
张汉熙《⾼级英语(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课⽂精解+全⽂翻译+练习答案】(LessonLesson 14 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.⼀、词汇短语1. horde n. a large group or crowd; a swarm群,⼈群:hordes of people ⼤群⼈2. Cabinet n. the politicians with important positions in agovernment who meet to make decisions or advise the leader of thegovernment内阁3. croquet n. a game played on grass in which players hit ballswith wooden mallets槌球游戏4. luncheon n. a lunch, especially a formal one午宴,正式的午餐5. Nazi n. a member of the National Socialist German Workers’Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolph Hitler纳粹分⼦6. regime n. a government in power; administration当权政府,统治:They are suffered under the new regime.他们遭受新政府的统治。
7. devoid adj. completely lacking; destitute or empty完全没有的,缺乏的(of):be devoid of common sense缺乏常识8. excel vt. to do or be better than; surpass优于,超过:excel sb. in knowledge学识过⼈9. ferocious adj. extremely savage; fierce极为野蛮的,残忍的;凶猛的:ferocious animals凶猛的野兽10. threshold n. the place or point of beginning; the outset起点,开端:at the threshold of在……的开始11. till vt. to prepare (land) for the raising of crops, as by plowing andharrowing; cultivate耕作,耕耘:till the field耕耘⼀⽚⽥地12. adj. extending back beyond memory orrecord; ancient古⽼的,远古的,⽆法追忆的13. wring vt. to obtain or extract by applying force or pressure迫取,强求,榨取:The police had wrung the truth out of the recalcitrant witness.警察从那个顽固的⽬击者⼝中逼出事情的真相。

Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane CamilleJoseph P. Blank词汇:1. hurricane (n.): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more miles per hour,often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West Indian region飓风2. lash (v.): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打3. pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打4. course (n.): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法5. demolish (v.): pull down.tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc.),destroy:ruin 拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭6. motel (n.):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆7. gruff (adj.): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。
嘶哑的8. batten (n.): fasten with battens用压条钉住(或固定)9. methodically (adv.): orderly,systematically有秩序地;有条理地10. main (n.): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管11. bathtub (n.): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bath浴盆,浴缸12. generator (n.): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical energy;dynamo发电机,发动机 13. scud (v.): run or move swiftly;glide or skim along easily疾行,飞驰;掠过14. mattress (n.): a casing of strong cloth or other fabric filled with cotton,hair,foam rubber.床垫;褥子 15. pane (n.):a single division of a window,etc.,consisting of a sheet of glass in a frame;such a sheet of glass窗格;窗格玻璃16. disintegrate (v.): separate into parts or fragments; break up;disunite分裂,分解,裂成碎块 17. blast (n.): a strong rush of(air or wind)一股(气流);一阵(风)18. douse (n.): plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid;drench; pour liquid over把…浸入液体里;使浸透;泼液体在…上19. brigade (n.): a group of people organized to function。

张汉熙高级英语第三版paraphraseUnit11、We’re elevated 23.Our house is 23 feet above sea level.2、The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.we can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4、The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity so the lights also went out.5、Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars6、The electricity systems had been killed by water.The electricity systems in the car had been put out by water .7、John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8、Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely.Unit2Serious-looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them... They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.At last this intermezzo came to an end, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.At last the taxi trip come to an end, and I suddenly discovered that I was in front of the giganticCity Hall.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development...experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in m y socks. 一想到这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长我就感到十分困窘不安。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(修订本...Unit6一、词汇短语1.skyline[]n.a window in a roof or ceiling天窗2.thermodynamics[]n.physics that deals withthe relationships between heat and other forms of energy热力学3.genetics[]n.the study of how the qualities of living things are passed on in their genes遗传学4.mutation[]n.an alteration or change,as in nature,form,or quality(本质、形式上的)变化:genetic mutation基因突变5.discredit[]vt.a)to refuse to believe不相信,怀疑:discreditall rumors不相信所有谣传;b)to damage in reputation;disgrace败坏……声誉,使受辱:an attempt to discredit the government给政府抹黑的可笑企图6.corollary[]n.a deduction or an inference推理,推论:Anotherevident corollary is that the end is the final cause of the effect and not ofthe efficient cause.另外一个明显的推论即:目的是结果的终极因,但不是直接原因。
7.homogeneous[]adj.of the same or similarnature or kind同种的,同类的:They are homogeneous people.他们是同类人。

第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille Translation (C-E)1. Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。
2. The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the plant’s emissions polluting the air.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。
3. Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of Yuan. 在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。
4. The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。
5. Although war caused great losses to this country, its cultural traditions did not perish.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。
6. To make space for modern high rises, many ancient buildingswith ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的,具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。

