The beauty of the dress 汉服英文ppt

If its collar likes the number“11”, we can called it duijinruqun (对襟襦裙) . When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).
When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.
There are fifty-six ethnic groups in China, and fifty-five of them have their own national costume.
The history of HanFu
Hanfu(Hanbiuk) clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中 国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 5000 years since China originally began. 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在, 至今已有近 5000 年的历史。 It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).

如意襟(Ruyi jin) jin)
斜襟(slanting Jin)
high collar low collar
无领 collarless
Representative figures
• 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (19201995) A well-known writer, be addicted to cheongsam.
It is recorded that cheong-sam began in the Qing Dynasty. 据记载,旗袍始于清代。
The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent. 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。
Qipao (Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman.
The Chinese traditional culture –
The definition of cheongsam The origin of cheongsam The structure of cheongsam Representative figures Pictures appreciating
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. 民国
From the 1930s to 1940sGolden Era

其实,这里面有一个关键事件--辛亥革命。辛亥革命推翻 了封建帝制,,女性的自主意识开始觉醒,社会地位逐步提 综合来看,旗袍在风云变幻的大时代中,裙 高,并得到认可。加之,随着女学堂和女子出国留学人数 摆越来越短,开叉越来越高,这是为何呢? 的增加,近代知识女性群体逐步形成,她们从繁重的劳作 中解放出来,以一种更加开放和独立的眼光来审视自身。 在她们的推动下,天足运动、天乳运动轰轰烈烈的开展, 既然要解放女性身体,更应该显示女性独特的一面,旗袍 也开始向紧身、短摆、开衩等方向发展。
方领的形状中规中矩、方方正正,领角的包边又方中带 圆,十分精致。这种领型,给人端庄大气的感觉
波浪领是一种比较少见的领型,领边是起伏的波浪形。 不似传统领型,波浪领多了一些浪漫和俏皮,造型很 特别
高度盖住两腮,硬领斜压在下巴两侧,看起来,有旗装 的风韵,是很复古的领型
类似翻领,款式比较新潮,如花托衬托容颜,给人娇 俏柔美的感觉。面料会采用稍微厚一些的锦缎或棉麻, 来保证领子立起来翻折,不至于软塌塌地垂下来
兰花清新淡雅, 深受文人雅士的 喜爱。在旗袍上 以兰花作为装饰, 也能够凸显女性 的温婉气质。
高风亮节,坚韧 不拔,是想到竹 的第一印象。旗 袍纹样中的竹的 形象,大多是翠 绿的竹叶点缀在 旗袍上。。
花草图案是旗袍 纹样当中运用最 多的花纹,既可 以简单简约,也 可以富丽华贵。
《The Qipao》
A Traditional Chinese Dress
The history of Qipao The classification of Qipao The pattern on the Qipao Qipao in contemporary development
旗袍PPT 英文版 最赞版

Thank you for watching! O(∩_∩)O
• It is known in Mandarin Chinese(普通 话) as the qí páo in Beijing and Shanghai .
The origin(起源)
The Cheongsam (旗袍)came from the Manchus (满族人)who grew out of(产生于 ) ancient Nuzhen tribes(女真部落). • In the early 17th century, Nurhachi(努尔哈赤 ), a great political and military strategist, unified the various Nuzhen tribes and set up the Eight Banners System(八旗制度). Over the years, a collarless(无领), tube- shaped gown was developed, which was worn by both men and women. That is the embryo (萌芽)of the Qipao. The dress is called Qipao in Chinese or translated as “banner gown(旗服)", for it came from the people who lived under the Banner System.
The style
• Chi-pao has many styles, and the change is mainly based on sleeves, Jin, collar, openings, and the length of Cheongsam. • Sleeves (袖子): wide sleeves, narrow and long sleeves, middle sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless. • Jin(襟): round jin, straight jin, slanting jin( 斜襟), double jin(双襟), and so on.

