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The production process of gelatin gummy candies typically involves several steps. Here is a general overview of the process:

1. Mixing: The first step is to mix the ingredients together. This usually includes gelatin, sugar, water, flavorings, and colors. The mixture is typically heated and stirred until all the ingredients are well combined.

2. Cooking: The mixture is then cooked to a specific temperature, usually between 110-120 degrees Celsius. This helps to dissolve the gelatin and create a smooth and homogeneous mixture.

3. Cooling: After cooking, the mixture is allowed to cool down slightly. This is important to prevent the loss of flavor and color during the next steps.

4. Molding: The cooled mixture is then poured into molds. These molds can be in various shapes and sizes, depending on the desired final product. The molds are usually made of silicone or starch.

5. Setting: The filled molds are left to set at room temperature or in a cooling tunnel. This allows the gelatin to solidify and take on the shape of the molds.

6. Demolding: Once the gelatin has set, the candies are removed from the molds. This can be done manually or using automated demolding machines.

7. Drying: The demolded candies are then dried to remove excess moisture. This step is important to increase the shelf life of the candies and prevent microbial growth.

8. Coating: Some gelatin gummy candies are coated with

a thin layer of sugar or a sugar-free alternative. This adds a sweet and glossy finish to the candies.

9. Packaging: The final step is to package the gummy candies. They are usually packed in bags or boxes, ready to be distributed and sold.



1. 混合,首先将各种原料混合在一起。通常包括明胶、糖、水、香料和色素。混合物通常在加热和搅拌的过程中,直到所有成分完


2. 烹饪,然后将混合物煮熟到特定的温度,通常在110-120摄


3. 冷却,烹饪后,让混合物稍微冷却。这一步骤很重要,以防


4. 成型,将冷却的混合物倒入模具中。这些模具可以是各种形


5. 固化,填充好的模具在室温或冷却通道中固化。这使得明胶


6. 取模,一旦明胶固化,软糖就从模具中取出。这可以手动进行,也可以使用自动取模机器。

7. 干燥,取模后的软糖需要进行干燥,以去除多余的水分。这一步骤很重要,可以增加软糖的保质期,并防止微生物生长。

8. 包衣,一些凝胶软糖会在表面涂上一层薄薄的糖或无糖替代品。这为软糖增添了甜美和光泽。

9. 包装,最后一步是将软糖进行包装。通常将其装入袋子或盒子中,准备分销和销售。
