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1)They bound his hands and legs with rope so he couldn`t escape.他们绑住他的腿


2)He unfolded the map and try to find which way to go.他打开地图寻找路线。

3)He`s been charged with possessing gums and attempting to attack the police.他被


4)The product`s success surpass all our expectations-we`ve never thought that it could sell so well.这产品的成功超过了我们所有人的预期,我们都没有想到它能


5)The minutes before the appointed time,he sat nervously outside her office.在约定


6)We like to make friends with shelly because she has such virtues

loyalty ,courage,and truthfulness.我们都愿意和莎莉交朋友,因为她是一个,充满


7)Janet and job had corresponded with each other for many years before they finally met in paris.吉安和约翰联系了很多年,最终他们在巴黎见面。

8)Tina gazed steadily at the famous singer ,unable to believe she was so close to him.缇娜定定地看着这个著名的歌手,从没想过会离他那么近。

9)My grandfather still has keen eyesight-he is able to read road signs in the distance。我的爷爷视力很敏锐,他能够读出很远处的路标

10)The old man grasp my hand warmly and shook it,saying,”

congratulations.you`ve won..”老人亲切地握住我的手说,祝贺你取得胜利。

11)The lawyer`s arguments are well grounded because he was collected enough proof concerning the case.律师的论述很有根据因为他收集了足够的根据关于这个案例。

12)It is very sensible of you to bring your umberlla to kunming at this time of the year -it rains so frequently here.在昆明带着伞是非常明智的,因为这里下雨很频繁。

13)The president failed in his attempts to win the second term because he hadn`t fulfilled his commitments made in the previous election.这位总统在下次选举的时候落选了,由于他没有实现选举时的承诺。

14)Even though there are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food,some food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.尽管添加食品中的化学成分是有严格规定的,但是有些生产厂家为了牟利不遵守要求。


1)p eople who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind.不能区分颜色的人被称为色盲。

2)Thoroughly,the vet(兽医)checked upon our horses and pronounced them fit to race.兽医详细的检查了我们的马,并宣布它们适合参加比赛。

3)My fence was torn down in this storm,so i need to put up a new one.我的栅栏被暴风雨毁了,因此我需要重建

4)You can make a fortune out of these useless vases if you can call them “antiques(古董).”如果这些花瓶是股东的话,你就能发大财。

5)There was silence for a few seconds;then all of a sudden,the child let out a loud scream.经过短时间的寂静,突然这小孩嚎啕大哭。

6)I lost track of what he was saying after the first couple of sentence-it was too complicated.一段句子过后我就搞不清楚他说了什么,那太复杂了。

7)Casting an eye over the audience,he noticed that about one third of the seats were still vacant.迅速扫视了i下观众,注意到三分之一的位置都是空的。

8)Their relationship broke up when the girl learned that the boy was not be trusted.当那个女孩知道男孩不值得信任的时候,他们的关系就破裂了。

9)I don`t understand why susan,a kind-hearted girl,should take pleasure in my sufferings.我理解不了,为什么苏珊那么心地善良的女孩会以我的痛苦为乐。

10)The treatment has been described as a painless way of curing cancer,which is untrue.这种治疗声称可以无痛治愈癌症,这是不可信的

11)The organizers had expected about 500 people to come,but over1,000 turned up in the end.主办方邀请了五百人,结果来了1000人。

12)She is a swiss in so far as she was born in switzerland,but she became an amerian citizen in 1978.某种程度上说她是瑞士人,因为她出生在斯维特兰,但是她在1978年成为了美国籍公民

13)The 16-year-old boy,who stabbed another boy in a cyber lounge(网吧),is under arrest and awaiting trail.一个在网吧刺伤人的16岁男孩被逮捕了,并且等待审判。

14)“since we have reached agreement about the first item,let us pass on to the next item on the agenda,”said the chairman.既然我们完成了协议的第一条,那我们继续进行下一项吧。

15)She gets lost easily while driving,so now whenever she is uncertain as to which road to take,she will telephone her husband.她开车的时候容易迷路,所以当她不确定走哪条路的时候,她会给她的丈夫打电话。


Professor 教授,教师,公开表示信仰的人
