全英天文课资料 Exploring our Solar System part 2
500 000 years to reach the next Cluster!!
Real rockets don’t travel at the speed of light, they travel MUCH slower. The Apollo missions took 4 days to reach the moon - at the speed of light it would have taken 2 seconds!! These rockets were travelling roughly 200 000 times slower than light. At this speed it would take 125 YEARS to get to Pluto!
Calculating how long light takes…
• Light travels at a speed of 300 000 000 m/s. • How long does light from the Sun take to reach Earth? (distance of Earth from the Sun is 150 million km) • Distance from earth to the sun = 150 000 000 000 meters • 300 000 000 150 000 000 000 = 500 seconds (/60 =8.3 minutes)
The gravitational field strength depends on the force of gravity. On Earth it is 10 N/kg, but it varies depending on planet size.
天文学基础知识详说 (8)
Jupiter 木星
Credit: NASA/JPL
Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space PL/Malin Space Science System
Mars 火星
Credit: NASA, James Bell(Cornell Univ.), Michael Wolff(Space Science Inst.) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Big Dipper 北斗七星
仙后座 Cassiopeia
Credit: Jerry Lodriguss
Credit: Dept of Phy, HKU
北極星 Polaris
Big Dipper 北斗七星
Cassiopeia 仙后座
Star Trails 星流跡
Credit: Watanabe Tsuyoshi
Credit: NASA/JPL
Venus 金星
Earth 地球
Jupiter 木星
Saturn 土星
Uranus 天王星
Neptune 海王星
Credit: NASA/JPL
Credit: Jim Fakateselis
Leonids 獅子座流星雨 2001
Credit: Chen Huang-Ming
Credit: European Southern Observatory
M42 Orion Nebula 獵戶座大星雲
Credit: NASA, C.R. O’Dell and S.K. Wong (Rice University)
Protoplanetary Disk 原行星盤
天文学常用术语英汉对译及解释LaRive nbsp天文学常用术语英汉对译及解释0000术语解释aberration光行差由于地球的运动所导致的天体的视位置与真实位置之间的差异。
absolute magnitude绝对星等恒星的真正亮度。
定义为恒星在距离我们 10 秒差距 (32.6光年) 时的视星等。
absolute zero绝对零度理论上的最低温度,等于0开尔文(-459.67° F or -273.15° C)。
absorption lines吸收线光谱里的暗线。
accretion disk吸积盘指白矮星、中子星或黑洞等致密天体周围,由于物质受到引力作用向中心天体落下所形成的盘状结构。
achromatic lens消色差透镜由两种不同材质的透镜组合而成,消色差透镜的用途是把两种不同颜色的光聚焦到同一点,或称为修正色像差。
active galactic nuclei活动星系核某些星系中的特别明亮的核,被认为是由于物质落向质量极大的黑洞而引起的。
adaptive optics自适应光学计算机控制的望远镜镜面,能做区域性变形,以补偿大气扰动所产生的散焦效应。
反照率的值介于 0 (完美的黑体) 到 1 (完全反射)之间。
月球的反照率为 0.07,而金星为 0.6。
altazimuth mount地平装置一种望远镜支撑方式,使镜筒能在平行和垂直水平的方向自由移动。
altitude地平纬度、高度 1.在海平面以上的高度2..天体在天球上距离地平线的角度 anaglyph立体照片用两台相机拍摄出的一种照片。
天文词汇中英文对照(源自网络,仅供参考)天文词汇检索(按英文字母序)(A)absolute bolometric magnitude绝对热星等:量测恒星的绝对星等时,如果我们能同时侦测到所有的波长,所量测到就是绝对热星等。
absolute visual magnitude (Mv)绝对视星等:恒星的真正亮度。
定义为恒星在距离我们 10 秒差距 (32.6光年) 时的视星等。
absolute zero绝对零度,绝对零点:温度的最低点。
absorption line吸收谱线:光谱里的暗线。
absorption spectrum (dark line spectrum)吸收光谱:含有吸收谱线的光谱。
acceleration 加速度:速度对时间的变率。
参考速度(velocity) 。
acceleration of gravity重力加速度:量测天体附近重力强度的物理量。
accretion disk吸积盘:指白矮星、中子星或黑洞等致密天体周围,由气体所形成的盘状天体。
achondrites无球粒陨石:不含球粒(chondrules) 或挥发性物质的石陨石。
achromatic lens消色差透镜:由两种不同材质的透镜组合而成,消色差透镜的用途是把两种不同颜色的光聚焦到同一点,或称为修正色像差(chromatic aberration)。
active galactic nucleus (AGN)活跃星系核:活跃星系中央的能量源。
active galaxy活跃星系:一种会发生极大量无线电波、X射线、珈玛射线辐射的星系。
active optics活动光学:由计算机控制,来改变光学组件的位置和形状,以补偿大气扰动所产生的散焦效应之光学系统。
astronomy天文学 英语英文小演讲
Newton Harley
Explore the universe is the eternal human desire
armillary sphere Dengfeng Stargazing sets(观星台) (观星台) 浑仪
