ASTM D256-2010




ASTM A 754/A 754M-1996X射线荧光法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Coating Thickness by X-Ray FluorescenceASTM B567-1998用β射线背散射法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter MethodASTM B568-1998χ射线光谱仪法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray SpectrometryASTM C637-1998辐射屏蔽混凝土用集料的标准规Standard Specification for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding ConcreteASTM C638-1992辐射屏蔽混凝土集料组分的描述术语Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete ASTM C1455-2000用γ射线谱法无损检定仍然有效特殊核材料指南ASTM D2599-1987X射线光谱法测定汽油含铅量的试验方法(05.02)Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (05.02)ASTM D4294-1998用非色散X射线荧光光谱法测定石油产品中含硫量试验方法Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Non-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, Method of Test for (05.02)ASTM D4452-1985土壤样品的X射线照相法X-Ray Radiography of Soil SamplesASTM D5059-1998X-射线光谱法测定汽油含铅量的试验方法Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy (05.03)ASTM D5187-1991X射线衍射法测定煅烧石油焦炭中结晶尺寸(LC)的试验方法Test Method for Crystallite Size (LC) of Calcined Petroleum Coke by X-Ray Diffraction (05.03) ASTM D6247-1998X射线荧光光谱法分析聚烯烃中元素含量的试验方法Test Method for Analysis of Elemental Content in Polyolefins by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry ASTM E94-2004(2010)射线照相检验标准指南Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination ASTM E142-1996射线照相检测的质量控制方法Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic TestingASTM E155-2010铝镁合金铸件射线照相检验标准参考照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium CastingsASTM E170-1999有关辐射测量和剂量测定的术语ASTM E181-1998放射性核素探测器的校准和分析的一般方法General Methods for Detector Calibration and Analysis of RadionuclidesASTM E186-2010厚壁(50.8-114mm)钢铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 4 1/2-In./50.8 to 114-mm) Steel Castings ASTM E192-2004(2010)e1宇航用熔模钢铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Investment Steel Castings of AerospaceApplicationsASTM E242-2001(2010)某些参数改变时射线照相图象显示的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Appearances of Radiographic Images asCertain Parameters Are ChangedASTM E272-2010高强度铜基及镍铜合金铸件的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base andNickel-Copper Alloy CastingsASTM E280-2010厚壁(114-305mm)铸钢件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (4 1/2 to 12-in. (114 to305-mm)) Steel CastingsASTM E310-2010锡青铜铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze CastingsASTM E390-2011钢熔焊焊缝标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion WeldsASTM E431-96(2011)半导体和相关器件射线照片判读指南Standard Guide to Interpretation of Radiographs of Semiconductors andRelated DevicesASTM E446-2010厚度至50.8mm钢铸件的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) inThicknessASTM E505-2001(2011)铝和镁压铸件检验的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and MagnesiumDie CastingsASTM E545-2005(2010)确定直接热中子射线照相检验成象质量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining Image Quality in Direct ThermalNeutron Radiographic ExaminationASTM E586-88γ与χ射线照相检测的术语定义ASTM E592-1999(2009)e16~51mm厚钢板X射线照相检验和25~152mm厚钢板钴60照相检验获得ASTM当量穿透灵敏度的标准指南Standard Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity forRadiography of Steel Plates 1/4 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X Raysand 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with Cobalt-60ASTM E665-1994测量暴露在X闪光射线机的X射线照射下的材料中相对深度的吸收剂量Determining Absorbed Dose Versus Depth in Materials Exposed to the X-RayOutput of Flash X-Ray MachinesASTM E666-1997γ或X射线剂量吸收的计算Calculating Absorbed Dose from Gamma or X RadiationASTM E689-2010球墨铸铁标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron CastingsASTM E746-2007测定工业射线照相成像系统相关图象质量响应的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Relative Image Quality Response ofIndustrial Radiographic Imaging SystemsASTM E747-2004(2010)射线照相用线型象质计(IQI)的设计、制造及材料组分类的标准方法Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material GroupingClassification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (Iqi) Used for RadiologyASTM E748-2002(2008)材料热中子射线照相标准方法Standard Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of MaterialsASTM E801-2006(2011)电子装置射线照相检验的质量控制标准方法Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination ofElectronic DevicesASTM E802-1995(2010)厚度至114mm的灰口铸铁标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings up to 4 1/2 in. (114mm) in ThicknessASTM E803-1991(2008)确定中子射线透照束长径比的标准方法Standard Method for Determining the L/D Ratio of Neutron Radiography BeamsASTM E915-1996残余应力测量用X射线衍射仪校准检定的试验方法Test Method for Verifying the Alignment of X-Ray DiffractionInstrumentation for Residual Stress MeasurementASTM E999-2010工业射线照相胶片处理的质量控制标准指南Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic FilmProcessingASTM E1000-98(2009)射线照相检测标准指南Standard Guide for RadioscopyASTM E1025-2011射线照相检测用孔型象质计设计、制造和材料组分类的标准方法Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material GroupingClassification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators(IQI) Used forRadiographyASTM E1030-2005(2011)金属铸件射线照相检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Metallic CastingsASTM E1032-2012焊缝射线照相检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of WeldmentsASTM E1079-2010透射密度计校准的标准方法Standard Practice for Calibration of Transmission DensitometersASTM E1114-2009e1测定铱192工业射线照相源尺寸的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium -192 IndustrialRadiopraphic SourcesASTM E1161-2009半导体和电子元件射线检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiologic Examination of Semiconductors andElectronic ComponentsASTM E1165-2004(2010)用针孔成象法测量工业X射线管焦点的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots of Industrial X-RayTubes by Pinhole ImagingASTM E1168-1995核设施工人辐射防护训练Radiological Protection Training for Nuclear Facility WorkersASTM E1254-2008射线照片及未曝光工业射线照相胶片储藏的标准指南Standard Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed IndustrialRadiographic FilmsASTM E1255-2009射线透视检验标准方法Standard Practice for RadioscopyASTM E1320-2010钛铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Titanium CastingsASTM E1390-2012工业射线照相观片灯标准规Standard Specification for Illuminators Used for Viewing IndustrialRadiographsASTM E1400-1995高剂量辐射量测定校准实验室的特性和性能规程Characterization and Performance of a High-Dose Radiation DosimetryCalibration Laboratory, Practice for (12.02)ASTM E1411-2009射线照相系统鉴定的标准方法Standard Practice for Qualification of Radioscopic SystemsASTM E1416-2009焊缝射线检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radioscopic Examination of WeldmentsASTM E1441-2011计算机层析(CT)成像的标准指南Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) ImagingASTM E1441-2000计算机层析成像(CT)指南Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging ASTM E1453-2009含模拟或数字射线照相数据的磁带媒体存储标准指南Standard Guide for Storage of Magnetic Tape Media that Contains Analog orDigital Radioscopic DataASTM E1475-2002(2008)数字射线照相检验数据计算机化传输的数据区标准指南Standard Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of DigitalRadiological Examination DataASTM E1496-2005(2010)中子射线照相尺寸测量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Neutron Radiographic DimensionalMeasurements(With drawn 2012)ASTM E1570-2011计算机层析(CT)检验标准方法Standard Practice for Computed Tomographic (CT) ExaminationASTM E1647-2009确定射线照相检测对比度灵敏度的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Contrast Sensitivity in RadiologyASTM E1648-1995(2011)铝熔焊焊缝检验标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Examination of Aluminum Fusion WeldsASTM E1672-2006选择计算机层析(CT)系统的标准指南Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (Ct) System SelectionASTM E1695-1995(2006)e1计算机层析(CT)系统性能测量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Computed Tomography (Ct) SystemPerformanceASTM E1734-2009铸件射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radioscopic Examination of CastingsASTM E1735-2007确定经4-25MV X射线曝光的工业射线胶片相关成像质量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality of IndustrialRadiographic Film Exposed to X-Radiation from 4 to 25 MVASTM E1742/E1742M-2011射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radiographic ExaminationASTM