
考博英语(阅读理解)历年真题试卷汇编3(总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)The United Nations Population Fund has picked October 31 as the day the world will be home to 7 billion people. For better and worse, it's a milestone. And there will be more milestones ahead. Fourteen years from now, there are expected to be 8 billion people on the planet. Most of the growth will occur in the world's poorer countries. Proportionally, Europe's population will decline, while Africa's will increase. At around the same time, India will overtake China as the most populous nation on Earth. The growing global population is just one side of the coin. A recent report from the World Health Organization signaled the seriousness of the human population explosion: more than 3 billion people — about half the world's population — are malnourished. Never before have so many, or such a large proportion, of the world's people been malnourished. And in a growing number of countries there is a seemingly unstoppable march toward sub-replacement fertility, whereby each new generation is less populous than the previous one, and population aging. As a result of declining fertility and increasing longevity, the populations of more and more countries are aging raging rapidly. Between 2005 and 2050, a rise in the population aged 60 years or over will be visible, whereas the number of children(persons under age 15)will decline slightly. Population aging represents, in one sense, a success story for mankind, but it also poses profound challenges to public institutions that must adapt to a changing age structure. The latest national census in China shows the number of elderly people in the country has jumped to more than 13. 3 percent of the population, an increase of nearly 3 percentage points on the percentage from the previous census in 2000. A quarter of the country's population will be over 65 by 2050, according to the National Population and Family Planning Commission. The growing number of elderly is a challenge that the government needs to tackle, we can't rely on the ever-increasing population to support them or maintain the nation's economic growth. Better solutions are needed, such as raising retirement ages to reflect the greater longevity and working capability of today's older adults and making adjustments so pension programs are more accessible. It was heartening to hear the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security spokesperson announced in Beijing on Tuesday that the government will take retirement policy seriously and proactively. Shanghai began testing a flexible retirement system last October. Eligible employees in the private sector are allowed to postpone retirement until the age of 65 for men and 60 for women. Public servants, however, will continue to retire under the present system age 60 for men and 55 for women.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the passage, India will______in 14 years.(分数:2.00)A.be a poorer countryB.be the most populous countryC.decline in populationD.increase investment in Africa(2).What problem will result from the global population explosion?(分数:2.00)A.Population aging.B.Increasing longevity.C.Declining fertility.D.Expanding malnourishment.(3).Population on aging represents the following EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)A.rapid economic developmentB.challenge to public in institutionsC.success story of mankindD.changing age structure(4).Today's older adults enjoy______.(分数:2.00)A.more working yearsB.more accessible pension programsC.greater longevityD.greater government support(5).What is the author's attitude toward the spokespersons announcement?(分数:2.00)A.Angered.B.Delighted.C.Indifferent.D.Disappointed.The United Nations declared last Friday that Somalia's famine is over. But the official declaration means little to the millions of Somalis who are still hungry and waiting for their crops to grow. Ken Menkhaus, professor of political science at Davidson College, said it was profoundly disappointing to be discussing another Somali famine, after he worked in the country during the 1991 —1992 one. Each famine, he said, has distinct characteristics, and this one unfold in slow motion over the past couple of years. That's at least partly because the Somali diaspora sent money home that delayed the worst effects. Menkhaus was among four experts on Somalia and famine who spoke at the Radcliffe Gym Monday evening. Who gathered for the event, "Sound the Horn: Famine in the Horn of Africa. " Paul Farmer, Kolokotrones University Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, drew on his experience treating malnourished people in Haiti, where he has worked for decade, and said the human and social context of home, and aid to families should be part of wearing the child, he said. Similarly, broader agricultural interventions and fair trade policies are needed to boost local agricultural economies. Though famine is often thought of as a natural disaster, Monday's speakers said that is a false impression. Though Somalia suffered through a severe drought, with today's instant communications, transport systems can move massive amounts of food. Given today's global food markets, famine is too often a failure of local government and international response. "In today's 21st-century world, just about everything about famine is man-made. We're no longer in a world of man against nature. " said Robert Paarlberg, adjunct professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Ethiopia, which was also affected by the recent drought, fared much better this time because of reforms implemented after the 2001 one. Likewise, Paarlberg said, northern and central Somalia, regions that fall outside of the influence of the Al-Shabaab militia, also fared better. There were several man-made features of this famine, which affected more than 10 million people and killed between 50, 000 and 100, 000, half of them children under age 5. The largest man-made feature was the role of the Al-Shabaab militia that rules the region and that kept food aid from reaching those in need. But the international community isn't blameless. As early as November 2010, an international famine early warning system was predicting the failure of rains in the region, but the international community didn't respond fully until an official famine was declared in July 2011. On top of that, U. S. anti-terrorism laws cut off food aid because Al-Shabaab, listed as a terrorist group, was taking some of it. Though the United Nations has declared the famine over, that was based on statistical measures, such as the number of people dying each day and the number of children who are malnourished. Though the official famine may be over, both U. N. officials and Monday's speakers said the crisis continues for the people of Somalia. Almost a third of the population remains dependent on humanitarian assistance, crops growing from recent rains will take months to reach maturity, and herds of cows, goats, and other animals were greatly reduced during the crisis. Michael Delaney, director of humanitarian response for Oxfam America, warned that the world will have another chance to get its response fight, because the warning signs are pointing to animpending famine in Africa's Sahel, the arid, continent-spanning transition zone just below the Sahara Desert.(分数:10.00)(1).The current Somali famine is different from the 1991 -1992 one in that______.(分数:2.00)A.it received less international aidB.worst effects came more slowlyC.it caught more attention from the worldD.it lasted longer despite help from the UN(2).In treating the malnourished patients, attention should be paid to the following EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)A.making fair trade policiesB.aiding the patients' familiesC.ignoring the indication of povertyD.exercising agricultural interventions(3).What is implied by "We're no longer in a world of man against nature?"(分数:2.00)A.Natural disaster alone cannot explain famine.B.We live in a world of many man-made matters.C.The world is made up of conflicting social forces.D.Human beings fight with one another for better life.(4).Regarding the current famine in Somalia, who's to blame most?(分数:2.00)A.The United States.B.The Al-Shabaab militia.C.The United Nations FAO.D.The international community.(5).What problem still remains from the current Somali famine?(分数:2.00)A.The number of malnourished children remains unknown.B.Half of the population remains dependent on humanitarian assistance.C.Crops growing from recent rains were reaped before reaching maturity.D.Herds of cows, goats and other animals were greatly reduced during the famine.Both versions of the myth — the West as a place of escape from society and the West as a stage on which the moral conflicts confronting society could be played out — figured prominently in the histories and essays of young Theodore Roosevelt, the paintings and sculptures of artist Frederic Remington, and the short stories and novels of writer Owen Wister. These three young members of the eastern establishment spent much time in the West in the 1880s, and each was intensely affected by the adventure. All three bed felt thwarted by the constraints and enervating influence of the genteel urban world in which they had grown up, and each went West to experience the physical challenges and moral simplicities extolled in the dime novels. When Roosevelt arrived in 1884 at the ranch he had purchased in the Dakota Badlands, he at once bought a leather scout's uniform, complete with fringed sleeves and leggings. Each man also found in the West precisely what he was looking for. The frontier that Roosevelt glorified in such books as The Winning of the West(four volumes, 1889-1896), mad that the prolific Remington portrayed in his work, was a stark physical and moral environment that stripped away all social artifice and tested an individual's true ability and character. Drawing on a popular version of English scientist Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory, which characterized life as a straggle in which only the fittest and hast survived, Roosevelt and Remington exalted the disappearing frontier as the last outpost of an honest and tree social order. This version of the frontier myth reached its apogee in Own Wister's enormously popular novels The Virginian(1902), later reincarnated as a 1929 Gary Cooper movie and a 1960s television series. In Wister's tale the elemental physical and social environment of the Great Plains produces individuals like his unnamed cowboy hero, " the Virginian," an honest, strong, and compassionate man, quick to help the weak and fight the wicked. The Virginian is oneof nature's aristocrats-its-ill-educated and unsophisticated but uptight steady, and deeply moral. The Virginian sums up his own moral code in describing his view of God's justice; "He plays a square game with us. " For Wister, as for Roosevelt and Remington, the cowboy was the Christian knight on the Plains, indifferent to material gain as he upheld virtue, pursued justice, and attacked evil. Needless to say, the western myth in all its forms was far removed from the actual reality of the West. Critics delighted in pointing out that no one scene in The Virginian actually showed the hard physical labor of the cattle range. The idealized version of the West also glossed over the darker underside of frontier expansion —the brutalities of Indian warfare, the forced removal of the Indians to reservations, the racist discrimination against Mexican-Americans and blacks, the risks and perils of commercial agriculture and cattle growing, and the boom-and-bust mentality rooted in the selfish exploitation of natural resources.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following is probably the main reason for the author to mention Theodore Roosevelt, Frederic Remington and Owen Wister?(分数:2.00)A.They glorified the frontier life.B.They were constrained by the genteel urban world.C.They spent much time in the West.D.They were famous members of the eastern establishment.(2).Which of the following statements best describes The Virginian?(分数:2.00)A.It is the best Western movie ever made in Hollywood.B.It is a popular novel written by Own Wister and Theodore Roosevelt.C.It gives an accurate depiction of the frontier experience.D.It is one of the most successful books about the West.(3).According to the passage, which of the following statements regarding the myth of the West is NOT true?(分数:2.00)A.In one idealized view, the West was a place one can escape from society and its pressures.B.in one version of the myth, western frontiersman was depicted as a figure deeply immersed in society and its concerto.C.Some writers portrayed the western wilderness as a simple and innocent society.D.The extreme hardship of the frontier life is one powerful theme of the legendary West.(4).The author's primary purpose in writing the passage is______.(分数:2.00)A.to perpetuate the myth about the WestB.to introduce the famous writers and painters of the WestC.to distinguish the myth of the West and the actual realityD.to present the brutalities of Indian warfare(5).What is probably the reason for people to make up a legendary West?(分数:2.00)A.They liked to make up stories.B.They believed what they portrayed were the actual reality.C.They clung to the myth of the West as an uncomplicated, untainted Eden of social simplicity, and moral clarity in an era of unsettling social transformation.D.They wanted to make profit by luring people to the West.The belief that the mind plays an important role in physical illness goes back to the earliest days of medicine. From the time of the ancient Greeks to the beginning of the 20th century, it was generally accepted by both physician and patient that the mind can affect the course of illness, and it seemed natural to apply this concept in medical treatments of disease. After the discovery of antibiotics, a new assumption arose that treatment of infectious or inflammatory disease requires only the elimination of the foreign organism or agent that triggers the illness. In the rush to discover antibiotics and drugs that cure specific infections and diseases, the fact that the body's own responses can influence susceptibility to disease and its course was largely ignored by medical researchers. It is ironic that research into infectious and inflammatory disease firstled 20th-century medicine to reject the idea that the mind influences physical illness, and now research in the same field — including the work of our laboratories and of our collaborators at the National Institutes of Health —is proving the contrary. New molecular and pharmacological tools have made it possible for us to identify the intricate network that exists between the immune system and the brain, a network that allows the two systems to signal each other continuously and rapidly. Chemicals produced by immune cells signal the brain, and the brain in turn sends chemical signals to restrain the immune system. These same chemical signals also affect behavior and the response to stress. Disruption of this communication network in any way, whether inherited or through drugs, toxic substances or surgery, exacerbates the diseases that these systems guard against: infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune, and associated mood disorders. The clinical significance of these findings is likely to prove profound. They hold the promise of extending the range of therapeutic treatments available for various disorders, as drugs previously known to work primarily for nervous system problems are shown to be effective against immune maladies, and vice versa. They also help to substantiate the popularly held impression(still discounted in some medical circles)that our state of mind can influence how well we resist or recover from infectious or inflammatory diseases. The brain's stress response system is activated in threatening situations. The immune system responds automatically to pathogens and foreign molecules. These two response systems are the body's principal means for maintaining an internal steady state called homeostasis. A substantial proportion of human cellular machinery is dedicated to maintaining it. When homeostasis is disturbed or threatened, a repertoire of molecular, cellular and behavioral responses comes into play. These responses attempt to counteract the disturbing forces in order to reestablish a steady state. They can be specific to the foreign invader or a particular stress, or they can be generalized and nonspecific when the threat to homeostasis exceeds a certain threshold. The adaptive response may themselves turn into stressors capable of producing disease. We are just beginning to understand the interdependence of the brain and the immune system, how they help to regulate and counterregulate each other and how they themselves can malfunction and produce disease.(分数:10.00)(1).The passage supplies information to suggest that______.(分数:2.00)A.it has always been the belief of both physician and patient that one's state of mind can affect physical diseaseB.the popular belief that stress exacerbates inflammatory illness has always been discredited by the doctorsC.the discovery of antibiotics sheds light on people's understanding of the mind-body interaction in diseaseD.there is a new understanding of the communication between the brain and immune system(2).Which of the following best states the mind-body interaction in disease?(分数:2.00)A.The brain and immune systems send signals to each other.B.The immune and central nervous systems are organized in very different ways to affect the course of illness.C.Disruption of the communication of the brain and immune system can cure certain disease.D.The immune system and the brain share a lot of hormones to facilitate their communication.(3).Which of the following statements about clinical significance of the new findings can be best supported by the passage?(分数:2.00)A.The responsively to stress is genetically determined.B.The treatment of immune maladies can be consciously controlled.C.Psychoactive drugs may in some cases be used to treat inflammatory diseases.D.Social interactions can lessen psychological stress and alter immune responses.(4).Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Taking the cure at a mountain sanatorium doesn't work for the treatment for many chronic diseases.B.The relaxing effects of hot-springs spa can help restore the communication between the brain and immune system.C.The disruption of the brain's stress response reduces the body's response.D.Depression is also associated with inflammatory disease.(5).According to the passage, in order to maintain an internal steady state called homeostasis,______.(分数:2.00)A.sometimes the stress response needs to go to the extremeB.the stress response has to bar the foreign pathogens from the bodyC.both the stress and immune responses need to be regulatedD.the immune system promotes physiological and behavioral changes。

第一篇是wind-up radio的发明,第二篇是employee involvement,第三篇回答问题,是关于addiction的,第四篇关于computer和多媒体对教学的影响。
今年的作文是杜兰特的一句教育名言:以education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. (教育是一个逐渐发现我们无知的过程),个人建议考前先看作文题,这样有时间思考。
我剩下30分钟的时候才看的作文题,当时脑子一片空白写的不好,下来以后就什么都会了= =,当然学霸可以无似这句话。
2.翻译基础:英译汉:interpol,APEC, AP, NBA, American Congress, British Parliament, Stars and Strips, Non-aligned movement, Noah’s Ark, intellectual property rights, romanticism, Protestantism, Catholicism. Buckingham Palace, Pandora’s box,15个全。