Located in henan dengfeng, built in the early yuan dynasty.It’s China's earliest existing observatory
蟹状星云 (SN1054) nebula
蓝色:X-ray 红色:光学
Solar eclipse(日食)
In china……
The night fell in the day…
What happened and what will happen in china these years. • • • • • • • • 2008年8月1日日全食 2009年7月22日日全食 2010年1月15日日环食 2012年5月21日日环食 Annular eclipse 2020年6月21日日环食 2030年6月1日日环食 2034年3月20日日全食 2035年9月2日日全食
There is a good new that this year an Annular eclipse will go through china We can even image how amazing it will be
But the bad new is that it won’t go through shanghai….
Now we know the main objects in the universe is staБайду номын сангаасs(恒星) and nebulae(星云), because they have great quality
《基础天文学》课程中英文简介自己收藏的觉得很有用故上传到百度与大家一起分享!《基础天文学》课程中英文简介课程编码:TF课程中文名称:基础天文学课程英文名称:General Astronomy总学时:32 讲课学时:32学分: 2.0课程简介:基础天文学是空间科学与技术专业的一门自然科学基础课程通过本课程的讲授综合展示天文学各分支学科中对于太阳系、恒星、星系和宇宙的研究成果了解天文学的历史、现状和发展前景掌握时空度量、天体运动和演化、宇宙的构成和基本特征等天文学基础知识以及天文观测的基本原理和方法具备进行空间观测和分析的初步能力为深入学习后续专业课程奠定坚实的理论基础和专业素养Course Description:General Astronomy is a basal course of space science and technology. Through the course, fruit of research on solar system, star, galaxy up-to universe taken by sub-disciplines of astronomy are brought forth.You will get the essential knowledge about history, development and foreground of astronomy; rules of celestial-body motion and evolution; the space-time metric; characteristic and structure of cosmos; the principle and method of space observation through studying. Foundation of continue research capacity and academic culture would be possessed.《基础天文学》课程教学大纲课程编码:TF课程名称:基础天文学课程英文名称:General Astronomy总学时:32 讲课学时:32学分: 2.0开课单位:航天工程系授课对象:空间科学与技术专业本科生开课学期:大3秋季先修课程:大学物理II主要教材及参考书:《基础天文学》刘学富高等教育出版社《天文学新概论》苏宜科学出版社Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy. Thomas T. Arny.一、课程教学目的基础天文学是空间科学与技术专业基础课向本专业三年级学生介绍天文学的历史、现状和发展前景讲授时空度量、天文学观测的基本原理和方法、天体运动和演化、宇宙的构成和基本特征等天文学基础知识通过本课程的学习要求学生对空间观测及天文工作的全貌和基本方法、对宇宙中各个层次的各类天体有基本的了解并由此巩固学生的专业思想激发学生本专业学习的热情和责任感为后续课程打好基础配套大三夏季学期专业基础课程设计"天文观测与导航应用"使学生学会使用天文望远镜等基本天文仪器开展天文观测并巩固和加深理解课堂教学内容二、教学内容及基本要求1、教学内容:第一章天文和空间探测的发展(4学时)第一节中国古代天文学的兴衰第二节天文学的发展历程第三节空间探测与现代天文学的发展第二章时空度量(8学时)第一节星空与星座第二节天球和天球坐标系第三节时间与历法第三章太阳系天体及运动(4学时)第一节太阳系天体概述第二节行星的轨道运动第三节行星的视运动第四节行星探测及其发展第四章天文望远镜(2学时)第一节大气窗口和信息来源第二节天文望远镜的分类、性能和指标第三节天文观测的原理和方法第五章天体的运动和轨道(4学时)第一节太阳和太阳活动第二节引力和轨道第三节亮度、星等和距离第四节双星和变星第六章恒星天体物理学基础(6学时)第一节黑体和黑体辐射第二节光谱产生的机理和过程第三节天体的颜色和温度第四节天体的绝对星等和光度第五节恒星的结构和能源第六节恒星的演化与致密天体第七章星系和宇宙学基础(4学时)第一节银河系的结构、旋臂形成和暗物质第二节河外星系的分类、测量和演化第三节星系集团和大尺度结构第四节宇宙学基础和观测宇宙学的新进展2、基本要求:(1)了解天文学的发展趋势和天文观测的基本方法;(2)掌握时空度量方法、天体概况及运动规律;(3)基本掌握恒星天体物理学基础知识和方法;(4)初步掌握星系和宇宙学基础知识开课教师签字:日期:主任审批意见:教学副主任审核意见:签字:签字:日期:日期:。
大众天文学 英文版
大众天文学英文版(中英文版)Title: Astronomy for the MassesContent:Astronomy, the study of celestial objects and the universe as a whole, has long been a subject of fascination for people around the world.The beauty of the night sky, the mystery of the cosmos, and our place in the vast universe are questions that have intrigued humanity for centuries.With the advent of technology and the internet, the field of astronomy has become more accessible than ever to the general public.This article aims to provide an overview of the concept of "Astronomy for the Masses" and its