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Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness

3 This and other promising findings about the life-changing effects of crises are the province of the new science of post-traumatic growth. This fledgling field has already proved the truth of what once passed as bromide: What doesn't kill you can actually make you stronger. Post-traumatic stress is far from the only possible outcome. In the wake of even the most terrifying experiences, only a small proportion of adults become chronically troubled. More commonly, people rebound-or even eventually thrive.


Unit2 Commercialization and Changes in Sports

mercialization has not had a dramatic effect on the format and goals of most sports. In spite of the influence of spectators, what has occurred historically is that sports have maintained their basic format. Innovations have been made within this framework, rather than completely dismantling the design of a game. For example, the commercialization of the Olympic Games has led to minor rule changes in certain events, but the basic structure of each Olympic sport has remained much the same as it was before the days of corporate endorsements and the sale of television rights. 商业化对于大多数体育运动的结构和目标没有太大的影响。尽管观众会对其产生影响,但在历史上,运动项目保持了它们的基本结构。创新也是在这一框架内进行的,并不会完全废除这项运动的基本设计。例如、奥运会的商业化导致了某些赛事规则的微小变化但其每项运动的基本结构还是和商家赞助及电视转播权出售之前基本一致。

Unit4 Is Google Making Us Stupid

1.Over the past few years I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something,has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprograming the memory. My mind isn't going 一so far as I can tell 一but it's changing. I'm not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling throu gh long stretches of prose. That's rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.

在过去的几年里,我老有一种不祥之感,觉得有什么人,或什么东西,一直在我脑袋里捣鼓个不停,重绘我的脑电图,重写我的脑内存。我的思想倒没跑掉—到目前为止我还能这么说,但它正在改变。我的思维方式在变。这种感觉在我阅读的时候尤为强烈。过去总是不费什么劲儿就能让自己沉浸在一本书或一篇长文章中,被其中的叙述或不同的论点深深吸引。我还会花数小时徜徉在长篇散文中。可如今这都不灵了。现在,我翻上两三页书,注意力就开始不集中了。我会变得烦躁,抓不住重点,开始想找点其他的事情做。我感觉我似乎要硬拖着我任性的大脑才能回到文章中。原本轻松自然的深度阅读,已然成了痛苦挣扎。Unit5 An Alpine Divorce

2.Doubtless there exists in this world precisely the right woman for any given man to marry and vice versa; but when you consider that one human being has the opportunity of being acquainted with only a few hundred people, and out of the few hundred that there are but a dozen or less whom one knows intimately, and out of the dozen, one or two close friends at most, it will easily be seen, when we remember the number of millions who inhabit this world, that probably, since the Earth was created, the right man has never yet met the right woman. The mathematical chances are all against such a meeting, and this is the reason that divorce courts exist. Marriage at
