expectsth.IexpectaletterfromJimmy.expectsb.todosth.期待某人做某事Iexpectyoutowriteback.Iexpectmymothertocomeback.waitforsth./sb.动作上的等待珍preciousstone宝石;crystal水晶;jade玉一石二鸟:Tokilltwobirdswithonestone.一箭之地:withastone’sthrowStone-deaf/stone-blind全聋或全瞎3、Afewhoursearlier,someonehadtoldthepolicethatthieveswouldtrytostealthediamonds.afewhoursearlier几个小时以前=afewhoursbefore/afewhoursago;宾拆东4、Whentheplanearrived,someofthedetectiveswerewaitinginsidethemainbuildingwhileotherswerewaitingontheairfield.代词others常常和some连用,表示“有些(人)……,也有些(人)……”或“有的……,其余的……”one…theother…一个……另一个……some…others…一些……另一些……Somestudentsareveryhard-working,othersarenot.CustomsHouse海关customsduties海关关税6、Whiletwodetectiveswerekeepingguardatthedoor,twoothersope nedtheparcel.Totheirsurprise,thepreciousparcelwasfullofstonesandsand!…werekeepingguardatthedoor,twoothersopenedtheparcel.★guardn.警戒,守卫lifeguard救生员bodyguard保镖keepguard守望,警戒Theykeptacloseguardoverthethieves.他们对小偷们严加看管。
1. detective n. 侦探 一部侦探小说 a detective novel Detective Conan is my favourite cartoon. 名侦探柯南是我最爱的动漫。 侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。
Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.
(1)当及物动词+副词构成动词短语时,如宾语是代词, 那么只能放在动词和副词之间。
(2)当动词是不及物动词时,需要加介词帮忙,然后 才加宾语,宾语的位置是固定的,及宾语的位置一 定要在介词之后。
look at
Come and look at my photograph album. Come and look my photograph album at.
I _e_x_p_e_c_t__ __t_ha_t______I __w_il_l____ ___pa_s_s____ the exam. 我想你已经听到这个消息了。
I expect you’ve heard the news.
4.valuable adj. 贵重的 value +形容词后缀able = valuable MVP: Most Valuable Player 反义词: valueless 没有价值的,无用的 他得到了一些没有价值的新闻。 He got some __v_a_lu_e_le_s_s_____ __ne_w_s________.
5.parcel n. 包裹 一包裹 a parcel of… 一个装着钻石的贵重的包裹
a valuable parcel of diamonds 他们正期待着从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。
on the airfield 在机场
2. all + 单数n.:构成副词短语
all morning 整整一上午
all day 整整一天
all year 整年
the whole day 一整天 (L3)
• When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. • While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.
into the bath. 脱掉 3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m. 起飞
Lesson 7 Too late While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. 讲故事: 当Jason还站在雨中的时候,Bruce正在把 Maggie带走。
3. some … others :一些……另一些…… (some+others<1) some …, the others:一些,其余的 (some+the others=1)
• While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.
few hours earlier, someone told the police that
新概念2Lesson7 (共37张PPT)
tell, wait, expect, keep guard, open, try to steal, take…off, carry…into,
be full of stones and sand!
…At eight o’clock of October 8th when It rained heavily
• costly “由于物品华丽,稀少而价格高的”, • eg:costly jewels. • expensive “价格超过货物本身的价值或一 般人的购买力”,an expensive book. • precious 具有很大价值的东西或话语,不 一定用金钱来衡量。 eg: precious moments/diamonds
Lesson 7
Too late
• 在西方,钻石被称为“妇女最好的伴侣”。 当钻石第一次发现时,因其坚硬无比,用 adamas称呼它再恰当不过了。Adamas的 “坚不可摧”,“不可征服”的意思,当 时指任何特别坚硬的物质。 • 晚期拉丁文传化为diamas后来英语演变成 为二个词adamant和diamond,前者指坚硬 的金属,后者指名贵的钻石。它能切割其 它物质,但除了本身以外不能被其他物质 所切割。
Judy /play tennis
Jack/play tennis
I/ stay at home and watch TV
They/ have a party
mother /clean my room
son /study English
What were you doing last…?
• ☆steal(stole,stolen) v.偷 在中国,认为在不知道的情况下是 “偷”,明目张胆的就是“抢”。 而英语不区分。 我们说“我的钱包被偷了”和“我被 偷了”是一个字,而在英语里是两个 词。 My wallet was stolen. I was robbed. steal sth 偷(某物);rob sb 抢(某 人)
新概念英语第二册 Lesson7 a famous clock 课件
This clock, which has rarely gone wrong,can be heard on the B.B.C. when it is striking, because microphones are connected to the clock tower.
