
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭

有关迪奥的策划书3篇篇一有关迪奥的策划书协议书甲方:[甲方公司名称]法定代表人:[甲方代表姓名]地址:[甲方公司地址]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方:[乙方公司名称]法定代表人:[乙方代表姓名]地址:[乙方公司地址]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]鉴于甲方拥有迪奥品牌的相关资源和市场需求,乙方具备专业的策划能力和经验,双方经友好协商,就迪奥品牌的策划事宜达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 乙方将为甲方提供迪奥品牌的策划服务,包括但不限于市场调研、品牌定位、营销策略、活动策划等。
2. 乙方将根据甲方的需求和目标,制定详细的策划方案,并负责方案的实施和执行。
3. 甲方将提供必要的支持和配合,包括但不限于提供相关资料、协助乙方进行市场调研等。
三、费用及支付方式1. 甲方将向乙方支付策划服务费用,具体费用根据双方商定的策划方案和服务内容确定。
2. 甲方将在协议签订后的[具体支付时间]内向乙方支付[具体支付金额]的预付款,剩余费用将在策划方案实施完成后的[具体支付时间]内支付。
3. 乙方将提供正规发票给甲方。
四、双方权利和义务1. 双方将保持密切沟通,及时交流合作进展和需求。
2. 双方将保守对方的商业秘密和机密信息,不得向第三方透露。
3. 甲方有权对乙方的策划方案提出意见和建议,乙方将根据甲方的意见进行调整和完善。
4. 乙方将按照协议约定的时间和质量要求完成策划方案的实施和执行,如因乙方原因导致方案无法按时完成或质量不符合要求,乙方将承担相应的责任。
五、违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担相应的违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
2. 如因不可抗力等不可预见、不可避免的原因导致一方无法履行本协议的义务,该方不承担违约责任,但应及时通知对方并提供相关证明。
六、协议变更和解除1. 本协议的任何变更或解除需经双方书面协商一致,并签订相关协议。

目录一、市场分析...............................................................................................(一)营销环境分析.............................................................................1.企业在市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素 ...............................2、香水市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素.....................................3、香水市场概况.............................................................................4、营销环境分析总结.....................................................................5、市场细分..................................................................................... 二.消费者分析 ..........................................................................................1、现有消费者分析.........................................................................2、目标消费者分析.........................................................................3、潜在消费者分析......................................................................... 三.产品分析...............................................................................................1.产品性能分析 ...........................................................................2、产品价格.....................................................................................3、产品的材质与生产工艺.............................................................4、产品的外观与包装.....................................................................5、产品的品牌形象分析 ................................................................ 四.企业何竞争对手的竞争状况分析 ......................................................1.企业在竞争中的地位 ...............................................................2.企业的竞争对手 .......................................................................3.企业与竞争对手的比较 ...........................................................五、广告战略...............................................................................................1.品牌定位.....................................................................................2、广告投放目标人群.....................................................................3、广告目标.....................................................................................4、广告诉求策略.............................................................................5、广告创意表现.............................................................................六、媒体战略...............................................................................................1、广告媒体投放时间.....................................................................2、广告费用.....................................................................................3、以电视广告为主要媒介,杂志广告为铺,外加网站推广。

4、广告诉求策略 迪奥真我香水 释放女人内心真实的自我。 女人真的很“善变” 迪奥真我香水。 迪奥真我香水 优雅也可以性感 5、广告创意表现 (1)广告风格 以体现优雅、高贵风格为主调、释放女人内心最真实的自我 (2)广告脚本 A、平面广告 画面以黑色为主,红色的百合占据画面的大部分,花瓣垂下的地方是真我香水,香 水在花瓣下方,仿佛是花汁直接滴如香水瓶,体现香水的香芬。以含苞待放和完全 怒放的百合作为两个画面的主体,给人以花开的感觉,更能吸引消费者的注意。 B、电视广告(以15秒广告为主) 采用性表现手法,选取的女主角要集性感、优雅于一身,她不需过多的珠宝点缀, 也没有精致的妆容。她只需一套有质感的礼服,一个优雅、性感的回眸一笑,一路 走来,就能吸引万人目光,让所有人的眼球都聚焦在她一个人的身上。一瓶迪奥真 我香水就能代替一切外在装饰,它可以让女人变的自信,释放内心最真实的自己, 勇于发表新女性宣言。
三.产品分析 1. 产品性能分析 J’adore真我香水以玫瑰和大马士革梅的花果香调,极 其女性气质的表达,以及金色,绝对女性气质的象征。 J’adore真我香水,绝对的女性气质:现代优雅,明亮 感性!前调: 卡不利亚香柠檬:收获于意大利南部, 通过冷轧取果实的果皮获得香柠檬精油,它带给香水一 种出挑的清甜味道,给柑橘香调增加了独特的活力。 中调: 大马士革玫瑰:原产地为土耳其和保加利亚, 大马士革玫瑰被用于制成香精油和纯香 后调: 茉莉: 是女性柔美的象征。茉莉花是世界上香水提炼中最常用 到的香料,它是有着自己独特的香味非常易碎的花种, 时而狂野和奔放,时而又像朝露一般纯洁。茉莉香是迪 奥小姐香水永久充满Diorissimo干裂的的后调同时又 是迪奥甜心香水充满清新愉悦感的前调。

D i o r真我香水广告策划集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]制作人:权倩学号:03080420目录一、内容摘要 ----------------------------------- (3)二、前言 ----------------------------------------- (3)(一)、产品问题点 ------------------------------- (3)(二)、广告目标 ---------------------------------- (3)三、市场分析 ----------------------------------- (4)(一)、产品分析 ---------------------------------- (4)(二)、市场研究分析 ---------------------------- (4)(三)、消费者分析 ------------------------------- (5)四、广告策略 ------------------------------------ (6)(一)、广告策略 --------------------------------- (6)(二)、广告媒介策略 ---------------------------- (7)五、广告效果预测与评估 -------------------- (7)(一)、实施广告调查 ---------------------------- (7)(二)、事中测定与事后测定 -------------- (8)六、广告预算与分析 ---------------------------- (8)(一)、总体预算 ------------------------- (8)(二)、广告预算分配 ---------------------------- (9)一、内容摘要Dior J'adore真我香水广告策划针对特定消费者以提高其美誉度和市场占有率为目标,使用密集性宣传的同时使用多种媒介进行广告的宣传。

