

互联网也越来越成为学生喜欢用的信息来源, 同样的,学生也必须提供这种来源的详细情况。 所有对他人作品的引用都必须遵循如下规则:
案例4: 列出参考书目
出版地点 出版社的名字 所有引用的页码 版本(如果不只一个版本的话。比如:2001年第三版)
学生在写作业时,如果要利用他人的文字或观点,则必须按以下方式 对每个参考之处予以确认:
引用:当从别人的作品中引用直接引语、数字、一般观点或其它信 息时,此作品及其来源必须在文章中出现引用的地方予以承认和 标示;
直接引语: 直接引语必须用引号,并必须标明来源;
引用书目:所有引用书目和其它来源的全部信息都必须在作品(如 论文)的最后一部分列出来,并给出出版物的详细信息。此列单通 常指的是“引用书目”(List of References),它必须包括学生 在作业中所参考的任何所有的信息来源细节。(它与 “参考书 目”(Bibliography)略有不同,后者另外还可能包括你在写作业时 查阅过的参考书目和来源,尽管你在作品中没有直接从中引用)。
案例2: 引用别人的作品
如果学生希望引用一段文字以支持自己的 文章,正确的做法是使用引号(如 “ ”), 以表示引号里的文字是别人的作品,比如:
“学院或大学建立战略结构的其中一个关键问 题在于,他们各自的行动自由都受到积极和 消极因素的制约” 。
分析一下下面的例子,学生简单地将其读过的 书中的一段文字(斜体部分)直接放在了自己的文 章中:

三、如何区分参考和抄袭1. 引用的方式不同参考时,需在正文中用引用格式(如引号或斜体)将他人观点明确标注出来,并在文末列出参考文献,清楚标明出处。
2. 描述方式不同参考时,可以将他人观点进行自己的解释和陈述,并在文中说明自己的观点与之相符或者不同。
3. 思维逻辑不同参考时,我们会从多个来源获取观点和数据来支持自己的主张,形成完整的论证链条。
4. 社会责任不同参考是一种学术规范,是对他人作品的尊重与崇敬,表示我们在学术界尊重学术共同体的价值观。
四、如何合理引用1. 使用引用标记在文章中使用引号或斜体来标记他人的观点、数据或资料,明确指出这是他人的成果,并在文末列出完整的参考文献引用。
2. 注明出处在引用他人观点或数据时,需要注明出处,如作者姓名、出版年份、书名、期刊名、网页链接等等,确保读者可以在需要时找到原始来源。


1. 著作权:如果作品被认定为原创作品,则其著作权应受到法律保护。
2. 相似度:如果两部作品的相似度过高,则可能存在抄袭行为。
3. 引文和引用:如果作品在引用他人的观点、数据、图表等时未注明出处,或者未经授权擅自引用,则可能构成抄袭行为。
4. 学术不端:在学术领域,如果论文、研究报告等学术成果存在未经授权的抄袭、剽窃、伪造数据等行为,则被视为学术不端行为,会受到学术界的谴责和惩罚。


学术抄袭的英文作文Academic plagiarism is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for students and scholars. It involves the act of using someone else's work or ideas withoutproper citation or acknowledgment. This can include copying and pasting text from a source without quotation marks or failing to give credit to the original author.Plagiarism undermines the integrity of the academic community and devalues the hard work and originality of others. It can also lead to legal and ethical repercussions, such as academic penalties, loss of reputation, and even legal action in some cases.In today's digital age, it has become easier for individuals to access and copy information from theinternet without proper attribution. This has led to an increase in cases of plagiarism, as some may not fully understand the importance of academic integrity or the consequences of their actions.Educational institutions and publishers have implemented various measures to detect and prevent plagiarism, such as using plagiarism detection software and promoting awareness of ethical writing practices. However, ultimately, it is up to individuals to uphold their own integrity and take responsibility for their work.To avoid plagiarism, it is essential to properly cite all sources used in academic writing, including paraphrased or summarized information. Additionally, developing good research and writing habits, such as taking detailed notes and creating original arguments, can help prevent unintentional plagiarism.In conclusion, academic plagiarism is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences. It is importantfor individuals to understand the ethical and legal implications of plagiarism and to take proactive measures to avoid it. By upholding academic integrity and respecting the work of others, we can contribute to a more honest and respectful academic community.。

