

四年级语文上期中字词句知识复习题3含答案 人教统编版

四年级语文上期中字词句知识复习题3含答案  人教统编版



A.改变想法改进错误B.温和的阳光光滑的墙壁C.建筑住宅抛出泥土D.丰富的知识伟大的工程5.下列关于“卧”字的说法正确的一项是( )A.“卧”字一共有9画。




6.关于动物的住处,下列说法中有误的一项是( )A.鱼塘鼠洞B.牛棚狗窝C.马厩鸟窝D.猪圈羊巢7.依次填入下面句中横线上的词语最恰当的一项是()蟋蟀的住宅______在青草丛中,非常______。



蟋蟀huā fèi()了一些时间在xuǎn zé()d ì zhǐ()上。

它不利用现成的dòng xué(),它的住宅会有zhuān mén()的dà tīng()和wò sh ì()。


空隙.(xì xī)逐.渐(zhuó zhú)倾.斜(qīnɡ pīnɡ)痕.迹(hén hénɡ)步骤.(zhuó zhòu)逊.色(xùn sūn)四、给下面多音字注音。

降① (降落)②(投降)曲①(歌曲)②(弯曲)铺①(铺开)②(店铺)占① (占领)② (占卜) 五、把词语补充完整。



2024年部编版语文小学四年级上学期期中复习试题(答案在后面)一、基础知识与积累(本大题有9小题,每小题4分,共36分)1、下列字音完全正确的一项是:A. 操场(cāo chǎng)风筝(fēng zhēng)暑假(shǔ jià)B. 柜子(guì zi)沙发(shā fā)茶壶(chá hú)C. 雨伞(yǔ shǎn)椅子(yǐ zi)桌子(zhuō zi)D. 池塘(chí táng)稻田(dào tián)草地(cǎo dì)2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是:A. 悠闲自得(yōu xián zì dé)美轮美奂(měi lún měi huàn)碧波荡漾(bìbō dàng yàng)B. 雪中送炭(xuězhōng sòng tàn)惊心动魄(jīng xīn dòng pò)破釜沉舟(pòfǔ chén zhōu)C. 独出心裁(dúchū xīn cái)碧血丹心(bìxuè dān xīn)震耳欲聋(zhèn ěr yù lóng)D. 奇花异草(qíhuā yì cǎo)喜出望外(xǐchū wàng wài)红光满面(hóng guāng mǎn miàn)3、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A. 豪言壮语腾云架雾严丝合缝B. 风和日丽耀武扬威威风凛凛C. 漫天卷地愤愤不平丰富多采D. 奔流不息引人住目随遇而安4、下列句子中,加点词语使用不恰当的一项是()A. 这座大桥的设计独具匠心,非常美观。

B. 爷爷每次给我讲故事,都会让我听得津津有味。



四年级上期中复习题答案一、语文复习题答案1. 词语填空:- 春天的():花园- 夏天的():烈日- 秋天的():丰收- 冬天的():雪景2. 成语接龙:- 龙飞凤舞→ 舞文弄墨→ 墨守成规→ 规矩方圆→ 圆滑世故→ 故弄玄虚3. 反义词:- 快乐:悲伤- 高兴:难过- 明亮:昏暗- 热闹:寂静4. 近义词:- 勤奋:努力- 聪明:智慧- 勇敢:英勇- 善良:仁慈5. 句子改错:- 原句:小明在图书馆里大声说话。

- 改后:小明在图书馆里小声说话。

6. 阅读理解:- 问题:文章中提到的“春天的花园”有什么特点?- 答案:春天的花园里,百花争艳,花香四溢,充满了生机和活力。

二、数学复习题答案1. 口算题:- 23 + 47 = 70- 56 - 29 = 27- 3 × 8 = 24- 48 ÷ 6 = 82. 应用题:- 问题:小华有36个苹果,他给每个朋友分了6个苹果,他分给了多少人?- 答案:小华分给了6个人,因为36 ÷ 6 = 6。

3. 几何题:- 问题:一个正方形的边长是5厘米,求它的周长。

- 答案:正方形的周长是20厘米,因为周长 = 边长× 4,所以5 × 4 = 20。

4. 解方程:- 方程:x + 7 = 14- 解:x = 14 - 7 = 75. 比较大小:- 37 > 36- 52 < 58- 89 > 88- 45 = 45三、英语复习题答案1. 单词拼写:- book- cat- dog- teacher2. 选择题:- What's your name? My name is (A) A. Lily B. Tom C. Jack - Where is the cat? It's (B) A. on the desk B. under the chair C. in the box3. 翻译句子:- 我有一个好朋友。





