新湘少版四年级英语上册知识点 (简)




1 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

1.This is Chen Dong.He is my brother 这是陈东。

他是我的弟弟(专门用于介绍的句型)2.---What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?---My name is …(或者是I am …)我的名字叫……3. ---Nice to meet you .见到你很高兴。

--- Nice to meet you , too. 见到你我也很高兴。

2 It ’s a circle 它是一个圆形1.this (这个)指近处的物体都是用于单件(个)人或物。

that (那个)指远处的物体。

2.--- What ’s this ? 这是什么?3. ---What ’s that?那是什么?---It ’s a square. 它是一个正方形。

---It ’s a circle.它是一个圆形。

4.---What shape is this (that) ?这(那)是什么形状?---It is a circle . 它是一个圆。

5.--- How many + 名词复数 + are there ?( 这是专门用于对数量提问的。

)---There are sixteen circles. 有十六个圆。

3. Look at that elephant. 看那只大象。

1.---What’s this ? 这是什么?---It is a tiger . 它是一只老虎。

2. look at …(看……)(at 后接看的对象、人、物品等。

)①Look at that tiger . It’s strong. 看那只老虎,它很强壮。

②Look at this monkey . It’s funny. 看那只猴子,它很顽皮。

3. It’s a bird.它是一只鸟。

It’s an elephant. 它是一头大象。

* a 用于发辅音音素单词前。



湘少版四年级上册英语复习资料单词表Unit 1是are 谢谢thanks 兄弟brother 姐妹sister女士衬衣blouse 吹气blow 毯子blanketUnit 2旗flag 十六sixteen 十一eleven 茶壶teapot三角形triangle 正方形square 圆形circle扫把broom 桥bridge 刷子brushUnit 3大象elephant 老虎tiger 猴子monkey 老鼠mouse大的big 小的small 调皮的naughty 强壮的strong 美丽的beautiful 粉笔chalk 小鸡chick 儿童、孩子child Unit 4孩子们children 郊游outing 瓢虫ladybird 鸡蛋egg这些these 那些those 海鸥seagull 爬climb钟clock 拍手clapUnit 5饥饿的hungry 饺子dumpling 果酱jam 面包bread 饼干biscuit 面条noodle 米饭rice 牛奶milk 螃蟹crab 哭cry 薄脆饼干crackerUnit 6谁的whose 钱包purse 围巾scarf有边的帽子hat 包bag 裙子dress龙dragon 喝、饮料drink 鼓drumUnit 7猜guess 左边的left 右边的right 硬币coin转弯turn 士兵soldier 交通警察raffic police男警察policeman 许多男警察policemen 花flower Unit 8水彩画painting 出口exit 相册photo album 皮带belt没边的帽子cap 水果fruit 相框frame 薯条Frensh fries Unit 9公寓flat 号码number 我们的our 他们的their在…的前面in front of 褐色的brown 门door床bed 窗户window 卧室bedroom桌子table 椅子chair 衣柜wardrobe手套glove 玻璃杯glass 地球仪globe 眼镜glasses Unit 10在…上面on 在…下面under 在…里面in浴室bathroom 厨房kitchen 客厅living room 什么地方where 草grass 葡萄grapes 绿色green Unit 11家庭作业homework 总和sum 错误的wrong 对的right 二十twenty 三十thirty 四十forty 五十fifty六十sixty 七十seventy 八十eighty 九十ninety二十一twenty-one 三十二thirty -two 四十三forty- three 五十四fifty- four 六十五sixty- five 七十六seventy- six八十七eighty- seven 九十八ninety-eight 九十九ninety-nine 一百one hundred 请please 插头plug 植物plant Unit 12游泳swim 跳跃jump 跑run 投throw飞fly 高的high 快的fast 远的far骂scold 小轮摩托车scooterUnit 13盘子plate 橙色的orange 灰色的grey 温暖的warm Unit 14湖泊lake 天空sky 小船boat 轮船ship 城市city单词分类:1、家庭成员爸爸father 妈妈mother 爷爷、外公grandfather 奶奶、外婆grandmother 姐妹sister 兄弟brother 表兄妹cousin 我me2、形状shape正方形square 三角形triangle 圆形circle3、动物大象elephant 猴子monkey 老虎tiger 鸟bird 老鼠mouse 七星螵虫ladybird 海鸥seagull4、食物food米饭rice 面条noodles 饺子dumplings 面包bread 饼干biscuits 蛋egg 牛奶milk 果酱jam 5、物品公寓flat 茶壶teapot 钱包purse 围巾scarf 帽子hat 皮带belt 花flower 水彩画painting 相片photo 相册photo album6、职业士兵soldier 男警察policeman 交警traffic police老师teacher 学生student 医生doctor7、房子flat客厅living room 厨房kitchen 浴室bathroom卧室bedroom8、家具桌子table 椅子chair 床bed 衣柜wardrobe 门door 9、表示方位左边left 右边right 在......上面on 在......里面in 在....下面under 在.......前面in front of10、形容词大的big 小的small 强壮的strong 漂亮的beautiful 调皮的naughty 饥饿的hungry 正确的right 错误的wrong 远的far 快的fast 高的high11、动作猜gues 转弯turn 跑步run 投throw游泳swim 跳跃jump 飞fly12、数字二十twenty 三十thirty 四十forty 五十fifty六十sixty 七十seventy 八十eighty 九十ninety二十一twenty-one 三十二thirty -two 四十三forty- three 五十四fifty- four 六十五sixty- five 七十六seventy- six八十七eighty- seven 九十八ninety-eight 九十九ninety-nine 一百one hundred13、颜色color红色red 绿色green 蓝色blue 黄色yellow棕色brown 黑色black重点句子Unit 11、Good morning. – Good morning. 早上好。

湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

四年级上册单词及句型Unit1词汇:are thanks brother sister meet句型:Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.This is Chen Dong.He's my brother.Unit2词汇:line dot sixteen eleven circle square句型:What’s that? It’s a circle.How many squares are there? There are sixteen squares.Unit3词汇:elephant big small monkey tigerstrong beautiful句型:Look at that elephant. Look at this bird.It's beautiful.Is that right? Yes,it is./ No,it isn't.Unit4词汇:children these flower those grass egg sheep 句型:The children are on an outing.What are those? Those are birds' eggs.What are these? These are flowers.Unit5词汇:hungry dumpling bread biscuit noodle rice milk句型:What do you like? I like noodles.I don't like rice. I like biscuits.Unit6词汇:left right turn up down we policemen句型:We are soldiers.Are you soldiers? Yes,we are.Turn left. Turn right.Unit7词汇:whose wallet scarf hat key bag mobile phone句型:Whose is this? I t’s my wallet.Is this your wallet? No, it isn’t.Here you are.Unit8词汇:sweater dancer wear shoes herbrown grey socks skirt句型:Look at the dancer.She wears a white and black sweater.Unit9词汇: wrong forty-six fifty-four twenty thirty forty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred homework right句型:Is this right? Yes, it's right.I’m wrong.Forty-six and fifty-four is one-hundred.Unit10词汇:bathroom kitchen welcome our bedroom living room our home come句型:Welcome to our home.This is my bedroom\ living room.That’s my grandparent’s home.Unit11词汇:where under in on table window door desk chair door wall bed room句型:Where's the cat? She is in the kitchen.Is she under the table? No,she isn’t.Unit12词汇:swim fast high run can far jump fly 句型:Peter can swim fast. Anne can jump high.She can run fast. Anne can jump far.It can fly high.。

最新湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

最新湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

最新湘少版英语四年级上册知识点Unit1词汇:are thanks brother sister meet句型:Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.This is Chen Dong.He's my brother.Unit2词汇:line dot sixteen eleven circle square句型:What’s that? It’s a circle.How many squares are there? There are sixteen squares.Unit3词汇:elephant big small monkey tigerstrong beautiful句型:Look at that elephant. Look at this bird.It's beautiful.Is that right? Yes,it is./ No,it isn't.Unit4词汇:children these flower those grass egg sheep句型:The children are on an outing.What are those? Those are birds' eggs.What are these? These are flowers.Unit5词汇:hungry dumpling bread biscuit noodle rice milk句型:What do you like? I like noodles.I don't like rice. I like biscuits.Unit6词汇:left right turn up down we policemen句型:We are soldiers.Are you soldiers? Yes,we are.Turn left. Turn right.Unit7词汇:whose wallet scarf hat key bagmobile phone句型:Whose is this? I t’s my wallet.Is this your wallet? No,it isn’t.Here you are.Unit8词汇:sweater dancer wear shoes herbrown grey socks skirt句型:Look at the dancer.She wears a white and black sweater.Unit9词汇: wrong forty-six fifty-four twenty thirty forty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred homework right句型:Is this right? Yes,it's right.I’m wrong.Forty-six and fifty-four is one-hundred.Unit10词汇:bathroom kitchen our bedroomliving room our home句型:This is my bedroom\ living room.That’s my grandparent’s home.Unit11词汇:where under in on table window door desk chair door wall bed room句型:Where's the cat? She is in the kitchen.Is she under the table? No,she isn’t.Unit12词汇:swim fast high run can far jump fly 句型:Peter can swim fast. Anne can jump high.She can run fast. Anne can jump far. It can fly high.。