Lesson 71 A famous clock
will soon find it.
2. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.
8.Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. 9.Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. 10.A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
check n/v. 检查 n.支票
• check in 登记
• He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。
From there, he hitchhiked to Paris in a lorry. The driver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the center of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. (182 words)
3. imaginable 能够想象出的 常作后置定语 This is the worst result
v. 逃避; 回避 If you try to evade
paying your taxes you risk going to prison.
tax avoidance 合理避税 (合法)
From there, he hitchhiked to Paris in a lorry. The driver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city. The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the center of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. (182 words)
新观念英语第两册课后习题问案详解Lesson 7之阳早格格创做训练问案 Key to written exercises1.闭键句型训练问案A detectives were waiting(1.1); They were expecting(1.2);detectives were waiting(1.5); others were waiting(1.6);two detectives were keeping guard(11.7-8)B 1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.2 When two of the detectives opened the parcel, two others were keeping guard at the door.C (sample answers)1 I was getting into my bath when you telephoned me.2 I was reading Hamlet when you saw me in the library this morning.3 I was saying that you must see the new film when you interruped me.D 1 was leaving…arrived 2 worked/ was working…was sitting/ sat3 was walking…met4 was reading…heard5 was p reparing…set/ was setting6 dropped…spoke2.易面训练问案1 He gave all his books away.2 She woke the children up early this morning.4 They cut the king's head off.5 Put your hat and coat on.7 Help me to lift this table up.8 Take your shoes off and put your slippers on.11 They have pulled the old building down.12 Make your mind up.14 She threw all those old newspapers away.3.多项采用题问案1. b根据课文第3-4止someone had told the police that thieves would try to stealthe diamond 战第8-9止While two detectives were keeping guard at thedoor…不妨推断出b. to prevent a robbery 是精确问案,其余3个皆分歧过失.2. c根据课文末尾一句话To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stonesand sand! 不妨推测出 c. didn’t prevent the robbery 是精确的问案.其余3个采用皆没有切合课文实质.3. c从回问中不妨瞅出,此问句是对于天面收问的,a. Why, b. When, d. What 皆没有克没有及针对于天面提问,惟有c. Where是问天面的,不妨用At the airport 去回问,所以选c.4. d那一句是针对于动词汇宾语提问的,回问是用名词汇短语A valuable parcel of diamonds . a. Why, b.When , C. where 那几个疑问词汇皆没有克没有及针对于动词汇宾语(名词汇)提问的,惟有d. What 不妨对于名词汇提问.5. a前里句子是往日完毕时(hadtold),表示正在往日某一动做或者情况爆收之前完毕的事务,“某人报告警察....”那一事变一定是正在“飞机到达之前”爆收的.所以精确问案选a. before(正在……之前)6. ca. in后里需要有一个表示天面的名词汇,意义才完备;b. into正在意义上道短亨;d. for后里需要有一个名词汇干宾语,意义才完备;惟有c. inside(正在内里)意义最完备,而且与前半句的动做went into the building相切合,所以选c.7. d4个采用中惟有d. took it off 最切合题目意义战语法,所以选d.8. ab. waiting 是没有及物动词汇,后里没有克没有及曲交跟名词汇;c. expecting for 中的expect是及物动词汇,后里没有克没有及加for; d. expecting to 中expect后里没有克没有及加to; 惟有a. expecting最切合语法.9. c原句需要选一个与前句中的valuable(贵沉的,宝贵的)意义相共的形容词汇干表语.a. worth 不妨干名词汇战形容词汇,意义是“价格”,“值得……的”,没有是valuable的共义词汇;b. worthy 是形容词汇,意义是“有价格的”“值得的”常于of 或者没有定式连用,没有克没有及单独干表语,也没有是valuable 的共义词汇;d. value 是名词汇,没有切合词汇性;惟有c. precious 是形容词汇,意义是“贵沉的”,“宝贵的”,是valuable的共义词汇,不妨干表语,所以选c10. bc. take from ,d. take to 皆没有切合语法;a. rob 战b. steal皆有“夺与”的意义,但是steal强调“悄悄天或者悄悄天趁人没有注意时夺与”,而rob则强调“通过武力明目弛胆天匪盗或者抢劫”.Steal那一动做的实止者该当是thief(小偷),而rob的动做实止者却是robber(强匪).果为原句的主语是thethieves,所以选b.11. a原句是要阐明前一句中的the main building(主楼),b. smallest(最小的);c. first(第一);d.greatest(最伟大的)那3个采用皆没有切合词汇义,惟有a. most important(最要害的)意义与themain意义最交近,所以该当选a.12. b原句如果选a. full with, c. full by, d. full in 皆有语法过失,full 只可共of连用,表示“充谦……的”,果此选b. full of.。
Lesson 1 A Private Conversation
• private • conversation • theatre • seat • play • loudly • angry • angrily • attention • bear • business • rudely
★attention n. 注意
• Attention ,please. 请注意(口语) • pay attention 注意
• pay attention to … 对……注意 eg. You must pay attention to that girl.