小明现在还剩下多少个苹果?A. 9个B. 10个C. 11个D. 7个4、小丽有一本书,这本书的页码从1页到100页。


以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 900个数字B. 901个数字C. 1000个数字D. 1010个数字5、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?选项:A. 15厘米B. 23厘米C. 30厘米D. 40厘米6、小华有一些苹果和橘子,苹果比橘子多20个,如果小华的苹果再增加10个,那么苹果和橘子的数量将相等。

小华原来有多少个苹果?选项:A. 10个B. 15个C. 20个D. 25个二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、3、5、8、13、21、34、55、89……这是一个著名的数列,它是由相邻两项之和构成的新项。





如果小华把鸡蛋连续收集7天后卖掉,一共可以得到 ____ 个鸡蛋。

4、一个正方形花坛的边长是9米,它的周长是 ____ 米。

5、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。

6、一个三位数的百位和十位数字相同,个位数字比百位数字大1,这个数最大是______ 。



苏教版英语小学四年级上学期期中复习试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.Dialogue:A: What’s your favorite color?B: My favorite color is blue.Question: What is person B’s favorite color?A) RedB) BlueC) GreenAnswer: B) BlueExplanation: In the dialogue, when person A asks person B about their favorite color, person B responds by saying that their favorite color is blue.2.Listen to the short passage and decide if the statement is true or false. Passage:“Today is a sunny day. The children went to the park to play football. They played for two hours and then had lunch under a big tree. After lunch, they flew kites until it was time to go home.”Statement: The children played football all afternoon.Answer: FalseExplanation: According to the passage, the children played football for two hours and then had lunch. After lunch, they engaged in flying kites rather than continuing to play football. Therefore, the statement suggesting that they played football all afternoon is incorrect.3、Listen to the following conversation between two friends and choose the correct answer.A. What are they talking about?a) Their school schedule.b) Their favorite food.c) Their weekend plans.Answer: a)Explanation: The conversation begins with one friend asking, “What do you have on your schedule today?” indicating that they are discussing their school schedule.4、Listen to the following dialogue and fill in the blanks with the correct words.A. M: Hi, Bob. How was your day at school?B: Hi, Tom. It was pretty good. We had a science experiment in class. We had to measure the pH level of different substances.A: That sounds interesting. What did you find out?B: Well, we discovered that lemon juice is acidic and baking soda is basic.A. So, lemon juice is_________and baking soda is _________.a)acidic, basicb)basic, acidicc)neutral, neutralAnswer: a)Explanation: The dialogue clearly states that lemon juice is acidic and baking soda is basic, so the correct answer is “a) acidic, basic.”5、Listen to the dialogue between Sarah and her mother. Choose what Sarah wants to eat for dinner. (Dialogue: Sarah says she is hungry, and her mother asks if she would like some noodles or rice. Sarah responds that she prefers noodles.)Answer: NoodlesExpl anation: In the dialogue, when Sarah’s mother gives her the choice between noodles and rice, Sarah expresses her preference for noodles.6、Listen to the short story about Tom’s day at school. Answer what subject Tom likes best. (Story: Tom tells his friends about his day. He mentions that he enjoyed playing football during break time, drawing in art class, but when it comes to math class, he says he loves solving problems the most.) Answer: MathExplanation: Although Tom enjoyed different parts of his day, when talking about math class, he specifically says he loves solving problems the most, indicating his favorite subject is math.7.Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A. What is the weather like today?B. What is the boy doing?C. How does the girl feel about the weather?Answer: BExplanation: The boy is asking the girl if she likes the weather, indicating that he is inquiring about the boy’s activity regarding the weather.8.Listen to the short passage and choose the correct answer.A. The children are playing soccer.B. The children are having a music lesson.C. The children are painting pictures.Question: What are the children doing?Answer: CExplanation: The passage mentions that the children are painting pictures, which is the activity described in option C.9.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.A. What is the weather like today?B. Where is Tom going?C. How is Tom’s mother?Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, Tom is asked about his plans, and he mentions that he is going to the library. The question “Where is Tom going?” is askingabout his destination, which is the main topic of the dialogue.10.Listen to the question and answer the following:Question: What does the speaker suggest doing after school?A. Reading a bookB. Playing video gamesC. Walking homeAnswer: CExplanation: The speaker suggests a physical activity for after school, which is walking home. The options A and B are activities but do not match the suggestion made by the speaker in the dialogue.11.