










5、中线恶性网织细胞增生瘤;又称恶性肉芽肿(malignant granuloma),是一种多始发于鼻部,逐渐侵及面部中线,以进行性坏死性溃疡为特征的少见的肉芽肿性疾病。





11、原发性纤毛运动障碍(primary ciliary dyskinesia,PCD):又称纤毛不动综合征,属常染色体隐性遗传,是各种遗传性原发纤毛结构缺陷引起的纤毛功能异常,常见的是呼吸道纤毛功能异常,引起反复的呼吸道感染。




第一篇鼻科学一、选择题1、面静脉的解剖特点是:A 直接与海绵窦相通B 静脉较粗C 静脉较多D 静脉较细E 无瓣膜2、上颌窦穿刺冲洗的最佳进针位置是:A下鼻道外侧壁后段近下鼻甲附着处B 下鼻道外侧壁中段近下鼻甲附着处C下鼻道外侧壁前段近下鼻甲附着处D 下鼻道外侧壁前段近底部E 以上都不是3、鼻内镜手术操作一般在中鼻甲A内侧进行B 上方进行C 下方进行D外侧进行E 以上都不是4、鼻呼吸区粘膜纤毛摆动的方向主要是:A 从前向后B 从后向前C 从上向下D 从下向上E 以上都不是5、正常人生理性鼻周期是:A随精神紧张和放松而变化B 随运动和休息而变化C 随昼夜时间节律而变化D 每2-7小时交替变化一次E 随肺扩张程度需要而变化6、下列哪项不是单纯性鼻炎临床表现:A 间歇性鼻阻B 交替性鼻阻C 鼻阻可随体位改变D 持续性鼻阻E 以上都不对7、下列哪种疾病伴有阵发性鼻阻塞:A 慢性鼻窦炎B 慢性单纯性鼻炎C 变应性鼻炎D 慢性肥厚性鼻炎E急性鼻炎8、如一患者有进行性鼻阻塞症状,并伴有鼻出血,血性鼻涕,应考虑A 慢性鼻窦炎B慢性鼻炎C鼻部恶性肿瘤D 鼻中隔偏曲E 全身因素所致鼻阻塞9、鼻源性头痛的敏感部位依次为;A 鼻顶和鼻甲鼻中隔和鼻窦粘膜上颌窦自然孔和鼻额管的粘膜B上颌窦自然孔和鼻额管的粘膜鼻中隔和鼻窦粘膜鼻顶和鼻甲C上颌窦自然孔和鼻额管的粘膜鼻顶和鼻甲鼻中隔和鼻窦粘膜D鼻中隔和鼻窦粘膜鼻顶和鼻甲上颌窦自然孔和鼻额管的粘膜E鼻顶和鼻甲上颌窦自然孔和鼻额管的粘膜鼻中隔和鼻窦粘膜10、下列哪项不是呼吸性嗅觉减退的原因:A 下鼻甲肥大B 鼻中隔偏曲C鼻腔肉芽肿D萎缩性鼻炎E 以上都不是11、鼻骨复位术不宜超过:A 一周B 10天C 14天D 三周E 12天12、下列哪项不是筛窦骨折之临床表现:A眼球下移B 鼻根部扁平宽大C 脑脊液鼻漏D 视力减退E Marcus—Gunn瞳孔13、视神经管减压的适应症为:A 筛窦外伤后视力下降,糖皮质激素治疗12h以上,视力改善者B 筛窦外伤后视力下降,糖皮质激素治疗12h以上,视力无改善者C 筛窦外伤后视力下降者D 筛窦外伤后视力下降12h内无恢复迹象者E 筛窦外伤后视力下降12h内视力改善者14、下述各种脑脊液鼻漏中,哪一种临床最多见:A 先天性B 医源性C 外伤性D 自发性E 高颅压性15、确诊脑脊液鼻漏的方法为:A 鼻孔流出无色液体,干燥后不结痂B 低头用力、压迫颈静脉流量增加C 鼻腔血性液痕迹中心呈红色而周边清澈D 液体行葡萄糖定量分析,含量1.7mmol/L以上E 以上都不对16、准确无害进行脑脊液瘘孔定位方法为:A 鼻内镜法B 根据临床表现判断C 粉剂冲刷法D 影像学方法E 椎管内注药法17、变应性鼻炎症状的发生主要与下列细胞激活有关:A 杯状细胞B肥大细胞C 浆细胞D嗜酸性粒细胞E 以上都不是18、根据IFOR1997年发表的综合报告,变应性鼻炎人群患病率为:A 10%—20%B 10%-25%C 10%-30%D 10%-40%E 5%-20%19、变应性炎症属:AⅠ型变态反应BⅡ型变态反应CⅢ型变态反应DⅣ型变态反应EⅤ型变态反应20、确定变应原的最可靠的方法是:A 变应原皮肤试验B 鼻粘膜激发试验C 体外特异性IgE检测D Ig检查E局部活检21、下列哪一种药物长期使用将引起药物性鼻炎:A 减充血药B 抗组胺药C 糖皮质激素D 肥大细胞膜稳定集E 以上都不是22、下列关于鼻出血的说法应除外:A 儿童和青年人易发生于鼻中隔的Litter’s 区B 血液病是鼻出血的原因之一C 老年人涕中带血丝者应考虑恶性肿瘤的可能D 与鼻中隔偏曲无关E 前后鼻孔填塞无效者可考虑行血管栓塞23、鼻出血的处理中下列哪一项不正确:A 少量出血可采取局部止血的方法B 出血点找不到时可先行前鼻孔填塞C 有明确出血点者可予以冷冻或化学烧灼等D 只要有鼻出血均采取后鼻孔填塞E 局部止血的同时可适当配合全身用药24、儿童鼻腔异物的主要症状是:A 发热、头痛B 单侧鼻塞伴流臭脓涕C 嗅觉减退D 鼻出血E 以上都对25、婴幼儿上颌骨骨髓炎最常见的并发症是:A 鼻内感染B 眶内感染C 海绵窦血栓性静脉炎D 脓毒败血症E 脑脓肿26、引起鼻源性球后视神经炎的最常见的是:A蝶窦炎B 筛窦炎C 上颌窦炎D 额窦炎E 以上都是二、名词解释1、利特尔区(little’area)2、鼻道窦口复合体(ostiomeatal complex, OMC)3、鼻周期(nasal cycle)4、克氏静脉丛(Kiesselbach’plexus)5、FESS6、中鼻甲气化7、中鼻甲曲线反常8、Haller气房9、Onodi气房10、功能性鼻阻塞11、特发性鼻出血12、击出性骨折13、击入性骨折14、脑脊液鼻漏15、花粉症25、特应型个体三、问答题1、简述筛窦各壁解剖结构?2、简述鼻腔的生理功能?3、请简述鼻部CT对诊断鼻部疾病的意义。


12.obstructive shock
14.fever activator
15.standard bicarbonate
pensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
17.oxygen free radical
18.myocardial failure
4.apoptotic body
6.potassium deficit
7.hepatic encephalopathy
9.obstructive hypoventilation
10.small dense LDL
11.intestinal pseudo-obstruction



