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The broad avenues carpeted with fallen leaves of plane trees ushers in the Year of Chinese Culture in October, the golden fall in France.


The Year of Chinese Culture was inaugurated on Oct. 7 in Paris. Our French friends we met here all felt pleased and hailed the splendid Chinese culture from afar. In response to a question at the press conference Chen Zhili, member of the Standing Committee of the State Council put it like this, "Close your eyes and muse upon it. Is there any other choice better than France for the Year of Chinese Culture to make its maiden show out of China?"


It is true that France, the fourth economic power in the world, is a country featuring a unique charm and flavor of culture. And what we must especially stress is that the present French leaders are always persistent in advocating the diversity of different cultures. At the UN pulpit and various international occasions diplomatic and cultural we've often heard their strong voices for the appreciation of and learning from cultures and civilizations other than that of their own. Chirac, French president himself dotes on oriental culture and is even a connoisseur in ancient Chinese bronzeware. The year before when paying a visit to the porcelain exhibition at the French National Museum of Asian Arts reopened after the restoration he bowed respectfully to the exhibits there. And when the photo was published in French papers the hearts of the people were greatly moved. With such a basis of mutual understanding on culture it is obviously logical for the two cultural giants China oriental and France occidental to hold the Cultural Year in cooperation.



Dominique de Villepin, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, writes beautiful essays and poems as he took a liking in literature. At the opening ceremony, he made a sincere and moving speech in which he says: " The Year of Chinese Culture offers us an opportunity to understand China from different angles, especially from her diversified forms of culture, her vigorous and enthusiastic creativeness."


The Year of Chinese Culture is a showcase of Chinese culture and oriental civilization, which is utterly different from that of the west. For hundreds of years, people in the west marveled at the mystery of Chinese culture. Now, the event under the theme of "Ancient China, Colorful China, and Modern China" will offer French people a spiritual enjoyment of the Chinese traditional culture, ethnic and local culture in an all-round and deeper way. It has displayed to the French public colorful and varied culture of China, a flourishing vista in which hundred flowers are vying with one another to blossom. 对这个文化百花园,法国公众可以有多种期待。德维尔潘说,他最期待的是明年3月底在巴黎大宫揭幕的《“神圣的山峰”文物展》,那是中国历代山水画作品和相关文物的大展示。他认为,中国山水画展示了大自然在中国人心目中的崇高地位。法国文化部长阿亚贡认为,10月底在集美博物馆揭幕的《孔子文化展》值得期待,因为孔子创立的儒家学说绵延至今,惠及西方。还有一些人表示,生气蓬勃的现代中国,使艺术家们在艺术创造领域迸发出激情,表现出
