大学物理 英语教材

大学物理英语教材Unit 1: Introduction to PhysicsPhysics is a fundamental science that explores the laws governing the natural world. By studying physics, we can gain a deeper understanding of how the universe works. This unit serves as an introduction to the subject and provides a foundation for further exploration.Section 1: Basic Concepts1.1 Matter and EnergyIn this section, we learn about the concepts of matter and energy. Matter refers to anything that has mass and occupies space, while energy is the ability to do work. We explore the different forms of energy and their interconversion.1.2 Units and MeasurementsAccurate measurement is essential in physics. Here, we discuss the various units and measurement systems used in physics, such as SI units. We also learn about significant figures and how to perform calculations using them.Section 2: Mechanics2.1 Motion and ForcesThis section delves into the principles of motion and forces. We examine concepts such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration, as well as thevarious types and effects of forces. Newton's laws of motion are also introduced in this section.2.2 Energy and WorkUnderstanding the relationship between energy and work is crucial. We learn about different forms of energy, such as kinetic and potential energy, and how they are related to work. The principle of conservation of energy is also discussed.Section 3: Waves and Optics3.1 Wave PropertiesWaves are an integral part of physics. We explore the characteristics and properties of waves, including wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. This section covers different types of waves, such as sound waves and electromagnetic waves.3.2 OpticsOptics focuses on the behavior of light and its interaction with matter. Topics covered include reflection, refraction, and the formation of images by mirrors and lenses. We also learn about the basics of geometric optics.Unit 2: Electricity and MagnetismElectricity and magnetism are closely related phenomena that have a significant impact on our daily lives. This unit introduces the principles and applications of these concepts.Section 1: Electric Charge and Electric Field1.1 Electric ChargeHere, we learn about the fundamental property of matter known as electric charge. We explore the behavior of charged objects and the principles of electrostatics, including Coulomb's law.1.2 Electric FieldThe concept of an electric field is crucial for understanding how charges interact. We study the properties and behavior of electric fields, including how they are formed and their effects on charged particles.Section 2: Electric Circuits2.1 Current and ResistanceCurrent is the flow of electric charge, and resistance measures the opposition to this flow. We delve into the principles of current, resistance, and Ohm's law, which relates these quantities.2.2 Circuits and Circuit ElementsThis section focuses on electrical circuits and the various components that make them up. We learn about series and parallel circuits, as well as resistors, capacitors, and inductors.Section 3: Magnetism and Electromagnetism3.1 Magnetic FieldsMagnetic fields are responsible for the behavior of magnets and their interaction with other objects. We study the properties and behavior of magnetic fields, including their effects on moving charges.3.2 Electromagnetic InductionThe principle of electromagnetic induction is crucial for understanding the generation of electric currents. We explore Faraday's law and how changing magnetic fields can induce currents in conductors.Unit 3: Modern PhysicsModern physics revolutionized our understanding of the universe, particularly at the atomic and subatomic levels. This unit introduces the key concepts and discoveries of modern physics.Section 1: Quantum Mechanics1.1 Wave-Particle DualityThe wave-particle duality of matter and light is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics. We explore the behavior of particles and waves at the quantum level, including the famous double-slit experiment.1.2 Quantum States and Energy LevelsQuantum systems have discrete energy levels. Here, we learn about quantum states, wavefunctions, and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. We also discuss the Schrödinger equation.Section 2: Particle Physics2.1 Subatomic ParticlesThis section focuses on the properties and classifications of subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. We also introduce the concept of fundamental particles and their interactions.2.2 Nuclear ReactionsNuclear reactions involve changes in atomic nuclei and release tremendous amounts of energy. We study the principles behind nuclear reactions, including radioactive decay and nuclear fusion.ConclusionThe study of physics is essential for understanding the fundamental laws that govern our universe. This English textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject, covering topics ranging from classical mechanics to modern physics. By studying this textbook and engaging with the content, students can develop a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.。

3、能写作简单的专业语句,能正确无误地写 作论文的英文摘要。
Dynamics is the study of forces and their effects on the motions of bodies. The cause of acceleration is a force exerted by some external agent or environment. The fundamental properties of force and the relationship between force and acceleration are given by Newton’s three laws of motion. The first of these laws describes the natural state of motion of a free body on which no external forces are acting, whereas the other two laws deal with the behavior of bodies under the influence of force.
You cannot be too careful.
I couldn’t get home fast enough. 我恨不得马上回到家里。
No man can have too many friends. 朋友愈多愈好。

