期末作业考核《文学理论研究》满分100分一、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)1. 就一篇抒情作品而言,抒情动机是多方面的、交叉的,而不是单一的。
(✓)2. 在抒情性作品中,夸张是服务于情感需要的。
(✓)3. 一个事件在叙述中具有相对独立性,所以一个事件就是一个叙述单位。
(✓)4. 魏晋南北朝被认为是中国文学的自觉时代,这时期出现的不少文学理论著作中的分类意义重要,影响深远,首先是曹丕的《典论•论文》第一次从理论上提出了文体问题。
(✓)二、简答题(每题10分,共50分)1. 人物描写包括哪些方面?答:按描写的对象分,有人物描写和景物描写。
2. 文学在整个社会结构中的位置是什么?答:道是人在社会当中体现出来的,是人与社会血脉相连的纽带,也是人与自然和谐共处的玄机。
3. 简述一下戏剧文学的基本特征?答:戏剧文学具有两重性。
东师《英语精读(⼆)16秋在线作业1东北师范⼤学东师英语精读(⼆)16秋在线作业1⼀、单选题(共20 道试题,共60 分。
)1. Every year, about 11 million people enter the()market in our country.A. work;B. job正确答案:2. I didn't want() to become suspicious.A. anybody;B. anyone正确答案:3. Before going on the date, Robert polished his shoes until they().A. shone;B. glowed正确答案:4. Last week we()a lecture delivered by Professor Li.A. attended;B. attended to正确答案:5. This book is()reading.A. worth;B. worthy正确答案:6. Does the idea of working abroad()to you?A. attract;B. appeal正确答案:7. Their explanation is far from().A. satisfied;B. satisfactory正确答案:8. The instruction reads:()the bottle before you take the medicine.9. This state-owned factory used to have an 8-() wage system.A. scale;B. level10. Are you ready to()? I think I'll just have some noodles.A. demand;B. order正确答案:11. When I found quite a few pages()in the dictionary, I wrote the bookstore a letter of complaint.A. missing;B. lost正确答案:12. In their hiding place, the criminals lived in fear(). They knew the police were searching high and low for them.A. again and again;B. all the time正确答案:13. Alice()with fear. She knew that it would soon be completely dark in the forest.A. shook;B. trembled正确答案:14. This work is()of doing.A. worth;B. worthy正确答案:15. He said that it would be a simple meal. But it turned out to be a 11-()banquet.A. course;B. dish正确答案:16. I still()the day I first met him.A. remenber;B. memorize正确答案:17. My parents are strongly against my decision, but I().18. I was disappointed, but I said () and began to work immediately.A. nothing;B. everything正确答案:19. Sorry,I'm late.I've got lots of things to().A. attend;B. attend to正确答案:20. The doctor()that I should have an immediate operation.B. persists正确答案:英语精读(⼆)16秋在线作业1⼆、判断题(共20 道试题,共40 分。
英语视听(二)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. Rmss is nm()of gypt y his fthr.. rgnt. hir. prim ministr. king正确答案:2. "Huh. No st liv stns hn ginst you...n no girl for tht mttr!" is lin from(). . uty n st. hrlott's W. Polr xprss. Monstr Hous正确答案:3. Th Monstr Hous is th hous of (). th ol mn. Jnny. howr. onstn正确答案:4. ritin n(), sprt y nglish hnnl, hv n ommuniting vry oftn sin long go in history. . Snt. his Mom. his. thonutor正确答案:5. "ll, it's out tim you got your h out of thos ooks n pi ttntion to mor importnt things...lik m! "is si y(). Gston. Muri. th st. Mrs. Potts正确答案:6. howr hs ought nw()n h' lik to ply with J.. ook. ll. omputr. iyl正确答案:7. "n o you unrstn th tsk for whih your irth hs stin you?" is lin from(). . Th Monstr Hous. Prin of gypt. uty n st. hrlott's W正确答案:8. () mrris Miin girl n oms k to his popl with his wif.. Moss. Rmss. th ol phroh. J正确答案:9. Why o th gos tormnt m with suh (), strutiv, lsphmous sons?. rklss. ring. humiliting. wrong正确答案:10. Thr’s no () of inrsing sls. 没有迹象表明销售量上升。
1. 听力材料:老师会提供一段关于全球环境保护的演讲录音,学生需要仔细听并理解其中的内容。
2. 笔记整理:学生需要根据听力材料,整理出关键要点和主要观点,并以清晰简洁的方式记录下来。
3. 回答问题:根据听力材料和自己的笔记,学生需要回答老师提供的几个问题。
1. 听力理解:判断学生是否能准确理解听力材料中的信息。
2. 笔记整理:考察学生是否能抓住关键要点并以清晰的方式记录下来。
3. 回答问题:评判学生对听力材料的深入理解和应用能力。
1. 请独立完成作业,不得与其他同学合作。
2. 作业中的回答应准确、简洁,并使用自己的语言表达。
3. 学生需要主动扩充自己的词汇量,以便更好地理解听力材料。
4. 请按时提交作业,迟交的作业将按照迟交标准进行扣分。
东师《高级英语写作》期末考核离线作业离线考核《高级英语写作》满分100分I. Tell one thing that influenced you deeply. (共40分)Wnen|wes eien veans ono .1 suied in Pimarv sool n winter . t wes ver cold end ote snowe Ate scoo mowes vev hant mosofus heto savin dasss and weree tor the premet Mw caigmes et shoo one 0v on ALI5 owme sgein das.1 e wore and toumrt svnede in te csrom tor one ngen ' l ond coe I'twe wnhe ouend noupmr" Werere mw prenmr? Plese the me to home quctr suse 1 28W Miss “come here she ae mewhehemenaowimr. Tmen she sa wrm orworom,w whe vouo wour home" 1Buge船毗we weromesafely. Miss U's concem made me remember for ever. II.What is your most-cherished quality? Why do you think it is important? (共60分)In the morden days。
the society is processing ,the people's basic quality is raising ,the life is getting well and well , but inthe culture society , there are also some bad moral character in our life . They don't attentaion their image,unbridled do thethings. For example: throw the rabbish everywhere ; don't observe the traffic regulations ; make noise in the public place ; don't)e touch with the neighbours and don't attention his image . His image is effect our society ,we must tell them how to do andwhat to do . The task is very hard,only depend on the people's conscious , so all the people must do the civilization things andbecome a civilization man . Our society is ivilization ,we need the talent. The people's basic qualityis raised ,the society canprogress. We must to do the ilization man , so do it when we was a child anddo it by everyone.。
离线考核《高级听说》满分100分I.Vocabulary (1 point each, 10 points total.)Part A: Underline the correct words.a) Hans has rosy / thick eyebrows.b) Are you ill? Your cheeks look very pale / straight.c) The dentist admired her straight / full teeth.d) Angelina Jolie is famous for her full / pointed lips.Part B :Complete the sentences with the words in the box.a) Lula’s friends were very ____loyal_____ and supported her during the terrible divorce.b) I get a bit nervous in groups of people. I’m really quite_____ shy____ .c) You’re so bossy . Stop telling me what to do!d) Hamish is very _ambitious___ . He wants to set up his own company and be rich.e) Sue and Marta are ____sociable__________ and enjoy being with other children at school.f) Patrick cried when his friend was ill. He’s very sensitive .II. Complete the text with the words in the box.