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The Bermuda triangle

百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle;又称魔鬼三角),位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定律的事件,面积约116万平方公里.

The Bermuda Triangle (English: Bermuda Triangle, also known as the devil's Triangle), located in the north Atlantic the Sargasso Sea, is made up of the British Bermuda, Puerto Rico and waters of the Triangle formed by the southern tip of Florida, allegedly supernatural occur frequently and the events of violation of the laws of physics, an area of about 116 square kilometers.


The origin of the name "Bermuda triangle", which was on December 5, 1945, the United States in the 19th flying team mysteriously disappeared during the training, the scheduled flight plan was a triangle, and then the United States on the southeast coast of the Atlantic, north Bermuda, extends to the south of Miami, Florida, and then through the Bahamas, through the Puerto Rico, to 40 ° west longitude line near SAN Juan, returning the Bermuda, the formation of a region, called the "devil's triangle" the Bermuda triangle area. In this region, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, and thousands of people died here.


From 1876 to 1980, about 158 disappearances, mostly occurred in the 30 years since 1949, has 97 times, missing events at least 2000 people dead or missing. These strange and mysterious disappearances, mainly occurred in the western Atlantic called the Sargasso Sea area, for 20 °north latitude 40 °, 35 ° west longitude 75 ° between broad waters. Here is the world famous of the Gulf Stream flows 120-190 - km per day and night, and vortex, typhoon and tornadoes. Besides that, but here the sea about 4000-5000 meters deep, Puerto Rico trench, more than 7000 metres deep, the deepest part of 9218 meters.


On February 2, 1963, the United States "malin, Kane" tanker sailing routined. This ship was armed with modern navigation instruments and advanced communications equipment. On the second day of the voyage, the ship's crew also reported to the harbour: "oil tanker is normally sail to north latitude 26 ° 40 ', longitude 73 ° on the sea." But who also couldn't think this was "ma Lin, Kane" tanker of the final report. Since then, the oil tanker was silently disappeared, like falling into a deep hole. Later ships searched,but did not see even a drop of oil on the sea. Submarine pyramid in 1979, the United States, France had a new discovery: scientists discovered a pyramid in this sea area, which is 200 meters high, the bottom side length 300 meters, the spire and the sea are 100 meters apart. The tower has two giant holes. Some scientists said that the raw material of pyramids could be iron stone, because the shock waves and the long-term effects of the geomagnetic field, the pyramids had been magnetized, making a huge permanent magnets. When the ship moved across the sea area, disorder, and may be inhaled.


When the aircrafts are flying above the sea, they are also often puzzling "outrageous fortune", the wrecked planes here, some until the last minutes still maintained normal contact with the airport, they almost disappeared in a flash. Some aircrafts reported strangely before the crash, for example, instrument suddenly seized up, the sky became yellow, extremely sunny day of fog, sea, etc., but who also could provide more specific details. Some statistics, from 1840 to now, the plane in the Bermuda triangle mystery of the missing of the events have been up to 100. Mesoscale vortex since the 1970 s, people have used advanced technology to the Bermuda triangle, a series of large-scale investigation, found that the area has a lot of vortex, its radius of 20 ~ 40 km, have suitable (clockwise) inverse spiral direction (clockwise), and high center sea, rotate speed from a few centimeters per second to a few centimeters, they appeard and haunted the impermanence, "life" of a few months. This is the so-called "mesoscale vortex". When there is clockwise in the ocean of mesoscale vortex, due to the effect of coriolis force, the water will be from convergent to the center, around the vortex center to the surface of the above all round, forming a few hundred meters above the sea huge mobility "water mountain". This sudden huge mountain water, can eat all of the ships.

第19飞行中队由5架“报复者”(Avenger)鱼雷轰炸机和14名飞行员(包括5名驾驶员,其他为无线电员和枪炮手)组成。其中四驾飞机由学生飞行员驾驶,第五架飞机的驾驶员是负责训练这些学生的中队长查尔斯·泰勒(CharlesT aylor)上尉。在1945年12月5日下午2点,这五架飞机从佛罗里达的劳德代尔堡(Ft. Lauderdale)海军航空基地起飞进行飞行训练,既定航线是从佛罗里达半岛向东飞越大西洋抵达巴哈马群岛上空,然后折回劳德代尔堡,全程