E1814-1996(2007)铸件计算机层析(CT)检验标准方法Standard Practice for Computed Tomographic (CT) Examination of CastingsASTM E1815-2008工业射线照相胶片系统分类的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for IndustrialRadiographyASTM E1817-2008使用典型象质计(RQIs)控制射线检验质量的标准方法Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination byUsing Representative Quality Indicators(RQI-s)ASTM E1894-1997选择脉冲X射线源用的剂量测定系统的标准指南Standard Guide for Selecting Dosimetry Systems for Application in PulsedX-Ray SourcesASTM E1931-2009X射线康普顿散射层析技术标准指南Standard Guide for X-ray Compton Scatter TomographyASTM E1935-1997(2008)校准和测量计算机层析(CT) 密度的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Calibrating and Meausring CT DensityASTM E1936-2003(2011)评估射线照相数字化系统性能的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiograph for Evaluating the Performance ofRadiographic Digitization SystemsASTM E1955-2004(2009)与美国材料与试验协会ASTM E 390 参考射线照片等级比较钢中焊缝完善性的标准射线检验Standard Radiographic Examination for Soundness of Welds in Steel byComparison to Graded ASTM E390 Reference RadiographsASTM E2002-1998(2009)测定射线照相图象总不清晰度的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Total Image Unsharpness in RadiologyASTM E2003-2010中子射线照相波束纯度指示计制作的标准方法Standard Practice for Fabrication of the Neutron Radiographic Beam PurityIndicators [Metric]ASTM E2007-2010计算机射线照相标准指南(用于CR的标准指南)(可激射线发光[PSL]法) Standard Guide for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence (PSL)Method)ASTM E2023-2010制作中子射线照相灵敏度指示计的标准方法Standard Practice for Fabrication of Neutron Radiographic SensitivityIndicatorASTM E2033-1999(2006)计算机射线照相的标准方法(用于CR的标准实施方法)(可激射线发光[PSL]法)Standard Practice for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable LuminescenceMethod)ASTM E2104-2009优质航空与涡轮材料和构件射线照相检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination of Advanced Aero andTurbine Materials and ComponentsASTM E2120-2000便携式X射线荧光光谱仪测量涂膜中铅含量的性能评估规程Practice for the Performance Evaluation of the Portable X-Ray FluorescenceSpectrometer for the Measurement of Lead in Paint FilmsASTM E2339-2004无损评价中的数字成像和通讯Digital Imaging and Communication in NDE(DICONDE)ASTM E2422-2011铝铸件标准参考数字射线图像(钛和钢铸件也适用)Standard Digital Reference Images for Al. Casting(Titanium & steel Castingalso available)ASTM E2445-2005(2010)计算机射线照相系统的长期稳定性与鉴定的标准方法(用于CR系统的质量认定和长期稳定性的标准实施方法)Standard Practice for Qualification and Long-Term Stability of ComputedRadiology SystemsASTM E2446-2005(2010)计算机射线照相系统分类的标准方法(用于CR系统分类的标准实施方法)Standard Practice for Classification of Computed Radiology SystemsASTM E2597-2007e1数字探测器阵列制造特性的标准规程Standard Practice for Manufacturing Characterization of Digital DetectorArraysASTM E2660-2011航空用优质钢铸件标准参考数字射线图像Standard Digital Reference Images for Investment Steel Castings forAerospace ApplicationsASTM E2662-2009航空用平面与夹芯复合材料射线照相检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiologic Examination of Flat Panel Composites andSandwich Core Materials Used in Aerospace ApplicationsASTM E2669-2011数字射线照相(DR)检测方法的数字图像与通信无损评价(DICONDE)的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for Digital Radiographic (DR) Test MethodsASTM E2698-2010使用数字探测器阵列的射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radiological Examination Using Digital DetectorArraysASTM E2736-2010数字探测器阵列射线照相检测标准指南Standard Guide for Digital Detector Array RadiologyASTM E2737-2010评价数字探测器阵列性能和长期稳定性的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Detector Array Performance Evaluation andLong-Term StabilityASTM E2738-2011使用计算机射线照相(CR)检测方法的数字图像与通讯无损评价(DICONDE)的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for Computed Radiography (CR) Test MethodsASTM E2767-2011使用X射线计算机层析(CT)检测方法的数字图像与通讯无损评价(DICONDE)的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) Test MethodsASTM E2861-2011测量中子辐射束发散与校准的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Beam Divergence and Alignment inNeutron Radiologic BeamsASTM F629-1997铸造金属外科手术植入物射线照相检查实施方法(F-4)ASTM F727-1981透明照相干版透光度测量的试验方法Test Method for Measuring Transmittance of See-Through PhotoplateASTM F784-1982校准放射性同位素密封测试仪的试验方法Test Method for Calibrating Radioisotope Hermetic Test ApparatusASTM F864-1984硬表面玻璃照相干板的检验Inspection of Hard-Surface Glass Photoplates ASTM F947-1985测定照相胶片低能级X射线辐射灵敏度的试验方法Test Method for Determining Low-Level X-Radiation Sensitivity ofPhotographic FilmsASTM F1035-1991使用橡胶帘布圆盘验证轮胎X射线成象系统的辩别能力Use of Rubber-Cord Pie Disk to Demonstrate the Discernment Capability of aTire X-Ray Imaging SystemASTM F1039-1987X射线安全屏系统中测量低剂量X辐射的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Low Level X-Radiation Used in X-RaySecurity Screening SystemsASTM F1467-1999微电子装置电离辐射效应中X射线测试仪(近似等于10keV辐射量子)的使用Use of an X-Ray Tester (is Approximately Equal to 10 keV Photons) inIonizing Radiation Effects Testing of Microelectronic DevicesASTM PS95-1998便携式X射线荧光(XRF)装置现场测定涂料或其它涂层含铅量的质量体系的标准临时操作规程Standard Provisional Practice for Quality Systems for Conducting In SituMeasurements of Lead Content in Paint or Other Coatings usingField-Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) DevicesASTM PS 116-1999测量涂膜含铅量用的便携式X射线荧光光谱仪性能评价的临时操作规程Provisional Practice for the Performance Evaluation of the Portable X-RayFluorescence Spectrometer for the Measurement of Lead in Paint FilmsANSI/ANS6.1.1-1991中子及r射线对剂量因素的影响Neutron and Gamma-Ray Fluence-to-DoseFactorsANSI/IEEE 309-1970盖革-弥勒计数器的试验程序Geiger-Muller Counters, Test Procedure for ANSI IT9.2-1991成象介质-已处理的照相胶片、平板和相纸-归档盒及储存箱Imaging Media - Photographic Processed Films, Plates and Papers - FilingEnclosures and Storage ContainersANSI IT9.8-1989成象介质-照相胶片耐折强度的测定Imaging Media - Photographic Film - Determination of Folding EnduranceANSI N13.2-1969辐射监测的管理规程指南Administrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring, Guide toANSI N13.5-1972直读和非直读式袖珍X和γ射线辐射剂量仪的性能Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X- and GammaRadiation, PerformanceANSI N13.7-1983辐射防护照相胶片剂量仪性能标准Radiation Protection - Photographic Film Dosimeters - Criteria forPerformanceANSI N13.11-2001个人剂量测定的试验标准Personnel Dosimetry Performance, Criteria for TestingANSI N13.27-1981袖珍式报警辐射剂量仪和报警记数率计的性能要求Performance Requirements for Pocket-Sized Alarm Dosimeters and AlarmRatemetersANSI N15.36-1994核材料无损化验测量的控制和保证Nuclear materials - Nondestructive assay measurement control and assuranceANSI N15.37-1981核材料控制的自动无损化验系统指南Automation of Nondestructive Assay Systems for Nuclear Materials Control,Guide toANSI N42.16-1986用于液体闪烁计数器的密封放射检查源的规Specifications for sealed radioactive check sources used inliquid-scintillation countersANSI N42.20-1995个人辐射监视仪的性能标准Performance criteria for active personnel radiation monitorsANSI N42.26-1995辐射防护仪器监测设备X和γ辐射个人报警装置Radiation Protection Instrumentation - Monitoring Equipment - PersonalWarning Devices for X and Gamma RadiationsANSI N43.3-1993通用辐射安全非医疗应用的X射线和密封γ射线源的安装能量达10Mev General radiation safety - Installations using non-medical X-ray andsealed gamma-ray sources, energies up to 10 MeVANSI N43.6-1997密封放射性源的分类Classification of Sealed Radioactive SourcesANSI N43.9-1991γ射线照相仪器的设计和试验规Gamma Radiography - Specifications for Design and Testing of ApparatusANSI N322-1996直接和间接读取石英纤维袖珍剂量计的检验和试验规Inspection and Test Specifications for Direct and Indirect Reading QuartzFiber Pocket DosimetersASME Boiler & Pressure VesselCode(ASME锅炉压力容器规)第V卷《无损检测》2004版,第2篇“射线检测”,强制性附录-包含动态射线照相、实时射线成像检测容ASME SE-1647确定射线照相对比灵敏度的推荐实施方法ASME Code Case 2476使用荧光成像板的射线照相Radiography using phosphor imaging platesMIL-HDBK-55-66射线照相无损检测手册(已由MIL-HDBK-728/5取代)MIL-STD-139A-65射线检测铝镁合金铸件的完好性要求MIL-STD-453C-88射线照相检测MIL-STD-746A-63铸造爆破器材的射线照相检测要求MIL-STD-779-68钢焊缝参考χ射线照片(由ASTM E390取代)MIL-STD-1257A-87钴铬合金枪管射线照相及目视检验MIL-R-11470A-71对射线检验设备,操作方法和操作人员的合格审查(由MIL-STD-453取代) MIL-I-36013B-72折迭式χ射线观片灯MIL-R-45226-62石墨的射线照相检测(已停用)MIL-R-45774A(92)铝,镁导弹零件熔焊完好性要求-射线照相检测MIL-STD-1948(91)中子射线照相检验的术语和定义汇编MIL-HDBK-728/5(92)射线照相检验MIL-HDBK-733(92)复合材料无损检验方法-射线照相法MIL-STD-1166A(91)固体火箭推进剂射线照相检验要求MIL-STD-1264B(93)钢焊缝完好性射线照相检验-与ASTM E390 各级参考底片比较MIL-STD-1265A(92)钢铸件射线照相检验分类和完好性要求MIL-STD-1894A(86)不完全焊透钢焊缝的射线照相参考标准及射线照相程序MIL-STD-1895A(86)不完全焊透铝焊缝的射线照相参考标准及射线照相程序BAC 5915(美国波音公司) 射线检验DPS 4.736(美国麦道公司) 射线检验API 1104(美国石油协会) 管道及有关设备的焊接AWS B 5.15射线照相评片资格技术条件。



