












例如,“The building has a modern facade”表示这座建筑有一个现代的正面;“Engineers desig ned the bridge with a steel arch”表示工程师设计了这座桥,使用了钢制的拱形结构。


比如,在描述一个建筑项目时,我们可能会用到如下的句子:“The construction of the skyscraper is expected to be completed within two years, incorporating the latest green building technologies.” 这句话说明了这座摩天大楼的建设预计将在两年内完成,并且将采用最新的绿色建筑技术。





(完整版)工程英语词汇一、基础工程词汇1. 工程:Engineering2. 项目:Project3. 设计:Design4. 施工:Construction5. 监理:Supervision6. 材料:Material7. 结构:Structure8. 质量:Quality9. 安全:Safety10. 进度:Schedule二、土木工程词汇1. 土壤:Soil2. 基础:Foundation3. 桥梁:Bridge4. 隧道:Tunnel5. 路面:Pavement6. 水利:Hydraulic Engineering7. 港口:Harbor8. 道路:Road9. 铁路:Railway10. 地铁:Subway三、建筑工程词汇1. 建筑物:Building2. 楼层:Floor3. 墙体:Wall4. 屋顶:Roof5. 窗户:Window6. 门:Door7. 楼梯:Stairs8. 幕墙: Curtain Wall9. 装修:Decoration10. 室内设计:Interior Design四、电气工程词汇1. 电路:Circuit2. 电线:Wire3. 开关:Switch4. 插座:Outlet5. 发电机:Generator6. 变压器:Transformer7. 电动机:Motor8. 电池:Battery9. 照明:Illumination10. 控制系统:Control System五、机械工程词汇1. 机械:Machine2. 零件:Part3. 轴承:Bearing4. 齿轮:Gear5. 润滑:Lubrication6. 紧固件:Fastener7. 焊接:Welding8. 冲压:Stamping9. 加工:Machining10. 装配:Assembly六、环境工程词汇1. 环境:Environment2. 污染:Pollution3. 废水:Wastewater4. 废气:Waste Gas5. 噪音:Noise6. 固体废物:Solid Waste7. 污染治理:Pollution Control8. 节能:Energy Saving9. 环保:Environmental Protection10. 可持续发展:Sustainable Development七、信息技术工程词汇1. 信息技术:Information Technology (IT)2. 网络:Network3. 服务器:Server4. 数据库:Database5. 编程:Programming6. 软件开发:Software Development7. 硬件:Hardware8. 云计算:Cloud Computing9. 大数据:Big Data八、化学工程词汇1. 化学反应:Chemical Reaction2. 流体力学:Fluid Mechanics3. 热力学:Thermodynamics4. 分离过程:Separation Process5. 反应器:Reactor6. 材料 science:Material Science7. 质量传递:Mass Transfer8. 能量传递:Energy Transfer9. 过程控制:Process Control10. 安全工程:Safety Engineering九、航空航天工程词汇1. 航空:Aeronautics2. 航天:Astronautics3. 飞行器:Aircraft4. 发射:Launch5. 航天器:Spacecraft6. 导航:Navigation7. 飞行控制系统:Flight Control System8. 火箭:Rocket9. 卫星:Satellite10. 航天站:Space Station十、生物医学工程词汇1. 生物医学:Biomedical2. 生物材料:Biomaterial3. 医疗设备:Medical Device4. 生物力学:Biomechanics5. 细胞工程:Cell Engineering6. 基因工程:Genetic Engineering7. 仿生学:Bionics8. 生物传感器:Biosensor9. 医学影像:Medical Imaging10. 组织工程:Tissue Engineering十一、项目管理词汇1. 项目管理:Project Management2. 项目经理:Project Manager3. 项目规划:Project Planning4. 项目预算:Project Budget5. 项目进度:Project Schedule6. 风险管理:Risk Management7. 质量管理:Quality Management8. 成本控制:Cost Control9. 团队协作:Team Collaboration10. 项目交付:Project Delivery十二、建筑信息模型(BIM)词汇1. 建筑信息模型:Building Information Modeling (BIM)2. 三维模型:3D Model3. 四维建模:4D Modeling(时间维度)4. 五维建模:5D Modeling(成本维度)5. BIM软件:BIM Software6. 模型协调:Model Coordination7. 数字化施工:Digital Construction8. BIM协作:BIM Collaboration9. 可视化:Visualization10. 仿真分析:Simulation Analysis十三、绿色建筑与可持续性词汇1. 绿色建筑:Green Building2. 可持续性:Sustainability3. 节能:Energy Efficiency4. 碳排放:Carbon Emission5. 绿色认证:Green Certification6. 生态设计:Esign7. 资源循环:Resource Recycling8. 生物多样性:Biodiversity9. 低影响开发:Low Impact Development (LID)10. 环境生命周期评估:Environmental Life Cycle Assessment十四、电子工程与自动化词汇1. 电子工程:Electronics Engineering2. 电路板:Circuit Board3. 集成电路:Integrated Circuit (IC)4. 传感器:Sensor5. 自动化:Automation6. 控制系统:Control System7. 技术:Robotics8. 伺服电机:Servo Motor9. 可编程逻辑控制器:Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)10. 工业互联网:Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)十五、地质工程与矿业词汇1. 地质工程:Geological Engineering2. 地层:Stratum3. 岩土工程:Geotechnical Engineering4. 钻探:Drilling5. 矿业:Mining6. 采掘:Excavation7. 岩石力学:Rock Mechanics8. 地下水:Groundwater9. 防滑坡:Landslide Prevention10. 矿物加工:Mineral Processing。



