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在英语中表示主语的身份,状态,特征等的部分叫表语. 可以用作表语的有名词,代词,数词,形容词,副词,不





1. be 动词是最常见的系动词,可以有多种表语.

2. 表示结果


3. 表示状况,样子等:

seem, appear, look 看起来,看上去

4. 表示变化:

go, get, turn, fall, run, grow 变得,变成

5. 感官系动词表示感觉:

feel摸起来,感觉; smell闻起来; taste尝起来;


6. 表示状态:prove证明是;remain保持,仍然;

stay保持,停留;keep保持; stand位于; lie位于


1. 名词,代词,数词用作表语:

He finally became a successful pianist.

My father used to be a football player.

She is very tired and looks it.

We are seven.

2. 形容词用作表语:

Time is precious to everybody.

In time of danger, he remains calm.

The dream will come true.

The price sounds reasonable.

The man is said to have gone mad.

China is growing stronger and stronger.

The thought lies heavy on her mind.

They stood still, saying nothing.

3. 副词用作表语:

Are you there

The manager is out to dinner with the customers.

He has been away from his hometown for many years. my' day's work is over.

4. 介词(短语)用作表语:

Are you on duty today

Everything is in good order.

She is in good health.

They appear out of breath.

5. 分词用作表语:

It's surprising that you haven't met.

I'm so much surprised at it.

He looked worried after reading the letter.

They seemed disappointed at the news.

Are you well prepared

7. 从句用作表语:

●that 引导表语从句(在从句中不作句子成分,没有意义) The reason why he failed the exam is that he played too much.

●whether是否(在从句中有意义,常和or not 连用,不可用if) The question is whether he will come or not.


The problem is how many people will take part in the game. This is where my parents used to work.

Our country is no longer what it used to be.

That is where we differ.

It looks as if a storm is coming.

6. 不定式用作表语:

All I could do was to wait.

His job is to feed the animals.

Our aim is to hold the 2008 Olympic Games in China successful. He seemed to be very tired.

Choose a suitable answer for each sentence.