ASTM A105/A105M-2011a 中文版管道部件用碳钢锻件ASTM A123/A123M-2012 中文版钢铁产品镀锌层(热浸镀)标准规范ASTM A148/A148M-2008 中文版结构用高强度钢铸件标准ASTM A181/A181M-2012 中文版一般管道用碳钢锻件标准规范ASTM A217/A217M-2011 中文版高温承压件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件标准规范ASTM A240/A240M-2012 中文版压力容器和一般用途用铬及铬-镍不锈钢钢板、薄板和钢带标准技术条件ASTM A312/A312M-2009 中文版无缝和焊接的以及重度冷加工奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准技术条件ASTM A351/A351M-2012 中文版承压件用奥氏体铸钢件标准规范ASTM A370-2012 中文版钢制品力学性能试验的标准试验方法和定义ASTM A388/A388M-2011 中文版大型钢锻件超声检验标准操作方法ASTM A473-2001(R2009)中文版不锈钢锻件标准ASTM A48/A48M-2003(R2012)中文版灰铸铁铸件标准规范ASTM A494/A494M-2009e1 中文版镍和镍合金铸件ASTM A510/A510M-2011 中文版碳素钢盘条、粗圆钢丝和合金钢的一般要求的标准规范ASTM A579/A579M-2004a(R2009) 中文版超高强度合金钢锻件的标准规范ASTM A615/A615M-2012 中文版混凝土配筋用变形及光面碳素钢棒材的标准规范ASTM A706/A706M-2009b 中文版混凝土加固用低合金钢变形及光面钢筋规范ASTM A743/A743M-2006(R2010) 中文版一般用途的铁-铬、铁-铬-镍耐蚀钢铸件标准ASTM A745/A745M-2012 中文版奥氏体钢锻件超声波检验ASTM A781/A781M-2012b 中文版一般工业用钢和合金铸件通用要求标准规范ASTM A82/A82M-2007 中文版混凝土钢筋用普通钢丝的标准规范ASTM A820/A820M-2004 中文版钢钎维混凝土用钢纤维ASTM B111/B111M-2011 中文版铜和铜合金无缝冷凝器管子和压盖坯料ASTM B117-2011 中文版盐雾试验仪的标准操作规程ASTM B456-2011e1 中文版铜镍铬和镍铬电镀涂层的标准规范ASTM B564-2011 中文版镍合金锻件标准规范ASTM B575-2010 中文版低碳镍-铬-钼、低碳镍-铬-钼-铜、低碳镍-铬-钼-钽、低碳镍-铬-钼-钨和低碳镍-钼-铬的合金板材、薄板和带材的标准规范ASTM B841-1999(R2010) 中文版锌镍合金沉积物电镀层的标准规范ASTM C825-2006(R2011) 中文版预制混凝土删栏标准规范ASTM D1153-2006 中文版甲基异丁基酮的标准规范ASTM D1193-2006(R2011) 中文版试剂级纯水的标准规范ASTM D130-2010 中文版石油产品铜片腐蚀标准试验方法ASTM D1319-2010 中文版荧光指示剂吸附法测定液体石油产品中烃类标准方法ASTM D1321-2010 中文版石油蜡针入度测定的标准方法ASTM D1364-2002(R2012) 中文版挥发性溶剂中水分的试验方法(费歇尔试剂滴定法) ASTM D1401-2012 中文版石油和合成液的水分离性测定的标准方法ASTM D1403-2010 中文版全尺寸锥体的1/2或1/4比例锥体刺入润滑脂来测定稠度的标准方法ASTM D1465-2010 中文版石油蜡粘点和结点标准试验方法ASTM D1533-2012 中文版卡尔•费休电量滴定法测定绝缘液中水含量的标准方法ASTM D1603-2012 中文版烯烃塑料中炭黑含量测定的标准方法ASTM D1796-2011 中文版离心法测定燃油中水和沉淀物的标准方法ASTM D1840-2007 中文版紫外分光光度法测定航空涡轮燃料中萘系烃含量的标准方法ASTM D217-2010 中文版润滑脂锥入度测定的标准方法ASTM D2269-2010 中文版紫外吸光度评定白油的标准方法ASTM D2270-2010e1 中文版根据40℃和100℃下运动粘度计算粘度指数的标准规程ASTM D2272-2011 中文版润滑油氧化安定性的测定——旋转氧弹法标准试验方法ASTM D2274-2010 中文版馏分燃料油氧化安定性测定的标准方法(加速法)ASTM D240-2009 中文版用弹式量热计测定液烃燃料燃烧热的试验方法ASTM D2425-2004(2009) 中文版质谱法测量中间馏分烃类组成的标准方法ASTM D2638-2010 中文版用氦气体密度仪测定煅烧石油焦真密度的标准方法ASTM D2887-2008 中文版用气相色谱分析法测定石油馏分沸程分布的标准试验方法ASTM D2896-2011 中文版用高氯酸电位滴定法测定石油产品碱值的试验方法ASTM D3237-2012 中文版原子吸收光谱法测定汽油中铅含量的试验方法ASTM D3242-2011 中文版航空涡轮燃料酸度标准试验方法ASTM D3329-2003(2009) 中文版用气相色谱法测定甲基异丁基酮纯度的试验方法ASTM D3606-2010 中文版气相色谱法测定车用汽油和航空汽油中苯和甲苯含量的标准方法ASTM D381-2012 中文版喷射蒸汽法测定燃料胶质含量的标准方法ASTM D3829-2002(2007) 中文版预测发动机油边界泵送温度的标准方法ASTM D4292-2010 中文版煅烧石油焦振动松密度的标准测试方法ASTM D4422-2003(2008) 中文版石油焦分析中灰分的测试标准方法ASTM D4530-2011 中文版微量法测定残炭的标准方法ASTM D473-2007 中文版抽提法测定燃油和原油中沉淀物的标准方法ASTM D4815-2009 中文版气相色谱法测定汽油中甲基叔丁基醚、乙基叔丁基醚、叔戊基甲基醚、二异丙基醚、叔戊醇及C1-C4醇类的标准方法ASTM D4931-2006(2011) 中文版生石油焦中总水分的标准测试方法ASTM D4952-2012 中文版定性分析燃料和溶剂中活性硫的标准试验方法(Doctor试验)ASTM D5116-2010 中文版通过小型环境室测定室内材料/产品的有机排放物的标准指南ASTM D524-2010 中文版石油产品兰氏法测定残炭标准方法ASTM D5293-2010e1 中文版用冷起动模拟装置测量-5至-30℃发动机油表观粘度的标准方法ASTM D5709-2009 中文版石油焦筛析的标准测试方法ASTM D5762-2012 中文版石油和石油产品中氮含量的测定舟进样化学发光法ASTM D6376-2010 中文版通过波长色散X射线荧光谱测定石油焦中痕量金属的试验方法ASTM D6584-2010ae1 中文版气相色谱法测定B-100生物柴油脂肪酸甲酯中游离甘油和总甘油含量的试验方法ASTM D892-2011a 中文版润滑油泡末特性标准试验方法ASTM D893-2012 中文版用过的润滑油不溶物测定法ASTM E10-2012 中文版金属材料布氏硬度的标准试验方法ASTM E1316-2011b 中文版无损检测的标准术语ASTM E140-2007 中文版金属的标准硬度转换表布氏硬度、维氏硬度、洛氏硬度、表面硬度、努氏硬度和肖氏硬度之间的关系ASTM E165/E165M-2012 中文版通用工业液体渗透检验的标准操作方法ASTM E1742/E1742M-2011 中文版射线照相检测标准规程ASTM E18-2011 中文版金属材料洛氏硬度标准测试方法ASTM E190-1992(R2008) 中文版焊缝塑性的导向弯曲试验的标准试验方法ASTM E290-2009 中文版金属材料延性弯曲试验的标准试验方法ASTM E317-2011 中文版不采用电子测量仪器评价脉冲回波式超声检测系统工作性能的方法ASTM E384-2011e1 中文版材料的努氏和维氏硬度标准试验方法ASTM E4-2010 中文版测试仪力验正标准规程ASTM E428-2008 中文版超声检测用钢质参考试块的制作与质量控制方法ASTM E587-2010 中文版接触式超声斜射检测方法ASTM E8/E8M-2011 中文版金属材料拉伸试验方法ASTM F136-2012 中文版外科植入用Ti-6Al-4V ELI(超低间隙)锻造合金标准(UNS R56401) ASTM F138-2008 中文版外科植入物用锻造18铬-14镍-2.5 钼不锈钢棒材和线材标准(UNS S31673)ASTM F1472-2008e1 中文版外科植入物用锻造Ti-6Al-4V钛合金标准ASTM F1537-2011 中文版外科植入物用锻造Co-28Cr-6Mo合金标准(UNS R31537,UNS R31538和UNS R31539)ASTM F1580-2012 中文版外科植入物涂层用钛和Ti-6AL-4V合金粉末标准ASTM F620-2011 中文版外科植入物用α+β态钛合金锻件标准ASTM F648-2010a 中文版外科植入物用超高分子量聚乙烯粉末和制成物的标准规范ASTM F75-2012 中文版外科植入物用Co-28Cr-6Mo合金铸件和铸造合金标准(UNS R30075) ASTM F799-2011 中文版外科植入物用Co-28Cr-6Mo合金锻件标准(UNS R31537,R31538,R31539)下面红色字体是赠送的精美网络散文欣赏,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除!!谢谢!!!一一条猎狗将兔子赶出了窝,一直追赶他,追了很久仍没有捉到。


