
⼝译基础⼝译基础第⼀课研讨会symposium名⽚bussiness card环岛路Around-the-Island road设宴洗尘host a reception dinner in one's honor会议议程表conference program投影仪overhead projector(美国)国务院the State Department有⼀点⼗分相似to have one thing very much in common从事地质⼯作to practice geology军事⽣涯military career盛情款待to extend hospitality to someone相互结识to get to know one another千⾥之⾏,始于⾜下A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.祝酒;为……⼲杯to propose a toast (to…)持续进步continued advancement建⽴安全、繁荣与和平的世界to build a secure,prosperous and peaceful world 应某⼈的邀请at the invitation of谨代表on behalf of致以诚挚的问候to extend warm greetings to最好的祝愿best wishes访问的第⼀站the first leg of one's visit充满活⼒的经济dynamic economies常青州the Evergreen State翡翠城the Emerald City重要门户important gateway经贸往来economic and trade exchanges互利合作mutually beneficial cooperation发展势头良好sound momentum of growth事关两国共同利益的重⼤问题major issues bearing on our common interests 就……交换意见to exchange views on 与……⼴泛接触to have extensive contacts with…增进两国⼈民的相互了解和友谊to enhance mutual understanding and friendship第⼆课销售班⼦sales team发展势头momentum of progress代理商agent业务伙伴bussiness partner阁下Your Excellency回报reciprocate双边经济关系bilateral economic linkages上市to be listed新加坡证交所Singapore Exchange长久的友谊enduring friendship考察活动bussiness trip订单order按时按质按量in accordance with the terms for the time of delivery, quality and quantity 依依不舍unwilling to depart 海内存知⼰,天涯若⽐邻A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near第三课阁下His/Her/Your Excellency东盟ASEAN(Association of South-East Nations)中国——东盟博览会China-ASEAN Expo同⾈共济to cross the river in the same boat参会客商bussiness participants“10+1” ⾃贸区"Ten plus One"Free Trade Area轮值主席国rotating presidency/rotating chairmanshi远见卓识great vision源远流长to have a long standing感受to have a touch of临邦情谊friendly neighborhood剪彩to cut the ribbon for科克(爱尔兰共和国港⼝城市)Cork母校alma mater第⼀流的foremost名副其实的veritable充满活⼒的vibrant推动⼒impetus商议deliberations室内合唱团Chamber Choir红河⾕Red River Valley康定情歌Love Song of Kangding不分彼此no distinction between each other 闻名遐迩to be known far and wide友好使者envoy of friendship拨动⼼弦play upon the heart strings第四课新闻发布会press conference锦标赛championship选拔赛qualification competition肯尼亚Kenya坦桑尼亚Tanzania厄⽠多尔Ecuador埃塞俄⽐亚Ethiopia绿化⼴场landscaped square航拍aerial view电视直播be televised live电⼦芯⽚electronic chips创世界记录奖World Record Award男⼦冠军Men's Champion⼥⼦冠军Women's Champion团队之星Teamgeist Ball淘汰drop out四分之⼀决赛the quarter final半决赛semi-final提供球⾐to outfit官⽅赞助商official sponsor北京奥组委BOCOG楷模role models残疾⼈奥运会the Paralympic Games凝聚⼒the unifying power⽆与伦⽐的exceptional第五课三峡Three Gorges游船、快艇yacht张飞庙Zhang Fei Temple⽩帝城Baidi City(White Emperor City)套餐package meal(合同)⼀式两份in two copies码头dock / pier管委会administrative committee⾏程itinerary随⾝物件personal belongings⼯作⼈员staff民族风情表演区Ethnic Performance Section 门票admission 国家公园National Park打算,想be tempted to采取预防措施take precautions舒适耐穿的鞋sensible footwear第六课由导游带领的步⾏观光 a conducted walk防⽔waterproof带风帽的夹克anorak结实的stout植物园the