美赛 数学建模 埃博拉

For office use only T1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________Team Control Number39595Problem ChosenAFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary SheetEradicating EbolaSummaryWith a high risk of death, Ebola virus disease (EDV), or simple Ebola, is a horrible disease which has caused great amount of death. In this paper, we mainly build two mathematical model to help eradicate Ebola, including a Virus Propagation Model based on BA scale-free network and SIRED, a delivery system model base on local optimization.For the former part, we firstly establish a BA scale-free network to simulate the realistic interpersonal network. Basing on this network, we set up a series rules to describe the procedure of Ebola propagation, which can be refined as the “Susceptible-Exposed- Infective-Removal-Death” (SEIRD) model. By combining this two model toget her via stimulation, we, using the variation of infective number and death number to reflect the procedure of Ebola spread, successfully restore the propagation of Ebola and predict the variation trend of them. Both the infective number and death number have a high agreement with the report from WHO. Basing on the infective number curve, we easily gain the quantity of the medicine needed and the speed of manufacturing of the vaccine and drug.For the latter part, we use a local optimization method to establish a feasible delivery system. Firstly, we choose Representative points in the map and make clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, to classify points into three area parts. Then, we select delivery centers based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in each part. Besides, routes are designed according to prim algorithm, aiming at minimum the cost in every part. In this way, we build a delivery system. By comparing the results with treatment Centers distribution which has been built, the effectiveness of the model could be examined.Besides, we also discuss other critical factors, such as isolation measures, in the further discussion part. We conclude that isolation measures play a significant role thought the entire process of eradicating Ebola.Above all, our models are both scientific and reliable. They can be applied further to other relative problems.Key Words:SIRED, Complex Network, Cluster Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Delivery Systems Model (DSM), Principal Component Analysis (PCA)Table of Content1.Introduction (1)1.1.Background (1)1.2.Restatement of the Problem (1)2.Assumptions and Notions (1)2.1.Assumptions and Justifications (1)2.2.Notions (2)3.The Virus Propagation Model Based on Complex Networks and SEIRD Model (3)3.1.Model Overview (3)plex Network Model (3)3.2.1.Small-World Network Model (3)3.2.2.BA Scale-Free Network Model (4)3.3.SIR-Based SEIRD Model (5)3.3.1.SIR Model (5)3.3.2.SEIRD Model (6)3.4.The Study of Infection Rate, Recovery Rate and Death Rate Based on the LeastSquare Method (6)3.4.1.The Relevant Calculation about Infection Rate (6)3.4.2.The Relevant Calculation about the Recovery Rate (7)3.4.3.The Relevant Calculation of Death Rate (7)3.5.The Simulation of the Transmission of Ebola Virus (8)3.5.1.The Simulation of Complex Network Model (9)3.5.2.The Simulation of Virus Transmission (10)3.6.Results and Result Analysis (11)3.6.1. A Complex Network Simulation Results Model (11)3.6.2.The Spread of the Virus the Simulation Results (12)4.Delivery Systems Model(DSM) Based on Local Optimization (13)4.1.Model Overview (13)4.2.Cluster Division Based on Cluster Analysis (14)4.3.Delivery Centers and Routes Planning Based on AHP and PCA (17)4.3.1The Three-hierarchy Structure (18)4.3.2Analytic Hierarchy Process and Principal Component Analysis for DSM .. 194.3.3Obtain the Centers (21)4.3.4Obtain the Routes (22)4.4.Results and Analysis (23)5.Other Critical Factors for Eradicating Ebola (24)5.1The Effect of the Time to Isolate Ebola on Fighting against Ebola (24)5.2The Effect of Timely Medical Treatment to Isolate Ebola on Fighting against Ebola (25)6.Results and results analysis (26)6.1.The virus propagation model based on complex networks (26)6.1.1.The contrast and analysis concerning the results of simulation and thereality (26)6.1.2.Forecast for the future (28)6.2.Delivery Systems Model Based on Local Optimization (28)7.Strengths and Weaknesses (29)7.1.Strengths (29)7.2.Weaknesses (29)8.Conclusion (30)9.Reference (30)10.Appendix (1)1.Introduction1.1.BackgroundWith a high risk of death, Ebola virus disease (EDV), or simple Ebola, is a disease of humans and other primates. Since its first outbreak in March 2014, over 8000 people have lost their lives. And till 3 February 2015, 22,495 suspected cases and 8,981 deaths had been reported. [1] However, this disease spreads only by direct contact with the bold or body fluids of a person who has developed symptoms of the disease. Following infection, patients will typically remain asymptomatic for a period of 2-21 days. During this time, tests for the virus will be negative, and patients are not infectious, posing no public health risk.