2015年社科院考博英语阅读理解真题模拟(5)In taking up a new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United States did not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tedium of life. Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor the scattered population nor the disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanks to the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose. No other set of colonists took so seriously an expression of the period, "Leisure is time for doing something useful." In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily routine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group work provided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural parties. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone, including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some ofthe rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting, skating, and swimming. But city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba ;QQ:wu si qi ling liu san ba liu er)26. What is the passage mainly about?A) Methods of fanning used by early settlers of the United States.B) Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.C) Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.D) Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.27. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?A) They followed a pattern Begun in Europe.B) They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.C) The clergy organized them.D) Only the wealthy participated in them.28. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers' altitude toward "thepursuit of pleasure" ?A) They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.B) They felt that it was not necessary.C) They felt that it should be productive.D) They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.29. What is meant by the phrase "double-purpose" in the 4th sentence in paragraph 2?A) Very frequent.B) Useful and enjoyable.C) Extremely necessary.D) Positive and negative.30. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph following this passage?A) The rural diversions enjoyed by both urban and rural people.B) Leisure activities of city dwellers.C) Building methods of the early settlers in rural areas.D) Changes in lifestyles of settlers as they moved答案及解析请查阅育明考博或致电垂询 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。

2015年英语考研阅读2015年考研英语阅读理解真题及答案阅读理解部分Part APassage 1The term “multitasking” usually refers to the ability to engage in two or more tasks simultaneously. In the performing arts, multitasking can take the form of a singer singing while moving around the stage, a dancer dancing to music while maintaining balance or a comedian speaking to a crowd while carrying out a physical routine. In each case, the performer’s ability to engage in two or more tasks simultaneously is part of what makes the performance captivating.However, the concept of multitasking has also been applied to the world of computers and technology. When people claim to be ableto multitask on a computer, they typically mean they can use the computer to perform multiple tasks at the same time, such as checking email while writing a report or watching a video while responding to messages on social media. In this sense, multitasking is a matter of effectively managing time and resources so that multiple tasks can be completed with maximum efficiency and minimal loss of quality.Despite its apparent simplicity, multitasking is actually quite complex. When people multitask, they must switch back and forth between tasks, which can lead to decreased efficiency and performance on each task. Additionally, people who engage in multitasking may be more easily distracted and have a harder time focusing on a single task. Furthermore, multitasking may not be beneficial for all tasks. For example, when it comes to tasks that require creative thinking or complex problem-solving, dividing attention can actually hinder performance.In light of these findings, it seems clear that the key to effective multitasking is selecting the right tasks to perform simultaneously and managing one’s focus and energy acc ordingly. This means thatpeople should identify which tasks require their full attention and which ones can be performed concurrently with other tasks. By doing so, they can increase their overall productivity while minimizing any negative impact on task performance.21. The passage mainly discusses ____.A. the negative effects of multitaskingB. how to select suitable tasks for multitaskingC. the importance of managing time and resources effectivelyD. the differences between various forms of multitasking22. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a form of multitasking?A. Singing while moving around the stage.B. Checking email while watching a video.C. Replying to messages on social media while driving.D. Cooking while listening to music.23. Multitasking can be inefficient and even counterproductive because _____.A. people tend to become easily distracted when engaging in multitaskingB. it results in decreased efficiency and performance on each taskC. it may not be suitable for all types of tasksD. people performing multitasking tasks usually lack focus and energy24. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Multitasking can significantly enhance people’s creativity.B. Completing multiple tasks simultaneously usually results in better performance.C. The key to effective multitasking lies in selecting suitable tasks and managing one’s focus and energy effectively.D. Multitasking is only suitable for simple, repetitive tasks that do not require much concentration or problem-solving ability.25. Which word best describes the function of the highlighted sentence? (Please highlight the sentence.)It means that people should identify which tasks require their full attention and which ones can be performed concurrently with other tasks.。


考博英语(阅读理解)-试卷80(总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)Too much alcohol dulls your senses, but a study in Japan shows that moderate drinkers have a higher IQ than teetotalers. Researchers at the National Institute for Longevity Sciences in Aichi Prefecture, 250 kilometers west of Tokyo, tested the IQs of 2000 people between the ages of 40 and 79. They found that, on average, men who drank moderately — defined as less than 540 milliliters of sake or wine a day — had an IQ that was 3. 3 points higher that men who did not drink at all. Women drinkers scored 2. 5 points higher than female teetotalers. The type of alcohol didn't influence the results. The volunteers tried a variety of tipples, which ranged from beer and whisky to wine and sake. The researchers are quick to point out that the results do not necessarily show that drinking will make you more intelligent. "It's very difficult to show a cause-effect relationship," says senior researcher Hiroshi Shimokata. "We screened subjects for factors such as income and education, but there may be other factors such as lifestyle and nutritional intake. " Shimokata says that people who drink sake, or Japanese rice wine, tend to eat more raw fish. This could be a factor in enhanced intelligence, as fish often contain essential fatty acids that have been linked to brain development. Similarly, wine drinkers eat a lot of cheese, which is not something Japanese people normally consume or buy. Shimokata says the high fat content of cheese is thought to be good for the brain. If alcoholic drinks are directly influencing IQ, Shimokata believes chemicals such as polyphenols could be the critical factor. They are known to have antioxidant properties and other beneficial effects on ageing bodies, such as dilating constricted coronary arteries. The study is part of a wider research project to find out why brain function deteriorates with age.(分数:10.00)(1).The Japanese study was carried out on______.(分数:2.00)A.the development of IQB.the secret of longevityC.the brain food in a glassD.the amount of healthy drinking(2).The Japanese researchers found a higher IQ in______.(分数:2.00)A.female teetotalers than in male onesB.female drinkers than in male onesC.moderate drinkersD.teetotalers(3).When he says that it is very difficult to show cause-effect relationship, Shimokata means that______.(分数:2.00)A.the study failed to involve such variables as income and educationB.he is doubtful of the findings of the investigationC.there are some other contributing factorsD.the results were just misleading(4).From Shimokata's mention of fish and cheese we can infer that in enhancing intelligence______.(分数:2.00)A.sake or wine is a perfect match for fish and cheeseB.they promote the drinking effect of sake or wineC.they are not as effective as sake and wineD.sake or wine is not alone(5).Based on the study, Shimokata would say that______.(分数:2.00)A.intelligence improves with ageB.IQ can be enhanced in one way or anotherC.polyphenols in alcohol may boost the brainD.Alcoholic drinks will make you more intelligentThere is currently abroad a new wave of appreciation for breadth of knowledge. Curricula at universities and colleges and programs in federal agencies extol(赞扬)the virtues of a broad education. For scientists who work in specialized jobs, it is a pleasure to escape in our spare time to read broadly in fields distant from our own. Some of us have made interdisciplinary study in our occupation, which is no surprise, because much of the intellectual action in our society today lies at the interfaces between traditional disciplines. Environmental science is a good example, because it frequently requires us to be conversant in several different sciences and even some unscientific fields. Experiencing this breadth of knowledge is stimulating, but so is delving deeply into a subject. Both are wonderful experiences that are complementary practical and aesthetic(美学的)ways. They are like viewing the marvelous sculpture of knowledge in two different ways. Look at the sculpture from one perspective and you see the piece in its entirety, how its components connect to give it form, balance, and symmetry. From another viewpoint you see its detail, depth, and mass. There is no need to choose between these two perspectives in art. To do so would subtract from the totality of the figure. So it is with science. Sometimes we gaze through a subject and are reluctant to stop for too much detail. As chemists, we are fascinated by computer sciences or molecular genetics, but not enough to become an expert. Or we may be interested in an analytical technique but not enough to stay at its cutting edge. At other times, we become immersed in the detail of a subject and see its beauty in an entirely different way than when we browse. It is as if we penetrate the surface of the sculpture and pass through the crystal structure to the molecular level where the code for the entire structure is revealed. Unfortunately, in our zeal for breadth or depth, we often feel that it is necessary to diminish the value of the other. Specialists are sometimes ridiculed with names such as "nerd" or "technocrats" , generalists are often criticized for being too "soft" or knowing too little about any one thing. Both are ludicrous(可笑的)accusations that deny a part of the reality of environmental science. Let us not be divided by our passion for depth or breadth. The beauty that awaits us on either route is too precious to stifle, too wonderful to diminish by bickering(争吵).(分数:10.00)(1).From a broad education to interdisciplinary study, we can see____.(分数:2.00)A.the integration of theory with practiceB.the enthusiasm for breadth of knowledgeC.the rapid division of traditional disciplinesD.the confrontation between specialists and generalists(2).The commentator would say that the totality of the sculpture of knowledge____.(分数:2.00)A.is mainly composed of two elementsB.presents two different points of viewC.cannot be perceived from one perspectiveD.is a whole made up of complementary elements(3).Just because we become engrossed in the detail of a subject, according to the comment, does not mean that we____.(分数:2.00)A.can have an understanding of itB.will develop into an expertC.will perceive its entiretyD.are interested in it(4).It is commentator's contention that neither specialists nor generalists____.(分数:2.00)A.have zeal for the totality of the knowledge sculptureB.represent the depth and breadth of knowledgeC.are necessarily supposed to belittle the otherD.can be qualified as environmental scientists(5).Which of the following can be the best title for the comment?(分数:2.00)A.Interdisciplinary Study as Our Occupation.B.Breath and Depth of Knowledge.C.The Ways of Doing Science.D.The Beauty of Science.An abandoned airfield near a former Nazi concentration tramp may soon feature pagodas and Tai Chi parks. A $ 700 million project aims to give Germany its own Chinatown 22 miles north of Berlin in the town of Oranienburg, housing 2, 000 residents by 2010. The investor group behind the scheme hopes the new Chinatown will attract tourists and business to rival the famed Chinatowns of San Francisco and New York by delivering an "authentic Chinese experience. " "You'll be able to experience China, go out for a Chinese meal, and buy Chinese goods," says Stefan Kunigam, managing director of Bandenburg-China-Project-Management GmbH. The project has attracted investors in both Germany and China, reports Christoph Lang of Berlin's Trade and Industry promotion Office. "Chinese investors have already asked if we have a Chinatown here. " He says. " The cultural environment is very important for them. You cannot build a synthetic Chinatown. " Germany is home to about 72,000 Chinese migrants(2002 Federal Statistical Office figures), but the country has not had a Chinatown since the early 1930s in Hamburg, when most of the city's 2,000 Chinese residents fled or were arrested by the Nazis. German's more-recent history with anti-foreigner extremism remains a problem even within the government, reports Deutsche Welle(DW), Germany's international broadcaster. DW notes that National Democratic Party lawmaker Holger Apfel's xenophobic(恐外的)comments about "state-subsidized Oriental mega-families" at first went largely uncriticized. "Every fourth German harbors anti-foreigner sentiments," DW quotes Miriam Gruss, a Free Democratic Party parliamentarian. "Right-wing extremism is clearly rooted in the middle of society. It's not a minor phenomenon. " The German government initiated a special youth for Democracy and Tolerance program in January 2007 as part of its tolerance-building efforts. While it is not clear how many Chinese migrants will ultimately settle in the new German Chinatown, developers hope the project will increase Germans' understanding for China and Chinese culture.(分数:10.00)(1).If set up, according to the passage, the new German Chinatown will probably be______.(分数:2.00)A.a rival to the Chinatowns of San Francisco and New YorkB.mainly made of pagodas and Tai Chi parksC.located in the north suburbs of BerlinD.the biggest one in Germany(2).When he says that you cannot build a synthetic Chinatown, Lang means______.(分数:2.00)A.the real imported goods made in ChinaB.the authoritative permission for the projectC.the importance of the location for a ChinatownD.the authentic environment to experience Chinese culture(3).By mentioning the population of Chinese migrants in Germany, the author most probably means that______.(分数:2.00)A.it is too late to build a ChinatownB.it is their desire to save a ChinatownC.it is important to create jobs for themD.it is necessary to have a Chinatown there(4).According to the passage, German anti-foreigner extremism______.(分数:2.00)A.can seed the new community with hatredB.could be an obstacle to the projectC.will absolutely kill the planD.is growing for the scheme(5).The message from the plan is clear: ______.(分数:2.00)A.to build a new communityB.to fight against right-wing extremismC.to promote more cultural understandingD.to increase Chinese's understanding of GermanyWhatever happened to the death of newspaper? A year ago the end seemed near. The recession threatened to remove the advertising and readers that had not already fled to the Internet. Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom. America's Federal Trade commission launched a round of talks about how to save newspapers. Should they become charitable corporations? Should the state subsidize them ? It will hold another meeting soon. But the discussions now seem out of date. In much of the world there is the sign of crisis. German and Brazilian papers have shrugged off the recession. Even American newspapers, which inhabit the most troubled come of the global industry, have not only survived but often returned to profit. Not the 20% profit margins that were routine a few years ago, but profit all the same. It has not been much fun. Many papers stayed afloat by pushing journalists overboard. The American Society of News Editors reckons that 13, 500 newsroom jobs have gone since 2007. Readers are paying more for slimmer products. Some papers even had the nerve to refuse delivery to distant suburbs. Yet these desperate measures have proved the right ones and, sadly for many journalists, they can be pushed further. Newspapers are becoming more balanced businesses, with a healthier mix of revenues from readers and advertisers. American papers have long been highly unusual in their reliance on ads. Fully 87% of their revenues came from advertising in 2008, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development(OECD). In Japan the proportion is 35%. Not surprisingly, Japanese newspapers are much more stable. The whirlwind that swept through newsrooms harmed everybody, but much of the damage has been concentrated in areas where newspaper are least distinctive. Car and film reviewers have gone. So have science and general business reporters. Foreign bureaus have been savagely cut off. Newspapers are less complete as a result. But completeness is no longer a virtue in the newspaper business.(分数:10.00)(1).By saying "Newspapers like ... their own doom"(Para. 1), the author indicates that newspaper______.(分数:2.00)A.neglected the sign of crisisB.failed to get state subsidiesC.were not charitable corporationsD.were in a desperate situation(2).Some newspapers refused delivery to distant suburbs probably because______.(分数:2.00)A.readers threatened to pay lessB.newspapers wanted to reduce costsC.journalists reported little about these areasD.subscribers complained about slimmer products(3).Compared with their American counterparts, Japanese newspapers are much more stable because they______.(分数:2.00)A.have more sources of revenueB.have more balanced newsroomsC.are less dependent on advertisingD.Readers have lost their interest in car and film reviews(4).What can be inferred from the last paragraph about the current newspaper business?(分数:2.00)A.Distinctiveness is an essential feature of newspapers.pleteness is to blame for the failure of newspaper.C.Foreign bureaus play a crucial role in the newspaper business.D.Readers have lost their interest in car and film reviews.(5).The most appropriate title for this text would be______.(分数:2.00)A.American Newspapers: Struggling for SurvivalB.American Newspapers: Gone with the WindC.American Newspapers: A Thriving BusinessD.American Newspapers: A Hopeless Story。