湘少版英语四年级上册复习重点Unit 1 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴单词:are是thanks谢谢brother弟弟sister姐姐blouse女士衬衫blow吹blanket 毛毯句型:Nice to meet you .见到你很高兴。

Nice to meet you ,too.见到你我也很高兴。

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night早上好、下午好、晚上好、晚安。

This is Chendong.He’s my brother.这时陈东,他是我的弟弟。

Unit 2 What’s that?那是什么?单词:flag旗sixteen十六eleven十一teapot茶壶bridge桥broom扫帚brush刷子bread面包句型:What’s that?It’s a triangle/a flag/a circle、a teapot..它是一个三角形/红旗/圆形。

Unit3 Look at that elephant.看那只大象单词:elephant大象big大的monkey猴子naughty调皮的tiger老虎strong 强壮beautiful漂亮的small小的chalk粉笔chick小鸡child小孩句型:Look at that/this elepant/monkey/tiger/bird/…看那只大象、猴子、老虎、鸟、、、、It’s big/naughty/strong/beautiful/…它很大、调皮、强壮、美丽、、、Unit4 Those are eggs.那些是蛋。

单词:children孩子(child的复数)outing郊游these这些ladybird瓢虫those 那些seagull海鸥egg蛋climb爬clock 闹钟clap拍手句型:What are these?这些是什么?These are ladybirds.这些是瓢虫。



湘少四年级上册英语Unit 1:meet 遇到1.—How are you?(你好吗?)—I’m fine. Thank you.(我很好,谢谢。

)2. —Nice to meet you.(见到你很高兴。

)—Nice to meet you, too.(见到你也很高兴。

)3.—Glad to see you. (见到你很高兴。

)—Glad to see you, too.(见到你也很高兴。

)4.Good morning. (早上好。

)5.Good afternoon. (下午好。

)6.—What’s your name?(你叫什么名字?)—My name is ... . (我的名字叫。

)7.This is Chen Dong. He’s my brother. (这是陈东,他是我的弟弟。

)Unit 2:1.circle 圆square 正方形line 线,直线dot 点flag 旗2.—What’s this? (这是什么?)—It’s a circle.(它是一个圆。

)3.—What’s that? (那是什么?)—It’s a square.(它是一个正方形。

)4.—How many circles are there?(这有多少个圆?)—Seven.或:There are seven circles.(有7个圆。

)5.—What are you doing?(你在做什么?)—I’m drawing.(我在画画。

)Unit 3:1. a strong tiger (一只强壮的老虎)a beautiful bird (一只漂亮的小鸟)a big elephant (一只大的大象)a funny monkey (一只有趣的猴子)a small mouse (一只小的老鼠)2.look at 看zoo 动物园lazy 懒惰的animal 动物3. Look at that elephant. It’s big.(看那只大象。

湘少版英语四年级英语上册Unit 7 Whose is this 知识清单

湘少版英语四年级英语上册Unit 7 Whose is this 知识清单

1.和物品相关的: wallet 钱包bag包;手提包scarf 围巾hat (有边的)帽子key钥匙mobile phone手机
2.其他: whose谁的
1.和物品相关的其他词汇: box盒子clothes 衣服chair 椅子watch 手表shoes鞋
2.其他: put把...放在;安置pet 宠物their 他(她,它)们的strange奇怪的funny有趣的
1. Whose is this? 这是谁的?
解读: 此句是由whose引导的特殊疑问句,whose用来对物主代词及名词所有格进行提问.
举一反三: Whose is this bag? 这个包是谁的?
2. -Is this your wallet,Lingling? 玲玲,这是你的钱包吗?
- No,it isn't. 不,它不是.
解读: 问句是一个含有be动词的一般疑问句,询问物品是否属于某人.
举一反三:-Are these your clothes? 这些是你的衣服吗?
-Yes,they are. 是的,它们是.
What's this? 这是什么?
解读: 此句是由疑问词what引导的特殊疑问句,意为“什么”.举一反三: What do you do? 你是做什么工作的?。

湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

湘少版 英语四年级上册知识点

四年级上册单词及句型Unit1词汇:are thanks brother sister meet句型:Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.This is Chen Dong.He's my brother.Unit2词汇:line dot sixteen eleven circle square句型:What’s that? It’s a circle.How many squares are there? There are sixteen squares.Unit3词汇:elephant big small monkey tigerstrong beautiful句型:Look at that elephant. Look at this bird.It's beautiful.Is that right? Yes,it is./ No,it isn't.Unit4词汇:children these flower those grass egg sheep 句型:The children are on an outing.What are those? Those are birds' eggs.What are these? These are flowers.Unit5词汇:hungry dumpling bread biscuit noodle rice milk句型:What do you like? I like noodles.I don't like rice. I like biscuits.Unit6词汇:left right turn up down we policemen句型:We are soldiers.Are you soldiers? Yes,we are.Turn left. Turn right.Unit7词汇:whose wallet scarf hat key bag mobile phone句型:Whose is this? I t’s my wallet.Is this your wallet? No, it isn’t.Here you are.Unit8词汇:sweater dancer wear shoes herbrown grey socks skirt句型:Look at the dancer.She wears a white and black sweater.Unit9词汇: wrong forty-six fifty-four twenty thirty forty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred homework right句型:Is this right? Yes, it's right.I’m wrong.Forty-six and fifty-four is one-hundred.Unit10词汇:bathroom kitchen welcome our bedroom living room our home come句型:Welcome to our home.This is my bedroom\ living room.That’s my grandparent’s home.Unit11词汇:where under in on table window door desk chair door wall bed room句型:Where's the cat? She is in the kitchen.Is she under the table? No,she isn’t.Unit12词汇:swim fast high run can far jump fly 句型:Peter can swim fast. Anne can jump high.She can run fast. Anne can jump far.It can fly high.。

新湘少版四年级英语上册知识点 (简)

新湘少版四年级英语上册知识点 (简)

Unit 1 Nice to meet you!句型:Nice to meet you! ——Nice to meet you ,too!很高兴见到你!(初次见面)Glad to see you! ——Glad to see you,too!很高兴见到你!(熟人之间)How are you?你好吗?——I’m fine,Thank you.我很好,谢谢你。

Unit 2 It’s a circle.词汇:this这,这个that那,那个me我How many多少dot点line线circle 圆形square正方形triangle三角形rectangle长方形句型:What’s this? ——It’s a circle.这是什么?这是一个圆形。

What’s that? ——It’s a square.那是什么?那是一个正方形。

How many circles are there? ——There are seven circles. 有七个圆形。

Unit 3 Look at this elephant.短语:a strong tiger 一只强壮的老虎 a big elephant 一头很大的大象 a funny monkey 一只有趣的猴子a beautiful bird 一只漂亮的鸟a small mouse一只很小的老鼠句型:Look at this elephant. It’s big.看看这头大象。


Look at that tiger. It’s strong.看看那只老虎。


Unit 4 These are flowers.词汇:these这些those那些flower花tree树sheep绵羊grass草egg蛋they他们we 我们their他们的our我们的children孩子们outing郊游句型:What are these? These are flowers.这些是什么?这些是花。



新湘少版四年级英语上册知识点一.词汇meet见面brother 哥哥弟弟sister姐姐妹妹cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹aunt 阿姨伯母姨妈uncle叔叔伯伯舅舅who 谁what什么where哪里name名字he 他she她his他的her她的二.句型1.Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you ,too!很高兴见到你!(初次见面)2.Glad to see you! Glad to see you,too!很高兴见到你!(熟人之间)3.Good morning! 早上好!4.Good afternoon!下午好!5.How are you?I’m fine,Thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢你。

6.This is Cen Dong. This is Anne.这是陈东。


7.He is my brother. She is my sister. It is a dog.他是我的弟弟。



8.Who are you? I’m Lingling.你是谁?我是玲玲。

9.What’s your name? My name is Helen.你叫什么名字?我叫海伦。

10.I’m ten years old.我十岁了。

11.I’m in Class Two,Grade Four.我在四年级二班。

1 / 102. It’s a circle.一.词汇circle 圆形square正方形triangle三角形rectangle长方形dot点line 线boy男孩girl女孩this这,这个that那,那个me我How many多少二.句型1.What’s this? It’s a circle.这是什么?这是一个圆形。

2.What’s that? It’s a square.那是什么、。


3.How many circles are there? How many dots are there?有多少个圆形?有多少个点?There are seven circles. There are six dots.有七个圆形。