[2] And recently, the world medicine association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. Thus, a feasible delivery system is in great demand and measures to eradicating Ebola should be taken immediately.1.2.Restatement of the ProblemWith the background mentioned above, we are required to build a model to help eradicate Ebola, which can be decomposed as:●Build a model, which can estimate the suspects number, exposed number,infect number, death number and recover numbers, to describe the spreadprocedure of the Ebola from its very beginning to the future.●Build an optimized model to help establish a possible and feasible deliverysystem including selecting delivery location and delivery system networkdesign.●Estimate of the quantity of the needed medicine and manufacturing speed ofvaccine or drug, based on the results of our models.●Discuss other critical factors which help eradicate Ebola.2.Assumptions and Notions2.1.Assumptions and JustificationsTo simplify the problem, we make the following basic assumptions, each of which is properly justified.●Assume that there is no people flow between countries after outbreak ofdisease in the country.After the outbreak, countries usually will ban thecontact between locals and foreigners to minimize the incoming of the virus.●Assuming that virus infection rate and fatality rate will not change bythe change of regions.Virus infection rate and fatality rate are largelydetermined by the nature of the virus itself. The different between differentregions just have a little effect and it will be ignored.●Assume that there are only rail, road and aircraft for transportation. Inthe West Africa, waterage is rare. Rail, and road are for nearby transportationwhile aircraft is for faraway.2.2. NotionsAll the variables used in this paper are listed in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2.Table 2.1 Symbols for Virus Propagation Model(VPM)SymbolDefinition Units βInfection Rate for the Susceptible in SIR Model or SEIRD Model unitless γRecovery Rate for the Infective in SIR Model unitless rRateRecovery Rate for the Infective in SEIRD Model unitless dRateDeath Rate for the Infective in the SIR Model or SEIRD Model unitless ∆N iNew Patients on a Daily Basis person N i−1The Total Number of Patients in the Previous Day person nThe Average Degree of Each Node in the Network unitless tTime S ∆D iThe New Death Toll on a Daily Basis person D i−1The Total Number of Patients in the Previous Day person moThe Initial Number of Nodes in the BA Scale-Free Network node mThe Number of Added Sides from One New Node in the BA Scale-Free Network side ∏iThe Probability for the Connection between New Nodes and the Existing Node I in the BA Scale-Free Network unitless NThe Total Number of Nodes in the BA Scale-Free Network node k iThe Degree of Node I in the BA Scale-Free Network unitless eThe Number of Sides in the BA Scale-Free Network side n SThe Number of the Susceptible in the SEIRD Model person n EThe Number of the Exposed in the SEIRD Model person n IThe Number of the Infective in the SEIRD Model person n RThe Number of the Removal in the SEIRD Model person n DThe Number of the Dead in the SEIRD Model person RThe Probability of Virus Propagation from the Recovered unitless RandomE The Number of the Exposed Who Have Reached the Exposed Time Limit Ranging from 2 to 21 Days at the Current Momentperson n E(一天)t The Number of the Exposed Who Have Reached the Final Day of the ExposedTime Limit yet not quarantine personTable 2.2 Symbols for Delivery Systems Model(DSM)SymbolDefinition Units Athe judging matrix unitless a ijThe element of judging matrix unitless λmaxthe greatest eigenvalue of matrix A unitless CI the indicator of consistency check unitlessCR the consistency ratio unitlessRI the random consistency index unitlessCW the weight vector for criteria level unitlessAW the weight vector for alternatives level unitlessY the evaluation grade unitlessV A