(2 points each, 20 points total.)Part A: Complete the conversations with the phrases in the box.Colin: I’ve got my driving test tomorrow. I hope I pass.Kathy: Oh yes. Good luck. (1) I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Barman: Here’s your drink. That’s £500, please.Daniella: What?Barman: Don’t worry. (2) I’m pulling your leg. It’s £2.30.Tricia: I can’t do this on my own. (3) _Can you give me a hand___ with dinner? Mark: OK. I’ll do the potatoes.Ann: This stupid phone doesn’t work.Bob: Take it back.Ann: Yes, I will. It really should work. (4)_It cost an arm and a leg__ .Theo: Have you been arguing with Jim again?Ann: Yes. (5) I just can’t see eye to eye with him.Part B: Complete the conversations with the words in the box.A: Do you like diving?B: No, water sports aren’t really my cup of (1) tea . I prefer shopping. A: How was your journey?B: Oh, the train was really busy. Everyone was packed in like (2) sardines . A: You’re full of (3) beans this morning.B: Yes. I feel really good.A: I’ve got to program my new mobile phone. Can you help me?B: Sure. It’ll be a piece of (4) cake . I did mine last week.A: Your sons look so similar.B: Yes, the y look similar, but they’re like chalk and (5)cheese .III. Grammar: (1 point each, 10 points total.)Part A: Complete the sentences with the ing or (to) infinitive form of the verb.a) Are you looking forward to __going (go) on holiday?b) I’ve decided to learn (learn) to swim this year.c) Pam doesn’t need to buy (buy) a new bicycle.d) He should stop smoking (smoke). It’s an awful habit.e) Brian really enjoys cooking (cook).Part B: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.1 When Ben c , we’ll leave.a) will arrive b) is arrived c) arrives2 I’ll go to bed as soon as this programme a .c) finishes b) finish c) will finish3 If I miss my train, I _____b_______ you from the station.a) call b) will call c) am calling4 As soon as I finish this work, I ____a________ home.a) will go b) go c) going5 We’ll open the wine when they _____a___ here.a) get b) are getting c) will getIV. Listening skills (2 points each, 40 points total.)Part A: Listen and underline the two stressed words in each sentence.a) How long have you been studying?b) I’ve known him since May.c) She’s lived there for years.d) How much have you been spending?e) They’ve never been diving.Part B: Listen to the conversation between Anna and Jake. Underline the correct information.a) Anna asks Jake when / where he was born.b) Leo men are good-looking / bossy.c) Jake has often / never travelled abroad.d) Pisces women are friendly / shy.e) Gemini women like / don’t l ike being with other people.Part C: Listen and underline the word in each group with the different vowel sound.a) lett u ce sard i ne spin a chb) b ea ns t ea spin a chc) n u t o nion o ranged) o nion au bergine tomat oe) b a nana c au liflower lem o nPart D: Listen to the conversation between Mr McCoy and his doctor. Choose the correct information to complete the sentences.a) Mr McCoy is visiting the doctor because _(2) the doctor has some test results_______ .(1) he wants to change his lifestyle (2) the doctor has some test results(3) he’s illb) Mr McCoy needs to _(3) start doing exercise_______ .(1) drive his car when he goes out (2) go out more(3) start doing exercisec) The doctor says that Mr McCoy smokes __ (2) too much______ .(1) just a little (2) too much (3) one cigarette a dayd) When Mr McCoy gets home, he’s going to(1) throw his cigarettes away ____ .(1) throw his cigarettes away (2) go to work (3) go for a walke) Mr McCoy __(3) doesn’t like vegetables______ .(1) doesn’t like fruit (2) eats lots of tomatoes (3) doesn’t like vegetablesV. Reading (2 points each, 20 points total.)Part A: Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?a) Having negative thoughts can make your life shorter. Tb) The study in a US hospital has now finished. Fc) Researchers studied depressed cancer patients. Fd) Optimistic people don’t get ill. Fe) People who are happy about getting older often live longer lives. TPart B: Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?a) Jamie Oliver is a famous TV presenter. Fb) Jamie didn’t like t he school dinners he saw in British schools. Tc) Jamie believes children should learn about food and cooking. Td) Healthy school dinners cost more than unhealthy ones. Fe) The government won’t change meals in British schools. F。
东北师范大学春离线作业答案大学英语一高起专 Revised by BETTY on December 25,2020期末作业考核《大学英语(一)》高起专满分:100分一、Vocabulary and Structure (每题2分,共50分)Section ADirections: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Courses are not ___ A_ _ merely for students to pass exams.A. designedB. designingC. designD. designs2. Please ____A_ _those details that you would like to change.A. selectB. selectionC. selectingD. selects3. There are six people present at the meeting, __ B_ __ three women.A. includeB. includingC. includedD. includes4. He __ B_ ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A. simpleB. simplyC. simplifyD. simplely5. They accept what is happening without __ A __ _ to change it.A. attemptingB. attemptedC. attemptD. attemptswas a great _ C_ ___; he composed many great songs.A. artB. artisticC. artistD. arts7. Sandy did not want her parents to learn __ D __ the news of her failure in the exam.A. inB. forC. onD. about8. I was surprised to find out that I was heavily __ A___ debt.A. onB. inC. toD. up9. Out classroom is selected __ C ____ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on10. Their innovation products caught __ B____ quickly.A. withB. upC. onD. in11. Can you believe that John keeps a snake __ A ___ a pet?A. asB. inC. forD. against12. The word comes __ C____ an African language.A. upB. downC. fromD. out13. She hangs ___ B___ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A. upB. outC. inD. on14. The child has no understanding of problems, according __ D___ thedoctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to15. Americans _ B ____ millions of Christmas cards every year.A. changeB. exchangeC. attemptD. determineSection BDirection: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families A to be quite large. Parents B five or more were common. Over the years, the C of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the D of living A the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them B dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better D and have more money to spend on D . The parents usually take the responsibility D all the expense. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers C away from home.16. A. tended B. wanted C. seemed D. extended17. A. breeding B. raising C. feeding D. bringing18. A. amount B. number C. size D. scale19. A. level B. standard C. wage D. cost20. A. On B. By C. At D. From21. A. finally B. financially C. fashionably D. faintly22. A. worn B. wearing C. dressing D. dressed23. A. luxury B. activity C. playing D. entertainment24. A. at B. to C. on D. for25. A. are B. run C. work D. separate二、 Writing (共50 分)根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。
