
刘毅词汇3000英语单词Lesson1attend v.上学;参加n.attendance七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
All children over seven must attend school.blame n.责难反:complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
bubble n.气泡Children like to make bubble with soap and water. 孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。
cemetery n.墓地同:graveyardThere are many tombs in the cemetery. 墓地里有许多墓碑。
commendation n.赞扬同:praise 反:blameHe was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
conflict n.冲突;争斗同:fight 反:reconciliationSome people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religions (宗教)and science. There was nobody to direct the workman. 没有人监督工人。
Which is the most direct way to London?去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条?draw v.拉同:drag, haulDraw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。
empire n.帝国同:realmThe United States was once a part of the British Empire.美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。

刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1)1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部Abdominal (adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子in the belly of a ship 在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人the bereaved 丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb; prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation 普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。
deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年3. consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sthconsecrate one's life to the service of God, to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time, energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。
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和我一起背单词<刘毅3000>(第九课第二节)第9课第2节单词1disputen.争论They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic.他们为去那里野餐争论了好几个小时.2easen.轻松The soldiers marched twenty mils with ease.士兵们轻松的前进了20英里.adj.easy3engagev.雇用She engaged a carpenter to repair the sofa and the table.她雇了一个木匠来修理沙发和桌子.v.忙于The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbor's children. 那老妇人忙着为邻家的孩子做衣服.n.engagement4expressv.表达He is still unable to express himself in English.他仍然无法用英语表达自已的意思.n.expression5fancyn.想像力By the power of fancy, we may create an unreal world.借助于想像力,我们可以创造一个虚幻不实的世界.adj.fanciful6 flee v.逃跑 The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder.敌军溃败而逃.同.fly;excape7fulfilv.实践If you make a promise, you should fulfil it.如果你许下诺言,就应该实践它.8gracen.优雅The ballet dancer danced with much grace.那个芭蕾舞演员的舞步极为优雅.9hauntv.(鬼)出没People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost.据说那栋旧宅里有鬼出没.10innocentadj.无罪的Is he guilty or innocent of the crime?他是有罪还是无罪.从以上单词中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内.1 The robbers tried to ( ) but they were caught soon.2 The old woman ( ) a maid servant to clean her house.3 His speech was full of ( ) and wit.4 A nurse has many duties to ( ) in caring for the sick.5 They were still ( ) the rights and wrongs of the case at midnight.答案:1 The robbers tried to (flee) but they were caught soon.抢劫者试图逃离但很快被抓住了.2 The old woman (engaged) a maid servant to clean her house.老妇人雇佣了一个温和的仆人去洗她的马.3 His speech was full of (grace) and wit.他的演讲充满了优雅和风趣.4 A nurse has many duties to (fulfil) in caring for the sick.护士在照顾病患上有许多责任需要履行.5 They were still (disputing) the rights and wrongs of the case at midnight.深夜他们还在讨论这件事情的对与错.【。

从最基本的Vocabulary Fundamental,到足以应付留学考试之需的Vocabulary 22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您正在校求学或己步入社会,都会发现本来列书籍就是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。
Vocabulary Fundamental1.本书所列单词共计1,300个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约3, 000词,均为平时最常用、最容易接触到的单词。