botanical garden战争纪念碑the war memorial敦提Dundee向某⼈咨询to pick one's brains早礼拜morning service格林尼治天⽂台Royal Greenwich Observatory本初⼦午线Greenwich Meridian Line普拉森舍宫the Palace of Placentia泰晤⼠河the Thames River国家航海博物馆the National Maritime Museum皇家海军军校Royal Naval College马⿅red deer杜鹃花azaleas and rhododendrons植物园a herb garden伦敦马拉松London Marathon马术⽐赛the equestrian events飞驰galloping放松伸展to unwind拙政园the Zhuozheng Garden/Humble Administrator's Garden国务院the State Council全国重点⽂物保护单位important historical site under state protection ⽂化遗产cultural legacy 瑰宝treasure叱咤风云celebrities of great influence官场失意to suffer setbacks in one's official career归隐to live in seclusion全景图panorama因地制宜be adapted to local topography中轴线axis line对称格局symmetric layout漆雕画lacquer painting"障景" camouflage view雕花engraved门框doorframe长⽅形rectangular落地罩floor frame榭pavilion曲折蜿蜒winding/zigzagging"框景" frame view第七课流⾏服饰the latest fashions最先进的电⼦设备cutting edge electronics减价Sales时装精品屋boutique铜锣湾Causeway Bay崇光百货Sogo Department Store充满活⼒的vibrant商业中⼼emporiums天星码头巴⼠总站Star Ferry terminal海港城Harbor City旺⾓Mong Kok尖沙咀Tsim Sha Tsui乌龙茶Oolong Tea深加⼯deep processing龙头企业 a leading enterprise指定be designated钓鱼台国宾馆Diaoyutai National Guesthouse ⽆菌germ-free茶艺表演tea-making performance⽜津郡Oxfordshire⽐斯特购物村Bicester Village设计师品牌designer brands经销店outlet过季的a season out of date时装fashion wear化妆品beauty products⾮常便宜a great saving假冒伪劣产品counterfeit and shoddy products 地道的正牌货authentic branded product 顶级top-notch极低的价格bargain basement price超值incredible value第⼋课越南Vietnam调动员⼯积极性ignite employee’s motivation 全⼼全意fully committed反馈机制feedback system舍得投⼊be generous in investing经销商dealer⼥装women dress内外贸易domestic and foreign trade时尚fashion优雅elegance⾛向辉煌achieve great success眼光卓著far-sighted不虚此⾏rewarding欧宝Opel威达Vectra全球⾸发式world premiere⽇内⽡车展Geneva Motor Show中型车市场mid-size segment环境友好型汽车,环保型汽车environmentally compatible vehicles第九课分期付款payment by installment来料加⼯process with client’s materials合资经营joint venture科学管理scientific management交货delivery伟达电⼦Weida Electronics市委municipal committee of the Communist Party of China招商引资investment promotion雄厚实⼒tremendous strength⽀柱产业pillar industry主动服务active service全程服务complete service(公司)竣⼯投产complete its construction and start its operation 事业蒸蒸⽇上prosperous business 国际⾦融公司IFC the International Finance Corporation股本投资equity investment惠泽中国控股有限公司ACHL Advantage China Holdings Limited 住房按揭贷款home mortgage finance 新兴市场emerging market第⼗课⾏政部门administrative departments周转快的货物faster moving items现货stock三班制on three shifts零配件accessories联营单位associates装配线assembly line安全帽helmet不合格rejectNW型产品NW Model⼩册⼦brochure销售⽬录catalogue说明书instruction⼈⼒资源部Human Resource Department占地⾯积cover an area of品检quality control打包package货架rack旺季peak season20尺柜twenty feet container 多功能厅multi-function room 台球billiards 代理商agent品检部quality control division ⼩吃refreshments被抛弃be left out功能厅function room。

