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1. …When shall we meet again next week?

_____day is possible. It's no problem with me. Either

B. Neither

C. All

6. —Hi, Jack. Is this your dictionary?

—No. _ is over there. It's a present from my uncle.

2. Some farmers how to feed chickens ・ A-

taught I

B. taught us

C. taught she 一 I like the story of The Maze Runner better than _ of Tire Hunger Came.

D. taught we

一 I agree. The fights are more exciting than _ in The Hunger Gome. A. that : those B ・ those : those C. that; that D. those; that

4. —Do you like thrillers or comedies, Mike? — _______________ • I think action movies are the most exciting.

C. Either A ・ Both B ・ None

D. Neither

5・ —Which one do you like better, English-Chinese dictionary or Words app? —I like ___________ o f them. They are useful for English learners. B ・ neither C. all

A. none

D ・ both

A. Mine

B. Yours

C. My

D. Your 7. —Is there anything to drink in the fridge? —No, there is left.

A. all C. neither

D. none

8. —When is your father's birthday? _________

b irthday is on April 2叫 B ・ She A. He C. His D ・ Him

9. Be careful and try to make_mistakes next time. You will get a better grade. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less

10. -―Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? —— ___ i s OK. It's up to you. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All

11. —Shall we sit in the corner or by the window? — • I don't mind.

A. Both B ・ Neither C. No D ・ Either 12 • …Which sweater do you prefeo the red one or the blue one? — _________ . I think I like the green one best. A. Neither B ・ Both C. Either D. All that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. A. everything B ・ any thing C. something D. nothing 13. Not

14・ My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I'll meet at the airport A. her

B ・ you

C. him

D. them

A. D. Any

to realize it.

15. It's one thing to have a dream, but quite A. another B. other

C. every

16. Boys and girls, don't lose ______ in watching TV too much because it is bad for your eyes. A. himself B. yourself C. themselves 17. Mike and Ted are twins. _____________ a re from Australia. D. each

D. yourselves C. They 18. Don't you think _ __ necessary for friends to trust each other? A. one B. that C. those D. it A. We B. You D. Them 19 ・ The charity show lasted nearly three hours, but ________________ left the hall early. A. nobody B ・ somebody C. anybody D. everybody 20. I need _______________ bananas to make fruit salad • Could you ptease buy some ? B ・ a few C. little D. a little A. few

21. —Mary failed the exam yesterday. Give her a phone calL We should

_______________ • A. cheer up her B. cheer up C. cheer her up D. cheered up 22. It's very nice _______________ y ou ________________ my p a rents your best wishes. A. of; sen ding B. of; to send C. for; to send D. for; sending 23. —What do you think of the com pany's new ideas? — I don't agree with _________________ • But I have to say some of them are of value. A. all B ・ anything C. any 24. —The population in China is much larger than ______________

—So it is. you D. none

in America, right? A. that B ・it C. those D. one 25 ・ —Would you mind my using your camera? ——Sorry, there's __________ w ith it. A. wrong something C. anything wrong B. wrong anything D ・ something wrong 【参考答案】*"试卷处理标记,请不要删除 一、选择题 1. D 解析:D 【解析】 【分析】

