必修二 unit4 词汇、短语练习及讲解

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It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 它含有一种强效的药物可以防止 蚊子叮咬。 contain vt. 包含;容纳;装有;含有 contains I’m glad to find the book which ________all the information I need. 我很高兴找到了那本 包含我所需要一切信息的书。 The bottle contains ________olives.瓶子里装着橄榄。 container _________many contains The_________ kinds of fruits, _________apples/ apples________. included including
appreciate v. 理解,意识到,领会;欣赏, 赏识,重视;感激,感谢 appreciate sth. 感激;欣赏 appreciate (one’s) doing … 感激(某人) 做某事 would appreciate it if.. 要是…将不 胜感激
We didn’t fully appreciate that he was seriously ill. 我们没有充分认识到他的病情 很严重。 Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer. 她的才干尚未得到雇主的充分赏 识。 I would appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 要是你能 教我使用电脑,我将会非常感激。 I really appreciate your coming. 你能来我 非常感激。
The number of students in each class is on ________the decrease. 每个班学生的数 量在减少。 The number of new students decreased from to ________1,200 ______900 this year. 今年 新生人数从1,200减少到900.
I smiled ___________after in relief I heard I had passed the examination. 听说我已经通过了 考试,我如释重负地笑了。 To our relief the little girl got out of _____________, danger. 令我们感到欣慰的是,小女孩脱离 了危险。 Hearing the story, we_________________. burst into laughter = Hearing the story, we________________. burst out laughing 听了这个故事,我们笑起来。
It’s reported that the population of that country has to increased ________ more than 1.3 billion and ________0.5% every year in the past ten years. by 据报道,那个国家的人口在过去的十年间每年 增长0.5%,现已增至13亿。
(1)确定的,一定(作表语,相当于 sure ) be certain to do 一定会做某事 be certain of/about… 对…有把握,确信… With careful preparation, he is of success certain_________; that is, he is certain__________. to succeed 由于精心准备,他确信 会成功,也就是说他一定会成功。 He is certain to win the race. = It is certain he will win the race 他肯定能赢这场 that__________________. 比赛。
Farmers hunted us without mercy. 农民们残 忍地捕杀我们。 mercy n. 仁慈;宽容;怜 悯 without mercy 残忍的 show mercy to sb.(=show sb. mercy) 同情、 怜悯某人 have/take mercy on sb. 怜悯某人 beg for mercy 祈求宽恕 to The kind woman always shows mercy_____ the poor children. 那个好心的女人总是怜 悯那些贫穷的孩子们。 Have mercy _____him. He is only a child on after all. 仁慈点,毕竟他只是个小孩子。
1.They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. 如果游客付给农民钱的话,他们允许游客 猎取一定数量的动物。 (1)certain adj. 某个;某一; (作前置定语) There is a ________Mr. Smith on the phone certain for you. 有位史密斯先生打电话找你。 certain times of The library is only open at_______ day. 图书馆只在一天的某些时段开放。
As a result these endangered animals may even________ die out . 结果,这些濒危的动物甚 至可能会灭绝。
die out 灭亡,灭绝; (风俗、习惯等)逐渐消 失 died out This species has nearly____________ because its habitat is being destroyed. 因栖息地正受到破坏, 这一物种已濒临灭绝。 died out for they are out Many old customs have_________ of date.许多旧的习俗已经消失,因为他们已经过 时了。
affect v. 影响 affect = have an effect on It’s all too easy to be __________by our affected parents. 我们很容易受父母影响。 Electronic games don’t have much effect on affect ______________adults but ________students a great deal. 电子游戏对成人的影响不大, 但对学生的影响很大。
about 30-40 remain after being left in peace with no hunting 停止猎杀使其平静地生活 后大约剩下了30~40只 in peace (=peacefully)和平的;和睦的; 安静的 Please let me go on with my in peace 请让我继续安静地学习。 study__________.
too much hunting in the 1950s 二十世纪五十 年代的过度捕杀 打猎;猎取 go hunting去打猎 He spent the hunting whole day ________deer. 他一整天都在猎取 鹿。 hunt for…寻找某物 hunt…for sb./sth. 搜索 某地寻找某人/某物 for They_______ lion hunted the wood _______the escaping from the zoo. 他们搜遍树林寻找从 动物园里逃出来的狮子。
1.“I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes,” it replied. 它回答说:“我这样做可以防止 蚊子叮咬。” Protect…from/against 保 护 … 免 受 …; 使…免受… We set up a wildlife reserve to protect _______animals _________being hunted. 我 from 们设立野生动物保护区,保护动物免受猎 杀。
They are still___________ hunting for the missing girl, who disappeared last Sunday after attending her friend’s birthday party. 他们仍在寻找那个走失的女孩,她在上个星期 天参加完朋友的生日晚会后就不见了。
Daisy responded immediately. 戴茜立刻回答 respond to 回答/应答…,对…做出答复; respond to…(with) 对…报以,回报… response n. 回 答 ; 回 复 make (a) response to 回答,对… 做出回应 She responded____ to my message______ with a phone call. 她收到我的信息时,给我回了 个电话。 They ____________________our demands. made no response to 他们没有对我们的要求给出答复。
拓展:in 表示状态时,其后常接抽象名 词构成固定短语: in trouble 在困境中 in order 井然有序 in diቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱficulty 处于困难中 in doubt 怀疑 in danger 处于危险中
why are they in danger of disappearing? 他 们为什么处于灭绝的危险中? be in danger of 面临…的危险 He’s _________________losing his job if in danger of he goes on like this. 他这样下去会丢点工 作的。
You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how animals live together. 你们应该多关注我生活的热带雨林,并且 懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。 pay attention to 注 意 , 关 注 pay much/more/little/no attention 非常 / 更多 / 很少/不/关注 focus one’s attention on… 将注意力集中 于… turn one’s attention to… 将某人的注 意力转向
Words and Expressions
1.If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease. v. & n. 降低,减少 如果它们的栖息地受到威胁或它们找不到足 够的食物,它们的数量就会减少。
You should _____________________what pay more attention to the teachers say in class. 你应该在课堂上多 注意老师讲的内容。 Much attention protecting _____________has been paid to_________ the environment. 人们对保护环境已投入很 多注意力。 May I have your attention, please? = Attention, please! 请注意!
In relief Daisy burst into laughter 戴茜如释 重负地大声笑起来 in relief 如释重负;松了口气 to one’s relief 令某人感到欣慰的是
burst into+n.=burst out+v. –ing 突然…来 burst into tears/ laughter burst out crying/laughing 突然哭/笑起来