o Cela vous dérange, si je fume ?
o Je préfèrais que vous ne fumiez pas
o Vous êtes ici déjà depuis quand ?
o C’ est votre premier voyage à Paris ?
o J我e会p到e您u住x的酒vo店u找s您。emmener en voiture
o Comment allez- vous ?
o J’ ai été très content de parler avec vous
o Merci, ce n’est vraiment pas la peine
Texte II : àl’aérogare ( à la recherche d’un sac)
o Excusez- moi, monsieur, tous les bagages sont arrivés et il nous manque un sac. Auriez- vous l’ obligeance de faire des recherches ?
第一课 讲师:刘志高
Texte I
o Bonjour, monsieur, seriez-vous par hasard M. Brunel ?
o Je suis content de vous voir.
中级口译翻译教程Unit One (课堂PPT)

• V.延伸;绵延;舒展
• [C]一片;一泓;一段
• Eg:The procession stretched for several miles...
• Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes
• [U] 地形
• [C] 地产、地皮、 国家、国土
• V: 降落 (反义词: launch 弹射起飞,
发射 take off飞机的起飞)
• Eg: His lands were poorly farmed. 他的田地耕种不当。
• . 160 acres of land. 160英亩土地
飞机越过这些崇山峻岭之后,就可以从 高空向加利福尼亚富饶的谷地滑翔而下, 最后在离太平洋海滩不远的机场降落。
• [C] 山脉
• [C]射击场;靶场;射程
• V. 变化; (文章或讲话)涉及,包括
• Eg: ..the massive mountain ranges to the north.
• 试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。
• This stretch of Lost River was broader and deeper.
• 洛斯特里弗的这片水域又宽又深。
The Pacific Ocean
• 太平洋
The Atlantic Ocean
• 大西洋
长久以来,美国被认为是个“大熔炉”, 因为很多美国人是移民的后代,他们的 祖辈从世界各地来到这块新大陆安家落 户。
口译学习 第一讲

Lesson 1

V.口译的过程 口译的过程 The Process of Interpretation
口译的基本过程| 输入 | → | 解译 | → | 输出 | 口译过程的形式 |源语输入 | → | 语码转换|→ | 译语输出 | 口译过程的内容 |信息感知 | → | 信息处理|→ | 信息表达 | 口译过程的这三个阶段可具体分解为信息的接收, 口译过程的这三个阶段可具体分解为信息的接收, 解码,记录, 编码和表达这五个阶段:|接受 接受|→ 解码,记录, 编码和表达这五个阶段 接受 → |解码 →|记录 →|编码 →| 表达 解码|→ 记录 记录|→ 编码 编码|→ 表达| 解码
译员的素质 The Qualification Requirements for an Interpreter
1.译员必须具有良好的职业道德和爱国主义的情操. 译员必须具有良好的职业道德和爱国主义的情操. 译员必须具有良好的职业道德和爱国主义的情操 2.译员必须有扎实的两种语言或两种以上语言的功底. 译员必须有扎实的两种语言或两种以上语言的功底. 译员必须有扎实的两种语言或两种以上语言的功底 3.译员必须具备清晰,流畅,达意的表达能力. 译员必须具备清晰, 译员必须具备清晰 流畅,达意的表达能力. 4.译员必须有一个敏捷,聪颖的头脑 具备良好的心脑记忆能 .译员必须有一个敏捷,聪颖的头脑, 逻辑思维能力,辨析解意能力和应变反应能力. 力,逻辑思维能力,辨析解意能力和应变反应能力. 5.译员必须有广博的知识 译员必须有广博的知识 6.译员必须具有高尚,忠诚,稳重,谦虚的品格和大方素雅,洁 译员必须具有高尚, 译员必须具有高尚 忠诚,稳重,谦虚的品格和大方素雅, 净得体的仪表. 净得体的仪表. 7.口译译员有敏锐的听觉是极其重要的.译员有好的听力 还需 口译译员有敏锐的听觉是极其重要的. 口译译员有敏锐的听觉是极其重要的 译员有好的听力,还需 要有良好的收听条件. 要有良好的收听条件 8.译员必须学会同时做三件事一一认真听,记笔记,思考翻译这 译员必须学会同时做三件事一一认真听, 译员必须学会同时做三件事一一认真听 记笔记, 确实是一项高度紧张的脑力劳动,要求译员不但听力好 要求译员不但听力好, 确实是一项高度紧张的脑力劳动 要求译员不但听力好 , 理解力 而且要记忆力好,反应快. 强, 而且要记忆力好,反应快.