第9课第1节单词1accordv.符合When you have just said does not accord with what you told us yesterday.你刚才说的和你昨天告诉我们的不符.同.concur 反.discord2awardv.授予He was awarded the first prize in the speech contest.他在演讲⽐赛中被授予头奖.3boastv.夸耀He boasted about the big fish he had caught.他夸耀他抓到的⼤鱼.4butchern.⾁店,屠夫You can buy meat at the butcher's shop.你可以在⾁店买⾁.5cheekn.颊Her cheeks went red after she broke the window.她打破窗⼦后满脸通红.6competentadj.胜任的He is not competent enough to do the job.他⽆法胜任那件⼯作.adj.充分的Before you can be a lawyer, you must have a competent knowledge of the low. 在你成为律师之前,必须具有⾜够的法律知识.7consistv.组成The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.英国是由⼤不列颠和北爱尔兰组成的.同.comprisev.存在Happiness consists in contentment.幸福在于知识.8crackn.裂缝There is a crack in the ice. Don't skate around here.冰上有道裂缝,不要在这附近溜冰.同.crevice9debtn.债务He was in debt when he was poor, but has been out of debt since he got rich. 他贫穷时负债,可是⾃从他有钱后,已经还清了债务.10describev.描述The reporter described the accident in datail.记者详尽地描述了那起意外事件.n.description从以上单词中选出最适当的⼀个单词,填⼊空格内.1 I owe him a(n) ( ) of gratitude for all he has done to help me.2 His account of the accident seems to ( ) with yours.3 It is unpleasant to hear one ( ) about his own abilities, achievements or possessions.4 His horse was ( ) the highest prize at the horse-show.5 Happiness ( ) largely in being easily pleased or satisfied.答案:1 I owe him a(n) (debt) of gratitude for all he has done to help me.我⽋了情债为了他帮我做的所有的事.2 His account of the accident seems to (accord) with yours.他对事故的描述符合你的.3 It is unpleasant to hear one (boast) about his own abilities, achievements or possessions.听别⼈夸耀⾃已如何有能⼒,有成就或有财产是⼀件很不愉快的事.4 His horse was (awarded) the highest prize at the horse-show.他的马在马会上赢得了的奖.5 Happiness (consists) largely in being easily pleased or satisfied.幸福在于容易满⾜或是成就感.。

刘毅词汇3000Lesson 3预备测验选出最适当的答案:1. My feet were damp from waling home in theA.sunB. rain2. When he learned that he had the test, he felt relieved.A. passedB. failed3. He could not resist eh attraction of a(an) girl.A. prettyB. dugly4. The woman showed mercy to the hungry beggar and give himA. no foodB. some food5. are tame animals.A. Cows and hensB. Tigers and lions解答:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. APart 11. academic adj.学校的同:scholasticThe academic year begins when school opens in September.学年是从学校九月开学时开始。
2. ahead adv.超过,在前地Tom was a quick walker, so he soon got ahead of the others.汤姆走路很快,所以不久他就走在别人前面了。
3. attraction n. 诱惑v. attractHe cannot resist the attraction of the sea in hot weather.在炎热的天气中,他无法抵抗海的诱惑。
4. blaze n.火焰同:flameI put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze.我放一些木柴在火中,很快就发出炽焰。
※burst into:闯入,开出,突然出现5. challenge v.邀请比赛I challenged him to a game of tennis. 我邀请他作网球比赛。

1 abroad adv.在国外同.overseasHe lived abroad for many years; he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,懂好⼏种外语.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 affect v.影响The small amount of rain last year affected the growth crops.去年⾬量少,影响了作物的⽣长.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 attend v.上(学);参加n.attendanceAll children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的⼩孩都得上学.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 blame n.责难反.complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽了的努⼒,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 bubble n.⽓泡Children like to make bubbles with soap and water.孩⼦位喜欢⽤肥皂⽔做泡泡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 cemetery n.墓地同.graveyardThere are many tombs in the cemetery.墓地⾥有许多坟墓.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 commendation n.赞扬同.praise 反.blameHe was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从⽕灾中救出孩⼦们后,因为勇敢可嘉⽽受到赞扬.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 conflict n.冲突;争⽃同.fight 反.reconciliationSome people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science.有些⼈认为宗教与科学间有很⼤的冲突.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 cooperate v.合作n.cooperation adj.cooperativeThe children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classrooms clean.孩⼦们与⽼师合作,保持教室清洁.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 curious adj.好奇的同.inquisitiveI am curious to know what my teacher said to my mother.我很好奇,想知道⽼师跟我母亲说了什么.背完就练1.1 从刚才背过的单词中选出最适当的填⼊空格内。
1. horn n.⾓A goat has two horns on its head.⼭⽺的头上有两只⾓.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. individual adj.个别的A teacher can't give individual attention if his class is large.如果班上的⼈数众多,⽼师就不能个别的注意到每⼀个学⽣.n.个⼈同.personThe interests of society are more important than the interests of the individual. 社会利益⽐个⼈利益要重要得多.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. interval n.(时间的)间隔There is a long interval before he replied.他隔了很长的⼀段时间才回答.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. knot n.绳结The knots of your package must be tied tightly.你包裹上的绳结必须扎紧.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. liberal adj.⾃由主义的He is liberal in his view on government.