:92c40e8f-88f4-4430-bc0f-b86a7e559b99:1a621616-0a1f-4ca1-9521-ece3大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业11:The elephants ought ______ hours ago by the keepers.A:to be fedB:to feedC:to being fedD:to have been fed正确答案:D2:______ they reached the small village before dusk.A:Towards the endB:By the endC:In the endD:At the end正确答案:C3:The librarian insists that Dana take ______ books from library before she returns the dictionary she borrowed last month.A:noB:manyC:not manyD:no more正确答案:D4:______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise. A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案:A5:______ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the sun’s energy. A:The earth’s surfaceB:The surface earthC:The surface of earthD:The earth surface正确答案:A6:True hibernation takes place only among ______ animals.A:whose blood is warmB:blood wormC:warm-bloodedD:they have warm blood正确答案:C7:Computers can do ______ work in a short time, but a man can not do ______ by himself. A:great many…manyB:a great deal of…muchC:much…a great dealD:many…a great many正确答案:C8:If you hadn’t gone with Tom to the party last night,______.A:you would meet John alreadyB:you won’t have missed JohnC:you will have met JohnD:you would have met John正确答案:D9:Nobody will believe how difficult his work has been ______?A:will heB:won’t nobodyC:will theyD:won’t they正确答案:C10:“When is Tom going to leave?”“He is going to leave ______ this week.”A:sometimesB:some timeC:sometimeD:somewhat正确答案:C11:They have to study a lot, ______?A:don’t theyB:haven’t theyC:did theyD:hadn’t they正确答案:A12:Whatever you can do,______.A:I can do so as wellB:I can do this as wellC:I can do it as wellD:I can do as well正确答案:D13:There isn’t anything wrong with the radio, ______?A:is thereB:is itC:does itD:does there正确答案:A14:The doctor’s advice is that the patient ______ about his real physical condition. A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案:A15:Would you like to have a cup of tea and ______ with me?A:two toastsB:two pieces of toastC:two piece of toastsD:tow pieces of toasts正确答案:B16:The boys in this town like to bully ______.A:one anotherB:one and otherC:each otherD:one and the other正确答案:A17:They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.A:both the other twoB:the two other bothC:the both other twoD:the both two other正确答案:A18:What ______ are you planning to buy?A:make of carB:make of the carC:make of a carD:make of cars正确答案:A19:Will you please see ______ our luggage when I am away?A:toB:inC:withD:for正确答案:A20:My brother is going on the picnic with ______ friends.A:his two little otherB:other his two littleC:his other little twoD:his two other little正确答案:D21:“______ your best? It’s not satisfactory. I’m afraid you will have to do it again.”A:Do you tryB:Have you triedC:Are you tryingD:Have you been trying正确答案:B22:She was operated a month ago but now she was ______.A:very goodB:very wellC:healthyD:good conditioned正确答案:B23:the number of articles published on smoking ______ amazing.A:isB:areC:wereD:have been正确答案:A24:Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?A:does heB:doesn’t heC:need heD:needn’t he正确答案:B25:I’d just as soon ______ rudely to her.A:that you won’t speakB:your not speakingC:you not speakD:you didn’t speak正确答案:D26:For ______ interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.A:themB:whomC:themselvesD:those正确答案:D27:Most of the houses in the village were burnt to ______ during the war.A:an ashB:the ashC:ashD:ashes正确答案:D28:Every time he ______ me, he is rude to me.A:will seeB:seesC:is seeingD:is seen正确答案:B29:A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold ______. A:itB:themC:thatD:one正确答案:B30:“I know she was in because I heard her radio, but she didn’t open the door.”“She ______ the bell.”A:may not be hearingB:may not have heardC:must not have heardD:must not be hearing正确答案:B31:A man who could ______ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength.A:bear uponB:insist onC:stand up toD:persist in正确答案:C32:When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain. A:what he had seenB:that he had seenC:which he had seenD:he had seen what正确答案:A33:Fox was advised to give the assignment to _______ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.A:whomB:whomeverC:whoeverD:that正确答案:C34:Though we have no interests ______ common, we are good friends.A:onB:inC:forD:at正确答案:B35:Painting in _____ is one of their spare-time activities.A:oilB:an oilC:oilsD:the oil正确答案:C36:“I wonder why they’re late.”“They ______ the train.”A:can have missedB:could missC:may have missedD:might miss正确答案:C37:Since she is angry, we ______.A:had better leaving her aloneB:should leave her aloneC:might as well leave her aloneD:had rather leave her alone正确答案:D38:Typical of the new type of young people ______, who set a shining example to the whole nation.A:was Lei FengB:Were Lei FengC:Lei Feng wasD:Lei Feng were正确答案:A39:The gas works ______ near the city.A:isB:areC:wereD:be正确答案:A40:If they ______, our plan will fall flat. A:are co-operatingB:had not co-operatedC:won’t co-operateD:didn’t co-operate正确答案:C。
英语精读(三)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. ll still spiliz in irt mrkting of IM Ps to whih h () fturs.. ustom. frilr. thil. fulfillmnt正确答案:2. Jill ws () y hr mploys us sh oftn sol thm for not working hr nough. loth. pprit. hrish. pris正确答案:3. Thn otors ignos hoplss () or hrning of th rtris. I thought it ws mor omplit thn tht. nttl. snility. xpition. linging正确答案:4. in th lst th U.S. n th moris of urop hv pi () rgr to th suontinnt.. snt. vol. ortiv. sutl正确答案:5. igging th fountion is th first () of our uiling projt. solution. prossion. phs. hivmnt正确答案:6. uring th ours I h om to rliz tht whil my worl ws xpning n nw options wr opning for m, my fthr, who ws in his sixtis, ws sing his worl _ n his options nrrow. . infurit. winl. pr. shrink正确答案:7. You'v r of how h h hh n how, whn h got wor tht L ws ry to ll it quits, h ws sunly n () ur.. motivtion. lngui. xssiv. mirulously正确答案:8. Th uthor monotonously tlogus th() points of fshion history, whil omitting th tils tht might nhn th rr’s intrst. vitl. trivil. ssntil. unisput正确答案:9. H hving lik mni out th wsps () wving thm wy, flpping t thm with his strw ht, srious n out of ll proportion to th osion.. pith. plung. infurit. winl正确答案:10. Wht h suggst will () to your pln. infinit. intimt. inflxil. nfiil正确答案:11. Th young prin slpt with th Ili unr his pillow n long to mult hills, who rought th () powr of si to ruin.. prh. glr. srp. mighty正确答案:12. Suh