张汉熙《⾼级英语(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课⽂精解+全⽂翻译+练习答案】(LessonLesson 12 Ships in the Desert (Edited)⼀、词汇短语1. anchor n. & v. to hold fast by or as if by an anchor抛锚,锚定:They layat anchor outside the harbor.他们在港外抛锚停泊。
2. lap vt. to wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds拍打:The waveswere lapping the side of the boat.波浪击打着船的侧⾯。
3. comparable adj. that can be compared可⽐较的,⽐得上的4. underlying adj. fundamental, basic在下⾯的,根本的,潜在的5. parka n. a thick warm jacket with a hood⽑⽪风雪⼤⾐,⽪制⼤⾐6. glacier n. a large mass of ice and snow thatforms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate atwhich the snow melts; it moves slowly outward from the center ofaccumulation or down a mountain until it melts or breaks away冰川7. emission n. a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放,排出物:fume emission尘雾排放8. inexorable adj. not capable of being persuaded byentreaty; relentless不可变的,残酷⽆情的:the inexorable passage of theseasons⼈⼒不能改变的四季转移9. graph n. a diagram, as a curve, broken lines, series of bars, etc.,representing the successive changes in a variable quantity or quantities图表,曲线图10. frigid adj. extremely cold极其寒冷的:Frigid winds blew fromthe north.寒风从北⽅刮来。

张汉熙《⾼级英语(1)》(修订本)学习指南【词汇短语+课⽂精解+全⽂翻译+练习答案】-Unit14Unit 14 Argentia Bay⼀、词汇短语1. pervade [] vt. to be present throughout; permeate蔓延,遍及,弥漫:The air is pervaded by a smoking.空⽓中弥散着⼀种烟味。
2. haze [] n. light thin mist or smoke薄雾,尘雾:I couldn’t see her throughthe haze of smoke.在烟雾弥漫中,我看不见她。
3. tint[]n. a slight coloration; a tinge浅⾊:The painting glowed withbeautiful autumn tints.这幅油画映现出美丽的淡淡的秋⾊。
4. chore [] n. a routine or minor duty⽇常⼯作:As a child one of my choreswas to feed the animals.⼩时候我的杂活之⼀就是喂动物。
5. squawk [] n. a loud screech粗厉的叫声6. camouflage [] v. a). to conceal by the use of disguise or byprotective coloring or garments that blend in with the surroundingenvironment伪装,掩饰:camouflage ships by painting them gray将船涂上灰⾊以便伪装;b). to use protective coloring or garments forconcealment伪装,隐藏:We camouflaged in the bushes and no onesaw us.我们隐藏在灌⽊丛中没有被⼈发现。

Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern BazaarⅠ. Word explanation1. conceivableA. reasonableB. imaginableC. considerableD. credible2. dinA. muted noiseB. loud distinct noiseC. tinkling soundD. continuous, confusing noise3. penetrateA. make a round about way intoB. force a way intoC. get into easilyD. dash into4. deadenA. to dieB. of, or related to deathC. to lessenD. no longer alive5. sepulchralA. overwhelmedB. pleasantC. picturesqueD. grave-like6. persecutionA. cruel treatmentB. bringing a case to the law courtC. violation of one's rightD. unfairness7. preliminaryA. previousB. prospectiveC. would-beD. preparatory8. burnishedA. polishB. smooth and shinyC. having been burnedD. something made of copper9. delicateA. complicatedB. fine and fragileC. beautiful and intricateD. tiny and easily broken10. girderA. an I-shaped iron beamB. closely organized associationC. ancient trade unionD. a tree trunk11. particularA. partlyB. generallyC. specialD. participant12. extendA. stretch outB. intentC. intendD. trend13. purchaseA. perchB. chaseC. buyD. pay14. bargainA. negotiateB. bargeC. boatD. gain15. peculiarityA. particularB. characteristicC. specificD. species16. customerA. customB. traditionC. conventionD. purchaser17. depriveA. depictB. take awayC. rubD. rob18. distinctA. distinguishB. distanceC. clearD. distract19. engraveA. cutB. tombC. gloomD. grave20. humbleA. hunchB. humpC. respectD. lowlyHiroshima---the “Liveliest City inJapan”Ⅰ. Word explanation1. elderlyA. olderlyB. mid-ageC. approaching mid-ageD. past mid-age2.facadeA. the wall of a buildingB. the front of a buildingC. in front of a buildingD.the wall in front of a building3. ignoranceA. disregardB. pretend not to seeC. lack of knowledgeD. neglect4. demolishA. decreaseB. . erectC. tear downD. set aside5. inhibitA. liveB. dwellC. suppressD. unlock6. bargeA. a kind of clothB. a kind of clothingC. a colourD. a boat7. scarA. a woundB. a hidden woundC. a mark on the skinD. a mark of damage8. commitA. to doB. to commissionC. to trustD. to place an order9. preserveA. to keep from dangerB. . to serve in advanceC. . to saveD. . to reserve10. consist ofA. be composed ofB. be composed ofC. containD. include11. lumpA. lampB. massC. limpD. lung12. gratitudeA. appreciationB. thankfulnessC.gratefulnessD.all the above13. haltA. stopB. preventC. saluteD. alter14. destinationA. destinyB. desperateC. goalD. doom15. sketchA. stretchB. skepticC. scratchD. drawLesson 3 Ships in the DesertⅠ. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.1. This thought _______ their objections.A. underliedB. processedC. scatteredD. slipped2. She wore a dress that _______ her stomach.A. pointedB. revealedC. burnedD. chart3. The boiling water _______ the glass.A. crashedB. stretchedC. changedD. cracked4. The patient showed signs of________.A. distressB. layersC. atmosphereD. slab5. The trade union _______a newcontract with the owner.A. monitoredB. absorbedC. negotiatedD. comprehend6. The bank required collateral to_______ the loan agreement.A. adjustB. ecureC. reservedD. shimmered7. The film will soon be _______.A. threatenedB. understoodC. releasedD. shimmered8. The noise outside _______ myattention.A. distractsB. transformsC. resistsD. changes9. The amount of rain _______ thegrowth of crops.A. influencedB. effectedC. affectedD. impacted10. He _______ several importantchanges.A. emergedB. submergedC. restrainedD. effected11. Scientists _______ that there is noanimal life on the Mars.A. presentB. assumeC. assessD. require12. This is a fact even our enemieshave to _______.A. holdB. leapfrogC. complicateD. acknowledge13. He tried to _______ his anger.A. disarmB. restrainC. poseD. include14. I have got _______ in the quarrelbetween Tom and Jack.A. involvedB. inspiredC. concludedD. accomplished15. An airliner _______ west of thecity last night.A. aroseB. landedC. crashedD. dropped16. I saw a clearly __ shape outside thewindow in a flash of