二、目标群体定位1. 女性群体:以25-35岁的时尚女性为主要目标群体,注重个人形象和品味的职业女性。
2. 男性群体:以25-40岁的成功男性为主要目标群体,讲究品位和个性的商务男士。
三、活动创意与执行方案1. 活动主题:「迪奥香水,唤醒你的心灵」通过将迪奥香水品牌与心灵鸟进行结合,强调香水的神秘魅力和情感体验。
2. 活动形式a. 线下活动:(1) 主题展览:在迪奥指定的高端商场或精品店内,设置展区,展示迪奥香水新品,并通过音乐、灯光和影像营造出迪奥香水的奢华和浪漫氛围。
(2) 试香体验:设置专门的试香区域,为消费者提供免费的试香体验,引导消费者亲身感受迪奥香水的浓郁香气。
(3) 专业导购:邀请专业的香水导购人员,在现场为消费者讲解不同香水的特点和适用场合,提供个性化的香水推荐和购买指导。
(4) 制作个性化香水:提供定制服务,根据消费者的个人喜好和气味偏好,现场调制个性化的香水,并提供售后服务和香水瓶定制。
b. 线上活动:(1) 社交媒体宣传:通过迪奥香水官方网站、社交媒体等渠道,发布关于新品活动的信息,吸引消费者的目光并引导消费者参与线下活动。
(2) 线上购买优惠:在迪奥官方网站等电商平台上推出活动期间的购买优惠政策,吸引消费者在线上进行购买。
3. 活动时间与地点a. 活动时间:活动预计从XX年XX月XX日至XX年XX月XX日,持续两周时间。
b. 活动地点:选择迪奥在各大城市的旗舰店和高端商场进行活动,如上海、北京、深圳等。
4. 活动宣传与推广a. 实施前期宣传:(1) 媒体推广:通过品牌合作或独立登记方式,在报纸、杂志、电视和网络平台发布迪奥新品活动的相关报道和广告,扩大活动的影响力。

奥斯卡奖最佳女主角奖获得者Charlize Theron出现在迪奥“真我”香水的这则电视广告里,广告的大致内容是:在一所宫殿式大堂里,塞隆一头金发,戴着金色硕大的钻石首饰,身着摇曳的超低胸长裙,修长的双腿踩着细高跟鞋,玲珑浮凸,曲线毕露,性感至极。
她一边款款的从远处向我们走来,一边宽衣解带,扔掉首饰,诱人的双唇只说出来一个词:“J ’adore、J ’adore、J 'adore⋯⋯”,在华服褪尽,蓦然回首的那一瞬间,画面呈现一只金灿灿的香水瓶,细长的瓶颈,用金色的领巾围了一周,显得高贵不凡,瓶身光滑透明没有一点修饰。

(二)香奈儿No.5香水宏观环境具体分析 1、人口环境分析:人口环境包含人口增长,人口年龄结构,受教育程度,家庭结构,人口地理迁徙等因素。

二、定位目标1. 目标顾客群:25-45岁的都市女性,具备一定的经济实力,注重个人形象和品位。
2. 定位:高端、时尚、个性、自信。
三、品牌形象1. 品牌理念:真实、自信、优雅。
2. 品牌口号:真我如你,璀璨无限。
四、市场调研1. 目标顾客需求调研:通过市场调研了解目标顾客对香水的喜好和消费习惯,以及她们对个人形象的需求和追求。
2. 竞争对手分析:对同类高端女性香水品牌进行调研,了解其产品特点、定价策略和市场渠道等。
五、创意策划1. 产品特点:(1)原创调香配方:以独特的调香配方,展现出每位女性的真实、自信和优雅。
2. 宣传活动:(1)明星代言:邀请有真实、自信、优雅形象的明星代言迪奥真我系列香水,将品牌形象与代言人形象相结合,提升品牌知名度和美誉度。
3. 推广渠道:(1)专柜销售:在高端百货店等场所设立专柜,展示迪奥真我系列香水,并提供专业的咨询和服务。

活动策划与执行费用: 50,000元
选择具有丰富经验和专业 技术的摄影团队,能够根 据广告需求提供高质量的 拍摄方案。
选择具有高人气和良好形 象的模特,能够演绎迪奥 真我香水的品牌形象。
拍摄地点应选择具有豪华和浪漫氛围的地方,如巴黎的某个古老城堡或高级酒店,布置上应突出迪奥 品牌的标志和香水的独特魅力,采用灯光和布景来营造出神秘和浪漫的氛围。
1 2
真我香水代表了女性的独立精神和自我表达,广 告创意要突出这Βιβλιοθήκη 特点,展示女性自信、优雅的 形象。
通过感人的故事情节和音乐,激发消费者的情感 共鸣,使她们对品牌产生情感依恋。
在广告中要充分展示真我香水的特点,如花香、 果香、木香等,以及其持久性、舒适度等产品优 势。
选择具有策划和执行能力 的活动公司,能够协助举 办线下推广活动。
根据广告投放后的反馈数据,对广告效果进行实时监测和评 估。
根据评估结果,对广告策略进行调整和优化,提高广告效果 。

Christian dior香水是顶级奢侈品牌,一贯的格调是贵妇般的高雅迷人,其最新款“真我”香水广告给人印象深刻,相信没人会拒绝那么一副优美的画面。
在一所宫殿式的大堂里,女主角一头金发,戴着金色硕大的钻石首饰,身着摇曳的低胸长裙,修长的双腿踩着细高跟,玲珑浮凸,曲线毕露,性感至极,她一边款款的从远处向我们走来,一边宽衣解带,扔掉首饰,诱人的双唇只说出一个词:“J'adore,/ J'adoe, J'adore…….”在华服褪尽,蓦然回首的那一瞬间,画面呈现一只金灿灿的香水瓶,细长的瓶颈,用金色的领巾围了一周,显得高贵不凡,瓶身光滑透明没有一点修饰,给人以美的享受