财政部财政科学研究所2015年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试英语试题PART ONE: Grammar (15 points)Directions: Below each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Please write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree the students’potentiality is developed.A. of whichB. with whichC. in whichD. to which2. Another food crop raised by Indians strange to the European was called Indian corn.A. who wereB. that wereC. that wasD. who was3. We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden .A. in which to playB. to play withC. to playD. where to play4. There are many copper mines in the state of Arizona, contributes significantly to the state’s economy.A. a factB. which factC. whose factD. that5. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. in thatD. provided that6. Nearly all trees contains a mix of polymers that can burn like petroleum properly extracted.A. afterB. ifC. when itD. is7. The early years of the United States government were characterized by a debate concerning or individual states should have more power.A. whether the federal governmentB. either the federal governmentC. that the federal governmentD. the federal government8. Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets within the next 50 years.A. will have been contactedB. will have contactedC. will be contactedD. will contact9. By the year of 2025, scientists probably a cure for cancer.A. will be discoveringB. are discoveringC. will have discoveredD. have discovered10. Thomas Edison’s first patented invention was a device in Congress.A. for counting votesB. that counting votesC. counts votesD. counted votes11. Using many symbols makes to put a large amount of information on a single map.A. possibleB. it is possibleC. it possibleD. that possible12. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely to the outside world.A. being lostB. having lostC. losingD. lost13. Beef cattle of all livestock for economic growth in the certain geographicregions.A. the most are importantB. are the most importantC. is the most importantD. that are most important14. advance and retreat in their eternal rhythms, but the surface of the sea itself isnever at rest.A. Not only when the tides doB. As the tides not only doC. Not only do the tidesD. Do the tides not only15. divorce ourselves from the masses of the people.A. In no time we shouldB. In no time should weC. At no time we shouldD. At no time should wePART TWO: Reading comprehension (20 points)Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1 (5 points)The good news made headlines nationwide: Deaths from several kinds of cancer have declined significantly in recent years. But the news has to be bittersweet for many cancer patients and their families. Every year, more than 500000 people in the United States still die of cancer. In fact, more than half of all patients diagnosed with cancer will die of their disease within a few years. And while it’s true survival is longer today than in the past, thequality of life for these patients is often greatly diminished. Cancer –and many of the treatments used to fight it - causes pain, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety that routinely go undertreated or untreated.In the nation’s single-minded focus on curing cancer, we have inadvertently devalued the critical need for palliative care, which focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms over the course of the disease. Nothing would have a greater impact on the daily lives of cancer patients and their families than good symptom control and supportive therapy. Yet the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the federal government’s leader in cancer research and training, spent less than one percent of its 1999 budget on any aspect of research or training in palliative care.The nation needs to get serious about reducing needless suffering. NCI should commit to and fund research aimed at improving symptom control and palliative care. NCI also could designate “centers of excellence” among the cancer centers it recognizes. To get that designation, centers would deliver innovative, top-quality palliative care to all segments of the populations the centers serve; train professionals in medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, and other disciplines to provide palliative care; and conduct research.Insurance coverage for palliative and hospice care also contributes to the problem by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care. This “either/or” approach does not readily allow these two types of essential care to be integrated. The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less. The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.That makes hospice enrollment an obvious deterrent for many patients. And hospices, which may have the most skilled practitioners and the most experience in administering palliative care, cannot offer their services to people who could really benefit but still are pursuing active treatment.It is innately human to comfort and provide care to those suffering from cancer, particularly those close to death. Yet what seems self-evident at an individual, personal level has not guided policy at the level of institutions in this country. Death is inevitable, but severe suffering is not. To offer hope for a long life of the highest possible quality and to deliver the best quality cancer care from diagnoses to death, our public institutions need to move toward policies that value and promote palliative care.16. Palliative care is concerned with improving patients’.A. survival ratesB. quality of lifeC. lifespansD. options for health insurance providers17. According to the author, research on palliative care for .A. is more important than research for cancer curesB. has been overlooked by researchersC. is virtually non-existentD. is regarded by researchers as a frivolous topic18. The main problem of insurance coverage for hospice care and active treatment isthat .A. it does not allow patients to seek bothB. it only covers patients whose life expectancy is less than six monthsC. it deprives patients of the right to choose between two proven treatment methodsD. hospice care is only covered when it may extend a patient’s life expectancy19. Hospices offer cancer patients .A. an alternative to palliative careB. comfort in their early stages of illnessC. skilled and experienced palliative careD. an alternative to active treatment20. This text is mainly about .A. improving cancer research in the U.SB. reforming insurance coverage for cancer patientsC. understanding different options for cancer treatment and careD. reducing the suffering of cancer patientsPassage 2 (5 points)Man and women do think differently, at least where the anatomy of the brain is concerned, according to a new study. The brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called gray matter and white matter. This new research reveals that men think more with their gray matter, and women think more with white. Researchers stressed that just because the two sexes think differently, this does not affect intellectual performance.Psychology professor Richard Haier of the University of California, Irvine led the research along with colleagues from the University of New Mexico. Their findings show that in general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related intelligence compared with women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared with men. “These findings suggested that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior,”said Haier, adding that, “by pinpointing these gender-based intelligence areas, the study has the potential to aid research on dementia and other cognitive-impairment diseases in the brain.The results are detailed in the online version of the journal NeuroImage. In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers. The results from this study may help explain why men and women excel at different types of tasks, said co-author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico. For example, men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, Jung said, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills. Scientists find it very interesting that while men and women use two very different activity centers and neurological pathways, men and women perform equally well on broad measures of cognitive ability, such as intelligence tests.This research also gives insight to why different types of head injuries are more disastrous to one sex or the other. For example, in women 84 percent of gray matter regions and 86 percent of white matter regions involved in intellectual performance were located inthe frontal lobes, whereas the percentages of these regions in a man’s frontal lobes are 45 percent and zero, respectively. This matches up well with clinical data that shows frontal lobe damage in women to be much more destructive than the same type of damage in men. Both Haier and Jung hope that this research with someday help doctors diagnose brain disorders in men and women earlier, as well as provide help designing more effective and precise treatments for brain damage.21. Which of the following statements is true, according to paragraph 1 ?A. The brain is a monolithic organ.B. Intellectual ability depends on which part of the brain is used.C. Intellectual ability varies between men and women.D. The anatomy of men’s brains and women’s brains differ.22. According to paragraph 2, this discovery is significant because .A. it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the brain when dealing with diseasesaffect thought processesB. it shows that men and women are equally intelligentC. it shows that men and women are equally intelligent overall, but specialize indifferent ways of thinkingD. many diseases of the brain are specific to gender or the other23. Which of the following statements is true about gray brain matter?A. It helps put together information from different parts of the brain.B. It is used for processing i nformation.C. There is less of it in men’s brains.D. There is a direct correlation between the amount of gray brain matter andmathematical ability.24. Which of the following statements is false about white brain matter?A. Women have more of it than men.B. It is used for putting together information from different parts of the brain.C. There is direct correlation between the amount of white brain matter and linguisticability.D. The amount of white brain matter is not directly related to overall intelligence.25. The final paragraph suggests that .A. men and women are equally intelligentB. men and women have different frontal lobesC. head injuries can have varied effects, according to whether a person is male orfemaleD. the research will be useful to other scientistsPassage 3 (5 points)So much data indicate the world’s progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of targets adopted by world leaders at the UN more than ten years ago. But the goal-setting exercise has further pitfalls. Too often, the goals are reduced to working out how much money is needed to meet a particular target. Yet the countries that have made most progress in cutting poverty have largely done so not by spending public money, but by encouraging faster economic growth. As Shanta Devarajan,the World Bank’s chief economist for Africa, points out, growth does not just make more money available for social spending. It also increases the demand for such things as schooling, and thus helps meet other development goals. Yet the goals, as drawn up, made no mention of economic growth.Of course growth by itself does not solve all the problems of the poor. It also clear that while money helps, how it is spent and what it is spent on are enormously important. For instances, campaigners often ask for more to be spent on primary education. But throughout the developing world teachers on the public payroll are often absent from school. Teacher-absenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador.In any case, money that is allocated for such services rarely reaches its intended recipients. A study found that 70% of the money allocated for drugs and supplies by the Uganda government in 2000 was lost; in Ghana, 80% was siphoned off. Money needs to be spent, therefore, not merely on building more schools or hiring more teachers, but on getting them to do what they are paid for, and preventing resources from disappearing somewhere between the central government and their supposed destination.The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work. A large-scale evaluation in Andhra Pradesh in southern India was shown, for example, that performance pay for teachers is three times as effective at raising pupil’s test scores as the equivalent amount spent on school supplies.And in Uganda the government, appalled that money meant for schools was not reaching them, took to publicizing how much was being allotted, using radio and newspaper. Money wastage was dramatically reduced. The World Bank hopes to bring such innovations to the notice of other governments during the summit, if it can. For if the drive against poverty is succeed, it will owe more to such ideas and wider use than to targets set at UN-sponsored summits.26. According to the text, which of the following merits can’t we derive from economicgrowth?A. It increases other demands such as education.B. It may help the government to fulfill Millennium Development Goals.C. Faster growth will lift the poor out of poverty.D. Economic growth may solve some problems of the poor.27. Teacher-absenteeism is cited as example .A. to call for governments apply performance pay for teachersB. to underline the importance of money should be spent on where it is neededC. to state that the allocated money should get staffs to do what they are paid forD. to show that African countries have a long way to go before reaching the UN’sgoalposts28. According to the author, we should when dealing with allocated money.A. avoid the leakage of moneyB. give the anti-poverty plans the priorityC. promote education to a higher levelD. improve public infrastructure first29. On which of the following would the author most probably agree?A. Economic growth does not make more money available for social spending.B. Money leakage is a big problem that Africa encounters.C. Millennium Development Goals may involve each country’s GDP growth.D. Millennium Development Goals have come to seen as applying to each developingcountry.30.We may infer from the last paragraph that .A. the World Bank plays an important role in helping Uganda fix money leakageB. money leakage is rampantly flourishing in UgandaC. Millennium Development Goals may have failed in lifting the poor out of povertyD. innovative ideas should come before targets set by UNPassage 4 (5 points)In the 20th century, all the nightmare-novels of the future imagined that books would be burnt. In the 21th century, our dystopias imagine a world where books are forgotten. To pluck just one, Gary Steynghart’s novel Super Sad True Love Story describes a world where everybody is obsessed with their electronic Apparat – an even more omnivorous i-phone with a flickering stream of shopping and reality shows and porn – and have somehow come to believe that the few remaining unread paper books left off a rank smell. The book on the book, it suggests, is closing.The book – the physical paper book – is being circled by a shoal of sharks, with sales down 9 percent this year alone. It’s being chewed by the e-book. It’s being gored by the death of the bookshop and the library. And most importantly, the mental space it occupied is being eroded by the thousand Weapons of Mass Destruction that surround us all. It’s hard to admit, but we all sense it: it is becoming almost physically harder to read books.In his gorgeous little book The Lost Art of Reading – Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time, the critic David Ulin admits to a strange feeling. All his life, he had taken reading as for granted as eating – but then, a few years ago, he “become aware, in an apartment full of books, that I could no longer find within myself the quiet necessary to read”. He would sit down to do it at night, as he always had, and read a few paragraphs, then find his mind was wandering, imploring him to check his email, or Twitter, or Facebook. “What I’m struggling with,”he writes, “is the encroachment of the buzz, the sense that there’s something out there that merits my attention.”I think most of us have this sense today, if we are honest. If you read a book with your laptop thrumming on the other side of the room, it can be like trying to read in the middle of a party, where everybody is shouting to each other. To read, you need to slow down. You need mental silence except for the words. That’s getting harder to find.No, don’t misunderstand me. I adore the web, and they will have to wrench my Twitter feed from my cold dead hands. This isn’t going to turn into an antediluvian rant against the glories of our wired world. But there’s a reason why that word –“wired”–means both “connected to the internet” and “high, frantic, unable to concentrate”.In the age of the internet, physical paper books are a technology we need more, not less. In the 1950s, the novelist Herman Hesse wrote: “The more the need for entertainment and mainstream education can be met by new inventions, the more the book will recover itsdignity and authority. We have not yet quite reached the point where young competitors, such as radio, cinema, etc, have taken over the functions from the book it can’t afford to lose.” We have now reached that point.31.By mentioning the work of Gary Steynghart, the author intends to .A. advocate the idea that reading physical paper books is out of fashionB. introduce a brand new electronic product even omnivorous than i-phoneC. prove that books will be outweighed by reality shows and porn in the futureD. indicate that books are left out in fictions describing the future world32. The most significant reason for the falling sales of paper books is that .A. electronic books are taking over more and more market share of paper booksB. people’ minds don’t have the space for reading due to all kinds of temptationC. bookstores are out of business as people prefer to borrowing books from the libraryD. people think things on the Internet are more worthy of their attention33.According to paragraph 3, we can infer that .A. people are inclined to take reading for grantedB. people’ minds are encroached by the InternetC. it’s hard to concentrate on reading nowadaysD. David Ulin’s book gives readers a strange feeling34. The explanation of the word “wired” probably indicates that .A. people always misunderstand the functions of internetB. Internet is partly responsible for the vanishing of paper booksC. people call the internet “wired world” for a reasonD. Internet will take over the functions of paper books35. Which of the following will the author most probably agree on?A. True readers can maintain reading in all kinds of environment, including noisy one.B. The Internet should be strictly condemned for endangering physical paper books.C. Physical paper books are facing extreme danger of being replaced by other things.D. Reading books isn’t in accordance with the increasing need for entertainment. PART THREE (20 points)Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.When a company unexpectedly finds itself losing market share and taking a beating at the hands of its competitors, it’s a clear signal that a change is needed. For a variety of reasons, any company can suddenly lose the competitive advantage that it previously enjoyed. 36. The mark of a strong business, however, is its ability to overcome such setbacks and reclaim its positions as the front runner in its field.One of the greatest variables in the process, however, is technology, which on one hand makes business more efficient and thus profitable than previously thought possible, but changes at such a rapid pace that few businesses utilize it to its full potential. Those companies that invest heavily in the latest technology of the day may find their machines out dated and obsolete the next year, thus losing the advantage that they hoped to gain, and also a substantial amount of investment money as well. 37. Those are more cautious and buy less of the latest machine may learn that technology changes more slowly, and theircompetitors who invested more heavily now hold the upper hand. It’s a game of hit or miss.Because of the uneven and unpredictable pace of progress between technological fields, 38. companies are devoting more and more resources to not only acquiring more of the latest developments, but researching the factors that determine their production so as to position themselves better to adapt to the next change. This strategy has been producing positive results for those who employ it, but it is a massively expensive one, limiting its viability to only the largest companies, who are already enjoying many advantages in the market.Such dynamics make it increasingly difficult for new setup companies to break into established markets, lacking the funding and cash reserves necessary to play the game way as the big boy do. The same technology that keeps the large companies on top, however, can still topple them. 39. New and smaller companies have less to lose and thus can afford to gamble on new technologies that larger companies consider too risky to devote themselves to. 40. In the rare occurrences when these risky endeavors bear fruit, providing themselves to be the way of future, the rewards to those daring enough, or small enough, to invest in them prove well worth the effort.PART FOUR (20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.41.我们必须全面深化改革,以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力。

2015四川大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly,courteous,and helpful most Americans were to them.To be fair,this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.There are,of course, exceptions.Small-minded officials,rude waiters,and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.For a long period of time and in many parts of the country,a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another.Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion,and brought news of the outside world.The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality.Someone traveling alone,if hungry,injured,or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement. It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the part of the settlers.It reflected the harshness of daily life:if you didn't take in the stranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would.And someday,remember,you might be in the same situation.Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler.Yet,the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US,especially in the smallercities and towns away from the busy tourist trails.I was just traveling through,got talking with this American,and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner-amazing.Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon,but are not always understood properly.The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial,but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.As is true of any developed society,in America a complex set of cultural signals,assumptions,and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.And,of course,speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns.Visitors who fail to translate cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions.For example,when an American uses the word friend,the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture. It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest.Yet,being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-l iu jiu qi ba QQ:si jiu san san qi yi liu er liu)1.In the eyes of visitors from the outside world,________.(A)rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the US(B)small-minded officials deserve a serious comment(C)Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors(D)most Americans are ready to offer help2.It could be inferred from the last paragraph that________.(A)culture exercises an influence over social interrelationship(B)courteous convention and individual interest are interrelated(C)various virtues manifest themselves exclusively among friends(D)social interrelationships equal the complex set of cultural conventions3.Families in frontier settlements used to entertain strangers ________.(A)to improve their hard life(B)in view of their long-distance travel(C)to add some flavor to their own daily life(D)out of a charitable impulse4.The tradition of hospitality to strangers________.(A)tends to be superficial and artificial(B)is generally well kept up in the United States(C)is always understood properly(D)has something to do with the busy tourist trails参考答案:DACB本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。

Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.At any given moment, you are aware of a zillion sensations—anything from the tightness of your shoes to the sound of an approaching bicycle bell. But your conscious mind notices only a fraction of what is going on. And that fraction is governed by criteria (标准) set up in consultation with an ancient part of the brain called the limbic system, which links to our emotions and our “gut feelings”.Those criteria assign priorities to sensory (感觉的) inputs. Hence you are aware of the nonstop assault on your eyes or your ears only when this input meets the criteria. The criteria change from person to person. If two people are walking in the countryside, one may notice the wildflowers, the other a military aircraft at 20,000 feet. When two photographers stand side by side, one may see a dramatic picture; the other a pile of stones.The differences are typically due not to differences in eyesight but to the ways the two photographers have programmed their minds to respond. I amnot talking about anything extraordinary or mystical (神秘的). Both brain researchers and police have noted that a very simple set of cues (暗示) can powerfully alter the selection of stimuli (刺激), determining what will be noticed—even in a highly emotional state like a fight. I once sat in on a training course for police officers who were being taught to shoot—make that taught how to shoot under stress. One of the most important lessons was that under duress (被迫), under time pressure, the brain reverts (回归) back to what it is most accustomed to. That is, in spite of long training and many repetitions, an officer will shoot in combat (格斗) the way he has always shot. If he brings no conscious control to bear on the selection of stimuli, the selection will be made by unconscious programs, resulting in a misidentification of the threatening object and the wrong action. The old rice-shooting Chinese soldier uses what he has always used—an eraser (橡皮擦) suddenly perceived as a grenade.1. The word “criteria” (in Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______.A. emergenciesB. preferencesC. abilitiesD. emotions2. According to the passage, the fraction of what you are aware of is determined by ______.A. your gut feelingsB. your emotionsC. the military aircraftD. the nonstop assault3. As used in Paragraph 1, the word “assault” most probably means______.A. surprise attackB. forceful entryC. intense impactD. constant bombardment4. The passage suggests that the criteria determining what stimuli will be noticed may be influenced by ______.A. photographers’ eyesightB. the military aircraftC. the police training courseD. unconscious programs5. The passage gives an example where the brain’s selection of stimuli ina dangerous situation caused a police officer to ______.A. feel a strong emotionB. correctly identify a criminalC. take inappropriate actionD. learn a lesson about photographyPassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.I once worked with a person who spent money generously (大方地) as soon as it came to him. He’d buy a new motorbike or a stereo system if he had money left in his bank account at the end of the month. “Why not?” he’d say cheerfully, “Money is for spending.” And so I’d get temporary delight for six months until my Chinese bank account ran dry.In researching our book, Happy Money, my coauthor Michael Norton and I set out to show how to get the most happiness for your dollar. We spent years reviewing the scientific literature on spending. What we found explains my coworker’s behavior. The very riches that most countries strive for are not making their citizens happier.A famous psychology study conducted in 1978 asked a group of people with spinal-cord injuries and a group of people without them about how happy they were, and how happy they expected to be in the future. The results surprised them: those with spinal-cord injuries expected to be less happy than they were, and those without them expected to be more happy than they were. The truth is that we have within us the capacity to adapt to our sights and our losses and to keep pursuing happiness.One in four lottery winners in Florida ends up bankrupt (破产)。

考博英语(阅读理解)-试卷78(总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)In a society where all aspects of our lives are dictated by scientific advances in technology, science is the essence of our existence. Without the vast advances made by chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists and other diligent scientists, our standards of living would decline, our flourishing wealthy nation might come to an economic depression, and our people would suffer from diseases that could not be cured. As a society we ignorantly take advantage of the amenities provided by science, yet our lives would be altered interminably without them. Health care, one of the aspects of our society that separates us from our archaic ancestors, is founded exclusively on scientific discoveries and advances. Without the vaccines created by doctors, diseases such as polio, measles, hepatitis, and the flu would pose a threat to our citizens, for although some of these diseases may not be deadly, their side effects can be a vast detriment to an individual affected with the disease. In addition, science has developed perhaps the most awe-inspiring vital invention in the history of the world, the computer. Without the presence of this machine our world could exist, but the conveniences brought into life by the computer are unparalleled. Despite the greatness of present-day innovators and scientists and their revelations, it is requisite to examine the amenities of science that our culture so blatantly disregards. For instance, the light bulb, electricity, the telephone, running water, and the automobile are present-day staples of our society, however, they were not present until scientists discovered them. Because of the contribution of scientists, our world is ever metamorphosing, and this metamorphosis economically and personally comprises our society, whether our society is cognizant of this or not.(分数:10.00)(1).In the first paragraph the author implies that we______.(分数:2.00)A.would not survive without scienceB.take the amenities of science for grantedC.could have raised the standards of living with scienceD.would be free of disease because of scientific with advances(2).The author uses health care and vaccines to illustrate______.(分数:2.00)A.how science has been developedB.what science means to societyC.what the nature of science isD.how disease affects society(3).Nothing, according to the author, can match the invention of the computer in terms of______.(分数:2.00)A.powerB.noveltyC.benefitsplexity(4).The author seems to be unhappy about______.(分数:2.00)A.people's ignorance of their cultureB.people's ignoring the amenities of scienceC.people's making no contributions to societyD.people's misunderstanding of scientific advance(5).The author's tone in the passage is______.(分数:2.00)A.criticalB.cognizantC.appreciativeD.paradoxicalDrinking wastewater? The idea may sound distasteful, but new federally funded research says more Americans are doing so —whether they know or not —and this reuse will be increasingly necessary as the U. S. population expands. Treated wastewater poses no greater health risks than existing water supplies and, in some cases, may be even safer to drink, according to a report released by the National Research Council, " We believe water reuse is an option to deal with growing water scarcity, especially in coastal areas," says Jorg Drowes, an engineering professor at the Colorado School of Mines. "This can be done reliably without putting the public at risk," he says, citing technological advances. He says it's a waste not to reuse the nation's wastewater, because almost all of it is treated before discharge. This water includes storm runoff(径流)as well as used water from homes, businesses and factories. In many places, the report says, the public does not realize it's drinking water that was treated after being discharged as wastewater somewhere upstream. For example, wastewater discharged into the Trinity River from Dallas/Fort Worth flows south into Lake Livingston, the source for Houston's drinking water. Despite the growing importance of this reuse, the report says there's been no systemic analysis of its extent nationwide since a 1980 study by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). Alan Roberson of the American Water Works Association says wastewater reuse is common, so the council's report is important but not surprising. Roberson expects this recycling will continue to increase, especially for irrigation and industrial needs. He says it will take longer to establish potable(适于饮用的)uses because of public nervousness about drinking wastewater, however treated. "We have to do something to address water scarcity," says Olga Naidenko, a senior scientist at the non-profit Environmental Working Group. " Less than 10% of potable water is used for drinking, cooking, showering or dishwashing. We flush it down the toilet, literally. " Technologies exist to safely treat the water, she says, although some are expensive. The report says water reuse projects tend to cost more than most water conservation options but less than seawater desalination(脱盐)and other supply alternatives. It calls on the EPA to develop rules that set safe national standards.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following statements would Jorg Drewes agree to?(分数:2.00)A.Water reuse may eventually put the public at risk.B.Water reuse is preferable to wasting water.C.Water reuse is far from a solution to water shortage.D.Water reuse is possible only after greater tech advances.(2).Lake Livingston is mentioned to show that the public______.(分数:2.00)A.Accepts the fact of drinking wastewater calmlyB.Is concerned about the safety of the drinking waterC.Does not believe that wastewater is safe to drinkD.Is not aware of the nature of their drinking water(3).According to Alan Roberson, ______.(分数:2.00)A.It is not safe to drink wastewaterB.The report has surprised the publicC.the report helps build up public confidenceD.The public has yet to accept drinking wastewater(4).Olga Naidenko's remarks emphasize______.(分数:2.00)A.The recent progressB.The existing problemsC.The new perspectiveD.The potential risks(5).What does the report suggest to the EPA?(分数:2.00)A.Weighing different water conservation options.B.Exploring new technologies to treat wastewater.C.Setting up national standards for water reuse.D.Monitoring water supplies at a national level.Rain is not what it used to be. A new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such high levels of dissolved pesticides that it could be illegal to supply it as drinking water. Studies in Switzerland have found that rain is laced with toxic levels of atrazine, alachlor and other commonly used crop sprays. "Drinking water standards are regularly exceeded in rain," says Stephan Muller, a chemist at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology in Dubendorf. The chemicals appear to have evaporated from fields and become part of the clouds. Both the European Union and Switzerland have set a limit of 100 nanograms for any particular pesticide in a liter of drinking water. But, especially in the first minutes of a heavy storm, rain can contain much more than that. In a study to be published by Muller and his colleague Thomas Bucheli in Analytical Chemistry this summer, one sample of rainwater contained almost 4000 nanograms per liter of 2, 4-dinitrophenol, a widely used pesticide. Previously, the authors had shown that in rain samples taken from 41 storms, nine contained more than 100 nanograms of atrazine per liter, one of them around 900 nanograms. In the latest study, the highest concentrations of pesticides turned up in the first rain after a long dry spell, particularly when local fields had recently been sprayed. Until now, scientists had assumed that the pesticides only infiltrated groundwater directly from fields. Muller warns that the growing practice of using rainwater that falls onto roofs to recharge under — ground water may be adding to the danger. This water often contains dissolved herbicides that had been added to roofing materials, such as bitumen sheets, to prevent vegetation growing. He suggests that the first flush of rain should be diverted into sewers to minimize the pollution of drinking water, which is not usually treated to remove these herbicides and pesticides.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the Swedish scientists, the pesticides in rain______.(分数:2.00)A.exceed those in crop spraysB.can be traced back to crop spraysC.are not as toxic as they used to beD.are nothing but atrazine and alachlor(2).Muller and Bucheli found that 2, 4-dinitrophenol______.(分数:2.00)A.is widely used in agricultureB.exceeded atrazine in the rain samplesC.can be measured in the units of nanogramsD.was far in excess of limit in drinking water(3).Scientists used to hypothesize that______.(分数:2.00)A.groundwater was safe for drinking waterB.herbicides and pesticides were harmlessC.pesticides contaminated groundwater exclusivelyD.rain would minimize the pollution of drinking water(4).Muller warns us not ____ .(分数:2.00)A.to tap groundwater for drinking waterB.to use such roofing materials as bitumen sheetsC.to let the first flush of rain recharge underground waterD.to divert the first flush of rain into sewers without removing its herbicides and pesticides(5).Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Drinking WaterB.Rainwater and Underground WaterC.Agriculture and PesticidesD.Falling PesticidesAlthough speech and writing are the special means of communicating of humans, the interchange also takes place in many other ways. A person may relay his or her feelings, thoughts, and reactions through body positioning, body contact, body odors, eye contact, responsive actions, habits, attitudes, interests, state of health, dress and grooming, choice of life-style, and use of talents — in fact, through everything the individual says or does. In turn, every person is constantly receiving multitudes of external and internal messages through his or her five senses and personal biorhythm system. An individual screens, selects, regulates, and controls specific aspects of this information through a process of mental choices. Some of these choices are automatic; some are subconscious because of habit, block, or lack of development; and some are made by a conscious process. The degree to which a person is able to communicate depends upon the extent of his or her conscious awareness, priority of need, and control of this process. The person with a behavior disorder is shut off from the communicative flow that normally exists among humans. His or her mind is confused, and he or she may feel unable to express personal thoughts, needs, and emotions, and unable to make himself or herself understood. Sometimes the person may feel that he or she is communicating clearly but that others cannot or will not understand. Because the person is thus isolated in internal problems, he or she is interested only in these problems and cannot focus attention on the messages of others. The person often projects fears and fantasies onto others, so that no matter what the real content is of the messages that others relay, the messages received are threatening ones. The causes of such communicative shutoffs are blocks in the neural pathways of the person's processing of information. Sometimes a block is physical, as in deafness, mental retardation, brain tumor, or hardening of the cerebral arteries. However, the most common causes of blocks are injuries to a person's emotional system. Emotional blocks occur to some degree in all human beings. They usually occur in childhood before good communicative skills are learned, and they are connected to individual symbolism. Unless such a block is removed shortly after happening, it can have profound and complicating effects that will distort emotional and mental growth and arrest the development potential of the individual. Even though a child with blocks will appear to grow and to seem mature in some ways, he or she will show the evidence of emotional blocking in efforts to communicate.(分数:10.00)(1).The concluding phrase of the first paragraph implies that human communication______.(分数:2.00)A.is characterized by two features, form and meaningB.is mainly conducted through speech and writingC.is of two functions, stimulation and responseD.takes two forms, verbal and nonverbal(2).In the second paragraph the author is mainly concerned with______.(分数:2.00)municative abilityB.external and internal messagesrmation and mental processingD.conscious and subconscious awareness(3).Shut off from the communicative flow, the person with a behavior disorder______.(分数:2.00)A.is unable to focus attention on internal problemsB.is isolated in internal problemsC.relays threatening messagesD.all of the above(4).Which of the following is universal according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Neural blocks.B.Physical blocks.C.Cerebral blocks.D.Emotional blocks.(5).The passage ends with______.(分数:2.00)A.the contributing factors to emotional and mental disorderB.the importance of acquiring good communicative skillsC.the significance of eliminating early emotional blocksD.the warning of emotional blocks common in childhood。

2015年Passage oneThe American society of clinical oncology wrapped its annual conference this week, going through the usual motions of presenting a lot of drugs that offer some added quality or extension of life to those suffering from a variety of as-yet incurable diseases. But buried deep in an AP story are a couple of promising headlines that seems worthy of more thorough review, including one treatment study where 100 percent of patients saw their cancer diminish by half. 美国临床肿瘤协会于本周召开年会,大会讨论像往年一样提议了一些药物,能够提高疗效以及延长那些已确诊的不治之症患者的寿命,但深挖美联社报道中文章,发现一个有前景的标题,值得我们进一步了解,其中一个治疗研究,明确所有患者经过治疗后有一半患者肿瘤消失。
First of all, it seems pharmaceutical companies are moving away from the main cost-effective one-size-fits-all approach to drug development and embracing the long cancer treatments, engineering drugs that only work for a small percentage of patients but work very effectively within that group. 首先,制药公司从主要以效益一刀切发展模式向药物研发和接受长期癌症治疗,以及针对一小部分患者且成效显著的药物研发。

