《法律英语》教学大纲课程名称:《法律英语》英文名称:Legal English学分:2学分总学时:36学时适用专业:法学先修课程:大学英语课程、法律基础类课程一、课程性质《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的复合型人才的需求,所开设的英语专业本科选修课程。
本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
三、课程教学内容与要求1. Introduction to Legal English导论教学目的与要求介绍开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点、教学内容安排、学习方法与要求、相关参考书及本课程的考核方式2. Lesson 1 Legal System 法律制度教学目的(1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems (2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China(3)To grasp the related legal vocabularies教学内容Part I Features and CharacteristicsPart II Common law and Equity law3. Lesson 2 Legal Profession法律职业教学目的(1)To be clear about the American legal profession(2)To learn certain legal phrases, such as practicing lawyer, legal instruments, associates, practice preventive law(3)To understand the process of engaging a lawyer(4)To get acquainted with some useful expressions in engaging a lawyer教学内容Part I The BarPart II Lawyers in Private PracticePart III House CounselPart IV Lawyers in Government4. Lesson 3 Legal Education法律教育教学目的(1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education(2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method(3)To learn some legal phrases: Regulatory state; clinical education; layering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law教学内容Part I Curriculum and the case methodPart II Law school hierarchy5. Lesson 4 Judicial System 司法体系教学目的(1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system(2)To distinguish between trial courts and appellate courts(3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court(4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on教学内容Part I CourtsPart II Judges6. Lesson 5 Constitution宪法教学目的(1)To be clear about the feature of the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment(2)To learn legal phrase: Judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism教学内容Part I The constitution as the supreme lawPart II The principles of governmentPart III Provisions for amendment7. Lesson 6 Administrative Law行政法教学目的(1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law(2)To know the definition of “agency” in the Federal Administrative Procedure (3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory agencies教学目的(1)To know the background of the US property law(2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law(3)To understand the role of the lawyer in real property transactions(4)To learn legal phrases: Due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession教学内容Part I IntroductionPart II The fundamentals of real property lawPart III The role of the lawyer in real property transactions六、实验、实训等实践教学要求1. Topic discussion实践项目:to discuss 2 topics1)Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer?2)Discussion of the principle of checks and balances实践目的:to use legal terms to state one’s views on the above topics in English2. Listening practice实践项目:to listen to the text and repeat or dictate while learning each lesson实践目的:to make an understanding of the legal paras and civil and criminal procedures3. Translation practice实践项目:to translate the constitution of the US实践目的:to know the constitution of the US and to learn some translation skills 4. Case analysis实践项目:to read one case实践目的:to know the way to read real cases and its decisions5. Mock trial实践项目:Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co.实践目的:to know the tasks and skills of acting as different roles in an appeal case 七、思考题、三习题法律英语课程的思考题及三习题的设置必须覆盖教学的核心内容、重点、难点,学生“三习”的时间与教学时间之比不少于1:1。