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What’s the weather like today?B. It’s sunny, isn’t it?C. I think it will rain later.D. Let’s go to the park.Answer: BExplanation: The speaker asks if it’s sunny today, which means they are confirming the weather.12.Listen to the following question and choose the correct response. Question: How many apples do you have?A. I have three apples.B. There are two apples on the table.C. I think he has more apples than you.D. Let’s buy some apples together.Answer: AE xplanation: The correct response to the question “How many apples do you have?” is to state the number of apples you have, which is “I have three apples.”二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the correct pronunciation of the word “school”?A. /skuːl/B. /skuːl/C. /skuːl/D. /skuːl/Answer: A. /skuːl/Explanation: The correct pronunciation of the word “school” is /skuːl/. This is the standard British English pronunciation.2、Which of the following sentences is correct?A. He has a pen.B. He has a pens.C. He have a pen.D. He have a pens.Answer: A. He has a pen.Explanation: The correct sentence is “He has a pen.” The word “pen” isan uncountable noun, so it does not take a plural form. Additionally, the correct auxiliary verb for the present perfect tense with “he” as the subject is “has,” not “have.”3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.A. sawB. seeC. seenD. seeingThe cat_______(A/B/C/D) a bird in the garden yesterday.Answer: BExplanation: The correct form to use here is the simple past tense, whichis “saw” for the third person singular subject “the cat”. Therefore, the correct answer is B.4、Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given verb in parentheses.We_______(go) to the zoo last weekend, but it was raining.A. are goingB. wentC. goD. goingAnswer: BExplanation: The sentence is in the past tense, indicating that the actionoccurred in the past. The correct form of the verb in parentheses is “went,” which i s the simple past tense of “go.” Therefore, the correct answer is B.5.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat sat on the__________and watched the birds.A. tableB. chairC. bedAnswer: A. tableExplanation: The correct answer is “table” because it is common to find a cat sitting on a table. “Chair” and “bed” are less typical places for a cat to sit and watch birds.6.Select the word that best completes the sentence.If it__________tomorrow, we will go to the park.A. rainsB. rainC. is rainingAnswer: B. rainExplanation: The correct answer is “rain” because it is the simple present tense form of the verb “to rain,” which is used to express a future event based on a present condition or prediction. “Rains” is the present simple tense, an d “is raining” is the present continuous tense, both of which are not suitable for this context.The cat is sleeping on the _.A. bedB. tableC. windowAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is describing where the cat is sleeping. The most logical place for a cat to sleep is on a bed, making option A the correct choice. Options B and C, while possible, are less common locations for a cat to sleep.8、Select the correct verb form to fill in the blank.The teacher__________(read) a story to us yesterday.A. readsB. was readingC. had readAnswer: BExplanation: The sentence is in the past tense and indicates an action that was happening at a specific point in the past (yesterday). The correct form to describe an action in progress at a specific past time is the past continuous tense, which is “was/were + verb-ing.” Therefore, the correct answer is “was reading.” Option A is the simple present tense, which does not match the past tense of the sentence, and option C is the past perfect tense, which implies an action that happened before another past action, which is not the case here.The cat is very ___________, and it always keeps me company when I am alone.A. cleverB. lazyC. quietD. happyAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “clever” because the sentence implies that the cat is intelligent and capable of doing things that require thought or understanding.10.Read the following sentence and choose the best option to complete it.The sun___________up early in the morning, which is very good for our health.A. risesB. roseC. will riseD. is risingAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “rises” because it is the simple present tense form, which is used to describe an action that happens regularly or at a particular time. The sentence talks about the sun rising in the morning, which is a daily event.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.If it_tomorrow, we will go to the park.A. rainsB. will rainC. is rainingD. rainsAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “rains” because the sentence is in the conditional structure and the present simple tense is used to express a future possibility.12.Select the correct sentence to complete the dialogue.A: What do you like to eat for breakfast?B: I___________like to have eggs and toast.