考博英语(阅读理解)-试卷78(总分:40.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:4,分数:40.00)In a society where all aspects of our lives are dictated by scientific advances in technology, science is the essence of our existence. Without the vast advances made by chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists and other diligent scientists, our standards of living would decline, our flourishing wealthy nation might come to an economic depression, and our people would suffer from diseases that could not be cured. As a society we ignorantly take advantage of the amenities provided by science, yet our lives would be altered interminably without them. Health care, one of the aspects of our society that separates us from our archaic ancestors, is founded exclusively on scientific discoveries and advances. Without the vaccines created by doctors, diseases such as polio, measles, hepatitis, and the flu would pose a threat to our citizens, for although some of these diseases may not be deadly, their side effects can be a vast detriment to an individual affected with the disease. In addition, science has developed perhaps the most awe-inspiring vital invention in the history of the world, the computer. Without the presence of this machine our world could exist, but the conveniences brought into life by the computer are unparalleled. Despite the greatness of present-day innovators and scientists and their revelations, it is requisite to examine the amenities of science that our culture so blatantly disregards. For instance, the light bulb, electricity, the telephone, running water, and the automobile are present-day staples of our society, however, they were not present until scientists discovered them. Because of the contribution of scientists, our world is ever metamorphosing, and this metamorphosis economically and personally comprises our society, whether our society is cognizant of this or not.(分数:10.00)(1).In the first paragraph the author implies that we______.(分数:2.00)A.would not survive without scienceB.take the amenities of science for grantedC.could have raised the standards of living with scienceD.would be free of disease because of scientific with advances(2).The author uses health care and vaccines to illustrate______.(分数:2.00)A.how science has been developedB.what science means to societyC.what the nature of science isD.how disease affects society(3).Nothing, according to the author, can match the invention of the computer in terms of______.(分数:2.00)A.powerB.noveltyC.benefitsplexity(4).The author seems to be unhappy about______.(分数:2.00)A.people's ignorance of their cultureB.people's ignoring the amenities of scienceC.people's making no contributions to societyD.people's misunderstanding of scientific advance(5).The author's tone in the passage is______.(分数:2.00)A.criticalB.cognizantC.appreciativeD.paradoxicalDrinking wastewater? The idea may sound distasteful, but new federally funded research says more Americans are doing so —whether they know or not —and this reuse will be increasingly necessary as the U. S. population expands. Treated wastewater poses no greater health risks than existing water supplies and, in some cases, may be even safer to drink, according to a report released by the National Research Council, " We believe water reuse is an option to deal with growing water scarcity, especially in coastal areas," says Jorg Drowes, an engineering professor at the Colorado School of Mines. "This can be done reliably without putting the public at risk," he says, citing technological advances. He says it's a waste not to reuse the nation's wastewater, because almost all of it is treated before discharge. This water includes storm runoff(径流)as well as used water from homes, businesses and factories. In many places, the report says, the public does not realize it's drinking water that was treated after being discharged as wastewater somewhere upstream. For example, wastewater discharged into the Trinity River from Dallas/Fort Worth flows south into Lake Livingston, the source for Houston's drinking water. Despite the growing importance of this reuse, the report says there's been no systemic analysis of its extent nationwide since a 1980 study by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). Alan Roberson of the American Water Works Association says wastewater reuse is common, so the council's report is important but not surprising. Roberson expects this recycling will continue to increase, especially for irrigation and industrial needs. He says it will take longer to establish potable(适于饮用的)uses because of public nervousness about drinking wastewater, however treated. "We have to do something to address water scarcity," says Olga Naidenko, a senior scientist at the non-profit Environmental Working Group. " Less than 10% of potable water is used for drinking, cooking, showering or dishwashing. We flush it down the toilet, literally. " Technologies exist to safely treat the water, she says, although some are expensive. The report says water reuse projects tend to cost more than most water conservation options but less than seawater desalination(脱盐)and other supply alternatives. It calls on the EPA to develop rules that set safe national standards.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following statements would Jorg Drewes agree to?(分数:2.00)A.Water reuse may eventually put the public at risk.B.Water reuse is preferable to wasting water.C.Water reuse is far from a solution to water shortage.D.Water reuse is possible only after greater tech advances.(2).Lake Livingston is mentioned to show that the public______.(分数:2.00)A.Accepts the fact of drinking wastewater calmlyB.Is concerned about the safety of the drinking waterC.Does not believe that wastewater is safe to drinkD.Is not aware of the nature of their drinking water(3).According to Alan Roberson, ______.(分数:2.00)A.It is not safe to drink wastewaterB.The report has surprised the publicC.the report helps build up public confidenceD.The public has yet to accept drinking wastewater(4).Olga Naidenko's remarks emphasize______.(分数:2.00)A.The recent progressB.The existing problemsC.The new perspectiveD.The potential risks(5).What does the report suggest to the EPA?(分数:2.00)A.Weighing different water conservation options.B.Exploring new technologies to treat wastewater.C.Setting up national standards for water reuse.D.Monitoring water supplies at a national level.Rain is not what it used to be. A new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such high levels of dissolved pesticides that it could be illegal to supply it as drinking water. Studies in Switzerland have found that rain is laced with toxic levels of atrazine, alachlor and other commonly used crop sprays. "Drinking water standards are regularly exceeded in rain," says Stephan Muller, a chemist at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology in Dubendorf. The chemicals appear to have evaporated from fields and become part of the clouds. Both the European Union and Switzerland have set a limit of 100 nanograms for any particular pesticide in a liter of drinking water. But, especially in the first minutes of a heavy storm, rain can contain much more than that. In a study to be published by Muller and his colleague Thomas Bucheli in Analytical Chemistry this summer, one sample of rainwater contained almost 4000 nanograms per liter of 2, 4-dinitrophenol, a widely used pesticide. Previously, the authors had shown that in rain samples taken from 41 storms, nine contained more than 100 nanograms of atrazine per liter, one of them around 900 nanograms. In the latest study, the highest concentrations of pesticides turned up in the first rain after a long dry spell, particularly when local fields had recently been sprayed. Until now, scientists had assumed that the pesticides only infiltrated groundwater directly from fields. Muller warns that the growing practice of using rainwater that falls onto roofs to recharge under — ground water may be adding to the danger. This water often contains dissolved herbicides that had been added to roofing materials, such as bitumen sheets, to prevent vegetation growing. He suggests that the first flush of rain should be diverted into sewers to minimize the pollution of drinking water, which is not usually treated to remove these herbicides and pesticides.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the Swedish scientists, the pesticides in rain______.(分数:2.00)A.exceed those in crop spraysB.can be traced back to crop spraysC.are not as toxic as they used to beD.are nothing but atrazine and alachlor(2).Muller and Bucheli found that 2, 4-dinitrophenol______.(分数:2.00)A.is widely used in agricultureB.exceeded atrazine in the rain samplesC.can be measured in the units of nanogramsD.was far in excess of limit in drinking water(3).Scientists used to hypothesize that______.(分数:2.00)A.groundwater was safe for drinking waterB.herbicides and pesticides were harmlessC.pesticides contaminated groundwater exclusivelyD.rain would minimize the pollution of drinking water(4).Muller warns us not ____ .(分数:2.00)A.to tap groundwater for drinking waterB.to use such roofing materials as bitumen sheetsC.to let the first flush of rain recharge underground waterD.to divert the first flush of rain into sewers without removing its herbicides and pesticides(5).Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Drinking WaterB.Rainwater and Underground WaterC.Agriculture and PesticidesD.Falling PesticidesAlthough speech and writing are the special means of communicating of humans, the interchange also takes place in many other ways. A person may relay his or her feelings, thoughts, and reactions through body positioning, body contact, body odors, eye contact, responsive actions, habits, attitudes, interests, state of health, dress and grooming, choice of life-style, and use of talents — in fact, through everything the individual says or does. In turn, every person is constantly receiving multitudes of external and internal messages through his or her five senses and personal biorhythm system. An individual screens, selects, regulates, and controls specific aspects of this information through a process of mental choices. Some of these choices are automatic; some are subconscious because of habit, block, or lack of development; and some are made by a conscious process. The degree to which a person is able to communicate depends upon the extent of his or her conscious awareness, priority of need, and control of this process. The person with a behavior disorder is shut off from the communicative flow that normally exists among humans. His or her mind is confused, and he or she may feel unable to express personal thoughts, needs, and emotions, and unable to make himself or herself understood. Sometimes the person may feel that he or she is communicating clearly but that others cannot or will not understand. Because the person is thus isolated in internal problems, he or she is interested only in these problems and cannot focus attention on the messages of others. The person often projects fears and fantasies onto others, so that no matter what the real content is of the messages that others relay, the messages received are threatening ones. The causes of such communicative shutoffs are blocks in the neural pathways of the person's processing of information. Sometimes a block is physical, as in deafness, mental retardation, brain tumor, or hardening of the cerebral arteries. However, the most common causes of blocks are injuries to a person's emotional system. Emotional blocks occur to some degree in all human beings. They usually occur in childhood before good communicative skills are learned, and they are connected to individual symbolism. Unless such a block is removed shortly after happening, it can have profound and complicating effects that will distort emotional and mental growth and arrest the development potential of the individual. Even though a child with blocks will appear to grow and to seem mature in some ways, he or she will show the evidence of emotional blocking in efforts to communicate.(分数:10.00)(1).The concluding phrase of the first paragraph implies that human communication______.(分数:2.00)A.is characterized by two features, form and meaningB.is mainly conducted through speech and writingC.is of two functions, stimulation and responseD.takes two forms, verbal and nonverbal(2).In the second paragraph the author is mainly concerned with______.(分数:2.00)municative abilityB.external and internal messagesrmation and mental processingD.conscious and subconscious awareness(3).Shut off from the communicative flow, the person with a behavior disorder______.(分数:2.00)A.is unable to focus attention on internal problemsB.is isolated in internal problemsC.relays threatening messagesD.all of the above(4).Which of the following is universal according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Neural blocks.B.Physical blocks.C.Cerebral blocks.D.Emotional blocks.(5).The passage ends with______.(分数:2.00)A.the contributing factors to emotional and mental disorderB.the importance of acquiring good communicative skillsC.the significance of eliminating early emotional blocksD.the warning of emotional blocks common in childhood。