第一节工程概况Section I General Situation1. 1 工程建设背景及总体描述Background and overview of the engineering construction川沙A-1地块是由国家有关部门于2009年11月批准的国际性主题乐园度假区。

本项目范围为川沙A-1地块一期用地范围内及部分二期范围内的市政道路及配套设施工程,建设地点位于上海市浦东新区川沙新镇黄楼镇,川沙A-1地块市政道路及附属设施C01标包含内容:北支路K0+000〜K0+713.812,长713. 812m,西(南)环路K0+000〜K3+046. 6,长3046. 6m,西(南)环路中心湖桥(西侧)总长100m,分为5跨,每跨长20叽具体包含道路、桥梁、排水、标志标线信号灯、照明、护栏等附属设施。

Plot A-1, Chuansha was approved as international theme resort area by relevant department in November 2009. The scope of project includes phase T area and part of phase IT area of plot A~l, Chuansha used for urban roads and supporting facility located in Huanglou Town of Chuansha in Pudong New Area Shanghai. 001 of Plot AT, Chuansha for urban roads and supporting facility includes: North branch road K0+000 〜KO+713. 812, Length 713. 812m, (South)west Circuit K0+000~K3+046. 6, length 3046. 6m. The total length of (the west of) (South)west Circuit Central Lake Bridge is 100m, with 5 spa ns each of which has a length of 20m. The project includes roads, bridges, draining system, signal lines, signal lights, illumination, barriers and other supporting facility.1. 2 道路工程概况 1. 2 Road engineering survey本标段内地面系统共有2条道路,分别为西南环路、北支路。



陕旅版小学四年级上册英语Lesson5Myfatherisanengineer说课稿陕旅版小学四年级上册英语Lesson 5 My father is an engineer说课稿教学目标(Teaching aims):1、知识目标:<1>“四会”单词及句子:engineer 、girl、 my sister、housewife、taxi drier.How old is she ? She is nine.<2>“三会”句子:she is lovely.Her name is LiShan..2、技能目标:1 、能听懂、会说、会表演本课对话。

2 、能够学会几种职业的表达方法和如何询问某人的职业。

3 、能够把学过的内容运用到实际生活当中,并能灵活表达。

教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points):<1>“一般疑问句的表达和回答。

2 “四会”单词:engineer、sister 、housewife、 taxi driver.3 掌握句型:Is the man your father?He is an engineer.教学用具(Preparations):教具:图片、头饰、单词卡片、围裙、玩具小汽车、工程帽、录音机(带)、书、小红帽。

教学过程(Teaching process):(一)、复习导入(Revision)1、let`s sing:”My noisy family.”twice.2、师生对话;T: How many people are there in Linda`s family?S: There are eight.T: Who are they?S:TheyareLinda`sgrandpa,grandma,dad,mum,uncle,aunt,cousin and Linda.教师鼓励学生说:Very good.(二)、新授(New presentation)1、教师指着一位学生的照片问:Is the man your father?引导学生回答:Yes,he is.让学生跟读几遍,然后听录音重复。











建筑设备方面,“crane”(起重机)、“excavator”(挖掘机)、“bulldozer”(推土机)、“cement mixer”(水泥搅拌机)、“drill”(钻孔机)等是常见的机械名称。