set of points unitlessV i,V j the point of V unitlessE A set of edges unitlessDis ij The real distance of i and j unitless Arrive ij Judging for whether there is an side between i and j unitless3.The Virus Propagation Model Based on Complex Networks and SEIRD Model3.1.Model OverviewWe aim to build a Susceptible-Exposed-Infective-Removal-Death (SEIRD) virus propagation model which is based on Susceptible-Infective-Removal (SIR) model. The aimed model is featured by complex networks, which exhibit two statistical characteristics, including the Small-World Effect and the Scale-Free Effect. These characteristics could produce relatively real person-to-person and region-to-region networks. Through the statistics of the existing patients and deaths, we will try to find the relationship among the infection rate, the recovery rate and the death rate with the change of time. Then, with the help of SEIRD model, these statistics would be used to simulate the current situation concerning the number of the susceptible, the exposed, the infective, the recovered and the dead and conduct the prediction of the future.plex Network ModelResearches have shown that the person-to-person networks in real life exhibit the Small-World Effect and Scale-Free Effect. Here we will introduce the Small-World Network Model by Watts and Strogatz, and the Scale-Free Network Model by Barabdsi and Albert [3].3.2.1.Small-World Network ModelSince random network and regular network could neither properly present some important characteristics of real network, Watts and Strogatz proposed a new network model between the random network and regular network in 1998, namely WS Small-World Network Model, the construction algorithm of which is as follows.Start from a regular network: consider a regular network which contains N nodes, and these nodes form a ring. Each node is linked with its adjacent nodes, the number of which is K/Z on both left side and right side. Also, K is an even number.Randomized re-connection: the probability P will witness a random re connection with each side in the network. In other words, an endpoint of a certain side will remain unchanged and the other endpoint would be the node in the random selection.There are two rules. The first is two different nodes will at most have one side. The second is every node cannot have a side which is connected with this node [4].Randomized re-connection in construction algorithm of the WS Small-World Model may damage connectivity of network, so Newman and Watts improved this model in 1999. The new one is called NW Small-World Model, the construction algorithm of which is as follows.Start from a regular network: consider a regular network which contains N nodes, and these nodes form a ring. Each node is linked with its adjacent nodes, the number of which is K/Z on both left side and right side. Also, K is an even number.Randomized addition of sides: the probability P will witness the random selection of two nodes and the subsequent addition of a side between these two nodes. There are two rules. The first is two different nodes will at most have one side. The second is every node cannot have a side which is connected with this node[4].The network constructed by the two models are shown in Fig 3.1.Fig 3. 1 WS Small-World network and NW Small-World network3.2.2.BA Scale-Free Network ModelIn October, 1999, Barabdsi and Albert published article in Science called "Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks" [5], which proposed an important discovery that the distribution function of connectivity for many complex networks exhibit a form of power laws. Since no obvious length characteristics of connectivity could be seen among nodes in these networks, so they are called scale-free networks.As for the cause of power laws distribution, Barabasi and Albert believe that many previous network models did not take into account two important characteristics of actual networks: the consistent expanding of network and the nature of new nodes’ prior connection in the network. These characteristics will not only make node degrees which are relatively larger increase much faster, but also produce more new nodes, thus node degrees will become even larger. Then we could see the Matthew Effect. [4]Based on the Scale-Free Network, Barabasi and Albert proposed a scale-free network model, called BA Model, the construction algorithm of which is as followsi.The expanding of network: start from a network which has Mo nodes, thenintroduce a new node after each time interval and connect this node with mnodes. The prerequisite is m≤m0.ii.Prior connection: the probability between a new node and an existing node iis ∏i, the node degree of i is k i, and the node degree of j is k j. These threefactors should satisfy the following equation.