significance.1.democratization of astronomy:The term "Astronomy for the Masses" refers to the democratization of astronomy, making it a field that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their educational background or geographical location.This movement strives to break down the barriers that have traditionally limited the study of the universe to a select few.cational initiatives:To promote astronomy among the masses, various educational initiatives have been undertaken by governments, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.These initiatives include publiclectures, astronomy clubs, online courses, and citizen science projects, allowing people to actively participate in astronomical research.3.technological advancements:The development of affordable telescopes, mobile apps, and online resources has made it easier for the general public to observe and learn about celestial objects.Moreover, social media platforms and online forums have created virtual communities where amateur astronomers can share their observations, ask questions, and learn from each other.4.popularizing astronomy:The popularization of astronomy is crucial in inspiring the next generation of scientists and fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe.Books, documentaries, and science fiction movies have played a significant role in capturing the public"s imagination.Additionally, public events like star parties and solar eclipses provide opportunities for people to witness astronomical phenomena firsthand.5.benefits of astronomy for the masses:Astronomy has the potential to improve scientific literacy, critical thinking skills, and environmental awareness.It encourages people to explore the unknown, ask questions, and challenge existing theories.Moreover, the study of astronomy can promote a sense of unity and global citizenship, as it reminds us of our place in the vastness of theuniverse.In conclusion, "Astronomy for the Masses" is an ongoing movement that aims to make the wonders of the universe accessible to everyone.Through educational initiatives, technological advancements, and the popularization of astronomy, we can inspire a new generation of stargazers and foster a deeper appreciation for the cosmos.---标题:大众天文学内容:天文学,一门研究天体及其宇宙整体的学科,长期以来一直是全世界人们着迷的主题。
天文学英文版PPT资料 (6)
A planet in an elliptical orbit around the Sun moves most rapidly when it is
A. B. C.
at aphelion. at perihelion. halfway between perihelion and aphelion. closer to aphelion than perihelion. None of the above; it has a constant speed.
C. D.
The Jupiter-size planet has a much longer period than the Earth-size planet. The Earth-size planet has a much longer period than the Jupiter-size planet. Both planets have the same period. The Earth-size planet has a period exactly twice that of the Jupiter-size planet. Not enough information is given to determine the correct answer.
Homework – Chapter 3 Quiz due Wednesday 9/15 by 9 PM
Epicycles are used in a geocentric model to explain the
A. B. C.
eastward motion of Mars. westward motion of Mars. phases of Venus. appearance of Venus in the early morning or late evening sky. phases of the moon.