• pay a little attention 稍加注意 • pay much attention 多加注意 • pay no attention 不用注意 • pay close attention 特别注意
剧场看戏 • go to the cinema =see a film 去电影院看电影
• 以下短语中名词前不加冠词与加冠词意思有区别 • go to school 去上学; go to the school 去学校; • go to hospital去看病; go to the hospital去医院
adj. 私人的 n. 谈话 n. 剧场,戏院 n. 座位 n. 戏 adv. 大声地 adj. 生气的 adv. 生气地 n. 注意 v. 容忍 n. 事 adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地
★private adj.私人的
• private life 私生活 • private school 私立学校 • It's my private letter.
Lesson 77 文本A successful operationThe mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes. As there were strange marks on the Xray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin which covered the skin. The doctors removed a section of the mummy and sent it to a laboratory. They also found something which the Xray plates did not show: a small wax figure of the god Duamutef. This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy. The doctors have not yet decided how the woman died. They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this has not happened. The mummy successfully survived the operation.文本解析一〕词汇学习Word study1. B.C.与A.D.B.C.为Before Christ〔公元前〕的缩写,A.D.表示anno Domini (=in the year of the Lord 或since Christ was born),即“公元〞。
新概念英语第二册 Lesson 7 Too late课件
通常不能用于过去进行时的动词主要有: agree,believe,belong,care,forget,hate,have(拥 有),hear,know,like,love,mean,mind,notice,own,
wish等。静态动词 暂时性动词 过去进行时同样也不 能用。
②猜想,料想,认为 Who's eaten all the cake? ---I expect it was the dog. ③ expectation n.期待,盼望,指望 She went to the new school with great expectations.
34. The students are fed up with their studies because they are ______ to do far better than they can.
When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were wauilding while some of others were waiting on the airfield. 5.main / men / adj. 主要的 the main street 主街道; the main idea of the passage文章中心思想; in the main 大体上;基本上;
11.stone / ston / n. 石子;石块; To kill two birds with one stone.
stone-blind 完全瞎的 stone-deaf 完全聋的
12.sand / sæ nd / n. 沙;沙子 ① 沙;沙子;(不可数名词) a pile of sand一堆沙 ②(pl.)沙滩,沙漠; the children playing on the sands(沙滩) ③用砂纸打磨 The workers are sanding the material. bury/hide your head in the sand 采取鸵鸟政策;不正视现实;回避问题
新概念英语第二册Lesson7 Too late
★3. expect v. 期待, 等待 ①vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待) expect sth. I expect a letter from Jimmy. The students are expecting a
bright future. The cat is expecting a fish. expect+ to do.sth.期望做某事 She expects to go there next week.
The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.
The plane was late 飞机晚(点)了
The bus was late./The train was late.