精品文档耳鼻咽喉科 -头颈外科考试 (B 卷 )一 .名词解释(每题 5 分,共 20 分)1.OMC2.OSAHS3.咽淋巴环:4.Corti 器:二.单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 30 分)1. 变应性鼻炎属()A.I 型变态反应 B.II型变态反应 C.III 型变态反应 D. IV 型变态反应 E. 以上均不是2.嗅沟位于()A.各鼻甲与鼻中隔之间B.下鼻甲与鼻中隔之间C.中鼻甲以上鼻腔侧壁与鼻中隔之间 D.上鼻甲以上鼻腔侧壁与鼻中隔之间E.下鼻道内3.下鼻甲位于鼻腔的 ()A. 内侧壁B.外侧壁C.底壁D. 顶壁E.以上都不是4 鼻疖最严重的并发症是()A. 眼眶蜂窝织炎B.鼻尖软骨膜炎C.海绵窦血栓性静脉炎D. 上唇蜂窝织炎E乙状窦血栓性静脉炎5.关于各鼻窦开口下列错误的是 ()A. 上颌窦开口中鼻道B.窦额开口中鼻道C.前组鼻窦开口中鼻道D.蝶窦开口中鼻道 E.后组鼻窦开口上鼻道6. 急性扁桃体炎的主要致病菌是()A.厌氧菌 B. 绿脓杆菌 C.乙型溶血性链球菌 D. 肺炎链球菌 E. 金黄色葡萄球菌7.咽壁的构造分四层,以下那一项是正确的()A. 纤维层B.粘膜层C.肌层D.上皮层E.外膜层8.喉部唯一成完整环形的软骨是()A. 甲状软骨B.会厌软骨C.环状软骨D. 杓状软骨E.小角软骨9.喉返神经是下列哪一神经的分支()A 迷走神经B 舌咽神经C 舌下神经D 副神经E 三叉神经10.目前常用的咽喉部表面麻醉剂是 ()A.2%利多卡因液B.4%可卡因液C.1%丁卡因液D.0.5%普鲁卡因液E.1%达克罗宁液11.鼓膜位于鼓室的()A. 前壁B.外壁C.内壁D.底壁E.后壁.。



中南大学博士研究生英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Mid-South University PhD English Exam InstructionsPart I: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(1) The benefits of exercise on physical health arewell-documented, but recent studies have explored the connection between physical activity and mental health. Scientists have found that regular exercise can have a positive impact on mood, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. One study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that individuals who engaged in at least 30 minutes of physical activity three times a week were less likely to report feelings of depression.(2) The reason behind this connection lies in the release of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Exercise has been shown to increase endorphin levels, leading to feelings of happiness and well-being.Additionally, physical activity can help decrease stress hormones in the body, further contributing to improved mental health.(3) In addition to the chemical changes that occur in the brain, exercise also provides individuals with a sense of accomplishment and control. Setting and achieving fitness goals can boost self-esteem and confidence, while the routine of exercise can provide structure and stability during challenging times.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. How does exercise benefit mental health?3. How do endorphins contribute to feelings of happiness?4. What role does setting and achieving fitness goals play in mental health?Part II: Essay WritingChoose one of the following topics and write an essay of at least 300 words.1. The importance of preserving the environment for future generations.2. The impact of technology on communication and relationships.3. The benefits of multiculturalism in society.Part III: Grammar and VocabularyComplete the following sentences with the correct verb tense or vocabulary word.1. I (to study) English for five years.2. The students (not, finish) their assignment yet.3. The new law (to take) effect next month.4. I can't find my keys. I think I (to lose) them.5. The restaurant has a great (variety/variation) of dishes on the menu.Good luck on your exam!篇2Unfortunately, I do not have access to specific exam questions such as the one you have requested. However, I can provide you with a general idea of what a typical Ph.D. English exam at Central South University might look like.The Ph.D. English exam at Central South University is designed to assess a candidate's proficiency in English and their ability to conduct academic research. The exam typically consists of several sections, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking.The listening section of the exam may involve listening to lectures or conversations and answering comprehension questions based on the material heard. This section is designed to test the candidate's ability to understand spoken English and their listening skills.The reading section of the exam often includes academic articles or passages related to the candidate's field of study. Candidates are required to read the material carefully and answer questions that test their comprehension and critical thinking skills.The writing section of the exam usually requires candidates to write an essay or a research paper on a given topic. This section assesses the candidate's ability to write clearly and coherently, as well as their ability to present and support arguments effectively.The speaking section of the exam typically involves aface-to-face interview with examiners. Candidates may be askedto discuss their research interests, present their findings, or respond to questions related to their field of study. This section tests the candidate's ability to communicate orally in English and to engage in academic discussions.Overall, the Ph.D. English exam at Central South University aims to evaluate a candidate's English language proficiency, academic writing skills, research abilities, and communication skills. Candidates who perform well on the exam demonstrate that they are capable of conducting research and communicating effectively in an academic setting.篇3The Ph.D. entrance exam for international students at Central South University (CSU) is a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of their English language proficiency, academic aptitude, and research potential. The exam is designed to evaluate the applicants' ability to understand and communicate in English, as well as their capacity to engage in advanced research and scholarly activities.The exam consists of three parts: reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. The reading comprehension section includes a series of passages on various topics, such as science,technology, social sciences, and humanities. Applicants are required to read the passages carefully and answer questions based on the content and context of the texts.In the writing section, applicants are asked to write an essay on a given topic within a specified time frame. The topics cover a wide range of disciplines and require critical thinking, analysis, and argumentation. The essays are evaluated based on the applicants' ability to develop ideas, present arguments coherently, and support their claims with evidence.The speaking section assesses the applicants' ability to communicate effectively in English. Applicants are required to participate in a conversation with the examiners, discuss a topic, and respond to questions. The examiners evaluate the applicants' fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.Overall, the Ph.D. entrance exam at CSU is a challenging test that requires thorough preparation and a high level of proficiency in English. Applicants are advised to familiarize themselves with the exam format, practice reading, writing, and speaking in English, and seek feedback from teachers or language experts to improve their skills.In conclusion, the Ph.D. entrance exam for international students at Central South University is an important step in theadmissions process and a key determinant of the applicants' readiness for advanced study and research. Successful performance on the exam demonstrates the applicants' ability to succeed in the Ph.D. program and contribute to the academic community at CSU.。