谈到建筑类型,“residential building”(住宅建筑)、“commercial building”(商业建筑)、“industrial building”(工业建筑)、“hospital”(医院)、“school”(学校)、“office building”(办公楼)等词汇能够准确地表达不同的用途和功能。

在建筑设计方面,“architectural design”(建筑设计)、“blueprint”(蓝图)、“layout”(布局)、“elevation”(立面)、“section”(剖面)等词汇经常被使用。



汉语 车工 木工 油漆工 修理工 通风工 白铁工 筑炉工 保温/绝热工
质量检查员 安全员 打职字员 测量员 高级工程师 工程师 助理工程师 会计师(英) 会计师(美) 后勤事务 胸卡 监工
英语 have a protective device on securely within working radius keep out unauthorized persons keep out do not enter keep clean and tidy watch overhead caution ! Opening here! no fire cylinder storage now working in vessel material stockyard danger closed to traffic danger! High voltage radiation no smoking while walking safe passage gasoline diesel oil kerosene enging oil hydraulic oil acetyline oxygen
anization and branches and type of work:
manager office engineering department business department administrative department material department quality&safety department equipment team piping team electrical&instrument team project manager site manager construction manager chief engineer chief economist chief accountant director of office,office manager director of department chief officer, section chief head of construction team foreman, head man designer budgeter



Project部分说课稿Book 1 Unit1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching idea s. My topic is the Project section Starting a new school club, taken from the Advance with English, Student’s Book 1. My representation is made up of six parts:analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students, teaching methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflection.Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material:This is the last part of the unit,It is designed to impove students’English level through doing a project. In this section, students will read information about two school clubs, and then they will design a poster advertising a new school club. By reading these passages, students will study knowledge of school clubs and improve their reading ability. In the course of writing, students will learn how to plan,prepare,produce and present the new school club. In a word,learing this lesson can improve students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the writing skill.So the selected material plays a very important part in English teaching and learning.Teaching aimsAccording to the new curriculm and syllabus,based on the character of the selected material,I set the teaching aims as follows:Knowledge aim: to get Ss learn some new experssions and know about school clubs. Ability aim: to improve Ss’ability of reading and writingEmotional aim: to develop Ss’spirit of co-operation and interest in starting or joining a school clubTeaching important points and difficult points.The teaching important and difficult point in this lesson is how to improve Ss’ability of reading and writing.Part 2 Analysis of the students:1. The Ss have known something about the school life in different countries through the Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes. Part 3 My teaching theories, methods and aidsTo achieve the teaching aims and deal with the important and difficult points,I’ll use the following methods to conduct my class,they are: Listening and reading;ask and answer competition;discussing and group work.I’ll also use a record and the muti-media to make my class lovely and interesting.With the teaching methods, I can guide Ss to solve problem and complete different tasks.Teaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardPart 4 Teaching proceduresI have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and writing ability.Step 1 lead-inShow Ss some pictures of a school club, and some Ss' opinions about the joining in a club. Doing so can arise Ss’interest in this lessonStep 2 Listening and readingPlay the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation,then read the passages to get a main idea. After that ,we’ll have an ask and answer competition about the passages.The activity can train Ss’quick mind,heat the classroom atmosphere.Step 3 Design a poster advertising a new school clubPlanningDivide the class into small groups. Discuss what club they'd like to start.And they've decided the name of their club, then assign tasks to each group member.PreparingGroup members go separately to finish the tasks.Those who are responsible for doing research need to find information about school clubs and posters.The group should discuss the information found and decide what they can learn from it.ProducingGroup members responsible for making the poster need to follow the outline, proofread it and get it approved.PresentingEach group present their poster to the class, explain it.Display the posters and have others vote to choose the best poster.Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises and self-assessment part after classPart 5 Blackboard designOn the left of the Bb,I’ll write down some language points;In the middle are some suggested answers and some writing skills are on the right side.。

【精品】材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)专业英语讲义word版

【精品】材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)专业英语讲义word版

材料科学与工程专业英语Materials Science and EngineeringUnit1Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials are properly more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. 材料可能比我们大部分人所意识到的更加深入地存在于我们的文化当中。

Transportation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation and food production-virtually every segment of our lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials.运输、住房、衣饰、通讯、娱乐,还有食品生产——实际上我们日常生活的每个部分都或多或少地受到材料的影响。

Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been int imately tied to the members’ abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs. 从历史上看,社会的发展和进步已经与社会成员生产和利用材料来满足自身需求的能力紧密地联系在一起。

In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development.事实上,早期文明是以当时材料的发展水平来命名的。