light.A. developedB. acceleratedC. viewedD. defined17. The milk __ over the table.A. distributedB. reshapedC. lastedD. spilled18. Can't you guess the meaning of theword from the _______?A. environmentB. atmosphereC. contextD. relationship19. The children were thin and badlyin need of ________.A. precedentsB. sustenanceC. speciesD. regulation20. This microscope has a ________ ofeight.A. magnificationB. accelerationC. transformationD. collisionLesson 5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.RⅠ. Word explanation1. convictionA. conventionB. well established factC. the state of being convincedD. certainly2. consultA. adviceB. suggestC. look upD. go to a person3. privateA. personB. one's ownC. previousD. preserve4. count onA. depend onB. expectC. take into accountD. all of5. enlistA. win overB. attractiveC. obtainD. both A and C6. meansA. unkindB. to representC. averageD. method7. onslaughtA. invasionB. aggressionC. fierce attackD. annexation8. cataractA. cataclysmB. waterfallC. disasterD. flood9. preyA. sth. killedB. speak to GodC. pleaseD. enemy10. allyA. join or uniteB. without the company of othersC. the centre of sth.D. volunteer11. fortifyA. multiply by fortyB. strengthenC. a strongholdD. fortress12. doomA. graveB. sepulchralC. terrible fateD. barge13. preludeA. introductory movementB. to lure in advanceC. tyrantD. steadfast14. interveneA. invadeB. aggressionC. intermezzoD. interfere15. ferociousA. brutishly violentB. attacking on purposeC. benign situationD. obedient16. presentlyA. right awayB. nowC. deliverD. gift17. portionA. porkB. partC. portD. proper18. hordeA. classB. squadC. companyD. throng19. primordialA. primeB. introductoryC. primitiveD. element20. smartA. painfulB. wisdomC. foeD. folly21. vestigeA. traceB. vestC. investD. privilege22. resolveA. solveB. settleC. revolveD. determine23. accomplishA. accompanyB. achieveC. complimentD. complement24. distinctionA. distinctB. distinguishedC. differenceD. instinct25. rescueA. recoverB. queueC. obscureD. obscureLesson 6 BlackmailⅠ. Word explanation1. crypticA. hiddenB. strangeC. mysteryD. sacred2. errandA. taskB. a trip to get sth.C. a written messageD. a piece of business3. offensiveA. attractB. aggressionC. interveningD. onslaught4. swiftA. quickB. smoothC. timelyD. swept5. abruptA. suddenB. erectC. eruptD. corrupt6. blandnessA. franknessB. mildnessC. politeD. blank7. swingingA. full of lifeB. move back and forthC. turn aroundD. turn out8. hunchA. doubtB. doubleC. suspectD. intuitive feeling9. poiseA. self-assuranceB. poisonC. direct attentionD. pointless10. discreetA. secretB. hiddenC. carefulD. volunteer11. inevitableA. certainB. not to preventC. not to avoidD. evident12. adeptA. adaptB. adoptC. addD. expert13. rivetA. attachB. tie downC. fasten firmlyD. hammer14. abundantA. absoluteB. completeC. profuseD. thorough15. respiteA. postponementB. respectC. in spite ofD. despite16. spaciousA. specialB. largeC. magnificentD. glorious17. appointA. point toB. nameC. importantD. furnish18. apparentA. appearingB. parentalC. disappearD. evident19. reprovingA. understandingB. comfortingC. blamingD. approve20. essentialA. sensitiveB. sentimentalC. fundamentalD. primordialLesson 7 The Age of Miracle ChipsⅠ. Word explanation1. miracleA. wonderB. mythC. miseryD. strangeness2. rugA. old clothB. blanketC. woollen matD. rag3. abundantA. abandonB. plentifulC. largeD. much4. inertA. idleB. unattractiveC. activeD. inner5. fleckA. spotB. flickerC. remarkD. drop6. meansA. monstrousB. clumsyC. uglyD. loose7. immenseA. enormousB. infiniteC. definiteD. endless8. drudgeryA. toilB. hardshipC. agonyD. affliction9. executionA. exertionB. performanceC. exploitationD. extraction10. boostA. bootsB. heightC. increaseD. tighten11. ingredientA. mixtureB. particleC. blendD. component12. fantasyA. reverieB. legendC. nightmareD. imagination13. swingA. lurchB. swayC. sweepD. drift14. transactionA. interactionB. business dealC. bargainD. transformation15. burglarA. thiefB. rubberC. robotD. stealth16. affectA. influenceB. planC. concludeD. undertake17. domesticA. of the houseB. of one's own countryC. of some particular countryD. all the above18. propelA. push forwardB. compareC. supposeD. move backward19. hassledA. puzzledB. botheredC. boredD. skilled20. cozyA. hard and roughB. cold and inertC. warm and comfortableD. pleasant and busy21. arrayA. a particular wayB. a long listC. a small amountD. a large number22. groovyA. gloomyB. sadC. satisfyingD. unpleasant 23. optionA. opportunityB. choiceC. applicationD. favoured24. harassA. frightenB. wear onC. exhaustD. draw out25. kenA. mixture of substanceB. range of knowledgeC. distanceD. familyⅢ. Word explanation: (20%)1. miraclea. wonderb. mythc. miseryd. strangeness2. ruga. old clothb. blanketc. woollen matd. rag3. abundanta. abandonb. plentifulc. larged. much4. inerta. idleb. unattractivec. actived. inner5. flecka. spotb. flickerc. remarkd. drop6. hulkinga. monstrousb. clumsyc. uglyd. loose7. immensea. enormousb. infinitec. definited. endless8. drudgerya. toilb. hardshipc. agonyd. affliction9. executiona. exertionb. performancec. exploitationd. extraction10. boosta. bootsb. heightc. increased. tighten11. ingredienta. mixtureb. particlec. blendd. component12. fantasya. reverieb. legendc. nightmared. imagination13. swinga. lurchb. swayc. sweepd. drift14. transactiona. interactionb. business dealc. bargaind. transformation15. burglara. thiefb. rubberc. robotd. stealth16. affecta. influenceb. planc. concluded. undertake17. domestica. of the houseb. of one's own countryc. of some particular countryd. all the above18. propela. push forwardb. comparec. supposed. move backward19. hassleda. puzzledb. botheredc. boredd. skilled20. cozya. hard and roughb. cold and inertc. warm and comfortabled. pleasant and busy21. arraya. a particular wayb. a long listc. a small amountd. a large number22. groovya. gloomyb. sadc. satisfyingd. unpleasant23. optiona. opportunityb. choicec. applicationd. favoured24. harassa. frightenb. wear