A.第 1 鳃沟发育障碍所致 B.第 1 鳃弓发育畸形所致 C.第 2 鳃弓发育畸形所致 D.第 3 鳃弓发育畸形所致 E.第 1、2 鳃弓发育畸形所致 正确答案:A 答案解析:先天性外耳道闭锁是第 剖形态描述错误的是 A.耳廓是由较薄的皮肤覆盖在凹凸不平的软骨上组成 B.耳廓前面皮肤较薄,皮肤与软骨紧密相贴 C.耳廓后面皮肤较厚,与软骨粘贴较紧 D.耳廓软骨薄而富有弹性 E.耳廓前面皮肤与软骨紧密相贴 正确答案:C 答案解析:耳廓后面皮肤较厚,与软骨粘贴较松。 12、耳廓创伤的处理不正确的是 A.及时清创止血 B.预防和控制感染 C.尽可能保留组织以免形成畸形 D.当耳廓形成血肿时,应早期行抽吸治疗 E.血肿或开放性创口均易引发感染,多见链球菌感染,故应选用相应的敏感的抗生素 正确答案:E 答案解析:耳廓创伤血肿或开放性创口均易引发感染,多见绿脓杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌 感染。 13、与纵行骨折相比横行骨折更易引起 A.脑脊液漏 B.硬脑膜撕裂伤 C.传导性听力损失和低频耳鸣 D.感音性听力损伤,耳鸣多为高频性 E.混合性聋 正确答案:D 答案解析:纵行骨折主要伤及中耳,故出现传导性听力损失和低频耳鸣。横行骨折易伤 及内耳故多为感音性听力损伤,耳鸣多为高频性。如同时伤及中耳和内耳可出现混合性 聋。 14、以下关于急性乳突炎说法错误的是 A.急性乳突炎是乳突气房黏骨膜、特别是乳突骨质的化脓性炎症 B.成人多发 C.多为急性化脓性中耳炎的并发症 D.继发于外伤或通过血行感染很少见 E.以上说法都不对 正确答案:B 答案解析:急性乳突炎好发于儿童,但因 2~3 岁以下儿童乳突方开始发育,故仅出现鼓 窦炎,而不存在乳突炎。 15、关于急性乳突炎病因说法错误的是
正确答案:C 答案解析:疖的早期,局部局限性红肿疼痛,可用鱼石脂甘油纱条或紫色消肿膏纱条敷 于红肿处,每日更换一次;也可局部物理治疗、微波治疗,促进炎症消散。未成熟的疖禁 忌切开,防止炎症扩散;如疖的尖端有白色脓栓时,可轻轻刺破脓栓,用棉棒轻轻将脓栓 压出;如疖较大,有明显的波动,应局麻下切开引流,注意切口应与外耳道纵轴平行,防 止痊愈后外耳道形成瘢痕狭窄;为防止损伤外耳道软骨,刀尖不可切入太深。 6、坏死性外耳道炎的最常见致病微生物是 A.葡萄球菌 B.链球菌 C.真菌感染 D.病毒 E.绿脓杆菌 正确答案:E 答案解析:坏死性外耳道炎致病菌多是绿脓杆菌,约占 90%,其他有葡萄球菌、链球菌和 真菌感染等。 7、外耳道真菌病病因,叙述不正确的是 A.耳内进水或不适当地用药 B.外耳道分泌物的堆积和刺激 C.全身性慢性疾病 D.未及时使用抗生素 E.游泳、挖耳等引起外耳道的炎症 正确答案:D 答案解析:全身长期大剂量应用抗生素,为真菌的孳生提供了条件。 8、关于外耳道胆脂瘤的处理不当的是 A.如胆脂瘤较大,与外耳道贴得很紧,已引起外耳道的扩大,取出有时相当困难。此时用 浸泡耵聍的滴耳液浸泡效果较好 B.清除应彻底 C.外耳道呈葫芦状,需麻醉后做辅助切口再取出 D.如外耳道胆脂瘤伴感染,应在控制感染后取出 E.若有死骨,应予清除 正确答案:A 答案解析:如胆脂瘤较大,与外耳道贴得很紧,或已引起外耳道的扩大,取出有时相当困 难。此时不能用浸泡耵聍的滴耳液浸泡,那会增加取出的难度。可用一些消毒的油剂润 滑,将耵聍钩插到胆脂瘤和外耳道壁之间轻轻松动后取出。 9、关于先天性耳前瘘管的描述错误的是 A.临床上很常见的先天性外耳疾病 B.国内抽样调查,其发生率达 1.2% C.单侧与双侧发病比例为 4:1 D.女性略多于男性 E.平时易感染,易引起注意并接受诊治 正确答案:E 答案解析:先天性耳前瘘管患者平时多无症状,不以为疾,及至感染,才引起注意并接受 诊治。 10、先天性外耳道闭锁是源于



耳鼻喉科考试试题考号:班级:姓名:成绩:一、单选题(每题1分,共50分)1.儿童鼻出血的常见部位是( )A、Little’s区B、鼻中隔上段C、鼻腔外侧壁D、吴氏静脉丛2.季节性变应性鼻炎又称( )A、常年性变应性鼻炎B、花粉症C、萎缩性鼻炎D、急性鼻炎3.声门上型喉癌早期常见症状( )A、声音嘶哑B、咽喉疼痛C、吞咽困难D、喉阻塞4.下列不属于外鼻体表标志的是()A、鼻小柱B、前鼻孔C、鼻唇沟D、鼻阈5.有关鼻腔湿润的主要来源,错误的是()A、从毛细血管渗出的液体B、嗅膜下嗅腺分泌液C、对呼出气体热湿回收D、黏膜上皮内杯状细胞的分泌液6.上颌窦窦口开口处是()A、上颌窦前侧壁B、上颌窦后外壁C、上颌窦上壁D、上颌窦内侧壁7.对于慢性鼻窦炎错误的是( )A、全身症状突出B、头痛有时间规律,常伴鼻塞,流脓涕,嗅觉减退等症状C、治疗上以药物治疗和手术结合D、常为多组鼻窦感染8.急性咽后脓肿的处理中那一项不正确( )A、一般不考虑颈外入路切开B、可以反复穿刺抽脓C、应用抗生素冲洗D、口内切开排脓宜取半坐位,利于吐出脓液9.梅尼埃病的典型临床症状没有的是( )A、发作性眩晕B、波动性听力下降C、耳鸣D、耳胀闷感10.床上出现吸气性喉喘鸣、吸气性呼吸困难、四凹征、声嘶的患者,首先考虑的是( )A、支气管哮喘B、喉阻塞C、喉炎D、肺不张11.患者男,主诉鼻塞流涕伴头痛2年,门诊诊断“慢性鼻窦炎”,以下哪项不是鼻源性头痛的特点( )A、鼻急性炎症时加重B、多为表面疼痛C、使用鼻腔粘膜收缩剂后缓解D、头痛有一定的部位和时间12.上颌窦穿刺的最佳进针部位是( )A、上鼻道B、鼻前庭C、中鼻道D、下鼻道13.下列关于鼻泪管鼻腔开口的叙述正确的是()A、开口于下鼻道B、开口于中鼻道C、开口于上颌窦D、开口于下鼻道后部14.鼻呼吸区黏膜纤毛摆动的方向主要是()A、从前向后B、从后向前C、从上向下D、从下向上15.鼻腔后2/3淋巴汇入()A、咽后淋巴结B、颈深淋巴结上群C、咽后淋巴结和颈深淋巴结群D、腮腺淋巴结16.外耳道疖描述错误的是( )A、又称局限性外耳道炎B、为外耳道软骨部毛囊感染C、脓肿成熟时,红肿处变软,顶部有黄色脓点D、又称弥漫性外耳道炎17.儿童最易发生哪种类型的中耳炎( )A、化脓性中耳炎B、慢性中耳炎C、胆脂瘤型中耳炎D、分泌性中耳炎18.患儿,3岁,近几天来有“感冒”史,晚上睡觉时突然出现右耳部疼痛,无耳流脓,查体:右耳廓无牵拉痛,鼓膜充血,完整。



耳鼻咽喉科(医学高级):耳鼻咽喉科考试卷及答案模拟考试卷 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 应力中断式固定桥临床上又称为( )A.单端固位桥 B.半固定桥 C.两侧固定桥 D.复合固定桥 E.复杂固定桥 本题答案: 2、单项选择题 患者,女,48岁,1周前出现耳痛,耳流脓,逐渐加重。

CT 检查可见外耳道骨部和颅底有骨质破坏。


最可能的诊断是( )A.外耳道疖 B.外耳道胆脂瘤 C.耵聍栓塞 D.急性乳突炎 E.坏死性外耳道炎 本题答案: 3、单项选择题 下列何者是鼻腔最常见的良性肿瘤?( )A.乳头状瘤 B.血管瘤姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------C.骨瘤D.纤维瘤E.鳞状细胞瘤本题答案:4、单项选择题患者,男,51岁,体重80kg,身高160cm,因入睡打鼾10余年,伴憋气、呼吸暂停2~3年就诊;患者平时晨起后口干舌燥、咽部异物感明显,白天嗜睡、精神疲劳;患者同时有高血压病史3~4年,近2年吃药控制血压效果不理想,由于打鼾严重影响家人和同事而求治。