short sleeves sleeveless
旗 Ch如eong意sam 襟(Ruyi jin) 袍 中国
琵琶襟(Pipa jin)
斜襟(slanting Jin) 双襟(double Jin)
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
high collar low collar
set aside. But in 1950s and 1960s, cheongsams
began to show up again in the people's lives.中华
和1960年代,旗袍又开始出现在人们的生活. .
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
covered with lice. 生命是一袭华美的袍子, 上
面 爬 满了虱子
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
• 宋美龄 • Soong May-ling
(1897-2003) • First lady in
Republic of China.
She owns the most number of qipao all over the world.
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. 民国初,旗袍又开始流行
旗 Cheongsam
袍 中国 特色
From the 1930s to 1940s
Golden EraБайду номын сангаас
short sleeves sleeveless
旗 Ch如eong意sam 襟(Ruyi jin) 袍 中国
琵琶襟(Pipa jin)
斜襟(slanting Jin) 双襟(double Jin)
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
high collar low collar
set aside. But in 1950s and 1960s, cheongsams
began to show up again in the people's lives.中华
和1960年代,旗袍又开始出现在人们的生活. .
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
covered with lice. 生命是一袭华美的袍子, 上
面 爬 满了虱子
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
• 宋美龄 • Soong May-ling
(1897-2003) • First lady in
Republic of China.
She owns the most number of qipao all over the world.
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. 民国初,旗袍又开始流行
旗 Cheongsam
袍 中国 特色
From the 1930s to 1940s
Golden EraБайду номын сангаас

Cultural connotation
“有章服之美,谓之华,有礼仪之大,故称夏。” ——《左传》 “冕服华章曰华,大国曰夏”——《尚书》
Hanfu have casual and formal clothes,Corona suit is the most grand imperial officials formal dresses,it is for festivals.
3.Holding HanFu wedding.(婚礼)
1.Wearing Han Clothes to sacrifice .(祭祀)
2.Wearing Han Clothes to celebrate to be an adult.(成人礼)
3.Holding Han Clothes wedding.(婚礼)
Modern HanFu
汉服连衣裙 儿童汉服
汉 服 短 裙
The End
Above all, Hanfu Renaissance surely will encourage citizens in China to turn their roles to be the real masters of their country, society and themselves. I hope more and more Chinese can focus on our traditional culture.
• Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It’s a kind of gown(长袍) which Slit at the sides.(两边开叉) •Intellectuals书生
旗袍 英文PPT

●Rectangular outline (外轮廓呈长方形) ● clothes do not get the waist down (衣服上下不取腰身) ● Horseshoe-shaped sleeve cover hand (马蹄袖盖手)
● set rolling craft decoration (镶滚工艺装饰)
First lady’s style
Thanks for your attention!
western-style cutting method standard clothing of the modern Chinese women
Qipao (Ch'ipau) is one of the most typical, traditional costumes for Chinese women. Also known as cheongsam, it is like a wonderful flower in the Chinese colorful fashion scene because of its particular charm. It can display Chinese women's modesty, softness and beauty.
The name cheongsam meaning simply long dress entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province.

旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
Qing dynasty
Republic of China
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
Frog 盘扣
The structure
Mandarin collar 立领
Lapel / front of a garment襟 衩
She owns the most number of qipao all over the world.
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
Where there are Chinese there is her voice, she really made the beauty of the cheongsam, cheongsam accomplished her legend.
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again.
旗 • Cheongsam From the 1930s to 1940sGolden Era
The origin
the Manchus (满族人)
Nurhachi(努 尔哈赤)
Banner gown (旗服)
Embryo a
collarless, tube -shaped gown
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国