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. seldomAnswer: BExplanation: The correct answer is “usually” because it is the most appropriate adverb to express a habit or routine. The other options do not fit well in the context of the dialogue.三、完型填空(10分)Section 3:Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given.My favorite animal is the 1. It is very 2 and can live in many different places. The 3 is gray and white, with a long tail that looks like a 4. Its eyes are black and shiny, and it has sharp teeth. The 5 is very clever and can find food easily.A. deerB. bearC. wolfD. squirrelE. rabbit1.A. deer2.B. bear3.C. wolf4.D. squirrel5.E. rabbitAnswer: B. bearMy favorite animal is the bear. It is very strong and can live in many different places. The fur is gray and white, with a long tail that looks like a squirrel. Its eyes are black and shiny, and it has sharp teeth. The bear isvery clever and can find food easily.四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:Little Ming is a student in a primary school. He loves English very much and often practices it after school. One day, his teacher gave him a task to write a short story in English. The following is the story Little Ming wrote: The Little Rabbit and the Big TreeOnce upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a little rabbit named Lily. Lily was very playful and always curious about the world around her. One sunny afternoon, she decided to explore the forest further.As she wandered deeper into the forest, she came across a massive tree. The tree was so big that it seemed to touch the sky. Lily was amazed and sat down to rest under its shade. While sitting there, she noticed a small, brown bird perched on a branch.“Hello, little bird,” said Lily. “What’s your name?”The bird replied, “I am called Robin. I live in this tree. Do you like this place?”“Yes, I do,” replied Lily. “It’s so peaceful under your tree.”Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the branches of the tree swayed. The bird flew away, and Lily was left alone. She felt a bit lonely but decided to makethe most of her time under the tree.As she sat there, she started to imagine what it would be like to be a bird, flying high in the sky and seeing the world from above. She closed her eyes and imagined the beautiful landscapes she would see.When she opened her eyes, she saw a squirrel running up the tree. The squirrel stopped and looked at her curiously.“Hello, little squirrel,” said Lily. “What are you doing?”The squirrel answered, “I’m looking for acorns. They are my favorit e food.”Lily smiled and said, “Would you like to share some acorns with me?”The squirrel nodded and offered her a small acorn. Lily thanked the squirrel and enjoyed the tasty snack.As the sun began to set, Lily knew it was time to head home. She said goodbye to the big tree and Robin, and made her way back through the forest. She felt happy and grateful for the new friends she had made and the wonderful adventures she had experienced.Questions:1.What is the name of the little rabbit in the story?A) LilyB) RobinC) SquirrelD) Little Ming2.Why did Lily decide to explore the forest?A) She wanted to find a big tree.B) She was bored at home.C) She was curious about the world around her.D) She wanted to meet a squirrel.3.What did Lily do when she felt lonely under the tree?A) She flew like a bird.B) She imagined being a bird.C) She left the tree and went home.D) She played with the squirrel.Answers:1.A) Lily2.C) She was curious about the world around her.3.B) She imagined being a bird.五、写作题(16分)Write a short passage about your favorite animal. Include the following points:1.Describe the appearance of the animal.2.Explain why you like this animal.3.Share an interesting experience you had with this animal.Example:My favorite animal is the panda. Pandas are known for their black and white fur and adorable appearance. They have a round face, large black eyes, and acute little nose. I like pandas because they are so gentle and peaceful.Last summer, I went to the zoo with my family, and we had the chance to see a panda up close. The panda was eating bamboo and looked so relaxed. I was amazed by how quiet and patient it was. I even got to take a photo with the panda, which is one of my favorite memories.Parsing:•The passage starts by describing the appearance of the panda, mentioning its black and white fur, round face, large black eyes, and cute little nose. This helps the reader visualize the animal.•The writer then explains why they like pandas, emphasizing their gentleness and peacefulness. This provides a personal connection to the animal.•The interesting experience at the zoo is shared, including the observation of the panda eating bamboo and the chance to take a photo with it. This adds a personal touch and makes the passage more engaging.。
