∏i=k i/∑k jj(3-1) After t steps,this algorithm could lead to a network featured by m0+t nodes and m×t sides.The network of BA Model is shown in Fig 3.2.Fig 3.2 BA Scale-Free Network3.3.SIR-Based SEIRD Model3.3.1.SIR ModelSIR is the most classic model in the epidemic models, in which S represents susceptible, I represents infective and R represents removal. Specifically, the susceptible are those who are not infected, yet vulnerable to be infected after contact with the confirmed patients. The infective are those who have got the disease and could pass it to the susceptible. As for the removal, it refers to those who are quarantined or immune to a certain disease after they have recovered.In the disease propagation, SIR Model is built with the infection rate as β, the recovery rate as γ, which is shown in Fig 3.3:Fig 3.3 SIR propagation modelThis model is suitable epidemics which have the following features: no latency, only propagated by the patients, difficult to cause death, patients are immune to this disease after recovery once and for all. As for the Ebola virus, this model is insufficient to present the propagation process. Therefore, we propose the SEIRD model based on the SIR model and overcome the defects of the SIR model, thus making the SEIRD model more suitable for the research of Ebola virus.3.3.2.SEIRD ModelThe characteristics of Ebola virus are shown in Table 3.1:Table 3.1 The characteristics of Ebola virus characteristicsDetailsLatency Exposed period ranging from 2 to 21days with no infectivity during this stage[2]Retention After the recovery, there is still a certain chance of propagation[6]Immunity Recovery is accompanied with lifelong immunityTherefore, it is needed to add E (the exposed) and D (the dead) in the SIR model.E represents those who have been infected, have no symptoms, and not contagious. But within 2-21 days, the exposed will become contagious. D represents those who are dead and not contagious.From Table 3.1, we know that Ebola virus has the feature of retention, because even when they are in the state of removal, it is still possible these recovered will be infectious.In the process of disease propagation, SEIRD has witnessed the infection rate as β and the recovery rate as rRate and dRate,which is shown as follows.Fig 3.4SEIRD propagation model3.4.The Study of Infection Rate, Recovery Rate and Death RateBased on the Least Square MethodAs for the calculation of infection rate, recovery rate and death rate, we could make use of the least square method to match the daily confirmed patients and the dead toll, thus getting the function about the relationship with the passage of time.And we choose the relevant data from Guinea since it is in severely hit by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The variance regarding the total number of patients and the total death toll could be seen in Appendix Relevant Calculation about Infection RateThe infection rate refers to the probability that the susceptible are in contact (here it refers to the contact with body fluids) with un-isolated patients and infected with the virus. For each infective patient, the number of side is the node degree, namely the number whom he or she could infect. Therefore, the infection rate could be calculatedin this way: the number of new patients each day divides the possible number of whom each confirmed patient could infect. The number of new patients is ∆N i. The total number of patients in the previous day is N i−1. The average node degree in the network is n. The equation is as follows.β=∆N i/(N i−1×n)(3-2) The β could be calculated based on the total number o f patients in Guinea (see Appendix 11.1). Then with time data and the method of least square method, we could do data fitting and calculate the time-dependent equation. The fitting image is listed in Fig 3.5.Fig 3.5 The fitting result image of β with the passage of timeThe result of fitting curve is:β=0.0367×t−0.3189/n(3-3) And n is the average degree of person-to-person network in the process of simulation.3.4.2.The Relevant Calculation about the Recovery RateThe recovery rate refers to the probability of recovery for those who have been infected. Since at present, few instances of recovery from Ebola