大学物理课程中英文简介课程代码:B1081006大学物理(1)学分:4 周学时:4预修课程:高等数学主要内容:根据教育部颁布的理工科非物理类本科大学物理课程教学基本要求和国内物理教材改革动态,共分上下两学期讲授。
Code:B1081006College Physics1Credits:4Teaching Hours per Week:4Requisites: Advanced MathematicsContents:Based on the basic requirements of the course of Advanced Physics for non-physical science and engineering undergraduate from the ministry of education and the reform of the dynamic of domestic physical materials,this course is divided into two teaching semesters: Advanced Physics 1and 2. Advanced Physics 1 includes Mechanical, thermal and electrical,Magnetism,.Each chapter is followed with a summary and the relevant contents of applications of physics and modern science and technology.课程代码:B1081006大学物理(2)学分:3 周学时:3预修课程:高等数学,大学物理(1)主要内容:根据教育部颁布的理工科非物理类本科大学物理课程教学基本要求和国内国类物理教材改革动态,共分上下两学期讲授。

《大学物理》课程教学大纲英文名称: Engineering University Physics课程编码:0084,0085课内教学时数:56学时+56学时,其中课堂讲授56学时+56学时。
学分:3.5学分+3.5学分适用专业:全院所有理工科专业开课单位:基础部大学物理教研室撰写人:xx审核人:xx制定(或修订)时间:2014年9月一、课程的性质和任务1 课程的性质、目的和任务工科大学物理是高等工科专业培养高级工程技术人员或培养高素质有工程背景的各类人员的必修基公共础课程。
2 课程教学基本目标通过本课程的教学,应使学生初步具备以下能力:1)能够独立地阅读相当于大学物理水平的教材、参考书和文献资料,并能理解其主要内容和写出条理较清晰的笔记、小结或读书心得,从而迅速提高自学能力和培养良好的学习方法。

20 大学语文 College Chinese
21 大学英语 College English
22 高等数学 Advanced Mathematics
23 大学物理 College Physics
24 物理实验 Physical Experiment
45 马克思主义原理/马克思主义哲学 Marxism Philosophy
46 政治经济学 Plutonomy
47 邓小平理论 Theory of Deng Xiaoping
48 形势与政策 Situation & Policy
49 体育 Physical Education
50 基础体育 Basic Physical Education
电视原理--------------Telecision Operation
数字图象处理----------Digital Image Processing
rinent in Electox Circuitry
微机原理--------------Principle of Microcomputer
毕业设计--------------Graduation Thesis
自动控制理论----------Automatic Control Theory
模拟电子电路----------Analogical Electronics
数字电子电路----------Digital Electronics
电机电器与供电--------Motor Elements and Power Supply
大学物理讲义 英文1-Introduction

Examples: 1. x=x1+x2 2. x=t+m 3. v= x/t 4. E=1/2mv2
[x]=L, [x1]+[x2]=L, left side=right side [x]=L, [t]+[m]=T+M, left side ≠ right side [v]=L/T, [x]/[t]=L/T, left side=right side [E]=ML2/T2, 1/2[m][v2]= ML2/T2, left side =right side
SI – meter, m
One meter is defined the distance traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 second With this definition, we establishes the speed of light to 299792458 m/s
We will use the rules for significant figures to approximate the uncertainty in results of calculations
Significant Figures
A significant figure is one that is reliably known All non-zero digits are significant Zeros used to position the decimal point are not significant.