2015年考研英语一真题及答案Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted ―kings don‘t abdicate, they dare in their sleep.‖ But embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down. So, does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days? Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyle?The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy. When public opinion is particularly polarised, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above ―mere‖ politics and ―embody‖ a spirit of national unity.It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs‘ continuing popularit y polarized. And also, the Middle East excepted, Europe is the most monarch-infested region in the world, with 10 kingdoms (not counting Vatican City and Andorra). But unlike their absolutist counterparts in the Gulf and Asia, most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. Symbolic of national unity as they claim to be, their very history—and sometimes the way they behave today – embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states.The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. Princes and princesses have day-jobs and ride bicycles, not horses (or helicopters). Even so, these are wealthy families who party with the international 1%, and media intrusiveness makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the right image.While Europe‘s monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come, it is the British royals who have most to fear from the Spanish example.It is only the Queen who has preserved the monarchy‘s reputation with her rather ordinary (if well-heeled) granny style. The danger will come with Charles, who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world. He has failed to understand that monarchies have largely survived because they provide a service – as non-controversial and non-political heads of state. Charles ought to know that as English history shows, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchy‘s worst enemies.21. According to the first two Paragraphs, King Juan Carlos of Spain[A] used turn enjoy high public support[B] was unpopular among European royals[C] cased his relationship with his rivals[D]ended his reign in embarrassment22. Monarchs are kept as heads of state in Europe mostly[A] owing to their undoubted and respectable status[B] to achieve a balance between tradition and reality[C] to give voter more public figures to look up to[D]due to their everlasting political embodiment23. Which of the following is shown to be odd, according to Paragraph 4?[A] Aristocrats‘ excessive reliance on inherited wealth[B] The role of the nobility in modern democracies[C] The simple lifestyle of the aristocratic families[D]The nobility‘s adherence to their privileges24. The British royals ―have most to fear‖ because Charles[A] takes a rough line on political issues[B] fails to change his lifestyle as advised[C] takes republicans as his potential allies[D] fails to adapt himself to his future role25. Which of the following is the best title of the text?[A] Carlos, Glory and Disgrace Combined[B] Charles, Anxious to Succeed to the Throne[C] Carlos, a Lesson for All European Monarchs[D]Charles, Slow to React to the Coming ThreatsText 2Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.The court would be recklessly modest if it followed California‘s advice. Enough of the implications are discernable, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.They should start by discarding California‘s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smart phone — a vast storehouse of digital information — is similar to, say, rifling through a suspect‘s purse. The court has ruled that police don‘t violate the Fourth Amendment when they sift through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant. But exp loring one‘s smart phone is more like entering his or her home. A smart phone may contain an arrestee‘s reading history, financial history, medical history and comprehensive records of recent correspondence. The development of ―cloud computing,‖ meanwhile, has made that exploration so much the easier.Americans should take steps to protect their digital privacy. But keeping sensitive information on these devices is increasingly a requirement of normal life. Citizens still have a right to expect private do cuments to remain private and protected by the Constitution‘s prohibition on unreasonable searches.As so often is the case, stating that principle doesn‘t ease the challenge of line-drawing. In many cases, it would not be overly onerous for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents. They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe, urgent circumstances, and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while a warrant is pending. The court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom.But the justices should not swallow California‘s argument whole. New, disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applicat ions of the Constitution‘s protections. Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.26. The Supreme Court will work out whether, during an arrest, it is legitimate to[A] prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents.[B] search for suspects‘ mobile phones without a warrant.[C] check suspects’ phone contents without being authorized.[D]prohibit suspects from using their mobile phones.27. The author‘s attitude toward California‘s argument is one of[A] disapproval.[B] indifference.[C] tolerance.[D]cautiousness.28. The author believes that exploring one‘s phone contents is comparable to[A] getting into one’s residence.[B] handling one‘s historical records.[C] scanning one‘s correspondences.[D] going through one‘s wallet.29. In Paragraph 5 and 6, the author shows his concern that[A] principles are hard to be clearly expressed.[B] the court is giving police less room for action.[C] citizens’ privacy is not effectively protected.[D] phones are used to store sensitive information.30. Orin Kerr‘s comparison is quoted to indicate that[A] the Constitution should be implemented flexibly.[B] new technology requires reinterpretation of the Constitution.[C]California‘s argument violates principles of the Constitution.[D]principles of the Constitution should never be alteredText 3The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process, editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today. The policy follows similar efforts from other journals, after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings.―Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,‖ writes McNutt in an editorial. Working with the American Statistical Association, the journal has appointed seven experts to a statistics board of reviewing editors(SBoRE). Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal‘s internal editors, or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers. The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.Ask ed whether any particular papers had impelled the change, McNutt said: ―The creation of the ‗statistics board‘ was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in scientific research and is part of Science‘s overall dr ive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.‖Giovanni Parmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health, a member of the SBoRE group. He says he expects the board to ―play primarily an advisory role.‖ He agreed to join because he ―found the foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel, unique and likely to have a lasting impact. This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself, but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.‖John Ioannidis, a physician who studies research methodology, says that the policy is ―a most welcome step forward‖ and ―long overdue.‖ ―Most journals are weak in statistical review, and this damages the quality of what they publish. I think that, for the majority of scientific papers nowadays, statistical review is more essential than expert review,‖ he says. But he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data, but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research, according to David Vaux, a cell biologist. Researchers should improve their standards, he wrote in 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line,―engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process‖. Vaux says that Science‘s idea to pass some papers to statisticians ―has some merit, but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify ‗the papers that need scrutiny‘ in the first place‖.31. It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that[A] Science intends to simplify their peer-review process.[B] journals are strengthening their statistical checks.[C] few journals are blamed for mistakes in data analysis.[D] lack of data analysis is common in research projects.32. The phrase ―flagged up‖ (Para. 2) is the clos est in meaning to[A] found.[B] marked.[C] revised.[D] stored.33. Giovanni Parmigiani believes that the establishment of the SBoRE may[A] pose a threat to all its peers.[B] meet with strong opposition.[C] increase Science‘s circulation.[D]set an example for other journals.34. David Vaux holds that what Science is doing now[A] adds to researchers‘ workload.[B] diminishes the role of reviewers.[C] has room for further improvement.[D]is to fail in the foreseeable future35. Which of the following is the best title of the text?[A] Science Joins Push to Screen Statistics in Papers.[B] Professional Statisticians Deserve More Respect[C] Data Analysis Finds Its Way onto Editors‘ Desks[D] Statisticians Are Coming Back with ScienceText 4Two years ago, Rupert Murdoch‘s daughter ,Elisabeth ,spoke of the ―unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions‖ Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the only ―sorting mechanism ‖in society should be profit and the market .But ―it‘s us ,human beings ,we the people who create the society we want ,not profit ‖.Driving her point home, she continued: ―It‘s increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose, of a moral language within government, media or business could become one of the most dangerous foals for capitalism and freedom.‖ This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International ,shield thought ,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking .As the hacking trial concludes – finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones ,and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge –the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill, Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people .This is hacking on an industrial scale ,as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking. Others await trial. This long story still unfolds.In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place .One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, wow little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired wow the stories arrived. The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.In today‘s world, title has become normal that well—paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organizations that they run perhaps we should not be so surprised. For a generation, the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit. The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility, shareholder value, business–friendly, wealth generation, sales, impact and, in newspapers, circulation. Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness, tolerance, proportionality and accountability.The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity. It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact. Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories, but she asked no questions, gave no instructions—nor received traceable, recorded answers.36. According to the first two paragraphs, Elisabeth was upset by[A] the consequences of the current sorting mechanism[B] companies‘ financial loss due to immoral practices.[C] governmental ineffectiveness on moral issues.[D]the wide misuse of integrity among institutions.37. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that[A] GlemMulcaire may deny phone hacking as a crime[B] more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking.[C] Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the charge.[D] phone hacking will be accepted on certain occasions.38. The author believes the Rebekah Books‘s deference[A] revealed a cunning personality[B] centered on trivial issues[C] was hardly convincing[D] was part of a conspiracy39. The author holds that the current collective doctrine shows[A] generally distorted values[B] unfair wealth distribution[C] a marginalized lifestyle[D] a rigid moral cote40. Which of the following is suggested in the last paragraph?[A] The quality of writing is of primary importance.[B] Common humanity is central news reporting.[C] Moral awareness matters in exciting a newspaper.[D] Journalists need stricter industrial regulations.2015年考研英语二真题及答案Part ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work. Researchers measured people’s cortisol, which is a stress marker, while they were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge.“Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home, ”writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damske. In fact women even say they feel better at work, she notes.“It is men, not women, who report being happier at home than at work. ”Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents. This is why people who work outside the home have better health.What the study doesn’t measure is whether people are still doing work when they’re at home, whether it is household work or work brought home from the office. For many men, the end of the workday is a time to kick back. For women who stay home, they never get to leave the office. And for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks. With the blurring of roles, and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace a making adjustments for working women, it’s not surprising that women are more stressed at home.But it’s not just a gender thing. At work, people pretty much know what they’re supposed to be doing: working, marking money, doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income. The bargain is very pure: Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola.On the home front, however, people have no such clarity. Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out. There are a lot of tasks to be done, there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have no clear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into it, or if they’re teenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices. Plus, they’re your family. You cannot fire your family. You never really get to go home from home.So it’s not surprising that people are more stressed at home. Not only are the tasks apparently infinite, the co-workers are much harder to motivate.21.According to Paragraph 1,most previous surveys found that home_____[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace[B] was an ideal place for stress measurement[C] generated more stress than the workplace[D] was an unrealistic place for relaxation22. According to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?[A] Childless wives[B] Working mothers[C] Childless husbands[D] Working fathers23.The blurring of working women's roles refers to the fact that_____[A] it is difficult for them to leave their office[B] their home is also a place for kicking back[C] there is often much housework left behind[D] they are both bread winners and housewives24.The word“moola”(Line4,Para4)most probably means_____[A] skills[B] energy[C] earnings[D] nutrition25.The home front differs from the workplace in that_____[A] division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut[B] home is hardly a cozier working environment[C] household tasks are generally more motivating[D] family labor is often adequately rewardedText 2For years, studies have found that first-generation college students- those who do not have a parent with a college degree- lag other students on a range of education achievement factors. Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher. But since such students are most likely to advance economically if they succeed in higher education, colleges and universities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them. This has created “a paradox”in that recruiting first- generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has “continued to reproduce and widen, rather than close”ab achievement gap based on social class, according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in the journal Psychological Science.But the article is actually quite optimistic, as it outlines a potential solution to this problem, suggesting that an approach (which involves a one-hour, next-to-no-cost program) can close 63 percent of the achievement gap (measured by such factors as grades) between first-generation and other students.The authors of the paper are from different universities, and their findings are based on a study involving 147 students ( who completed the project) at an unnamed private university. First generation was defined as not having a parent with a four-year college degree. Most of the first-generation students(59.1 percent) were recipients of Pell Grants, a federal grant for undergraduates with financial need, while this was true only for 8.6 percent of the students wit at least one parent with a four-year degree.Their thesis- that a relatively modest intervention could have a big impact- was based on the view that first-generation students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students. They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close the achievement gap.Many first- generation students “struggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education, learn the ‘rules of the game,’and take advantage of college resources,”they write. And this becomes more of a problem when collages don’t talk about the class advantage anddisadvantages of different groups of students. Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students ’educational experience, many first-generation students lack sight about why they are struggling and do not understand how students’like them can improve.26. Recruiting more first- generation students has_______[A] reduced their dropout rates[B] narrowed the achievement gap[C] missed its original purpose[D] depressed college students27. The author of the research article are optimistic because_______[A] the problem is solvable[B] their approach is costless[C] the recruiting rate has increased[D] their finding appeal to students28. The study suggests that most first- generation students______[A] study at private universities[B] are from single-parent families[C] are in need of financial support[D] have failed their collage29. The author of the paper believe that first-generation students_______[A] are actually indifferent to the achievement gap[B] can have a potential influence on other students[C] may lack opportunities to apply for research projects[D] are inexperienced in handling their issues at college30. We may infer from the last paragraph that_______[A] universities often reject the culture of the middle-class[B] students are usually to blame for their lack of resources[C] social class greatly helps enrich educational experiences[D]colleges are partly responsible for the problem in questionText 3Even in traditional offices, “the lingua franca of corporate America has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago,”said Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn. She started spinning off examples. “If you and I parachuted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990, we would see much less frequent use of terms like journey, mission, passion. There were goals, there were strategies, there were objectives, but we didn’t talk about energy; we didn’t talk about passion.”Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very “team”-oriented—and not by coincidence. “Let’s not forget sports—in male-dominated corporate America, it’s still a big deal. It’s not explicitly conscious; it’s the idea that I’m a coach, and you’re my team, and we’re in this together. There are lots and lots of CEOs in very different companies, but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.”These terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as Khurana points out, increase allegiance to the firm. “You have the importation of terminology that historically used to be associated with non-profit organizations and religious organizations: Terms like vision,values, passion, and purpose,”said Khurana.This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance. The “mommy wars”of the 1990s are still going on today, prompting arguments about why women still can’t have it all and books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, whose title has become a buzzword in its own right. Terms like unplug, offline, life-hack, bandwidth, and capacity are all about setting boundaries between the office and the home. But if your work is your “passion,”you’ll be more likely to devote yourself to it, even if that means going home for dinner and then working long after the kids are in bed.But this seems to be the irony of office speak: Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies depend on it, and regular people willingly absorb it. As Nunberg said, “You can get people to think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buy into it.”In a workplace that’s fundamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning, office speak can help you figure out how you relate to your work—and how your work defines who you are.31. According to Nancy Koehn, office language has become_____[A] more emotional[B] more objective[C] less energetic[D] less strategic32. “Team”-oriented corporate vocabulary is closely related to_______[A] historical incidents[B] gender difference[C] sports culture[D] athletic executives33.Khurana believes that the importation of terminology aims to______[A] revive historical terms[B] promote company image[C] foster corporate cooperation[D] strengthen employee loyalty34.It can be inferred that Lean In________[A] voices for working women[B] appeals to passionate workaholics[C] triggers debates among mommies[D] praises motivated employees35.Which of the following statements is true about office speak?[A] Managers admire it but avoid it[B] Linguists believe it to be nonsense[C] Companies find it to be fundamental[D] Regular people mock it but accept itText 4Many people talked of the 288,000 new jobs the Labor Department reported for June, along with the drop in the unemployment rate to 6.1 percent, as good news. And they were right. For now it appears the economy is creating jobs at a decent pace. We still have a long way to go to get back to full employment, but at least we are now finally moving forward at a faster pace.However, there is another important part of the jobs picture that was largely overlooked.There was a big jump in the number of people who repot voluntarily working part-time. This figure is now 830,000(4.4 percent)above its year ago level.Before explaining the connection to the Obamacare, it is worth making an important distinction. Many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs. They take part-time work because this is all they can get. An increase in involuntary part-time work is evidence of weakness in the labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard time making ends meet.There was an increase in involuntary part-time in June, but the general direction has been down. Involuntary part-time employment is still far higher than before the recession, but it is down by 640,000(7.9percent)from is year ago level.We know the difference between voluntary and involuntary part-time employment because people tell us. The survey used by the Labor Department asks people is they worked less than 35 hours in the reference week. If the answer is “yes”, they are classified as worked less than 35hours in that week because they wanted to work less than full time or because they had no choice .They are only classified as voluntary part-time workers if they tell the survey taker they chose to work less than 35 hours a week.The issue of voluntary part-time relates to Obamacare because one of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outside of employment. For many people , especially those with serious health conditions or family members with serious health conditions ,before Obamacare the only way to get insurance was through a job that provided health insurance.However, Obamacare has allowed more than 12 million people to either get insurance through Medicaid or the exchanges. These are people who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job that provided insurance in order to cover themselves and their families. With Obamacare there is no longer a link between employment and insurance.36. Which part of the jobs picture are neglected?[A] The prospect of a thriving job market.[B] The increase of voluntary part-time market.[C] The possibility of full employment.[D] The acceleration of job creation.37. Many people work part-time because they_____.[A] prefer part-time jobs to full-time jobs.[B] feel that is enough to make ends meet.[C] cannot get their hands on full-time jobs.[D] haven’t seen the weakness of the market.38. Involuntary part-time employment is the US_____.[A] is harder to acquire than one year ago.[B] shows a general tendency of decline.[C] satisfies the real need of the jobless.[D] is lower than before the recession.39. It can be learned that with Obamacare,_____.[A] it is no longer easy for part-timers to get insurance[B] employment is no longer a precondition to get insurance[C] it is still challenging to get insurance for family members[D] full-time employment is still essential for insurance。

2015年硕士英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12015年硕士英语考试真题及答案Part I Reading Comprehension (40%) (40 Points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.In the United States, increasing fuel efficiency used to be seen as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on costly foreign oil. But the collapse of the price of oil has changed the equation. “People pretty commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet,” says Joseph Aldy, a professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Basically, when the price of oil drops, so does the cost at the pump. Thismakes fuel efficiency less of a priority. Yet, fuel efficiency should still be a consideration.1. According to the passage, what is the main argument for increasing fuel efficiency in the U.S.?A. To reduce greenhouse gas emissionsB. To reduce dependence on costly foreign oilC. To dodge the price bulletD. All of the aboveThe correct answer is D.2. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices?A. It is no longer necessary to consider fuel efficiency.B. Fuel efficiency is still important.C. The importance of fuel efficiency has drastically increased.D. The author does not express an opinion on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices.The correct answer is B.3. According to the passage, what has changed the equation in terms of fuel efficiency?A. The cost at the pump has increased.B. The price of oil has dropped.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is B.4. What is the relationship between fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the passage?A. There is no relationship.B. There is a positive relationship.C. There is a negative relationship.D. The relationship is unclear.The correct answer is C.5. What is a major argument against increasing fuel efficiency in the passage?A. The price of oil has dropped.B. People commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is A.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.When it comes to goal setting, many of us tend to only focus on the end result. We set a goal, work towards it, and believe that once we achieve it, we will be happy and fulfilled. However, what research shows is that it’s actua lly the process, not the outcome, that matters most for our happiness.6. Based on the passage, what do many people tend to focus on when setting goals?A. The processB. The end resultC. Achieving happinessD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.7. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on what matters most for our happiness when it comes to goal setting?A. The end resultB. The processC. Achieving fame and fortuneD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.8. What does research show is most important for our happiness when setting goals?A. Achieving fame and fortuneB. The processC. The end resultD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.9. What is the main point the author is trying to make in the passage?A. Achieving goals is not important.B. The process of working towards a goal is more important than the end result.C. Happiness comes from achieving goals.D. Believing in oneself is the key to achieving goals.The correct answer is B.10. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The importance of setting goalsB. Achieving fame and fortuneC. The process of working towards a goalD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is C.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.The use of technology in education has long been a topic of debate. While some see it as an essential tool for learning, others believe that it is a distraction that hinders academic progress. One study found that students who use laptops in class score lower on exams than those who take notes by hand. The reasonfor this is that students tend to type verbatim what the professor says, without processing the information.11. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The benefits of using technology in educationB. The drawbacks of using technology in educationC. The importance of taking notes by handD. The impact of technology on academic progressThe correct answer is D.12. What does the passage say about students who use laptops in class?A. They score higher on exams.B. They score lower on exams.C. They process information better.D. They tend to type verbatim what the professor says.The correct answer is B.13. Why do students who use laptops in class score lower on exams, according to the passage?A. They do not listen to the professor.B. They do not take notes.C. They type verbatim what the professor says.D. They process information better.The correct answer is C.14. According to the passage, what is one reason why some believe technology is a distraction in education?A. Students tend to take notes by hand.B. Students type verbatim what the professor says.C. Students do not use technology.D. Students are easily distracted.The correct answer is B.15. What is one argument for using technology in education, according to the passage?A. It is a distraction that hinders academic progress.B. It helps students process information better.C. It decreases exam scores.D. It is not an essential tool for learning.The correct answer is B.Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The Mediterranean diet has long been hailed as one of the healthiest diets in the world. It is characterized by high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil, as well as moderate consumption of fish and poultry. A recent study found that people who follow the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.16. What is the Mediterranean diet characterized by, according to the passage?A. High consumption of red meatB. Low consumption of fruits and vegetablesC. High consumption of fish and olive oilD. Moderate consumption of fish and poultryThe correct answer is D.17. What did a recent study find about people who follow the Mediterranean diet?A. They have a higher risk of heart disease and cancer.B. They have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.C. They have a higher risk of obesity.D. They have a lower risk of diabetes.The correct answer is B.18. Why is the Mediterranean diet considered one of the healthiest diets in the world?A. Because it is high in red meat.B. Because it is low in fruits and vegetables.C. Because it is high in saturated fats.D. Because it includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil.The correct answer is D.19. What does the passage say about the consumption of fish and poultry in the Mediterranean diet?A. It is high.B. It is low.C. It is moderate.D. It is non-existent.The correct answer is C.20. What is one benefit of following the Mediterranean diet, according to the passage?A. A higher risk of heart disease and cancerB. A lower risk of heart disease and cancerC. A higher risk of obesityD. A lower risk of diabetesThe correct answer is B.Part II Vocabulary (20%) (20 Points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In 2009, Catherine and Eric adopted two children from Ethiopia, housing them in a small home _21_ the outskirts of Addis Ababa. They lived in _22_ with no running water, and _23_ as little as a dollar a day. But they were determined to provide a better _24_ for their children, so they began to search for ways to _25_ more children and schools _26_ Ethiopia. They began by writing a heartwarming story about their experiences and _27_ it to various publishers. After numerous rejections, one publisherfinally agreed to _28_ their story. The book became an instant hit, encouraging others to _29_ Catherine and Eric in their mission to help Ethiopian children. Through their story became known across the world, they _30_ to remain humble and true to their values.21. A. inB. onC. atD. toThe correct answer is B.22. A. povertyB. luxuryC. simplicityD. wealthThe correct answer is A.23. A. earnedB. spentC. savedThe correct answer is B.24. A. environmentB. lifeC. futureD. momentThe correct answer is C.25. A. adoptB. educateC. avoidD. ignoreThe correct answer is A.26. A. inB. onC. ofD. forThe correct answer is C.B. submitC. mailD. deliverThe correct answer is B.28. A. refuseB. publishC. declineD. acceptThe correct answer is B.29. A. supportB. questionC. challengeD. confuseThe correct answer is D.30. A. learnB. meanC. decideD. tryThe correct answer is C.Part III Cloze Test (10%)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the age of the internet, social media is a key _31_ of communication. It allows people to connect, share information, and stay _32_ with friends and family. However, the rise of social media has also led to concerns about privacy and data security. Many companies _33_ user data to target ads and track user behavior. This has raised _34_ about the ethics of using personal information for commercial gain. Despite these concerns, social media remains a powerful _35_ for individuals and businesses to reach a wide audience.31. A. formB. meansC. methodD. wayThe correct answer is B.32. A. evolvedB. engagedC. entertainedD. informedThe correct answer is D.33. A. sellB. analyzeC. shareD. stealThe correct answer is B.34. A. questionsB. doubtsC. queriesD. issuesThe correct answer is A.35. A. toolB. weaponC. resourceD. deviceThe correct answer is A.Part IV Translation (30%)Direction: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.在当今世界,科技的发展日新月异。