disease could be witness in the world (probability is almost close to zero), so the rRate here is set to be Relevant Calculation of Death RateThe death rate refers to the probability that patients become dead in process of treatment. And the death rate is calculated in the following way: the total number of new deaths every day divides the total number of patients in the previous day. The total number of new deaths in a new day is ∆D i. The total number of patients in the previous day is D i−1. The equation isdRate=∆D i/D i−1(3-4) The dRate could be calculated based on the total number of dead patients and the total number of patients in Guinea (see Appendix 11.1). Then with time data and the method of least square method, we could do data fitting and calculate the time-dependent equation. The fitting image is listed in Fig 3.6.Fig 3.6 The fitting result image of dRate with the passage of time The result of fitting curve is:dRate=(−6.119e−07)×t2 −0.0001562×t + 0.01558(3-5) 3.5.The Simulation of the Transmission of Ebola VirusThe simulation for Ebola will mainly be divided into two aspects, namely the simulation of complex network model and that of virus spread. The related flow chart will be shown in Fig 3.7.Fig 3.7 Flow chat of Stimulation of Ebola Virus Transmission3.5.1.The Simulation of Complex Network ModelFrom the previous introduction about complex network model, BA Scale-Free Network Model has displayed the Matthew Effect, which means the stronger would be much stronger and the weaker would be much weaker. In social networks, this effect is also widely seen. Take one person who just joins in a group for an example, he would normally contact with those who have the largest circle of friends. Therefore, those who get the least friends can hardly know more new friends. This finally leadsto a phenomenon that the person who is most acquainted will have more and more friends and vice versa.Based on this, the BA Scale-Free Network Model is apparently superior to that of Small-World Model. As a result of that,we would use the former to simulate the interpersonal network.According to the rules of BA network model, we should start from a network which has Mo nodes, then introduce a new node after each time interval and connect this node with m nodes. The prerequisite is m≤m0.During the connection process, the probability between a new node and an existing node i is ∏i, the node degree of i k i, and the node degree of j is k j. These three factors should satisfy the following equation.∏i=k i/∑k jj(3-6) Specifically, when the existing nodes have larger node degrees, it would be much more easier for the new ones to connect with the existing ones.After t steps, there would be a BA Scale-Free Network Model. The number of its nodes is expressed as N and the number of its sides is expressed as e:N=m0+t(3-7)e=m×t(3-8) The population of Sierra Leone now is 6.1 million and we would use this datum to produce its interpersonal network. For more details, please refer to Appendix Simulation of Virus TransmissionIn the transmission process, we assume the infection rate is β, the recovery rate is rRate, and the death rate is dRate. Based on the fitting results we previously get, we can simulate the virus transmission situation as time goes.Here comes the details.In the first place, there would be one patient who initiates the epidemic. Every single day, the virus would transmit to others among the main network and the probability of one-time propagation is β. Also, the patients would have rRate of recovery and dRate of death. Meanwhile, if the patient has been infected for 30 days, he or she would die anyway. The exposed would be in a latent period, during which they are not infectious and asymptomatic. In 2 to 21 days, these exposed ones would become infectious.n S、n E、n I、n R、n D represent the 5 different numbers of people in the SEIRD Model. t means time step (or a day),R represents the probability that those who have recovered patients would infect others. RandomE denotes the number of exposed patients who have reached the period of 2 to 21 days at the current moment.Here is the formula showing the changes in the numbers of those five types of people.n S t+1=n S t−n I t×n×β−n R t×n×β×R(3-9) n E t+1=n E t+n I t×n×β+n R t×n×β×R−RandomE(3-10) n I t+1=n I t+RandomE−n I t×rRate−n I t×dRate(3-11)n R t+1=n R t+n I t×rRate(3-12)n D t+1=n D t+n I t×dRate(3-13) After that, when the transmission has reached a certain scale (20 days after the transmission), the international