耳鼻咽喉科(医学高级):耳鼻咽喉科头颈外科学考考试题 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 不是四神丸药组的是( )A.肉豆蔻 B.补骨脂 C.人参 D.五味子 E.吴茱萸 本题答案: 2、单项选择题 下列方剂中可用于治疗疝气瘕聚的是( )A.温经汤 B.逍遥散 C.一贯煎 D.大建中汤 E.身痛逐瘀汤 本题答案: 3、单项选择题 八正散的药组有( )A.大黄、滑石 B.芒硝、滑石 C.黄连、滑石 D.黄芩、滑石姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------E.黄柏、滑石本题答案:4、单项选择题耳硬化伴耳蜗受累者听力检查结果不符合的是( )A.Gelle试验阴性B.Schwabach试验骨导缩短C.Rinne试验阴性D.纯音测听气导曲线呈缓降型,仍有一定的气骨导间距E.Ad型鼓室功能曲线图本题答案:5、单项选择题患儿,男,4岁,睡眠时打鼾1年余,夜间睡眠时张口呼吸,偶有呼吸暂停。

检查发现其鼻咽部的质软肿物,双侧扁桃体近Ⅲ度大,可行( )A.腺样体及扁桃体切除术B.鼻腔持续正压通气C.激光手术治疗D.腭垂腭咽成形术E.药物治疗本题答案:6、单项选择题镇肝息风汤中具有清泄肝热、疏肝理气作用的药物是( )A.生杭芍玄参天冬B.生杭芍茵陈甘草C.枸杞子茵陈川楝子D.生山药天冬生麦芽E.川楝子茵陈生麦芽本题答案:7、单项选择题鼻眶型脑膜脑膨出的颅骨缺损部位位于( )A.鼻骨额骨之间B.鼻骨与鼻软骨之间C.额、筛、泪、上颌骨之间D.视神经孔或眶上裂E.眶上裂或眶下裂本题答案:8、单项选择题发热喘急,口渴,苔黄,脉浮滑数,最宜选用( )A.桑菊lA.咽旁血管外皮瘤B.咽旁副神经节瘤C.咽旁脓肿D.咽旁神经纤维瘤E.咽旁小唾液腺混合瘤本题答案:12、多项选择题下列哪些不适宜施行扁桃体切除术( )A.扁桃体周脓肿B.急性扁桃体炎C.再生障碍性贫血D.风湿性心脏病E.妇女月经期本题答案:13、多项选择题耳源性并发症发生的主要原因是( )A.脓液引流不畅B.患者抵抗力下降C.中耳炎骨质破坏严重D.乳突气化不良E.致病菌毒力强本题答案:14、单项选择题6岁女孩,因发热、咽峡疼痛就诊。



耳鼻咽喉—头颈外科考试试题一一、单选题:(每题2分,共20分)1、有关咽鼓管咽口描述错误的是( D )A:位于鼻咽侧壁B:距下鼻甲后端1cm C管口周围有淋巴组织D:平时呈开放状态2、鼻泪管开口于( A )A:下鼻道B:中鼻道C:上鼻道D:后鼻孔3、对咽后壁脓肿行检查和治疗时,患儿的体位应该是:( C )A:坐位B:平卧位C:仰卧垂头位D:半卧位4、下列哪项不是声带麻痹的常见原因:( D )A:甲状腺癌B:肺癌C:食道癌D:声带息肉5、鼻咽癌的治疗首先应选择:( C )A:手术疗法B:化疗C:放疗D:对症治疗6、下列哪种说法不正确()A:慢性化脓性中耳炎单纯型常发生颅内外并发症B:卡他性中耳炎时耳内闭塞感C:急性化脓性中耳炎早期常发热D:急性外耳道炎耳痛剧烈7、音叉检查的目的()A.判清何侧为患耳B.判断耳聋性质C.判断耳聋部位D.判断耳聋程度8、对少年儿童,切除腭扁桃体应慎重,是因为()A.影响咽腔共鸣B.易发生软腭瘢痕C.腭扁桃体是重要免疫器官D.易引起咽干,咽后壁淋巴组织增生成团9、对小儿喉、气管、支气管炎施行气管切开的适应症为:()A:1度呼吸困难B:3度呼吸困难C:2度呼吸困难D:4度呼吸困难10、慢性化脓性中耳炎骨疡型或胆脂瘤型施行乳突根治的目的是:()A:获得干耳B:提高听力C清除病灶,预防颅内外感染D改善中耳腔压力二、判断题注:正确的在()里打√,错误的在()里打×,并改正。