他对政体的看法是属于⾃由主义的.adj.通才的反.professionalThey want their child to have a liberal education.他们要他们的孩⼦接受通才教育.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. magnificent adj.华丽的n.magnificence同.grand;splendidThe king was wearing a magnificent gold crown.国王戴着华丽的⾦冠.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. mental adj.⼼理的反.physicalKeeping mental health is very important in modern society.在现代社会中,保持⼼理健康是⾮常重要的.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. momentary adj.暂时的同.transient 反.everlastingHer feeling of danger was only momentary; it soom passed.她的危险感只是暂的,很快就消失了.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. neutral adj.中⽴的He remained meutral in the argument between his two firends.他在两个朋友的争辩中,保持中⽴.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. omit v.遗漏;删除He made many mistakes in spelling by omitting letters.他因漏掉字母⽽犯了许多拼写上的错误.背完就练:1.3 从刚才背过的单词中选出最适当的填⼊空格内。

刘毅系列之基Lesson 1n 胃stomach adv 在外国abroad n 手提箱suitcasev 影响affect n 天才talentv 上(学);参加attend n 王位thronen blame n/v 移,transfern 气泡bubble n 使用usagen 墓地cemetery n 元音字母voweln commendation v 回,撤withdraw n 矛盾,争斗conflict Lesson 2v 合作cooperate adj 的absolute adj 好奇的curious n agency adj 美味的delicious n 度attitudev 指 adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blankv 拉draw n 堆,容量bulkn 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 易commerce n 失failure v 混淆confusen 文卷档 v 档file n copperadj 爽快的frank v 咒cursev 生generate n ,消遣delightv 停止前halt v 消失disappear n 角horn n/v 漂流driftadj 个的 n 个人individual v 聘任employn(的)隔interval n 据evidence n knot n 能力,大学教facultyadj 自由主的liberal adj 上的financial adj 的magnificent n 物freightadj 心理的mental adj 大方的generous adj 的momentary adj 便利的handyadj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horriblev 漏,除omit adj 勤的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 密的intimaten 先者pioneer n 认识,学knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由libertyv ⋯的音pronounce n 庄majestyn 种族,比race v 提起mentionn 戚 adj 相的relative n 念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onionn 昏暗shadow n 山peakn 情situation n 坑pitadj 悲伤的sore v 教preachv 覆盖;spread n 据proofn 破布rag v 点头nodv 释放release v 转动operaten 责任responsibility adj 悲伤的painfuladj 不礼貌的rude n 珍珠pearln/v 小瞧scorn v 抛,投,搭pitchadj 浅的shallow adj 难得的preciousn 灵魂soul n 全部物,财产propertyv 撒;洒sprinkle n 气愤ragev 弯腰stoop v 减少,感觉放心relieven 金额,总和sum adj 不安的restlessadj 多嘴的talkative n 地毯rugadv 全部地 prep 全throughout n 侦探兵scoutv 运送transport n 惭愧shamev 说出 adj 完好的utter n 草案,略图sketchn 航行voyage adj 健全的 n 声音soundv 枯败wither n/v 侦探,间谍spyLesson 3n 储蓄库storageadj 学校的academic v 传唤summon adv 高出;在前ahead adj 温驯的 v 驯服tamen 诱惑attraction v 插入thrustn 火焰blaze n 骗局trapv 邀请竞赛challenge v 接种疫苗vaccinatev 犯,做,委托commit n 薪水wagen 立法机关congress v 目睹 n 证人witnessn 改正correction Lesson 4adj 润湿的damp v 使更为明显accentuate v 需要demand v/n 瞄准aimv 使绝望disappoint n 观众audiencev 淹死drown v 祝福blessv 激励encourage n 包,包裹bundleadj 明显的evident n 特色characteristic n 寓言fable v 联系,传达communicate adj 坚硬的firm v 连接connectadj 常有的frequent v 通信,吻合correspond n 天才genius v 变黑darkenn 港harbor v 拒绝denyv 呼啸howl v 排出,解雇discharge adj 污名昭著的infamous adj 钝的dullv 介绍introduce n/v 全力endeavorn 劳动labor n 优异excellencen 盖lid v 枯败faden 大多数majority n 拳头fistn 宽怒mercy v 害怕frightenadj 道义上的moral n 鬼魂ghostn 困难hardship adj 默然的dumbadj 极大的huge v 忍受endureadj 较低的inferior n 例外exception v 发明invent adj 极度的extremev 照亮lighten n 火焰flamen 男性male n 赶快一瞥 v 瞥视glancen 价值merit n 五金工具hardware adj 致命的,人类的mortal adj 卑微的,简陋的humblen 机遇opportunity n/v 感人力,影响influence n 宫殿palace v 调整investigate n 农民,农人peasant n 缺乏lackn 怜悯pity n 闪电lightningn 序言preface n 哺乳动物mammaln 比率proportion n 动作motionn 范围range adj 正常的normaladj 宗教的religious v 反对opposev 连续resume n 手掌palmn/v 破坏ruin v 啄peckv 刮,削scrape n 行星planetadj 尖锐的 adv 整sharp n 准备preparation n 熟练,技术skill n 建议proposal adj 酸的sour adj 迅速的rapidn 正方形square adj 出众的remarkable adj 肥胖的stout v 保留retainn 督查者superintendent n 锈rustv 缠结tangle v 划,抓 n 抓痕scratchn 拇指thumb v 刮胡子shaven 合约treaty n 斜面slantv 消失vanish v 种植sown 战争warfare n 松鼠squirrel adj 机智的witty v 全力strain Lesson 5adj 最大的supreme v 接受accept v 轻拍 n 龙头tapn 害怕alarm n 打雷thundern 作者author v 颤抖tremble adj 瞎的blind n 蒸汽vaporv 负重担 n 负担burden n 战士warrioradj 慈善的charitable n 灾祸woen 伙伴companion Lesson 6v 战胜,占有conquer adj 有时的accidental n 衣饰costume n 壮心ambitionv 扔掷dash n 权益authorityn 积淀物 v 储蓄deposit v 开花 n 开花状态blossomv 露出disclose n 局bureaun 迷人;魅力charm n 