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kindergarten n.幼儿园 junior middle school n.初中 senior school; high school n.高中

university; college n.大学 branch school n.分校

campus n.校园 scholarship n.奖学金

seminar n.研讨班;研讨会

elite n.精英 undergraduate n.大学生

repeater n.留级生

abroad student n.留学生 freshman n.大学一年级学生 sophomore n.大学二年级学生 junior n.大学三年级学生 graduate student n.研究生 postgraduate n.研究生 master n.硕士

MBA (Master of Business

Administration) 工商管理学硕士 doctor n.博士 tutor n.导师



kindergarten n.幼儿园

junior middle school n.初中senior school; high school n.高中university; college n.大学

branch school n.分校

campus n.校园

scholarship n.奖学金

seminar n.研讨班;研讨会

elite n.精英

undergraduate n.大学生

repeater n.留级生

abroad student n.留学生freshman n.大学一年级学生sophomore n.大学二年级学生junior n.大学三年级学生graduate student n.研究生postgraduate n.研究生

master n.硕士

MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理学硕士doctor n.博士

tutor n.导师diploma n.毕业证书,学位证书bachelor degree n.本科学位master degree n.硕士学位doctorate n.博士学位graduation thesis n.毕业论文

core journals n.核心期刊Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI )

中文社会科学引文索引Management World 《管理世界》The Economist《经济学家》contribute v.投稿

abstract n.摘要

keyword n.关键词

Introduction n.引言

literature review n.文献综述theory n.理论

model n.模型

references n.参考文献

appendix n.附录acknowledgment n.致谢president; headmaster n.校长

dean n.院长;系主任

faculty n.系;学科;学院professor n.教授

associate professor n.副教授lecturer n.讲师

assistant n.助教

pre-school education n.学前教育higher education n.高等教育special education n.特殊教育compulsory education n.义务教育continuing education n.继续教育adult education n.成人教育general education n.普遍教育Subject n.学科

Economics n.经济学

Finance n.金融学

Accounting n.会计学

Financial Management 财务管理Business Management n.企业管理Marketing n.市场营销Electronic Commerce n.电子商务Theoretical Economics n.理论经济学

Political Economics n.政治经济学History of Economic Thought n.经济思想史

Western Economics n.西方经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics n.人口,资源与环境经济

Applied Economics n.应用经济学National Economics 国民经济学Regional Economics 区域经济学Public Finance n.财政学Industrial Economics 产业经济学International Trade n.国际贸易学Labor Economics n.劳动经济学Statistics n.统计学

Quantitative Economics n.数量经济学

Education Science n.教育学Psychology n.心理学

Literature n.文学

Mathematics n.数学

Operational Research n.运筹学Physics n.物理学

Chemistry n.化学

Inorganic Chemistry n.无机化学Organic Chemistry n.有机化学Biology n.生物学

Botany n.植物学

Zoology n.动物学Physiology n.生理学Genetics n.遗传学

Ecology n.生态学Engineering n.工学Mechanics n.力学Architecture n.建筑学Neurology n.神经病学Nursing n.护理学presentation n.陈述;报告projector n.投影仪

reference book n.参考书textbook n.教材

alumnus n.男校友

alumna n.女校友boarder n.寄宿生

day student n.走读生

auditor n.旁听生correspondence school 函授学校IELTS ( International English Lan guage TestingSystem ) 雅思TOEFL(The Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福

GRE美国研究生入学考试(Graduate Record Examination)管理研究生入学考试(Graduate Management Admission Test) College English Test Brand 4大学英语四级考试(CET-4)transcript n.成绩单

required course n.必修课optional course n.选修课

credit n.学分

summer course n.暑期班summer school n.暑期学校certificate n.证书

semester n.学期