systm st th stg for () inrss in spifi inst popultions.. xpouning. forgo. xplosiv. prsi正确答案:13. Thr us to n ol ity hr, whih ws ()unr th rivr out 2000 yrs go.. insult. insult. uri. intrrupt正确答案:14. Whthr th thing ws prtil jok or not, Mr. rowthr onsir it n nnoying () of his privy.. infringmnt. slip. imptuous. xult正确答案:15. Th () of jt trvl hs m th worl sm smllr.. rmrk. rltionship. rmovl. innovtion正确答案:16. His poor hlth ()him to rsign from his jo.. ompll. trsur. trnsplnt. trimm正确答案:17. Th ity is ()of thr stions, whih r sprt y rivrs.. upst. vlu. ompos. vntur正确答案:18. Our ns push us to striv for (); whthr in our ttmpt to stisfy thm w o right or wrong is up to h of us to i.. fulfillmnt. intgrity. nttl. snility正确答案:19. Th rr is urg to lr, rthr thn followr; to rly on his own powr, rthr thn to (). inform. onform. form. rform正确答案:20. In utumn, ok n mpl n irh st up lz of olor tht flm n () ross kgroun of pins . shrink. stroll. vrg. flikr正确答案:英语精读(三)16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。
:92c40e8f-88f4-4430-bc0f-b86a7e559b99:1a621616-0a1f-4ca1-9521-ece3大学英语(一)高起专16 秋在线作业 11:The elephants ought ______ hours ago by the keepers.A:to be fedB:to feedC:to being fedD:to have been fed正确答案: D2:______ they reached the small village before dusk.A:Towards the endB:By the endC:In the endD:At the end正确答案: C3:The librarian insists that Dana take ______ books from library before she returns the dictionary she borrowed last month.A:noB:manyC:not manyD:no more正确答案: D4:______ comparison to my b oyhood,my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise. A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案: A5:______ receives only a small portion of the total amount of the sun ’s energy. A:The earth ’s surfaceB:The surface earthC:The surface of earthD:The earth surface正确答案: A6:True hibernation takes place only among ______ animals.A:whose blood is warmB:blood wormC:warm-bloodedD:they have warm blood正确答案: C7:Computers can do ______ work in a short time ,but a mancan not do ______ by himself. A:great many ⋯manyB:a great deal of ⋯muchC:much⋯a great dealD:many⋯a great many正确答案: C8:If you hadn ’t gone with Tom to the party last night ,______.A:you would meet John alreadyB:you won ’t have missed JohnC:you will have met JohnD:you would have met John正确答案: D9:Nobody will believe how difficult his work has been ______A:will heB:won’t nobodyC:will theyD:won’t they正确答案: C10:“When is Tom going to leave ”“He is going to leave ______ this week. ”A:sometimesB:some timeC:sometimeD:somewhat正确答案: C11:They have to study a lot ,______A:don’t theyB:haven’t theyC:did theyD:hadn’t they正确答案: A12:Whatever you can do ,______.A:I can do so as wellB:I can do this as wellC:I can do it as wellD:I can do as well正确答案: D13:There isn ’t anything wrong with the radio ,______A:is thereB:is itC:does itD:does there正确答案: A14:The doctor ’s advice is that the patient ______ about his real physical condition. A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案: A15:Would you like to have a cup of tea and ______ with meA:two toastsB:two pieces of toastC:two piece of toastsD:tow pieces of toasts正确答案: B16:The boys in this town like to bully ______.A:one anotherB:one and otherC:each otherD:one and the other正确答案: A17:They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.A:both the other twoB:the two other bothC:the both other twoD:the both two other正确答案: A18:What ______ are you planning to buyA:make of carB:make of the carC:make of a carD:make of cars正确答案: A19:Will you please see ______ our luggage when I am away A:toB:inC:withD:for正确答案: A20:My brother is going on the picnic with ______ friends. A:his two little otherB:other his two littleC:his other little twoD:his two other little正确答案: D21:“______ your best It ’s not satisfactory. I ’mafraid you will have to do it again. ”A:Do you tryB:Have you triedC:Are you tryingD:Have you been trying正确答案: B22:She was operated a month ago but now she was ______.A:very goodB:very wellC:healthyD:good conditioned正确答案: B23:the number of articles published on smoking ______ amazing.A:isB:areC:wereD:have been正确答案: A24:Your friend needs to come earlier ,______A:does heB:doesn’t heC:need heD:needn’t he正确答案: B25:I ’d just as soon ______ rudely to her.A:that you won ’t speakB:your not speakingC:you not speakD:you didn ’t speak正确答案: D26:For ______ interested in nature ,the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer.A:themB:whomC:themselvesD:those正确答案: D27:Most of the houses in the village were burnt to ______ during the war.A:an ashB:the ashC:ashD:ashes正确答案: D28:Every time he ______ me ,he is rude to me.A:will seeB:seesC:is seeingD:is seen正确答案: B29:A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold ______. A:itB:themC:thatD:one正确答案: B30:“I know she was in because I heard her radio ,but she didn ’t open the door. ”“She ______ the bell. ”A:may not be hearingB:may not have heardC:must not have heardD:must not be hearing正确答案: B31:A man who could ______ such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courageand moral strength.A:bear uponB:insist onC:stand up toD:persist in正确答案: C32:Whenhe just got off the plane ,he gave us a good description of ______ in Spain. A:what he had seenB:that he had seenC:which he had seenD:he had seen what正确答案: A33:Fox was advised to give the assignment to _______ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility.A:whomB:whomeverC:whoeverD:that正确答案: C34:Though we have no interests ______ common ,we are good friends.A:onB:inC:forD:at正确答案: B35:Painting in _____ is one of their spare-time activities.A:oilB:an oilC:oilsD:the oil正确答案: C36:“I wonder why they ’re late. ”“They ______ the train. ”A:can have missedB:could missC:may have missedD:might miss正确答案: C37:Since she is angry ,we ______.A:had better leaving her aloneB:should leave her aloneC:might as well leave her aloneD:had rather leave her alone正确答案: D38:Typical of the new type of young people ______ ,who set a shining example to the whole nation.A:was Lei FengB:Were Lei FengC:Lei Feng wasD:Lei Feng were正确答案: A39:The gas works ______ near the city.A:isB:areC:were东师范大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业1免费答案_9887D:be正确答案: A40:If they ______ ,our plan will fall flat.A:are co-operatingB:had not co-operatedC:won’t co-operateD:didn ’t co-operate正确答案: C2 / 11。