虫wormn 比较comparison Lesson 7n 是非之心,良心conscience v 陪,伴,伴奏accompany n 小屋cottage v 使笑(乐)amusen 破晓dawn v 防备avoidv 使沮丧,使冷清depress n 炸弹bombv 劝阻,负气馁discourage n 葬礼burialn 夜晚dusk v 追赶chasen 交换exchange v 强迫compeladj 惊人的extraordinary v 赞成consent adj 略微的faint n 相当的人物counterpart v 闪光flash v 使聋deafenn 霜frost v 获取,起源deriven 略微的光gleam v 显现displayn 马具 v 利用harness n 灰尘dustn 圣歌 v 唱赞美歌hymn adj 精力充分的energetic v 见告inform n 广博,程度extentv 邀请invite n 小仙子fairyn 梯子ladder v 奉承flattern 肢,手足limb v 蹙额,不悦frownv 驾驶,办理manage n 一瞥glimpsen 方法method n 收割harvestn 动机motive v 居住inhabitn 鼻孔nostril v 包括involveadj 口头的oral n 小羊lambn 突然的剧痛pang n 液体 adj 流体的liquidadj 独到的peculiar adj 富强的mightyn 盘plate v 登上,骑上mountv 保留preserve v 通知notifyn 景色,希望prospect n 轨道orbitadj 稀有的,半熟的rare n 天堂paradisen 药物remedy v 细看peerv 退休retire n 保证 v 立誓pledgen 尖叫声scream n 压力pressuren 小屋,棚 v 流出shed v 兴盛prospern 奴隶制度slavery adj 生的rawadj 广阔的spacious v 使想起;提示remindn 全体人员staff v 退却retreatn 稻草straw adj 宗教的,神圣的sacredn 表面surface n 纱,银幕screenn 滴答声tick n 暗礁,书架shelfadj 巨大的tremendous n 袖sleeven 多样性variety v 赦免 adj 悠闲的sparen 瀑布waterfall n 坚固stabilityn 草莓strawberry v 认识,实现realizen 外科医生surgeon v 迁移,移开,除掉removen 工作task v 泄露revealn 潮tide n/v 牺牲sacrificen 试验,审讯trial n 螺丝钉 v 钉screwadj 广大的vast n 壳shelln 雨衣 v 使不透水waterproof adj 苗条的slenderv 使变坏worsen v 闪耀sparkle Lesson 8n 污点 v 被污stainv 达到accomplish n 河,溪streamn 锚anchor v 投诚surrenderv 醒awaken adj 美味的tastyv 脸红blush adj 紧的tightn 灌木bush n 部落tribev 欺骗cheat n 武器weaponv 竞争compete v 拆毁 n 残骸wreckn 结果consequence Lesson 9n 勇气courage v 吻合accordv 谈论debate v 授予awardv 下降descend v 夸耀boastv 部署,办理dispose n 肉店,屠夫butcheradj 诚意的earnest n 颊cheekv 执行enforce adj 胜任的,充分的competent v 伸出,扩展extend v 组成,存在consistadj 忠实的faithful n 裂缝crackn 味道flavor n 债务debtv 使受挫frustrate v 描述describe adj 光荣的glorious n 争论disputen 赶快haste n 轻松easev 认出identify v 聘任,忙于engagev 伤害injure v 表达expressadj 不规则的irregular n 想象力fancyadj 跛足的lame v 逃跑fleen 酒类liquor v 实践fulfilladj 有男子魄力的manly n 优雅graceadj 轻的,平易的mild v(鬼)出没hauntv 哀悼mourn adj 无罪的innocentn 想法notion n 刊行,初版,流出issuen/v 命令order n 房东landlordn(文章的)段,节paragraph n 文学literaturen 刑罚penalty n/v 制造manufacture v 采,摘pluck n 军队militaryv 假装pretend v 增加multiplyv 保护protect adj 好多的numerousadj 平时的ordinary n 干草hayn/v 体谅pardon adj 无知的ignorantn 半岛peninsula v 咨询inquirev 跳入plunge n 项目itemv 阻拦prevent n 景色landscape v 反对protest n 肝脏livern 后边rear n 原稿manuscript n 租金 v 租rent n 百万富豪millionaire n 复仇revenge n 谋杀murdern 马鞍saddle v 遵从obeyn 封印 v 盖章seal n 结构organization n 避祸所 v 掩盖shelter n 国会parliament n 片slice n 胡椒peppern 矛,鱼叉spear n 诗poetryn 木桩,利害关系stake n 试映previewv 赌v 供给providev 伸出stretch adj 鲁莽的recklessv 包围surround v 维修repairn 酒店,酒店tavern n 圣人saintn 森林,木材timber v 搜寻searchn 戏法 v 欺骗trick n 警长sheriffn 静脉vein n 专家specialistv 使弱weaken v 潜近,大步地走stalkv 扭,绞wring n 基,柄Lesson 10adj 严格的strictn 表达account v 俯瞰surveyn 角angle n 性情temperadj 觉察的aware n 锡tinadj 勇敢的bold v 修剪 adj 齐整的trimn 小屋cabin n 冒险 v 冒 ...险venturev 使快乐cheer adj 富饶的wealthyv 抱怨complain n 手段wristn 欣慰consolation Lesson 11n 破碎声,失事坠毁crash v 习惯于accustomv 腐化decay n 足踝anklev 应受deserve n 只身一人汉bachelorn 划分distinction n 边borderv 发回声echo adj 沉着的calmadj 特别大的enormous v 咀嚼chewv 裸露,揭露expose adj 复杂的complexn 分别farewell v 坚固consolidate n 舰队fleet v 爬crawln 功能function adj 风光的,不差的decentadj 逐渐的gradual n 绝望despairn 沉痛distress n 运河canaln 边缘edge adj 寒冷的chillyn 企业expertise v 组成composen 输出export adj 不断的constantv 固定fasten v 创立createn 肉flesh adj 确定的decisiven 基金fund adj 绝望的,自暴自desperate v 毕业graduate弃的v 治愈heal n 地区districtv 说明illustrate adj 可食的ediblev 坚持insist v 娱乐entertainn 广口瓶jar v 探险exploren 巷lane n 命运,天数faten 贷款loan v 飘浮floatn 枫树maple adj 基本的fundamental v 交往mingle adj 壮伟的grandn 肌肉muscle adj 健康的healthyn 物体 v 反对object v 想象imaginen 起源origin v 激励inspiren 客厅parlor adj 忌妒的jealousv 觉察perceive n 灯笼lanternadj 有毒的poisonous adj 地方的,当地的localadj 先前的previous n 大理石marblen 省province adj 次要的minorv 劝告recommend adj 共同的mutualv 代替replace n 目的objective adj 荒诞的,可笑的ridiculous n 装修ornamentv 转移shift adj 一部分的,偏袒partialv 滑倒 n 纸片slip的n 球sphere v 执行,做,演(戏)performv 使吃惊startle adj 名贵的pricelessn 钟鸣声stroke v 公布;初版publishn 嫌疑suspicion v 认出recognizen 寺庙,太阳穴temple v 重做repeatn 蟾蜍toad n 报答rewardadj 厌烦的,麻烦的troublesome n 缘故saken 容器,血管,船只vessel adj 奥秘的 n 奇特secretn 网web n 盾 v 遮护shieldn 喊叫 v 呼喊yell adj 略微的slight Lesson 12n 符咒,一段时间spelln 悲伤ache v 凝视stareadj 明显的apparent n 绳stringn 谷仓barn v 觉察 n 嫌疑犯suspectv 令人厌烦bore n 温度temperaturen 组织tissue n 弊端shortcoming