all一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词短语, 如:all day,all night,all week,all winter, all year等。但不说all hour。
= a few hours before / a few hours ago would +do 过去将来时,间接方式, 转述, 站在过去看
Yesterday(故事中常常不这样用) ※故事背景是“过去时”,所以“将要”(will)也
用上过去时(would); ※故事背景是“过去时”,“告诉”(tell)发生在
a bar of chocolates, a chocolate
Read the new words aloud
[di'tektiv] ['eəpɔ:t] [ik'spekt] ['væljuəbəl] ['pɑ:sl] ['daiəmənd] [sti:l] [mein] ['eəfi:ld] [gɑ:d] ['preʃəs] [stəun] [sæ nd]
新概念英语第⼆册课后习题Lesson 7 1. b 根据课⽂第3-4⾏someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamond 和第8-9⾏While two detectives were keeping guard at the door…可以判断出b. to prevent a robbery 是正确答案,其他3个都不对。
2. c 根据课⽂最后⼀句话To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 可以推测出c. didn’t prevent the robbery 是正确的答案。
3. c 从回答中可以看出,此问句是对地点发问的, a. Why, b. When, d. What 都不能针对地点提问,只有c. Where 是问地点的,可以⽤At the airport 来回答,所以选c. 4. d 这⼀句是针对动词宾语提问的,回答是⽤名词短语A valuable parcel of diamonds . a. Why, b. When , C. where 这⼏个疑问词都不能针对动词宾语(名词)提问的,只有d. What 可以对名词提问。
5. a 前⾯句⼦是过去完成时(had told),表⽰在过去某⼀动作或情况发⽣之前完成的事情,“某⼈告诉警察。
所以正确答案选a. before(在……之前) 6. c a. in后⾯需要有⼀个表⽰地点的名词,意思才完整; b. into在意思上讲不通; d. for后⾯需要有⼀个名词做宾语,意思才完整; 只有c. inside(在⾥⾯)意思最完整,⽽且与前半句的动作went into the building相符合,所以选c. 7. d 4个选择中只有d. took it off 最符合题⽬意思和语法,所以选d. 8. ab. waiting 是不及物动词,后⾯不能直接跟名词;c. expecting for 中的expect 是及物动词,后⾯不能加for;d. expecting to 中expect后⾯不能加to; 只有a. expecting 最符合语法。
新概念英语第二册第七课课后习题答案详解Lesson 7 1.B 根据课文第3-4行someone had told the police that thieves would try to stealthe diamond 和第8-9行While two detectives were keeping guard at thedoor …可以判断出b. to prevent a robbery 是正确答案,其他3个都不对。
2. C 根据课文最后一句话根据课文最后一句话To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stonesand sand! 可以推测出c. didn ’t prevent the robbery 是正确的答案。
3. C 从回答中可以看出,此问句是对地点发问的, a. Why, b. When, d. What 都不能针对地点提问,都不能针对地点提问,只有只有c. Where 是问地点的,可以用At the airport 来回答,所以选c. 4. D 这一句是针对动词宾语提问的,回答是用名词短语A valuable parcel of diamonds . a. Why, b. When , C. where 这几个疑问词都不能针对动词宾语(名词)提问的,只有d. What 可以对名词可以对名词提问。
5. A 前面句子是过去完成时(hadtold ),表示在过去某一动作或情况发生之前完成的事情,“某人告诉警察。
所以正确答案选a. before(在……之前在……之前) 6. C a. in 后面需要有一个表示地点的名词,意思才完整;b. into 在意思上讲不通;d. for 后面需要有一个名词做宾语,意思才完整;只有c. inside(在里面在里面)意思最完整,而且与前半句的动作went into the building相符合,所以选相符合,所以选c. 7. D 4个选择中只有d. took it off 最符合题目意思和语法,所以选d. 8. A b. waiting 是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词;c. expecting for 中的expect是及物动词,后面不能加for; d. expecting to 中expect后面不能加to; 只有a. expecting最符合语法。
New Concept English新概念经典语法讲解Lesson Seven Too late1. The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.①wait for sth./sb.a. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen. (停止等待事情发生,而要使它发生----真是个好句子!)b. I waited for her in the corridor, while she went in to see the doctor.c. Would you mind waiting outside?d. Wait a moment, please. 请稍等一会儿。
e. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起, 让您久等了.f. He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage. 他收拾行李, 让我们等了好半天.王佳敏去看医生,让李淼等了好半天。
_____________________________________________________________________________②expect◆vt., vi. 预计,预料:a. We expect a hot summer this year. 我们预计今年夏天会热。
___________________________________________________________b. Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected. 正如他老师所预料的那样,吉姆数学考试没及格。
新概念英语二-----------------LESSON 7重点词组:at the airport 在机场a parcel of 一个装……的包裹a few hours earlier 数小时前try to 试着去some of ……中的一些keep guard 守卫take off 把……拿下里carry into 把……搬/运下来at the door 在门口to their surprise 让他们吃惊的是be full of 装满了语法点:1. all morningall一般直接加表示时间的可数名词单数构成时间状语e.g.: all day整天,all night 整夜,all week整个星期,all winter整个冬天,all year整年**但不能说all hour2. a few hours earlier / a few hours agoa few hours earlier, 段时间+earlier, 是以过去或将来某一个时间点为准的一段时间以前e.g.: A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that …….数小时前,有人向警方报告……。
a few hours ago 段时间+ago, 指的是以说话时为准的一段时间以前,通常用于一般过去时。
e.g.: He was here a few hours ago. 他几个小时前在这里。
3. some of / one ofsome of + 可数名词复数,意为……中的一些,做主语时为复数e.g.: Some of the apples are green. 这些苹果中有一些是绿色的。
some of + 不可数名词,意为……中的一些,做主语时为单数e.g.:Some of rice is dirty. 一些米饭脏了one of + 可数名词复数,意为……中的一个,做主语时为单数e.g.: One of the students is very young. 学生中的一个非常年轻。
Lesson 71, The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.1) late:可用作形容词和副词。
<1>、形容词“迟的,晚的”Yon are late again,don’t be late next time.你又迟到了,下次别这样。
The train was ten minutes late because of the bad weather.因为天气不好,火车晚点了10钟。
The accident happened in the late afternoon.这事故发生在傍晚(下午五、六点钟)。
如:The film is about the late Premier Zhou Enlai.这部影片是写已故总理周恩来的。
Some late news of the war has just come in.一些最近的战争消息刚到。
例如:The workers in the south often go to work early and leave off late.南下打工仔经常是早上工,晚下班。
work late / far / deep into the night 工作至深夜2) detectiveadj. 侦探的n. 侦探<1>. The company hired a detective to investigate the accident.公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。
<2>. I could now see what the detective was driving at: he was trying to establish my whereabouts on the night of the crime. 我现在能够明白侦探的意思了:他那时正试图确定案发那天夜晚我的行踪。
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3.As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.
