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1,定语:修饰限定人或物的成分。a cute girl , the pen on the desk .

The boy sitting here is my student. The book bought yesterday is popular.


The boy who is sitting here is my student. The book which was bought yesterday is popular 3,先行词:被定语从句修饰的人或物—the boy / the book. *注意词组---the old man under the tree(指人)

4,关系词:代替先行词引导定语从句的词(关系代词和关系副词)---who / which.

I, who am 48, teach you English.




You have been admitted to a top university , which has made your parents excited.



先行词指人:1,主语who/ that

2, 宾语whom/ who/ that/---

3, 定语(某人的)+ n whose

I have a friend. 1, He works in Wuhan.-----I have a friend who / that works in Wuhan.

2, I love him -----I have a friend ( whom/ who/ that ) I love.

3,His name is Ray.----I have a friend whose name is Ray.

*当做介词宾语且和介词一起引导从句时:介词+ whom(人)/which (物)+从句。不能省略!

The girl is Lily. You talked with her.---The girl (whom/who/that) you talked with is Lily.

---The girl with whom you talked is Lily.


先行词指物1,主语which/ that

2, 宾语which / that / ---

3, 定语(某物的)+ n whose * whose + n = the+ n of which / of which the +n .

4,状语时间when =介词+ which

地点where= 介词+ which * 从句完整

the reason why = for which

I have a flat . 1, It lies on the 5th floor.---I have a flat which / that lies on the 5th floor.

2, I bought it in 2006.----I have a flat (which / that) I bought in 2006.

3, Its door faces to the south.---I have a flat whose door(the door of which/ of which the door ) faces to the south.

4,We’ve lived in it for about 11 years---I have a flat (which / that)we’ve lived in for about 11 years.

/ in which we’ve lived for about 11years.

/ where we’ve lived for about 11 years.(we’ve lived为SVi完整)

I’ll remember the day __when__ we had a good time together.(从句完整)

_(_which / that)_ we spent together (从句缺宾语) *spend/take/last/devote等可加时间做宾语

●The reason __why_ he was late (从句完整)is that he was ill .

_(which/that)_ he told me (从句缺宾语)

非限定性定语从句:1 , 主句SV,关系词+ 从句。

2, S , 关系词+ 从句,V .

3, 关系词+ 从句,主句SV.


1,只用that:先行词为不定代词/ 最高级或序数词修饰/既有人又有物。

2,as 的用法:在限定性定语从句中such/ so / the same +先行词as +定语从句(不完整)

●Such/ so ….that + 状语从句(完整)He is such a clever boy _as_ we all like (缺宾语)

_that_ we all like him(完整)在非限定性定语从句中,指物一般用which,若从句在后或在中时是被动结构缺主语或有正如…之意用as,从句在主句前必须用as.

As is known to us , the earth travels round the sun.

3, 数词/ 不定代词+ of which/whom , 介词+ whose+ n

Mr. Li has collected more than 300 stamps, 32 of which are very precious.

I have many students, some of whom come from Tai zhou.

There was once a hill , on whose top stood a temple.

4, 地点的模糊化,case,situation, activity, atmosphere, phone 等都可以做表地点的先行词,从句完整时都可以用where 引导。I’ll create a teaching atmosphere _where_ you can feel relaxed.

5, one of +复数名词+关系代词+复数形式动词,the only one of +复数名词+关系代词+单数形式动词。

6,the way +从句/that+从句/ which + 不完整从句/ in which +完整从句

7,time (次数)that +完整从句,time(时间)when/ during which +完整从句。



1.Creating an atmosphere _____ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.

2.The number of smokers, _____ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

3.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere _____ his employees enjoy their


4.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon ______ school education depends.

5.China Today attracts a worldwide readership, _____ shows that more and more people all over the

world want to learn about China.

6.It is a truly delightful place, _____ looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its

winding streets and pretty cottages.

7.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time _____ he should be able to

be independent.

8.The books on the desk, _____ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.

9.Opposite is St. Paul’s Ch urch, _____ you can hear some lovely music.

10.I didn’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, _____ I went up to rescue a kite that was

stuck in the branches of a tree.

11.A company _____ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

12.We’ll reach the sales targets in a month _____ we set at the beginning of the year.