2.1 Introduction(引言)We begin our study of the physical universe by examining objects in motion. Thestudy of motion . whose measurement. more than 400 years ago gave birth to physics. iscalled kinematics.Much of our understanding of nature comes from observing the motion of objects. Inthis chapter we will develop a description for the motion of a single point as it movesthrough space. Although a point is a geometrical concept quite different from everydayobjects such as footballs and automobiles, we shall see that the actual mot10n of manyobjects is most easily described as the motion of a single point (the "center of mass"). plusthe rotation of the object about that point. Postponing a discussion of rotation. let usbegin he-re with a description of a single point as it moves through space. Space and timeKinematics is concerned with two basic questions. "Where?" and "When?". Thoughthe questions are simple. the answers are potentially quite complicated if we inquire aboutphenomena outside our ordinary daily experiences. For example. the physics of very highspeeds, or of events involving intergalactic distances or submicroscopic dimensions. isquite different from our common-sense ideas. We will discuss the… interesting subjects inlater chapters. For the present we shall adopt the space and time of Newton-thoseconcepts we gradually developed as a result of our everyday experiences.Space is assumed to be continuously uniform and isotropic. These two terms meanthat space has no 'graininess' and that whatever its properties may be, they areindependent of any particular direction or location. in the words of Isaac Newton.' Absolute space . in its own nature . without relation to anything external . remains alwayssimilar and unmovable. " Every object in the universe exists at a particular location inspace. and an object may change its location Ly moving through space as time goes on. Wespecify the Location of a particular point in space by its relation to a frame of reference.Time, according to Newton, is also absolute in the sense that it "flows on" at auniform rate . We cannot speed it up or slow it down in any way. in Newton's words," Absolute. true. and mathematical time . of itself . and from its own nature . flows equablywithout relation to anything external. and by another name is called duration. " Time isassumed to be continuous and ever advancing. as might be indicated by a clock.Space and time are wholly independent of each other. though it is recognized that allphysical objects must exist simultaneously in both space and time.Remarkably . many of these traditional ideas turn out to be naive and inconsistent withexperimental evidence. The world is just different from the picture we form from ourcommon-sense. intuitive ideas. Space and time, by themselves. arc concepts that arcdifficult (or perhaps impossible) to define in terms of anything simpler. However. we canmeasure space and time in unambiguous ways. We define certain operations by which weobtain numerical measurements of these quantities using rulers and clocks. based uponstandard units of space and time.For many years. our standard of time was based on astronomical observations of the earth'srotation. Because of the variations in the earth’s rotation . in 1967 the 13th General Conference onWeights and Measures. attended by 38 nations. adopted an atomic standard for time.Similarly. our former standard of length was the distance between two marks onplatinum-iridium bar. kept at Sevres. France. in 1960. the fundamental length standardwas redefined in terms of the wavelength of light emitted during a transition between two.The standard units of time and length may be described as follows:An interval of time. The fundamental unit is the second (s) . which by internationalagreement is defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of radiation corresponding tothe transition between the two lowest energy levels in the atomic isotope cesium 133.An interval of length. The fundamental unit is the meter (m). which is defined independently of the time interval Before 1983 . by international agreement the meter wasdefined as exactly 1 650 763. 73 wavelengths of the orange light emitted from the isotopekrypton 86. in November 1983. the length standard was defined as the distance that lighttravels in a vacuum in l1299 792 458 second.l angstrom(A) -. 10-l0 m l micron (u or um)10-6 m2.1简介(引言)我们开始研究宇宙的物理研究物体的运动。