46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。——陆游 48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。——史美尔斯 49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我哦!
11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
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Chi-pao has many styles,and the change is mainly
based on sleeves,Jin,collar,openings,and the length of
sleeves (袖子)
long sleeves
short sleeves
flower frog
straigolding fan 折扇
Oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞
Katy Perry
In my opinion
美丽的 National 民族的 Elegant 精致的 Graceful 优雅的
Representative figures
张爱玲 Eileen Chang(1920--1995) A well-known writer,was addicted to cheongsam.
Life is a colorful gown,covered
with lice.
My opinion
Share (分享)
The definition (定义)
The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao,also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长衫).
A body-hugging(紧身的)one-piece(连 衣裙) Chinese dress.
The English vocabulary cheongsam comes from the Cantonese(广东话).
It is known in Mandarin Chinese(普通话)
as the Chi-pao in Beijing and Shanghai.
Myth (传说)
Compared with the heavy and complicated in the Qing dynasty, it becomes simple, generous, appropriate .
Reflects the natural beauty of the human body curves.
A manchu fishing girl called "black girl"
Fingshing coveniently
Change the dress from wide
to tight
Be the wife of the emperor Wide spread
The origin (起源)
Ruyi Jin(如意襟)
Jin (襟)
Pipa Jin(琵琶襟)
slanting Jin(斜襟)
double Jin(双襟)
low collar
high collar
high opening
low opening
邓丽君 Lijun Deng Where there are Chinese there is her voice,she really made the beauty of the cheongsam,cheongsam accomplished
her legend.
有华人的地方就有邓丽君的歌声,她成全 了旗袍的美丽,旗袍成就了她的传奇。
Present TheRepublic of China Qing
The structure (结构)
Lapel / front of a garment 衣襟
Collar 领子
Embroidery 刺绣
Frog 盘扣
Sleeves 袖子
Opening 衩
The style (样式)
The cheongsam (旗袍)came from the Manchus
(满族人)who grew out of (生产于) ancient
Nuzhen trbies (女真部落).
In the early 17th century,Nurhachi(努尔哈赤),a great
political and military strategist,unified the various Nuzhen
Compared with large variation of the women's cheongsam, gown worn by men has little change.
化,男士长衫只是有些许 的变化。
It is served for the dress.It
is also one of an indispensable part of the
I believe that the cheongsam,the Chinese national garment will develop well and stand in the peak of the world clothing (屹立于世界服装的顶峰)in the future.
In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm (魅力), elegance (典雅)and neatness(整洁).
No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.
The distinction (区别)
Qing:broad,flat,long to feet,silk Present:shaped waist Qing:wearing slacks,see the bottom of trousers from the opening. Present:wearing silk stockings,show the legs Qing:use brocade(织锦)or jacquard(提 花织物). Present:printed fabric(印花织物), simplicity.
目 录
1 2
The definition (定义) The origin (起源)
3 4
The development(发展)
The distinction (区别)
目 录
5 6
Representative figures (典型人物) The structure (结构)
Uniform 制服
Beauty Contest 选美比赛
The Olympic Games volunteer 2008 奥运会志愿者
2014 “APEC”
Diplomatic occasions 外交场合
<One Day> Anne Hathaway 安妮海瑟薇
Celine Dion 席琳迪翁
生命是一袭华美的裙子,上面爬满 了虱子。
宋美龄 Soong May—ling(1897—2003) First Lady in Republic of China. She owns the most number of
Chi-pao all over the world.
small items .
于 盛 放 手 绢 等 小 物 品
在 长 袍 的 掩 襟 上 普 遍 安 有 一 个 口 袋 , 便
最 初 , 长 袍 上 都 不 带 口 袋 。 民 国 以 后 ,
cross-talk (相声)
Romance in the Rain (情深深雨蒙蒙)
The development——
The modernized version(版本) is noted for accentuating (强调 ) the figures of women.
Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste.
Wide and loose Cover body A - line
The development——
Republic of China
Cheongsam began tightening girth of the republic of China (民国), shorten length, emphasized (着重)in conformity with the female body curves .
From the Qing Dynasty to the Modern Trend of “Antique” 从满清“古董”到时尚潮流
How do you think of ChiPao?
Yifei Liu
Ni Ni
Wei Tang
Manyu Zhang
Bozhi Zhang
Yuanyuan Gao
