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Commentary of Mental health education and

consulting center


Every leaders and teachers:

欢迎莅临我校心理健康教育与咨询中心参观指导! school men tai health educati on and coun seli ng cen ter 我 中心成立于 2011 年 3 月,


established in March 2011,which is a pro fessi onal in stituti ons pro vid ing men tal health educati on and con sult ing

service for the teachers and stude nts in our scho 中.心隶属 学生工作处,建成了两百多平米的高标准专业咨询服务场所,面向我校广大师生 提供心理健康教育与咨询服务。This cen ter affiliated to the stude nt esse nee, build ing a high standard professional consultation service places that is more than two hundred square meters, providing mental health education and consulting service for the teachers and students in our school.

进入大门这一侧是我校心理咨询师简介,这边上方的 LED 屏幕可以让来访者实

时了解我中心的服务信息,getti ng into this side of the door, this is a brief in troducti on about the p sychological con sulta nts of our school, the LED scree n can let visitors know the real-time in formatio n about our service cen ter. 向前走是我中心主题墙,主题墙设计为淡黄色波浪状,设计理念源于美国心理学


是连续的流动的,这就是主题墙形状的来源。 Ahead-walk ing is the theme wall of our cen tre, which is desig ned as light yellow wavy. The desig n concept comes from the defi niti on of stream of con scious ness defi ned by the father of America n p sychology William James. he thi nks p sychology is the mai n research object,

Welcome to visit our

The cen ter was

con scious ness and con scious ness is the con ti nu ous flow, this is the source of the thematic wall sha pe.



The wall of our cen ter is light yellow and the ground is light blue. Light yellow has the effect of making people cal ming dow n with gen tle and warm feeli ng. Light blue gives a person with cool and safe feeli ng to help visitors open their heart with in itiative.


The first thi ng we see is the office of cen ter.


and stude nts ' activity planning.


The n ext is Behavior observati on room


只能通过单向玻璃进行观察。 Behavior observati on room is divided into observati on con trol area and activity of behavior area accordi ng to differe nt fun cti ons. The two areas is compi etely isolated, it can only observed through a on e-way glass.

这里能够模拟现实生活情境中的社会群体行为以便于教学实验与研究。 social group behavior in real life situati ons can be simulated in order to do teach ing exp erime nt and research.同时有适合设备能够实时记录被试人员的行为动作、面


At the same time there are suitable

equipments that can record the behavior of moveme nt, facial The office is the imp orta nt p lace for teachers

' daily work, regular meet in gs, rece pti on

Here the