天文学英文版PPT资料 (5)
Key Ideas
Umbra and Penumbra: The shadow of an object has two parts: the umbra, within which the light source is completely blocked, and the penumbra, where the light source is only partially blocked. Lunar Eclipses: Depending on the relative positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, lunar eclipses may be total (the Moon passes completely into the Earth’s umbra), partial (only part of the Moon passes into the Earth’s umbra), or penumbral (the Moon passes only into the Earth’s penumbra).
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 (for Monday 9/13)
Exam 1: Scheduled for Wednesday 9/22 (more info later)
iClickers: After today, if you forget your iClicker, you will not receive participation credit from a sign-in sheet!
If the phase of the Moon is full on the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, where is the Moon located on the celestial sphere (see diagram)?
全英天文课资料 Space - The Final Frontier
The Universe
We can observe only a portion of the entire universe. Because the universe is only about 14 billion years old, light has only had about 14 billion years to travel through it. Therefore, the most distant regions of the universe we can see are about 14 billion light-years away. This is the extent of the "observable universe," but the entire universe is probably much larger. It could even extend infinitely in all directions.
But then………
Space Race Begins
History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a basketball, weighed only 183 pounds, and took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path. That launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. While the Sputnik launch was a single event, it marked the start of the space age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race.
《天体力学基础》课程中英文简介课程编码:TF课程中文名称:天体力学基础课程英文名称:The Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics总学时:40 学分:2.5课程简介:《天体力学基础》是空间科学与技术专业的一门专业基础课程,本课程主要讲授天体的运动和形状方面的知识,主要包括二体问题,受摄二体问题,N体问题等内容。
Course Description:《The Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics》is a basic course for the discipline of Space Science & Technology. This course mainly introduces Celestial Mechanics that deals with the mechanical motion and shape of celestial objects, including the 2-body problem , 2-body problem with perturbation and N-body problem. The student will be taught to master the essential concept, principal and characteristic of 2-body problem , 2-body problem with perturbation and 3-body problem, as well as the method to derive the motion equation of celestial objects. Furthermore, the difference between 2-body problem and 3-body problem will be realized by the student during the education. The motion equation of n-body problem, the theory of circle restricted 3-bdoy problem and the derivation method of perturb equation could be mastered by the students priliminarily. In this way, the student can use the method of constant variation to solve perturbation problem.《天体力学基础》课程教学大纲课程编码: TF课程名称:天体力学基础课程英文名称:The Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics总学时:40 讲课学时:40学分:2.5开课单位:航天工程系授课对象:空间科学与技术专业本科生开课学期:3春先修课程:理论力学基础天文学主要教材及参考书:《天体力学基础讲义》自编;《天体力学基础讲义》南京大学周济林编著《天体力学基础讲义》武汉大学汪海洪编著《天体力学基础讲义》南京大学周礼勇编著《The Foundations of Celestial Mechanics》 George W. Collins, 2004 by the Pachart Foundation dba Pachart Publishing House and reprinted by permission 《轨道力学》(美)Howard D.Curtis 著周建华等译科学出版社 2009《天体力学方法》刘林南京大学出版社 1998一、课程教学目的《天体力学基础》是空间科学与技术专业的一门专业基础课程,是作为将来从事空间应用领域工作的学生应该掌握的一门专业知识。
天文学科普知识详说 (26)
This is the graph which indicates the absorption spectrum of stars from the new-born one to the dead one.
Studying the spectrum of a star , we will obtain lots of information about it, for example , age , surface temperature, distance . Also ,we may get some information of celestial bodies around it.
Seeing this picture , I think that we may rotate the grating so that the spectrum will form at the center. Finally , we decided to rotate it to change the incident angle to 23 deg .