商品规格:50ml 市场价格:¥ 520 商品规格:100ml 市场价格:¥ 999
建立主要的门户网站(新浪、腾讯、网易)进行产品宣传, 比如网站首页广告、视频广告。网络上投放香水广告比电视 广告要便宜,但取得的效益更加突出。
1、克里斯汀· 迪奥在1947年成立了时装店。同年,克里斯汀· 迪奥创 立了Parfumes Christian Dior,推出称为Miss Dior新式香水,是
2、迪奥梦幻香水无论从“Miss Dior”到“Dior Addict”的各种Dior 香水,都包罗万象,融入梦幻色彩。Christian Dior香水可迎合
真我香水以玫瑰和大马士革梅的花果香调 。绝对的女性气质:现代优雅,明亮感 性!前调: 卡不利亚香柠檬:收获于意大利南部,通过冷轧取果实的果皮获 得香柠檬精油,它带给香水一种出挑的清甜味道,给柑橘香调增加了独特的活 力。中调: 大马士革玫瑰:原产地为土耳其和保加利亚,大马士革玫瑰被用 于制成香精油和纯香 。后调: 茉莉。是女性柔美的象征。茉莉花是世界上香 水提炼中最常用到的香料,它是有着自己独特的香味非常易碎的花种,时而狂
在目前,中国的香水市场仍然是全球能发展较 快、最有潜力的市场之一。迪奥香水--真我系 列能给予女人以优雅而性感的姿态,让更多的 女人释放内心真实的自我。 Dior迪奥真我系列,令女人再度重现自身的女性 魅力;Dior迪奥真我系列,为女人演绎高贵优雅 的人生姿态。

二、活动目标1. 提升DIOR品牌知名度和美誉度,深度植入目标消费者心智;2. 引导消费者了解DIOR产品特点和品质,提高购买意愿;3. 增加DIOR产品销售额,提升市场占有率。
三、活动策略1. 突出DIOR品牌的高贵与时尚:通过精心设计的广告语、图片和视频,以及名人代言人的力量,传递出DIOR品牌高品质、高端时尚的形象。
2. 打造线上线下结合的DIOR购物体验:在线上渠道,通过定期的限时销售、优惠券和礼品赠送,吸引消费者进入DIOR官方网店进行购物;在线下渠道,举办品牌体验活动和产品展示会,让消费者直观感受DIOR的奢华与品质。
3. 利用社交媒体传播DIOR品牌:通过与时下热门社交媒体平台合作,推出DIOR专属的活动板块,引导消费者分享和讨论DIOR产品,扩大品牌影响力。
四、活动内容1. DIOR限时购:每月定期举办的DIOR限时购活动,通过在DIOR官方网店销售限量产品或为老客户提供折扣等方式,吸引消费者限时购买DIOR产品。
2. 名人代言人:邀请国内外知名明星、模特等成为DIOR品牌的代言人,通过广告拍摄、社交媒体互动等形式,传递出DIOR品牌的高贵与时尚形象,提高品牌美誉度。
3. 品牌体验活动:举办DIOR品牌体验活动,通过展示DIOR产品的质感和工艺技术,让消费者亲身感受DIOR的奢华与品质,提高消费者购买意愿。
4. 社交媒体合作:与国内外热门社交媒体平台合作,推出DIOR专属的活动板块,通过线上线下的互动,引导消费者分享和讨论DIOR产品,扩大品牌影响力。
五、活动执行方案1. DIOR限时购活动执行方案:a. 每月固定选择3-5个DIOR产品进行限时抢购,折扣幅度在10%-30%之间;b. 在DIOR官方网店和线下指定门店同时进行,确保线上线下销售同时进行;c. 通过活动页面、短信推送等方式向消费者宣传活动信息,引导消费者购买。

细腻、优雅、气质、非凡是这三则广告的共性,同时 也是兰蔻的品牌精髓。这三则广告非常注重局部细节,一 个眼神,一分悸动,一个微笑都可以让人感受到兰蔻的大 家风范;作品中的模特,举手投足都显示出一分高贵的气 质,吸引着我们驻足关注,却又只可远观,不可近赏,一 分淡淡的距离。
迪奥 古奇
兰蔻 香奈儿
Dior——“真我”香水 影视广告
广告正文:Gold is cold. Diamonds are dead. A Limousine is a
对于迪奥这两则香水广告,触感一直是他们强调的重 点,亦是他们坚持不变的传统。两则广告尽管表达的主题 不同,但广告都充满梦幻(虚幻)气息,并且广告中的模 特都拥有柔滑的触感,美丽的肌肤以及迷人的芳香,恰巧 这些都是女性锲而不舍地追求所在,因此,这两则广告能 够轻而易举得到抓住广告受众(不论男女)的眼球。迪奥 针对消费者的这一诉求,推出的广告无不淋漓尽致的表现 “触感”这一特质。
主题:ATTRACTION(吸引) 广告语:引力 与生俱来 艺术构思:作品引用男人、 女人两种元素,随着男人的 靠近,女人紧闭眼眸,羞涩 而欢喜,心中怀着一份期待, 一分悸动...众所周知,同性相 斥,异性相吸,作品选用男人和 女人不是没有道理的,毕竟,男 人和女人天生就互相吸引, 引力,与生俱来,不久是 ATTRACTION香水了吗?
广告语:ENVY for men and women

