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Since ancient times, marriage has been regardedas most blessed events in the life of a Chinesepassi ng the imperialexamination and the birth of one's c hildren. one of the three the other firvo are Marriage was solemnized with lots of interesting customs performed to this.

Day.It was very important to follow a basic princip le ofthe "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes" in the past. Evennow some customs are still followed.

The "Three Letters" include the Betrothal letter, Gift Letter and Wedding Letter.The Betrothal Letter is the formal document of the engagement,a must i n a marriage. Next,is the Gift Letter,which would b e given to the identified girl's family.Within the letter will be a list of thetypes and quantity of gifts designated for the wedding.Once both parties accept the marriage,the Wedding Letter is prepared and presented to the bride's family on the day o f the wedding and is a documentthat confirmed and commemorated the formal acceptance of the bride into thebridegroom's family, with some adaptations of co


Proposal: If an unmarried boy's parents identifya girlas their future daughter in law, they will then locate a matchmaker. The matchmaker will formally present his or her client's request to theidentified girl's parents.

Birthday matching: If the potential bride's paren ts do not object to the marriage, the matchmaker w ill then ask for the girl's birthday and birth- hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. If the couple's birthdays and birth-hours do not conflict according to astrology,the marriage will continue onto the next stage. If thereis any sign of astrological conflict, which meant the marriage will bring disasters upon both families,the proposed marriage is immediately quashed.

Presenting betrothal gifts: Once both birthdays m atched,bridegroom's family will then arrange for t he matchmaker to present betrothal gifts,including th e betrothal letter,to the bride's family.Presenting w edding gifts: After the betrothal letter

and betrothal gifts are accepted,the bridegroom'sf

amily will later formally send wedding gifts tothebr ide's ually,gifts may include tea,lotus seeds , longan,red beans,green beans,red dates oranges,pomegranate and other delicacies,depending on local customs and familywealth.

Picking a wedding date: An astrologist or astrol ogy book,will be consulted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony: Before the wedding,a

“good luck woman" who has a nice family will arra nge the bridal bed and scatter symbolic fruits on thebed.

Nobody is allowed totouch the bed until thecoupl e enters the bridal chamberafter the weddingceremony, except Children who are invitedonto the bed to bles s the couple with ually thebride's dowry shall be sent to the bridegroom's family by the day before the wedding day. Sometimes,the dowry will be brought by the bride's estorts. Q traditional dowry normally consists of valuable items such as j ewellery embroidered beddings,kitchen utensils and fur niture. The type of thedowry is constantly