《法律英语》课程中英文简介Legal English课程编号:100152B课程类型:专业选修课总学时:32学分:2适用对象:法学专业先修课程:法理学、宪法、民法学、商法、民事诉讼法一、课程的教学目标专业英语课程是法学系为法学系本科生开设的专业选修课。
三、各教学环节学时分配教学课时分配周次教学时数讲授章节教学内容课堂讨论、习作及其他教学活动的内容课外作业指定学生必读的参考书备注讲授其他习作课堂讨论1讲授Chapter 1Basics ofthe law/第一章法律概论讨论、观摩录像<Commercial law >,《英美法导读》2讲授Chapter 2Alternative DisputeResolutionProcedures/第二章替代性争议解决方式<Commerci al law >3讲授Chapter 3TheJudicialSystem andLitigation/第三章司法体系诉讼程序<CommercialLaw>The Judicial System and Litigation /第三章司法体系诉讼程序AnalysisalLaw>5录像讨论美国民事诉讼程序流程Discussion:ChinaCivilProcedure Law<Commercial Law>,《美国民事诉讼流程》6讲授Chapter 3TheJudicialSystem andLitigation/第三章司法体系诉讼程序CaseAnalysis《美国法律英语——在法律语境中使用语言》,英文版7讲授Chapter 4Torts/第四章侵权法<Commercial Law>,《美国法律英语——在法律语境中使用语言》,英文版8讲授Chapter 4Torts/第四章侵权法CaseAnalysis<Commercial Law>Torts/第四章侵权法al Law>10模拟法庭MockTrial/Moot/模拟法庭11讲授Chapter 5ContractFormation/第五章合同订立中国《合同法》的英文版12讲授Chapter5 ContractFormation/第五章合同订立<Commerci al Law>13讲授Chapter 6ContractDefensesandRemedies /第五章合同抗辩与救济CaseAnalysis<Commercial Law>14讲授Chapter 7ProductLiability/产品责任CaseAnalysis<Commercial Law>15讲授Chapter 8ProductLiability/产品责任<Commercial16考试FinalExamination/期末考试四、教学内容Chapter 1 Basics of Law教学难点、重点:大陆法系和英美法系的区别;美国法律的渊源;普通法和衡平法的关系;案例分析法的内容。
《法律英语》课程教学大纲课程名称:法律英语课程类别:任意选修课适用专业:法学考核方式:考查总学时、学分: 32学时 2 学分其中实践学时: 0 学时一、课程教学目的《法律英语》以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
四、课程教学重、难点Constitution 宪法、Administrative Law 行政法、Criminal Law 刑法、Contract Law 合同法、Tort Law 侵权法、Family Law 家庭法、Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序。
I. 教学目标A. 提高学生的法律英语听、说、读、写的能力;B. 培养学生的法律英语交际能力;C. 提高学生的法律英语文献阅读和写作能力;D. 培养学生的法律专业知识和跨文化交流能力。
II. 教学内容A. 法律英语听力与口语1. 法律英语听力训练a. 听取并理解法律会议、庭审和辩论的内容;b. 听取并理解法律文件和合同的说明;c. 听取并理解法律英语的新闻报道和评论。
2. 法律英语口语训练a. 掌握法律英语的常用表达和专业词汇;b. 进行法律案例分析和辩论;c. 模拟法庭辩论和法律谈判。
B. 法律英语阅读与写作1. 法律英语阅读a. 阅读法律文本、案例和判决书;b. 阅读法律英语相关材料和学术论文。
2. 法律英语写作a. 进行法律合同和文件的书写;b. 撰写法律英语的学术论文和法律备忘录。
C. 法律专业知识与跨文化交流1. 法律专业知识的学习a. 学习不同法律体系和法律概念的比较;b. 学习国际法和欧盟法的基本原则。
2. 跨文化交流的培养a. 学习不同国家和地区的法律文化;b. 理解和尊重不同文化背景下的法律观念和行为准则。
III. 教学方法A. 情境教学法通过模拟法庭、法律会议和辩论的情境,让学生在实践中学习和应用法律英语,提高他们的沟通能力和逻辑思维能力。
B. 合作学习法通过小组讨论、合作项目和角色扮演等形式,促进学生之间的合作交流,培养他们的团队合作能力和领导能力。
C. 多媒体教学法使用法律英语相关的语音、视频和互联网资源,提供丰富的学习材料和案例分析,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
课程基本信息(Course Information)
(Course Code)
(Course Name)
A listening & Speaking Course of English for Law(1)
A Listening & Speaking Course ofEnglishfor Law(1)is a mandatory course only forthose undergraduates of legal English majors during the 3rdsemester. It adopts Legal English textbooks as teaching materials, including the US legal system, English legal system, the US court system,English court system, criminal procedure, civil procedure, and alternative dispute resolution. The course aims at developing learners’basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and translating English in legal context.