另两次是:《模式识别通讯》发表撤销论文声明,指出北方交通大学袁保宗、文富荣去年发表在该刊上的一篇论文为剽窃之作,应予撤销;《电子学通讯》发表社论,揭露上海交通大学电子系宋阳、胡光锐去年发表在该刊上的一篇论文几乎完全剽窃自哈穆·勾德曼(Haim Goldman)在1988年和1990年发表的两篇论文。

这种大量引用别人论文的情况,中国人还算是少的呢,因为中国人的SCI论文并不多,我常常见到很多外国人写的论文都是大量引用别人的语句,这有什么稀罕的呢?我已经发表了几十篇的SCI 论文,讨论中经常引用别人对该研究的现状和过去历史的总结,也没有哪个作者要告我说用了他的话了!担心被告的人真是没有搞清楚论文的要义,只要你的研究结果是自己的,你的论文就是真实的,就是你的,就不是抄袭!文字引用要给出索引文献,否则,真有点文字抄袭的味道!我在这里简单谈谈SCI收录论文的写作问题:SCI论文有前言、材料与方法、结果和讨论,这是论著的一般形式。

写英文作文抄袭的评语英文回答:Cheating in writing an English essay is a serious academic offense that should not be taken lightly. Not only does it undermine the integrity of the educational system, but it also hinders personal growth and development. As a student, I understand the temptation to plagiarize or copy someone else's work, especially when facing timeconstraints or difficulties in understanding the topic. However, I firmly believe that it is essential to take responsibility for our own learning and strive for academic honesty.Firstly, copying someone else's work deprives us of the opportunity to develop our own critical thinking andwriting skills. By relying on others' ideas and words, we fail to engage with the material and truly understand it.It is through the process of researching, analyzing, and synthesizing information that we enhance our knowledge andexpand our intellectual horizons. For instance, when I wrote my last essay on the impact of social media on society, I had to conduct extensive research, read various articles, and critically evaluate different perspectives. This process allowed me to form my own opinions and present a well-rounded argument, which would not have been possible if I had simply copied someone else's work.Secondly, cheating not only affects our individual growth but also undermines the trust and fairness within the academic community. When we cheat, we are essentially stealing someone else's intellectual property and claiming it as our own. This not only diminishes the value of our own achievements but also devalues the hard work andefforts of others. For example, imagine if a classmate of mine spends hours researching and writing an essay, only to find out that someone else has copied it and received the same grade. This creates a sense of injustice and erodes the trust and fairness that should exist in the educational environment.Moreover, cheating in writing an essay can have severeconsequences, both academically and personally. From an academic perspective, it can result in failing grades, academic probation, or even expulsion from school. These consequences not only affect our academic record but also limit future opportunities, such as scholarships or admission to higher education institutions. On a personal level, cheating can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and a lack of self-confidence. It erodes our sense of integrity and character, making it difficult to build trust and credibility in other aspects of life.中文回答:写英文作文抄袭是一种严重的学术不端行为,不应该被轻视。