新湘少版四年级英语上册期末复习知识点1. Nice to meet you!一.词汇meet见面brother 哥哥弟弟sister姐姐妹妹cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹aunt 阿姨伯母姨妈uncle叔叔伯伯舅舅who 谁what什么where哪里name名字he 他she她his他的her她的二.句型1.Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you ,too!很高兴见到你!(初次见面)2.Glad to see you! Glad to see you,too!很高兴见到你!(熟人之间)3.Good morning! 早上好!4.Good afternoon!下午好!5.How are you? I’m fine, Thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢你。

6.This is Chen Dong. This is Anne.这是陈东。


7.He is my brother. She is my sister. It is a dog.他是我的弟弟。



8.Who are you? I’m Lingling.你是谁?我是玲玲。

9.What’s your name? My name is Helen.你叫什么名字?我叫海伦。

10.I’m ten years old.我十岁了。

11.I’m in Class Two, Grade Four.我在四年级二班。

2. It’s a circle.一.词汇circle 圆形square正方形dot点line线triangle三角形rectangle长方形boy男孩girl女孩this这,这个that那,那个me我How many多少二.句型1.What’s this? It’s a circle.这是什么?这是一个圆形。

2.What’s that? It’s a square.那是什么、。




四年级上册重点知识一.词汇1.图形类:circle 圆square 正方形ling 直线dot 点triangle 三角形rectangle 长方形2.家具类:desk 书桌table 桌子chair 椅子bed 床3.房间类:kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室bedroom 卧室living room 客厅room 房间4.方位类:in 在....里面on 在.....上面under 在.....下面up 向上down 向下turn left 向左转turn right 向右转5.衣物类:sweater 毛衣skirt 短裙shorts 短裤trousers 长裤socks 袜子shoes 鞋子6.食物类:rice 米饭noodles 面条bread 面包dumplings 饺子biscuits 饼干milk 牛奶egg 蛋7.水果类:banana 香蕉apple 苹果orange 橘子grape 葡萄pear 梨子8.职业类:soldier 士兵policeman 男警察policewoman 女警察teacher 教师doctor 医生nurse护士fireman 消防员worker 工人dancer 舞者traffic policeman 交警postman 邮递员driver 司机pupil 学生9.数字类:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred10.运动类:swim 游泳run 跑步jump high 跳得高jump far 跳得远skip 跳绳play basketball 打篮球play football 踢足球11.动物类:mouse 老鼠tiger 老虎monkey 猴子elephant 大象lion 狮子bird 鸟cat 猫dog 狗duck 鸭子cow 奶牛fish 鱼sheep 绵羊panda 熊猫kangaroo 袋鼠pig 猪rabbit 兔子12.颜色类:red 红色yellow 黄色blue 蓝色green 绿色orange 橘色white 白色purple 紫色black 黑色pink 粉色brown 棕色grey 灰色golden 金色13.形容词:funny 有趣的strong 强壮的small 小的big 大的beautiful 漂亮的hungry 饥饿的right 正确的wrong 错误的fast 快的high 高的far 远的14.名词:flower 花tree 树grass 草wallet 钱包bag 包key 钥匙mobile phone 手机homework 家庭作业wall 墙window 窗户door 门15.动词:fly 飞can 能够jump 跳come 来wear 穿turn 转弯meet 见面see 看见welcome 欢迎16.人称代词:I 我me(I的宾格)my 我的you 你(你们)your 你们he 他his 他的she 她her 她的we我们our 我们的They 他们(她们、它们)them (they的宾格)their 他(她、它)们的17.特殊疑问词:where 在哪里whose 谁的who 谁what 什么why 为什么when 什么时候how 怎么样18.家庭成员称呼:father 爸爸mother 妈妈parents 父母grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,外公grandparents 祖父母brother 哥哥,弟弟sister 姐姐,妹妹uncle 叔叔aunt 阿姨二.句型1.A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too!2.A: Glad to see you! B: Glad to see you, too!A: Good morning! B: Good morning!A: Good afternoon B: Good afternoon!A: Good night! B: Good night!A: Goodbye! B: Goodbye!3.A: How are you? B: I’m fine.4.A: What’s your name? B: My name is Dino.5.A: What’s her name? B:She’s Miss Panda.6.A: What’s that? B: It’s a circle.7.A: What’s this? B: It’s a square.8.A: How many circles are there? B: seven/eleven.9.A: What are you doing, Dino? B: I’m drawing.10.A: Look at this elephant. B: It’s big.11.A: Is that right? B: 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t.12.A: What are those? B: They are green birds.13.A: What don’t you like? B: I don’t like noodles.A: What do you like? B: I like noodles.14.A: Are you soldiers? B: 肯定回答:Yes, we are. 否定回答:No, we aren’t.15.A: What are we? B: You’re traffic policeman.16.A: Is this your wallet,Ling ling? B: 肯定回答:Yes. It is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t17.A: Here you are. B: Thank you very much.18.A: Whose is this, Linda? B: It’s Benny’s wallet.19.A: Is this right,Miss Li? B: Yes, it’s right.20.A: Where’s the cat? B: She’s in the kitchen.21.A: Is she under the table? B: 肯定回答:Yes, she is 否定回答:No, she isn’t.22.A; Where are you? B: I’m not here.23.A: Can you swim? B: 肯定回答:Yes, i can. 否定回答:No. I can’t.三.语法知识名词复数1.一般情况下在单词后面直接加-S例如:noodle-noodles flower-flowers dumping-dumplings2.不规则变化例如:child-children policeman-policemen policewoman-policewomenThis-these that-those is-are he,she,it-they3, 单复数同形例如:sheep-sheep milk-milk bread-bread rice-rice3.第三人称单数形式:一般情况下在动词后面加-S 特殊情况特殊记例如:She wears a white and black sweater. wear-wears like-likes have-has4.Be动词口决Be动词有哪些?be动词有三个?哪三个?is am are , 我用am ,你用are,is连着他她它。