Chapter one Laws on Foreign Investment EnterprisesSection 1 Concept of Foreign Investment EnterprisesSection 2 Law on Chinese-Foreign Joint VenturesSection 3 Law on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures Section 4 Law on Wholly Foreign-owned EnterprisesChapter two contract lawSection1 contract and Contract LawSection 2 conclusion of contractsSection3 Effectiveness of ContractsSection 4 Performance of ContractsSection 5 Modification and Assignment of ContractSection 6 Terminations of the Rights and Obligations of Contracts Section 7 Liability for Breach of ContractSection 8 Miscellaneous ProvisionsChapter three Litigation and Arbitration of Foreign Economic Disputes Section 1 Litigation of Foreign Economic DisputesSection 2 Arbitration of Foreign Economic DisputesChapter four Law on AntidumpingSection 1 dumpingSection 2 Antidumping Regulation of PRCSection 3 Brief Introduction to Foreign Antidumping RulesSection 4 Response to Antidumping cases against Products Exported from ChinaChapter five Trademark and Patent SystemSection 1 Trademark SystemSection 2 Patent SystemChapter six Civil Law with Foreign ElementsSection 1 Civil Legal Relationship with Foreign ElementsSection 2 Marriage Involving ForeignersSection 3 Succession with Foreign ElementsSection 4 Adoption Concerning Foreigners Section 5 Civil Procedure Involving Foreign Parties Chapter Seven English and American Legal System Section 1 English Legal SystemSection 2 American Legal System(二)、实践教学部分1英文案例讨论(case discussion)2、英文法律文书制作(legal writings)备注:实践部分详见实践指导部分。
二、法律英语教学的目标1. 培养学生的法律英语听说读写能力。
2. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 培养学生的法律研究和写作能力。
三、法律英语教学的内容1. 法律英语基础知识。
2. 法律英语听说能力培养。
3. 法律英语阅读能力培养。
4. 法律英语写作能力培养。
四、法律英语教学的方法1. 情景教学法。
2. 多媒体教学法。
法律英语教学大纲Legal English Teaching Syllabus1. Introduction1.1 Overview of Legal English Teaching1.2 Importance of Legal English Proficiency1.3 Objectives of the Syllabus2. Basic Legal English Vocabulary2.1 Legal Terminology2.2 Common Legal Abbreviations2.3 Legal Phraseology and Expressions3. Legal English Grammar and Syntax3.1 Use of Verb Tenses in Legal Writing3.2 Sentence Structure in Legal English3.3 Formation of Legal Contracts4. Reading and Comprehension in Legal English 4.1 Reading Legal Texts and Case Briefs4.2 Understanding Legal Precedents and Rulings4.3 Analyzing Statutory Law and Regulations5. Legal Writing Skills5.1 Drafting Legal Documents5.2 Writing Legal Memos and Briefs5.3 Writing Client Letters and Opinions6. Oral Communication in Legal English6.1 Legal Presentations and Public Speaking6.2 Negotiating and Mediating in Legal Contexts6.3 Courtroom Communication and Advocacy7. Legal Research Techniques7.1 Using Legal Databases and Resources7.2 Effective Internet Research for Legal Purposes7.3 Citing Legal Sources and Authorities8. Specialized Legal Areas8.1 Contracts and Commercial Law8.2 Intellectual Property Law8.3 International Law and Human Rights9. Cross-Cultural Competence in Legal English9.1 Understanding Legal Systems and Cultures9.2 Communicating with Multilingual Clients9.3 Recognizing and Respecting Legal Diversity10. Assessment and Evaluation10.1 Evaluating Legal English Proficiency10.2 Assessing Written and Oral Skills10.3 Providing Feedback and Improvement Strategies11. Conclusion11.1 Summary of the Legal English Teaching Syllabus11.2 Recommendations for Further Study and PracticeNote: This legal English teaching syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for instructors and learners interested in acquiring proficiency in legal English. The syllabus can be adapted and modified according to the specific needs of the learners and the teaching environment.。
《法律英语》课程大纲一、课程名称:法律英语 二、课程类别:公共选修课三、课时安排:从一年级第二学期至三年级第一学期,共计136学时。
六、课程的基本内容: 一年级以基本的法律术语和基本语法结构为基础。
七、与其他专业课程的关系: 本课程有别于其他课程,但又与其他课程有较为紧密的关联。
知识产权专业法律英语课程教学大纲 >>《法律英语课程教学大纲》一、课程基本信息适用专业:知识产权课程开出单位:社会与法学院课程代码:BK0609035课程的类型与性质:专业选修课总学分:2总学时:32理论授课学时:32学时实验实训学时:0学时参考教材:何家弘.法律英语.法律出版社,2004年先修课程:民法、商法、民事诉讼法考核方式:考查。
二、课程简介本课程属于专业选修课;本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用,让学生掌握外语知识;使学生具有一定的外语交际能力和计算机操作能力。
2、本章教学基本要求:了解:开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点理解:教学内容安排、学习方法与要求掌握:相关参考书及本课程的考核方式3、本章教学重点:The category of law; the way to read cases4、本章教学难点:The way to express opinion or ideas and disagreement5、教学内容安排Part I To categorize law in different waysPart II To learn how to read casesPart IIITo learn the skills of presentingPart IVTo learn how to express opinions or ideasPart VTo know the way to learn Legal English, including how to make use of the law dictionaries, the internet resource and reference book第二章:Legal System法律制度学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems(2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China(3)To grasp the related legal vocabularies2、本章教学基本要求:了解:普通法系和成文法系的区别理解:中国法律体系掌握:相关法律概念和词汇3、本章教学重点:Common law legal system4、本章教学难点:Difference between common law and civil law5、教学内容安排Part I Features and CharacteristicsPart II Common law and Equity law第三章:Legal Profession 法律职业学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the American legal profession(2)To learn