trbies and set up the Eight Banners System(八旗制度).
The dress is called Qipao in Chinese or translated as "banner gown(旗服)",for it came from the people who lived under the Banner System.
based on sleeves,Jin,collar,openings,and the length of
sleeves (袖子)
long sleeves
short sleeves
flower frog
straigolding fan 折扇
Oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞
Katy Perry
In my opinion
美丽的 National 民族的 Elegant 精致的 Graceful 优雅的
Representative figures
张爱玲 Eileen Chang(1920--1995) A well-known writer,was addicted to cheongsam.
Life is a colorful gown,covered
with lice.
My opinion
Share (分享)
The definition (定义)
The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao,also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长衫).
A body-hugging(紧身的)one-piece(连 衣裙) Chinese dress.
The English vocabulary cheongsam comes from the Cantonese(广东话).
It is known in Mandarin Chinese(普通话)
as the Chi-pao in Beijing and Shanghai.
Myth (传说)
Compared with the heavy and complicated in the Qing dynasty, it becomes simple, generous, appropriate .
Reflects the natural beauty of the human body curves.
A manchu fishing girl called "black girl"
Fingshing coveniently
Change the dress from wide
to tight
Be the wife of the emperor Wide spread
The origin (起源)
Ruyi Jin(如意襟)
Jin (襟)
Pipa Jin(琵琶襟)
slanting Jin(斜襟)
double Jin(双襟)
low collar
high collar
high opening
low opening
邓丽君 Lijun Deng Where there are Chinese there is her voice,she really made the beauty of the cheongsam,cheongsam accomplished
her legend.
有华人的地方就有邓丽君的歌声,她成全 了旗袍的美丽,旗袍成就了她的传奇。
Present TheRepublic of China Qing
The structure (结构)
Lapel / front of a garment 衣襟
Collar 领子
Embroidery 刺绣
Frog 盘扣
Sleeves 袖子
Opening 衩
The style (样式)
The cheongsam (旗袍)came from the Manchus
(满族人)who grew out of (生产于) ancient
Nuzhen trbies (女真部落).
In the early 17th century,Nurhachi(努尔哈赤),a great
political and military strategist,unified the various Nuzhen
Compared with large variation of the women's cheongsam, gown worn by men has little change.
化,男士长衫只是有些许 的变化。
It is served for the dress.It
is also one of an indispensable part of the
I believe that the cheongsam,the Chinese national garment will develop well and stand in the peak of the world clothing (屹立于世界服装的顶峰)in the future.
In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm (魅力), elegance (典雅)and neatness(整洁).
No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.
The distinction (区别)
Qing:broad,flat,long to feet,silk Present:shaped waist Qing:wearing slacks,see the bottom of trousers from the opening. Present:wearing silk stockings,show the legs Qing:use brocade(织锦)or jacquard(提 花织物). Present:printed fabric(印花织物), simplicity.
目 录
1 2
The definition (定义) The origin (起源)
3 4
The development(发展)
The distinction (区别)
目 录
5 6
Representative figures (典型人物) The structure (结构)
Uniform 制服
Beauty Contest 选美比赛
The Olympic Games volunteer 2008 奥运会志愿者
2014 “APEC”
Diplomatic occasions 外交场合
<One Day> Anne Hathaway 安妮海瑟薇
Celine Dion 席琳迪翁
生命是一袭华美的裙子,上面爬满 了虱子。
宋美龄 Soong May—ling(1897—2003) First Lady in Republic of China. She owns the most number of
Chi-pao all over the world.
small items .
于 盛 放 手 绢 等 小 物 品
在 长 袍 的 掩 襟 上 普 遍 安 有 一 个 口 袋 , 便
最 初 , 长 袍 上 都 不 带 口 袋 。 民 国 以 后 ,
cross-talk (相声)
Romance in the Rain (情深深雨蒙蒙)
The development——
The modernized version(版本) is noted for accentuating (强调 ) the figures of women.
Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste.
Wide and loose Cover body A - line
The development——
Republic of China
Cheongsam began tightening girth of the republic of China (民国), shorten length, emphasized (着重)in conformity with the female body curves .
From the Qing Dynasty to the Modern Trend of “Antique” 从满清“古董”到时尚潮流
How do you think of ChiPao?
Yifei Liu
Ni Ni
Wei Tang
Manyu Zhang
Bozhi Zhang
Yuanyuan Gao
trbies and set up the Eight Banners System(八旗制度).
The dress is called Qipao in Chinese or translated as "banner gown(旗服)",for it came from the people who lived under the Banner System.