Introduction to Interpretation
Definition of Interpretation
It involves comprehending the exact meaning and intention of the source language and expressing it in the target language with accuracy and fluency
Executive Interpretation
The interpreter translates the spooked words of the source language after they have been delivered, either note taking or without notes
Standards for Interpretation
The interpreter must accurately translate the source language into the target language, ensuring that the meaning and intention are fully conveyed.
The interpreter needs to have a good memory to store and recall information during the interpretation process
Language conversion skills
Language comprehension
英语口译基础教程 1. interpreting course

3) In terms of ways:
单向口译 ( one-way interpretation ) 双向口译 ( two-way interpretation )
A Brief history of conference interpreting as a modern profession
b. Dissimilarities The Other Basic Requirements for Interpreters
(1) Acute hearing (to grasp the meaning) (2)A good command of idioms, slang and proverbs, as well as register & appropriateness. (3)Phonetic competence (accent, intonation, stress and rhythms) & public speaking skills (4) Outstanding memory and note-taking ability (5) psychological competence: quick-witted, calm, resourceful (avoid panic and stage fright)
* Translating: i n p u t → c o m pr e h en s i on → (output)expression → checking
3) In terms of criteria a. Similarities: a faithful reproduction in natural TL. b. Differences:
Lecture 1 - 口译入门

口译最大的特点为“口语性”、“即时性”和 “现场性”。首先,口译是口头翻译,所以在用词 造句上不那么严谨,有可能出现语法、词汇的错误 ,也有可能打梗停顿等等;其次,口译是一种即席 性很强的信息转换活动,口译员需要在很短的时间 内将信息流畅地传达出来。此外,口译员必须照顾 到口译的现场效果,要具有很强的即席反应能力和 高超的临场发挥水平。
Exercise 2( C-E)
澳大利亚是一个独一无二的国家。它是世界 上最大的岛屿,但同时也是世界上最小的洲。 事实上,澳大利亚是唯一一个独立成洲的国 家。它面积跟美国差不多大,但只有1650 万人口。如果它听起来像一个旅游胜地,那 是因为它真的名副其实。
Exercise 3(听写训练)
Doing Business In The United States
*In-class performance: 20% *Attendance: 20% (2 points will be taken off for one absence) *A practical interpreting examination at the end of the semester: 60%
形 式 分 类
陪同/联络口译 会议口译 商务口译 法庭口译 旅游口译 媒体口译 电话口译
内 容 分 类
同声传译是指口译员利用同声传译 设备,坐在隔音同传室( Booth,俗 称 “箱子”)里,一面通过耳机收听 源语发言人的讲话,一面几乎同步地对 着话筒把讲话人所表达的全部信息内容 准确、完整地传译成目的语,其译语输 出通过发送器输送。需要传译服务的与 会者,可以通过接收器,调到自己所需 的语言频道,从耳机中收听相应的译语 输出。
商务口译 Lesson 1