1 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

1.This is Chen Dong.He is my brother 这是陈东。

他是我的弟弟(专门用于介绍的句型)2.---What ’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?---My name is …(或者是I am …)我的名字叫……3. ---Nice to meet you .见到你很高兴。

--- Nice to meet you , too. 见到你我也很高兴。

2 It ’s a circle 它是一个圆形1.this (这个)指近处的物体都是用于单件(个)人或物。

that (那个)指远处的物体。

2.--- What ’s this ? 这是什么?3. ---What ’s that?那是什么?---It ’s a square. 它是一个正方形。

---It ’s a circle.它是一个圆形。

4.---What shape is this (that) ?这(那)是什么形状?---It is a circle . 它是一个圆。

5.--- How many + 名词复数 + are there ?( 这是专门用于对数量提问的。

)---There are sixteen circles. 有十六个圆。

3. Look at that elephant. 看那只大象。

1.---What ’s this ? 这是什么?---It is a tiger . 它是一只老虎。

2. look at …(看……) (at 后接看的对象、人、物品等。

)①Look at that tiger . It ’s strong. 看那只老虎,它很强壮。

②Look at this monkey . It ’s funny. 看那只猴子,它很顽皮。

3. It ’s a bird.它是一只鸟。

It ’s an elephant. 它是一头大象。

* a 用于发辅音音素单词前。



Unit 1★动词过去式变化规律:1. 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾加ed. 如:talk—talked说listen—listened听play—played玩climb—climbed爬2. 以不发音的e结尾,在动词词尾加d. 如:practise—practised练习3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i再加ed. 如:study—studied学习,研究4. 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed. 如:stop—stopped停止5. 不规则动词没有规律,需要特殊记。

如:do-did have—had go—went learn—learnt take—took read—read speak—spoketeach—taught stand—stood sit—sat say—said run—ranis, am—was are—were write—wrote★单词、短语during 在…期间holiday 假期learn words and sentences学习单词和句子play games玩游戏learn writing学习写作practice listening练习听力★句子时态:一般过去时,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。


如:yesterday昨天last night昨晚last week上周last year 去年等等。

1. What did you do during the holidays? 假期间你做了什么?—I read many books./ I learnt writing. / I wrote a little storybook in English./ I visited my grandparents.Unit 2★单词、短语weekday工作日after在…之后before在..之前always总是,经常often时常sometimes有时never从不wave goodbye挥手再见be late for school上学迟到read a newspaper读报纸play chess下棋take a walk散步get up起床have/has breakfast吃早餐return home回家★句子时态:一般现在时:表示经常,反复发生的动作或存在的状态。