目录一、市场分析 (4)(一)营销环境分析 (4)1.企业在市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素 (4)2、香水市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素 (5)3、香水市场概况 (5)二.消费者分析 (6)1、现有消费者分析 (6)2、目标消费者分析 (6)3、潜在消费者分析 (6)三.产品分析 (7)1.产品性能分析 (7)2、产品价格 (7)3、产品的材质与生产工艺 (7)4、产品的外观与包装 (7)5、产品的品牌形象分析 (8)四.企业何竞争对手的竞争状况分析 (8)1.企业在竞争中的地位 (8)2.企业的竞争对手 (8)3.企业与竞争对手的比较 (8)五、广告战略 (9)1.品牌定位 (9)2、广告投放目标人群 (9)3、广告目标 (9)4、广告诉求策略 (10)5、广告创意表现 (10)六、媒体战略 (11)1、广告媒体投放时间 (11)2、广告费用 (11)3、以电视广告为主要媒介,杂志广告为铺,外加网站推广。
(11)4、电视广告 (11)5、杂志选择 (11)6、网站推广 (11)七、广告预算 (13)一、市场分析(一)营销环境分析1.企业在市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素(1)企业目标市场所处区域的宏观经济形势今年以来,随着一系列宏观经济政策的实施,物价涨幅趋稳,资产泡沫化风险降低,经济增长逐季回调,但仍处于高位,经济运行开始回归正常增长轨道。


主题:POUR HOMME( for men男士香水)
艺术构思:作品中采用竹叶 做成的♂符号,既是香水的 名称,同时它的本意还代表 男性,广告简明扼要的向受 众们传达一个意思——这是 一款男士香水,透过竹叶圈, 我们看到的是一张充满男性 阳刚气息的脸,很明显♂会 使你变得更具男性特色同时 不失优雅风度。
• 策略就像是一张路线图。没有策略, 你 将毫无目标地在
– 客户想要的,
– 创意人员希望给客户的,
– 业务主管认为卖得出去的,三者之间 打转。
• 如此这般令人气急败坏毫无目标的旅程,
What is a Strategy
• 对每一个客户,都应有独一的策略。 • 每一个客户,无论是大、是小,在活动中或呈休息状
表现元素:女人 CHANEL 香水瓶
艺术构思:女人双手抱住瓶 盖,仿佛如获至宝一般,女 人的下半身却“深陷”瓶身 中,双脚无法够着瓶底,然 而女人的表情却是欢喜、享 受、愉悦的,这说明 CHANEL香水对女人有着致 命的吸引力,既是被淹没也 心甘情愿,也要紧紧抓住不 放手,这就是香奈儿的诱惑
表现元素:性感迷人的模特 N°5 鱼尾裙
艺术构思:背景大大的不同颜色的5字,模特身着鱼尾裙, 反复是踏着水而来的一般,身体的曲线、抖动的裙摆将我 们的目光牢牢锁住,不单是这样,当你慢慢的欣赏时,你 会注意到她们的手中拿着的是N°5,瓶盖拧开带走一串 N°5,另一只手上的瓶子倾斜,香奈儿5号就这么的一洒 而落,作品的整个画面都具有动感,香奈儿5号的香味就 随着这动感向外扩散,让我们整个人都沉醉于无尽的温柔 中难以逃脱,直至我们的灵魂被她俘虏。

目 录
市场状况 产品分析 消费者研究
一、前 言
广告创意 广告诉求 广告媒介 广告预算
市场调查问卷 迪奥经典广告赏析
宣传迪奥香水, 让观众对奥迪 广告记忆深刻, 产生购买欲望
提高迪奥 知名度与 美誉度
巩固和提 高迪奥香 水高端化 的国际地 位
中国香水现状 消费水平
法国巴黎百富勒 的报告指出,中国已 经进入奢侈品消费初 期。在未来5到10年 内,我国内地的高档 奢侈品的消费者规模 将达到1亿人,户均 拥有资产52万元。 日渐巨大的潜在消费 群和稳步上升的消费 欲望和消费能力足以 成为世界奢侈品牌进 军我国的充分理由。
香水的增长主要以 男用和女用高档产品 的强劲表现为动力, 后者在2009年得到 7.1%的价值增其 中,妇女的爱好支配 着市场。香水市场在 2009年的价值为 9.5亿元人民 币.按现值计比 2008年有8.4%的 提高。香水的品质决 定了全球香水市场未 来走向,全球高档香 水市场高达187亿美 元
Welcome to HUAWEI Technologies presentation
20世纪80年代,毒药香水的出现成为迪奥的又一经典。由香气,樽 形到整体形象,poison香水代表了女性的性感妖艳与其神秘诱惑。 夜来香加果香的浓郁主调,苹果形的樽形设计,焕发出令人痴迷陶醉色 彩芬芳。其划时代的形象不言而喻。表现了当代女性追求自主生活,渴 望盛情释放的情感。
调查问卷 经典广告赏析

初调:清新的常春藤叶,甜美的柑桔桔果,还有一丝淡淡的黄兰香,在这幽幽的时刻,你也能聆听到来自心底的声音.奥斯卡奖最佳女主角奖获得者Charlize Theron出现在迪奥“真我"香水的这则电视广告里,广告的大致内容是:在一所宫殿式大堂里,塞隆一头金发,戴着金色硕大的钻石首饰,身着摇曳的超低胸长裙,修长的双腿踩着细高跟鞋,玲珑浮凸,曲线毕露,性感至极.她一边款款的从远处向我们走来,一边宽衣解带,扔掉首饰,诱人的双唇只说出来一个词:“J ’adore、J ’adore、J ’adore⋯⋯”,在华服褪尽,蓦然回首的那一瞬间,画面呈现一只金灿灿的香水瓶,细长的瓶颈,用金色的领巾围了一周,显得高贵不凡,瓶身光滑透明没有一点修饰.这则广告给人以美的享受,我个人非常喜欢这则广告,在惊叹它的创意设计的同时,也想和大家探讨一下它的成功之处.迪奥,一位无懈可击的时尚缔造者,一个万众瞩目的香氛品牌,一个高贵、典雅女性的象征。
迪奥香水营销策划书 (1)