Examination Paper for Doctor Candidates of Non-English Majors (A)December 25, 2011Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)Section A Short dialoguesDirections:In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I).1. A. He lost the calculator.B. He doesn’t know where the calculator is.C. He thinks he broke the calculator.D. He doesn’t know the ans wer to the problem.2. A. He lost it.B. He used it last night.C. He was the last to use it.D. He finally brought it back.3. A. The woman should buy some new trousers.B. The woman should buy some clothes for larger size.C. The woman should eat less.D. The woman should do exercises.4. A. At a theater.B. At a booking office.C. At a railway station.D. At a restaurant.5. A. The size of the room.B. Long working hours.C. The hot weather.D. The fan in the room.Section B PassagesDirections:In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I).Passage One6. A. A dozen.B. Two dozen.C. A half dozen.D. Five dozen.7. A. They don’t stay fresh very long.B. They smell nice.C. They are too expensive.D. They aren’t very pretty.8. A. Oil and vinegar.B. Sugar and white vinegar.C. Sugar and oil.D. Aspirin.Passage Two9. A. Miller was loved by her parents.B. Miller was loved by her sisters.C. Miller was loved by her brothers.D. Miller enjoyed a happy life as a child.10. A. Maths.B. painting.C. Both A and B.D. Neither A nor B.Section C Summary writingDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read, you are required to write a summary of about 60 words on Answer Sheet II.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (10%)Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences or sentences with underlined words or phrases in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence or replace the underlined part of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I).11. There has been a decline _______ the number of people borrowing from public libraries.A. onB. inC. withD. at12. The harder a student studies, _______.A. the more his body gives off heatB. his body gives off more heatC. the more heat does his body gives offD. the more heat his body gives off13. When she heard the bad news, she _______completely.A. broke awayB. broke downC. broke outD. broke through14. The clerk muttered under his breath as he brought the _______ the tenth pair of shoes.A. clientB. attorneyC. agentD. consumer15. Association refers to _______ the material we want to remember and _______ it to something we remember accurately.A. taking … relatingB. take … relateC. taking … relateD. take … relating16. They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.A. fruitfulB. beneficialC. validD. effective17. With the help of a metal detector, they discovered that wreckage lay _______ over a 2,000-square-feet area, often buried beneath sand and seaweed.A. scatteredB. separatedC. dispersedD. distributed18. It was his wife’s encouragement that had _______ his through the bad times.A. deliveredB. relievedC. sentD. brought19. The distance from the Earth to the spacecraft is often determined very accuratelyfrom the time _______ between two radio signals.A. interactionB. alternativeC. interferenceD. interval20. Finding himself trapped in the Death Valley, he had a sudden feeling of _______.A. despairB. desperateC. frightenedD. dreadful21. In a time of social reform, peop le’s state of mind tends to keep pace with the rapid changes ofsociety.A. take stepB. match upC. keep in touchD. make progress22. If decisions are delayed until the problems become worse, possibilities for effective actions will be severely reduced.A. optionsB. notionsD. occasions23. You can add the fluid to the powder, or, vice versa, the powder to the fluid.A. conventionallyB. convertiblyC. converselyD. conversationally24. She anxiously inspected the faces of the men leaving the train in the hope of find her husband.A. approachedB. searchedC. scannedD. recalled25. In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are sometimes viewed as a threat to domestic industries.A. looked likeB. varied withC. thought forD. supposed as26. With an old screwdriver he rasped the mortar away from around one of the bricks in the endwall.A. scrapedB. brushedC. pulledD. ported27. As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free tax-supported schools must be established inevery town having 50 household or more.A. foundedB. foundC. formulatedD. funded28. He said that he had never come across a painting which pleased him more.A. seen aboutB. viewed asC. happened toD. met with29. My book is practically finished; I have only a few changes to make in the writing.A. virtuallyB. verticallyC. violentlyD. visually30. The teacher congratulated the student who won the prize in the speech contest.A. consoledB. comfortedD. consultedPart III Cloze (10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I).Scientists searching for precious metals have turned to the ocean floor, where natural chimneys are spewing out a metal-enriched black dust containing particles of gold, silver and zinc.Scientists 31 these hot springs are recreating the process which, billions of years ago, created 32 metal deposits now found on land.The discovery is giving geologists a 33 into the earth’s early history and fuelling some new theories on origin of life.It also has huge implications for 34 companies.Geologists are just beginning to understand how these chimneys, 35 clusters of sulphur and minerals, are formed, and what makes them spew out the mineralized dust.At present it is not commercially 36 for mining companies to operate beneath the sea, a lthough some scientists believe the “black smokers”, 37 known as active mineralizing systems, will be a major—and renewable—source of metals in the next decade.38 the meantime, mining companies are using the ocean-floor research to locate similar deposits on land.“The hottest thing in the mining research game right now is the39 within the past few years of mineral deposits currently forming—in front of our eyes—on the ocean floor,” said Dr. Joseph Fox, a Montreal (加拿大蒙特利尔) geologist.Canada has mined some of the richest copper, zinc and gold 40 in the world. In the past year, mining companies have used knowledge about where mineral formations 41 on the ocean floor to find the deposits on land.Geologists are excited because, 42 metal deposits on land, which are two or three billion years old, the undersea deposits keep 43 themselves.“It’s really incredible to think that we have a renewable metal resource44 we’ve been taught to think of metal resources as non-renewable,” Fo x said.The 30-foot-high (10-metre) chimneys or vents, 45 in 1979, are found along fractures in the ocean’s crust.Scientists believe the deposits form when cold sea-water seeps into the fractures, leaving metals 46 it is drawn down.As the water t ravels in the direction of the earth’s core, it47 up. Eventually, the hot water rises, carrying with it the hot metal sulphide 48 the ocean floor.When the hot sulphide meets the cold sea water, a thick black smoke-like substance is formed, spewing out of vents in built-up deposits of 49 .The particles in the smoke eventually 50 on the ocean floor, forming vast solid sheets of metal sulphide.31. A. believe B. thought C. uncover D. found32. A. smooth B. tiny C. vast D. rust33. A. chance B. revision C. weapon D. glimpse34. A. metal B. mining C. alloy D. global35. A. made of B. consisting in C. resulted from D. dealing with36. A. periodic B. reliable C. comparative D. feasible37. A. formally B. chiefly C. economically D. occasionally38. A. At B. On C. In D. For39. A. invention B. discovery C. findings D. theory40. A. samples B. deposits C. mines D. fractions41. A. range B. suffer C. occur D. form42. A. unlike B. like C. as D. except43. A. to renew B. renewing C. having renewed D. to be renewed44. A. before B. until C. because D. when45. A. broken B. fixed C. discovered D. originated46. A. since B. as C. for D. whereas47. A. speeds B. goes C. gives D. heats48. A. from B. on C. toward D. beyond49. A. sulphide B. substance C. deposits D. element50. A. rely B. move C. turn D. settlePart IV Reading Comprehension (25%)Directions:There are five passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I).Passage OneQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Professor Smith recently persuaded 35 people, 23 of them women, to keep a diary of all their absent-minded actions for a fortnight. When he came to analyze their embarrassing lapses in a scientific report, he was surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groupings. None did the lapses appear to be entirely random.One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earnings and tried to fix a dog biscui t on her ear. “The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer,” explains the professor. “People programme themselves to do certain activities regularly. It was the woman’s custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on he r earrings. But somehow the action got reversed in the programme.” About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly failures.”Altogether the volunteers logged 433 unintentional actions that they found themselves doing —an average of twelve each. There appear to be peak periods in the day when we are at our zaniest. These are two hours some time between eight a.m. and noon, between four and six p.m. with a smaller peak between eight and ten p.m. “Among men the peak seems to be when a changeover in brain ‘programmes’ occurs, as for instance between going to and from work.” Women on average reported slightly more lapses—12.5 compared with 10.9 for men probably because they were more reliable reporters.A startling finding of the research is that the absent-minded activity is a hazard of doing things in which we are skilled. Normally, you would expect that skill reduces the number of errorswe make. But trying to avoid silly slips by concentrating more could make things a lot worse—even dangerous.51. In this study Professor Smith asked the subjects _______.A. to keep track of people who tend to forget thingsB. to report their embarrassing lapses at randomC. to analyze their awkward experiences scientificallyD. to keep a record of what they did unintentionally52. Professor Smith discovered that _______.A. certain patterns can be indentified in the recorded incidentsB. many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindednessC. men tend to be more absent-minded than womenD. absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness53. “Programme assembly failures (Sentence 6, Paragraph 2)” refers to the phenomenon thatpeople _______.A. often fail to programme their routines beforehandB. tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurryC. unconsciously change the sequence of doing thingsD. are likely to mess thing up if they are too tired54. We learn from the third paragraph that _______.A. absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the dayB. women are very careful to perform actions during peak periodsC. women experience more peak periods of absent-mindednessD. men’s absent-mindedness often results in funny situations55. It can be concluded from the passage that _______.A. people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapsesB. hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good atC. people should be careful when programming their actionsD. lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentrationPassage TwoQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.The two claws of the mature American lobster are decidedly different from each other. The crusher claw is short and stout; the cutter claw is long and slender. Such bilateral asymmetry, in which the right side of the body is, in all other respects, a mirror image of the left side, is not unlike handedness in humans. But where the majority of humans are right-handed, in lobsters the crusher claw appears with equal probability on either the right side or left side of the body.Bilateral asymmetry of the claws comes about gradually. In the juvenile fourth and fifth stages of development, the paired claws are symmetrical and cutter like. Asymmetry begins to appear in the juvenile sixth stage of development, and the paired claws farther diverge toward well-defined cutter and crusher claws during succeeding stages. An intriguing aspect of this development was discovered by Victor Emmer. He found that if one of the paired claws is removed during the fourth or fifth stage, the intact claw invariably becomes a crusher, while the regenerated claw becomes a stutter. Removal of a claw during a later juvenile stage or during adulthood, when asymmetry is present, does not alter the asymmetry; the intact and regenerated claws retain their original structures.。