大学物理(上)英文课程描述College Physics IPrerequisites:math, physics, chemistry and calculus of high schoolTeaching Goals:●Develop the knowledge and ability of solving problems in classic kinematics using calculus●Master the method of solving problems in classic mechanics by us ing Newton’s three laws●Have a preliminary understanding of the concept and basic method of developing physical models●Learn to abstract physical models from conc rete problems, and improve ability of solving physical problems●Develop the knowledge and ability of studying macroscopic property and law of gases by using statistical methods and gas molecules’ model●Improve the knowledge and ability of studying thermodynamic problems by using the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics●Develop a preliminary understanding of the concept of entropy.Content:Chapter 1: Force and Motion1-1 Description of particles motionsThis section features reference and coordinate frame, space and time, kinematics equation, position vector, displacement, speed, and acceleration.1-2 Circular motion and general curvilinear motionThis section features tangential acceleration and normalacceleration,angular variables of circle motion,vector of throwing motion.1-3 Relative motion, common forces and fundamental forces 1-4 Newton’s law of motion and examples of its applications1-5 Galilean principle of relativity, non-inertial system, inertial force,spatial-temporal view of classical mechanics Chapter 2: Conserved quantities and conservation law 2-1 Internal and external forces of particles system,theorem of centroid movement2-2 Theorem of momentum,law of conservation of momentum2-3Work and theorem of kinetic energy2-4 Conservative force, work of paired force, potential energy 2-5 Work-energy principal of particles system, law of conservation of mechanical energy2-6 Collision2-7 Law of conservation of angular momentum2-8 Symmetry and law of conservationChapter 3:motion of rigid body and fluid3-1 Model of rigid body and its motion3-2Moment of force, rotational inertia, law of fix-axis rotation3-3 Work-energy relation in fix-axis rotation3-4 Angular momentum theorem and conversation law of rigid body in fixed-axis3-5 Procession3-6 Perfect fluid model, steady flow, Bernouli Equation3-7 Chaos, inherent randomness of Newtonian mechanicsChapter 4:Foundation of the theory of relativity4-1 Basic principles of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation4-2 Speed conversion of relativity4-3 Spatial-Temporal view of special relativity4-4 Foundation of dynamics in special relativity4-5 Brief introduction to general relativityChapter 5:Kinetic theory of gases5-1 Description of thermal motion, of the ideal gas model and state equation5-2 Molecular thermal motion and statistical law5-3 Pressure and temperature formula of ideal gas5-4 Energy Equipartition Theorem , internal energy of ideal gas5-5 Maxwell Distributions of Speeds5-6 Maxwell- Boltzmann energy distribu tion law, particle’s d istribution in gravitational field according to altitude 5-7 Molecular collision and mean free path5-8Transport phenomena in gas5-9 A ctual gas, Van der Waals’s EquationChapter 6: Basics of thermodynamics6-1 Zeroth and the First Law of Thermodynamics6-2 Applications of the First law of Thermodynamics in quasi-static process of ideal gas6-3 Cyclic process, Carnot Cycle6-4 Second Law of Thermodynamics6-5 Reversible process and irreversible process, Carnot Theorem6-6 Entropy, Boltzmann Relation6-7 Statistically significance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Mathematical expression6-8Dissipative structure, information entropyCourse Requirements:Homework assignments and class participation (30%)Midterm examination(35%)Final examination(35%)Suggested TextbookGeneral Physics Author: Shouzhu Chen and Zhiyong Jiang; Publisher: Higher Education Press 2006Supplemental MaterialsMechanics Author: Kunmiao Liang; Publisher: Higher Education Press 2010Thermotics Author: Yunhao Qin; Publisher: Nanjing Uiversity Press 1990General Physics Author: Shouzhu Chen, Zhiyong Jiang; Publisher: Higher Education Press 2006Physics Auhor: Kezhe Liu, Zhiyong Jiang; Publisher: Higher Education Press 2006College Fundamental Physics Author: Sanhui Zhang; Publisher:Tsinghua University Press 2003。

v = v x2 + v y2
v and tanθ = v y x
r r r Ar B = C × r
r C
r B
Both pairs of values contain the same information.
Direction ( figure )
r A
Coordinate system can be chosen freely.
Components of vectors (50)
A component of a vector is the projection of the vector on an axis. This component may be in 2 or 3 dimensional (3D) coordinate system.
gh = 1 v 2 2
L T 2 L
L 2 T
[L T ] = [L T ]
2 2 2 2
The dimensions on both sides of an equation must be equal. ----check the validity(正确性)of a calculation
Watt and Angstrom ( A ) are derived units.
Derived unites are defined in terms of the basic units. Some have given names, some do not.
speed force m/s kgm/s2 Newton
Scientific notation Mass of the Earth:

《大学物理》教学大纲Syllabus of College physics课程编号:PHY01学分:4总学时:64Course Code: PHY01Credits: 4Total Class hours: 64一、课程简介大学物理是为高等工科院校开设的一门选修课。
1、Course introductionCollege physics is an elective course for higher engineering colleges. This paper mainly introduces the great achievements of physics in the 20th century and the application of physics in modern high technology. Combining the application of physics in aerospace, laser, materials, information, energy, medicine, life science and cosmology, this paper introduces the basic knowledge of physics, integrating physics knowledge with cutting-edge applications.二、教学目标通过本课程的学习,使学生获得物理学基本知识,拓展学生的知识面,培养学生的科学思维方法和研究方法,提高学生的自然科学素质。
2、Instructional objectivesThrough the study of this course, students can acquire the basic knowledge of physics, expand their knowledge, cultivate their scientific thinking methods and research methods, and improve their natural science quality.三、教学大纲3、Teaching programme第一章导论1、教学内容(1)了解经典物理学产生的条件和建立过程;(2)了解19世纪物理学的成就和危机;(3)了解20世纪物理学的发展及其特点;(4)了解物理学的社会教育和思想文化功能。
18大学物理 Ilya Prigogine--中英文讲稿