论文题目迪奥五年营销计划Marketing plan of DiorPreface (1)First, the marketing environment analysis (1)Second, the enterprise image analysis (2)Third, product analysis (2)Fourth, consumer behavior analysis (3)1, The main market (active clients) (3)2,The secondary market is not active (customers) (3)3, potential market (3)Fifth, competitor analysis (3)Sixth, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) Analysis (4)Internal and external strengths of Christian Dior (S): (4)Internal and external weaknesses (W): (5)External opportunities (O): (5)External threats (T): (6)Seventh,marketing strategy and action plan (6)1, Marketing objectives (6)2, Strategy and action plan (7)(1) Marketing objectives (7)(2) Target market and positioning (7)(3) Product strategy (7)(4) Pricing strategy (8)(5) Sales strategy analysis (8)(6) Advertising strategy (9)Eighth, planning implementation steps and plans (9)In the advertising media (9)In the magazine to choose (9)Website promotion (10)Ninth, planning the program cost budget (10)Tenth, the expected effect of planning (10)(1) The effect of expected effect on resource utilization (10)(2) The expected effect of the product (11)(3) Risk assessment (11)Concluding remarks (11)appendix (13)Questionnaire——The Market Positioning of J’adore Perfume (13)PrefaceDior is a famous French fashion brand. Since it was founded in 1946, Dior has been regarded as the name of gorgeousness and elegance. The main business of Dior is selling high-grade consumer goods, such as woman's, man's clothing, children clothing, jewelry, perfume, cosmetics, color makeup, glasses, watches, Dior mobile phone. Especially, its brand of man’s clothing has became Dior man’s clothing independently. Whether fashion, cosmetics, or other products, Dior is now in the top of fashion fields.Dior's new designs always shocked the fashion marketing after that time it made Christian Dior's company became more and more famous. A lot of Dior's stores appeared in Paris, Hollywood, New York. It was well known as a luxury label from that time all over the world.For developing and expanding its market, Christian Dior began to add some other products not only clothes, but also fashion and leather goods, watches and jewelries, wines and spirits, perfumes and cosmetics.Perfume sales around the world continue to reduce the situation, Paris and New York perfume manufacturers began to look at China as a key. As a matter of fact, Chinese people do not have the habit of use perfume in the past, in the history of China also can not find the root cause of perfume culture. In China, perfume is a fresh thing. Until the 20th century, the Chinese people began to use the bath product of perfume, the function of the products is refreshing and drive midge. Until the 1980 s, the perfume of the west began to introduce China, until today, Chinese consumers still prefer the smell of light and simple. In recent years, with the economic level, people pursuit of beauty is not just confined to the external clothing, makeup, more and more fashionable gens by "body" to show their own taste and temperament.First, the marketing environment analysis 1, the fragrance market is more and more appear younger trend. Modern women to work out more and more, the descent of the ages, perfume market presents the saturated state, in a relatively reduced2, a large number of new products listed perfume, perfume manufacturers bear the corresponding risks, namely consumers face many do not know how to start the result of the perfume. Perfume quality determines the future global perfume market, high-grade perfume markets around the world as much as $18.7 billion, 60% of the cosmetics market. See from this, the product quality is an indispensable factor 3, market report to be released from MINTEL's view, most of the customers at the grocery store can buy high-grade perfume, perfume to public market so this makes a grocery store destination has become more and more consumers to buyperfume .Second, the enterprise image analysis 1, Christian Dior in 1947 established the fashion shop. That same year, Christian Dior founded the Perfumes Christian Dior, launch new called Miss Dior perfume, is a kind of green plant chypre.2 No matter from “Miss Dior perfume, Dior dream”to “Dior Addict”of Dior perfume, all-encompassing, into the dream. Christian Dior perfume can cater to all kinds of women, men and different emotions. The perfumes the unexpected allure is impossible to resist, also is the art of perfume manufacturing cabinet.3, Dior is a French famous a fashion consumer brands, it's main clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, perfume and other high-end consumer goods. On the tip of the fashion trend, Dior became the luxuriant elegance of a pronoun.Third, product analysis1,Dior perfume, really I am series can give a woman, with elegant and sexy attitude for more women to release the true inner self. Dior Dior self series, the woman again reproduce their own female charm; Dior Dior series, I was really a woman perform noble elegant life attitude2, J 'adore my perfume with roses and Damascus plum flower aroma, it is a kind of expression of feminine, a representative symbol of absolute femininity. J 'adore is perfume, I have the absolute femininity to: modern elegant, bright and perceptual! Can give a woman want.3, the design of the product: Dior perfume bottle for thin neck round bottles. Thin neck round bottles passing on aesthetics: New Look similar to the concept of arc, the thirst for soft also is little poor. Highly symbolic form delicate d. long, around the neck ring if treasures of gold, also has a crystal pearl shaped bottle stopper. Tears are evolved into the thin neck round in the evening. If a question never appeared on the bottle of perfume, see at a glance, give us the feeling of be just in the middle of the cork, like an exclamation mark: "J 'adore me!"4,product gives the enterprise image, fully embodies the style of elegant and charming, Dior perfume of self, release the woman true inner self, to issue new woman's declaration. J 'adore me, really seem to have hit the woman of inner desire.Fourth, consumer behavior analysis1, The main market (active clients)A, the main object is 22-45, fashionable young lady, high-level white-collar women, rich wealthy woman. These groups have certain economic basis, their consumption ability is stronger, they pay attention to their own appearance and taste, Dior perfume exactly the nobility is elegant, they pursue is to be their grade and status.B, beauty professionals (hairdresser and makeup artist, etc.). Because of their work, more to their taste and appreciate level is different from ordinary people. Dior brand to 1947 years since its founding, has been synonymous with luxury and elegant. Use Dior perfume, of course, is the best choice of their noble and elegant.2,The secondary market is not active (customers)A, the main object is single white-collar women 18 to 22 years old. Preferences although there is no lack of among them also family conditions, but their 22-45, white-collar women with relatively weak economic foundation, consumption ability is low. So they only as a secondary market.B, 18 to 45 years old men, they will come in a variety of different days to buy perfume, as a gift to her, so can only as a secondary market.3, potential marketPotential customers to have high income people, fashion, beauty, perceptual, they