(也就是石器时代,青铜器时代)The earliest humans has access to only a very limited number of materials, those that occur naturally stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on. 最早的人类只能利用非常有限数量的材料,象那些自然界的石头,木头,黏土和毛皮等等。



第一课Lesson One建筑材料Construction material一、建材词汇:brick[brik] ,block[blɔk]砖cement[si‘ment] 水泥concrete[‘kɔnkri:t] 混凝土steel [sti:l] 钢筋steel [sti:l] plate[pleit]钢板steel [sti:l] pipe[paip]钢管sand[sænd] 砂crushed[krʌʃid] rock[rɔk] 碎石mortar ['mɔːtə]砂浆wood [wʊd],timber [‘timbə]木材scaffold [‘skæfəuld]脚手架diesel [‘diːz(ə)l] 柴油gasoline [‘ɡæsəli:n] 汽油formwork ['fɔ:mwə:k]模板tile [tail]瓷砖,瓦片二、对话练习dialogues(1)At a material shop在建材店:A: Excuse me, Could you show me some crushed rock?麻烦请问有没有碎石?B:I am sorry. It is sold out in my shop.不好意思,我店里的碎石卖完了。

A: Could you tell me where can I get the crushed rock?那请问我能在哪买到碎石呢?B: Well. Maybe you should check the Chinese Rock Factory near the airport.唔,或许你可以看看机场附近的中国石场。

A: Thank you very much.非常感谢。

(2)At a construction site在工地:A: Mr. K, Please follow me to the work site.K先生,请跟我去工地看下吧。



It句型(jù xínɡ)和祈使句使用频繁 (准确、精炼)
It句型:it 充当形式主语,避免句子(jù zi)“头重脚轻” 祈使句: 无主语(zhǔyǔ),精炼。
It is very important (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to… It takes very much time learning…
2.2 句型(jù xínɡ)
(1)为表达客观态度,常用it作为形式 主语。
专业英语多描述客观事物、现象和规律。 这一特点决定了科技人员在撰写 (zhuàn xiě)科技文献时,要采用客观 和准确的手法陈述被描述对象的特性、 规律,而不需要突出人。
例4、It is important to study the possibility of using SCM to improve the performance of construction第九页,e共2n4页。terprises,
(2) 常使用(shǐyòng)被动 语态 (客观性)
当读者(dúzhě)知道行为主体为何人或者无须指出时,可用被 动语态。 例 5 、 Because any civil engineering project can be
designed, a survey at site must be made...
bus: 公共汽车 母线,总线
Condenser: 电容器,补偿机
power plant:
发电厂 动力装置
Vocabulary Features






一、建筑工程词汇1. Construction(建筑)- Contractor(承包商):与业主签订合同,负责实施具体的建筑工作。

- Blueprint(蓝图):详细描述建筑物设计和规格的图纸。

- Foundation(地基):承重并传递载荷的土木结构,用于支撑建筑物。

- Reinforcement(钢筋):用于加固混凝土的金属筋条或网格。

2. 桥梁工程- Bridge(桥梁):连接两个地点的结构,通常跨越水体或地形障碍。

- Span(跨度):桥梁支持结构之间的水平距离。

- Abutment(桥台):支撑桥梁的结构,通常为混凝土或石头建成。

- Pylon(桥塔):高度较大的支撑结构,用于提供额外的支持。

3. 电气工程- Generator(发电机):将机械能转换为电能的设备。

- Transformer(变压器):用于改变电压的装置,通常用于输电和配电系统。

- Circuit breaker(断路器):一种用于保护电路免受过电流的装置,可中断电流流动。

二、机械工程词汇1. 设备和机械- Equipment(设备):用于完成特定任务或目标的工具或机器。

- Machine(机器):能够根据预定工作原理进行工作的设备。

- Motor(电动机):将电能转化为机械能的设备。

2. 热能和流体力学- Heat transfer(传热):在物体之间传递热量的过程。

- Fluid(流体):可以流动的物质,包括液体和气体。

- Pressure(压力):作用在物体表面上的力,垂直于该表面,并与表面单位面积成比例。

三、土木工程词汇1. 土壤力学- Soil(土壤):由不同颗粒大小的矿物质、有机物和水混合形成的表层物质。



一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握建筑英语中常用的词汇,包括建筑材料、建筑构造、建筑施工等方面的词汇。