东北师范大学16秋大学英语(一)高起专16秋在线作业1满分答案1:For young people, Carpenter is ______ singer.A:most their popularB:most popular of theirsC:their most popularD:most popular of their正确答案:C2:The insects would devour all ourcrops and kill our flocksand heads,if ______ for theprotection we get from insect-eating animals.A:it is notB:it were notC:were it notD:they were not正确答案:B3:John told Mary that he ______ whathe was doing during the vacation.A:was just askedB:was just askingC:had just been askedD:had just asked正确答案:C4:Let’s listento the radio program that the teacher mentioned,______?A:do weB:don’t weC:shall weD:shan’t we正确答案:C5:I was s upposed to be a mathematicsmajor, but I actually took ______ courses in physics, if not more.A:so manyB:as manyC:good manyD:such many正确答案:B6:The reason he was late is ______ hisclock didn’t give the alarm.A:becauseB:due toC:sinceD:that正确答案:D7:_____ usually go to church everySunday.A:The BrownB:A BrownC:BrownsD:The Browns正确答案:D8:It was ______ that he did not go toMount Lao with us.A:because he was illB:as he was illC:since he was illD:though he was ill正确答案:A9:By no means ______ their ownlanguage well.A:it is true that all English peopleknowB:is it true that do all Englishpeople knowC:it is true that do all Englishpeople knowD:is it true that all English peopleknow正确答案:D10:______ that they may eventuallyreduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A:Such construction robots are cleverB:So clever the construction robotsareC:So clever are the constructionrobotsD:Such clever construction robots are正确答案:C11:You should spend ______ in the studyof the various sensesand uses of the common words.A:much time as you canB:as time much as you canC:time as many as you canD:as much time as you can正确答案:D12:When I am i n trouble, my friends will give me t heir hands without ______ hesitation.A:someB:aC:anyD:the正确答案:C13:What caused the accident ______ onthe road.A:were stoneB:were stonesC:was stoneD:was stones正确答案:D14:I’d get itfor you ______ I could remember w ho l ast borrowed the book.A:on condition thatB:now thatC:except thatD:considering that正确答案:A15:______, Irealize that I owe a debt to my e arly country life. A:Lover of towns I amB:As lover of townsC:Lover of towns as am ID:Though am I the lover of towns正确答案:A16:I want an assistant with ______knowledge of French and______ experience of office routine.A:the…theB:a…theC:a…anD:the…an正确答案:C17:Each man and woman ______ the samerights.A:hasB:haveC:hadD:is having正确答案:A18:I don’t______ the expense; I want the party to be a real success.A:care forB:care aboutC:be in care ofD:take care of正确答案:B19:The boy is ______ of a musician.A:anyoneB:anythingC:someoneD:something正确答案:D20:Tom h as been writing letters allafternoon, but he should have finished them by now, ______?A:hasn’t heB:has heC:shouldn’t heD:didn’t you正确答案:C21:“May we take the books out?”A:No, you maynotB:No, you cannotC:No, you can’tD:Please don’t正确答案:D22:Let the porter take all the baggageout and put ______ in the lobby.A:itB:theyC:themD:its正确答案:C23:Mr Wu ______ to work by bus everyday.A:has been travelingB:has traveledC:travelsD:is traveling正确答案:C24:It is fitted with a smalltransformer, by means of ______ the voltage of thecurrency can be adjusted.A:whomB:whichC:whatD:that正确答案:B25:I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?A:would IB:may IC:may not ID:can I正确答案:B26:I ______ go to bed until I ______finished my work.A:don’t/hadB:didn’t/haveC:didn’t/hadD:don’t/have正确答案:C27:Many a girl wants to become ______.A:some secretaryB:a secretaryC:secretaryD:secretaries正确答案:D28:These misfortunes almost deprivedhim ______ his future career.A:withB:ofC:fromD:beyond正确答案:B29:______ comparison to my boyhood, my undergraduate years in Oklahoma were paradise.A:InB:WithC:ByD:For正确答案:A30:You should remember ______ from thepoint when you are writing a composition.A:don’t wanderB:not to wanderC:no wanderingD:not wander正确答案:B31:Having been told bad weather was onthe way, the climbers decided to ______ their attempton Mount Tai until the following week.A:give upB:deny toC:put offD:refuse to正确答案:C32:She can’tseem to help herself. And ______ can help her,either.A:none elseB:no one elseC:not anyD:somebody else正确答案:B33:Was it ______ she agreed to help?A:very reluctantly so thatB:very reluctantly thatC:so reluctantly thatD:very reluctantly when正确答案:B34:One of the properties of light is______ traveling in waveform as it goes from one place to another.A:itB:it’sC:itsD:their正确答案:C35:The doctor’sadvice is that the patient ______ about hisreal physical condition.A:be not toldB:not be toldC:will not be toldD:must not be told正确答案:A36:Those of us who w ear glasses shouldhave ______ eyes examined at regular intervals.A:theirB:ourC:hisD:her正确答案:B37:_____ is worth doing at all is worthdoing well.A:ThatB:WhateverC:WhicheverD:However正确答案:B38:The doctor was always ______ thepoor and the sick, often giving them free medicalservices.A:reminded ofB:absorbed inC:tended byD:concerned about正确答案:D39:He is by far the best player ______the team.A:forB:onC:inD:to正确答案:B40:The car pulled ______ beside me andthe driver asked me toway to the Great Wall.A:downB:offC:upD:out正确答案:C。
东师范高级英语16秋在线作业1免费答案:2eeddb3f-dcf1-4c5b-8848-0cae1f045273:d52e9fd5-6caa-43d3-85cc-a4402491ab93高级英语16秋在线作业11:Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of parallelism? A:The more the music reminds them of a train,a storm, a funeral, or any other familiar conception the more expressive it appears to be to them.B:Perhaps an analogy with what happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer.C:Music expresses,at different moments,serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph,fury or delight.D:Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? 正确答案:ACD2:Synecdoche is NOT used in ________.A:But there is a man in my office, a Mr. H., who proses it away from morning to night,…B:Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation. C:It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge-hammer.D:It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress,much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed –“lest too light winning make the prize light.”正确答案:BCD3:Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of personification? A:I had overlooked the necessity of having an “iron will,”… this peculiar metallic quality.B:It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress,…C:I have herded imaginary sheep until they insisted onturning themselves into white bears or blue pigs,…D:Discussing the question,… sleep drew the curtain.