期中复习《句子训练》专项(一)——改写仿写班级:_________ 姓名:__________1.按要求写句子。
























教科版2021-2022学年四年级下册语文期中复习专题_ 04病句(I)卷

教科版2021-2022学年四年级下册语文期中复习专题_ 04病句(I)卷

教科版2021-2022学年四年级下册语文期中复习专题_ 04病句(I)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单选题 (共2题;共4分)1. (2分)下列各句,没有语病的一句是()A . 前不久,成安县油棉厂一个职工在下夜班时被一辆高速行驶的大货车撞倒受伤,然后就逃之夭夭。

B . 适度的自我评价,实际上是把心理之船停泊在一个平静的“码头”,而超过个人实际的高目标,则容易造成心理失衡。

C . 许多不明真相的群众被这伙制造伪劣产品的人挑动,设置重重障碍,围攻、阻止工商管理人员正常执行公务。

D . 科学家在对流行病进行分析和动物实验后指出,大量饮酒或饮用酒精配制的饮料与癌症的发生有密切的关系。

2. (2分) (2019三下·龙岗期中) 下列句子中没有语病的一项是()A . 蚂蚱的膜翅是淡淡的桃红色的,非常好看。

B . 放学了,校园里顿时一下子热闹起来。

C . 我们的生活水平比过去增加了。

二、判断题 (共1题;共2分)3. (2分)判断下列说法是否正确。








鄂教版2022四年级上册语文期中复习专题:04 病句(III)卷

鄂教版2022四年级上册语文期中复习专题:04 病句(III)卷

鄂教版2022四年级上册语文期中复习专题:04 病句(III)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单选题 (共3题;共6分)1. (2分)选择适当的关联词。


()A . 虽然……但是……B . 即使……也……C . 不是……而是……D . 既不……也不……2. (2分) (2019五下·东莞期末) 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是()。

A . “六一”儿童节即将终于到来,我们忙着排练节目。

B . 今天的篮球比赛,我保打出水平来。

C . 王玲知道自己错了,心情沉重。

D . 他上完五年级了,还有一年没有毕业。

3. (2分) (2020四下·盐城期末) 夏洛第一次为威尔伯织的字是()。

A . 王牌猪B . 无敌猪C . 伟大D . 第一名二、填空题 (共1题;共6分)4. (6.0分)()给下面句子中的省略号选择正确的用法。







三、判断题 (共4题;共25分)5. (8分) (2017五上·盐田期末) 判断下列句子说法是否正确(1)甲骨文刻在龟甲和兽骨上,是一种比较完善的文字,盛行于殷商时期。






2024年语文版四年级上学期语文期中复习习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________正确读音选一选1. 加点字正确的读音打“√”。

附.近(fù fú)哺.育(pǔ bǔ)窥.伺(kuī kuì)忧虑.(lù lǜ)贪.玩(tān pín)警戒.(jiè jié)掘.地(jué juē)奢侈.(chǐ chí)2. 用“√”给下列加点字选择正确的读音。

嗅.到(xiùqiù)拯.救(zhěng zhěn)无奈.(nài lài)辫.子(bàn biàn)攀.登(pān pāng)笑呵.呵(hēkē)3. 用“\”划去加点字的错误读音。

身躯.(qūqǖ)佩.服(bèi pèi)遭.遇(zāo cāo)混.乱(hùn hòng)赞颂.(sùn sòng)花卉.(huì bēn)4. 给加点字选择正确的读音,画“﹏﹏”。

芥.菜(jiè jèi)芹.菜(qíng qín)红薯.(qǔ shǔ)芋.头(yù yú)韭.菜(jiǔ fēi)青蒜.(shuàn suàn)5. 给下列加点的字选择正确的读音打“√”。

泼剌.声(cìlà)风俗.(shúsú)跃.出(yuēyuè)湿漉.漉(lùlǜ)家雀.儿(quèqiǎo )驻.地(zhùzù)形近字词6. 辨字组词。

副(_________)谈(_________)蹲(_________)风(_________)蝠(_________)淡(_________)遵(_________)凤(_________)7. 比一比,再组词。




1.下列句子中加点词语使用恰当的一项是( )A.我们要勇于改观..自己的错误。




2.下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是( )A.五公里的野外拉练一结束,大家累得横七竖八....地躺在草地上。