certain legal phrases, such as practicing lawyer, legal instruments, associates, practice preventive law(3)To understand the process of engaging a lawyer(4)To get acquainted with some useful expressions in engaging a lawyer2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国法律职业分类理解:律师执业规程掌握:相关法律术语3、本章教学重点:The status of the American legal profession4、本章教学难点:Some useful expressions in engaging a lawyer5、教学内容安排Part I The BarPart II Lawyers in Private PracticePart III House CounselPart IV Lawyers in Government第四章:Legal Education法律教育学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education(2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method(3)To learn some legal phrases: Regulatory state; clinical education; layering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国法学教育概况理解:案例教学法掌握:相关法律术语:诊所式教育、法律共同体、高端法律服务领域3、本章教学重点:Text4、本章教学难点:Legal phrases5、教学内容安排Part I Curriculum and the case methodPart II Law school hierarchy第五章:Judicial System司法体系学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system(2)To distinguish between trial courts and appellate courts(3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court(4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国和英国法院系统理解:审判法院和上诉法院的区别掌握:相关法律术语:管辖、诉、原告、被告、法案、诉求等3、本章教学重点:American court system4、本章教学难点:Legal vocabulary5、教学内容安排Part I CourtsPart II Judges第六章:Constitution 宪法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the feature of the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment(2)To learn legal phrase: Judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国宪法的特点、基本原则理解:宪法修正案的法律效力掌握:相关法律术语:三权分立、联邦制3、本章教学重点:Text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I The constitution as the supreme lawPart II The principles of governmentPart III Provisions for amendment第七章:Administrative Law行政法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law(2)To know the definition of “agency”in the Federal Administrative Procedure(3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory agencies(4)To learn legal phrases: remedy; vest; delegation; mandate; administrative action; fiscal; welfare; judicial review2、本章教学基本要求:了解:行政法的涵盖范围理解:联邦行政程序掌握:相关法律术语:行政补偿、代理、强制性、行政行为、福利、法律评论3、本章教学重点:Text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I Agency action and administrative lawPart II Paradigms and models第八章:Criminal Law刑法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To learn the element of a crime in the US criminal law.(2)To be clear about types of crime(3)To be clear about what is homicide and what is justifiable homicide(4)To know the difference between murder and manslaughter(5)To know what is voluntary manslaughter and federal crime of murder(6)To learn legal phrases: Homicide; self-defense; justifiable homicide; justification; willful, deliberate and premeditated; the unwritten law; felon; murder and manslaughter; malice; death penalty; voluntary manslaughter; criminal sanction; statutory offense; imposition of the death penalty2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国刑事案件的基本要素理解:谋杀和屠杀之间的区别掌握:相关法律术语:自杀、正当防卫、合法自杀、自愿性、蓄意和预谋、不成文法、盗窃、恶意的、死刑、刑罚、死刑监禁3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I MurderPart II ManslaughterPart III Federal Homicide lawPart IV Modern murder-manslaughter legislationPart V Capital punishment第九章:Contract Law 合同法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To understand the nature of a contract(2)To be clear about the requirements for a contract(3)To be clear about the source of contract law(4)To know the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law(5)To learn legal phrases: Real property; bodies of law; fraud; breach of contract tort; statutes; ordinances; blind adherence to; construction; offer; consideration; acceptance; misrepresentation; duress; unconscionability; contract performance; damages; expectation damages; agreed upon remedies; equitable relief; specific performance; injunction; restitution 2、本章教学基本要求:了解:合同的本质理解:合同的组成要件、司法意见和强行法的区别掌握:相关法律术语:违约责任、邀约、支付对价、承诺、表见代理3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I What is a contract?Part II considerationPart III invitation and offerPart IV breach of contractPart V the good faith principle第十章:Tort Law 侵权法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To understand what is a tort(2)To learn legal phrases: Tortuous acts; try his claim; verdict; guest statutes; recovery; warranty; implied contract; intentional tort; negligence; strict liability; duty of care; contributory negligence2、本章教学基本要求:了解:什么是侵权理解:侵权行为成立要件掌握:相关法律术语:侵权行为、恢复原状、担保、暗示合同、有意侵权、疏忽、注意义务3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II Intentional tortsPart III Liability for negligencePart IV Tort law reform第十一章:Property Law 财产法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To know the background of the US property law(2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law(3)To understand the role of the lawyer in real property transactions(4)To learn legal phrases: Due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国财产法的起草背景理解:房地产法律的基石掌握:相关法律术语:尽职调查、抵押权人、恢复财产原状3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II The fundamentals