Ilya Prigogine---Structure, Dissi’pation and Life(伊利亚·普里高津---结构、耗散和生命)•In the history of modern natural science, there are three milestones which attract worldwide attention:•The first one is classical me’chanics associated with the name of the scientific giant Newton;•The second one is Relativity Theory Associated with Einstein's Name, the Founder of Modern Physics;•(在现代自然科学史上,有三个里程碑引起了全世界的注意:•第一个是与科学巨人牛顿的名字相关的经典力学;••第二个是相对论,与现代物理学的奠基人爱因斯坦的名字联系在一起;)•The third one is quantum mechanics associated with the names of Bohr, Heisenberg and others.•(第三个是与玻尔、海森堡等名字相关的量子力学。
)•••For decades, scientists all over the world have been looking up to the peak of science while looking forward to the rise of another giant monument, Ilya Prigogine----A physicist who views the world from the perspective of evolution. •(•几十年来,全世界的科学家都在仰望科学的巅峰,同时期待着另一座巨大的纪念碑——从进化的角度看待世界的物理学家伊利亚·普里高津的崛起。

大学物理英汉词汇对照1、mechanical motion 机械运动2、theory of relativity 相对论3、particl 质点4、frame of reference 参照系5、position vector 位置矢量6、equation of motion 运动方程7、orbit 轨道8、distance 路程9、displacement 位移10、velocity 速度11、acceleration 加速度12、tangential acceleration 切向加速度13、normal acceleration 切向加速度14、Newton's law of motion 牛顿运动定律15、inertia 惯性16、force 力17、moment of force 力矩18、Galileo transformation 伽利略变换19、system 系统20、work 功21、kinetic energy 动能22、potential energy 势能23、mechanical energy 机械能24、momentum 动量25、angular momentum 角动量26、Lorentz transformation 洛仑兹变换27、mol 摩尔28、atmospheric pressure 大气压29、standard condition 标准状况30、ideal gas 理想气体31、gas constant 气体常数32、Avogadro’s number阿伏伽德罗数33、distribution function of speed 速率分布函数34、most probable speed 最概然速率35、average speed 平均速率36、root-mean-square speed 方均根速率37、degree of freedom 自由度38、diatomic molecule 双原子分子39、polyatomic molecule 多原子分子40、theorem of equipartition of energy 能量均分定理41、collision frequency 碰撞频率42、free path 自由程43、temperature 温度44、electromagnetism 电磁学45、electric field 电场46、magnetic field 磁场47、electromagnetic field 电磁场48、electromagnetic wave 电磁波49、Maxwell’s equations麦克斯韦方程组50、electromagnetic energy 电磁能量51、energy of electric field 电场能量52、energy of magnetic field 磁场能量53、Poynting’s vector坡印廷矢量54、energy flow density 能流密度55、Lorentz force 洛伦兹力56、electron 电子57、electron theory 电荷58、point charge 点电荷59、charge density 电荷密度60、conservation law of charge 电荷守恒定律61、bound charge 束缚电荷62、free charge 自由电荷63、conductor 导体64、insulator 绝缘体65、dielectric 电介质66、C oulomb’s law库仑定律67、electrostatic field 静电场68、electric field strength 电场强度69、electric flux 电通量70、Gauss’s law高斯定理71、electric potential 电势72、electric potential difference 电势差73、equipotential surface 等势面74、electrostatic induction 静电感应75、induced charge 感生电荷76、electrostatic shielding 静电屏蔽77、electrostatic equilibrium 静电平衡78、capacitance 电容79、electric source 电源80、non-electrostatic force 非静电力81、electromotive force 电动势82、magnetostatic field 静磁场83、magnetic induction 磁感应强度83、magnetic field strength 磁场强度85、uniform magnetic field 均匀磁场86、magnetic induction flux 磁感应通量87、Ampere’s force安培力88、Hall effect 霍耳效应88、paramagnetic substance 顺磁质89、diamagnetic substance 抗磁质90、superconductivity 超导性91、ferromagnetic substance 铁磁质92、electromagnetic induction 电磁感应93、Faraday’s electromagnetic induction law 法拉第电磁感应定律94、induced electromotive force 感生电动势95、motional electromotive force 动生电动势96、(1)self induction (2)self