ASTM D3896-2007
Standard Practice for Rubber From Synthetic Sources8212;Sampling
ASTM D624-2000(2007)
Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers
ASTM D1646-2007
Standard Test Methods for Rubber-Viscosity, Stress Relaxation, and Pre-Vulcanization Characteristics (Mooney Viscometer)
ASTM D5775-1995(2009)
Standard Test Method for Rubber from Synthetic Sources-Bound Styrene in SBR
ASTM D6814-2002(2008)
Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Vulcanization Using Rotorless Cure Meters
ASTM D2433-2007
Standard Test Methods for Rubber Thread

ASTM D 2563

ASTM D 2563

Designation:D2563–94(Reapproved2002)e1An American National Standard Standard Practice forClassifying Visual Defects in Glass-Reinforced PlasticLaminate Parts1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D2563;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.e1N OTE—Editorially revised1.2in March2002.1.Scope1.1This practice covers acceptance criteria for visual in-spection of parts made from glass-reinforced plastic laminates.1.2This practice presents word descriptions of possible defects to serve as a guide for contracts,drawings,product specifications,andfinal inspection.1.3This practice also categorizes different inspection re-quirements for levels of product quality.1.4The allowable size and frequency of permitted defects within the acceptance level categories of this specification are general and not related to specific service requirements.A Level IV of allowable defects which defines allowable size, frequency,and permitted repair procedures should be estab-lished for specific service requirements as agreed upon be-tween the purchaser and the supplier.1.5The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.N OTE1—There is no known ISO equivalent to this practice.2.Acceptance Criteria2.1The method and frequency of sampling and the allow-able defects may be previously agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.2.2Dimensions and Tolerances—Parts shall be inspected for conformance with dimensions and tolerances specified on the drawings.Any dimensions falling outside the specified limits shall be cause for rejection.2.3Inserts—All inserts,nuts,studs,and lugs shall not be damaged in any way,nor coated with laminate materials in such a way as to impair function or mechanicalfit.Threads in molded-in inserts shall be clean,smooth,free of nicks,tears,or other damage.There shall be no laminate materials orflash on the threads.If necessary,threaded inserts may be retapped to clean them or removeflash.Threads containing locking fea-tures or coated for corrosion resistance shall not be retapped.2.4Molded-In Threads or Cored Holes—Molded-in threads or cored holes shall be free of visible defects such as chips,cracks,shorts,etc.Molded-in threads may be retapped or repaired unless otherwise specifically noted on the product drawings.2.5Workmanship—Workmanship shall be in accordance with good commercial practices as listed in Table1for applicable acceptance levels.2.6Critical Area—Some portions of a part may be consid-ered more critical than others.A critical area is here defined as an area in which the presence of imperfections is considered to be most detrimental.The areas of parts that are critical structurally,aerodynamically,or electrically shall be uniform and free of defects as listed in Table1,if so stated on the product drawing.Critical areas may be designated on the product drawing by one of the following methods:2.6.1Encircle critical areas,or2.6.2Cross-hatch areas to designate areas of various levels, or2.6.3Word description.2.7Allowable Defects,Visual—The defects in noncritical areas which by nature,content,or frequency do not affect serviceability of the part are designated as allowable defects. Allowable defects shall be fully described as to type,size, number,extent allowed,and spacing.The appropriate accep-tance level(Table1)for defects in these areas must be specified.Where Level IV is used the defects must be fully described on the product drawing.Defects greater than those listed in the product specifications,drawings,or contracts for the part shall be cause for rejection.2.8Repairable Defects—Repairable defects,if any,shall consist of those which can be repaired without affecting the serviceability of the part unless prohibited in the product drawing or in the contract.Acceptable methods of repair shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller and shall1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics andis the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.18on Reinforced ThermosettingPlastics.Current edition approved February15,1994.Published April1994.Originallypublished as D2563–st previous edition D2563–70(1987)e1.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United only as specified in the product drawing or contracts for the part.2.9Surface Finish—The over-all surfacefinish of laminates may vary with the process used and the type of reinforcement. Unless surfacefinish is specified on part drawings,contracts,or orders from the purchaser,parts shall not be rejected for any reading less than150rms.Defects shall be considered as not included in over-all surfacefinish.2.10Surface Appearance—The surface appearance or color,or both,of laminated parts can vary considerably depending on the process used to make the laminate,thickness, type of reinforcement,type of resin,resin-to-reinforcement ratio and the presence of defects.Any questions concerning surface appearance and its influence on the properties of the part should be brought to the attention of the responsible materials engineer.3.Acceptance Levels3.1Visual Inspection—Each part shall be checked visually without the aid of magnification.Defects shall be classified as to type and level as shown in Table1(see Note2).The acceptable quality level shall be determined by reference to the part drawing for the applicable acceptance level for allowable defects.If none of thefirst three levels(Level I,II,III)is considered applicable,the level shall be Level IV,and allow-able defects must be specified on the product drawing.Any excess of defects as specified under the required level shall be cause for rejection.Unless otherwise specified,dimensions are surface dimensions.N OTE2—Typical defects as outlined in the word descriptions of Table 1are illustrated in Figs.1-21.23.2Acceptance Level I—Presence of any defects in excess of those listed in Table1,Level I,shall be cause for rejection, unless otherwise specified in Table1,Level I.3.3Acceptance Level II—Presence of more than one defect of those listed in Table1,Level II,for each estimated10in.2 of surface shall be cause for rejection,unless otherwise specified in Table1,Level II.No defect area shall be less than 2in.from another.3.4Acceptance Level III—Presence of more than two de-fects of those listed in Table1,Level III,for each estimated13 mm(5in.)2of surface shall be cause for rejection,unless otherwise specified in Table1,Level III.No defect area shall be less than1in.from another.3.5Acceptance Level IV—To be specified on the product drawing.4.Keywords4.1reinforced thermosetting plastics;visual defectsTABLE1Allowable DefectsName DefinitionVisual Acceptance LevelsLevel I Level II Level IIIChip a small piece broken off an edge or surface none maximum dimension of break,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)maximum dimension of break,6.5mm (1⁄4in.)Crack an actual separation of the laminate,visible onopposite surfaces,and extending through thethicknessnone none noneCrack,surface crack existing only on the surface of thelaminatenone maximum length,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)maximum length6.5mm(1⁄4in.)Crazingfine cracks at or under the surface of alaminate none maximum dimension of crazing,13mm(1⁄2in.)maximum dimension of crazing,25mm(1in.).frequency and location to be determined by customerDelamination,edge separation of the layers of material at the edgeof a laminatenone maximum dimension,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)maximum dimension,6.5mm(1⁄4in.)Delamination, internal separation of the layers of material in alaminatenone none noneDry-spot area of incomplete surfacefilm where thereinforcement has not been wetted with resinnone maximum diameter,9.5mm(3⁄8in.)maximum diameter,14mm(9⁄16in.)Foreign inclusion (metallic)metallic particles included in a laminate whichare foreign to its compositionnone none,if for electrical use;maximumdimension,0.8mm(1⁄32in.),1/0.09m2(1ft2),if for mechanical usenone,if for electrical use;maximumdimension,1.5mm(1⁄16in.),1/0.09m2(1ft2),if for mechanical useForeign inclusion (nonmetallic)nonmetallic particles of substance included in alaminate which seem foreign to its compositionnone maximum dimension,0.8mm(1⁄32in.),1/0.09m2(1ft2)maximum dimension,1.5mm(1⁄16in.);1/0.09m2(1ft2)Fracture rupture of laminate surface without completepenetrationnone maximum dimension,21mm(13⁄16in.)maximum dimension,29mm(11⁄8in.)Air bubble(void)air entrapment within and between the plies ofreinforcement,usually spherical in shape none maximum diameter,1.5mm(1⁄16in.);2/in.2maximum diameter,3.0mm(1⁄8in.);4/in.2Blister rounded elevation of the surface of a laminate,with boundaries that may be more or lesssharply defined,somewhat resembling in shapea blister on the human skin none maximum diameter,3.0mm(1⁄8in.);height from surface not to be outsidedrawing tolerancemaximum diameter,6.5mm(1⁄4in.);height from surface not to be outsidedrawing toleranceBurned showing evidence of thermal decompositionthrough some discoloration,distortion,ordestruction of the surface of the laminatenone none noneFish-eye small globular mass which has not blendedcompletely into the surrounding material and isparticularly evident in a transparent ortranslucent material none maximum diameter,9.5mm(3⁄8in.)maximum diameter,13mm(1⁄2in.) 2Full-size(8by10-in.)glossy prints of these typical defects are available at a nominal charge from ASTM Headquarters.Order Adjunct:ADJD2563.Name DefinitionVisual Acceptance LevelsLevel I Level II Level IIILack offillout an area,occurring usually at the edge of alaminated plastic,where the reinforcement hasnot been wetted with resinnone maximum diameter,6.5mm(1⁄4in.)maximum diameter,9.5mm(3⁄8in.)Orange-peel uneven surface somewhat resembling anorange peelnone maximum diameter,14mm(9⁄16in.)maximum diameter,29mm(11⁄8in.)Pimple small,sharp,or conical elevation on thesurface of a laminatenone none maximum diameter,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)Pit(pinhole)small crater in the surface of a laminate,withits width approximately of the same order ofmagnitude as its depth none maximum diameter,0.4mm(1⁄64in.);depth less than1percent of wallthicknessmaximum diameter,0.8mm(1⁄32in.);depth less than20percent of wallthicknessfrequency and location to be determined by customerPorosity(pinhole)presence of numerous visible pits(pinholes)none maximum of25pits(pinholes)inporous area of size listed in Level II maximum of50pits(pinholes)in porous area of size listed in Level IIIPre-gel an unintentional extra layer of cured resin onpart of the surface of the laminate(This condition does not include gel coats.)none maximum dimension,6.5mm(1⁄4in.);height above surface not to be outsidedrawing tolerancemaximum dimension,13mm(1⁄2in.);height above surface not to be outsidedrawing toleranceResin-pocket an apparent accumulation of excess resin in asmall localized area within the laminatenone maximum diameter,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)maximum diameter,6.5mm(1⁄2in.)Resin-rich edge insufficient reinforcing material at the edge ofmolded laminate none maximum,0.4mm(1⁄64in.)from theedgemaximum,0.8mm(1⁄32in.)from theedgeShrink-mark(sink)depression in the surface of a molded laminatewhere it has retracted from the mold none maximum diameter,9.5mm(3⁄8in.);depth not greater than25percent ofwall thicknessmaximum diameter,14mm(9⁄16in.);depth not greater than25percent ofwall thicknessWash area where the reinforcement of molded plastichas moved inadvertently during closure of themold resulting in resin-rich areasnone maximum dimension,21mm(13⁄16in.)maximum dimension,29mm(11⁄8in.)Wormhole elongated air entrapment which is either in ornear the surface of a laminate and may becovered by a thinfilm of cured resinnone maximum diameter,3.0mm(1⁄8in.)maximum diameter,6.5mm(1⁄4in.)Wrinkles in a laminate,an imperfection that has theappearance of a wave molded into one or moreplies of fabric or other reinforcement material none maximum length surface side,13mm(1⁄2in.);maximum length opposite side,13mm(1⁄2in.);depth less than10percent of wall thicknessmaximum length surface side,25mm(1in.);maximum length opposite side,25mm(1in.);depth less than15percent of wall thicknessScratch shallow mark,groove,furrow,or channelcaused by improper handling or storage none maximum length,25mm(1.0in.);maximum depth,0.125(0.005in.)maximum length,25mm(1.0in.);maximum depth,0.255(0.010in.)Short in a laminate,an incompletelyfilled outconditionN OTE—this may be evident either throughan absence of surfacefilm in some areas,oras lighter unfused particles of material showingthrough a covering surfacefilm,possiblyaccompanied by thin-skinned blisters none nonenoneFIG.1Chips(A),Surface Cracks(B),Interply Delamination(C)FIG.2CrazingFIG.3Delamination by Improper MachiningFIG.4DelaminationFIG.5Dry-SpotFIG.6Foreign InclusionFIG.7FracturesFIG.8BlisterFIG.9Edge SegregationFIG.10Fish EyeFIG.11Lack of FilloutFIG.12PorosityFIG.13Pre-GelFIG.14Resin-PocketFIG.15Resin-Rich CrackFIG.16Resin-Rich EdgeFIG.17ScratchFIG.18Shrink MarksFIG.19WashFIG.20Worm HoleFIG.21WrinklesASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。