3.依次填入语段横线处的动词最恰当的一项是( )爬山虎的脚着墙的时候,六七根细丝的头上就变成小圆片, 住墙。


A.触巴拉贴B.触贴拉扒C.碰巴拉贴D.碰贴拉扒4.下列句子中加点词语的意思与其他三项不同的一项是( )A.人类在上百万年的历史中一直很依赖自然..。




5.依次填入句中横线处的词语最恰当的一项是( )(1)爸爸一直教导我要做一个有胸怀的人。

(2)这间卧室很 ,可以当主卧,小的那间就当次卧吧。


A.宽敞宽广宽阔B.宽广宽阔宽敞C.宽阔宽敞宽广D.宽广宽敞宽阔6.下列句子中修辞手法判断正确的一项是( )A.花牛在草地里做梦,太阳偷渡了西山的青峰。



(拟人)D.我突然看见,美丽的月亮牵着那些闪闪烁烁的小星星,好像也在天上走着,走着……(排比)7.下列句子运用的修辞手法与其他三项不同的一项是( )A.靠什么呼风唤雨呢?靠的是现代科学技术。



2024-2025学年辽宁省英语小学四年级上学期期中复习试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What does Sarah want for breakfast?A) Toast and jamB) Cereal and milkC) Pancakes and syrupRecording: “Sarah, what would you like for breakfast?” “I think I’ll have some cereal and milk today.”Answer: B) Cereal and milkExplanation: In the dialogue, Sarah clearly states that she wants cereal and milk for breakfast.2、Where did Tom find his hat?A) Under the bedB) In the kitchenC) On the sofaReco rding: “Mom, I can’t find my hat anywhere!” “Did you check under your bed?” “Oh, here it is!”Answer: A) Under the bedExplanation: Tom’s mother suggested checking under the bed, and Tom then found his hat there, as indicated by his exclamation “Oh, here it is!”This section would typically be accompanied by audio recordings during an actual examination setting, but here the written representation of what would be spoken is provided.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.A. What is the weather like today?B. Where is the library?C. How many books does the girl want to borrow?Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, the boy asks the girl if she knows where the library is, which indicates the topic of the question is about the location of the library. Therefore, the correct answer is B.4、Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence.The passage is about a story of a little girl named Lily. She is going to the zoo for the first time with her family. When they arrive, Lily is very excited. She sees many animals and wants to take a picture of each one. However, her camera battery runs out and she is sad. At the end of the visit, her mother gives her a new camera as a gift.Complete the sentence: Lily was excited to go to the __________.Answer: zooExplanation: The passage explicitly mentions that Lily is going to the zoowith her family, which is the correct answer to complete the sentence.5、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.Dialogue:Boy: Hi, Lucy. What do you usually do on weekends?Girl: I often go to the park with my family. Sometimes we play soccer.Question: What does Lucy often do on weekends?A) She often reads books at home.B) She often goes to the park with her family.C) She often watches TV.D) She often plays video games.Answer: B) She often goes to the park with her family.Explanation: In the dialogue, Lucy mentions that she often goes to the park with her family on weekends, so the correct answer is B.6、Listen to the sentence and choose the correct answer.Sentence:Today is sunny and warm. It’s a good day to have a picnic in the park.Question: What kind of weather is it today?A) RainyB) CloudyC) Sunny and warmD) SnowyAnswer: C) Sunny and warmExplanation: The sentence states that today is sunny and warm, which makes ita good day for a picnic. Therefore, the correct answer is C.7、听力材料:W: Hello, John. How was your weekend?M: It was great! I went to the zoo with my family. We saw many animals, including pandas and tigers.Question: What did John do last weekend?A. He went to the library.B. He went to the zoo with his family.C. He visited his friends.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue clearly states that John went to the zoo with his family last weekend, so the correct answer is B.8、听力材料:M: Hi, Lucy. Are you going to the movie tonight?W: No, I’m not. I’m going to the museum with my mom. She wants to learn more about art.Question: What is Lucy going to do tonight?A. She is going to the movie.B. She is going to the museum.C. She is going to the library.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, Lucy mentions that she is going to the museum with her mom, so the correct answer is B.9、What does Sarah want to drink?A. WaterB. JuiceC. MilkRecording: “Sarah: Mom, I’m thirsty. Can I have some juice? Mom: Of course, sweetie.”Answer: B. JuiceExplanation: In the dialogue, Sarah explicitly asks her mother if she can have some juice, indicating that juice is what she wants to drink.10、Where did Tom find his lost toy car?A. Under the bedB. In the gardenC. Behind the sofaRecording: “Mom: Tom, where did you find your toy car? Tom: Oh, it was under my bed this whole time!”Answer: A. Under the bedExplanation: Tom tells his mom that he found his toy car under his bed, which matches option A as the correct answer.11.What is the name of the boy who is playing with a soccer ball?A. TomB. JackC. MikeD. DavidAnswer: CExplanation: In the conversati on, we hear, “Look, it’s Mike playing with the soccer ball.” Hence, the correct answer is C. Mike.12.How many apples does the girl have in her hand?