《临床心理学》双语教学精品课件chapter2 conducting health research

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• It have treatment benefits but research drawbacks.
How to measure the efficacy of an intervention?
Experimental design: two groups • Controlling group receiving placebo • Experimental group receiving treatment
• An emphasis on health rather than disease. • The development of reliable and valid
measuring instruments • The construction of useful theoretical models
Correlational studies
• Correlational studies yield information about the degree of relationship between two variables.
• Correlation coefficient: -1.00 to +1.00 • Positive correlated • Negative correlated
Treatment and the placebo
• In general, a placebo’s effect are estimated at about 35%.
• Its effects on reducing pain may be higher than that on other conditions.
• Risk factor: any characteristic or condition that occurs with greater frequency in condition that occurs with greater frequency in people with a disease than in people free from that disease.
Chapter2 Conducting Health Research
Treatment and the placebo
• Placebo: an inactive substance or condition having the appearance of an active treatment.
to explain health-related research. • Various research methods used in psychology.
Research methods:
• Correlational studies • Cross-sectional studies • Longitudinal studies • Experimental design • Ex post facto design
• It may cause participants in an experiment to improve or change behavior due to their belief in the placebo’s effectiveness and their prior experiences with receiving treatment.
• Longitudinal studies yield more information than Cross-sectional studies, but take more time and money.
Biblioteka Baidu
Experimental design
• Experimental design reveal a cause-and effect relationship between independent variable and dependent variable.
• How do the understand the massive amount of research they hear about in news reports?
Psychology’s contribution to health knowledge
• Its long tradition of techniques to change behavior.
How does placebo work?
• Expectancy • Learning: classical and operant conditioning
Nocebo effect
• Adverse effect caused by placebo.
• Side effect such as: headaches, nausea, digestive problems, dry mouth and sleep disturbances
Cross-sectional studies and Longitudinal studies
• Cross-sectional studies are conducted at one point in time.
• Longitudinal studies follow participants over an extended period.
• Both groups should have equal expectations. • Double-blind design • Single-blind design
II. Research methods in psychology
• How do people separate legitimate research finding from self-serving claims?