It was a hot summer day that found me running down the street with a dollar in my sweaty hand. The closer I got to Sam & Joe's Stationery Store, the more excited I was. After all, a dollar was a tidy sum for an 11-year-old boy in 1961.Out of breath, I swung open the door and got a blast of cold air that instantly cooled me off. I was in a place of pure happiness. Sam & Joe's had it all---books, candy, toys, baseball cards,puzzles and games. I went directly to the bar and ordered a bottle of soda. There I sat, considering my next move.Books always came first. I picked out five titles. Next came the candy, rows and rows of it. I chose five candy bars, which brought my total to 75 cents. Then a bottle of cold orange juice, a bag of chips and a pack of Ted Williams baseball cards. After paying the clerk, I still had 5 cents.I hurried directly to my backyard, where an apple tree patiently waited for me. There, sitting in the shade against its strong trunk, I read my books, ate my candy and drank my orange juice.As I sat in my own personal heaven,I started thinking about having more. That's when a fantastic life-changing idea popped into head: If I could get more money, I could buy more books I liked, buy anything I wanted. That's how it all started.56. How did the boy fell on his way to Sam & Joe’s (no more than 5 words)57. What does “a tidy sum” mean in Paragraph 1? (no more than 5 words)58. What did the boy consider doing first after he ordered soda? (no more than 5words)59. What did the boy do while reading? (no more than 5 words)60. Where was the boy’s“personal heaven”? (no more than 9 words)参考答案:56. He felt excited.57. Much / A great amount of / A lot of money.58. He considered buying books.59. He ate and drank.60. It was under the apples trees in his backyard.2015 年天津卷阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

2015考研英语(⼀)阅读真题答案 2015年的考研⼤战已经结束了,店铺考研英语频道⼩编在考后第⼀时间为⼤家提供2015年考研英语真题及答案,欢迎⼤家参考和借鉴,⼤家可以按ctrl+D收藏我们的⽹站,了解更多最新的考研信息! 21.D ended his reign in embarrassment. 22. C owing to the undoubted and respectable status 23. A the role of the nobility in modern democracy 24. B fails to change his lifestyle as advised. 25. D Carlos, a lesson for all Monarchies 26. C check suspect's phone contents without being authorized. 27.A disapproval 28.A getting into one's residence 29. C citizens' privacy is not effectively protected 30.B new technology requires reinterpretation of the constitution 31.B journals are strengthening their statistical checks 32.B marked 33. D set an example for other journals 34. C has room for further improvement 35.A science joins Push to screen statistics in papers 36. D the consequences of the current sorting mechanism 37. A more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking 38. C was hardly convincing 39. B generally distorted values 40. D moral awareness matters in editing a newspaper >>> 推荐阅读:2015考研英语真题及答案专题。

2015年中国财政科学研究院考博英语真题及详解PART ONE: Grammar (15 points)Directions: Below each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in thesentence or that best completes the sentence. Please write thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree _____ the students’ potentiality is developed.A. of whichB. with whichC. in whichD. to which【答案】D【解析】句意:教学质量应以学生潜力发展的程度来衡量。
由to some degree(某种程度上)固定搭配可知to which符合要求,答案选D。
2. Another food crop raised by Indians _____ strange to the European was called Indian corn.A. who wereB. that wereC. that wasD. who was【答案】C【解析】句意:另外一种印第安人培育的庄稼对欧洲人来说有点陌生,被称为印第安玉米。
分析句子结构可知another food crop是主语,谓语动词是was called,raised by Indians过去分词短语做后置定语修饰主语,因此空白处引导一个定语从句。