n 群,组,军队troop v 打成粉碎n 破碎smashn 诗,韵文verse声adj 疲倦的 v 使厌烦weary v 纺,旋转spin Lesson 13adj 坚固的steadyv 获取achieve n 资料 v 塞入,塞满stuffv 欣赏,感谢appreciate n 汗 v 出汗sweatn 依照basis adj 可怕的terriblev 打扰bother n 火把torchn 蜡烛candle n 龟turtlen 选择,被选的人choice n 受害者victimv 分派compound n 幸福welfarev 组成constitute Lesson 14n 甲板deck adj 本质的actualv 小瞧despise n 灰ashv 发散distribute v 打beatv 教育educate n 碗bowladj 热忱的enthusiastic n 木匠carpenterv 爆炸explode n 情况circumstance n 弊端fault v 想象conceiven 水灾flood v 含有containn 葬礼funeral n 罪crimev 同意grant v 装修decoratev 装满heap v 决定determine adj 紧急的immediate v 分开dividen 例子instance n 肘elbown 珠宝jewel n 入口entrancen 膝部lap n 花销expensev 设置locate n 盛宴feastn 奇怪之事marvel n 雾fogadj 详细的minute v 供给,装修furnishadj 奇特的mysterious adj 贪心的greedyv 强迫oblige v 不愿;狐疑hesitaten 暴乱outbreak adj 不可以能的impossiblev 参加participate n 机构institution adj 危险的perilous n 杂志journaladj 客气的polite v 发射launchn 牧师priest n 丧失lossv/n 购买purchase v 匹敌,相当matchn 参照reference n 坏运气;不幸misfortune v 邀请 n 央求request adj 本国的nativeadj 成熟的ripe adj 明显的obviousv 使满意satisfy adj 优异的outstanding n 安全security n 草地pasturen 人格personality n 旅行journeyn 港口port n 草地lawnn 特权privilege adj 可爱的lovelyn 谜puzzle n 资料material n 地区region v 欺骗mislead v 相似resemble n 海军navyv 烤roast n 场合occasion adj 野蛮的savage v 战胜overcome n 感情sentiment n 轻拍 v 轻抚patn 沉静silence v 说服persuade v 哭泣sob adj 可携带的portable v 吐出spit n 程序procedure adj 陡峭的steep n 质量quality adj 相当的substantial v 登记register adj 急速的swift v 憎恶resentn 温度计thermometer n 竿rodn 塔tower n 不足scarcity adj 有代表性的typical n 连续seriesn 少女virgin adj 笨拙的sillyv 静静地说whisper adj 社会的,联谊性social Lesson 15adj 堂皇的splendid adj 额外的additional n 公牛 v 驾驶steern 方面aspect v 代替substitute n 胡子beard v 摇摆swingn 黄铜brass n 口渴thirstv 雕琢carve n 踪迹 v 追想traceadj 公民的,老百姓的civil n 联合unionv 关于,关心concern adj 可见的visiblen 竞赛 v 争斗contest v 吹哨whistle adj 吹毛求疵的,危critical Lesson 16急的v 喜欢;敬重admirev 减少decrease v 会集assemble n 装置,策略device n 走兽beastadj 神的,非凡的divine n 勇敢braveryn 选举election n 城堡castlen 被敬羡的东西envy v 央求claimn 探险,探险队expedition v 推断conclude n 特色feature v 订约,缩短contract n 笨拙,愚行folly n 农作物,产量cropn 气愤fury n 行为deedn 悲伤grief v 致力devotev 隐蔽hide v/n 离婚divorcen 印象impression adj 高雅的elegantv 教育instruct n 赤道equatorv 生计exist adj 为提炼的,鲁莽crudeadj 联邦制的federal的v 禁止forbid v 战胜defeatn 画廊gallery v 不同样differv 磨grind n 洋娃娃dollv 改进improve adj 基本的elementary n 用具;仪器instrument v 装备equipadj 下级的junior v 表现exhibitn 漏洞 v 漏leak v 喂食feedv 降下lower n 暴力forcen 市长mayor v 疾奔 n 急促地进gallopv 不相信mistrust行adj 齐整的neat v 抓住gripv 充任occupy adj 后部的hindadj 全部的overall n 激动impulsen 补丁 v 缝补patch n/v 侮辱insultn 片语,措辞phrase n 陪审团juryn 分得的财产portion v 倾斜,屈身 adj 细leann 行列procession瘦的n 争吵quarrel adj 忠实的loyaln 对不起;遗憾 v 对不起regret n 此间,中间时间meantime v 保留reserve n 混淆mixturen 角色role n 针needlev 惊吓scare v 发生occuradj 严肃的serious v 俯视overlook n 银器silverware n 轨道,行程pathadj 唯一的 n 底部sole adj 自然的,物质的physicalv 分派split身体的adj 严格的stern adj 确实的positivev 减去subtract v 宣布proclaim n 刀,剑sword adj 奇怪的queeradj 完好的thorough n/v 统治reignn 传统tradition v 居住,存在residev 联合unite n 公鸡roostern 视力,洞察力vision n 围巾scarfn 寡妇widow n 仆人servant Lesson 17n 相似similarity v 赞成admit adj 浩大的solemnv 帮忙assist v 破坏spoilv 举止behave adj 硬的stiffn 牛cattle n 地铁subwayn 粘土clay n 音节syllablev 训斥condemn n 线threadadj/adv 相反的 (地 )contrary n 商标trademarkn 大学university adj 严格的severen 词汇vocabulary n 罪恶sinn 荒地wilderness adj 固体的 n 固体solid Lesson18n 发言人spokesman n 前进,进步advance adj 沉静的stillv 保证assure v 吸吮suckn 生物学biology v 代表,象征symbolize adj 灿烂的,有才干brilliant n 威胁threat的n 交通trafficn 原因cause n 火山volcanon 殖民地colony v 擦wipen 行为conduct Lesson 19v 比较contrast n 便利advantage adj 残忍的cruel n 空气,气氛atmosphere n 弊端defect adj 广大的broadv 划分differentiate adj 谨慎的cautious adj 国内的domestic adj 色盲的color-blind v 拥抱embrace n 会议conference n 错误error v 有助于,捐助contribute v 使筋疲力竭exhaust v 压碎crushn 节日festival v 保护defendn 形成formation v 消化digestn 衣服garment n 点dotv/n 呻吟groan n 紧急emergency v 租;雇,聘任hire v 逃脱escapeadj 附带发生的incidental adj 行政的executive adj 聪颖的intelligent v 拿来fetchn 正义,公正justice n 炮台fortv 跳leap n 喘息声 v 喘息gaspn 好运luck n 食品杂货店groceryv 测量measure adj 中空的,凹陷的hollowv 讽刺mock n 爱好,倾向inclination adj 消极的,否定的negative v 想,打算intendadj 奇怪的odd adj 尖锐的,尖刻的keenv 归功于owe n 皮革leathern 耐心patience n 木材lumbern 医生physician n 机械工mechanic v 拥有possess n 方式moden 职业profession v 粗心neglectv 停止,辞职quit v 惹怒offendv 拒绝reject n 猫头鹰owlv 辞职resign n 中止,逗留 v 狐疑pauseadj 腐化的rotten n 小偷pickpocket v 分布scatter n 瓶,壶potn 利润profit n 媒体mediumv 