onc. exhaustd. draw out25. kena. mixture of substanceb. range of knowledgec. distanced. family26. cryptica. hiddenb. strangec. mysteryd. sacred27. erranda. taskb. a trip to get sthc. a written messaged. a piece of business28. offensivea. attractb. aggressionc. interveningd. onslaught29. swifta. quickb. smoothc. timelyd. swept30. abrupta. suddenb. erectc. eruptd. corrupt31. blandnessa. suddenb. erectc. eruptd. blank32. swinginga. full of lifeb. move back and forthc. turn aroundd. turn out33. huncha. doubtb. doublec. suspectd. intuitive feeling34. poisea. self-assuranceb. poisonc. direct attentiond. pointless35. discreeta. secretb. hiddenc. carefuld. casual36. inevitablea. certainb. not to preventc. not to avoidd. evident37. adepta. adaptb. adoptc. addd. expert38. riveta. attachb. tie downc. fasten firmlyd. hammer39. abundanta. absoluteb. completec. profused. thorough40. respitea. postponementb. respectc. in spite ofd. despiteⅠ. I. Word explanation1. merchantA. mercenaryB. mechanicC. goodsD. trader2. balanceA. equalityB. quantityC. parallelD. blandness3. perilA. perimeterB. hazardC. panoramaD. Paralysis4. blocA. leagueB. lumpC. restrictionD. square5. carveA. cavernB. tavernC. engraveD. intersect6. undercutA. underchargeB. underpriceC. undersellD. all the above7. grantA. certaintyB. presentationC. subsidiaryD. scholarship8. concessionA. assentB. constrictionC. assertionD. confession9. sophisticatedA. delicateB. intricateC. dandifiedD. dignified10. killingA. easy preyB. big sacrificeC. large profitD. ruthless slaughter11. charterA. mapB. authorizationC. hiringD. b and c12. mothA. home remedyB. buggyC. fly-like animalD. chemical13. bulkA. massB. trunkC. clumsinessD. loose14. doldrumsA. parts of the oceanB. state of being uncertainC. areas near the North PoleD. highly risky situation15. tacticA. tackleB. expedientC. strategyD. policy16. ratifyA. validateB. verdictC. verbosityD. vacillate 17. lineA. trainB. shipC. companyD. plane18. dodgyA. docileB. chancyC. doggedD. dogmatic19. suppleA. rich coloursB. flexibleC. purpleD. support20. prefaceA. surfaceB. surface anticipationC. frontD. introduction21. deferentialA. respectfulB. scornfulC. differentialD. indifferent22. adolescentA. adultB. chapC. folkD. juvenile23. despiseA. dislikeB. dismissC. depressD. defer24. disperseA. discreetB. dispatchC. disappearD. scatter25. aridA. wetB. barrenC. fertileD. abandoned26. gluttonA. excessiveB. admirableC. greedyD. glorious27. austereA. seriousB. agonyC. dignifiedD. straight28. intermittentA. internalB. interminableC. constantD. occasional29. nurtureA. concernB. cultivateC. plantD. gather30. divertA. attractB. changeC. entertainD. b and c31. exhilarateA. exciteB. resentC. challengeD. provoke32. cramA. packB. emptyC. crashD. collapse33. maliceA. good desireB. loyaltyC. ill willD. ill treatment34. dismissiveA. emptyB. contemptuousC. longingD. rebellious35. bluffA. breathB. riverC. obstacleD. cliff36. reefA. foregroundB. ridge of rockC. small hillD. high wave37. beaconA. fireB. rock on the beachC. platformD. food38. recessA. cornerB. vacationC. alcoveD. all the above39. loreA. choreB. affectionC. knowledgeD. demand40. appropriateA. possessB. suitablyC. enjoyableD. admirable第1课练习答案1-5BDBCD6-10ADBBA11-15CACAB16-20DBCAD第2课练习答案1-5DBCCC6-10DDAAA11-15BDACD第3课练习答案1-5ABDAC6-10BCACD11-15BDBAC16-20DDCBA第5课练习答案1-5BCBDD6-10DCBAA11-15BCADA16-20ABDCA21-25ADBCD 第6课练习答案1-5ABDAA6-10BADAC 11-15ADCCA 16-20BDDCC第7课练习答案1-5ACBAA6-10BAABC 11-15DDBBA 16-20ADABC21-25DCBCB (期中)1-5ACBAA6-10BAABC 11-15DDBBA 16-20ADABC 21-25DCBCB 26-30ABDAA 31-35BADAC36-40ADCCA (期末)1-5DABAC6-10DDABC 11-15DCAAB 16-20ACBBD 21-25ADADB 26-30CADBD 31-35AACBD 36-40BADCB。

张汉熙高级英语第三版paraphraseUnit11、 We’ re elevated 23.Our house is 23 feet above sea level.2、 The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.we can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4、 The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity so the lights alsowent out.5、 Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars6、 The electricity systems had been killed by water.The electricity systems in the car had been put out by water .7、 John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8、 Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely.Unit2Serious-looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them... They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.At last this intermezzo came to an end, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.At last the taxi trip come to an end, and I suddenly discovered that I was in front of thegigantic City Hall.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is thevery symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development...experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in m y socks. 一想到这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长我就感到十分困窘不安。

张汉熙《⾼级英语(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课⽂精解+全⽂翻译+练习答案】(LessonLesson 3 Blackmail⼀、词汇短语1. blackmail n. extortion of money by threats to exposediscrediting information敲诈,勒索:If someone tried to blackmail me Iwould tell the police.如果有⼈企图敲诈我,我就向警察告发。
2. suite n. a series of connected rooms used as a living unit⼀套房间:T hey assembled in the chairman’s office suite.他们聚集在总统的办公室套间⾥。
3. cryptic adj. secret or occult秘密的,不公开的:a cryptic remark 含义隐晦的话4. fray vt. to alarm; frighten使惊恐,使害怕5. buzzer n. an electric signaling device, such as a doorbell, that makesa buzzing sound电铃,门铃6. dispatch vt. to send someone or something somewhere for aparticular purpose分派,派遣:dispatch a messenger派遣使者7. errand n. a short trip taken to perform a specified task, usually foranother差事:I’ve got a few errands to do in the town.我有⼏件事要进城办。
[搭配]run errand跑腿8. piggy adj. like a pig; greedy猪⼀般的;贪婪的9. sardonically adv. scornfully or cynically mocking讥讽地,嘲笑地10. gross adj. overweight; heavy臃肿的,肥胖的11. encompass vt. to form a circle or ring around; surround围绕,环绕:The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.课程将包括物理、化学和⽣物学。