organizations would adopt the measure of quarantine towards infective patients to avoid further contagion. As for the exposed patients, since they could not be quarantined immediately, so they have one day to infect others and in the next day, they would be quarantined at once.Finally, for those who have recovered, there is still a certain chance that they will propagate the disease within their networks.n Ed t on behalf of the moments lurk in reaching the last day with infectious but has not yet been isolated number. The process of five types of personnel number change:It represents the number of the exposed who have reached their last day of latency, begin to be contagious and have not yet been quarantined at the current moment. During this process, the formula exhibiting changes for these five categories of people could be listed as follows.n S t+1=n S t−n Ed t×n×β−n R t×n×β×R(3-14) n E t+1=n E t+n Ed t×n×β+n R t×n×β×R−RandomE(3-15)n I t+1=n I t+RandomE−n I t×rRate−n I t×dRate(3-16)n R t+1=n R t+n I t×rRate(3-17)n D t+1=n D t+n I t×dRate(3-18)3.6.Results and Result Analysis3.6.1. A Complex Network Simulation Results ModelPersonnel network is illustrated as Fig 3.8. Because of the population is too large so it is difficult to figure out. We use a red point to represent 10000 persons.Fig 3.8 Personnel relation network diagramThe probability distribution of nodes in a network of degrees is illustrated as Fig 3.9.The same node degrees set in 2-4, in it with degree of 4most.On behalf of each person every day in the network average fluid contact with 2-4 people.Fig 3.9 The probability of the node degree distribution map network3.6.2.The Spread of the Virus the Simulation ResultsThe number of every kind of the curveof the change over time in SEIRD model is illustrated in Fig 3.10. Due to the large population, the graph is local amplification. It is unable to find the number of susceptible people in the picture. For the rest of the curve, black represents the exposed, red represents the sufferer and pink for the removed.Fig 3.10 The number of SEIR model with the change of time4.Delivery Systems Model(DSM) Based on Local Optimization4.1.Model OverviewOptimized distributing is the most significant problem while building Delivery Systems, and it is a NP (nondeterministic polynomial) problem. In order to studied the problem, Li Zong-yong, Li Yue and Wang Zhi-xue organized an optimized distributing algorithm based on genetic algorithm in 2006[7]. In addition, Liu Hai-yan, Li Zong-ping, Ye Huai-zhen[8]discussed logistics distribution center allocation problem based on optimization method. With the help of current literature, we build a Delivery Systems Model (DSM) for drug and vaccine delivery, based on Local Optimization.In this topic, in order to establish the feasible delivery systems for WesternAfrica, we take Sierra Leone as an example. There is 14 Districts in Sierra Leone.In this model, we choose points based on Sierra Leone politics. Representative point in every District is selected. The points are located by longitude and latitude. We use Euclidean distance-based clustering analysis to process the data, so that the point set will be classified into three sub-set. Every sub-set is a part. Then, one point in every sub-set will be selected as a delivery center based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Besides, we will design the routes based on Prim algorithm, aiming at minimum the cost in every sub-set. In this way, we will build a delivery system.In addition, we will compare the results with Treatment Centers distribution which has been built, to analyze the model.4.2. Cluster Division Based on Cluster AnalysisThere are 14 districts in Sierra Leone. In every district, we choose the center position as a point. In this model, the first step is to cluster. Cluster Analysis is based on similarity. In this model, the similarity could be measured by geography distance. There is different method for cluster.Suppose there are n variable, and the objects are x and y1212(,,,),(,,,),n n x x x x y y y y ==By Euclidean distance, the distance can be calculated by (4-1)(,)d x y =(4-1)By Cosine Similarity distance, the distance can be calculated by (4-2)2(,)ni ix yd x y =∑(4-2)In this model, we use Euclidean distance. We cluster 14 districts into three Parts. First of all, we need to know about the distances between districts. The 14 Districts of Sierra Leone are located by longitude and latitude. Establish a right angle coordinate system. Set the longitude as the abscissa and latitude as ordinate. Set the Greenwich meridian and the Equator as 0 degree. The West and the South are regarded as negative while the East and the North are regarded as positive. In addition, the data related to the latitude and longitude would be converted to standard decimal form. For example, point (1330',830'W N ︒︒) is located as (-13.5, 8.5).According to World Health Organization (WHO )[9]statistics data, the basic data of Sierra Leone’ Districts are obtained, which is shown in Table 4.1 .。