Unit One Foreign Affairs ReceptionLearning Objectives:※A good understanding of the definition of business communication.※A clear idea of the procedures for a foreign affairs reception.※How to be a successful host.Background InformationWith China’s entry into the WTO and the Olympic Games held in Beijing, the relationship between China and Western countries in politics, economy, and culture is getting increasingly closer. There is no doubt that etiquette will play an important role in this process. Every nation has its own etiquette standard which is created with the spirit of the nation. Generally, when communicating with members of our own culture, we internalize the etiquette that governs our contextual behavior, and we are able to communicate without giving much thought to those rules. But when we are engaged in intercultural communication, we must be aware of how our culture influences the communication context; otherwise, we may encounter a variety of surprises.Americans tend to be informal and friendly. Both men and women shake hands on occasions of meeting and leaving. A small kiss on the cheek or a hug is appropriate between men and women who have known each other for a long time. First names generally are used with the exception of senior persons or formal settings. However, these greeting behaviors typical to North Americans are uncommon in many cultures. China offers a contrasting example. Chinese greetings are formal, using titles and last names. First names are used only among close friends. Again, business cards are translated into standard Chinese and are routinely exchanged. Therefore, a general knowledge of meeting and seeing-off etiquette is helpful because there are many occasions on which we are likely to encounter people from cultures different from our own.Vocabulary Development国际机场international airport候机大厅waiting hall抵达时间arrival time随身携带行李carry-on baggage接待to host / to receive受到友好接待to be cordially received 设宴洗尘to give a banquet in somebody’s honor招待客人to entertain guests外宾foreign guests贵宾distinguished guests外事办公室foreign affairs office外事往来dealings with foreign organizations活动日程itinerary of a visit 初步拟订的活动日程tentative itinerary 精心的安排thoughtful arrangements期待已久long-expected合作共事to work as your colleague专程赶来to come all the way亲自接待to meet in person欢迎辞welcome speech/address告别辞farewell speech/address深感荣幸to feel greatly honored合作愉快fruitful cooperation提供住宿accommodate有收获的rewarding回顾in retrospect期待再次来访look forward to you visiting again保持联系keep in touch 送别to see somebody off 致意send regards to 飞行愉快pleasant flight 代表on behalf ofDialogueDirection: Interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese Miss Liu is a foreign affairs officer in a cosmetics factory .Today she is assigned to meet Johnson, an agent from America.L:你一定是来自美国的Johnson吧。
口译教程 第1课 听取信息

外在形象:大方得体 (正式场合下,男:西装领带、礼服; 女:套装套裙、礼服) 坐姿站态、举手投足:落落大方,克 制收敛 忌:过分紧张/过分放松 握手礼仪:等对方先伸手;简短有力; 了解并尊重不同国家的传统见面礼节
Pluck Moisture Hairy Divert Arch-shaped Irritate Frown
我们非常荣幸的欢迎大家出席 It is a real honor and privilege for us to welcome you to… 我代表…,非常荣幸地欢迎大家的到来,尤其是来 自…的贵宾们 It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that, on behalf of…, I extend a hearty welcome to you all, especially to the distinguished guests from… 作为本届研讨会的主席,我十分高兴和荣幸地欢迎 各位出席今天的大会。 As the chairperson of this symposium, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this international meeting.
第一课 听取信息
Getting Message Through Listening
听力训练:过滤零散信息,抓住关键 信息(目的:听懂) 口译听力:听懂的基础上,全面把握 信息的整体及细节,以便迅速,完整, 流利的用目的语表达(目的:表达)


Interpreting tips and skills: 口译 vs. 笔译
Now the superpowers have been exposed to the
charge that they reserve their nuclear weapons for the revolutionary people of the world . Incorrect: 现在超级大国已受到他们储存核武器是为 了对付世界革命人民的指责。 Correct: 现在超级大国已受到这样的指责,即他们储 存核武器是为了对付世界革命人民。
Unit Objectives (单元目标)
After reading this unit, you should
understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long and short run. find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.
Linguistic anticipation语言系预测
Almost thirteen years ago, on July 1st, 1997, in this very special place, in a solemn ceremony marking the hand-over, President Jiang announced to the world the return of Hong Kong to China.(近十三 年前,1997年7月1日,江主席莅临此地,出席庄 严肃穆的香港回归大典,向全世界宣布香港回归 祖国。)

➢ 上海的金融业发展尤为引人注目,现已逐渐形 成了具有相当规模和影响的金融市场体系。
➢ financial industry/ eye-catching, catch the world’s eyes/ come into shape, come into being /with a large scale, large/ influential/ financial market
➢ 中国和美国,在事关人类生存和发展的许 多重大问题上,例如维护世界和平和安全, 防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散,保护人类生 存环境,打击国际犯罪等,有着广泛的共 同利益,肩负着共同的责任。
➢ on many important issues which are crucial to human survival and development
➢Since the establishment of diplomatic ties/relationship between China and the U.S. ,the exchanges and mutual undersatanging between our two peoples have broadened and deepended gradually. However this is not enough.
➢ maintaining world peace and security/ prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction/debate …criminal/share …interest
口译 01