正确答案:BCD4:Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of oxymoron?A:Simple-minded souls will never be satisfied with the answer to the second of these questions.B:Is it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? C:That is why they always find Tschaikovsky easier to “understand” than Beethoven. D:Death is a dramatic,…a bittersweet coming to terms with one’s own personality and one’s life.正确答案:BD5:The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A6:(A Lesson in Living) Marguerite wanted to behave like a nice little lady in front of Mrs. Flowers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B7:(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) Hatred is the very feeling the author has about what science has done to food.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A8:Old people who are poor have been poor all their lives.A:错误正确答案:A9:(Vivisection) The author doesn’t think the victory of vivisectionists is final. A:错误B:正确正确答案:B10:Anyone can perform miracles so long as he concentrates something; but television discourages concentration.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A11:(Eveline) Elveline’s father was a brute man and often beat his children including his daughter.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A12:(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A13:She thinks, however, that most white Americans are now truly aware of prejudice against the black Americans.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A14:(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial clima te in England,especially at Oxford,remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.A:错误正确答案:A15:Ernest,Harry and Little Keogh were all Eveline‘s brothers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A16:Musical listening is actually done on the three planes simultaneously.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B17:(Vivisection) Protest against vivisection used to be strong, but today no one dare show any opposition.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A18:Eveline didn‘t go with Frank because she was afraid the boat would sink and she would be drowned.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A19:The eighth volcano, located on the Congo side, has just recently erupted out of an expense of flat land.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A20:(What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Documentaries on TV help the audience to digest the news and come to its own conclusions.B:正确正确答案:B21:When she ran for Congress, some members of her own party even held secret meetings to discuss how to stop her.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B22:(What’s Wrong with Our Press?) The author thinks that one of TV’s advantage over papers is its wide rang e of entertainment for the public.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A23:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B24:One of the African guides could tell that these nests had been abandoned by the gorillas long before.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B25:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) Old women fare worse than old men simply because they have a longer life expectancy.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A26:(Science Has Spoiled My Supper) What the author calls “cheese foods” used to be hand-made in small factories.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A27:(Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B28:Madrid is now the only city where you can see a bullfight.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A29:The quality of late life is determined by a combination of many elements. A:错误B:正确正确答案:B30:(The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The author agrees with neither of the two discrepant views on old age.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B31:Some idealists can choose the fourth alternative because they are more practical,though no less determined,in changing society.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B32:(I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author thinks,however,that most white Americans are truly aware of prejudice against the white Americans.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A33:According to Mr. Roper’s survey,radio ranks third among the major forms of mass media in terms of popularity.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B34:If alarmed,all gorillas show their fear or anger by beating on their chests. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A35:An American is exposed to about 10,000 hours of television each year on average. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A36:(On Human Nature and Politics) The more experience you have of exercising power,the more power you desire.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B37:Eveline was not respected at the shop she worked, nor was she at home, though she was a hard-working girl.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B38:(A Most Forgiving Ape) When the author and his partyse out that morning, he was quite certain that he would meet the gorillas.A:错误B:正确正确答案:A39:Hatred is the very feeling the author has about what science has done to food. A:错误B:正确正确答案:A40:Marguerite was a sensitive girl and was upset by Momma’s behavior towards Mrs. Flowers.A:错误B:正确正确答案:B。
英语教学法 2016秋东师大离线作业
![英语教学法 2016秋东师大离线作业](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d28d3ec770bf78a65295426.png)
期末作业考核《英语教学法》满分100分I. Fill in the blanks.(每题1分,共38分)1. For both native speakers and non-native speakers, fluency includes accuracy (1), fluency (2), ap propriate (3) and aesthetics (4). Fluency is a general term for good speaking ability(5).2. For different level accuracy means different things which go from grammar (6) correctness (7) To pragmatic(8) appropriateness (9).3. In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, flue ncy does not neglect (10) accuracy at all.4. Humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible (11)input (12) in the interactive(13) process.5. Engaging learners in meaningful (14) interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both acquiring (15) and conscious (16)studying (17).6. In Krashen’s theory, adults have two distinctive ways of developing competence in second or foreign language learning, that is, acquisition (18) and learning (19).7. Andersen theory is that of the acquisition of cognitive skills, on simple interpretation, ranging fr om controlled (20) practice (21) to automatic (22)process (23) .8. Teachers should provide good (24)input (25) to prepare the learners with their storage of language information and interactive (26) process (27) for learners to communicate and to control their production. Teachers‟ role is not limited as an imparter; instead teachers should be communicator (28) with learners too.9. Between input and output, there is, usually, a period of silence (29) .10. Learning by doing encourages students to experience (30) the language, which is a process of acquisition (31) that leads to high level of proficiency.11. There are two ways to improve students’oral production. One is to practice speaking based on structure (32) and the other is based on topic (33) and function(34).12. There are two kinds of speaking activities. One is factual (35) information (36) exchange; the other is personal (37) idea (38) exchange.II. Explain the following terms。