首先,根据Sir Epidemic动态系统-seiifr模型建立了一个模型,在这个模型中,考虑了暴露于人群中的易感人群、埃博拉病人以及患者的自愈恢复。
1 埃博拉传播模型为了研究埃博拉病毒传播的规律性,本文建立了分阶段的埃博拉传播模型,明确纳入疾病的自然病史和动态ETU能力,同时考虑到诸如报告率、症状评分和高危人群比例问题等因素。


我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C中选择一项填写): B所属学校(请填写完整的全名):西安工业大学参赛队员(打印并签名) :1. 陈文兴2. 闫丽萍3. 魏栩指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):日期:2015 年8 月1 日埃博拉病毒传播及控制分析摘要埃博拉病毒是能引起人类和灵长类动物产生埃博拉出血热的烈性传染病病毒,有很高的死亡率。
针对问题一,在了解埃博拉病毒的传播情况后,根据猩猩的发病情况建立了马尔萨斯模型:()t e t x 0270.097.154=。
在此模型中,较好地描述病毒在“虚拟猩猩种群”中的传播情况;根据“虚拟猩猩种群”中的数据,用matlab 拟合出不同状态下猩猩数量的变化曲线,并以发病状态为例建立灰色预测模型()()()⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=+-=+=+-∧897947))1((10539.600.0669 0124.0)0(11e a b e a b x k x x dt dx a ,从而较准确的预测出接下来第80、120、200周的猩猩发病状态的数据。
针对问题二,为描述埃博拉病毒在“虚拟种群“中的相互传播规律及人和猩猩的疫情发展状况,建立SEIR 模型 ()()()()()()()()()()⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅--=⋅⋅---⋅⋅---=⋅⋅----⋅⋅=----)(111)(111)(111)(111)(331212t I e a dt dT t I e a t Q e a a dt dI t Q e a a t I r dt dQ t t t t λ 模型求解时,通过对模型的推导,我们发现不能给出每个函数的解析解,因此考虑利用matlab 中的ode45函数进行求解。

=P N (t), 其中 P 是常数。但 应是一个有上限的值, 不
能无限增长。 对于模型中的 M, 定义 10 , (3) M= 10 I t) 考虑到感染者在不同时期的感染能力不同, 我们在( 上 加入了影响因子 M。题中表明感染者一般 6 ~ 9 天死亡, 为 10) 简化我们统一将感染者存活时间定为 10 天, 通过 Mod (t, M 则反映了此时他的感染传 来反映感染者处于哪一感染期, 播能力。 4 问题的求解 4.1 问题一的求解 4.1.1 参数的求解 首先对 SEIR 模型中的四个参数进行求解: 对于潜伏者转换为感染者的转化率 1, 在网上查阅相关资 料可得:
摘 要
由于猩猩的潜伏期无法忽略,因此我们建立了经典的传染病传播 SEIR 模型。但由于在发病的不同时期患
病者的感染能力不同, 因此我们在此模型的基础上对感染人数增加了一个扰动项。我们未考虑猩猩的出生率和死亡 率, 从而得到适合此问题的改进的 SEIR 模型。通过对模型中参数的求解, 我们可以对埃博拉病毒在猩猩群体的传播 进行预测。 关键词 埃博拉病毒 R332 中图分类号: 1 问题分析 1.1 问题一的分析 问题一是对埃博拉病毒在猩猩种群中传播感染规律的研 究。此问题属于传染病传播问题,解决此类问题一般建立经 典的 SIR 仓室模型进行求解。考虑到本问题中埃博拉病毒的 潜伏期对本问题的结果有不可忽略的影响,因此我们在经典 SIR 模型的基础上增添潜伏期这一仓室建立 SEIR 模型。考 虑到猩猩种群的总数较小 (3000 只) , 并且猩猩的繁殖周期较 长 (3-4 年) , 因此在本模型中忽略猩猩自然出生率及死亡率对 问题结果的影响。 2 模型假设 (1) 假设猩猩的自然出生率及死亡率对预测结果无影响; (2) 假设猩猩和人都处在除埃博拉疫情外正常的生活状态, 不受其它因素影响; (3) 假设感染者在自愈的同时获得免疫力, 不会再感染病 毒; 3 模型的建立 3.1 问题一模型的建立 问题一是考虑在猩猩种群中埃博拉病毒的传播情况,本 问题中埃博拉病毒的潜伏期对本问题的结果有不可忽略的影 响。猩猩种群的总个体数较小 (3000 只) , 并且猩猩的繁殖周 期较长 (3-4 年) , 因此在本模型中忽略猩猩自然出生率及死亡 率对问题结果的影响。同时考虑到有效传染率 、 潜伏期到患 病的转换率 、 死亡率 、 治愈率 r 等因素的影响。我们建立如 下 SEIR 模型: 改进的 SEIR 模型 最小二乘法 A 文献标识码: 们令

再将 x( t ) 分别代入病毒传播的控后方程 , 就可 以给 出 D ( t ) , R( t ) 以及 Y( t ) 的数 值 解 。 3 . 2控 后 模 型 的 求 解 同理 , 我 们 求 得 现 有病 人数 的解 析 解 为
x( t ) ( T ) e
二 : t ≥T
当 △= t —o时 , 有: = r X( t ) . ( L + L ) x X( t ) ( 2 ) 累计 死 亡 人 数 。 累 计死 亡 人 数 的 变化 = 新增死亡人数, 有 D( t + △t ) . D( t ) = L 。 x( t ) △t
n ,・ 、
2 4
I d t
= 磅
: L 2 X ( t )
. 6
【 Y ( O= ( r ) + D( f ) + ( 3模 型 的 求 解 3 . 1 控前模型求解 对 于现 有 病 人数 x( t ) , 可 以根 据 病 毒传 播 的控 , t ≤T 其中, f r :O . 5 5
其 中, 初始值为
i ( O ) :1
《 I r ( 0 ) = 1
l D( O ) = O
【 R ( 0 ) = 0
2 . 2 控 后 模 型
控后隔离强度从控前的 0 变为 P 。未被隔离的病人平均 每 人 单 位 时 间感 染 的人 数 r 随 时 间 逐渐 变 化 , 它 从 初 始 的 最大 值 a + b逐渐减少至最小值 a , a 、 b的值客观存在。设每个被隔 离 的病 人 单 位 时 间感 染 的 人数 为 r ( t ) = a + b e 。 其 中, 用来反映 r ( t ) 的变 化 快 慢 。 类似 于 控 前 模 型 , 我 们 得 到埃 博拉 传 播 的控 后 模 型 :  ̄ 一 c 其中 ’ = a +b e

现在我们根据建立的模型利用已知数据进行求解,我们将题目中给出的数 据进行整理,得出我们建模求解需要的 S、E、I、R 四个群的猩猩数量(见附录 1),并且利用整理出的已知数据对微分方程组中的参数进行求解:
1)潜伏者日接触率1 (t):
E / t I (t) * S(t)
潜伏人群 处于发病状态 隔离治疗 累计治愈 累计因病死亡
第 80 周 105.4
第 120 周 101.7
第 200 周 100.9
问题三 针对此问中采取隔离与治愈感染者的措施后,要求预测疫情在人类中的发 展情况、并与问题二结果作比较的问题,我们利用问题二的结论排除猩猩对人 的影响后,此时病毒是在单物种内传播,适用于我们建立的单物种 SEIR 模型。 利用排除猩猩影响后得到的数据,建立微分方程解得:
2)感染者日接触率 1 (t):
1 (t )
I / t I *S
3)退出率1(t) :
1 (t )
R(t) I (t)
4)潜伏群发病率1(t) :
1 1.085E-4, 1 0,1 0.3018,1 0.5121
三 、 符号说明
使用符号 S E I R R1 R2
(t ) (t) (t) (t)


剖析埃博拉病毒传播模型及规律预测1 模拟真实环境埃博拉病毒的自然宿主虽尚未最后确定,但已有多方证据表明猴子及猩猩等野生非人灵长类动物有埃博拉感染现象。
2 建立数学模型2.1 模型假设(1)依据人或猩猩的健康状态,将人或猩猩划分为健康者、埃博拉感染者(也称患病者)、退出者(含自愈者、死亡者);(2)自然封闭条件下,猩猩无自然迁移,故无病源的流入、流出,种群数量不变。
2.2 符号说明符号说明如表1所示:3 模型的建立与求解3.1 数据处理根据累计死亡个体数,求得每周死亡个体数。