APRIL 2002 ATLANTICIn the wake of recent scandals some distinctions are in orderby Richard A. PosnerOn PlagiarismRecently two popular historians were discovered to have lifted passages from other historians' books. They identified the sources in footnotes, but they failed to place quotation marks around the purloined passages. Both historians were quickly buried under an avalanche of criticism. The scandal will soon be forgotten, but it leaves in its wake the questions What is "plagiarism"? and Why is it reprobated? These are important questions. The label "plagiarist" can ruin a writer, destroy a scholarly career, blast a politician's chances for election, and cause the expulsion of a student from a college or university. New computer search programs, though they may in the long run deter plagiarism, will in the short run lead to the discovery of more cases of it.We must distinguish in the first place between a plagiarist and a copyright infringer. They are both copycats, but the latter is trying to appropriate revenues generated by property that belongs to someone else—namely, the holder of the copyright on the work that the infringer has copied. A pirated edition of a current best seller is a good example of copyright infringement. There is no copyright infringement, however, if the "stolen" intellectual property is in the public domain (in which case it is not property at all), or if the purpose is not appropriation of the copyright holder's revenue. The doctrine of "fair use" permits brief passages from a book to be quoted in a book review or a critical essay; and the parodist of a copyrighted work is permitted to copy as much of that work as is necessary to enable readers to recognize the new work as a parody. A writer may, for that matter, quote a passage from another writer just to liven up the narrative; but to do so without quotation marks—to pass off another writer's writing as one's own—is more like fraud than like fair use."Plagiarism," in the broadest sense of this ambiguous term, is simply unacknowledged copying, whether of copyrighted or uncopyrighted work. (Indeed, it might be of uncopyrightable work—for example, of an idea.) If I reprint Hamlet under my own name, I am a plagiarist but not an infringer. Shakespeare himself was a formidable plagiarist in the broad sense in which I'm using the word. The famous description in Antony and Cleopatra of Cleopatra on her royal barge is taken almost verbatim from a translation of Plutarch's life of Mark Antony: "on either side of her, pretty, fair boys apparelled as painters do set forth the god Cupid, with little fans in their hands, with which they fanned wind upon her" becomes "on each side her / Stood pretty dimpled boys, like smiling Cupids, / With divers-colour'd fans, whose wind did seem / To glow the delicate cheeks which they did cool." (Notice how Shakespeare improved upon the original.) In The Waste Land, T. S. Eliot "stole" the famous opening of Shakespeare's barge passage, "The barge she sat in, like aburnish'd throne, / Burn'd on the water" becoming "The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne, / Glowed on the marble."Mention of Shakespeare brings to mind that West Side Story is just one of the links in a chain of plagiarisms that began with Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe and continued with the forgotten Arthur Brooke's The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, which was plundered heavily by Shakespeare. Milton in Paradise Lost plagiarized Genesis, as did Thomas Mann in Joseph and His Brothers. Examples are not limited to writing. One from painting is Edouard Manet, whose works from the 1860s "quote" extensively from Raphael, Titian, Velásquez, Rembrandt, and others, of course without express acknowledgment.If these are examples of plagiarism, then we want more plagiarism. They show that not all unacknowledged copying is "plagiarism" in the pejorative sense. Although there is no formal acknowledgment of copying in my examples, neither is there any likelihood of deception. And the copier has added value to the original—this is not slavish copying. Plagiarism is also innocent when no value is attached to originality; so judges, who try to conceal originality and pretend that their decisions are foreordained, "steal" freely from one another without attribution or any ill will.But all that can be said in defense of a writer who, merely to spice up his work, incorporates passages from another writer without acknowledgment is that the readability of his work might be impaired if he had to interrupt a fast-paced narrative to confess that "a predecessor of mine, ___, has said what I want to say next better than I can, so rather than paraphrase him, I give you the following passage, indented and in quotation marks, from his book ___." And not even that much can be said in defense of the writer who plagiarizes out of sheer laziness or forgetfulness, the latter being the standard defense when one is confronted with proof of one's plagiarism.Because a footnote does not signal verbatim incorporation of material from the source footnoted, all that can be said in defense of the historians with whom I began is that they made it easier for their plagiarism to be discovered. This is relevant to how severely they should be criticized, because one of the reasons academic plagiarism is so strongly reprobated is that it is normally very difficult to detect. (In contrast, Eliot and Manet wanted their audience to recognize their borrowings.) This is true of the student's plagiarized term paper, and to a lesser extent of the professor's plagiarized scholarly article. These are particularly grave forms of fraud, because they may lead the reader to take steps, such as giving the student a good grade or voting to promote the professor, that he would not take if he knew the truth. But readers of popular histories are not professional historians, and most don't care a straw how original the historian is. The public wants a good read, a good show, and the fact that a book or a play may be the work of many hands—as, in truth, most art and entertainment are—is of no consequence to it. The harm is not to the reader but to those writers whose work does not glitter with stolen gold.。