张汉熙《 高级英语 》重点词汇表整理第一册1

(WORD)-生产企业质量管理制度范本760Lesson One The Middle Eastern BazaarWords and Expressions to Learn1.Nounsbazaar, cavern, throng, din, guild, trestle table, brazier, bellows, maze, mosque, caravanserai, bale, linseed oil, pulp, vat, girder, trickle, runnel, glare, stall, apprentice, vessel, axle, pulley, grunt2.Verbsburnish, honeycomb, dwarf, tower, glisten, tinkle, creak, groan, squeak, rumble, shovel, penetrate, deaden, echo, yield, approach, revolve, overwhelm,3.Adjectives and Adverbsharmonious, conceivable, muted, unbelievable, detailed, dimly, visible, vaulted, sepulchral, rhythmically, intricate, exotic, pungent, sumptuous, disdainfully, vigorously, countless, leisurely, ramshackle, nimble, taut, particular, innumerable, delicate, functional, strictly, massive, muscular, superb, sombre,4.Noun Phrasesgothic-arched gateway, vaulted street, would-be purchaser, a dizzy height, cavern of a room, live coal, a profusion of rich colors, a sunlit courtyard, preliminary bargaining, measured tones, injustice and persecution, veiled women, heat and glare5.Verb Phrasesthread one’s way, fade away, follow suit, price the item high, narrow down the choice, beat the price down, make a point of, impinge on, take a hand with, give a glimpse, set…in motion,6.Other phrasesas far as the eye can see, at a leisurely pace, it’s a point of honor, at intervals, pleasing in form7.Cultural BackgroundMiddle East, Gothic, Bazaar, veiled woman, Muslim, 饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版重排版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】目录Lesson 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 2 Marrakech 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 3 Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacy 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 5 The Sad Young Men 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 6 Loving and Hating New York 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 7 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (Excerpts) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 8 The Future of the English 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 9 The Loons 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 10 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 11 Four Laws of Ecology (Part I) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 12 Four Laws of Ecology (Part Ⅱ) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 13 The Mansion: A Subprime Parable (Excerpts) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 14 Faustian Economics 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 15 Disappearing Through the Skylight 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录内容简介本书是《高级英语(2)》(第3版重排版)的学习辅导用书,按照原教材的课次进行编写,每单元涉及词汇短语、课文精解、单元语法、全文翻译以及练习答案等内容。

Lesson1Face to Face with Hurricane Camille一、词汇短语1.hurricane[]n.a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rainsand winds moving a73-136knots飓风sh[]vt.strike against with force or violence猛烈打击:The sleet is lashingthe roof.雨夹雪击打着屋顶。
3.pummel[]v.(用拳头连续)击打:The child pummeled his motherangrily as she carried him home.那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打着母亲。
4.reluctant[]adj.unwilling;disinclined不愿意的,勉强的:Hewas very reluctant to go away.他很不愿意离去。
5.abandon[]vt.a).leave someone who needs or counts on you;leave in the lurch放弃,抛弃:abandon a friend in trouble抛弃处于危难中的朋友;b).to give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit,especially as a result of danger or other impending threat离弃,丢弃:abandon the ship弃船6.course[]n.a mode of action or behavior品行,行为7.demolish[]vt.to do away with completely;put an end to毁坏,破坏:The fire demolished the town.大火烧毁了这座城镇。

张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(LessonLesson 11 The Way to Rainy Mountain一、词汇短语1. blizzard n. a severe snowstorm characterized by coldtemperatures and heavy drifting of snow大风雪2. anvil n. an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces ofmetal before shaping them with a hammer铁砧,[解]砧骨3. brittle adj. hard but easily broken易碎的,脆弱的4. hickory n. the hard wood of the N American hickory tree 山核桃属植物5. pecan n. the nut of the American pecan tree with a smoothpinkish-brown shell美洲山核桃树6. witch hazel n. any of several shrubs or trees of thegenus Hamamelis; bark yields an astringent lotion金缕梅7. foliage n. the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together树叶,植物8. writhe v. to twist or move your body without stopping, often becauseyou are in great pain翻腾9. grasshopper n.an insect with long back legs, that can jump very high and that makesa sound with its legs蚱蜢,蝗虫10. preeminently adv. to a very great degree; especially卓越地;杰出地11. disposition n. the natural qualities of a person’s character性情,性格12. grim adj. looking or sounding very serious, unpleasant and depressing严酷的,冷酷的13. unrelenting adj. 1) not stopping or becoming lesssevere; 2) if a person is unrelenting, they continue with somethingwithout considering the feelings of other people不宽恕的,不屈不挠的;无情的,冷酷的14. canyon n. a long, narrow valley between high cliffs, often with astream flowing through it (美)峡谷,溪谷15. pillage n. the act of stealing things from a place or region,especially in a war, using violence掠夺16. corral n. an closure for holding or capturing horses, cattle or other animals畜栏17. affliction n. pain and suffering or something that causes it 痛苦,苦恼18. brooding adj. sad and mysterious or threatening沉思的,徘徊不去的19. divinity n. the quality of being a god or like God神,神学,神性,上帝20. cleavage n. a division or split between people or groups 劈开,分裂21. elk n. a large deer that lives in the north of Europe, Asia and NorthAmerica. In North America it is called a moose.美洲赤鹿22. badger n. an animal with grey fur and wide black and white lineson its head. Badgers are nocturnal (= active mostly at night) and live inholes in the ground.