(完整版)ASTMD类最新标准目录(四).docASTM D类最新标准目录(四).docD1720-03 硝酸纤维素溶液中活性溶剂稀释比的试验方法D1721-97(2001) 磷酸三甲苯酯高锰酸盐时间的测试方法D1722-98(2004) 水溶性溶剂的水混溶性试验方法D1725-04 树脂溶液粘度的测试方法D1726-03 液体环氧树脂中水解氯含量的试验方法D1729-96(2003) 不透明材料色差的目测评估D1730-03 涂漆铝和铝合金表面预处理D1731-03 涂漆热浸铝表面预处理D1732-03 涂漆镁合金表面预处理D1734-93(2003) 涂料面漆测试用水泥板和瓦工板的制备D1735-04 用水雾仪作涂层耐水性试验D1739-98(2004) 降尘(可沉降粒状物)的收集和测量的试验方法D1740-01 航空涡轮机燃料发光计值的试验方法D1742-06 贮存过程中油从润滑脂中分离的试验方法D1743-05ae1 润滑脂防腐蚀性能的测试方法D1746-03 塑料薄板透明度的试验方法D1747-99(2004)e1 粘性材料折射指数的测试方法D1748-02 在湿润箱中用金属保护剂防止金属生锈的试验方法D1749-93(2002) 纸和纸制品试验方法的实验室间评估D1751-04 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制伸缩缝填料(非挤压的弹性沥青型)D1752-04a 混凝土铺面和结构建筑用预制微孔橡胶与软木伸缩缝填料D1754-97(2002) 加热和空气对沥青材料影响的试验方法(薄膜炉试验)D1755-92(2001) 聚氯乙烯树脂规范D1756-02 煤中二氧化碳的测试方法D1757-03 煤灰和焦灰中硫含量的测试方法D1758-06 用木桩现场试验评定木材防腐剂D1760-01 木材产品的加压处理D1761-06 木结构用机械紧固件的测试方法D1762-84(2001) 木炭的化学分析D1763-00(2005) 环氧树脂D1765-05ae1 橡胶制品用碳黑的分类系统D1766-05 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.溶解性D1767-89(2003) 肥皂或合成洗涤剂中乙二胺四乙酸盐(EDTA)含量的测试方法D1768-89(2003) 用紫外线吸收法对合成洗涤剂中烷基苯磺酸钠含量的测试方法D1770-94(2000)e1 羊毛条中毛结,植物性物质与有色纤维含量测试方法D1776-04 试验用调湿织物D1777-96(2002) 测量纺织材料的厚度D1779-98(2004) 传声材料附着力试验方法D1780-05 金属对金属之间胶粘剂引起蠕变的试验D1781-98(2004) 胶粘剂攀缘卷筒剥离的试验方法D1782-95(2001) 粒状阳离子交换材料使用性能的测试方法D1783-01 水中苯酚类化合物的测试方法D1784-03 硬质聚氯乙烯化合物和氯化聚氯乙烯化合物D1785-06 聚氯乙烯塑料管.40,80及120号表D1786-01(2006)e1 甲苯二异氰酸盐D1790-02 用冲击法测定塑料薄板的脆化温度的试验方法D1791-93(2004) 液态水乳化地板擦亮剂加速老化的试验方法D1792-06 乳化地板擦亮剂长期可除污性的测试方法D1793-92(2002) 地板擦亮乳剂水斑的测试方法D1795-96(2001)e1 纤维素固有粘度的测试方法D1796-04 离心法测定燃料油中水分及沉淀物的试验方法(实验室法)D1799-03a 碳黑.包装装运物抽样D1807-00(2005) 电绝缘液体折射指数和比光散度的试验方法D1813-00(2005) 皮件试样厚度测量D1814-70(2005) 测量皮件厚度的测试方法D1815-00(2005) 皮革吸水率(静态)的测试方法D1816-04 用VDE电极测量石油制绝缘油的介电击穿电压的测试方法D1817-05 橡胶化学制品的试验方法.密度D1822-06 对断裂塑料及电绝缘材料的拉伸冲击能量的测试方法D1823-95(2001) 用挤压粘度计测定在高速剪切时塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的试验方法D1824-95(2002) 在低剪切速率下塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的测试方法D1825-03 电气试验用镀铜电绝缘材料及热固层压材料的浸蚀和清洗D1826-94(2003) 用连续记录量热器测定天燃气范围中煤气热值的测试方法D1827-92(2002) 用二氧化碳置换法测定绝缘液体中气含量(非酸性物)的试验方法D1828-01e1 粘接接口和结构的空气暴露D1830-99(2005) 用弧形电极法测定电绝缘挠性薄片材料热稳定性的试验方法D1831-00(2006) 润滑脂滚轧稳定性的试验方法D1832-04 石油蜡过氧化值的测试方法D1833-87(2004) 石油蜡气味的测试方法D1834-90(2000) 蜡纸的20度镜面光泽的试验方法D1835-05 液化石油(LP)气D1836-02 商品己烷D1837-02a 液化石油气挥发性的试验方法D1838-06 液化石油气对铜片腐蚀性的试验方法D1839-91(2005) 柴油燃料中硝酸戊脂的测试方法D1840-03 紫外线分光光度法测定航空涡轮机燃料中萘烃的试验方法D1841-63(1998) 馏出的椰子脂肪酸D1842-63(1998) 馏出的玉米脂肪酸D1843-63(1998) 分馏和馏出的棉子脂肪酸D1844-86(2003) 碱式硅铬酸铅的化学分析测试方法D1845-86(2003) 铬酸锶颜料的化学分析测试方法D1847-93(1998) 环氧树脂中总氯量的试验方法D1849-95(2003) 涂料包装耐久性的测试方法D1854-02 热浇注弹性型抗喷气燃料的混凝土接缝密封料D1856-95a(2003) 用阿布松(Abson)法从溶液中回收沥青的试验方法D1857-04 煤和焦炭灰的可溶性试验方法D1858-63(2000) 杂酚油-石油溶液D1859-71(2000) 与杂酚油掺合用的石油D1860-95(2000) 木材中水份及杂酚油型防腐剂的试验方法D1863-05 组合屋面用矿物集料D1864-89(2002) 组合屋面用矿物集料中水分的测试方法D1865-89(2002) 组合屋面用矿物集料硬度的试验方法D1867-01 印制线路用镀铜热固层压板D1868-93(1998) 电绝缘系统评定中的局部放电(电晕)脉冲的检查和测量的方法D1869-95(2005) 石棉水泥管用橡胶垫圈D1871-04 单根钢丝对橡胶附着力的测试方法D1874-62(2004) 纤维板船运箱顶盖自动机密封用水可溶或溶剂可溶的液体胶粘剂D1875-03 流体胶粘剂密度的测试方法D1876-01 胶粘剂的抗剥离性的试验方法(T型剥离试验)D1879-06 暴露在高能辐射下的胶粘剂样品D1881-97(2002)e1 在玻璃器皿中发动机冷却剂的起泡倾向的试验方法D1882-96(2001) 汽车用冷却系统化学溶液对车辆有机面漆产生影响的测试方法D1883-05 实验室压实泥土的加利福尼亚承载力比的试验方法D1886-03 水中镍含量的测试方法D1889-00 水的混浊度的测试方法D1890-05 水的β粒子放射性的测试方法D1894-06 塑料薄膜及薄板的静态和动态摩擦系数的测试方法D1895-96(2003) 塑料材料的表观密度,容积因素和可倾注性的试验方法D1896-99(2004) 热固化合物传递模塑试样D1900-94(2002) 碳黑.散装装运物抽样D1901-00(2004) 卤化有机溶剂及其掺合物的相对蒸发时间的测试方法D1903-03 阿斯卡列电介液和石油制造的电绝缘液的热膨胀系数的测试方法D1907-01 用绞纱法测定纱线支数的标准试验方法D1909-04 纤维纺织品商品回潮率表D1912-00(2005)e1 家具革耐冻裂性的试验方法D1913-00(2005) 服装革抗湿性的试验方法(喷雾法)D1914-95(2004)e1 有关大气分析的换算单位和换算系数D1916-93(1997) 胶粘剂渗透性的测试方法D1917-03 橡胶性能的测试方法.丁苯橡胶生胶和混炼胶的收缩性D1918-95(2004)e1 石棉织物石棉含量的标准测试法D1921-06 塑料粒度(筛析)的试验方法D1922-06a 用摆锤法测定塑料薄膜与薄板抗扩展扯裂性的测试方法D1926-00(2006) 纤维素羧基含量的测试方法D1929-96(2001)e1 塑料引燃性能的测试方法D1931-99(2004) 电绝缘用完全硫化的硅橡胶涂层玻璃布和玻璃带D1932-04 韧性电绝缘清漆的耐热性的试验方法D1933-03 作为电绝缘材料的氮气D1934-95(2005) 用开杯法作电绝缘石油的氧化老化的试验方法D1937-05 颗粒碳黑的测试方法.质量强度D1938-02 用一次撕裂法测定塑料薄膜与薄板的抗撕裂扩展性的试验方法D1941-91(2001) 用帕夏尔斜槽(Parshall)进行水的明沟流量测量的试验方法D1943-05 水的α粒子放射性的测试方法D1945-03 气相色谱法分析天燃气的测试方法D1946-90(2006) 用气相色谱法作重整气分析D1957-86(2001) 脂肪油和脂肪酸羟基值的试验方法D1959-97 干性油及脂肪酸碘值的试验方法D1963-85(1996) 干性油,清漆,树脂及相关原料在25/25℃时比重的试验方法D1965-87(1998) 干性油,脂肪酸和聚合脂肪酸中不皂化物的测试方法D1966-69(1998) 生亚麻油油脚的标准试验方法D1968-02a 与纸和纸产品相关的术语D1969-01 2-乙基己醇(合成物)D1970-01 冰坝防护用作为陡斜屋面衬底的自粘聚合物改良型沥青板材料D1971-02 用火焰原子吸收或等离子发射光谱法对金属测定用试样的蒸煮D1972-97(2005) 塑料产品的类别标记D1974-98(2003) 封口,密封及加固纤维板海运集装箱的方法D1975-95(2001)e1 塑料注模开口桶抗环境应力断裂的试验方法D1976-02 用电感耦合氩等离子原子发射光谱法对水中元素的测试方法D1977-03 用氢氟酸/硫酸分解和原子光谱分析测定FCC平衡催化剂中镍和钒的测试方法D1978-91(2002) 电镀试样分析D1979-97 氨基树脂中游离甲醛含量的测试方法D1980-87(1998) 脂肪酸和聚合脂肪酸中酸值的试验方法D1981-02 脂肪酸加热后测量颜色的试验方法D1982-85(2004) 脂肪酸冻点测试方法D1985-03 测试连接和裂缝粘合用密封胶用混凝土块的制备D1986-91(2002) 聚乙烯蜡的表观粘度测量的测试方法D1987-95(2002) 土工织物或泥土/土工织物的生物阻塞的测试方法D1988-06 用色斑长度检测管测定天然气中的硫醇的试验方法D1990-00(2002)e1 确定实尺样品分级试验中目测级量度木材的允许参数D1991-05 橡胶化学试验方法.二巯基苯并噻唑(MBT).化验D1992-91(2001) 橡胶用合成增塑剂试验D1993-03 用多点布-埃-特氮气吸附法对沉积二氧化硅表面面积的测试方法D1994-95(2000) 测量热溶胶粘剂酸值的测试方法D1995-92(2004) 胶粘剂(压合式粘合剂)多种强度试验的试验方法D1996-97(2003) 用液体色层分离法(LC)对低浓度聚乙烯中酚醛抗氧剂和棕榈纤维酰胺润滑添加剂的测试方法D1997-91(2001) 用干燥物质作泥炭样品纤维含量的试验室测定的测试方法D1998-04 聚乙稀立式贮藏箱D2000-06 汽车用橡胶制品的分类系统D2001-92(2002) 汽油和石脑油脱戊烷的试验方法D2007-03 粘土凝胶吸附色谱法测定橡胶增量及作业油和加工油中特性基团的试验方法D2008-91(2006) 石油产品紫外线吸收率和吸收系数的试验方法D2010/D2010M-98(2004) 用二氧化铅蜡烛法评定大气中活性硫化物总含量的测试方法D2013-04 分析用煤样品的制备D2014-97(2004) 用底部加热炉对煤的膨胀性和收缩性的测试方法D2017-05 Standard Test Method of Accelerated Laboratory Test ofNatural Decay Resistance ofWoodsD2019-97(2002) 纸和纸板中杂质的测试方法D2020-92(2003) 纸和纸板的耐霉性的测试方法D2022-89(2003) 含氯漂白剂的抽样和化学分析的测试方法D2023-89(2003) 洗涤剂中甲苯磺酸钠分析的测试方法D2024-65(2003) 非离子表面活性剂的混浊点的测试方法D2026-97(2004) 稀释沥青(慢凝型)D2027-97(2004) 稀释沥青(中凝型)D2028-97(2004) 稀释沥青(快凝性)D2029-97(2003) 用露点法测定电绝缘气体中蒸汽含量的试验方法D2035-80(2003) 水的凝聚絮凝瓶试验D2036-06 水中氰化物的测试方法D2041-03a 沥青铺砌混合料最大理论比重和密度的试验方法D2042-01 沥青材料在三氯乙烯中溶解度的试验方法D2043-94(2002) 用纸对银失去光泽的测试方法D2047-04 用杰门机对擦亮涂覆地板表面静摩擦系数的测试方法D2048-92(2002) 地板擦亮膜粉化的测试方法D2050-04 有关拉链的名词术语D2051-03 拉链表面耐洗性能的测试方法D2052-05 拉链耐干洗色牢度的测试方法D2053-99(2004) 拉链耐光照色牢度的试验方法D2054-99(2004) 拉链布带耐磨擦色牢度的标准试验方法D2057-05 洗涤时拉链色牢度的测试方法D2058-03 拉链干洗后耐久性的试验方法D2059-03 拉链抗盐雾(雾状)腐蚀的试验方法D2060-00(2005)e1 测量拉链尺寸的方法D2061-03 拉链强度的测试方法D2062-03 拉链可用性的试验方法D2063-91(2002) 带连续线性封合的包装件用持久扭矩测量的测试方法D2064-91(2003) 建筑涂料抗污染性的标准试验方法D2065-03 在表面活化剂加速潮湿应力下测量组合木材产品边棱性能的测试方法D2066-06 印刷油墨色散的相对着色力测试方法D2067-97(2003) 印刷油墨分散剂中粗颗粒的测试方法D2068-04 馏出燃料油过滤器阻塞倾向的测试方法D2070-91(2001) 液压油热稳定性的试验方法D2071-87(1998) 脂族氮制品的试验方法D2072-92(1998)e1 脂族氮化合物中水的试验方法D2073-92(1998)e1 仲裁电势测定法测定脂肪胺,酰胺基胺及二元胺的总胺值,伯胺值,仲胺值和叔胺值的试验方法D2074-92(1998) 交替指示剂法测定脂肪胺中总胺值,伯胺值,仲胺值和叔胺值的试验方法D2075-92(1998) 脂肪胺,酰胺基胺及二元胺碘值的试验方法D2076-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中酸值和胺值的测试方法D2077-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中灰分的测试方法D2079-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中不挥发物质(固体)的测试方法D2080-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物平均分子量的测试方法D2081-92(1998) 脂族季铵氯化物中pH值的测试方法D2082-92(1998) 脂族氮化合物中非胺物百分比的测试方法D2083-92(1998) 脂肪胺中伯,仲,叔胺百分比的计算测试方法D2084-01 橡胶性能的测试方法.用振动圆盘硫化计测量硫化作用。