拒绝网络抄袭的英文作文英文回答:Combating the Scourge of Plagiarism in Academia.Plagiarism, the unacknowledged copying of someoneelse's work, poses a significant threat to the integrity of academic research and undermines the trust in scholarly publications. It is a form of intellectual theft that deprives original authors of due credit and distorts the dissemination of knowledge. This essay articulates the severe consequences of plagiarism and advocates for a concerted effort to combat this reprehensible practice.The consequences of plagiarism are far-reaching. It erodes academic integrity, as it undermines the foundation of trust upon which scholarly discourse is built. Plagiarized work dilutes the originality of research and compromises the credibility of the academic community. Moreover, plagiarism can have severe academic consequences,ranging from failing grades to expulsion from academic institutions.The motivations for plagiarism are diverse, but nonecan justify this unethical practice. Some students resortto plagiarism due to procrastination, lack of understanding, or fear of failure. Yet, plagiarism is a form of cheating that undermines the learning process and devalues the value of education. It is essential to foster an academic environment that emphasizes intellectual honesty and discourages plagiarism.Combating plagiarism requires a multi-pronged approach. Educational institutions play a crucial role in deterring plagiarism by implementing clear policies against academic dishonesty. These policies should outline the definition of plagiarism and its consequences. Additionally, institutions should provide students with resources and support to help them avoid plagiarism, such as writing workshops and plagiarism detection software.Educators also have a responsibility to promoteacademic integrity. In the classroom, they can encourage critical thinking, original research, and proper citation practices. By setting high standards for academic work, educators can foster a culture of honesty and deter plagiarism.Students themselves must take ownership of their academic integrity. They must understand the importance of originality and the consequences of plagiarism. Students should develop strong research skills and learn how to properly cite sources. They should also seek help from educators and peers when needed.Technology can also play a role in combating plagiarism. Plagiarism detection software can help identify instancesof plagiarism, but it should not be solely relied upon. Human judgment is still essential in assessing theoriginality of work and determining the appropriate consequences for plagiarism.Combating plagiarism is an ongoing challenge, but it is one that must be taken seriously. By working together,educators, students, and institutions can create an academic environment where intellectual honesty is valued and plagiarism is not tolerated.中文回答:抵制学术抄袭。

The Oxford advanced learner's dictionarylagiarise - To take somebody else's ideas or words,and use them as if they were one's own.
The concise Oxford dictionary (6th edition) (1976)
Plagiarise - Take and use another person's (thoughts,writings,inventions) as one's own.
Funk and Wagnalls' new standard dictionary (1921)
Plagiarism is the act of appropriating the ideas,writings,or inventions of another without due acknowledgement; specifically,the stealing of passages either for word or in substance,from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own.

反思抄袭英语作文模板英文回答:Reflection on Plagiarism。
Plagiarism, the act of taking someone else's work and passing it off as one's own, is a serious academic offense. It can tarnish a student's reputation, damage their credibility, and even result in expulsion from school. As such, it is essential for students to understand what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it.What is Plagiarism?Plagiarism encompasses any form of using someone else's words or ideas without giving them proper credit. This includes copying text directly from a source, paraphrasing someone else's work, or using their ideas without citing them. Even if the source is not copyrighted, it is still considered plagiarism to use their work withoutacknowledging it.Why is Plagiarism Wrong?There are several reasons why plagiarism is considered wrong. First, it is a form of intellectual dishonesty. When students plagiarize, they are essentially taking credit for someone else's work. This not only deprives the original author of their due recognition, but it also undermines the integrity of the student's own work.Second, plagiarism can be seen as a form of academic fraud. When students submit plagiarized work, they are intentionally deceiving their teachers and peers. This can have serious consequences, such as failing a course or even being expelled from school.Third, plagiarism can hinder students' learning. When students plagiarize, they are not actively engaging with the material they are studying. This can lead to a lack of understanding of the subject matter and poor academic performance.How to Avoid Plagiarism。

一般认为,若某部小说在引言中已注明系“集体创作”(a collective creation),那么该作品的原创人就应当是每篇小说的首篇(articleofappendices)作者。

抄袭英语说法1:copy抄袭英语说法2:plagiarize抄袭英语说法3:cribbing抄袭的英语例句:那个作家被抄袭的建议激怒了The author bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism.模仿并不意味着抄袭。
Imitating does not mean copying.办公室生活归根结底就是抄袭。
Copying is what office life is all about.考试时我抄袭了挨著我坐的一个女生的答案。
In the exam, I cribbed (an answer) from the girl next to me.这个答案可能是抄袭来的,跟琼斯的答案一模一样。
This answer must be a crib: it's exactly the same as Jones's.我认为他们有许多地方是相互抄袭的。
I think they copy from each other a great deal.他因考试时抄袭而被罚。
He was punished for copying during the examination.盲目抄袭他国的经验是行不通的。
Blindly copying other countries'experience is sure to fail.汉堡包上能够进行的创新少之又少,因此,抄袭竞争对手的创意就成了业内的标准做法。
There are only so many ways you can innovate when it comes to a hamburger, so copying competitors 'ideas is standard practice.他从我的书中抄袭了一段故事。