獾23. flax n. a plant with blue flowers, grown for its stem that is used tomake thread and its seeds that are used to make linseed oil 亚麻24. buckwheat n. small darkseed that is grown as food for animals and for making flour 荞麦25. stonecrop n. (植物)景天26. larkspur n. a tall garden plant with blue, pink or whiteflowers growing up its stem翠雀属植物27. billow v. 1) to fill with air and swell out; 2) to fill with air and swell out翻腾28. sweet clover n. 草木樨植物29. lee n. a sheltered place, especially one on that side of anything awayfrom the wind背风处,庇护所30. profusion n. a very large quantity of something丰富,充沛,慷慨31. deity n. the state of being a god; divine nature; a god orgoddess神,神性32. solstice n. either of the two times of the year at which the sunreaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday, marked by thelongest and shortest days至日;冬至或夏至33.caldron n. a large kettle or boiler大锅(炉),大汽锅34.wean v. to cause (oneself or someone else) to give up aformer habit;to withdraw (a person) by degrees (from a habit, object of affection, etc.) asby substituting some other interest使断奶,使放弃,使断念35. ridge n. a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills; ahigh pointed area near the top of a mountain山脊,屋脊36. upthrust n. the force with which a liquid or gas pushes upagainst an object that is floating in it向上推,浮力;(地质) 地壳隆起37. engender v. to make a feeling or situation exist造成38. score v. to make cuts or lines in or on something把……记下;划线,刻划;获得;评价39. kinsmen v. a male relative男性亲属40. tenuous adj. 1) so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists;2)extremely thin and easily broken纤细的,脆弱的;稀薄的;贫乏的41. reverence n. a feeling of great respect or admiration forsomebody/something尊敬,敬畏42. consummate adj. extremely skilled; perfect完美的,圆满的43. impale v. to pierce through or fix with a sharp object刺穿,(作为刑罚) 把……钉在尖桩上;使绝望44. barter n. the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc.for other goods, etc. without using money物品交换,实物交易45. deicide n. the killing of a god杀神,杀神者,害死耶稣的人46. skillet n. a small frying pan煮锅,长柄浅锅47. rambling adj. spreading in various directions with noparticular pattern漫步的,散漫的,流浪性的48. shawl n. a large piece of cloth worn by a woman around the shouldersor head, or wrapped around a baby披肩,围巾49. sentinel n. a soldier whose job is to guard something哨兵50. opaque adj. not able to be seen through; not transparent ortranslucent不透明的,不传热的,迟钝的51. abide v. to dislike somebody/something so much that you hatehaving to be with or deal with them忍受,容忍;持续,遵守52. ample adj. large, often in an attractive way充足的,丰富的,宽敞的53. council n. a group of people who are elected to govern anarea such as a city or county政务会,理事会,委员会54. servitude n. the condition of being a slave or beingforced to obey another person劳役,奴役;奴隶状态;地役权55. fright n. a feeling of fear惊骇,惊吓,害怕56. nocturnal adj. of the night夜的,夜曲的,夜间发生的57. wake n. a watch or vigil held over the body of a dead person duringthe night before burial (葬礼前)守夜,看护58. perch v. to alight or rest on栖息,位于,使坐落于59. handrail n. a long, narrow bar that you can hold onto forsupport, for example when you are going up or down stairs 栏杆,扶手60. purl v. to flow with a gentle movement and amurmuring sound潺潺流水61. scissortail n. (美洲)叉尾霸鹟62. hie v. to go quickly催促,赶快二、课文精解1.The Way to Rainy Mountain:《雨山之路》(1969年)是由普利策奖获得者斯科特写的一篇散文。
5Love is a Fallacy(张汉熙高级英语 2)

Time allocation
1. Terms in logic (15 min.) 2. Detailed study of the text (110 min.) 3. Structure analysis (15 min.) 4. Lan) 5. Exercise (25 min.)
--- The analogy is false because the two items don't have strong enough similarities to predict that what happens in one will happen in the other.
Dicta Simpliciter
Evading the issue
There are a number of handy fallacies that people press into service to side step a problem while appearing to pursue the point. (文不对题)
-- This fallacy assumes that if event Y happened after event X, then X must be the cause of Y.
Circular Reasoning
or Begging the question:
"Juan is an impressive speaker because he always touches his listeners deeply."
3)Ad misericordian (an appeal to pity)
"Look at this fourteen-year-old child who's run away from home to hide her shame-- pregnant, unwashed, friendless. penniless, at the mercy of our social service agencies. Can you till claim that sex should be taught in the classroom?"
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Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern BazaarⅠ. Word explanation1. conceivableA. reasonableB. imaginableC. considerableD. credible2. dinA. muted noiseB. loud distinct noiseC. tinkling soundD. continuous, confusing noise3. penetrateA. make a round about way intoB. force a way intoC. get into easilyD. dash into4. deadenA. to dieB. of, or related to deathC. to lessenD. no longer alive5. sepulchralA. overwhelmedB. pleasantC. picturesqueD. grave-like6. persecutionA. cruel treatmentB. bringing a case to the law courtC. violation of one's rightD. unfairness7. preliminaryA. previousB. prospectiveC. would-beD. preparatory8. burnishedA. polishB. smooth and shinyC. having been burnedD. something made of copper9. delicateA. complicatedB. fine and fragileC. beautiful and intricateD. tiny and easily broken10. girderA. an I-shaped iron beamB. closely organized associationC. ancient trade unionD. a tree trunk11. particularA. partlyB. generallyC. specialD. participant12. extendA. stretch outB. intentC. intendD. trend13. purchaseA. perchB. chaseC. buyD. pay14. bargainA. negotiateB. bargeC. boatD. gain15. peculiarityA. particularB. characteristicC. specificD. species16. customerA. customB. traditionC. conventionD. purchaser17. depriveA. depictB. take awayC. rubD. rob18. distinctA. distinguishB. distanceC. clearD. distract19. engraveA. cutB. tombC. gloomD. grave20. humbleA. hunchB. humpC. respectD. lowlyHiroshima---the “Liveliest City inJapan”Ⅰ. Word explanation1. elderlyA. olderlyB. mid-ageC. approaching mid-ageD. past mid-age2.facadeA. the wall of a buildingB. the front of a buildingC. in front of a buildingD.the wall in front of a building3. ignoranceA. disregardB. pretend not to seeC. lack of knowledgeD. neglect4. demolishA. decreaseB. . erectC. tear downD. set aside5. inhibitA. liveB. dwellC. suppressD. unlock6. bargeA. a kind of clothB. a kind of clothingC. a colourD. a boat7. scarA. a woundB. a hidden woundC. a mark on the skinD. a mark of damage8. commitA. to doB. to commissionC. to trustD. to place an order9. preserveA. to keep from dangerB. . to serve in advanceC. . to saveD. . to reserve10. consist ofA. be composed ofB. be composed ofC. containD. include11. lumpA. lampB. massC. limpD. lung12. gratitudeA. appreciationB. thankfulnessC.gratefulnessD.all the above13. haltA. stopB. preventC. saluteD. alter14. destinationA. destinyB. desperateC. goalD. doom15. sketchA. stretchB. skepticC. scratchD. drawLesson 3 Ships in the DesertⅠ. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.1. This thought _______ their objections.A. underliedB. processedC. scatteredD. slipped2. She wore a dress that _______ her stomach.A. pointedB. revealedC. burnedD. chart3. The boiling water _______ the glass.A. crashedB. stretchedC. changedD. cracked4. The patient showed signs of________.A. distressB. layersC. atmosphereD. slab5. The trade union _______a newcontract with the owner.A. monitoredB. absorbedC. negotiatedD. comprehend6. The bank required collateral to_______ the loan agreement.A. adjustB. ecureC. reservedD. shimmered7. The film will soon be _______.A. threatenedB. understoodC. releasedD. shimmered8. The noise outside _______ myattention.A. distractsB. transformsC. resistsD. changes9. The amount of rain _______ thegrowth of crops.A. influencedB. effectedC. affectedD. impacted10. He _______ several importantchanges.A. emergedB. submergedC. restrainedD. effected11. Scientists _______ that there is noanimal life on the Mars.A. presentB. assumeC. assessD. require12. This is a fact even our enemieshave to _______.A. holdB. leapfrogC. complicateD. acknowledge13. He tried to _______ his anger.A. disarmB. restrainC. poseD. include14. I have got _______ in the quarrelbetween Tom and Jack.A. involvedB. inspiredC. concludedD. accomplished15. An airliner _______ west of thecity last night.A. aroseB. landedC. crashedD. dropped16. I saw a clearly __ shape outside thewindow in a flash of light.A. developedB. acceleratedC. viewedD. defined17. The milk __ over the table.A. distributedB. reshapedC. lastedD. spilled18. Can't you guess the meaning of theword from the _______?A. environmentB. atmosphereC. contextD. relationship19. The children were thin and badlyin need of ________.A. precedentsB. sustenanceC. speciesD. regulation20. This microscope has a ________ ofeight.A. magnificationB. accelerationC. transformationD. collisionLesson 5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.RⅠ. Word explanation1. convictionA. conventionB. well established factC. the state of being convincedD. certainly2. consultA. adviceB. suggestC. look upD. go to a person3. privateA. personB. one's ownC. previousD. preserve4. count onA. depend onB. expectC. take into accountD. all of5. enlistA. win overB. attractiveC. obtainD. both A and C6. meansA. unkindB. to representC. averageD. method7. onslaughtA. invasionB. aggressionC. fierce attackD. annexation8. cataractA. cataclysmB. waterfallC. disasterD. flood9. preyA. sth. killedB. speak to GodC. pleaseD. enemy10. allyA. join or uniteB. without the company of othersC. the centre of sth.D. volunteer11. fortifyA. multiply by fortyB. strengthenC. a strongholdD. fortress12. doomA. graveB. sepulchralC. terrible fateD. barge13. preludeA. introductory movementB. to lure in advanceC. tyrantD. steadfast14. interveneA. invadeB. aggressionC. intermezzoD. interfere15. ferociousA. brutishly violentB. attacking on purposeC. benign situationD. obedient16. presentlyA. right awayB. nowC. deliverD. gift17. portionA. porkB. partC. portD. proper18. hordeA. classB. squadC. companyD. throng19. primordialA. primeB. introductoryC. primitiveD. element20. smartA. painfulB. wisdomC. foeD. folly21. vestigeA. traceB. vestC. investD. privilege22. resolveA. solveB. settleC. revolveD. determine23. accomplishA. accompanyB. achieveC. complimentD. complement24. distinctionA. distinctB. distinguishedC. differenceD. instinct25. rescueA. recoverB. queueC. obscureD. obscureLesson 6 BlackmailⅠ. Word explanation1. crypticA. hiddenB. strangeC. mysteryD. sacred2. errandA. taskB. a trip to get sth.C. a written messageD. a piece of business3. offensiveA. attractB. aggressionC. interveningD. onslaught4. swiftA. quickB. smoothC. timelyD. swept5. abruptA. suddenB. erectC. eruptD. corrupt6. blandnessA. franknessB. mildnessC. politeD. blank7. swingingA. full of lifeB. move back and forthC. turn aroundD. turn out8. hunchA. doubtB. doubleC. suspectD. intuitive feeling9. poiseA. self-assuranceB. poisonC. direct attentionD. pointless10. discreetA. secretB. hiddenC. carefulD. volunteer11. inevitableA. certainB. not to preventC. not to avoidD. evident12. adeptA. adaptB. adoptC. addD. expert13. rivetA. attachB. tie downC. fasten firmlyD. hammer14. abundantA. absoluteB. completeC. profuseD. thorough15. respiteA. postponementB. respectC. in spite ofD. despite16. spaciousA. specialB. largeC. magnificentD. glorious17. appointA. point toB. nameC. importantD. furnish18. apparentA. appearingB. parentalC. disappearD. evident19. reprovingA. understandingB. comfortingC. blamingD. approve20. essentialA. sensitiveB. sentimentalC. fundamentalD. primordialLesson 7 The Age of Miracle ChipsⅠ. Word explanation1. miracleA. wonderB. mythC. miseryD. strangeness2. rugA. old clothB. blanketC. woollen matD. rag3. abundantA. abandonB. plentifulC. largeD. much4. inertA. idleB. unattractiveC. activeD. inner5. fleckA. spotB. flickerC. remarkD. drop6. meansA. monstrousB. clumsyC. uglyD. loose7. immenseA. enormousB. infiniteC. definiteD. endless8. drudgeryA. toilB. hardshipC. agonyD. affliction9. executionA. exertionB. performanceC. exploitationD. extraction10. boostA. bootsB. heightC. increaseD. tighten11. ingredientA. mixtureB. particleC. blendD. component12. fantasyA. reverieB. legendC. nightmareD. imagination13. swingA. lurchB. swayC. sweepD. drift14. transactionA. interactionB. business