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6Answer: BExplanation: The teacher asks, “How many apples do you see in her hand?” and the girl responds, “I see four apples.” Therefore, the correct answer is B.4.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the past tense of the verb “go”?A) goB) goesC) goingD) went*Answer: D) went*Explanation: The past tense of the verb “go” is “went.” We use “went” when we talk about traveling to or arriving at a place in the past.2、Which word is a synonym for “big”?A) smallB) littleC) largeD) tiny*Answer: C) large*Explanation: A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as an other word. In this case, “large” means the same as “big,” while “small,” “little,” and “tiny” are antonyms (words with opposite meanings).3、Which of the following words is spelled correctly?A)EnviromentB)ComplimentC)RealizeD)RecognizeAnswer: B) ComplimentExplanation: The correct spelling for “compliment” is with two ’p’s. The other options have the following errors: A) should be “environment” with two ’n’s, C) should be “realize” with two ’l’s, and D) should be “recognize” with two ’c’s.4、Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The teacher asked the students to________their books and take out their pencils.A)openedB)openC)openingD)opensAnswer: B) openExplanation: The correct form of the verb to complete the sentence is the simple present tense “open,” which is used to give a command or instruction. The other options are not appropriate for this context: A) is the past simple tense, C) is the present participle, and D) is the third person singular present tense.5、What is the opposite of “hot”?A) coolB) warmC) coldD) hotAnswer: A) coolExplanation: The opposite of “hot” is “cool,” as it refers to a lower temperature.6、Which word is a plural noun?A) boyB) boy’sC) boysD) boy’ssAnswer: C) boysExplanation: The word “boys” is the plural form of the noun “boy,” indicating more than one boy. “Boy’s” refers to a possessive, as in “the boy’s book,” and “boy’ss” is incorrect as it adds an extra ‘s’ unnecessarily.7.Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.A. The cat is sleeping on the bed.B. The dog is eating the bone.C. The bird is flying in the sky.Answer: CExplanation: The sentence should be completed with the word that fits the context. Option C is the correct answer because it provides a clear and appropriate continuation of the sentence.8.Select the word that does not belong in the following list.A. appleB. orangeC. bananaD. fishAnswer: DExplanation: The word “fish” does not belong in the list because it isa type of animal, while the other options (apple, orange, banana) are all types of fruits.9、Which word does NOT belong to the group?A)bananaB)appleC)orangeD)grapefruitE)pearAnswer: D) grapefruitExplanation: All the other options (banana, apple, orange, and pear) are types of fruit. Grapefruit is also a fruit, but it is often not considered a “kid-friendly” fruit like the others, making it the odd one out in this context.10、What is the past tense of the verb “do”?A)didB)doedC)doseD)doneAnswer: A) didExplanation: The past tense of the verb “do” is “did.” The other options are incorrect spellings or forms of the word. “Doed” is a non-standard past tense, “dose” is a different word meaning a measured a mount of medicine, and “done” is the past participle form of the verb “do,” not the past tense.11.What is the opposite of “hot”?A)coldB)warmC)coolD)chillyAnswer: A) coldExplanation: The opposite of “hot” is “cold,” which means not warm.12.Which of the foll owing words ends with the silent “e”?A)hopeB)fiveC)timeD)comeAnswer: B) fiveExplanation: The word “five” ends with the silent “e.” When a word ends with the silent “e,” the final “e” does not make a sound.三、完型填空(10分)Cloze TestRead the passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below.The school trip to the 1 was a great success. The children were very excited to learn about the 2 animals that lived there. The guide explained to them how the animals adapted to their 3 environments. They even got to see a 4 in action,as the park ranger showed them how the animals moved silently to hunt.1.A) museum B) zoo C) library D) garden2.A) wild B) domestic C) rare D) extinct3.A) urban B) desert C) underwater D) arctic4.A) bird B) fish C) snake D) elephantAnswer:1.B) zoo2.A) wild3.C) underwater4.C) snake四、阅读理解(26分)Title: The Magic of NatureOnce upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, there was a young girl named Lily. Lily loved the outdoors and spent most of her days exploring the magical world around her. One sunny morning, she decided to venture deeper into the forest than she ever had before.As she wandered deeper, she stumbled upon a clearing with a peculiar stone. The stone was unlike any she had seen before; it shimmered with a soft, golden light. Intrigued, Lily placed her hand on the stone and felt a warm, tingling sensation. Suddenly, the stone began to glow even brighter, and a hidden path opened up before her.Lily followed the path, which led her to a hidden glade filled with colorful flowers and a gentle stream. In the center of the glade was a small, wooden house. As she approached, the door opened, and out stepped a wise old owl named Oliver.