2015年博士生入学考试外语真题中国社会科学院研究生院2015年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷英语2015年3月14 日8:30 – 11:30PART I: Vocabulary and GrammarSection A (10 points)Directions: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.1. Even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is ______________ and horizontally spread out.a. prudentb. reversiblec. diffused. mandatory2. In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their history, some of the factors which account for their similarity amid difference can be readily accounted for, others are difficult to _______________.a. refineb. discernc. embedd. cluster3. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by T ony Blair, wasdesigned to give the other members of the club a bigger ______________ and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.a. sayb. transmissionc. decayd. contention4. It can hardly be denied the proliferation of so-called dirty books and films has, to date, reached almost a saturation point. People do not acknowledge the _______________ fact that children are bound to be exposed to ―dirty words‖in a myriad of ways other than through the public airwaves.a.i rrefutableb. concretec. inevitabled. haphazard5. A condition is an essential term of the contract. If a contract is not performed, it may constitute a substantial breach of contract and allow the other party to _______________ the contract, that is, treat the contract as discharged or terminated.a. repudiateb. spurnc. declined. halt6. Each of us shares with the community in which we live a store of words as well as agreed conventions ______________ these words should be arranged to convey a particular message. a. as the way by which b. by the way in whichc. as to the way in whichd. in the way of which7. Rarely ______________ a technological development _______________ an impact on many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development as greatly as the growth of electronics.a. has… hadb. had…hadc. has…hasd. have…had8. If early humans ______________ as much as they did, they probably ______________ to evolve into different species.a. did not move and intermingle…would continueb. would not move and intermingle…had continuedc. had not moved and intermingled…would have continuedd. were not to move and intermingle…could have continued9. It was ______________ the last time around the track ______________ I really kicked itin--passing the gossiping girlfriends, blocking out the whistles of boys who had already completed their run and now were hanging out on the grassy hill, I ran--pushing hard, breathing shallowly, knowing full well that I was going to have to hear about it from my disapproving friends for the next few days.a. not until…whenb. not until…thatc. until…whend. until…that10.One impediment ______________ the general use of a standard in pronunciation is the fact ______________ pronunciation is learnt naturally and unconsciously, while orthography is learnt deliberately and consciously.a. in…whichb. of …in whichc. on…thatd. to…thatSection B (5 points)Directions: Choose the word that is the closest in meaning with the underlined word.11. It is some 15 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of citizensbetween India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.a. divisionb. turmoilc. fusiond. consolidation12. Concerning speculation, philosophy looks upon things from the broadest possible perspective;for criticism, it has the twofold role of questioning and judging everything that pertains either to the foundations or to the superstructure of human thinking.a. inebriatesb. forsakesc. relatesd. emaciates13. Meeting is, in fact, a necessary though not necessarily productive psychological side show.Perhaps it is our civilized way to moderating,if not preventing, change.a. promotingb. impedingc. temperingd. arresting14. The truth about alliances and their merit probably lies somewhere between the travel utopiapresented by the players and the evil empires portrayed bytheir critics.a. collaborationb. worthc. triumphd. defect15. But Naifeh and Smith reveal a keen intellect, an avid reader and a passionate observer of otherartists’ work who progressed from labored figure studies to inspir ed outbursts of creative energy.Far from an artistic flash in the pan, he pursued his calling with dogged determination against nearly insurmountable odds.a. insuperableb. unsurpassablec. uncountabled. invaluableSection C (5 points)Directions: Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.16.One of the most important non-legislative functions of the U.S. Congress is the power toinvestigate, which is usually delegated to committees—either standing committees, specialA Bcommittees set for a specific purpose, or joint committees consisting of members of bothC Dhouses.17.One of the important corollaries to the investigative power is the power to publicizeinvestigations and their results. Most committee hearings areopen to public and are reportedA Bwidely in the mass media. Congressional investigations thus represent one important toolCavailable to lawmakers to inform the citizenry and to arouse public interest in national issues.D18.It is not a voice we recognize at once, whereas our own handwriting is something which weA Balmost always know. We begin the natural learning of pronunciation long before we start Clearning to read or write, and in our early years we go on unconsciously imitating andDpracticing the pronunciation of those around us for many hours everyday.19. It had happened too often that the farmers sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debtsAwere coming due, only to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On various occasions,Bproducer groups, asked firmer control, but the government had no wish to become involved, atCleast not until wartime when wheat prices threatened to run wild.D20.Detailed studies of the tribe by the food scientists at the University of London showed thatAgathering is a more productive source of food than is hunting. An hour of hunting yields onB Caverage about 100 edible calories as an hour of gathering produces 240.DPART II: Reading comprehension (30 points)Directions: Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below. Passage 1Plato’s Republic has been the source of great consternation, especially in literary circles, for itsattack on the poets. Socrates in fact asserts that they should have no place in the ideal state. Eric Havelock suggests that there are several misunderstandings in this regard, and in his Preface to Plato he identifies the issues, explains the historical context.Havelock opens his discussion by suggesting that the very title of the Republic is the source of much confusion. The book is commonly understood to be a treatise on the ideal political entity, but even a casual analysis will show that only one-third of the text is concerned with statecraft. The other two-thirds cover a variety of su bjects, but the thrust of Plato’s argument amounts to an attack on the traditional Greek approach to education.The educational methods still in use in the 4th century BC had their origins in what has been called the Greek Dark Age beginning around 1200 BC when the Mycenaean era collapsed. Very little is known about the whys and wherefores of this collapse, but it wasn’t until around 700 BC that the Phoenicianalphabet began to be adapted and used in the Greek-speaking world. During the intervening centuries, all knowledge concerning Greek history, culture, mores and laws were orally transmitted down through the generations. The most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of information was rhyme. The epic form we see in Homer’s Iliad grew out of the need to preserve the Greek cultural memory. Havelock takes the reader through Book 1 of The Iliad and dissects it in detail to show how this cultural, historical and ethical heritage was conveyed. The Iliad takes on new and significant meaning to the reader of this minute examination.The Iliad and presumably other poetic vehicles were taught to children from an early age. The whole of the Greek-speaking world was immersed in the project of memorizing, and out of the masses arose those individuals with superior memories and theatrical skills who became the next generation of minstrels and teachers. Education was thus comprised of memorization and rote learning, and the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals.Plato’s focus in the Republic and elsewhere is on Homer and Hesiod and to some extent the dramatists which at the time were the centerpieces of the educational regime. Their works presented gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth. The overall result is that the Greek adolescent is continually conditioned to an attitude which at bottom is cynical. It is more important to keep up appearances than to practice the reality. Decorum and decent behavior are not obviously violated, but the inner principle of morality is. Once the Republic is viewed as a critique of the educational regime, Havelock says that the logic of its total organization becomesclear.What Pl ato was railing against was an ―oral state of mind‖ which seems to have persisted even though the alphabet and written documentation had been in use for three centuries. Illiteracy was thus stil l a widespread problem in Plato’s time, and the poetic state of mind was the main obstacle to scientific rationalism and analysis. This is why Plato regarded the poetic or oral state of mind as the arch-enemy. In his teachings he did the opposite. He ask ed his students to ―think about what they were sa ying instead of just saying it.‖The epic had become, in Plato’s view, not ―an act of creation bu t an act of reminder and recall‖ and cont ributed to what Havelock terms ―the Homeric state of mind.‖It was So crates’project (and by extension Plato’s) to reform Greek education to encourage thinking and analysis. Thus all the ranting and railing about the ―poets‖ in Plato’s Republic was limited basically to Homer and Hesiod because of what he viewed as a wholly inadequate approach to education of which these particular poets were an integral part.Unfortunately, Western culture has misconstrued wh at Plato and Socrates meant by ―the poets.‖And because we view poetry as a highly creative and elevated form of expression, our critics have failed to recognize that Plato’s diatribe had a very specific and limited target which had nothing to do with high-minded creativity, of which there is plenty, by the way, in the proscribed poet s. It wasn’t really the poets who were the problem; it was the use of them that was deemed unacceptable.Post-Havelock, we can now read the Republic with the scales lifted from our eyes and see it for what it really was: an indictment of an antiquated educational regime which had no place in a democratic society.Comprehension Questions:21. The mistaken understanding of Plato's Republic consists in the widespread belief that it consistsof _______________.a.literary criticismb. a treatise on the ideal polityc. a critique of rationalismd. an indictment of an obsolete pedagogy22. According to Havelock, Plato’s anger with the poets arose from:I: Their representation of gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth.II: Their transmission of culture, mores and laws.a. I.b. II.c. Both I and II.d. Neither I nor II.23. Prior to the 4th century BC, recitation was considered the best educational method because______________.a.poetry was seen as a highly creative and elevated form of expressionb.rhyme was the most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of informationc.there was no writing systemd.the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals24. In Plato's diatribe the poetic or oral state of mind is the arch-enemy of _______________.a.democratic societyb. the Mycenaean Republicc .the Phoenicians d. literacy25. A common critique of the present-day Chinese educational system resembles the educationalsystem that Plato fulminated against in that it often _______________.a.asks students to think about what they were saying instead of just saying it/doc/8e18884558.htmlprises of memorization and rote learningc.has a very specific and limited targetd.encourages thinking and analysisPassage 2To govern is to choose how the revenue raised from taxes is spent. So far so good, or bad. But some people earn more money than others. Should they pay proportionately more money to the government than those who earn less? And if they do pay more money are they entitled to more services than those who pay less or those who pay nothing at all? And should those who pay nothing at all because they have nothing get anything? These matters are of irritable concern to ourrulers, and of some poignancy to the rest.Although the equality of each citizen before the law is the rock upon which the American Constitution rests, economic equality has never been an American ideal. In fact, it is the one unmentionable subject in our politics, as the senator from South Dakota recently discovered when he came up with a few quasi-egalitarian tax reforms. The furious and enduring terror of Communism in America is not entirely the work of those early cold warriors Truman and Acheson.A dislike of economic equality is something deep-grained in the American Protestant character. After all, given a rich empty continent for vigorous Europeans to exploit (the Indians were simply a disagreeable part of the emptiness, like chiggers), any man of gumption could make himself a good living. With extra hard work, any man could make himself a fortune, proving that he was a better man than the rest. Long before Darwin the American ethos was Darwinian.The vision of the rich empty continent is still a part of the American unconscious in spite of the Great Crowding and its attendant miseries; and this lingering belief in the heaven any man can make for himself through hard work and clean living is a key to the majority’s prevailing and apparently unalterable hatred of the poor, kept out of sight at home, out of mind abroad.Yet there has been, from the beginning, a significant division in our ruling class. The early Thomas Jefferson had a dream: a society of honest yeomen, engaged in agricultural pursuits, without large cities, heavy industry, banks, military pretensions. The early (and the late) Alexander Hamilton wanted industry, banks, cities, and a military force capable of making itself felt in world politics. It is a nice irony that so many of toda y’s laissez-faire conservatives think that they descend from Hamilton, the proponent of a strong federal government, and that so many liberals believe themselves to be the heirs of the early Jefferson, who wanted little more than a police force and a judiciary. Always practical, Jefferson knew that certain men would rise through their own good efforts while, sadly, others would fall. Government would do no more than observe this Darwinian spectacle benignly, and provide no succor.In 1800 the Hamiltonian view was rejected by the people andtheir new President Thomas Jefferson. Four years later, the Hamiltonian view had prevailed and was endorsed by the reelected Jefferson. Between 1800 and 1805 Jefferson had seen to it that an empire in posse had become an empire in esse. The difference between Jefferson I and Jefferson II is reflected in the two inaugural addresses.It is significant that nothing more elevated than greed changed the Dr. Jekyll of Jefferson I into the Mr. Hyde of Jefferson II. Like his less thoughtful countrymen, Jefferson could not resist a deal. Subverting the Constitution he had helped create, Jefferson bought Louisiana from Napoleon, acquiring its citizens without their consents. The author of the Declaration of Independence was quite able to forget the unalienable rights of anyone whose property he thought should be joined to our empire—a word which crops up frequently and unselfconsciously in his correspondence.In the course of land-grabbing, Jefferson II managed to get himself into hot water with France, England, and Spain simultaneously, a fairly astonishing thing to do considering the state of politics in Napoleonic Europe.Comprehension Questions:26. The author believes that Americans ________________.a. still believe America to be largely unpopulatedb. largely believe in lower taxationc. are in favor of taxation without representationd. should reconsider the Louisiana purchase27. From the passage, we may assume that the senator from South Dakota _______________.a. opposed tax reformb. was Thomas Jeffersonc. failed in his attempt to reform tax lawd. was Alexander Hamilton28. Jefferson made it possible for ________________.a. a potential empire to become a real oneb. tax laws to reflect the will of the peoplec. France, England, and Spain to simultaneously vacillate upon their mutual feelings towardsthe United States.d. Darwinian social theories to be accepted without question29. Jefferson’s early political writings espoused what would today b e called _______________.a. collectivismb. libertarianismc. socialismd. liberalism30. The author holds that Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territories _______________.a. may be seen as a hypocritical actb. rigorously held with his previous views of inalienable rightsc. cannot be seen as an act of empire-expansiond. was an act meant to lower taxes and improve the wealth of the nationPassage 3If, besides the accomplishments of being witty and ill-natured, a man is vicious into the bargain, he is one of the most mischievous creatures that can enter into a civil society. His satire will then chiefly fall upon those who ought to be the most exempt from it. Virtue, merit, and everything that is praiseworthy, will be made the subject of ridicule and buffoonery. It is impossible to enumerate the evils which arise from these arrowsthat fly in the dark; and I know no other excuse that is or can be made for them, than that the wounds they give are only imaginary, and produce nothing more than a secret shame or sorrow in the mind of the suffering person. It must indeed be confessed that a lampoon or a satire do not carry in them robbery or murder; but at the same time, how many are there that would not rather lose a considerable sum of money, or even life itself, than be set up as a mark of infamy and derision? And in this case a man should consider that an injury is not to be measured by the notions of him that gives, but of him that receives it. Those who can put the best countenance upon the outrages of this nature which are offered them, are not without their secret anguish. I have often observed a passage in Socrates’ behavio r at his death in a light wherein none of the critics have considered it. That excellent man entertaining his friends a little before he drank the bowl of poison, with a discourse on the immortality of the soul, at his entering upon it says that he does not believe any the most comic genius can censure him for talking upon such a subject at such at a time. This passage, I think, evidently glances upon Aristophanes, who write a comedy on purpose to ridicule the discourses of that divine philosopher. It has been observed by many writers that Socrates was so little moved at this piece of buffoonery, that he was several times present at its being acted upon the stage, and never expressed the least resentment of it. But, with submission, I think the remark I have here made shows us that this unworthy treatment made an impression uponhis mind, though he had been too wise to discover it. When Julius Caesar was lampooned by Catullus, he invited him to a supper, and treated him with such a generous civility, that hemade the poet his friend ever after. Cardinal Mazarine gave the same kind of treatment to the learned Quillet, who had reflected upon his eminence in a famous Latin poem. The cardinal sent for him, and, after some kind expostulations upon what he had written, assured him of his esteem, and dismissed him with a promise of the next good abbey that should fall, which he accordingly conferred upon him in a few months after. This had so good an effect upon the author, that he dedicated the second edition of his book to the cardinal, after having expunged the passages which had given him offence. Though in the various examples which I have here drawn together, these several great men behaved themselves very differently towards the wits of the age who had reproached them, they all of them plainly showed that they were very sensible of their reproaches, and consequently that they received them as very great injuries. For my own part, I would never trust a man that I thought was capable of giving these secret wounds; and cannot but think that he would hurt the person, whose reputation he thus assaults, in his body or in his fortune, could he do it with the same security. There is indeed something very barbarous and inhuman in the ordinary scribblers of lampoons. I have indeed heard of heedless, inconsiderate writers that, without any malice, have sacrificed the reputation of their friends and acquaintance to a certain levity of temper, and a silly ambition of distinguishing themselves by a spirit of raillery and satire; as if it were not infinitely more honourable to be a good-natured man than a wit. Where there is this little petulant humor in an author, he is often very mischievous without designing to be so.Comprehension Questions:31. According to the author, those who want to trivializesatire tend to suggest that_______________.a. the damage is immaterialb. the effect is mere buffooneryc. wit is a streak of geniusd. the mischief must be taken in a spirit of raillery32. What would be the best strategy for the object of satire to adopt, according to the author?a. To take no heed.b. To placate the author.c. To take offence.d. To suffer the consequences.33. The main purpose of this article is ________________.a. the derision of the perpetrators of satireb. a warning against mischievous scribblersc. creating understanding of the genred. reproaching fellow satirists34. When the author speaks of ―this little petulant humor‖it is evident that he means________________.a. good-natured witb. the choleric temperc. a silly ambitiond. submission35. In view of the opinion of the author, it is unlikely that the author is a ________________.a. man of lettersb. satiristc. witd. a good-natured man Passage 4Alexander the Great’s conquests in the Eastern Mediterranean initiated a series of profound cultural transformations in the ancient centers of urban civilization of the Fertile Crescent. The final destruction of native rule and the imposition of an alien elite culture instigated a cultural discourse—Hellenism—which irrevocably marked all participants, both conquerors and conquered. This discourse was particularly characterized by a transformation of indigenous cultural traditions, necessitated by their need to negotiate their place in a new social order. As Bowerstock has argued, the process of Hellenization did not accomplish the wholesale replacement of indigenous cultural traditions with Greek civilization. Instead, it provided a new cultural vocabulary through which much pre-existing cultural tradition was often able to find new expression. This phenomenon is especially intriguing as it relates to language and literacy. The ancient civilizations of the Syro-Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultural spheres were, of course, literate, possessing indigenous literary traditions already of great antiquity at the time of the Macedonian conquests. The disenfranchisement of traditional elites by the imposition of Greek rule had the related effect of displacing many of the traditional social structures where in indigenous literacy functioned and was taught—in particular, the institutions of the palace and the temple. A new language of power, Greek, replaced the traditional language of these institutions. This had the unavoidable effect of displacing the traditional writing systems associated with these indigenous languages. Traditional literacy’s longstanding association with the centers of social and political authority began to be eroded.Naturally, the eclipse of traditional, indigenous literacy did not occur overnight. The decline of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphicliteracies was a lengthy process. Nor was the nature of their respective declines identical. Akkadian, the ancient language of Mesopotamian court and temple culture, vanished forever, along with cuneiform writing, in the first century CE. Egyptian lived on beyond the disappearance of hieroglyphic in the fourth century CE in the guise of Coptic, to succumb as a living, spoken language of daily social intercourse only after the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Even then, Coptic survives to this day as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church. This latter point draws attention to an aspect of the decline of these indigenous literacies worthy of note: it is in the sphere of religion that these literacies are often preserved longest, after they have been superseded in palace circles—the last dated cuneiform text we have is an astrological text; the last dated hieroglyphic text a votive graffito. This should cause little surprise. The sphere of religion is generally one of the most conservative of cultural subsystems. The local need to negotiate the necessities of daily life and individual and collective identity embodied in traditional religious structures is slow to change and exists in ongoing dialogue with the more readily changeable royal and/or state ideologies that bind various locales together in an institutional framework.The process of ―Hellenization‖ of the an cient cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean provides us, then, with an opportunity to observe the on-going effect on traditional, indigenous literacy of the imposition of a new status language possessed of its own distinct writing system. The cultural politics of written and spoken language-use in such contexts has been much discussed and it is clear that the processes leading to the adoption of a new language—in written form, or spoken form, or both—in some cultural spheres and the retention of traditional languages inothers are complex. Factors including the imposition of a new language from above, adoption of a new language of social prestige from below, as well as preservation of older idioms of traditional statusin core cultural institutions, must have affected different sectors of a conquered society in different fashions and at different rates.Comprehension Questions:36. The languages that have to some extent managed to survive Hellenization did so in what area?a. In palace circles.b. In governmental institutions.c. In the religious sphere.d. In philological circles.37. Which aspect of society, according to the passage, is one of the most resistant to change?a. Monarchical institutions.b. Religious institutions.c. Linguistic norms.d. State ideologies.38. In the first paragraph, you saw the underlined word disenfranchisement. Choose, among thefollowing expressions, the closest in similar meaning.a. the removal of power, right and/or privilegeb. a strong sense of disappointmentc. the prohibition of the right to conduct businessd. the loss of social position39. Who was the leader of the Macedonian Conquest?a. King Philip of Macedon.b. Pericles of Athens.。

2015学位英语考试阅读理解练习及答案One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the "cashless society" is not on the horizon-it's already here.While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.1. According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to______.A. withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishesB. obtain more convenient services than other people doC. enjoy greater trust from the storekeeperD. cash money wherever he wishes toBest Answer: B详解:选B)。
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2015西南财经大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练Less than a year ago,a new generation of diet pills seemed to offer the long-sought answer to our chronic weight problems.Hundreds of thousands of pound-conscious Americans had discovered that a drug combination known as“fen-phen”could shut off voracious appetites like magic,and the FDA had just approved a new drug,Redux,that did the same with fewer side effects.Redux would attract hundreds of thousands of new pill poppers within a few months.But now the diet-drug revolution is facing a backlash.Some of the nation“s largest HMOs,including Aetna U.S.Healthcare and Prudential Healthcare have begun cutting back or eliminating reimbursement(退款补偿、报销)for both pills.Diet chains like Jenny Craig and Nutri/System are backing away from them too.Several states,meanwhile,have restricted the use of st week the Florida legislature banned new prescriptions entirely and called on doctors to wean(使断绝)current patients from the drug within30days;it also put a90-day limit on Redux prescriptions.Even New Jersey doctor Sheldon Levine,who touted Redux last year on TV and in his book The Redux Revolution,has stopped giving it to all but his most obese patients.The reason for all the retrenchment(紧缩、删节):potentially lethal side effect s.Over the summer,the FDA revealed that82 patients had developed defects in t heir heart values while on fen-phen,and that seven patients had come down with the samecondition on Redux.As if that weren“t bad enough,physicians reported that a woman who had been taking fen-phen for less than a month died of primary pulmonary hypertension,a sometimes fatal lung condition already associated with Redux.And an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month confirmed earlier report s that both fen-phen and Redux can cause brain damage in lab animals.These findings led the New England Journal to publish editorial admonishing doctors to prescribe the drugs only for patients with severe obesity.Meanwhile,FDA asked drug makers to put more explicit warnings on fen-phen and Redux labels.Since mid-July,prescriptions for fen-phen have dropped56%,and those for Redux36%,according to IMS America,a pharmaceutical market research firm.All that really does,however,is to bring the numbers down toswheresthey should have been all along.Manufacturers said from the start that their pills offered a short-term therapy for the obese,not for people looking to fitsintosa small e r bathing suit.FDA approved Redux with just such a caveat,and when limited to these patients,the drugs may still make sense-despite the risks-because mor bi d obesity carries its own dangers,including heart disease,diabetes and stroke.Too often,however,Redux and fen-phen were peddled to all comers,almost like candy.The current backlash,says Levine,is a“roller coaster that never should have happened.”(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:si jiu san san qi yi liu er liu)1、The new pills seemed to be a solution to____.A、the problem of obesity that has obsessed the Americans for a long timeB、the problem that is of great weight and significanceC、the vital problem caused by the pillsD、the threatening situation we are facing in the long run2、The statement“diet-drug revolution is facing a backlash”is supported by the following facts except____.A、diet chains and some of the HMOs have removed their support for the pillsB、some states have limited or forbidden the prescriptions of the diet pillsC、in Florida,patients are told to turn away from the use of fen-phen within a monthD、Sheldon Levine,a New Jersey doctor,touted one of the pills on TV and in his book3、The worst case that revealed the fatal dark side of the diet pills is____.A、82patients on fen-phen and seven on Redux had developed heart defectsB、a woman patient on fen-phen had died of abnormally high blood pressureC、a woman patient on fen-phen had died of a lung diseaseD、both diet pills cause brain damage4、New England Journal admonished doctors to____.A、give the pills only to the severely overweight personsB、take the obese patients off the drugs completelyC、drop the prescriptions for the pills drasticallyD、put clearer warnings on the drug labels5、According to the drug manufacturers,the pills____.A、only offer temporary treatment for the morbid obesityB、are meant for all the people who yearn for slimnessC、are too risky to be usedD、are the most important weight loss discoveriesKeys to Passage4A D C A A本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。