颤抖quiver adj 一般的moderatev 快乐rejoice n 周边neighborhood v 抵抗resist n 气味odoradj 粗的rough n 步伐pacen 气味 v 闻出scent v 铺pavev 缝sew adj 如画的picturesque v 下沉 n 水槽sink v 倒pourn 解答solution n 进步 v 进展progressn 污点,地点spot v 引证quotev/n 螫;刺sting v 表达,连接relatev 受到,受累suffer v 决定resolven 怜悯sympathy adj 皇家的royaln/v 愉悦thrill n 计划 v 图谋schemeadj 悲惨的tragic v 位于situateadj 最新的up-to-date adv 有几分somewhatn 书本,容积volume v 喷上sprayadj 任性的,故意的willful v 搅动stirLesson 20adj 适合的suitablen 冒险adventure n 故事talev 贴上attach n 喉咙throatadj 苦的bitter v 行走,践踏trampv 广播broadcast v 促使urgev 停止cease n 誓言 v 立誓vowv 联合,化合combine n 巫婆witchv 认同confess Lesson 21v 发言converse v 登广告advertisev 耕作cultivate v 攻击attackv 延缓delay n 铁匠blacksmithn 崇敬dignity n 溪流brookn 疑虑doubt n 天花板ceilingn 感情emotion v 欣慰comfortv 建筑establish v 限制,卧病confinev 体谅excuse v 改变convertn 纤维fiber adj 狡猾的cunningadj 爽直的forthright n 代表delegateadj 快乐的gay adj 微暗的dimn/v 保证guarantee v 拖dragadj 神圣的holy n 皇帝emperorn 收入income n 财产estaten 爱好,兴趣interest v 大叫exclaimv 燃烧kindle adj 残忍的fierceadj 合法的legal adj 幸福的fortunaten 肺lung v 凝视gazen 习惯habit v 伸入dipv 跳跃hop v 排水drainn 独立independence n 重申emphasis adj 国际的international v 估计estimate n 风筝kite n 人影,画像figuren 悠闲leisure adj 污浊的fouln 机器machinery n 宝石gemv 融化melt v 喝采hailadj 谦逊的modest n 地平线horizon adj 紧张的nervous v 指示indicate v 提出offer v 打扰interrupt v 装 n 包pack v 跪下kneeln(有爪的)脚paw v 减少lessenn 鸽子pigeon n 魔术magicn 贫穷poverty v 维修mendn 计划project adj 润湿的moistv 减少reduce n 巢nestv 回复 n 回答reply n 官员 adj 公务上的officialn 步枪rifle n 包裹package n 薪水salary n 薪水册payrolln 部分 v 划分section n 堆,大批 v 积聚pilev 射击shoot adj 本质的practical n 坡,斜面 v 倾斜slope adj 迅速的,果断的promptn 蜘蛛spider v 参照referv 饥饿starve v 代表represent n 结构,建筑物structure adj 公正的righteous v 吞,咽 n 燕子swallow n 三明治 v 夹在中sandwich adj 嫩的 v 送还;提tender间出adj 放心的 v 保护,securen 相信 v 相信trust获取n 背心vest n 缺乏shortage n 杂草 v 除草weed adj 聪颖的smartv 生产,信服yield v 洒spill Lesson 22n 政治家statesman n 事务,事情affair v 努力,奋斗struggle v 试图attempt v/n 摇摆swayn 刀锋blade n 期间,学期,术语,termn 扫帚broom条件n 小蜂窝,细胞cell v 辛苦工作 n 勤劳,toilv 命令command网v 证明confirm n 节奏 v 调音tunev 使相信convince n 恶习vicev 治愈 n 治疗方法cure v 哭泣weepadj 矫捷的delicate n 地区zoneLesson 23n 干,茎n 酸性物质acid v 跌倒v 凑近approach v 除掉n 战斗battle n 地方n 树枝bough v 拷问 n 悲伤adj 有能力的capable n 双胞胎中的一个v 窒息choke n 藤;蔓n 伙伴comrade v 鞭打 n 鞭子v 请教consult Lesson 24n 信用credit v 获取v 宣布declare n 围裙v 破坏destroy n 珠子v 搅乱disturb n 界线adj 有效的effective n 经历;职业adj 全部的entire v 砍n 专家expert v 隐蔽n 偏爱favor n 接触v 拍翅flutter v 爬行n 毛皮fur v 拒绝adj 感谢的grateful n 细节n 地狱hell n 排沟渠,沟adj 极广大的immense adj 有效率的adj 立刻的instant v 命名v 连接join n 实验n/v 鞭打lash adj 最喜欢的 n 最喜v 住宿lodge爱的人或物n 桅杆mast n 泡沫n 镜子mirror n 火炉n 指甲,钉子nail n 墓地v 观察,遵守observe n 兽群n 景色outlook v/n 输入,入口n 经过,通道passage n 本能v 死perish n 连接处n 政客politician n 后者adj 主要的primary adj 孤单的n 紫色purple n 杰作v 反射,反响,考虑reflect adj 可怜的v 需要require adj 赤身的n 危险risk v 获取n 酱sauce n 产量v 搜寻seek adj 热忱的,热忱的n 尖叫声 v 尖叫shriek adj 长远的v 强抢 n 抓住snatch adj 人口茂密的n 脊椎spine n 原则,主义stem stumble sweep territory torturetwinvinewhipacquire apronbead boundary career chop conceal contact creep decline detailditch efficient entitle experiment favoritefoam furnace graveherdimport instinctjointlatter lonesome masterpiece miserable naked obtain output passionate permanent populous principlev 追捕pursuev 改革reformv 拯救rescuen 对手rivaladj 无礼的,俊秀的saucyv 抓住,扣押seizev 关上shutv 浸润,吸取soakn 精神spiritn 继母stepmother adj 笨拙的stupidv 膨胀swelln 题目themeadj 强壮的toughv 围绕twistn 暴力violencen 旋转 v 回旋whirl。

我们有鉴于此,特别为全国广大的英文读者编排了一系列的词汇丛书,从最基本的VocabularyFundamental,到足以应付留学考试之所需的V ocabulary22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您目前在校求学还是已步入社会,都会发现本系列书籍即是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。
衍生词→下载链接第一课的单词Barrenadj.贫瘠的同:sterileThebarrenlandcouldproducelittlefood.Bumpv.碰撞同:collideTheroomwasdarkandIbumpedmyheadagainstthedoor.Devisev.设计;发明同:inventHedevisedanewmethodforteachingtheblind.Exertv.使用同:useMywife’sbeenexertingalotofpressureonmetochangemyjob.Intrigue1.n.阴谋同:conspiracy2.v.引起?的兴趣Theking’syoungerbrothertookpartintheintriguetomakehimselfking.Thebook’sunusualtitleintriguedmeintoreadingit.Oathn.宣誓;誓言同:pledgeHeplacedhisrighthandontheBibleashespoketheoathofoffice.Postponev.延期同:adjournThehadtopostponetheirtripbecauseofrain.Refugen.避难所;避难同:shelterThecattookrefugefromthedogbehindatree.Regainn.恢复同:recoverIttookheralongtimetoregainherhealth.Shatterv.破灭;粉碎同:smash Theirhopeoffindinghimalivewasshatteredwhenhisdeadbodywasfound.Teasev.