东北师范大学东师英语视听(一)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共20 道试题,共60 分。
)1. The meaning of " come on" in the Polar Express is ().A. SantaB. his MomC. his DadD. the Conductor正确答案:2. The meaning of "sound" in the sentence "Sounds to me like this is your crucial year." is ().A. 健康的B. 听起来C. 声音D. 酣睡正确答案:3. To John Smith, Indians have()names to various things.A. unusualB. greatC. amazingD. scary正确答案:4. "Hang out with somebody"means().A. have funB. take outC. split upD. divide up正确答案:5. The meaning of North Pole is ().A. 北方B. 北极C. 北半球D. 北赤道正确答案:6. The short form of "see you" is ().A. see yB. see yaC. see yeD. See yep正确答案:7. In the line, "I had to drop off Bernie at rehearsal.", "drop off" measns().A. throw offB. take toC. see aroundD. drop by正确答案:8. John Smith is a member of ()colonists.A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. Dutch正确答案:9. "The love is all around me." is a line from().A. Love ActuallyB. PocahontasC. Polar ExpressD. Tarzan正确答案:10. "So small at first, then look how they grow. But someone has to start them." is said by() to Pocahontas.A. Grandma WillowB. John SmithC. her friendD. her Mum正确答案:11. "Listen to me. My men are planning to attack your people. You’ve got to warn them." is said by().A. John SmithB. TarzanC. PocahontasD. Pocahontas' dad正确答案:12. ()has written a note to the boy on a Christmas card.A. Santa# #his MomB. his DadC. the Conductor正确答案:13. "Split up with somebody" means().A. end a relationshipB. turn off somebodyC. divide intoD. leave somebody正确答案:14. The meaning of "itsy-bitsy"is().A. a little, a bitB. veryC. a lotD. great正确答案:15. The express train is going to ().A. the North Pole# #the South PoleB. the United StatesC. Africa正确答案:16. "This is our first really impo rtant test. Let’s take a stand." "take a stand" means().A. 表明立场B. 站起来C. 休息一下D. 理解正确答案:17. In the phrase "keep somebody occupied", "occupy" means().A. crowdedB. busyC. takenD. shaken正确答案:18. I have to drop ()Bernie at rehearsal.A. onB. offC. ofD. by正确答案:19. () still shows coldness and doubt to Tarzan.A. KerchekB. a tigerC. KalaD. Terk正确答案:20. The first gift from Santa is the ().A. Sleighbell# #ticketsB. the trainC. the reindeer正确答案:英语视听(一)16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共20 道试题,共40 分。
东北师范大学高级英语16秋在线作业一、多选题(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。
)V1. Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of simile?A. It closed around one with a thick palpable drug-like heaviness, almost as if one’s ears were stuffed with cotton wool or one’s sense of hearing had suddenly failed; …B. … and how I went down the mountain like a young gazelle in two hours straight, …C. I had an impulse to climb up and try one of those springy beds, but that would have meant using up more energy when I had none to spare, …D. A vast cloud, shot through with sunlight, was tearing off the crest of Muhavura.满分:2.5 分2. Which of the following sentences apply the rhetorical device of parallelism?A. Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?B. When before has virtually an entire nation surrendered itself wholesale to a medium for selling?C. … how they must fluctuate from person to person and from time to time.D. … for even after the most e ventful day, there is no comparing notes with them, no midnight confidence, no casting up the balance of the day’s pleasure and pain.满分:2.5 分3. Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor?A. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absentmindedly bathes in the sound.B. Immediately that one note is enough to change the atmosphere of the room—proving that the sound element in music is a powerful and mysterious agent, which it would be foolish to deride or belittle.C. You will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of feeling.D. But one should never try to boil it down to “the fateful hammer of life,” etc.满分:2.5 分4. Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor?A. She felt her cheek pale and cold and, out of a maze of distress, …B. He would drown her.C. She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.D. The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist.满分:2.5 分二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。
期末作业考核《大学英语(一)》高起专满分:100分一、Vocabulary and Structure (每题2分,共50分)Section ADirections: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. Courses are not ___ _ merely for students to pass exams.A. designedB. designingC. designD. designs2. Please ___ _those details that you would like to change.A. selectB. selectionC. selectingD. selects3. There are six people present at the meeting, __ __ three women.A. includeB. includingC. includedD. includes4. He __ ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A. simpleB. simplyC. simplifyD. simplely5. They accept what is happening without ____ _ to change it.A. attemptingB. attemptedC. attemptD. attempts6.He was a great _ ___; he composed many great songs.A. artB. artisticC. artistD. arts7. Sandy did not want her parents to learn ____ the news of her failure in the exam.A. inB. forC. onD. about8. I was surprised to find out that I was heavily ____ debt.A. onB. inC. toD. up9. Out classroom is selected ______ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on10. Their innovation products caught _____ quickly.A. withB. upC. onD. in11. Can you believe that John keeps a snake _____ a pet?A. asB. inC. forD. against12. The word comes _____ an African language.A. upB. downC. fromD. out13. She hangs _____ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A. upB. outC. inD. on14. The child has no understanding of problems, according ____ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to15. Americans _____ millions of Christmas cards every year.A. changeB. exchangeC. attemptD. determineSection BDirection: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families 16 to be quite large. Parents 17 five or more were common. Over the years, the 18 of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the 19 of living 20 the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them 21 dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better 22 and have more money to spend on 23 . The parents usually take the responsibility 24 all the expense. