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Questions 1-5

●Look at question 1-5.

●In each question, which sentence is correct?

●For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. 1

A Speakers are given at least 50 minutes for each presentation.

B A period of up to 50 minutes is allowed for questions.

C No presentation should take longer than 50 minutes.

Why did Tony phone?

A to ask Gill to calculate some production figures again

B to report that there is no longer a mistake in the figures

C to inform Gill that the prices of some components have risen

A Applicants for this post will receive training from the company.

B Applicants for this post should live within reach of Manchester.

C Applicants for this post must have a qualification in computing.

A Minto Deliveries takes under a day to deliver anywhere in the country.

B Minto Deliveries provides free insurance for its delivery service.

C Minto Deliveries guarantees to charge lower prices than other companies.


A All staff need a permit to work late.

B Security can tell staff whether they need permits to work late.

C Staff working late should get permits from their line managers.


Questions 6-10

●Look at the list below. It shows the contents of a magazine for small businesses.

●For questions 6-10, decide which part of the magazine (A-H) each person on the opposite

page should read.

●For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

6 Sophie van Sommeren owns a small recruitment agency and needs to know how to cut her running costs.

7 Jimmy Loh runs a small export firm and needs to understand how proposed changes in tax rates will affect his business.

8 Joachim Koch designs games software, and wants advice on expanding his business by selling products abroad.

9 Market researcher Angela Ponti wants to find out what people think of the contents of the magazine.

10 Tax consultant Yvonne Kiwitz wants to learn how to motivate her team more effectively.


Questions 11-15

●Look at the graphs below. They show domestic sales and exports of cooking oil for two

companies, Farenzo and Veria, over a ten-year period.

●Which year does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?

●For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

●Do not use any letter more than once.

11In this year Farenzo’s domestic oil sales rose, but its exports, like those of Veria, were reduced.

12Although the volume of oil sold by Farenzo to the home market equalled that of Veria, Veria exported a larger quantity.

13In this year both domestic and foreign sales in creased for the two companies, although their exports fell in the twelve months following.

14Veria sold more oil abroad than at home in this year, while Farenzo’s domestic sales recovered after a dip, equalling a previous peak.

15In this year the volume of Farenzo’s exports rose as domestic sales fell, while there was an opposite trend at Veria.


Questions 16-22

●Read the article below about managing change at a bank.

●Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page ‘Right’or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough

information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.

●For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

How a bank manage change

As a major bank, we often make big internal changes, such as reorganising our branch network. My responsibility, as Vice-Chairman, is to manage those changes –even if I don’t altogether agree with them. This sometimes happens, as decisions of this nature are made by the whole senior management team. These decisions of this nature are made by the whole senior management team. These decisions always involve assessing financial risks, and also any