dealC. bargainD. transformation15. burglarA. thiefB. rubberC. robotD. stealth16. affectA. influenceB. planC. concludeD. undertake17. domesticA. of the houseB. of one's own countryC. of some particular countryD. all the above18. propelA. push forwardB. compareC. supposeD. move backward19. hassledA. puzzledB. botheredC. boredD. skilled20. cozyA. hard and roughB. cold and inertC. warm and comfortableD. pleasant and busy21. arrayA. a particular wayB. a long listC. a small amountD. a large number22. groovyA. gloomyB. sadC. satisfyingD. unpleasant 23. optionA. opportunityB. choiceC. applicationD. favoured24. harassA. frightenB. wear onC. exhaustD. draw out25. kenA. mixture of substanceB. range of knowledgeC. distanceD. familyⅢ. Word explanation: (20%)1. miraclea. wonderb. mythc. miseryd. strangeness2. ruga. old clothb. blanketc. woollen matd. rag3. abundanta. abandonb. plentifulc. larged. much4. inerta. idleb. unattractivec. actived. inner5. flecka. spotb. flickerc. remarkd. drop6. hulkinga. monstrousb. clumsyc. uglyd. loose7. immensea. enormousb. infinitec. definited. endless8. drudgerya. toilb. hardshipc. agonyd. affliction9. executiona. exertionb. performancec. exploitationd. extraction10. boosta. bootsb. heightc. increased. tighten11. ingredienta. mixtureb. particlec. blendd. component12. fantasya. reverieb. legendc. nightmared. imagination13. swinga. lurchb. swayc. sweepd. drift14. transactiona. interactionb. business dealc. bargaind. transformation15. burglara. thiefb. rubberc. robotd. stealth16. affecta. influenceb. planc. concluded. undertake17. domestica. of the houseb. of one's own countryc. of some particular countryd. all the above18. propela. push forwardb. comparec. supposed. move backward19. hassleda. puzzledb. botheredc. boredd. skilled20. cozya. hard and roughb. cold and inertc. warm and comfortabled. pleasant and busy21. arraya. a particular wayb. a long listc. a small amountd. a large number22. groovya. gloomyb. sadc. satisfyingd. unpleasant23. optiona. opportunityb. choicec. applicationd. favoured24. harassa. frightenb. wear onc. exhaustd. draw out25. kena. mixture of substanceb. range of knowledgec. distanced. family26. cryptica. hiddenb. strangec. mysteryd. sacred27. erranda. taskb. a trip to get sthc. a written messaged. a piece of business28. offensivea. attractb. aggressionc. interveningd. onslaught29. swifta. quickb. smoothc. timelyd. swept30. abrupta. suddenb. erectc. eruptd. corrupt31. blandnessa. suddenb. erectc. eruptd. blank32. swinginga. full of lifeb. move back and forthc. turn aroundd. turn out33. huncha. doubtb. doublec. suspectd. intuitive feeling34. poisea. self-assuranceb. poisonc. direct attentiond. pointless35. discreeta. secretb. hiddenc. carefuld. casual36. inevitablea. certainb. not to preventc. not to avoidd. evident37. adepta. adaptb. adoptc. addd. expert38. riveta. attachb. tie downc. fasten firmlyd. hammer39. abundanta. absoluteb. completec. profused. thorough40. respitea. postponementb. respectc. in spite ofd. despiteⅠ. I. Word explanation1. merchantA. mercenaryB. mechanicC. goodsD. trader2. balanceA. equalityB. quantityC. parallelD. blandness3. perilA. perimeterB. hazardC. panoramaD. Paralysis4. blocA. leagueB. lumpC. restrictionD. square5. carveA. cavernB. tavernC. engraveD. intersect6. undercutA. underchargeB. underpriceC. undersellD. all the above7. grantA. certaintyB. presentationC. subsidiaryD. scholarship8. concessionA. assentB. constrictionC. assertionD. confession9. sophisticatedA. delicateB. intricateC. dandifiedD. dignified10. killingA. easy preyB. big sacrificeC. large profitD. ruthless slaughter11. charterA. mapB. authorizationC. hiringD. b and c12. mothA. home remedyB. buggyC. fly-like animalD. chemical13. bulkA. massB. trunkC. clumsinessD. loose14. doldrumsA. parts of the oceanB. state of being uncertainC. areas near the North PoleD. highly risky situation15. tacticA. tackleB. expedientC. strategyD. policy16. ratifyA. validateB. verdictC. verbosityD. vacillate 17. lineA. trainB. shipC. companyD. plane18. dodgyA. docileB. chancyC. doggedD. dogmatic19. suppleA. rich coloursB. flexibleC. purpleD. support20. prefaceA. surfaceB. surface anticipationC. frontD. introduction21. deferentialA. respectfulB. scornfulC. differentialD. indifferent22. adolescentA. adultB. chapC. folkD. juvenile23. despiseA. dislikeB. dismissC. depressD. defer24. disperseA. discreetB. dispatchC. disappearD. scatter25. aridA. wetB. barrenC. fertileD. abandoned26. gluttonA. excessiveB. admirableC. greedyD. glorious27. austereA. seriousB. agonyC. dignifiedD. straight28. intermittentA. internalB. interminableC. constantD. occasional29. nurtureA. concernB. cultivateC. plantD. gather30. divertA. attractB. changeC. entertainD. b and c31. exhilarateA. exciteB. resentC. challengeD. provoke32. cramA. packB. emptyC. crashD. collapse33. maliceA. good desireB. loyaltyC. ill willD. ill treatment34. dismissiveA. emptyB. contemptuousC. longingD. rebellious35. bluffA. breathB. riverC. obstacleD. cliff36. reefA. foregroundB. ridge of rockC. small hillD. high wave37. beaconA. fireB. rock on the beachC. platformD. food38. recessA. cornerB. vacationC. alcoveD. all the above39. loreA. choreB. affectionC. knowledgeD. demand40. appropriateA. possessB. suitablyC. enjoyableD. admirable第1课练习答案1-5BDBCD6-10ADBBA11-15CACAB16-20DBCAD第2课练习答案1-5DBCCC6-10DDAAA11-15BDACD第3课练习答案1-5ABDAC6-10BCACD11-15BDBAC16-20DDCBA第5课练习答案1-5BCBDD6-10DCBAA11-15BCADA16-20ABDCA21-25ADBCD 第6课练习答案1-5ABDAA6-10BADAC 11-15ADCCA 16-20BDDCC第7课练习答案1-5ACBAA6-10BAABC 11-15DDBBA 16-20ADABC21-25DCBCB (期中)1-5ACBAA6-10BAABC 11-15DDBBA 16-20ADABC 21-25DCBCB 26-30ABDAA 31-35BADAC36-40ADCCA (期末)1-5DABAC6-10DDABC 11-15DCAAB 16-20ACBBD 21-25ADADB 26-30CADBD 31-35AACBD 36-40BADCB。