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: SHIN1509044149MR_CN : 2015-10-23 : 1 of 11
太仓市宇格明叶环保设备有限公司 江苏省太仓市浏家港镇滨江南路
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: SHIN1509044149MR_CN : 2015-10-23 : 11 of 11
9. 测试项目:维卡软化温度 样品描述:灰色样板 测试方法:ASTM D1525-09 测试条件:
试样厚度:3.89 mm 传热介质:硅油 升温速率:50 ℃/h 负荷:10 N 实验室环境条件:23 ± 2 ℃,50 ± 5 %RH 测试结果:
试样:127 mm×12.92 mm×3.89 mm 传热介质:硅油 升温速率:120 ℃/h 负荷:0.455 MPa 跨距:100 mm 实验室环境条件:23 ± 2 ℃,50 ± 5 %RH 测试结果:
负荷变形温度 备注:测试试样从样品中裁取。
测试结果 124℃
编号 日期 页码
下次校准日期 2016-2-9 2016-3-12
编号 日期 页码
: SHIN1509044149MR_CN : 2015-10-23 : 8 of 11
5. 测试项目:洛氏硬度 样品描述:灰色样板 测试方法:ASTM D785-08 程序 A 测试条件:
试样厚度:8.02 mm (2 层叠加) 实验室环境条件:23 ± 2 ℃,50 ± 5 %RH 测试结果:
182 kgf/cm2 124 ℃ 150 ℃