If you look through a spectrometer , you may see some pattern like the photo in the previous page , this is called spectrum. The first first kind is called emission spectrum, while the second is called absorption spectrum.. The last one is a continuum spectrum
天文知识汇总Astronomy is the study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside Earth's atmosphere. 天文学是研究发源于地球大气层外的天体和现象的一门学科。
It encompasses a wide range of topics, including the study of stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. 它涵盖了一系列主题,包括对恒星、行星、星系以及整个宇宙的研究。
Astronomy has been practiced for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations observing the skies and making astronomical observations. 天文学已经存在了数千年,古代文明观察天空并进行天文观测。
Throughout history, astronomy has played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. 在整个历史过程中,天文学在塑造我们对宇宙的理解以及我们在其中的位置方面起着至关重要的作用。
One of the fundamental concepts in astronomy is the idea of celestial motion, which refers to the movement of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies. 天文学中的一个基本概念是天体运动的概念,它指的是星星、行星和星系等天体的移动。
全英天文课资料 our moon
A look at our nearest neighbor in Space!
What is the Moon?
• A natural satellite • One of more than 96 moons in our Solar System • The only moon of the planet Earth
Full Moon
What time does this phase rise and set?
Name these features.
Maria Name these features.
Does this image show us the near side or far side of the moon?
Waxing and Waning
• • • • • • • • • New moon Waxing Crescent moon First Quarter moon Waxing Gibbous moon Full moon Waning Gibbous moon Third Quarter moon Waning Crescent moon New moon
It’s Just a Phase
• Moonlight is reflected sunlight • Half the moon’s surface is always reflecting light • From Earth we see different amounts of the Moon’s lit surface • The amount seen is called a “phase”
Name this phase!
约翰尼斯•开普勒 Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630.
伽利略•伽里莱 Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642.
1、教学内容: 2.1 地球自转和公转的证明 2.2 地球轨道 2.3 地球和天上的位置 2.4 四季 2.5 分点的进动
教 材 : E. G.. Ebbighausen, Robert L. Zimmerman, Astronomy, Six Edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992。 参考书: An introduction to physical science, James T. Shipman, Jerry D. Wilson & Aaron W. Todd, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000, chapter 15, P. 308 ~ chapter 18, P.500.
2、教学基本要求: 了解天文学从地心学说到日心学说的发展,接受科学情感。掌握开普勒定律的应用型计算.
观念 Ideas:
现代天文学发展的主要动力. 地心理论存在的历史合理性. 哥白尼系统系统的革命性. 第谷的贡献. 开普 勒的贡献及三大定律的意义. 万有引力定律的意义.
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第四章 天文望远镜 (2学时)
Hale Waihona Puke 第一节 大气窗口和信息来源 第二节 天文望远镜的分类、性能和指标
第三节 天文观测的原理和方法
第五章 天体的运动和轨道 (4学时)
第一节 太阳和太阳活动
二、 教学内容及基本要求
第一章 天文和空间探测的发展 (4学时)
第一节 中国古代天文学的兴衰
第二节 天文学的发展历程
第三节 空间探测与现代天文学的发展
课程英文名称:General Astronomy
总学时:32 讲课学时:32
学分: 2.0
Course Description:
General Astronomy is a basal course of space science and technology. Through the course, fruit of research on solar system, star, galaxy up-to universe taken by sub-disciplines of astronomy are brought forth.
You will get the essential knowledge about history, development and foreground of astronomy; rules of celestial-body motion and evolution; the space-time metric; characteristic and structure of cosmos; the principle and method of space observation through studying. Foundation of continue research capacity and academic culture would be possessed.
签字: 签字:
日期: 日期:
第五节 恒星的结构和能源
第六节 恒星的演化与致密天体
第七章 星系和宇宙学基础(4学时)
第一节 银河系的结构、旋臂形成和暗物质
第二节 河外星系的分类、测量和演化
第三节 星系集团和大尺度结构
第四节 宇宙学基础和观测宇宙学的新进展
Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy. Thomas T. Arny.
第二节 引力和轨道
第三节 亮度、星等和距离
第四节 双星和变星
第六章 恒星天体物理学基础 (6学时)
第一节 黑体和黑体辐射
第二节 光谱产生的机理和过程
第三节 天体的颜色和温度
第四节 天体的绝对星等和光度
主任审批意见: 教学副主任审核意见:
第二章 时空度量 (8学时)
第一节 星空与星座
第二节 天球和天球坐标系
第三节 时间与历法
第三章 太阳系天体及运动 (4学时)
第一节 太阳系天体概述
第二节 行星的轨道运动
第三节 行星的视运动
课程英文名称:General Astronomy
总学时:32 讲课学时:32
学分: 2.0