凋亡(apoptosis):是活体内单个细胞或小团细胞的死亡,死亡细胞的质膜(细胞膜和细胞器膜)不破裂,不引发死亡细胞的自溶,也不引起急性炎症反应。凋亡的发生与基因调节有关,也有人称之为程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)
交界性肿瘤(borderline tumor):良性肿瘤与恶性肿瘤间有时并无绝对界限,有些肿瘤的组织形态介乎二者之间,称为交界性肿瘤。如卵巢交界性浆液性囊腺瘤和粘液性囊腺瘤。
癌前病变(precancerous lesions):癌前病变是指某些具有癌变潜在可能性的病变长期存在即有可能转变为癌。常见的癌前病变有:粘膜白斑;慢性子宫颈炎伴子宫颈糜烂;乳腺纤维囊性病;结肠/直肠的息肉状腺瘤;慢性萎缩性胃炎及胃溃疡;慢性溃疡性结肠炎;皮肤慢性溃疡;肝硬化
非典型性增生(dyplasia, atypical hyperplasia):指拉生上皮细胞的形态呈现一定程度的异型性,但还不足以诊断为癌。镜下表现为增生的细胞大小不一,形态多样,核大而浓染,核浆比例增大,核分裂可增多但多属正常核分裂像。细胞排列较乱,极向消失。


































耳鼻咽喉科(医学高级):耳鼻咽喉科头颈外科学知识点模拟考试卷 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 肿瘤的发生多与下列哪三脏关系密切( )A.肝、心、肾 B.肺、肝、肾 C.肺、心、脾 D.肝、脾、肺 E.脾、肾、肝 本题答案: 2、单项选择题 开瓣音的论述,错误的是( )。

耳鼻喉头颈外科考试试题库A 、见于二尖瓣狭窄而瓣膜尚柔软时 B 、响亮、清脆 C 、在心尖内侧较清楚 D 、位于第一心音后0.07s E 、音调高、历时短促 本题答案: 3、单项选择题 女,4岁,右侧颈部可捫及一包块2个月,无热无痛,CT 如下,最可能的诊断是 姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------A.咽旁血管外皮瘤B.咽旁副神经节瘤C.咽旁脓肿D.咽旁神经纤维瘤E.咽旁小唾液腺混合瘤本题答案:4、多项选择题耳源性并发症发生的主要原因是( )A.脓液引流不畅B.患者抵抗力下降C.中耳炎骨质破坏严重D.乳突气化不良E.致病菌毒力强本题答案:5、单项选择题槐花散组成中含有的药物是( )A.枳实B.陈皮C.地榆D.生地黄E.荆芥穗本题答案:6、单项选择题有关鼻腔湿润的主要来源,下列哪项是错的A.毛细血管经上皮细胞渗出液B.嗅膜下嗅腺分泌液C.保留呼出气体中的湿润D.粘膜上皮内杯状细胞的分泌液E.粘膜上皮内肥大细胞的分泌液本题答案:7、单项选择题下列选项,不属磁石功效的是( )A.镇静安神B.平肝潜阳C.聪耳明目D.纳气平喘E.收敛固涩本题答案:8、多项选择题功能凉血活血的药物有( )A.牡丹皮B.茜草C.丹参D.赤芍E.郁金本题答案:9、单项选择题平胃散与藿香正气散两方组成中均含有的药物是( )A.苍术白术甘草B.厚朴陈皮藿香C.白术茯苓甘草D.陈皮厚朴甘草E.苍术厚朴甘草本题答案:10、单项选择题白虎汤中石膏与知母相配为下列何项( )A.相须为用B.相制为用C.相反相成D.相畏相使E.以上都不是本题答案:11、单项选择题下列各题中哪项是错的( )A.鼻粘膜毡每分钟移动4~6毫米B.鼻腔前部粘着异物输送至咽部需4~10分钟C.鼻粘膜纤毛突出于上皮细胞表面D.类鼻粘膜纤毛长7微米E.鼻粘膜纤毛突出于内皮细胞表面本题答案:12、单项选择题眶下动脉供应( )A.鼻腔外侧壁前段B.鼻中隔的前下部C.鼻中隔的后部和下部D.鼻中隔的后上部E.鼻中隔的后下部本题答案:13、单项选择题咽丛位于( )A.咽后壁外膜层内B.咽后壁内膜层内C.咽后壁粘膜层内D.咽后壁纤维层内E.咽后壁肌肉层内本题答案:14、单项选择题风邪侵袭、经气痞塞型耳闭的治法为( )A.益气健脾,散邪通窍B.疏风清热,散邪通窍C.行气活血,开闭通窍D.清热解毒,行气开窍E.疏风清热,行气通窍本题答案:15、单项选择题关于鼻腔内翻性乳头状瘤,以下哪项不正确?A.切除后易复发B.5%~15%恶变可能C.色红或灰红,外观如乳头,颗粒或桑葚样D.质地较息肉硬E.质地较息肉软本题答案:16、单项选择题鼻呼吸区粘膜的发育来源于( )A.气管粘膜的延续而来B.鼻窦粘膜的延续而来C.嗅粘膜的转变而来D.口腔粘膜的延续而来E.食道粘膜的延续而来本题答案:17、多项选择题不入汤剂的是( )A.苏合香B.麝香C.石菖蒲D.冰片E.蟾酥本题答案:18、单项选择题鼻前庭囊肿按病因可分为( )A.球颌突囊肿和粘膜下囊肿B.球颌突囊肿和浆液性囊肿C.潴留囊肿和浆液性囊肿D.潴留囊肿和球颌突囊肿E.潴留囊肿和粘膜下囊肿本题答案:19、单项选择题鳃裂瘘管外瘘口位于( )A.锁乳突肌后缘B.胸锁乳突肌前缘C.颈前正中D.颈后E.颌下本题答案:20、单项选择题颈动脉体位于( )A.颈总动脉分叉处的前方B.颈总动脉分叉处的后方C.颈外动脉起始处后方D.颈外动脉起始处前方E.颈内动脉起始处前方本题答案:21、多项选择题耳疖的发生常有以下诱因( )A.挖耳后B.污水入耳C.食物过敏D.药物刺激E.脓耳之脓液浸渍本题答案:22、单项选择题女,16岁,鼻塞,流涕一年余,失去嗅觉,影像检查如图所示,最可能的诊断是A.鼻腔乳头状瘤B.筛窦癌C.恶性淋巴瘤D.小唾液腺癌E.嗅神经母细胞瘤本题答案:23、多项选择题儿童较少发生扁桃体周脓肿是因为( )A.儿童对细菌的免疫力较强B.儿童扁桃体被膜较厚且致密C.儿童扁桃体隐窝呈裂隙状,分支少,且表浅D.儿童患慢性扁桃体炎者较少E.儿童较少发生急性扁桃体炎本题答案:24、单项选择题“妇人少腹满如敦状,小便微难而不渴,生后者”,治疗当选用( )A.大黄甘遂汤B.抵当汤C.五苓散D.甘遂半夏汤本题答案:25、单项选择题单纯乳突切开术的治疗目的为( )A.修补鼓膜B.重建听骨链C.恢复咽鼓管功能D.清除鼓室腔内病变E.清除鼓窦、鼓窦入口及乳突气房的病变组织本题答案:26、多项选择题既治热病口渴,又治内热消渴的药物是( )A.石膏B.栀子C.淡竹叶D.天花粉E.知母本题答案:27、多项选择题治疗牙龈肿痛可选( )A.防风B.山豆根C.羌活D.石膏E.黄连本题答案:28、单项选择题化脓性中耳炎引起的颞骨并发症不包括下列哪项( )A.迷路炎B.岩锥炎C.周围性面瘫D.岩部炎E.耳后骨膜下脓肿本题答案:29、单项选择题眶壁骨膜下脓肿的治疗A.切开引流、全身抗炎、促进鼻窦通气引流,后期行鼻窦手术B.积极治疗急性鼻窦炎C.即早施行筛窦和蝶窦开放术,全身应用抗生素、糖皮质激素D.及早施行视神经减压术E.药物治疗本题答案:30、单项选择题桂枝具有的功效是( )A.发汗解表,温脾暖肝B.发汗解表,温经止血C.发汗解表,温胃止呕D.发汗解肌,温经通阳,助阳化气E.发汗解表,宣肺平喘,利水消肿本题答案:31、单项选择题妇人经期中风,经水忽断,寒热往来,发作有时,治疗宜用( )A.桂枝汤B.抵当汤C.小柴胡汤D.桃仁承气汤本题答案:32、单项选择题患者神情默然,欲卧不能卧,欲行不能行,时欲饮食,时厌进食,如寒无寒,如热无热,口苦,尿赤,脉微数,治宜选用( )A.百合鸡子汤B.甘麦大枣汤C.百合知母汤D.百合地黄汤本题答案:33、多项选择题喉上神经是A.感觉神经B.运动神经C.交感神经D.副交感神经E.植物神经本题答案:34、单项选择题温经汤证出现“唇口干燥”的机制是( )A.水饮内停,津不上承B.脾失运化,清气不升C.瘀血内阻,津不上润D.肾气不足,气不化津本题答案:35、单项选择题下列哪项不符合心阳不足( )A.舌色偏淡B.脉迟C.倦怠思睡D.精神萎靡E.夜眠不安本题答案:36、多项选择题治疗肺痈宜选( )A.金银花B.山豆根C.连翘D.蒲公英E.鱼腥草本题答案:37、单项选择题《金匮》中大黄硝石汤韵服法是( )A.日三夜一服B.顿服C.分温再服D.分温三服本题答案:38、多项选择题扁桃体的血液供应来自( )A.腭升动脉B.腭降动脉C.面动脉扁桃体支D.咽升动脉扁桃体支E.舌背动脉本题答案:39、单项选择题不是四神丸药组的是( )A.肉豆蔻B.补骨脂C.人参D.五味子E.吴茱萸本题答案:40、单项选择题太阳中嘬,若数下之,则见( )A.恶寒甚B.发热甚C.淋甚D.口渴甚本题答案:41、单项选择题鼻疮相当于现代医学的( )A.急性鼻炎B.慢性鼻炎C.过敏性鼻炎D.萎缩性鼻炎E.鼻前庭炎本题答案:42、单项选择题外鼻静脉描述有误的是( )A.主要包括内眦静脉和面静脉B.内眦静脉直接与海绵窦相同C.无瓣膜D.主要汇入颈内静脉E.以上都错本题答案:43、单项选择题上颌窦癌采用综合治疗,5年生存率是( )A.10%~20%B.20%~30%C.30%~40%D.40%~50%E.40%~60%本题答案:44、多项选择题关于声带息肉的描述中正确的是A.可在一次强烈发声后引起B.不会引起呼吸困难C.表面光滑D.治疗以禁声为主E.基底较广,也可带蒂本题答案:45、单项选择题肺“通调水道”功能正常的生理基础是( )A.肺主一身之气B.肺司呼吸C.肺输精于皮毛D.肺朝百脉E.肺主宣发和肃降本题答案:46、单项选择题鼻咽癌的颅内侵犯常通过( )A.棘孔B.破裂孔C.颈静脉孔D.颈内动脉管E.圆孔本题答案:47、单项选择题有关鼻窦的说法正确的是( )A.两侧对称大小一致B.初生儿所有鼻窦均未发育C.粘膜菲薄脆弱仅在窦口附近较厚D.粘膜内有丰富的血管和腺体E.后组筛窦在中鼻道筛泡处本题答案:48、单项选择题急性咽后脓肿的治疗不应( )A.检查时警惕脓肿破裂B.宜早行切开排脓C.切开排脓应取后仰头低位D.穿刺抽脓后可在脓腔注射抗生素E.立即行气管切开术本题答案:49、单项选择题不支配扁桃体神经的是A.舌咽神经分支B.迷走神经分支C.舌下神经D.上颌神经E.交感神经本题答案:50、单项选择题鼻腔恶性肿瘤以上皮源性癌肿为主,其中未分化癌和鳞状细胞癌占( )A.10%以上B.20%以上C.40%以上D.80%以上E.90%以上本题答案:51、名词解释对照试验本题答案:52、单项选择题患者,男性,26岁,近日口腔黏膜疼痛不适,伴发热、乏力。