inductance 自感97、(1)mutual induction (2)mutual inductance 互感98、eddy current 涡电流99、displacement current 位移电流100、electromagnetic oscillation 电磁振荡101、electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱102、electromagnetic theory of light 光的电磁理论103、Hertz’s experiment赫兹实验104、coulomb 库仑105、volt 伏特106、ohm 欧姆107、reciprocal ohm 姆欧108、siemens 西门子109、ampere 安培110、farad 法拉111、henry 亨利112、weber 韦伯113、vibration(vibration motion oscillation)振动114、harmonic oscillation 谐振动115、damped oscillation 阻尼振动116、forced oscillation 受迫振动117、linear oscillation 线性振动118、mechanical oscillation 机械振动119、thermal oscillation 热振动120、light oscillation 光振动121、period 周期122、frequency 频率123、amplitude 振幅124、phase 相位125、synthesis 合成126、rotating vector 旋转矢量127、wave 波动128、superposition 迭加129、mechanical wave 机械波130、electromagnetic ware 电磁波131、longitudinal waves 纵波132、transversal waves 横波133、ware surface 波面134、ray 波线135、wave front 波前136、wave speed 波速137、plane wave平面波138、spherical waves 球面波139、harmonic waves 简谐波140、wave function 波函数141、wavelength 波长142、wave number 波数143、interference 干涉144、coherent wave 相干波145、constructive interference 相长干涉146、destructive interference 相消干涉147、geometrical optics 几何光学148、modern optics 现代光学149、physical optics 物理光学150、wave optics 波动光学151、quantum optics 量子光学152、nonlinear optics 非线性光学153、applied optics 应用光学154、information optics 信息光学155、Fourier optics 傅里叶光学156、index of refraction 折射率157、photo vector 光矢量158、speed of light 光速159、Young’s two-slit interference 扬氏双缝干涉160、equal inclination interference 等倾干涉161、equal thickness interference 等厚干涉162、film interference 薄膜干涉163、diffraction 衍射164、Fresnel diffraction 菲涅尔衍射165、Fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射166、Huygens-Fresnel principle 惠更斯-菲涅尔原理167、Single slit diffraction 单缝衍射168、Double slit diffraction 双缝衍射169、Circular hole diffraction 圆孔衍射170、X-ray diffraction X射线171、Electron diffraction 电子衍射172、Rayleigh criterion 瑞利判据173、grating 光栅174、grating constant 光栅常数175、grating spectrum 光栅光谱176、natural light(natural daylight)自然光177、polarized light 偏振光178、linearly polarized light 线偏振光151、partially polarized light 部分偏振光179、Malus law 马吕斯定律180、birefringence(double refraction)双折射181、ordinary light 寻常光182、extraordinary light 非寻常光184、thermal radiation 热辐射(heat radiation)(calorific radiation)184、black-body radiation 黑体辐射185、Planck’s qua ntum theory 普朗克量子论186、photo-electric effect 光电效应187、light quantum 光(量)子188、Compton effect 康普顿效应189、Compton wave lenghth 康普顿波长190、atomic structure 原子结构191、Bohr’s quantum theory 玻尔量子论192、Bohr radius 玻尔半径193、matter wave 物质波194、microscopic world 微观世界195、macroscopic world 宏观世界196、wave-particle duality 波粒二象性197、quantum physics 量子物理学198、length 长度199、mass 质量200、time 时间201、electric current 电流202、thermodynamic temperature 热力学温度203、amount of substance 物质的量204、luminous intensity 发光强度205、plane angle 平面角206、solid angle 立体角Prefixes Used With SI Units国际单位制使用的词头exa—艾E(1018)peta—拍P(1015)tera—太T(1012)giga—吉G(109)mega—兆M(106)kilo—千K(103)hecto—白h(102)deca—十da(10)deci—分d(10-1)centi—厘c(10-2)milli—毫m(10-3)micro—微μ(10-6)nano—纳n(10-9)pico—皮p(10-12)femto—飞f(10-15)affo—阿a(10-18)。

《大学物理B》教学大纲课程名称:中文名称:大学物理B;英文名称:College Physics.B学分:3+2学分理论学时: 90学时一、课程的性质、目的与任务《大学物理》是高等院校非物理类理工科本科各专业的一门十分重要的必修基础课。

英文名称:College Physics B
学分:4 总学时:64
讲课学时:56 实验学时:8 上机学时:课外学时:

《大学物理》课程中英文简介College Physics课程代码:080013B Course Code:080013B课程名称:大学物理Course Name:College Physics学时:48 Periods:48学分:3 Credits:3考核方式:考查Assessment:Inspection先修课程:高等数学Preparatory Courses:Advanced Mathematics物理学是研究物质的基本结构、基本运动形式、相互作用的自然科学。
Physics is a discipline of natural science which studies the basic structure, the basic movement form and the interaction of matters. Its elementary theories and research methods are the foundation of other natural sciences, which are widely used in all the domains of natural science.College Physics, which takes the foundation of basic physics as its main contents, is one of the compulsory basic courses for the students of mathematics and applied mathematics. The basic concepts, theories and essential methods of the course are an importa nt part of students’ scientific accomplishment and play an important role in improving talented people's scientific quality, which cannot be substituted by other courses.This course enables students to grasp the elementary knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, wave and optics and modern physics. It provides a basis for the work they will do after graduation in the fields of technology, management and scientific research.《普通物理学及实验I》课程中英文简介General Physics and Experiments I课程代码:080024A/080023A Course Code:080024A/080023A课程名称:普通物理学及实验I Course Name:General Physics and Experiment I学时:64/48 Periods:64/48学分:4/3 Credits:4/3考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination先修课程:高等数学Preparatory Courses:Advanced Mathematics物理学是研究物质的基本结构、基本运动形式、相互作用的自然科学。

Practical English:大学常见课程中英文对照大学英语English高等数学Advanced Mathematics体育Physical Education军事理论Military Theory机械制图Mechanical Graphing算法语言Algorithmic Language大学物理College Physics物理实验Experiment of College Physics线性代数Linear Algebra法律基础Fundamentals of Law普通物理General Physics普通物理实验Lab of General Physics复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations电路理论Theory of Circuitry电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process信号与线性系统Signal & Linear System电子线路Circuitry脉冲与数字电路Pulse & Numerical Circuitry金工实习Metalworking Practice电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry微机原理Principle of Microcomputer电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply计算方法Computational Method软件技术基础Basis of Software Technique微波技术Microwave Technique通讯原理Principle of Communication数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing微机实验Experiment of Microcomputer计算机接口技术Computer Interface Technologyc 语言 C languageCET-6College English Test (Band 6)工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management移动通讯Moving Communication光纤通讯系统Fiber Optical Communication System可靠性技术导论Introduction to Reliability Technology卫星通信Satellite Communications电视原理Television Operation数字图象处理Digital Image Processing专业英语Specialty English情报检索Information Searches毕业设计Graduation Thesis自动控制理论Automatic Control Theory模拟电子电路Analogical Electronics数字电子电路Digital Electronics资本主义经济Economy of Capitalism马克思主义原理Principle of Marxism机械原理Principle of Mechanic机械设计Mechanic Design最优控制Optimum Control微机控制技术Microcomputer Control Technology 过程控制Procedure Control自动控制系统Automatic Control System半导体变流技术Semiconductor converting Technique 运筹学Operational Research自动检测技术Auto-Measurement Technique传感器原理Principle of Sensing Device单片机原理Principle of Single-Chip computerHxenEnglishPractical English:大学系别名称中英文对照会计系 Dept. of Accounting农业系Dept.of Agriculture农业经济系 Dept.of Agricultural Economics农业化学系Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry农业工程系 Dept.of Agricultural Engineering畜牧系Dept.of Animal Husbandry人类学系 Dept.of Anthropology应用数学系Dept.of Applied Mathematics建筑系Dept. of Architecture考古学系Dept.of Archaeology天文系Dept.of Astronomy原子能系Dept.of Atomic Energy解剖系Dept. of Anatomy金融系 Dept.of Banking工商管理系Dept.of Business Administration生物学系Dept.of Biology生物化学系Dept.of Biochemistry植物学系Dept.of Botany细菌学系 Dept.of Bacteriology中文系Dept.of Chinese化学系Dept.of Chemistry化学工程系Dept.of Chemical Engineering控制工程系 Dept. of Control Engineering电信工程系Dept. of Communication Engineering 计算机科学系Dept.of Computer Science电脑资讯系 Dept.of Computer Information土木工程系 Dept.of Civil Engineering舞蹈系 Dept. of Dance牙科学系Dept.of Dentistry营养学系Dept.of Dietetics外交学系Dept.of Diplomacy经济系Dept.of Economics教育系Dept.of Education工程系 Dept.of Engineering环境工程系 Dept.of Environmental Engineering 英语系Dept. of English昆虫系 Dept.of Entomology电子物理系Dept.of Electrophysics电子工程系 Dept.of Electronic Engineering电机工程系 Dept.of Electrical Engineering眼耳鼻喉系Dept. of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat渔业学系Dept.of Fishery水产学系 Dept.of Fishery Technology食品科学系 Dept.of Food Science外语系Dept. of Foreign Languages森林系Dept.of Forestry遗传系 Dept.of Genetics地理系 Dept.of Geography地质系Dept. of Geology地球物理系Dept.of Geophysics历史系 Dept.of History园艺系Dept.of Horticulture国际关系学系Dept.of International Relations 国际贸易系Dept. of International Trade工业设计系Dept. of Industrial Design工业管理系 Dept.of Industrial Management 新闻学系 Dept. of Journalism法律系Dept.of Law图书管理系 Dept.of Library Management文学系Dept.of Literature机械工程系Dept.of Mechanical Engineering 冶金系Dept.of Metallurgy管理科学系Dept.of Management Science大众传播系 Dept.of Mass Communication医学系 Dept.of Medical Science海洋运输学系 Dept.of Marine Transportation 航海技术系 Dept.of Maritime Technology 数学系Dept.of Mathematics气象系 Dept.of Meteorology矿业系 Dept.of Mining核子工程系Dept.of Nuclear Enginerring护理系Dept.of Nursing航海学系Dept.of Navigation海洋科学系 Dept.of Nautical Science造船学系Dept.of Naval Architecture 东方语言系Dept.of Oriental languages 海洋学系Dept.of Oceanography海洋气象学系 Dept. of Ocean Meteorology 石油系Dept.of Oil药学系Dept.of Pharmacology病理学系Dept.of Pathology政治系 Dept.of Political Science物理系Dept.of Physics体育系 Dept.of Physical Culture生理学系Dept.of Physiology植物病虫学系Dept.of Plant Pathology 植物生理系Dept.of Plant Physiology 哲学系Dept. of Philosophy电力物理系 Dept.of Power Physics印刷系Dept.of Printing公共卫生学系 Dept.of Public Health卫生工程学系Dept.of Sanitary Engineering土壤系Dept. of Soil纺织系Dept.of Spinning社会学系Dept.of Sociology测量系Dept.of Survey纺织工程系 Dept.of Textile Engineering戏剧系Dept.of Theatricals运输管理系Dept.of Transportation Management兽医学系 Dept. of Veterinary Medicine水利系Dept. of Water Conservancy水土保持系Dept. of Water & Soil Maintenance Engineering 西方语言系 Dept. of Western Languages动物学系Dept.of ZoologyHjiangEnglish。