仿写作文与抄袭的区别1. 抄袭和模仿有什么区别模仿imitation复调音乐的基本技法之一。
模仿【词语解释】mó fǎng照某种现成的样子学着做:用口哨~~布谷鸟叫。
2. 作文仿写算抄袭吗您好。
3. 文章这样算仿写还是抄袭至少算借鉴。
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Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best PracticesDownload a PDF version of this document.Plagiarism has always concerned teachers and administrators, who want students’ work to repre sent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic, suspicion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times diverting them from the work of developing students’ writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities. This statement responds to the growing educational concerns about plagiarism in four ways: by defining plagiarism; by suggesting some of the causes of plagiarism; by proposing a set of responsibilities (for students, teachers, and administrators) to address the problem of plagiarism; and by recommending a set of practices for teaching and learning that can significantly reduce the likelihood of plagiarism. The statement is intended to provide helpful suggestions and clarifications so that instructors, administrators, and students can work together more effectively in support of excellence in teaching and learning. What Is Plagiarism?In instructional settings, plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically complex problem. However, if any definition of plagiarism is to be helpful to administrators, faculty, and students, it needs to be as simple and direct as possible within the context for which it is intended.Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language,ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source.This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers.Most current discussions of plagiarism fail to distinguish between:1.submitting someone else’s text as one’s own or attempting toblur the line between one’s own ideas or words and thoseborrowed from another source, and2.carelessly or inadequately citing ideas and words borrowedfrom another source.Such discussions conflate plagiarism with the misuse of sources.Ethical writers make every effort to acknowledge sources fully and appropriately in accordance with the contexts and genres of their writing. A student who attempts (even if clumsily) to identify and credit his or her source, but who misuses a specific citation format or incorrectly uses quotation marks or other forms of identifying material taken from other sources, has not plagiarized. Instead, such a student should be considered to have failed to cite and document sources appropriately.What are the Causes of Plagiarism and the Failure to Use and Document Sources Appropriately?Students who are fully aware that their actions constitute plagiarism—for example, copying published information into a paper without source attribution for the purpose of claiming the information as their own, or turning in material written by another student—are guilty of academic misconduct. Although no excuse will lessen the breach of ethical conduct that such behavior represents, understanding why students plagiarize can help teachers to consider how to reduce the opportunities for plagiarism in their classrooms.∙Students may fear failure or fear taking risks in their own work.∙Students may have poor time-management skills or they may plan poorly for the time and effort required for research-based writing, and believe they have no choice but to plagiarize.∙Students may view the course, the assignment, the conventions of academic documentation, or the consequences of cheating as unimportant.∙Teachers may present students with assignments so generic or unparticularized that students may believe they are justified in looking for canned responses.∙Instructors and institutions may fail to report cheating when it does occur, or may not enforce appropriate penalties.Students are not guilty of plagiarism when they try in good faith to acknowledge others’ work but fail to do so accurately or fully. These failures are largely the result of failures in prior teaching and learning:students lack the knowledge of and ability to use the conventions of authorial attribution. The following conditions and practices may result in texts that falsely appear to represent plagiarism as we have defined it:∙Students may not know how to integrate the ideas of others and document the sources of those ideas appropriately in theirtexts.∙Students will make mistakes as they learn how to integrate others’ words or ideas into their own work because error is anatural part of learning.∙Students may not know how to take careful and fully documented notes during their research.∙Academicians and scholars may define plagiarism differently or more stringently than have instructors or administrators instudents’ ear lier education or in other writing situations.∙College instructors may assume that students have already learned appropriate academic conventions of research anddocumentation.∙College instructors may not support students as they attempt to learn how to research and document sources; instead,instructors may assign writing that requires research andexpect its appropriate documentation, yet fail to appreciate the difficulty of novice academic writers to execute these taskssuccessfully.∙Students from other cultures may not be familiar with the conventions governing attribution and plagiarism in Americancolleges and universities.