嘲弄同:vexAtschool,theotherchildrenalwaysteasedmebecauseIwasfat.Tiltv.倾斜同:inclineHetiltedhischairbacktoofarandfellonthefloor.Version1.n.翻译同:translation2.n.叙述DoyouhavetheEnglishversionofthisbook?Yourversionoftheaccidentdiffersfromthatoftheotherwitness.Absurdadj.荒谬的反:reasonableHisbeliefthathewastooclevertobecauthtinhiswrongdoingwasabsurd.Alienadj.外国的反:domesticAftertenyearshisalienspeechwasstillnoticeable.Amiableadj.和蔼可亲的反:spitefulSheisanamiablegirlandgetsalongwitheveryoneintheoffice.Banv.禁止反:allowInmostcountriesthesaleofliquortochildrenisbanned.Figurativeadj.比喻的反:literal“Thesweettemper”isafigurativeexpression,but“sweetcoffee”isnot.Genuineadj.真正的反:falseHerweddingringismadeofgenuinediamond.Hoistv.升起反:lowerTheyhoistthenationalflagatsixo’clockeverymorning.Incorrectadj.不正确的反:accurateThenewspapergaveanincorrectaccountofthetrafficaccident.Massiveadj.巨大的反:tinyThehousewasbuildonamassiverock.Staleadj.不新鲜的反:freshTherewasonlyapieceofstalecakeleftintherefrigerator.Thrivev.茂盛反:declineThebuyatwholesaleandsellatretail.Mostfloerswillnotthrivewithoutwaterandsunshine.Wholesalen.批发反:retail Annoyv.骚扰n.annoyanceThebabyisalwaysannoyinghissisterbypullingherhair.Celebratev.庆祝n.celebrationWecelebratedChristmaswithtreesandpresents.Diplomatn.外交家n.diplomacyTheunsociablepersonishardlyfitforadiplomat.Foreseev.预知adj.foreseeableItisimpossibletoforeseewhethershe’llbewellenoughtocomehomefromhospitalnextmonth.Inducev.说服n.inducement Wecouldn’tinducetheoldladytotra velbyair.Mobilizev.动员n.mobilizationOurcountryisingreatdanger;wemustmobilizethearmy.Precedev.在前n.precedentMr.EisenhowerprecededMr.KennedyaspresidentoftheUnitedStates.Predeterminev.预先决定adj.predeterminateSomepeoplebelievethatman’sdestinyispredetermined.Prevailv.流行adj.prevalentMakingresolutionsonNewYear’sDayisacustomthatstillprevails.Subtleadj.精致的;淡的n.subtletyHersubtlesmilemadehimcurious.Transactv.办理n.transactionThemantransactsmanyaffairsconnectedwiththepurchaseofahome.Treasonn.叛国adj.treasonousHel pingtheenemiesofone’scountryisanapparenttreason.Utilizev.利用n.utilityHowcanweutilizehisknowledgeandskilltoouradvantage?Bosomn.胸Sheworeafloweronthebosomofherdress.Diploman.文凭Whenapersonhassuccessfullycompletedacertaincourseofstudy,heisgivenadiplomabytheschool.Dramaticadj.戏剧的Themeetingbetweenthemotherandherblindsonwasdramatic.Fumen.烟;气体Thestrongfumesoftheautomobileexhaustearlychokedhim.Hurrahn.欢呼声“hurrah!”theyshoutedastheteamscoredagain.Miniature1.n.缩小之模型2.n.缩小物Inthemuseumthereisaminiatureofthes hip“Mayflower.”Thechildwasplayingonthefloorwithhiscollectionofminiaturefarmanimals.Parceln.包裹Onherbirthdayherarmswerefilledwithgiftparcels.Pilln.药丸Thepillstuckinhisthroatbutanextradrinkofwaterwasheditdown.Racketn.喧哗Thestudentsmadeabigracketastheylefttheschool.Rhymen.音Thepoetusedtheword“flight”asarhymefortheword“night”.Scarn.疤Themanlooksterrible;hehasmanyscarsonhischeeks.Sculpturen.雕刻Therearemanyfamoussculpturesinthemuseum.Skipv.跳WhenIreadabook,Iusuallyskipover;heuninterestingpart.练习:本期的生词中选出适当的填空。

demand great patience
flew into arage, fury
Sky darkenedafter sunset
delicious cakes
resort to shop/shopping
A great delight
talkative woman
howl at stranger,yell
summonsb to bed
hardship,oflife, comfort
Individual attention
transfer to
horrible car accident
mertof work, worth
Assume an atiitude of采
release sb
I was disappointed
relieve ache, reliefn.
deny sb sth
ruin property, destruct
direct way
rub hand
sense of responsibility
Sb almost getdrowned
Bombs in cemetery
marriage ceremony
peak, summit
commit a crime
natural/cultured pearl
prefaceof book

commendationn.赞扬同:praise反:blameHewasgivenacommendationforbraveryafterhesavedthelit tlechildrenfromthefire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
conflictn.冲突;争斗同:fight反:reconciliationSomepeoplethinkthatthereisagreatdealofconflictbetwe enreligions(宗教)andscience.Therewasnobodytodirecttheworkman.没有人监督工人。

The teacher pronounced each word slowly.
The doctor pronounced that the man was dead.
blame n.责难 反:compliment
I have done my best,neither praise nor blame can affect me now.
bubble n.气泡
Children like to make bubble with soap and water.
blank adj.空白的 同:empty
Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.
bulk n.堆,容量 同:volume
A vast bulk of coal(煤)is still stored in the basement(地下室).
attend v.上学;参加
All children over seven must attend school.
He was frank to admit(承认)that he hadn't studied the lesson.