of real property lawPart III The role of the lawyer in real property transactions第十二章:Corporation Law 公司法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To know the categories of laws applicable to US business enterprises(2)To learn the forms of business(3)To learn legal phrases: Restrict the number and the identity of their shareholders; the internal law of the corporation is governed by the statutes and case law of the state of incorporation; a partnership can…the general public; general partnerships; limited partnerships (4)To express similarities and differences2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国公司法律范畴理解:公司类型掌握:股东数量和身份的控制、一般公众、普通合伙、有限合伙3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases and the expression of similarities and differences5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II the classification of company in USPart III CJV 、EJV and WOFE采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Discussion topic: Which forms of business organization is the best for a Chinese entrepreneur to do business in the US?第十三章:Commercial Law 商法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To learn the Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution(2)To learn the history of the commerce clause adjudication(3)To learn the Modern Commerce Power Test(4)To learn the content of the Uniform Commercial Code(5)To learn legal phrases: commerce clause adjudication; uphold the decisions; due process; law merchant; force and effect2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国宪法第八部分第一章理解:美国统一商法典掌握:正当程序3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases and the expression of similarities and differences5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II the UCC codePart III commerce clause adjudicationPart IV commercial punishment采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练;课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Negotiation exercise: Negotiation about buying mountain-tyre bicycles第十四章:Family Law 家庭法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To learn the scope of the US Family Law(2)To learn some cases: Loving v Virginia; Boddie v. Connecticut; Califano v. Jobst; Zablocki v. Redhail(3)To learn legal phrases: fundamental right; strict scrutiny; holding; in one’s custody; court order or judgment; decree(4)To become acquainted with expressions in marriage formalities and divorce procedure2、本章教学基本要求:了解:美国家庭法的范畴理解:监护权、法令掌握:美国婚姻缔结和离婚程序3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases and the expression of similarities and differences5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II family law in the U.SPart III court order or judgmentPart IV custody本堂课将学生分组, 各组学生共同自学并准备讲解资料(group working and presenting);学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Group discussion topic: The comparison about marriage and divorce procedures between American and China第十五章:WTO Rules 世贸组织法学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about what is DSU and what is DSB(2)To be clear about the composition of a panel(3)To learn the rules and procedures of WTO governing the settlement of disputes(4)To be clear about the principles underlying the GATT and WTO(5)Legal phrases: Identify the specific measure s at issue; contracting party; director-general; relevant council; committee2、本章教学基本要求:了解:专家组的构成理解:国际贸易争议解决程序掌握:关贸总协定和WTO的原则3、本章教学重点:Comprehension of text4、本章教学难点:Legal phases and the expression of similarities and differences5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II fwhat is DSU and what is DSBPart III the principles underlying the GATT and WTOPart IVthe principles underlying the TPP采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习第十六章:Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序学时数:21、本章教学目标:(1)To be clear about the civil procedure(2)To learn how to write a legal memorandum(3)Legal phrases: Trial lawyer; flow of the evidence; umpire; mistrial(4)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials2、本章教学基本要求:了解:民事诉讼基本程序理解:备忘录的写作掌握:辩护律师、证据链、误导审判3、本章教学重点:如何写作备忘录4、本章教学难点:case reading5、教学内容安排Part I IntroductionPart II what is the civil procedurePart III how to write a legal memorandumPart IV how to read a case案例式教学;学生口语训练;观看英文原版影片:《永不妥协》四、教学参考资料:[1]何家弘.法律英语[M].北京:法律出版社,2004[2]赵雁丽.法律英语教程·上下册[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,2003[3]何主宇.最新法律专业英语[M].北京:机械工业出版社[4]杜金榜.法律英语阅读教程·1-3册[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003[5]赵建&夏国佐.法学专业英语教程·上下册[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,1999[6]Catherine Elliott, Quinn F., English Legal System, and Edinburgh: Pearson cation Limited, 2002[7]Bradgate Robert, Commercial Law, and London: Butterworths, 1995[8]Jill Poole, Contract Law, and London: Blackstone Press, 2001[9]John H.Jackson, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: cases, Materials and Text on The National and International Regulation of Transnational Economic Relations, USA: West Publishing Co., 1995五、课外自主学习要求:1、要求学生通过关注法律英语、传思阁英语等法律英语微信公众号,阅读《China daily》等报刊以了解法律术语如何实际运用;2、要求学生观看欧美律政剧培养英美法律思维;3、课外自主学习时间不得少于48学时。