ASTM D256-10 测定塑料悬臂梁冲击强度的标准试验方法(中文版)

ASTM D256-10 测定塑料悬臂梁冲击强度的标准试验方法(中文版)

名称:D256-10测定塑料悬臂梁冲击强度的标准试验方法本标准以固定名称D256 发布;紧随其后的数字表示最初采用的年份,如果是修订,则表示最后修订的年份。


上标epsilon (´) 表示自上次修订或重新批准以来的编辑更改。


1. 范围*1.1 这些测试方法涵盖了塑料对“标准化”(见注1)摆锤的抵抗力的测定,安装在“标准化”机器中,用一个摆锤摆动(见注2)破坏标准样品。


在测试方法A、C 和D 中,缺口产生的应力集中会增加脆性而不是延展性断裂的可能性。

在测试方法E 中,通过将带缺口的试样在夹具中翻转180° 来获得抗冲击性。






(见第 5 节。








塑料的“缺口敏感性”可以用测试方法D 通过比较在缺口底部具有不同半径的断裂试样的能量来获得。

ASTM D635-2010

ASTM D635-2010

Designation:D635–10Standard Test Method forRate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D635;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1Thisfire-test-response test method covers a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative linear rate of burning or extent and time of burning,or both,of plastics in the form of bars,molded or cut from sheets,plates, or panels,and tested in the horizontal position.N OTE1—This test method,and test method A of IEC60695-11-10are technically equivalent.N OTE2—For additional information on materials which do not burn to thefirst reference mark by this test,see Test Method D3801.1.2This test method was developed for polymeric materials used for parts in devices and appliances.The results are intended to serve as a preliminary indication of their accept-ability with respect toflammability for a particular application. Thefinal acceptance of the material is dependent upon its use in complete equipment that conforms with the standard appli-cable to such equipment.1.3The classification system described in Appendix X1is intended for quality assurance and the preselection of compo-nent materials for products.1.4The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.No other units of measurement are included in this standard.1.5This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials,products,or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions,but does not by itself incorporate all factors required forfire hazards orfire risk assessment of materials,products,or assemblies under actual fire conditions.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specific hazards statements,see9.2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD648Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise PositionD883Terminology Relating to PlasticsD1929Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics3D2843Test Method for Density of Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of PlasticsD3801Test Method for Measuring the Comparative Burn-ing Characteristics of Solid Plastics in a Vertical Position D5025Specification for Laboratory Burner Used for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic MaterialsD5207Practice for Confirmation of20−mm(50−W)and 125−mm(500−W)Test Flames for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic MaterialsE84Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building MaterialsE176Terminology of Fire StandardsE691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method2.2IEC Standards:1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.30on Thermal Properties (Section D20.30.03).Current edition approved July1,2010.Published August2010.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2006as D635-06.DOI: 10.1520/D0635-10.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Withdrawn.The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on .*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.--` , ` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` , ` , ` , ` ` , ` , ` , , ` , , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---IEC60695-11-10Fire Hazard Testing—Part11-10Test Flames—50W Horizontal and Vertical Flame Test Meth-ods43.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1Definitions used in this test method are in accordance with Terminology D883,unless otherwise specified.For terms relating tofire,the definitions used in this test method are in accordance with Terminology E176.4.Summary of Test Method4.1A bar specimen of the material to be tested is supported horizontally at one end.The free end is exposed to a specified gasflame for30s.Time and extent of burning are measured and reported if the specimen does not burn100mm.An average burning rate is reported for a material if it burns to the 100mm mark from the ignited end.5.Significance and Use5.1Tests made on a material under conditions herein prescribed are of value in comparing the rate of burning or extent and time of burning characteristics,or both,of different materials,in controlling manufacturing processes,or as a measure of deterioration or change in these burning character-istics prior to or during use.Correlation withflammability under actual use conditions is not implied.5.2The rate of burning and other burning phenomena will be affected by such factors as density,pigments,any anisotropy of the material and the thickness of the specimen.Test data shall be compared only for specimens of similar thickness, whether comparisons are being made with the same or different materials.The rate of burning and other burning phenomena will vary with thickness.5.3It is feasible that sheet materials that have been stretched during processing will relax during burning and give erratic results unless they arefirst heated above their deflection temperature,in accordance with Test Method D648,for a time sufficient to permit complete relaxation.5.4Burning tests require that certain variables be arbitrarily fixed,for example,specimen size,energy source and applica-tion time,and end points.Materials will be found that are unusually sensitive to one or more of the conditions chosen for this method leading to highly variable results.Additional burning characterization by other methods is highly desirable in such cases(see Note2).5.5In this procedure,the specimens are subjected to specific laboratory test conditions.If different test conditions are substituted or the end-use conditions are changed,it will not always be possible by or from this test to predict changes in the fire-test-response characteristics measured.Therefore,the re-sults are valid only for thefire-test-exposure conditions de-scribed in this procedure.6.Apparatus6.1Test Chamber,enclosed laboratory hood,or chamber free of induced or forced draft during test,having an inside volume of at least0.5m3.An enclosed laboratory hood with a heat-resistant glass window for observing the test and an exhaust fan for removing the products of combustion after the tests is recommended.The atmosphere in and around the test chamber shall be maintained between15to35°C and45to 75%relative humidity.N OTE3—The amount of oxygen available to support combustion is naturally important for the conduct of thesefire-test-response tests.For tests conducted by this test method when burning times are protracted, chamber sizes less than1m3may not provide accurate results.N OTE4—Some laboratory hoods have induced drafts even with the exhaust fan off.A positive-closing damper is recommended.N OTE5—A mirror in the chamber,to provide a rear view of the specimen,has been found useful in some enclosures.6.2Test Fixture,A laboratory ring stand or testfixture equipped with a means of holding a125mm2wire gauze horizontal and a small clamp permitting the specimen to be held with its longitudinal axis horizontal and its transverse axis inclined at4562°angle as illustrated in Fig.1.N OTE6—A pan of water may be placed on thefloor of the hood in position to catch any burning particles that may drop during the test. 6.3Laboratory Burner,constructed in accordance with Specification D5025.6.4Gas Supply,a supply of technical-grade methane gas with suitable regulator and meter for uniform gasflow.Natural gas mixtures having an energy density of approximately37 MJ/m3have been found to provide similar results.However, technical-grade methane gas shall be used as the referee in cases of dispute.6.5Wire Gauze,20-mesh(approximately20openings per 25mm),made with0.4360.03mm diameter iron wire cut to approximately125mm2,to sustain burning or glowing par-ticles falling from the specimens.6.6Timing Device,accurate to0.5s.6.7Scale,graduated in millimetres.6.8Micrometer,accurate to0.05mm.6.9Conditioning Room or Chamber,capable of being maintained at2362°C and5065%relative humidity.6.10Flexible Specimen Support Fixture,used to facilitate the testing of specimens that sag and touch the wire gauze.(See 9.4and Fig.2.)7.Test Specimens7.1All test specimens shall be cut from a representative sample of the material(sheet or end products),or shall be cast or injection-,compression-,transfer-or pultrusion-molded to the necessary form.After any cutting operation,care shall be taken to remove all dust and any particles from the surface;cut edges shall befine sanded to have a smoothfinish.Unless otherwise agreed,fabrication of test specimens shall be in accordance with the specifications of the material being tested.7.2Specimens shall be12565mm long by13.060.5mm wide,and provided in the minimum thickness and in the3.0 (−0.0+0.2)mm thickness.The3.0mm thick specimens are not necessary if the minimum thickness is greater than3.0mm,or4Publications of the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)and International Organization for Standardization(ISO)are available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY10036.