2. 培养学生运用建筑英语进行日常交流的能力。

3. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写能力。

二、教学内容1. 建筑材料词汇:砖、瓦、水泥、钢材、木材等。

2. 建筑构造词汇:墙体、屋顶、地面、门窗等。

3. 建筑施工词汇:挖掘、浇筑、砌筑、安装等。

4. 建筑工程管理词汇:监理、验收、设计、施工等。

三、教学过程第一课时一、导入1. 引导学生回顾上一节课所学的建筑英语词汇。

2. 通过图片、视频等形式展示建筑施工现场,激发学生的学习兴趣。

二、新课导入1. 介绍建筑材料词汇:砖、瓦、水泥、钢材、木材等。

2. 通过实物或图片展示,让学生了解这些材料的特点和应用。

三、课堂活动1. 学生分组,每组选择一种建筑材料,用英语介绍其特点、用途等。

2. 教师随机抽取学生进行问答,巩固所学词汇。

第二课时一、复习1. 复习上一节课所学的建筑材料词汇。

2. 通过游戏、竞赛等形式,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。

二、新课导入1. 介绍建筑构造词汇:墙体、屋顶、地面、门窗等。

2. 通过实物或图片展示,让学生了解这些构造的特点和应用。

三、课堂活动1. 学生分组,每组选择一种建筑构造,用英语介绍其结构、功能等。

2. 教师随机抽取学生进行问答,巩固所学词汇。

第三课时一、复习1. 复习上一节课所学的建筑构造词汇。

2. 通过游戏、竞赛等形式,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。

二、新课导入1. 介绍建筑施工词汇:挖掘、浇筑、砌筑、安装等。

2. 通过视频或图片展示,让学生了解建筑施工的过程。

三、课堂活动1. 学生分组,每组选择一种建筑施工方法,用英语介绍其步骤、注意事项等。

2. 教师随机抽取学生进行问答,巩固所学词汇。

第四课时一、复习1. 复习上一节课所学的建筑施工词汇。

2. 通过游戏、竞赛等形式,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。

二、新课导入1. 介绍建筑工程管理词汇:监理、验收、设计、施工等。

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公司基本短語含義:FX : Foxconn --- 富士康科技集團FXGL : Foxconn GuanLan. 指富士康觀瀾廠區FXZZ : Foxconn ZhengZhou 指富士康鄭州廠區MLB : Mother Level Board -- 指為 Apple 生產主板的部門FATP : Final Assembly and Test of products -指成品組裝及測試部門。

我們主要設計此部門 EPM : Engineering Project Management 工程開發管理部PD : Product Design結構開發部 R&D : Product Research and Design 研發部PE : Product Engineering --產品工程NPI : New Product Introduce --新產品導入工程IE : Industry Engineering 工業工程ME : Mechanical Engineering -- 結構 /制程工程TE-AP : Testing Engineering Application Function 測試工程TE-RF : Testing Engineering - Radio FrequencySCM : Supply Chain Management 供應鏈 WH : Warehouse 倉庫MC : Material Control 物控 CUS : Customs Department 關務 EPD : Engineering PurchaseDepartment 工程採購QA : Quality Assure 品管IQC : Incoming Quality Assure 進料檢驗SQE : Supply Quality Assure IPQC : In Process Quality Control OQC :Outcome Quality Control 系統流程相關:ETA : Evaluated Time of Arrival --預計到達時間ETD : Evaluated Time of Delivery -- 預計發貨時間ATA : Actual Time of Arrival -- 實際到達時間CPT : Cupertino City ---庫比提諾鎮 -Apple 在加州的總部DUT : Device Under Test --- 待測機台OP : Operator ---作業員UPH : Units Per Hour ---每小時產量Radar : Radar System that Apple used that to track the issues.X-Track : FA record track system that SW team development PDCA : This is Apple product testing data tracking systemSFC : Software Floor Control system, be used for production process control SOP : Standard Operation Process -- 標準作業流程WI : Working Instruction -- 作業指導書WIP : Work In Process --- 在制品CT :Cycle Time -- 完成一個動作或測試的時間TCT : Testing Cycle Time --測試時間週期供應商品質管理 在製品品質管理 出貨品質管理OCT : Operation Cycle Time -作業時間週期RMA :Return Merchandise Authorization --不良品返修產品試產階段:ENG : Engineering Build --- 泛指產品試產階段Proto :Prototype build --- 模型驗證階段EVT :Engineering Validation Term --- 工程設計驗證階段DVT : Design Validation Term --- 設計驗證PVT :Plan Validation Term --- 量產前制程與工程驗證RAMP MP : M : Ramp Build Term --- 產量爬坡驗證階段ass Production Term --- 大量生產階段EFFA : Engineering Failure Analysis --- 工程不良品分析測試治具廠商:Tod:圖德精密科技 -主要製作QTs和RF測試治具Innorev :應諾精密科技-主要製作Camera, ALS, FACT測試治具Wilwin :圖創治具-主要製作IQC ALS, Prox 及Sub line Button Testing FixtureOCT :圓璐 -主要製作Sub Line Sensor and CG testing fixtureWord :沃德 -主要製作IQC CG testing fixtureBojey :博杰 -主要製作MLB RF Inner FixtureIntelligent :運泰利 -主要製作IQC Camera pogo pin fixtureMYZY :邁致-主要製作主線上的Grape測試治具TRI:德律泰 -主要生产MLB RF Inner Fixture & FCT 测试治具TopTest:拓普-主要生产MLB SOC 和DFU测试治具Apple 文件資料術語 :Gerber File : Apple 產品主板(PCB) 設計文件,用於廠商製作Bare PCB.BOM : Bill of Material. 為記錄產品所有的物料,文件等料號,清單與層次;Schematics: 線路圖, 為產品電子設計線路。