have research to various kinds of high-grade perfume, but before they have been included in the brand of perfume. After attracted by its own charm of dior perfume of self, and they were willing to try is not the same brand of perfume. Fifth, competitor analysis1, Each industry will have many competitors, so is the perfume industry. Comparable to Dior perfume perfume brands are: Chanel, Lancome, in international, Anna Sui, CK, Burberry established perfume. These old remains consumers brand perfume, maybe clothing brand halo effect prompt consumers interested in perfume brand produced jointly. Perhaps because of their brand itself personality concept and charming scent to attract consumers. While they are in the perfume industry become a leading position in this market, but because of Dior perfume in terms of price ishigher than similar products, also because of its high prices make it become the king of the perfume, the symbol of noble status.2, the world's largest commodity company, p&g perfume business (Nonchalant, Anna Sui, Escada etc.) in recent years has maintained a solid double-digit growth in China. It with China's increasingly strong consumption ability and many a year were listed in the perfume product has a lot to do. The Dior perfume, I really is a strong competitor.3, single perfume brand, has many young consumer groups of CK growth momentum, annual increase amplitude is bigger, in many perfume sales market can always came top in the ranking, a wave of middle-class Burberry can often ranks the top three. The perfume in the Chinese market, will bring certain threat for Dior perfume.Sixth, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) AnalysisInternal and external strengths and weaknesses should be considered at first if the company needs to do any strategy. Moreover, the opportunities Dior will face and what threats it will meet in recently and future will be discussed in the following article.Internal and external strengths of Christian Dior (S): Though considering the internal strengths of Dior, as a top luxury brand, it has created a great fashion culture in its history. For example, the typical black dress is popular by women for many decades even until now, it is so classical. As top brand, Dior did the best to produce extremely great quality products. They focus on fashion trends and leading the trends. Dior signed the greatest designers in fashion areas, like John Galliano. As a fashion company, Dior made a myth for itself and for the whole industry.External strengths would be discussed from customers, for Dior, it has a huge groups of customers, they understand Dior's products deeply beyond the foundation of the products themselves. They looking for something have more meanings. For these customers, Dior keeps improving its services, it is a basic but important strategy which is known by the strategy groups. Keeping good communicating with customers, and assuring its patron of its best effort and hospitality. Further unification services should be spread immediately in New York, Tokyo and all the cities which have Dior's products. In 2009, Carla Bruni, the first lady of France wore two dresses to participate the celebration of Bastille Day which are all made by Dior, it is a big impact for fashion marketing even under the unfavorable business environment. Carla Bruni is one of Dior’s fans, she was happy to mention when shewas 19 years old, she began her career with wearing her first Dior dress. Smoking jacket which designed in 1990 is favorable by many famous women now. That is what Dior keeping on doing for its external market.In a word, the strengths are1, Customer resources. Dior has a definitely part of the customer resources. To maintain good customer relationship, Dior can occupy the absolute superiority in the market.2, Talent reserves. Dior has a strategic idea, concept of innovation, human resources, development and management for modern development.3, More and more perfect service quality. Dior has a customer service center, to solve the net requirements for multinational group clients , and sets up a station buy neat service system.Internal and external weaknesses (W):At first, Dior's products related high costs, which mean its customers would be narrowed in small "rich" groups. Second, in order to expand the range of customers, Christian Dior increase export products. Comparing with local products, export products have some disadvantages, like longer delivery time, weak language capabilities, for many products need import raw materials, it costs time and money, as a export products, they always lack of new styles in peak seasons. Third, it is more difficult to keep its image-building in different country with different culture. For example, Sharon Stone (Stone) is a famous actor in Hollywood, and she was approached the "face of Dior" in 2005. In 2008, there was an earthquake happened in south of China, it left 68,000 people dead and many were homeless. Sharon Stone as a face of Dior said, it was "karma", her words caused most of Chinese against her and Dior. Until Stone apologized in Public and Christian Dior decided to drop her, Chinese people still could not forgive her. This is a very serious effect to Dior's image.In a word, the weakness are :1, Dior established a world famous brand. Although it has advantage in information technology, because of its enormous business development, it may lead to some areas of control force is not strong.2, Dior products mach form of the product (both cosmetics, perfume, etc.), so it may be in adaptability than focus more on competition exists in the field of a disadvantage.3, The globalization. Dior currently only opens up a few dozens of national market, so there are still loopholes in the market.External opportunities (O):After China joined the WTO (World Trade Organization), it becomes a hugepotential country in fashion marketing. There are 31 LVMH (a luxury company with 61 brands within its portfolio) officials available in China. For Dior, China is a big market. Dior had launched more than 20 stores in Beijing and Shanghai, the next step for them is to understand Chinese marketing by considering open more stores in China. (Christian Dior, 2009)Dior is very good at using the opportunity to brand as the intangible assets, involving various clothing category, with unknown to store, in part of China's high-end goods are sold, DIOR dress designing thought and theory of different, only on a standard scale of CHRISTIAN DIOR, contains a second line at home and abroad well-known clothing franchise brand of high-grade brand products, integrating the thousands of clothing enterprises at home and abroad of unwanted inventory, orders the tail goods, large single procurement, no matter from quality, from the commodity price is the maximum to meet customer demand.External threats (T):The biggest threats to Christian Dior are coming from other luxury brand, like Louis Vuitton; Channel; Gucci; and Armani, which have the same products in fashion industry. Another reason comes from the fashion marketing, Berg (2002) argued that luxury brand only launch their stores in large cities, the rents or other costs might be maintained in a very high level, it narrows the development of company and it might lead financial problems in the next 10 years.At present, the risk of Dior star endorsement events, Dior, the cost