∙In some settings, using other people’s words or ideas as their own is an acceptable practice for writers of certain kinds of texts (for example, organizational documents), making the concepts of plagiarism and documentation less clear cut than academics often acknowledge and thereby confusing students who havenot learned that the conventions of source attribution vary indifferent contexts.What are our Shared Responsibilities?When assignments are highly generic and not classroom-specific, when there is no instruction on plagiarism and appropriate source attribution, and when students are not led through the iterative processes of writing and revising, teachers often find themselves playing an adversarial role as “plagiarism police” instead of a coaching role as educators. Just as students must live up to their responsibility to behave ethically and honestly as learners, teachers must recognizethat they can encourage or discourage plagiarism not just by policy and admonition, but also in the way they structure assignments and in the processes they use to help students define and gain interest in topics developed for papers and projects.Students should understand research assignments as opportunities for genuine and rigorous inquiry and learning. Such an understanding involves:∙Assembling and analyzing a set of sources that they have themselves determined are relevant to the issues they areinvestigating;∙Acknowledging clearly when and how they are drawing on the ideas or phrasings of others;∙Learning the conventions for citing documents andacknowledging sources appropriate to the field they arestudying;∙Consulting their instructors when they are unsure about how to acknowledge the contributions of others to their thought andwriting.Faculty need to design contexts and assignments for learning that encourage students not simply to recycle information but to investigate and analyze its sources. This includes:∙Building support for researched writing (such as the analysis of models, individual/group conferences, or peer review) intocourse designs;∙Stating in writing their policies and expectations for documenting sources and avoiding plagiarism;∙Teaching students the conventions for citing documents and acknowledging sources in their field, and allowing students topractice these skills;∙Avoiding the use of recycled or formulaic assignments that may invite stock or plagiarized responses;∙Engaging students in the process of writing, which produces materials such as notes, drafts, and revisions that are difficult to plagiarize;∙Discussing problems students may encounter in documenting and analyzing sources, and offering strategies for avoiding orsolving those problems;∙Discussing papers suspected of plagiarism with the students who have turned them in, to determine if the papers are theresult of a deliberate intent to deceive;∙Reporting possible cases of plagiarism to appropriate administrators or review boards.Administrators need to foster a program- or campus-wide climate that values academic honesty. This involves:∙Publicizing policies and expectations for conducting ethical research, as well as procedures for investigating possible cases of academic dishonesty and its penalties;∙Providing support services (for example, writing centers or Web pages) for students who have questions about how to citesources;∙Supporting faculty and student discussions of issues concerning academic honesty, research ethics, and plagiarism;∙Recognizing and improving upon working conditions, such as high teacher-student ratios, that reduce opportunities for more individualized instruction and increase the need to handlepapers and assignments too quickly and mechanically;∙Providing faculty development opportunities for instructors to reflect on and, if appropriate, change the ways they work with writing in their courses.Best PracticesCollege writing is a process of goal setting, writing, giving and using feedback, revising, and editing. Effective assignments construct specific writing situations and build in ample room for response and revision. There is no guarantee that, if adopted, the strategies listed below will eliminate plagiarism; but in supporting students throughout their research process, these strategies make plagiarism both difficult and unnecessary.1. Explain Plagiarism and Develop Clear Policies∙Talk about the underlying implications of plagiarism.Remind students that the goal of research is to engage, through writing, in a purposeful, scholarly discussion of issues that are sometimes passed over in daily life. Understanding,augmenting, engaging in dialogue with, and challenging thework of others are part of becoming an effective citizen in acomplex society. Plagiarism does not simply devalue theinstitution and the degree it offers; it hurts the inquirer, whohas avoided thinking independently and has lost theopportunity to participate in broader social conversations.∙Include in your syllabus a policy for using sources, and discuss it in your course. Define a policy that clearly explains the consequences of both plagiarism (such as turning in a paper known to be written by someone else) and the misuse orinaccurate citation of sources.∙If your university does not already have one, establish an honor code to which all students subscribe; a judicial board to hear plagiarism cases; or a departmentalombudsperson to hear cases brought between students and instructors.2. Improve the Design and Sequence of Assignments∙Design assignments that require students to explore a subject in depth. Research questions and assignment topics should be based on principles of inquiry and on the genuineneed to discover something about the topic, and should present that topic to an audience in the form of an exploration or anargument.