最新-刘毅词汇3000,英语单词 精品


Lesson Part【ABROAD】He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,知道几种外国语言。
【AFFECT】The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨水少,影响谷物的生长。
【A TTEND】All children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
【BLAME】I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
★do one's best:尽全力【BUBBLE】Children like to make bubbles with soap and water.孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。
【CEMETERY】There are many tombs in the cemetery.墓地里有许多墓碑。
【COMMENDA TION】He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
【CONFLICT】Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science.有人认为宗教与科学间有很大的冲突。
【COOPERATE】The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classroom clean.孩子们与老师合作保持教室清洁。

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Lesson 1He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages。
The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crop.All children over seven must attend school.I have done my best, neither praise nor blam e can affect me now.Children like to make bubble with soap and water。
There are many tombs in the cemetery。
He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science。

abroad/??br??d;?ˋbr?d/adv inortoaforeigncountryorcountries;awayfromone'sowncountry在国外;到国外;出国:be,go,live,travelabroad在外国[出国/旅居外国/到外国]*visitors(whohavecome)fromabroad,iefromanothercountry外国(来的)游客.beingcirculatedwidely广泛流传:There'sarumourabroadthat...,iepeoplearesayingthat....谣言盛传,说是....(archorrhet古或修辞)outofdoors户外;室外:haveyouventuredabroadyettoday?你今天敢出门了吗?affect影响Thesmallamountofrainlastyearaffectedthegrowthofcrops.去年雨水量少,影响谷物生长。
affect1/??fekt;?ˋf?kt/v[Tn]haveaninfluenceon(sb/sth);produceaneffecton影响:Thetaxincreaseshaveaffectedusall.加税已经影响了我们大家.*Thechangeinclimatemayaffectyourhealth,iebebadforyou.气候的变化可能影响你的健康.*Theiropinionwillnotaffectmydecision.他们的意见不会影响我的决定.(ofdisease)attack(sb/sth);infect(指疾病)侵袭(某人[某物]);感染:cancerhadaffectedhislungs.癌已侵及他的肺脏.cause(sb)tohavefeelingsofsadnessorsympathy;touch使(某人)有悲伤或同情的感觉;感动:weweredeeplyaffectedbythenewsofherdeath.她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤.affectingmovingortouching动人的;感人的:anaffectingappealforhelp感人的求助.affectinglyadv.noTeonusAge用法:Affectisaverbmeaning`haveaninfluenceon'*affect是动词,意为‘影响’:Alcoholaffectsdrivers'concentration.酒精能影响司机的注意力.effectisanounmeaning`resultorinfluence'*effect是名词,意为‘效果’或‘影响’:Alcoholhasaverybadeffectondrivers.酒精对司机的影响很大.Itisalsoa(formal)verbmeaning`accomplish'*effect这个词还是个(文雅的)动词,意为‘完成’:Theyeffectedtheirescapeinthemiddleofthenight.他们半夜逃脱了. affect2/??fekt;?ˋf?kt/v[Tn](oftenderog常作贬义)makeanobviousshowofusing,wearingorliking(sth)炫耀(所使用﹑穿戴或爱好的事物):affectbrightcolours,bowties炫耀鲜艳的颜色﹑蝶形领结*heaffectsapretentioususeoflanguage,ietriestoimpresspeoplebyusingobscu rewords,etc.他爱卖弄词藻.(a)[Tn,Tt]pretendtohaveorfeel(sth)装作;假装:affectnottoknowsth/affectignoranceofsth装作不知道某事[装作对某事物一无所知]*sheaffectedaforeignaccent.她装出外国腔调.(b)[Ln](fml 文)pretendtobe(sth);poseas装成;扮成:sheaffectsthehelplessfemale.她装成柔弱女性.affected/??fekt?d;?ˋf?kt?d/adjnotnaturalorgenuine;pretended;artificial不自然的;不真实的;装扮的;做作的:anaffectedpoliteness,cheerfulness,etc 虚伪的礼貌﹑强作欢颜*ahighlyaffectedstyleofwriting极为矫揉造作的写作风格*Dotrynottobesoaffected.千万别这麽装模作样的.attendv.上学;参加n.attendanceAllchildrenoversevenmustattendschool.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。

和我一起背单词(刘毅3000)(第十五课第三节)(1)第15课第3节单词1 impression n.印象His speech made a strong impression on the audience.他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象.v.impress2 instruct v.教导We have one teacher who instructs us in geography, English, and history. 我们有一位老师教我们地理,英文还有历史.n.instruction3 journey n.旅行Life is a long journey from birth to death.人生是个从出生至死亡的漫长旅程.4 lawn n.草地I spent the whole afternoon mowing the lawn in the back yard.我花了整个下午在后院中除草.5 lovely adj.可爱的She was wearing a very lovely dress at the party.她在宴会上穿了一件非常可爱的衣服.6 material n.材料When building materials costs more, the price of houses increases.建筑材料涨价,房屋价格也随之提高.同.substance7 mislead v.欺骗Her appearance misled him, he thought she was young, but she wasn't.她的容貌骗了他,他以为她很年轻,其实不然.同.misguide8 navy n.海军The navy defends the country's shores and seas.海军保卫国家的海岸和海域.9 occasion n.场合I wish to express my sorrow on this occasion.我希望能在此场合表达我的哀伤.10 overcome v.克服In order to succeed, you must overcome any hardships.为了成功,你必须克服任何困难.同.conquer;vanquish【。
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The government issues money and stamps.
This book was issued in New York in 1972. selina26034784288c982d4
A lot of blood was issuing from the wound.
n.房东 The landlord put a new stove in my room.
literature n.文学Many foreigners are studying Chinese literature. selina26034784288c9834e
The manufacture of watches is the chief business of Switzerland.
The factory manufactures automobiles in large quantity by using machines.
n.军队 In some countries every bealthy young man must do 2 or 3 years' military service.
The population of the city is multiplying rapidly.
Children often asked numerous questions about the universe.
adj.通常的 His ordinary lunch consists of soup, a sandwich and milk. 他平常的午餐包括汤,一个三明治还有牛奶.
n.原谅 I beg your pardon for being late.
v.原谅 We must pardon him for his little faults.
n.半岛 Spain or Italy is a peninsula.