中国海洋大学本科生课程大纲课程属性:公共基础/通识教育/学科基础/专业知识/工作技能,课程性质:必修、选修一、课程介绍1.课程描述:《法律英语》是法学专业的一门选修课,它以英美法系的法律知识为核心教学内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
As a selective course of law major, the Legal English provides knowledge on legal systems of common law, including the basic legal terms, the comparison between common law family and continental law family, legal career introduction, civil and criminal law, WTO rules and international business clauses. It also trains students with legal research and writing abilities.2.设计思路:(1)浸入式学习为主。
- 2 -(3)课堂讲授与学生互动结合。
法律英语法律英语课程教学大纲《法律英语》课程教学大纲(Legal English)课程编号:070434适用专业:法律(本科)总学时数:54课时学分:3分编制单位:社会科学系法学教研室查晓雯编制时间:xx年11月30日一、课程的地位、性质和任务(The Status, Character and the Teaching Purpose)《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的法律人才的需求,所开设的法学专业本科必修课程的课程。
本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力Aording to the Teaching Criteria of the College English, Legal English, as a required course for the law school students, is aimed at training much more law experts whom are familiar with the foreign legal system.The main content of this course is Anglo-American Law system, including thelegal terminology, the international business and trade law, the parison between the Anglo-American law system and the Continental law system, the introduction of legal profession, the legal departments of the Anglo-American, the supplementary reading material of WTO, and the techniques and sources for legal research (skills for presenting and legal writing).Legal English lasts one semester with its purpose of developing students’ ability to take use of English in the legal field. With help of the teachers, the students can suessfully master some basic legal terminology and theories, and in Law by reading some well-selected English legal essays. In process of teaching and learning, the emphasis is placed on enlarging students’ vocabulary in legal English and on raising their English reading prehensive levels. Meanwhile, the course adopts individual speeches or group discussions and other teaching methods in order to provide as more lingual practice as possible for students, helps them well-bine their knowledge both in major and English. At last, they can suessfully plete the course study paratively good English oral skills in munication and translation.二、本课程与其他专业课程的关系(本课程学习所必备的知识)(Necessary knowledge)学生要重视其他各法律核心和专业课程的学习, 掌握基本法律知识和概念,在学习的同时还要对英美法律制度认真研习。
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《法律英语》课程教学大纲(Legal English)课程编号:070434适用专业:法律(本科)总学时数:54课时学分:3分编制单位:社会科学系法学教研室查晓雯编制时间:2005年11月30日一、课程的地位、性质和任务(The Status, Character and the Teaching Purpose)《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的法律人才的需求,所开设的法学专业本科必修课程的课程。
本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力According to the Teaching Criteria of the College English, Legal English, as a required course for the law school students, is aimed at training much more law experts whom are familiar with the foreign legal system.The main content of this course is Anglo-American Law system, including thelegal terminology, the international business and trade law, the comparison between the Anglo-American law system and the Continental law system, the introduction of legal profession, the legal departments of the Anglo-American, the supplementary reading material of WTO, and the techniques and sources for legal research (skills for presenting and legal writing).Legal English lasts one semester with its purpose of developing students’ability to take use of English in the legal field. With help of the teachers, the students can successfully master some basic legal terminology and theories, and in Law by reading some well-selected English legal essays. In process of teaching and learning, the emphasis is placed on enlarging students’vocabulary in legal English and on raising their English reading comprehensive levels. Meanwhile, the course adopts individual speeches or group discussions and other teaching methods in order to provide as more lingual practice as possible for students, helps them well-combine their knowledge both in major and English. At last, they can successfully complete the course study comparatively good English oral skills in communication and translation.二、本课程与其他专业课程的关系(本课程学习所必备的知识)(Necessary knowledge)学生要重视其他各法律核心和专业课程的学习, 掌握基本法律知识和概念,在学习的同时还要对英美法律制度认真研习。
三、教学内容、学时安排和基本要求(Course Content, Arrangement of Teaching, and Basic Requirements)本课程在学习内容的安排上兼顾英语语言的学习应用和法律专业知识两个方面。