中华英语学习网:w ww .100yi ng y u .c o m中南大学2005博士研究生入学考试试题答案及解析 Entrance English Test for PhD Programs (2005)Paper OnePart I Vocabulary and Structure (10%)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words orphrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Sometimes very young children have trouble__________ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. A. separating B. having separated C. to separate D. of separating2. Anthropology is a science __________ anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. A. in that B. now that C. since that D. on that3. With all these exacerbating tensions of the 19th and 20th centuries, it was too much to expect that lawmakers, prime ministers, and presidents could understand, __________agree on, how to obtain this explosive mixture.A. even ifB. so as toC. even moreD. much less4. After every guest __________, the host had the dishes served. A. was sitting B. was seated C. was seating D. was sat5. __________ traffic delays, you had better start earlier if you want to catch 818 for New York city.A. Regardless ofB. Attributing toC. Allowing forD. Under the spell of6. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from __________ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars. A. configuration B. constitution C. condemnation D. contamination7. Many people are naturally distrustful of ambition, feeling that it represents something __________ in human nature.A. blatantB. philanthropicC. distressfulD. intractable中华英语学习网:w ww .100yi ng y u .c o m8. Most people believe that the study of another nation, its society and culture, not only can be fascinating but also __________. A. primeval B. legitimate C. newfangled D. beneficent9. In nature we know that wild creatures sometimes exhaust their vital sources and suffer the natural __________: drastic population reductions. A. capacity B. erosion C. remedy D. amenity10. The chairman gave me a hint that he would like me to think of some ready way of stoppingTom from __________ the proposal.A. lining upB. lying behindC. chiming inD. drifting into11. Monetary Union is a huge economic undertaking —but it is not just about economics. It is astep with __________ political implications —but it is not just politics. A. stupendous B. bruising C. tectonic D. internecine12. Since __________ firms are more fragile than most other traditional ones, they are even morevulnerable to economy-wide swings.A. inconsistentB. moderateC. nascentD. weird13. To the cynic, there are no wholly altruistic, unselfish acts; every human deed is __________ anulterior selfish motive. A. independent of B. emulated by C. disguised as D. founded upon14. He keeps his petrol receipts because petrol is one of the expenses that he can __________against taxes.A. dazzleB. offsetC. circumventD. impartial15. A university training enables a graduate to see things as they are, to go right to the point, todisentangle a __________ of thought.A. lineB. strandC. massD. plethora16. New technologies have often brought with them complex and __________ moral and socialdifficulties.A. vexingB. psychicC. alienatedD. somatic中华英语学习网:w ww .100yi ng y u .c o m17. The Lewis and Clark expedition left St. Louis in 1804 and traveled 7,700 miles __________the Pacific Coast.A. on way toB. on route toC. returning toD. in line to18. The Bessemer Process was once the most common method of making steel, but today thisprocess is considered __________.A. obsoleteB. ellipticalC. ovalD. eligible19. The other worry is that the entrepreneur will be forced to go public too early, so the venturecapitalist can __________ his investment. A. deflate B. pad around C. recoup D. cash out20. In almost every country, drug abuse, child abuse and alcohol abuse __________ mostchallenging social problems. A. preoccupied with B. displaced to be C. lend credence to D. loom as1.A 句意:有时小孩在分清现实和虚幻方面存在困难,他们可能认为那样的事情真正存在。