湘少版英语四年级上册知识点汇总Unit1词汇:are是thanks谢谢brother兄、弟、兄弟sister姐、妹、姐妹句型:Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴This is chen Dong.He's my brother.这是陈东,他是我的弟弟.Unit2词汇:flag旗sixteen十六eleven十一teapot茶壶circle圆形triangle三角形square正方形句型:What's that? It's a flag.那是什么?它是一面旗子.How many triangles are there?There are sixteen triangles.这儿有多少个三角形?这里有16个三角形.What are you doing?I'm drawing.你正在干什么?我正在画画.Unit3词汇:elephant大象big大的small小的monkey猴子tiger老虎naughty调皮的strong强壮的beautiful美丽lazy懒惰的句型:Look at that elephant.看那只大象.Look at this bird.It's beautiful.看这只鸟.它很漂亮.Is that right? Yes,it is./ No,it isn't.那是对的吗?是的./不是的.Unit4词汇:children child的复数outing郊游these这些ladybird瓢虫those那些seagull海鸥egg蛋句型:The children are on an outing.孩子们正在郊游.What are those?那些是什么?Those are birds' eggs.那些是蛋.What are these?这些是什么?These are ladybirds.这些是瓢虫.Don't touch those eggs.别碰那些蛋.Now ,I must clean this up.现在,我必须把这里打扫干净.Unit5词汇:hungry饥饿的dumpling饺子jam果酱bread面包biscuit饼干noodle面条rice米饭milk牛奶句型:What do you like?你喜欢什么?I like noodles.我喜欢面条.I like jam and bread.我喜欢果酱和面包.I don't like rice.我不喜欢米饭.I like biscuits. Can I have some?我喜欢饼干.我能吃一些吗?Very good. You can have my biscuits.非常好.你可以吃我的饼干了.Unit6词汇:whose谁的purse钱包scarf围巾hat(有边的)帽子句型:Whose is this? Is it your bag?这是谁的?它是你的包吗?Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢你.It's Beny's scarf.它是贝尼的围巾.Put your things in this box.把你们的东西放在盒子里.Here you are.给你.Unit7词汇:guess猜left左边的right右边的turn转弯coin硬币traffic police 交通警察policemen policeman的复数句型:We are soldiers.我们是士兵.Let's play a guessing game.让我们玩一个猜谜游戏吧.Are you soldiers?你们是士兵吗?Yes,we are.是的,我们是.There's a coin in my hand left or right?我手里有一枚硬币在左还是右?Unit8词汇:painting水彩画exit出口photo album相册belt腰带、带子句型:This is my brother's painting.这是我哥哥的油画.This is my cousin's cap.这是我表哥的帽子.They miss me.他们想念我.Unit9词汇:flat公寓、一套房子number号码their他(她)们的in front of在...的前面door门bedroom卧室bed床brown褐色的table桌子chair椅子wardrobe衣柜句型:This is our flat.这是我们的公寓.Our flat is number 9.我们的公寓是9号.Their door is brown.他们的门是褐色的..欢迎来到我的房间.Unit10词汇:where什么地方bathroom浴室kitchen厨房hide藏living room客厅under在...下面in在...里面on在...上面句型:Where's the cat?猫在哪里?It is under the bed.它在床下面.Where are you?你在哪里?I'm in the kitchen.我在厨房里.Is she under the table?她在桌子下面吗?Yes,she is.是的.I hide in the wardrobe.He can't find me.我躲在衣柜里.他找不到我.Unit11词汇:homework家庭作业sum总和wrong错误的forty-six 46 fifty-four 54twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 one hundred 100句型:Your homework is good.你的作业很好.Is this sum right? 这个和是对的吗?Yes, it's right.是的,它是对的.This sum is wrong.这个和是错的.The sum of forty-six and fifty-four is one-hundred.46和54的和是100.How do you spell "pen"? 你是怎么拼写"pen"? P-E-N.Let me draw it again.让我再画一次.Unit12词汇:swim游泳fast快的、快地high高的、高地run跑far远的、远地jump跳跃throw投fly飞、苍蝇句型:I can swim fast.我能游得快.He can jump high.他能跳得高.She can run.她能跑.Anne can throw far.安能投得远.Can you swim? 你能游泳吗?Yes, I can.是的,我能./ No, I can't.不,我不能..回来.。



四年级上册复习Words家庭family:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, cousin, me形状shape:square, triangle, rectangle, circle动物:elephant, monkey, tiger, bird, ladybird, seagull食物food:rice, noodles, dumplings, bread, biscuits, egg, milk, jam物品:flat, teapot, purse, scarf, hat, belt, flower, painting, photo, photoalbum职业:soldier, policeman, traffice police, teacher, student房子flat:living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom家具:table, chair, bed, wardrobe, door 表示方位:left-right, on, in ,under, in front of形容词:big-small, strong, beautiful, naughty, hungry, right-wrong, far, fast, high动作:guess, turn, run, throw, swim, jump, fly 数字:见课本P64其它:1.颜色Color:red红, green绿, blue蓝, yellow黄, brown棕, black黑2.是:is (1个用is), are (2个或2个以上用are)3.多少:How many…?4.谁的:Whose…?5.哪里:Where…?6.’s:①is的缩写②表示所属:(某人的)’s (物品)7.I是我,you是你,we是我们,they是他/她们;my是我的,your是你的,our是我们的,their是他/她们的;这是this, 那是that,这些是these, 那些是those;this、that加is,these、those要加are.PatternsUnit 1Good morning. – Good morning. 早上好。