for Mr Sharon stone’s endorsement is expensive but the risk is big. The celebrity strategy also has a lot of risk. Such as the chosen celebrity are reported having scandals, he may be out of favor suddenly, so corporate image rather than ascension and to take all of a sudden crisis management.Seventh,marketing strategy and action plan 1, Marketing objectivesBecause it is three to five years of marketing plan, decided to three years before reaching the market share of 15~20%, after a year of new customers to seize the market reached more than 20%, in one fell swoop to seize other competitors customers, making Dior have a good image in the market.2, Strategy and action plan(1) Marketing objectivesWe intend to give priority to advertising, brand marketing and cultural marketing to take a differentiated competitive strategy to occupy a small market share of the marketing strategy to occupy the market. Because Dior’s positioning is in the white-collar, backbone, elite this high-end market, so the target population may not be much, but we want to be more likely to occupy market. After that maintain brand reputation, do Dior’s marketing.(2) Target market and positioningA. Divided by regionsDior’s main markets are Western Europe, South America, North America, and Eastern Asia, in which China and Japan are two big consuming countries. All its specialty shops and counters are opened in big developed coastal cities.B. Divided by agesDior’s consumers are mainly the 35 to 45-year high income ladies. Nevertheless, nowadays its consumers become younger and younger. Dior’s perfumes will expand the age market in the future gradually.Dior perfume I really will target customers who locked in a high-end women. High-end women who have high requirements on the perfume, they need a feature to highlight their own perfume, fashion, publicity, luxury is no longer distinguished.(3) Product strategyTrue to my perfume and Damascus rose plum flower aroma. Absolute femininity: modern elegant, bright and perceptual! Before adjustment: card against the Bergamot: harvest in southern Italy, Bergamot essential oil were obtained through the cold take the peel of the fruit, it will bring a spotlighting the sweet smell perfume, to add to the unique vitality citrus scents. Adjustment: in Damascus rose: country of origin for Turkey and Bulgaria, Damascus rose is used to make essential oil and pure incense. After the adjustment: jasmine. Is the symbol of feminine women. Jasmine is one of the world's perfume extract the most commonly used to flavor, it is very fragile has its own unique fragrance of flower seeds, and sometimes wild and bold and unrestrained, or as pure as morning dew.1, J 'adore my perfume with roses and Damascus plum flower aroma, it is a kind of expression of feminine, a representative symbol of absolute femininity. J 'adore is perfume, I have the absolute femininity to: modern elegant, bright and perceptual! Can give a woman want.2, the design of the product: Dior perfume bottle for thin neck round bottles. Thin neck round bottles passing on aesthetics: New Look similar to the concept of arc, the thirst for soft also is little poor. Highly symbolic form delicate d. long, around the neck ring if treasures of gold, also has a crystal pearl shaped bottle stopper. Tears are evolved into the thin neck round in the evening. If a question never appeared on the bottle of perfume, see at a glance, give us the feeling of be just in the middle of the cork, like an exclamation mark: "J 'adore me!"3, product gives the enterprise image, fully embodies the style of elegant and charming, Dior perfume of self, release the woman true inner self, to issue new woman's declaration. J 'adore me, really seem to have hit the woman of inner desire.(4) Pricing strategyProduct specifications: 50 ml market price: 520 selectionsProduct specification: 100 ml market price: 999 selections(5) Sales strategy analysisBased on its advertising strategies, designing different advertising words and advertising songs on the basis of the different countries, high and low language environment embody the theory of how to communicate with the non-native language people. Through the music, pictures and a few words, expressing the same product features and design idea, let the consumers have a deep impression on its products. Then through the television and magazine repeats their advertisements, continue to deepen the consumer impression, make the brand of Dior enjoy popular supports from the customers.According to Counter strategy, Dior sets up Counters to serve high level customers in the high grade department stores in different regions, which reflects the self-orientation of Dior brand. Setting up shops in different areas and different countries also means that Dior has to train managers and sales personnel, and the training of its staff is a way of spreading culture.Staff need to learn about another culture and instill the European culture idea in the consumers' hearts who have different culture background to set up Dior culture brand. Looking from management, different regions take diverse management methods due to different cultural background. In addition, Counters still need to provide high quality and one-on-one service. That the quality of our management and service improve will strengthen the competitive advantage of Dior.In the consumer's point of view, Dior is a luxury brand, buying and using Dior signify social status. Dior just likes a kind of cultural symbol, in social activities, which represents its users' identity and meets the needs of its users' psychology. Experience in major supermarkets to establish areas for customers to smell perfume free products, gift vial (2ml) gifts.Selling Dior clothing and other products, present a bottle of "real me" perfume as a gift.In view of the internet marketing strategy, Dior using internet to carry on thepromotion embodies the influence of technology to the communication. Dior uses high-tech to make the products known by consumers more conveniently and widely. There is not only a glaring advertising, but also detailed introduction of products and the buyers' evaluations on the internet, which allow consumers to be aware of products roundly and choose the most suitable products.(6) Advertising strategyFor the "J’adore", create a new ad, a young,energetic new generation of idols do endorsements, log out in the major web page and advertised in the major television stations, establish reputation in the large web page log, and advertised in the major television stations and establish reputation.Eighth, planning implementation steps and plansIn the advertising media1, Delivery time: in June 2016, in September 2016, three months.2, TV advertising as the main media, magazine ads for shop, plus website promotion3, Media arrangements must juggle one thousand cost and ratings4, Television commercials, want to consider the characteristics of channel ratings and audience, Dior perfume of self is given priority to with high consumption, high quality consumer. Choice of channel and Dior perfume of self target audience to consumers. And advertising on television put in the time also want to target consumers with Dior perfume of self consistent schedules, so as to maximize the effect of advertising.5, Advertisement launching products in the first two months is given priority to with 15 seconds television