是我們設計的主要參考資料;MCO Drawing : 主要為產品MLB 各尺寸及貼裝元件后的尺寸圖紙;2D Drawing : 主要為產品組成原件的二維尺寸;3D Drawing : 主要為客戶產品的三維立體圖檔,是我們設計的主要圖檔;Test Flow :產品測試流程圖,包括MLB段與FATP段;Test Coverage : 各工站測試項目,Command, Response, Spec ,etcEquipment List : 設備清單, 為測試工站中使用到的所有的設備,治具,Cable 等元器件與測試相關:CPU : Center Process Unit -- 中央處理器PCB : Printed Circuit Board --- 空白電路板PCBA :Printed Circuit Board Assembly --- 電路板,上面有貼裝相應的原件PMU :Power Management Unit --- 電源管理單元Codec:Codec. This is audio control center of iPhone --音頻處理單元ICLCM : Liquid Crystal Module —Phone and iPod display module --- 液晶顯示模組Grape :Touch Panel of iPhone and iPod --- 觸摸屏HP : Head Phone, --耳機Compass: A device used to determine geographic direction. --- 指南針ALS : Ambient Light Sensor. Be used for detect the brightness of the ambient --—環境光學感應器Prox Sensor:Proximity Sensor. Be used for detect the distance of the block; -- 距離感應器Acc:Accelerator. One sensor that can detect the direction of the unit --- 重力加速度感應器Gyro: 陀螺仪. 用於偵測機台的轉動狀態VGA Camera :iPhone 上的前置攝像頭,又稱之為Front Camera;Back Camera :iPhone 上的後置攝像頭Camera LED :iPhone 上後置攝像頭上使用的閃光燈MLB :Mother Level Board. 手機主板或其他電子產品上的主控制板FF :Form factory. 一般意義上Apple 將在開發階段的手機成品稱之為FF;NED :Apple 將工程驗證階段將產品的主要元件組裝在一個大的結構上面,便於更換與驗證。

此稱之為NED 機台。


測試Stations :MLB SideDFU :Download File to Unit. MLB 測試的第一個工站, 用於將測試軟件灌到測試主板的Nand 裏,便於後面工站的測試;FCT :Function Cycle Test. 在MLB 段,主用用於測試MLB 上主要的電壓,電流及個別功能測試, 確保主板功能正常;RF Inner :在MLB 測試端,用於測試主板的RF 功能模塊功能。

主要有GSM,C2K, WiFi,BT& GPS etc測試Stations :FATP SideSensor Flex Testing :Sub Line 測試工站,用於測試機台在組裝Sensor flex 后的Sensor 功能是否正常;Button Flex Testing :Sub Line 測試工站,用於測試機台在組裝Button flex 后的Button Flex 功能是否正常;CG Module Testing :Sub Line 測試工站,用於測試機台在組裝CG Module 后的LCM & Grape 功能是否正常;PAT Testi ng Statio n : Passive An te nna Test ing -被動天線測試Grounding Testing :接地測試 -主要用於RF天線及產品與地的聯通性測試CT Test ing Stati on : Conn ection Test -用於測試產品在組裝中是否存在連通性問題QTO Testing Station : Quick Test0 -主要在產品剛剛組裝完成后,對產品上的主要連接元件進行快速測試, 確保產品功能的正常。