1-2 谚语口译一、形同意合教学相长To teach is to learn事公办Business is business文如其人The style is the man浑水摸鱼Fish in troubled waters欲速则不达More haste,less speed事实胜于雄辩Facts speak louder than words失败乃成功之母Failure is the mother of success有其父必有其子Like father,like son英雄所见略同Great minds think alike祸不单行Misfortunes never come alone隔篱有眼隔墙有耳Hedges have eyes,walls have ears谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes,god disposes祸从口出The tongue cuts the throat眼不见为净Out of sight,out of mind无官一身轻Out of office,out of danger时不我待岁月无情Time and tide wait for no man家有万贯财,不如一身键Health is better than wealth前事不忘后事之师The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future二、形异意合班门弄斧Teach fish to swim勿打草惊蛇Let sleeping dogs lie杀鸡儆猴Beat the dog before the lion胸有成竹Have a card up one’s sleeve本末倒置Put the cart before the horse强中更有强中手Diamond cut diamond拿了手短吃了嘴软Gifts blind the eyes喧宾夺主The sauce is better than the fish无风不起浪There is no smoke without fire新官上任三把火 A new broom sweeps clean得陇望蜀得寸进尺Much will have more挂羊头卖狗肉He cries wine and sells vinegar王婆卖瓜自卖自夸Every potter praises his pot不要恩将仇报Don’t bite the hand that feeds you天涯何处无芳草There are plenty of fish in the sea一箭双雕Kill two birds with one stone一言既出驷马难追 A word spoken is past recalling物以类聚人以群分Birds of a feather flock together人不可貌相海水不可斗量Judge not a book by its cover说到曹操,曹操到Speak of the devil水能载舟亦能覆舟The same knife cuts bread and fingers身正不怕影子斜 A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe燕雀安知鸿鹄之志 A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan 三、形相远意相近树大招风Names are debts亡羊补牢 A stitch in time saves nine真金不怕火炼True blue will never stain不入虎穴,焉得虎子Nothing venture,nothing have自食其果As you make the bed,so you must lie in it大器晚成Late fruit keeps well事与愿违All your swans are geese生命在于运动Rest breeds rust一失足成千古恨Short pleasure,longlament因小失大Penny wise and pound foolish五十步笑百步The pot calls the kettle black天网恢恢疏而不漏Justice has long arms心急吃不了热豆腐 A watched pot never boils小巫见大巫The moon is not seen when the sun shines君子之交淡如水 A hedge between keeps friendship green若要人不知除非己莫为What is done by night appears by day醉翁之意不在酒Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake三个和尚无水吃Everybody’s business is nobody’s business请勿盲目乐观Don’t count the chicken before they’re hatched祸兮福所倚福兮祸所伏Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise失之东隅收之桑榆What we lose in hake we shall have in herring留得青山在不怕没柴烧The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep顺其自然随遇而安Don’t trouble trouble s until trouble troubles you2-3 宴会招待( Banquet Service )A:各位,晚上好,今天我们在此举办晚宴,招待各位亲爱的朋友和敬业的专家,庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功,我感到非常高兴。