advertising, television advertising for 30 seconds. Four months after advertising frequency gradually decrease, the main 15 seconds ads.In the magazine to chooseThrough "ruili fashion beauty", "fashion", "yizhou" and so on in young and middle-aged high-level white-collar workers as the main object of the magazine, we will find the best magazine layout position is often dominated by major luxury advertisement. Dior perfume of self, of course, print advertising will choose the best layout to these major fashion, let the reader in reading habits by dior's my perfumeadvertising impact, deepen influence.Website promotionPut perfume on the network advertising is cheaper than TV commercials, but the benefits become more prominent.Ninth, planning the program cost budgetA new store decoration cost budget (3 million)Two. Budget for staff rewards and punishments (200 thousand)Three. Festivals and exhibitions budget (200 thousand)Four. Create an exclusive web cost budget for the product (200 thousand)Five. TV advertising, newspaper and magazine advertising, online publicity budget (800 thousand)Six. Market research expense budget (30 thousand)Seven. Product pre-sales and after-sales service budget (200 thousand)Eight. Human resource budget (800 thousand)Nine. Unpredictable expense budget (600 thousand)Ten. Market maintenance service budget expense (800 thousand)Tenth, the expected effect of planning According to the new marketing plan we Dior, the market is expected to make analysis of the effect:The first is the resource utilization problem of our marketing program. As everyone knows, the marketing plan operation needs to put a certain amount of manpower and other resources, he is the key to the success of the marketing plan, so marketing resources is an important problem for the marketing plan effect. (1) The effect of expected effect on resource utilizationAfter the new marketing plan, is expected to use the new marketing plan for the production and sales of new products, of course, must invest some resources, including human resources, financial resources, funding and management. In the new marketing programs, we should insure that the greater efforts to promote new products and our new marketing scheme are enough to let new products be popular.(2) The expected effect of the productIt is expected, Dior “J’adore”will be on the market of consumers, to occupya large share in the market, gain considerable benefits.(3) Risk assessmentOf course, the actual marketing will encounter risks. We must carefully take into account the actual marketing of the various possible risks encountered in the actual launch of the program before the actual use of the fight to minimize the risk. In the risk assessment, we have to do the worst, for we wanting to be more likely to occupy market, therefore, if our marketing advertising is good, the visibility of the product after the boost, plus the original appearance of products as well as the cultural connotation, our products will be in the high-end consumer groups favor, the market will be prosperous. However, the actual scheme as marketing by taking into account, if our marketing advertising is not as ideal as it leads to lack of awareness of products make the sales go short, we have to consider that other new advertising solutions to enhance the popularity of our products. Therefore, our new marketing plan to take into account the case in the risk of inadequate advertising, to deliver timely application of new marketing advertising.In conclusion, our assessment of the effect of the new marketing plan and risk that our marketing plan can be effectively carried out, even if the risk is expected to happen, our enterprise risk can be lifted, because we have a certain foundation in perfume production. Besides, we have enough manpower resources for the promotion and support for new marketing programs.Concluding remarksWe know that marketing is the eternal theme of the market economy, perfume marketing is also the sale of perfume plays a vital role. In fact, the perfume market marketing planning book is a means of sales of ceramics, a tool and an assistant. In the market economy, the perfume market marketing planning book display can make people to the perfume products in-depth understanding, the overall concept and comprehensive understanding. Through the effective integration and wide marketing, advertising effect will reach its maximum, let us business group Dior aesthetic brand tile from the market so as to promote talent shows itself.Sales, this concept of Dior’s various brands and new products to people, to lay the foundation for the market, and through advertising, the shortest of maximize the communication effects and product delivery channels, fully embodies the integrationof marketing effectiveness.Developing Dior company need to do more effective actions, it should be considered from the main driver of market. Dall'Olmo Riley, Lomax and Blunden (2004, P40) stated that "fast moving consumer goods, growth, rather than defense, it is the main driver for extending luxury brands". Especially in nowadays, Dior gets a lot of stress under the global financial crisis. The Economist (2003) reported because of Euro against dollar, the expenditure of luxury goods from customers decreased dramatically.Basing on literatures, launching extension for Dior seems a feasibility strategy. However researching elements like desirability, high awareness and exclusive is not an easy thing.It is easy to find out that knowing the strategic drivers is a much important factor for managements of luxury brands when they considering to extend their brands. As Dall'Olmo Riley, Lomax and Blunden (2004, P45) indicated that "decision and launch criteria are the same for fast moving and for luxury goods". And, managers always need consider the brand's craftsmanship, heritage, culture and tradition before making the decision of whether it should be extended, although the main structure would not change at all. Chernatony and McDonald(2003, P25) typified: "A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely. Furthermore, its success results from being able to sustain these added values in the face of competition." Which means managers should follow two elements; one is not only concern the products themselves but also consider from the whole business. The other is, keeping the tradition of original brands.For Dior Company, it has got a high success and respect in fashion areas, the only thing it need to do is considering how to keep its dominant position and keep walking in future.。
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目录一、市场分析 (4)(一)营销环境分析 (4)1.企业在市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素 (4)2、香水市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素 (5)3、香水市场概况 (5)4、营销环境分析总结 (5)5、市场细分 (6)二.消费者分析 (6)1、现有消费者分析 (6)2、目标消费者分析 (6)3、潜在消费者分析 (7)三.产品分析 (7)1.产品性能分析 (7)2、产品价格 (7)3、产品的材质与生产工艺 (8)4、产品的外观与包装 (8)5、产品的品牌形象分析 (8)四.企业何竞争对手的竞争状况分析 (8)1.企业在竞争中的地位 (8)2.企业的竞争对手 (8)3.企业与竞争对手的比较 (9)五、广告战略 (9)1.品牌定位 (9)2、广告投放目标人群 (9)3、广告目标 (10)4、广告诉求策略 (10)5、广告创意表现 (10)六、媒体战略 (11)1、广告媒体投放时间 (11)2、广告费用 (11)3、以电视广告为主要媒介,杂志广告为铺,外加网站推广。
(11)5、电视广告 (11)6、杂志选择 (12)7、网站推广 (12)七、广告预算 (12)一、市场分析(一)营销环境分析1.企业在市场营销环境中的宏观制约因素(1)企业目标市场所处区域的宏观经济形势今年以来,随着一系列宏观经济政策的实施,物价涨幅趋稳,资产泡沫化风险降低,经济增长逐季回调,但仍处于高位,经济运行开始回归正常增长轨道。
2、产品价格商品规格:50ml 市场价格:¥520商品规格:100ml 市场价格:¥9803、产品的材质与生产工艺迪奥纯香香水重新调配了花香中调和基调,表达了花朵的另一面,展示了令人震惊的深度。