“Welcome, Lily,” Oliver hooted softly. “You have discovered the Magic of Nature. I have been waiting for someone with a pure heart and a love for the outdoors to find this place.”Oliver explained that the Magic of Nature was a special power that allowed those who were in harmony with the world around them to see hidden wonders and understand the language of the animals. He taught Lily how to communicate with the creatures of the forest and how to harness the power of the golden stone to protect the environment.1.What did Lily love to do most of her days?A) Read books in her roomB) Explore the outdoorsC) Play video gamesD) Watch TV2.What did Lily find in the clearing deep in the forest?A) A hidden treasure chestB) A mysterious treeC) A peculiar stoneD) A magical house3.What special power did Oliver say the Magic of Nature gave to those who were in harmony with nature?A) The ability to flyB) The ability to talk to animalsC) The ability to control weatherD) The ability to travel through timeAnswers:1.B) Explore the outdoors2.C) A peculiar stone3.B) The ability to talk to animals五、写作题(16分)Writing PromptWrite a short story about a day you remember well. Your story should include the following elements:1.The date and place of the event.2.What happened.3.Why it was special to you.4.How you felt about the event.Example:Title: The Magic of the Cherry BlossomsOn April 15th, 2022, I experienced a magical day that I will never forget. It happened in my hometown, Cherry Blossom Park.That morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was a perfect shadeof blue. My family and I decided to take a walk in the park to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. As we entered the park, we were greeted by a breathtaking sight. The trees were in full bloom, with delicate pink and white petals covering the ground like a soft carpet.We walked along the path, marveling at the beauty around us. Suddenly, my sister exclaimed, “Look at that!” We followed her gaze to see a group of children playing near the pond. They were tossing cherry blossoms into the water, creating a mesmerizing scene.I remember feeling a surge of happiness and excitement. The day was special because it was the first time I had ever seen such a sight. The cherry blossoms symbolized new beginnings and the beauty of nature. I felt grateful to be a part of this magical moment.As we continued our walk, we encountered a family having a picnic. They were laughing and enjoying each other’s company, which made me realize the importance of spending time with loved ones. That day, I felt a strong connection to my family and the natural world around me.Title: The Magic of the Cherry Blossoms - AnalysisThis short story effectively captures the essence of the prompt by incorporating all the required elements. Here’s a breakdown of the story’s strengths:1.The date and place of the event: The story begins with the specific date and location, setting the stage for the reader’s understanding of the setting and time of the event.2.What happened: The story vividly describes the author’s experience inthe park, including the beauty of the cherry blossoms, the children playing, and the family having a picnic. These details help readers visualize the scene and understand the events that took place.3.Why it was special to you: The author explains that the day was special because it marked a new beginning and the beauty of nature. This personal connection to the event makes it more relatable and engaging for the reader.4.How you felt about the event: The author conveys a strong sense of happiness and excitement throughout the story, emphasizing the positive emotions experienced during the event.Overall, this story serves as a great example of how to effectively respond to a writing prompt by incorporating all the necessary elements in a coherent and engaging manner.。



2024年人教版四年级上学期语文期中知识点归纳复习习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________选词填空1. 我会选词填空。





2. 根据语境选词填空。






3. 选词填空。






4. 选词填空。





5. 选择近义词填空。

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1. 如图,将食盐和砂子分别放在水里搅拌,会发现食盐(不见了),砂子(沉在杯底),







我的方案: 1、在两个烧杯内分别倒入等量同温度的水。
















