《大学物理》课程标准课程代码:课程名称:大学物理英文名称:College Physics课程类型:专业必修课总学时:144 授课学时:108 实践学时: 36学分:8适用对象:机械类及相近专业本科学生一、课程概述大学物理是高等院校非物理类理工科本科各专业学生一门重要的通识性必修基础课。
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课程代码:B1081006大学物理(1)学分:4 周学时:4
Code:B1081006College Physics1Credits:4Teaching Hours per Week:4
Requisites: Advanced Mathematics
Contents:Based on the basic requirements of the course of Advanced Physics for non-physical science and engineering undergraduate from the ministry of education and the reform of the dynamic of domestic physical materials,this course is divided into two teaching semesters: Advanced Physics 1and 2. Advanced Physics 1 includes Mechanical, thermal and electrical,Magnetism,.Each chapter is followed with a summary and the relevant contents of applications of physics and modern science and technology.
课程代码:B1081006大学物理(2)学分:3 周学时:3
Code:B1081006College Physics2Credits:3Teaching Hours per Week:3
Requisites: Advanced Mathematics college Physics1
Contents:Based on the basic requirements of the course of Advanced Physics for non-physical science and engineering undergraduate from the ministry of education and the reform of the dynamic of domestic physical materials,this course is divided into two teaching semesters: Advanced
Physics 1 and 2. Advanced Physics 2 includes vibration and wave, Optics and Basic modern physics. Each chapter is followed with a summary and the relevant contents of applications of physics and modern science and technology.。