(一)Introduction to Legal English 导论(2课时)1、基本要求(1)To categorize law in different ways(2)To learn how to read cases(3)To learn the skills of presenting(4)To learn how to express opinions or ideas(5)To know the way to learn Legal English, including how to make use of the law dictionaries, the internet resource and reference book2、重点、难点重点:The category of law; the way to read cases难点:The way to express opinion or ideas and disagreement3、说明介绍开设本课程的背景意义、教学安排、学习方法、相关参考书及本课程的主要内容;采用讲授式教学法;学生参与讨论;课后写作练习(二)Legal System 法律制度(2课时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems(2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China(3)To grasp the related legal vocabularies2、重点、难点重点:Common Law Legal System难点:The difference between common law and civil law systems3、说明采用讲授式教学法,讲解时采取比较法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups) ;课后写作与翻译练习思考题:(1)Why is common law often referred to as Anglo-American law(2)Is the common law system completely different from the civil law system? Is there anything they have in common?(3)Is common law better than civil law or not?(三)Legal Profession 法律职业(2学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the American legal profession(2)To learn certain legal phrases, such as practicing lawyer, legal instruments, associates, practice preventive law(3)To understand the process of engaging a lawyer(4)To get acquainted with some useful expressions in engaging a lawyer2、重点、难点重点:The status of the American legal profession难点:Some useful expressions in engaging a lawyer3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习思考题:The process of engaging a lawyer(四)Legal Education 法律教育((2学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education(2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method(3)To learn some legal phrases: regulatory state; clinical education; lawyering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law2、重点、难点重点:Text难点:Legal phrases:3、说明本堂课将学生分组,各组学生共同自学并准备讲解资料(group working andpresenting);学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习思考题:(1)What is the only way to prepare for membership in the legal profession in the US?(2)What are the main functions of law schools in the US?(3)What are the merits and demerits of case method in teaching law?(4)What does legal hierarchy mean?(五)Judicial System 司法体系(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system (2)To distinguish between trial courts and appellate courts(3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court(4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on2、重点、难点重点:American court system难点:Legal vocabulary3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习思考题:(1)How many court systems are there in the US? What are they(2)What is the three-tiered model(3)How are state court judges usually selected?(4)How long do judges commonly serve in the US?(六)Constitution 宪法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the feature of the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment(2)To learn legal phrase: judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism2、重点、难点重点:Text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);课后写作与翻译练习思考题:In what places does the US constitution embody the principles of separation of power and checks and balance?(七)Administrative Law 行政法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law(2)To know the definition of “agency”in the Federal Administrative Procedure(3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory agencies(4)To learn legal phrases: remedy; vest; delegation; mandate; administrative action; fiscal; welfare; judicial review2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:(1)What are three main divisions of American administrative law?(2)What are the functions that are performed by the executive brance but not part of the administrative law?(八)Criminal Law 刑法(4学时)1、基本要求(1)To learn the element of a crime in the US criminal law.(2)To be clear about types of crime(3)To be clear about what is homicide and what is justifiable homicide(4)To know the difference between murder and manslaughter(5)To know what is voluntary manslaughter and federal crime of murder(6)To learn legal phrases: homicide; self-defense; justifiable homicide; justification; willful, deliberate and premeditated; the unwritten law; felon; murder and manslaughter; malice; death penalty; voluntary manslaughter; criminal sanction; statutory offense; imposition of the death penalty2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 案例分析; 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Issues about Hinckley case(九)Contract Law 合同法(4时)1、基本要求(1)To understand the nature of a contract(2)To be clear about the requirements for a contract(3)To be clear about the source of contract law(4)To know the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law(5)To learn legal phrases: real property; bodies of law; fraud; breach of contract tort; statutes; ordinances; blind adherence to; construction; offer; consideration; acceptance; misrepresentation; duress; unconscionability; contract performance; damages; expectation damages; agreed upon remedies; equitable relief; specific performance; injunction; restitution2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Discussion: cases analysis(十)Tort Law 侵权法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To understand what is a tort(2)To learn legal phrases: tortuous acts; try his claim; verdict; guest statutes; recovery; warranty; implied contract; intentional tort; negligence; strict liability; duty of care; contributory negligence2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);案例分析; 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Discussion: McGuire v. Almy case(十一)Property Law 财产法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To know the background of the US property