1. Vertical analysis of logic
2. Horizontal analysis of logic
Ⅱ. Skills practice (40 min)
1. 3.2 Vertical analysis of logic
2. Horizontal analysis of logic
Unit 5 Note-taing
Unit 6 Interpreting Figures
Unit 7 Discourse Analysis for Interpreting
Unit 8 Reformulation Skills
Unit 9 Intercultural Analysis Unit 10 Coping Tactics
The ability to understand and use spoken language
Understanding the theory underlying the principles and
practice of interpreting
Proficient in the skills and techniques which are used by
professional interpreters
Constant professional improvement
You will learn: how to sharpen your interpreting skills further
how to expand your knowledge on your own
An Overview ofntent
1.口译的定义 2.口译的历史 3.口译的分类 4.口译的特点 5.口译的标准 6.口译的方法 7.口译人员的素质
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第一单元口译理解第一课听取信息I. Theory and Technique: Receiving InformationII. Technique Training1.1 三种错误的饭后习惯1.2 Why do we have eyebrows?III. Interpreting Exercise1.3 US Vice President’s speech at Fudan University1.4 王光亚在普林斯顿大学演讲的开场白1.5 Speech at inauguration of new facilityIV. Interpretation-related culture: etiquetteV. Everyday Accumulation: ClichéPart one. Receiving InformationA. Difference between normal listening comprehension practice and the listening comprehension in interpretationThe most basic difference is that in the normal listening comprehension practice, a listener is only asked to understand what he hears and make judgment, while in the interpreting environment, an interpreter is asked not only to understand but also to make logical analysis of what he hears and reorganize the information with his own words and express it through interpretation.口译时译员要兼做编辑。
B. Technique Traininga. Summarizing practice: After listening to a text (either in SL or TL), students are asked to summarize what he or she hears in the same language of the source text, which means if a student listens to a Chinese text, he is asked to do the summary in Chinese, and if it is in English, do it in English, so there is no listening barriers for Ss.Tips for SP:1) catch the logical structure of the source text: title of the text; topic sentence; narrating structure: time, direction, logical reasoning, etc; style of the text: narrative, illustrative, explanation, argument, story, etc.2)get the trunk message (major idea)3) be coherent (前后保持连贯一致)Sample practice one:三种错误的饭后习惯(Three mistaken after-meal habits )Practice pattern:1) Ask Ss to just listen to the audio material without referring to the written text and summarize. Purpose: to help them form the awareness of being an interpreter, to establish the direct transition from oral to oral, however, note-taking is encouraged in this technique training. After listening to the audio material for one time, get volunteers to do the summarization.2)Ask Ss to listen for the second time with their books open and give their written summarization. Assign them homework: Translate the teacher’s summarization into English and upload their translation to the teacher’s blog, later on, compare their translation with the teacher’s in the blog.Blog Address: http://blog. /cableinterpretFirst question: What are they? (one, two, three)Second question: Why are they wrong? What is the right thing to do?( respective reasons and advice)错误习惯一:饭后吃水果S: 许多人多喜欢饭后吃点水果爽口,但医生提醒说,这其实是一种错误的习惯,因为饭后马上吃水果会影响消化。
错误习惯二:饭后饮茶S: 医生还提醒说,人们还要注意改正饭后饮茶和饭后散步的错误习惯。
饭后立即饮茶,茶水会冲淡胃液(gastric juice, stomach juice, digestive juice),影响胃内食物的正常消化。
Three mistaken after-meal habitsMany people like to eat some fruits right after a meal, however, doctors remind that it is actually a mistaken habit, for it (eating fruits right after a meal) will affect digestion. If one sticks to such a habit, it will bring about disorder of his digesting system. Thus, it is suggested that one eats fruits one or two hours after a meal.Doctors also remind that the habits of having tea and going for awalk right after a meal are wrong and should be corrected.If one drinks tea right after a meal, the tea water will dilute the gastric juice and affect the normal digestion of the food in stomach. Doctors suggest that one takes tea one hour after a meal.The common saying that “If one takes a walk (of 100 steps) after a meal, he is most likely to enjoy a long life (of 99 years)” is unscientific. One’s stomach is fully-loaded with food after a meal, thus even the slightest physical movements will shake the stomach and increase its burden, affecting its digesting function. Doctorssuggest that one go for a walk half an hour after a meal.Sample Practice two:Why do we have eyebrows?Question 1: What roles do our eyebrows play?Question 2: How eyebrows help protect our eyes?Our eye brows play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes. By diverting the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes, they keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat. Our eye brows are arch-shaped, which helps angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but also keep the salt in the sweat from burning or irritating our eyes.Eyebrows have other roles also. For example, eyebrows help us determine (tell) how people are feeling without having to ask them, for eyebrows are one of the most expressive facial features. If somebody’s eyebrows are drawn in a frown, he is most likely angry or upset.Besides, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concept of beauty or fashion. Big, thick and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more beautiful.我们的眉毛对于保护我们的眼睛使其免受水汽的侵扰起着非常重要的作用。