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers 25 away from home.16. A. tended B. wanted C. seemed D. extended17. A. breeding B. raising C. feeding D. bringing18. A. amount B. number C. size D. scale19. A. level B. standard C. wage D. cost20. A. On B. By C. At D. From21. A. finally B. financially C. fashionably D. faintly22. A. worn B. wearing C. dressing D. dressed23. A. luxury B. activity C. playing D. entertainment24. A. at B. to C. on D. for25. A. are B. run C. work D. separate二、Writing (共50 分)根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。
《高级听说》第一次作业Exercise 1 (听力材料1)1. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow? BA. a partyB. a gameC. a dance2. Why does Hank have to work late? BA. He has to attend a meeting.B. He has to write a report.C. He has to close the office.3. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work? AA. because she is sick in bedB. because he has to return somethingC. because he is going to take her to Bill's house4. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill's house? AA. from his houseB. from the storeC. from his work5. What time will Hank most likely arrive at Bill's house? BA. 7:00 PMB. 8:00 PMC. 9:00 PMExercise 2 (听力材料2)Apartments for Rent1. What is the main topic of the conversation? AA. problems with living in an apartmentB. a search for a new apartmentC. the cost of rent near universities2. Why doesn't Ann like her current apartment? BA. It's too expensive.B. The neighborhood is noisy.C. It's located some distance from school.3. How much money does Ann want to pay for rent? BA. no more than $200B. around $200C. a little more than $2004. What kind of place is she looking for? BA. somewhere that is within a short driving distance of campusB. an apartment with furniture already in itC. a place where she can live alone5. How is Roger going to help her? CA. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.B. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.C. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.Exercise 3(听力材料3)Camping under the Stars1. What are they planning on doing in the morning? CA. fishingB. mountain bikingC. hiking2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining? BA. in the afternoonB. at nightC. in the morning3. What did Paul forget to bring? AA. rain coatsB. umbrellasC. rain boots4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards? AA. next to picnic tableB. on picnic tableC. under picnic table5. What do they finally decide to do? CA. stay at a hotelB. return homeC. sleep at the campgroundExercise 4 (听力材料4)Christmas is Coming!1. What does the little boy NOT ask for Christmas? BA. a toy trainB. a play carC. hand-held radio receiver-transmitters2. What does the girl want for Christmas? BA. dollsB. Barbie playhouseC. marbles3. What are some of the foods the children want to prepare for Santa's reindeer? CA. cookies, apples, and carrotsB. hot chocolate, oranges, and cornC. apples, oranges, and cookies4. What time do they plan to go to bed? AA. 7:00 p.m.B. 8:00 p.m.C. 9:00 p.m.5. How is Santa going to enter the house? BA. through the back doorB. down the chimneyC. through a basement window。
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《高级听说》第一次作业Exercise 1 (听力材料1)
1. What will take place at Bill's house tomorrow?
A. a party
B. a game
C. a dance
2. Why does Hank have to work late?
A. He has to attend a meeting.
B. He has to write a report.
C. He has to close the office.
3. Why is Hank going to visit Lisa after work?
A. because she is sick in bed
B. because he has to return something
C. because he is going to take her to Bill's house
4. Where is Hank going to get the snacks to take to Bill's house?
A. from his house
B. from the store
C. from his work
5. What time will Hank most likely arrive at Bill's house?
A. 7:00 PM
B. 8:00 PM
C. 9:00 PM
Exercise 2 (听力材料2)
Apartments for Rent
1. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. problems with living in an apartment
B. a search for a new apartment
C. the cost of rent near universities
2. Why doesn't Ann like her current apartment?
A. It's too expensive.
B. The neighborhood is noisy.
C. It's located some distance from school.
3. How much money does Ann want to pay for rent?
A. no more than $200
B. around $200
C. a little more than $200
4. What kind of place is she looking for?
A. somewhere that is within a short driving distance of campus
B. an apartment with furniture already in it
C. a place where she can live alone
5. How is Roger going to help her?
A. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.
B. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.
C. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.
Exercise 3(听力材料3)
Camping under the Stars
1. What are they planning on doing in the morning?
A. fishing
B. mountain biking
C. hiking
2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining?
A. in the afternoon
B. at night
C. in the morning
3. What did Paul forget to bring?
A. rain coats
B. umbrellas
C. rain boots
4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards?
A. next to picnic table
B. on picnic table
C. under picnic table
5. What do they finally decide to do?
A. stay at a hotel
B. return home
C. sleep at the campground
Exercise 4 (听力材料4)
Christmas is Coming!
1. What does the little boy NOT ask for Christmas?
A. a toy train
B. a play car
C. hand-held radio receiver-transmitters
2. What does the girl want for Christmas?
A. dolls
B. Barbie playhouse
C. marbles
3. What are some of the foods the children want to prepare for Santa's reindeer?
A. cookies, apples, and carrots
B. hot chocolate, oranges, and corn
C. apples, oranges, and cookies
4. What time do they plan to go to bed?
A. 7:00 p.m.
B. 8:00 p.m.
C. 9:00 p.m.
5. How is Santa going to enter the house?
A. through the back door
B. down the chimney
C. through a basement window。