law(2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law(3)To understand the role of the lawyer in real property transactions(4)To learn legal phrases: due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Discussion topic: What is the process of buying a house(十二)Corporation Law 公司法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To know the categories of laws applicable to US business enterprises(2)To learn the forms of business(3)To learn legal phrases: restrict the number and the identity of their shareholders; the internal law of the corporation is governed by the statutes and case law of the state of incorporation; a partnership can…the general public; general partnerships; limited partnerships(4)To express similarities and differences2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of text难点:Legal phases and the expression of similarities and differences3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Discussion topic: Which forms of business organization is the best for a Chinese entrepreneur to don business in the US?(十三)Commercial Law 商法(4学时)1、基本要求(1)To learn the Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution(2)To learn the history of the commerce clause adjudication(3)To learn the Modern Commerce Power Test(4)To learn the content of the Uniform Commercial Code(5)To learn legal phrases: commerce clause adjudication; uphold the decisions; due process; law merchant; force and effect2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of main text难点:Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练;课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Negotiation exercise: Negotiation about buying mountain-tyre bicycles(十四)Family Law 家庭法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To learn the scope of the US Family Law(2)To learn some cases: Loving v Virginia; Boddie v. Connecticut; Califano v. Jobst; Zablocki v. Redhail(3)To learn legal phrases: fundamental right; strict scrutiny; holding; in one’s custody; court order or judgment; decree(4)To become acquainted with expressions in marriage formalities and divorce procedure2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of main text难点:Case study; Legal phases3、说明本堂课将学生分组, 各组学生共同自学并准备讲解资料(group working and presenting);学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Group discussion topic: The comparison about marriage and divorce procedures between American and China(十五)WTO Rules 世贸组织法(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about what is DSU and what is DSB(2)To be clear about the composition of a panel(3)To learn the rules and procedures of WTO governing the settlement of disputes(4)To be clear about the principles underlying the GATT and WTO(5)Legal phrases: identify the specific measure s at issue; contracting party; director-general; relevant council; committee2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of main text难点:Case study; Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups); 课后写作与翻译练习思考题:Group discussion topic: The comparison about marriage and divorce procedures between American and China(十六)Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序(3学时)1、基本要求(1)To be clear about the civil procedure(2)To learn how to write a legal memorandum(3)Legal phrases: trial lawyer; flow of the evidence; umpire; mistrial(4)To understand the typical expressions used during civil court trials2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of main text难点:Case study; Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练;观看英文原版影片:《永不妥协》(十七)Criminal Procedure刑事诉讼程序(4学时)1、基本要求(1)To understand the proceedings of a criminal trial(2)To distinguish the adversary procedure and the accusatorial procedure(3)To be clear about the standard of proof(4)Legal phrases: case; community confidence in the decision-making process; inquisitorial system; magistrate; burden of proof; placement of the burden of proof…must establish his guilt; the presumption of innocence2、重点、难点重点:Comprehension of main text难点:Case study; Legal phases3、说明采用讲授式教学法;学生口语训练(role play、Work in groups);模拟练习四、学时安排五、考核方式考核方式:闭卷考试各教学环节占总分的比例:平时及测验40%,期末考试60%六、建议教材和教学参考书(一)建议教材:何家弘《法律英语》,北京:法律出版社,2004(二)主要参考书目:1.赵雁丽《法律英语教程·上下册》,西安:西安交通大学出版社,20032.何主宇《最新法律专业英语》,北京:机械工业出版社3.杜金榜《法律英语阅读教程·1-3册》,北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,20034.赵建夏国佐主编《法学专业英语教程·上下册》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,19995.沙丽金、林萍编写《法律英语教程》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,19976.唐桂民《法律英语听说教程·上下册》,北京:对外贸易大学出版社,20047.李宗锇、潘惠仪《英汉法律大词典》,北京:法律出版社,19988.Bryan A. Garner 《牛津现代法律用语词典-A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage》,北京:法律出版社,20029.Catherine Elliott, Quinn F., English Legal System, Edinburgh: Pearsoncation Limited, 200211.Bradgate Robert, Commercial Law, London: Butterworths, 199512.Jill Poole, Contract Law, London: Blackstone Press, 200113.John H.Jackson, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations: cases, Materials and Text on The National and International Regulation of Transnational Economic Relations, USA: West Publishing Co.,1995七、需要说明的问题:(一)正确处理阅读与听、说、写、译的关系(二)结合实际确定教学方法外语学习归根结底是学生自身的学习。