∙Start building possible topics early. Good writing reflects a thorough understanding of the topic being addressed orresearched. Giving students time to explore their topics slowly and helping them to narrow their focus from broad ideas tospecific research questions will personalize their research andprovide evidence of their ongoing investigations∙Consider establishing a course theme, and then allow students to define specific questions about that theme so that they become engaged in learning new ideas andbegin to own their research. A course theme (like “literacy”or “popular culture”) allows students and in structor to develop expertise and to support each other as they read, write, andengage in their research. Grounding the theme in a localcontext (such as the campus, or the neighborhood or city where the campus is located) can provide greater relevance tostudents’ lives. Once stu dents have defined a topic within thecourse theme, ask them to reflect frequently on their choice of topic: about what they already know about the topic when they begin their research; about what new ideas they are learningalong the way; and about what new subjects for research they are discovering.∙Develop schedules for students that both allow them time to explore and support them as they work towarddefined topics. As researchers learn more about their subjects, they typically discover new, unforeseen questions and interests to explore. However, student researchers do not have unlimited time for their work—at some point, they must choose a focus for their papers. Conferences with students (sometimes held in the library or computer resource center) are invaluable for enabling them to refine their focus and begin their inquiry.∙Support each step of the research process. Students often have little experience planning and conducting research. Using planning guides, in-class activities, and portfolios, instructorsshould “stage” students’ work and provide support at eachstage—from invention to drafting, through revision andpolishing. Collecting interim materials (such as annotatedphotocopies) helps break the research assignment down intoelements of the research process while providing instructorswith evidence of students’ original work. Building “low-st akes”writing into the research process, such as reflective progressreports, allows instructors to coach students more effectivelywhile monitoring their progress.∙Make the research process, and technology used for it, visible. Ask your students to consider how varioustechnologies—computers, fax machines, photocopiers,e-mail—affect the way information is gathered and synthesized, and what effect these technologies may have on plagiarism.∙Attend to conventions of different genres of writing. As people who read and write academic work regularly, instructors are sensitive to differences in conventions across differentdisciplines and, sometimes, within disciplines. However,students might not be as aware of these differences. Planactivities—like close examinations of academic readings—thatask students to analyze and reflect on the conventions indifferent disciplines.3. Attend to Sources and the Use of Reading∙Ask students to draw on and document a variety of sources. Build into your assignments additional sources, such as systematic observation, interviews, simple surveys, or other datagathering methods. Incorporating a variety of sources can help students develop ways of gathering, assessing, reading,and using different kinds of information, and can make for alivelier, more unique paper.∙Consider conventions. Appropriate use of citations depends on students’ familiarity with the conventions of the genre(s)they are using for writing. Design activities that help students to become familiar with these conventions and make informedchoices about when and where to employ them.∙Show students how to evaluate their sources. Provide opportunities for students to discuss the quality of the content and context of their sources, through class discussions,electronic course management programs or Internet chatspaces, or reflective assignments. Discuss with students howtheir sources will enable them to support their argument ordocument their research.∙Focus on reading. Successful reading is as important to thoughtful research essays as is successful writing. Developreading-related heuristics and activities that will help students to read carefully and to think about how or whether to use that reading in their research projects.4. Work on Plagiarism Responsibly∙Distinguish between misuse of sources and plagiarism. If students have misused sources, they probably do notunderstand how to use them correctly. If this is the case, work with students so that they understand how to incorporate and cite sources correctly. Ask them to rewrite the sections where sources have been misused.∙Ask students for documentation. If a student’s work raises suspicions, talk with him or her about your concerns. Askstudents to show you their in-process work (such as sources,summaries, and drafts) and walk you through their researchprocess, describing how it led to the production of their draft. If they are unable to do this, discuss with them the consequences of plagiarism described in your syllabus (and, perhaps, by your institution). If you have talked with a student and want topursue your own investigation of his or her work, turn tosources that the student is likely to have used and look forevidence of replication.∙Use plagiarism detection services cautiously. Although such services may be tempting, they are not always reliable.Furthermore, their availability should never be used to justifythe avoidance of responsible teaching methods such as thosedescribed in this document.5. Take Appropriate Disciplinary Actions∙Pay attention to institutional guidelines. Many institutions have clearly defined procedures for pursuing claims of academic dishonesty. Be sure you have read and understood these before you take any action.∙Consider your goal. If a student has plagiarized, consider what the student should take away from the experience. Insome cases, a failing grade on the paper, a failure in the course, academic probation, or even expulsion might achieve thosegoals. In other cases, recreating the entire research process,from start to finish, might be equally effective.Council of Writing Program Administrators, January, 2003。