2003 年中南大学湘雅三医院耳鼻咽喉科学专业博士研究生入学试题一、 名词解释( 20 分)1 . nasal cycle2 . Ostiomeatal Complex (OMC )3 . Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS )4 . Laryngeal obstruction5 . bone conduction二、 简答题(每小题 10 ,共计 30 分)1 . 简述鼻源性头痛的特点。

2 . 简述喉癌的分型及各自的临床特点。

3. 简述颈部肿块 skandalakis 的“4个 80% 规律”与“3个 7规律 ”。

三、 问答题(每小题 15 分,共计 30 分)1.试述面神经全长的分段及分支。

2.试述颈部的境界、分区及各区的境界四、 病例分析( 20 分)女,50 岁。

回缩性涕血 6 月,右颈部肿块 4月,右耳鸣、重听,右面颊麻木感 1 月。


鼻咽部右侧咽隐窝饱满,粗糙伴血痂,伸舌正中,软 腭运动正常,双侧扁桃体不大。


右侧外耳道 宽敞,鼓膜光锥变形, 鼓膜内陷,有液平面。

颈部气管居中, 甲状腺不肿大, 右侧颈部可扪及 大小肿块,质硬,不活动,无压痛。

问题1 . 写出你的初步诊断2 . 有那些措施对你进一步明确诊断有意义? 协和医科大学 2005 年耳鼻喉(博士)一、名词解释1、阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征2、变应性鼻炎。



体查:双 5X 4cm二、选择及填空:1、鼻硬结病是一种(进行性肉芽肿)2、圆窗的位置及朝向及圆窗龛3、溴区的部位及面积及组成4、鼻神经内分泌肿瘤包括5、喉的神经支配三、问答论述1、内耳畸形的分类2、鼻内镜手术的基本术式及手术并发症及其扩展应用3、喉癌的分型及各种手术分型及其适应征4、化脓性中耳炎的分型及其手术简介5、耳科学近几年的新进展同济医科大学2005 年耳鼻喉(硕士复试)一、名次解释:(5X4')1、耳硬化症2、喉阻塞3、纵隔摆动4、腺样体面容5 、重振现象二、问答题:(4X 20' )1 、面神经的定位检查方法?2 、分泌性中耳炎的临床表现3、鼻内窥镜的治疗原理?4、喉癌的鉴别诊断复旦大学医学院2005 年耳鼻喉(博士)1.变应性鼻炎症状,鉴别诊断,诊断和治疗2.鼻内窥镜的应用,延伸应用,并发症及预防措施3.Cotis 器的感音过程4.胆脂瘤分型及发生机制5.颈部淋巴结分区及颈清术式6.鼻咽癌复发和残留的概念及处理喉部习题(一)填空题:1.使声门关闭的喉内肌主要为____________ 和__________ 。

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A. 筛前动脉
C. 鼻腭动脉
E. 上唇动脉
A. 上颌窦及额窦
C. 上颌窦及筛窦
D.筛窦及蝶窦E. 额窦及蝶窦
B. 医生的不慎操作也可导致鼓膜外伤。
C. 鼓膜外伤后,应局部滴用抗生素药液,以防继发感染。
D. 鼓膜外伤而无继发性感染时,重要的处理原则是禁止外耳道冲洗和滴药。
E. 绝大多数外伤性鼓膜穿孔可在20~30天内自愈
A. 听力减退以传导性聋和自听增强为特点。
E. 当内淋巴背离椭圆囊流动时,外半规管壶腹嵴受到强刺激,而上、后垂直半规管受 刺激较弱;当内淋巴朝向椭圆囊流动时,外半规管受弱刺激而2个垂直半规管受强 刺激。
A. 耳屏前
B. 对耳屏前
C. 耳轮脚前
D. 耳后沟
E. 耳垂
B. 前、后皱襞
C. 锤骨柄
D. 鼓膜脐
E. 光锥
A. 半规管对其所在平面的角变速运动最敏感
B. 眼震的方向与受刺激半规管所在的平面一致
C. 眼震的快相朝向前庭兴奋性高的一侧
D. 当内淋巴流向壶腹,嵴帽向椭圆囊侧倾倒时,外半规管壶腹嵴受到强刺激,而上、 后垂直半规管受刺激较弱;当内淋巴背离椭圆囊流动(即向半规管侧流动)时,外 半规管和2个垂直半规管受到的刺激与前一情况相反。
A. 7小时10次;
B. 7小时睡眠中,大于10秒的口/鼻气流暂停次数至少大于15次
C. 7小时睡眠中,大于10秒的口/鼻气流暂停次数至少大于20次;
D. 7小时睡眠中,大于10秒的口/鼻气流暂停次数至少大于30次;
E. 7小时睡眠中,大于10秒的口/鼻气流暂停次数至少大于40次。
A. 鳞状细胞癌
B. 淋巴细胞癌
C. 基底细胞癌
D. 移行细胞癌
E. 腺癌
A. 舌背
B. 腭舌弓
C. 悬雍垂
B. 单侧喉返神经完全性麻痹
B. 鼓膜内陷和鼓室积液征是体格检查时能见到的主要体征。
C. 耳闭塞感或闷胀感,按压耳屏后可暂时减轻。
D. 耳鸣是必有的症状。
E. 有些病人头位改变时可出现暂时性听力改善的情况。
A. 耳蜗外毛细胞有运动能力
B. 外来强声刺激耳蜗外毛细胞引起自发性放电,产生逆向电冲动即自发性耳声发射;
D. 双侧喉返神经完全性麻痹
A. 扁桃体被膜与咽上缩肌之间
B. 扁桃体被膜与咽中缩肌之间
C. 扁桃体被膜与咽下缩肌之间
D. 扁桃体被膜与咽腭肌之间E. 以上都不是
secretory otitis media
air conduction
endoscopic sinus surgery
trautman’s triangle
elective neck dissection
A. 颞骨乳突部
B. 颞骨鳞部
C. 颞骨岩部
D. 颞骨鼓部
E. 以上各部的交界区域
2 以下各项,哪一项不是鼓膜的解剖标志?
A. 锤骨短突
A. 全部颅底骨折中,约1/3侵及颞骨岩部。
B. 纵行骨折约占20%,横行骨折约占70~80%
C. 岩尖骨折可损伤Ⅱ~Ⅵ颅神经,产生相应的临床症状。
D. 岩尖骨折时可损伤颈内动脉,导致致命性的大出血。
E. 颞骨骨折可出现脑脊液鼻漏。
A. 鼓膜外伤的原因,既可为直接的机械损伤,也可为气压损伤。
C. 外毛细胞的运动经逆向机械传导推动鼓膜震动,产生在外耳道可探测到的声波;
D. 探测到耳声发射,说明受试耳蜗Corti氏器形态架构、外毛细胞和中耳结构正常;
E. 对中耳正常的感音性聋,用耳蜗电图结合耳声发射检测可鉴别耳蜗和蜗后病变。