埃博拉病毒感染数量的一个数学模型周后卿;徐幼专【期刊名称】《邵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【摘要】Ebola virus disease (EVD),formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever,is a severe,often fatal illness in humans. EVD outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%. EVD outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa,near tropical rainforests. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. No licensed specific treatment or vaccine is available for use in people or animals. In the absence of effective treatment and a human vaccine,raising awareness of the risk factors for Ebola infection and the protective measures being taken are the only two ways to reduce human infection and death. This paper established a mathematical modelof Ebola virus,and made an empirical analysis of epidemic diseases. Furthermore,we made a prediction to the development of epidemic.%埃博拉病毒病(EVD)是严重的、往往致命的人类疾病,病死率高达90%。

经过世界卫生组织(world health organization,WHO)评估后,认定该病由埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus)导致,称为埃博拉出血热(Ebola virus disease,EVD)。



我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛纪律的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
参赛的题目(从A/B中选择一项填写) B参赛队员姓名学号院系电话日期:2015年05 月04日埃博拉病毒传播分析摘要本文的研究对象为1976年在苏丹南部和刚果的埃博拉河地区发现的埃博拉病毒。


第二个模型是治疗疫苗的输送方式模型——该模型是在模型(2)的基础上,根据病毒感染地区的治疗疫苗的输送量以及疫苗输送地点的分布,采用关键词目录一、问题重述1.1 问题简介1.2 埃博拉病毒二、问题分析2.1 埃博拉病毒传播问题分析2.2 治疗疫苗的输送量问题分析2.3 治疗疫苗的输送方式问题分析三、模型假设四、模型的建立4.1埃博拉病毒传播模型4.1.1埃博拉病毒传播地区人口埃博拉病毒目前为止主要呈现地方性流行,局限在中非热带雨林和东南非洲热带大草原,但已从开始的苏丹、刚果民主共和国扩展到刚果共和国、中非共和国、利比亚、加蓬、尼日利亚、肯尼亚、科特迪瓦、喀麦隆、津巴布韦、乌干达、埃塞俄比亚以及南非。
模型研究主要集中与西非的Guinea、Sierra Leone和Liberia这三个国家的不同地区。
Guinea、Sierra Leone和Liberia不同地区的人口统计表如下。
表1. Guinea、Sierra Leone和Liberia三个国家的地区人口情况4.1.2埃博拉病毒传播机理分析埃博拉病毒不能通过飞沫传播,故其传染性没有麻疹或流感那么强。

埃博拉病毒传染机制与研药策略的数模分析纪元昕;朱家明;王茜瑶;胡学峰【摘要】In view of the Ebola virus outbreak, we select Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone which suffer the most serious epidemic. Firstly we analyze the change of Ebola infections with time passing by based on the original epidemic model. Therefore we use differential equations of population growth to simulate the epidemic. Then we focus on the most seriously affected area Guinea to examine whether this place need to develop new drugs through variance analysis. To simplify the problem rationally, we choose pulmonary tuberculosis, with heat, AIDS as main potential subjects to compare them with Ebola virus and estimate the deadline of pharmacy according to the previous condition. Finally, aimed at the creation of drugs, we establish the mechanism for choosing the most appropriate pharmaceutical companies. Hence, we manage to provide the theoretical cooperation program for companies in order to reduce the cost and risk of pharmacy and improve the pharmacy level.%选取埃博拉病毒疫情最为严重的几内亚,利比里亚和塞拉利昂地区,分析研究其埃博拉病例随时间的变化情况,在原始传染病模型上进行改进,采用种群增长的微分方程来模拟感染人数的变化情况。
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我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛纪律的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
3.2符号说明:t0 表示从最初发现埃博拉患者到卫生部门采取预防措施的时间间隔;N 表示疫区总人口数;S(t) 表示t时刻健康人数占总人口数的比例;I(t) 表示t时刻感染人数占总人口数的比例;E(t) 表示t时刻潜伏期的人口数占总人口数的比例;Q(t) 表示t时刻退出类的人数占总人数的比例;λ(t) 表示日接触率,即表示每个病人平均每天有效接触的人数;N’表示疫区总猩猩口数;S(t)’表示t时刻健康猩猩数占总猩猩数的比例;I(t)’表示t时刻感染猩猩数占总猩猩数的比例;E(t)’表示t时刻潜伏期的猩猩数占总猩猩数的比例;Q(t)’表示t时刻退出类的猩猩数占总猩猩的比例;λ(t)’表示日接触率,即表示每个病猩猩平均每天有效接触的猩猩数;λ(t)’’表示日接触率,即表示每个病猩猩平均每天有效接触的人数;g(t) 表示政府控制力度;f(t) 表示疫情指标。
4 模型的建立与求解4.1问题一模型的构建由问题的分析,将猩猩群分为易感猩猩群S ,病毒潜伏猩猩群E ,发病猩猩群I ,退出者Q 四类:● 易感人群S 与病毒潜伏人群E 之间的转化易感者和发病者有效接触后成为病毒潜伏者,设每个病人平均每天有效接触的健康人数为λ(t)S ,NI 个病人平均每天能使λ(t)SNI 个易感者成为病毒潜伏者。
故''''''I N S dt ds N λ-=,即''''I S dtdsλ-= ● 病毒潜伏人群E 与发病人群I 间的转化潜伏人群的变化等于易感人群转入的数量减去转为发病人群的数量,即 ''')'(''E I t S dt dE ελ-=。
● 发病人群I 与退出者Q 间的转化单位时间内退出者的变化等于发病人群的减少,即'''I dtdQω= ''''I Sdt ds λ-= ''')'(''E I t S dt dE ελ-= '''I dtdQω= 1''''=+++Q I E S')'0(,')'0(,')'0(,')'0(0000Q Q I I E E s S ====很明显从我们建立的模型是无法得到E ’,S ’,I ’,Q ’的解析解的。
为了解决这个问题,我们求助于计算机软件MATLAB 来求出它们的数值解。
我们先通过附件中给的数据算出每一天的E ’,S ’,I ’,Q ’,做出它们与时间的函数图象,然后画出我们通过模型解出的数值解随时间变化的图象。
周数S E Q第80周0.7134 0.0010 0.2338第120周0.7008 0.OOO1 0.2990第200周0.6998 0 0.3202在根据逻辑关系式计算可得下表的预测值表1 “虚拟猩猩种群”群体数量预测结果单位:只周数潜伏人群处于发病状态累计治愈累计因病死亡第80周 3 0 283 596第120周0 0 299 598第200周0 0 300 600结果分析根据上表可知,在第80周以后,处于潜伏状态的猩猩接近于0 ,处于发病状态的猩猩也趋近与0,且猩猩的治愈数和因病死亡数变化不大,由该模型预测出的结果与附件中的数据的得出的发病率和累计死亡率趋势相同。
健康人数占总数比例(比对)图1.1 健康人数占总数比例图(参考数据)图1.2 健康人数占总数的比例图(模拟数据)潜伏人数占总数比例(比对)图2.1 潜伏人数占总数的比例图(参考数据)图2.2 潜伏人数占总数的比例图(模拟数据)退出人数占总数比例(比对)图3.1 退出人数占总数的比例图(参考数据)图3.2 退出人数占总数的比例图(模拟数据)MATLAB主要程序function dx=rossler(t,x,flag,a,b,c)dx=[-a*x(1)+a*x(1)*x(3)+a*x(1)*x(2)+a*x(1)*x(1);a*x(1)-a*x(1)*x(3)-a* x(1)*x(2)-a*x(1)*x(1)-b*x(2);c-c*x(3)-c*x(2)-c*x(1)];a=0.680;b=0.90;c=0.580;x0=[0.995 0.005 0]';[t,y]=ode45('rossler',[0 80],x0,[],a,b,c);flot(t,y);4.2问题二模型的构建由问题的分析,将人群分为易感人群S ,病毒潜伏人群E ,发病人群I ,退出者Q 四类:● 易感人群S 与病毒潜伏人群E 之间的转化易感者和发病者有效接触后成为病毒潜伏者,设每个病人平均每天有效接触的健康人数为λ(t)S ,NI 个病人平均每天能使λ(t)SNI 个易感者成为病毒潜伏者。