Key structures
1.When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.
2.While we were having a party, the light went out .
To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!
常用To one’s surprise 作为句子开头
Check yourself
The plane was late and ________were detectives waiting airport at the _______all morning . They were expecting valuable_______of parcel a _______ ______from South Africa. diamonds A few hours earlier , someone had told the police steal thieves that ______would try to _______the diamonds . When the plane arrived , some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.
take off常用的三个意思: 1)(上文) 拿出来 2)He took off his clothes and got into the bath. 脱掉 3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m. 起飞
While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. security guard保安, prison guard看守, bodyguard保镖 当Jason还站在雨中的时候,Bruce正在把 Maggie带走。 While Jason was standing in the rain, Bruce was taking Maggie away.
All morning .
2.What were they expecting from south Africa?
A parcel valuable of diamonds.
3.Where did the two men take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?
precious characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for
Valuable diamond
Precious time
a parcel of 一包
同义词: package
There are two parcels.
A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.
thief小偷;thieves复数形式 steal偷;was stolen被动形式
二十四小时前,女孩告诉男孩说她将要 来上海了。 24 hours earlier, the girl had told the boy that she would come to Shanghai.
took off theplane Two men ______the parcel_____ and carried it into the Custom House . While keeping guard two detectives were __________ _at the door , two others opened the parcel . _ ______ To _____ their , surprise precious the _______parcel __ ______ ______stones and sand! was full of
One thief will not
rob another. 盗亦有道。
main the most important
What is the main item of the picture ?
What is the main item of the picture ?
You are a main role in my life.
她的一个男朋友等在主楼外,另一个男朋友等 在站台(platform)上。 One of her boyfriends were waiting outside the main building while the other were waiting on the platform.
Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.
So ,what is your main task now?
For me ,the main task now is play well…
…while others were waiting on the airfield.
3.As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.
有点像现在进行 时!!
1.I was having breakfast when the telephone rang.
2.George was reading while his wife was listening to the radio.
Detect 发觉 ;觉察
detective(adj) detective methods detective story
Port harbor(同义词) 机场;航空站
Port of Lianyungang
The diamond has great value.
The wedding ring is very precious.
Love =
同义词: cherished , treasured , wanted (珍贵的(主观))
valuable having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange
※故事背景是“过去时”,所以“将要”(will)也用上过去时 (would); ※故事背景是“过去时”,“告诉”(tell)发生在过去的过去(had told)。过去完成时本课不做重点。
When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.
Eg. My uncle is an guard. Keep guard They are keeping guard at door.
Our lovely door guard.
Try my best! I can do it!
detective airport valuable parcel
Lesson 7 Too late
It’s too late!
Who is he??
He is a detective.
侦探小说家:阿瑟· 柯南· 道尔: Arthur Conan Doyle detective stories :《摩尔摩斯探案全集》
Sherlock Holmes
Detective (n.)
They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.
在这里expecting=waiting for,老外喜欢用不同的词, 而中国人喜欢用并列
South Africa南非 (国家)
他在期待从英国来的女朋友,Maggie. He was expecting his girlfriend, Maggie, from England.
airfield guard precious
quick response
Did the detectives save the diamonds?
1.How long were detectives waiting at the air port?
Eg. The thief stole my cell phone.
Eg.He stole my cell phone away