k_e_e_p__t_h_e_i_r_l_a_n_g__u_a_g_e_s_a__li_v.e 5. More than _8_0__ languages are used in