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Unit 1 Nice to meet you!
句型:Nice to meet you! ——Nice to meet you ,too!很高兴见到你!(初次见面)Glad to see you! ——Glad to see you,too!很高兴见到你!(熟人之间)
How are you?你好吗?——I’m fine,Thank you.我很好,谢谢你。

Unit 2 It’s a circle.
词汇:this这,这个that那,那个me我How many多少dot点line线circle 圆形square正方形triangle三角形rectangle长方形
句型:What’s this? ——It’s a circle.这是什么?这是一个圆形。

What’s that? ——It’s a square.那是什么?那是一个正方形。

How many circles are there? ——There are seven circles. 有七个圆形。

Unit 3 Look at this elephant.
短语:a strong tiger 一只强壮的老虎 a big elephant 一头很大的大象 a funny monkey 一只有趣的猴子a beautiful bird 一只漂亮的鸟a small mouse
句型:Look at this elephant. It’s big.看看这头大象。


Look at that tiger. It’s strong.看看那只老虎。


Unit 4 These are flowers.
词汇:these这些those那些flower花tree树sheep绵羊grass草egg蛋they他们we 我们their他们的our我们的children孩子们outing郊游句型:What are these? These are flowers.这些是什么?这些是花。

What are those?Those are eggs.那些是什么?那些事蛋。

Unit 5 I like noodles.
词汇:like喜欢don’t like不喜欢hungry 饥饿的noodles面条dumplings饺子milk 牛奶bread 面包rice 米饭biscuits 饼干sing 唱歌dance 跳舞
句型:I like milk and bread.我喜欢牛奶和面包。

I don’t like biscuits.我不喜欢饼干。

I’m hungry. 我饿了。

——M e too.我也是。

Unit 6 Turn right!
词汇:left左边right 右边turn转弯traffic police交警soldier士兵pupil 小学生policeman男警察policewoman 女警察up 上down 下
句型:Turn left.向左转。

Turn right.向右转。

What are we? ——We are soldiers.我们是干什么的?我们是士兵。

What is he /she? ——He/She is a driver.他/她是干什么的?他/她是一名司机。

Are you soldiers? ——Yes,we are.你们是士兵吗?是的,我们是。

Unit 7 Whose is this?
词汇:whose谁的wallet钱包bag包scarf围巾key钥匙hat帽子mobile phone手机句型:Whose is this?这是谁的?——It’s Jane’s.这是简的。

Is this your wallet?这是你的钱包吗?——Yes,it is. / No, it isn’t.
Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater.
词汇:wear穿sweater毛衣dancer舞者trousers裤子shoes 鞋子socks袜子skirt 短裙shorts短裤coat外套white白色black黑色grey 灰色
句型:She wears a white and black sweater.她穿了一件白黑相间的毛衣。

Unit 9 It’s one hundred.
词汇:right正确的wrong错误的homework家庭作业twenty二十thirty三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty六十seventy 七十eighty八十ninety 九十
one hundred 一百thirty-two 32 forty-three 43 fifty-four 54
句型:Please think again.请再想一想。

I’m wrong.我错了。

I’m right.我是正确的。

Unit 10 Welcome to our home
词汇:living room 客厅kitchen 客厅bathroom 浴室bedroom 卧室welcome 句型:This is our home. 这是我们的家。

That’s their living room.那是他们的客厅。

Unit 11 Where’s the cat?
词汇:window 窗户wall 墙壁door 门bed 床desk 书桌table 书桌chair椅子room房间on 在……上面in 在……里面under 在……下面句型:Where’s the cat? 猫在哪里?——It’s in the kitchen.它在厨房里。

Is she in the bathroom? 她在浴室吗?——Yes,she is. / No, she isn’t.
Unit 12 Peter can jump high
词组:jump high跳得高jump far跳得远swim fast游得快run fast跑得快fly high飞得高Can you jump high? 你能跳得高吗?——Yes, I can.。