--`,`,,```,,,,`,`,`,``,`,`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---the maximum thickness is less than 3.0mm.The maximum thickness shall not exceed 13mm.The maximum width shall not exceed 13.5mm.The edges shall be smooth,and the radius on the corners shall not exceed 1.3mm.7.3It is possible that the results of tests carried out on test specimens of different colors,thicknesses,densities,molecular masses,directions of anisotropy and types,or with different additives,fillers/reinforcements will be different.7.3.1Test specimens in the minimum and maximum densi-ties,melt flows and level of fillers/reinforcements contents shall be considered representative of the range,if the resultsyield the same flame test classification.If the burning charac-teristics are not essentially the same for all specimens repre-senting the range,the evaluation is to be limited only to the materials in the densities,melt flows,and fillers/reinforcements contents tested.Additional specimens in the intermediate densities,melt flows,and fillers/reinforcements contents are to be tested.7.3.2Uncolored test specimens and test specimens with the highest level of organic and inorganic pigment loading by weight are considered representative of the color range,if the test results are essentially the same.When certain pigmentsareFIG.1TestFixtureFIG.2Flexible Specimen SupportFixture--`,`,,```,,,,`,`,`,``,`,`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---known to affectflammability characteristics,they are also to be tested.Specimens to be tested are those that:(a)contain no coloring(b)contain the highest level of organic pigments(c)contain the highest level of inorganic pigments(d)contain pigments which are known to adversely affect flammability characteristics8.Conditioning8.1Condition ten bar specimens for each material and thickness to be tested in accordance with Procedure A of Practice D618for a minimum of48hours.Once removed from the conditioning atmosphere test the specimens within1h. Temperature and humidity tolerances shall be in accordance with Section7of Practice D618.8.2Conduct testing in a laboratory atmosphere of15to 35°C and45to75%relative humidity.9.Procedure9.1Prepare at least ten bar specimens.After measuring and recording the specimen thickness,mark each specimen with two lines perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bar, 2561and10061mm from the end that is to be ignited.9.2Conduct the burning test in a chamber,enclosure,or laboratory hood free of induced or forced draft.(Warning—Products of combustion may be toxic.An enclosed laboratory hood and an exhaust fan for removing the products of combustion after the tests are recommended.The exhaust fan is turned off during the test and turned on immediately following the test in order to remove products of combustion.)9.3Clamp the specimen at the end farthest from the25mm reference mark,in a support with its longitudinal axis horizon-tal and its transverse axis inclined at4562°as illustrated in Fig.1.Clamp the wire gauze horizontally beneath the speci-men,with a distance of1061mm between the lowest edge of the specimen and the wire gauze,and with the free end of the specimen even with the edge of the gauze.Any material remaining on the wire gauze from the previous test must be burned off or a new section of wire gauze used for each test.9.4If the specimen sags at its free end during the initial set up and is not able to maintain the distance of1061mm as specified in9.2,theflexible specimen supportfixture illustrated in Fig.2shall be used.Position the supportfixture under the specimen with the small extending portion of the support fixture at least20mm from the free end of the specimen. Provide enough clearance at the clamped end of the specimen so that the supportfixture can be moved freely sidewards.As theflame front progresses along the specimen,withdraw the supportfixture at the same approximate rate,preventing the flame front from contacting theflexible specimen support fixture,so that there is no effect on the testflame or on the burning of the specimen.9.5With the central axis of the burner tube in the vertical position,place the burner remote from the specimen,ignite, and adjust it to produce a blueflame20mm high.Adjust the gas supply and the air ports of the burner until a20-mm yellow-tipped blueflame is produced,and then increase the air supply until the yellow tip just disappears.Measure the height of theflame.If theflame height is not2062mm,adjust the burner gas supply to give the properflame height.Once the flame has been properly set to a height of2062mm wait for at least5min to allow the burner conditions to reach equilibrium.N OTE7—See Practice D5207for recommended back pressure andflow rate for the gas supply and calibration procedure for the20mmflame.9.6Place the burner so that the testflame impinges on the free end of the test specimen to a depth of approximately6mm starting the timing device simultaneously.The central axis of the burner tube is to be in the same vertical plane as the longitudinal bottom edge of the specimen and inclined toward the end of the specimen at an angle of approximately4562 degrees to the horizontal.See Fig.1.Apply theflame for 3061s without changing its position.If the test specimen shrinks from the appliedflame without ignition,the material is not suitable for evaluation by these test methods.Excessive distortion of the specimen during the test will invalidate the results.Withdraw the testflame sufficiently from the specimen (see Note8)so that there is no effect on the specimen after 3061s or as soon as theflame front of the specimen reaches the25mm mark(if less than30s).Restart the timing device when theflame front reaches the25mm reference mark.N OTE8—Withdrawing the burner a distance of150mm from the specimen has been found satisfactory.9.7If the specimen continues to burn,with aflame or glowing combustion(visible glow withoutflame),after re-moval of the testflame,record the elapsed time(t),in seconds, for theflame front to travel from the25mm reference mark to the100mm reference mark and record the burned length(L), as75mm.If theflame front passes the25mm reference mark but does not reach the100mm reference mark,record the elapsed time(t),in seconds,and the burned length(L),in millimetres between the25mm reference mark and where the flame front stopped.9.8Repeat the test procedure(9.1-9.7)until three specimens have burned to or beyond the100mm reference mark,or ten specimens have been tested.N OTE9—For classification purposes,if only one specimen does not comply with the criteria,test an additional set of specimens.See X1.3.10.Calculation10.1Calculate the linear burning rate(V),in millimetres per minute,for each specimen where theflame front reaches the 100mm reference mark using the equation:V560L/twhere:L=the burned length,in millimetres,as defined in9.7;and t=the time,in seconds,as defined in9.7.N OTE10—If theflame front reached the100-mm reference mark, L=75.N OTE11—The SI units of the linear burning rate is metre per second. In practice,the unit millimetre per minute is used.N OTE12—It is acceptable to report the results in cm/min by using the method prescribed in10.1and then dividing the obtained rate by ten. 10.2Calculate the average linear burning rate or classify the material in accordance with theappendix.--` , ` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` , ` , ` , ` ` , ` , ` , , ` , , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---11.Report11.1Include the following in the complete report:11.1.1Material Identification —Include generic description,manufacturer,commercial designation,lot number,and color.11.1.2The thickness,as measured with a micrometer to the nearest 0.1mm,of the test specimen.11.1.3The nominal apparent density (rigid cellular materi-als only).11.1.4The direction of any anisotropy relative to the test specimen dimensions.11.1.5Conditioning treatment.11.1.6Any prior treatment before testing,other than cutting,trimming and conditioning.11.1.7Whether or not the specimen continued to burn (with or without visible flame)after application of test flame.11.1.8Whether or not the flame front reached the 25and 100mm reference marks.11.1.9For specimens with which the flame front does not reach or pass the 25mm reference mark,a statement that indicates the flame front did not reach or pass the 25mm reference mark.Do not report an elapsed time (t )and burned length (L ).11.1.10For specimens with which the flame front passed the 25mm reference mark but did not reach the 100mm reference mark,the elapsed time (t )and burned length (L ).11.1.11If a specimen does not burn to the 100mm mark because of dripping,flowing,or falling burning particles,the report must so indicate.11.1.12If a specimen is reignited by burning material on the gauze,the report must so state.11.1.13For specimens with which the flame front reached the 100mm reference mark,the average linear burning rate,(V ).11.1.14Whether the flexible specimen support fixture was used.11.1.15The caveat contained in 1.5herein shall be incor-porated in its entirety in the test report issued.11.1.16Optional —Flame classification as determined from the appendix.12.Precision and Bias12.1Table 1is based on a round robin completed in 19875in accordance with Practice E691,involving three self-supporting materials tested by eleven laboratories.Each labo-ratory conditioned,at 23°C and 50%relative humidity,the specimens that it tested.Each laboratory conducted the tests in a laboratory hood with the hood exhaust essentially turned off.All three materials were classified by the test as possessing an average burning rate.Each test result consisted of an average linear burning rate determined from three specimens.Each laboratory obtained three test results for each material.12.2Table 2is based on a round robin completed in 19866in accordance with Practice 691,involving four materials that required use of the flexible specimen support fixture and tested by six different laboratories.For each material,all samples were provided by one source.The individual specimens were cut and distributed by one laboratory.Each laboratory condi-tioned,at 23°C and 50%relative humidity,the specimens that it tested.Each test result consisted of an average linear burning rate determined from three specimens.Each laboratory ob-tained two average linear burning rates from a total six individual specimen test results for each material.12.3This test method does not contain a numerical preci-sion and bias statement for the time of burning and extent of burning for specimens where the flame front passes the 25-mm reference mark,but does not reach the 100-mm reference mark,and therefore shall not be used as a referee test method for these two characteristics in case of dispute.Due to the rarity of materials which consistently produce this result,a numerical precision and bias statement for this type of test result is not being actively pursued at this time.(Warning—The explana-tions of “r ”and “R ”given in 12.4-12.4.3are only intended to present a meaningful way of considering the approximate precision of this test method.The data in Tables 1and 2shall not be rigorously applied to acceptance or rejection of material,as these data apply only to the materials tested in the round5Supporting data for Table 1are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D20-1149.6Supporting data for Table 2are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D20-1146.Material Rate of Linear Burning,mm/minNominal Specimen Thickness,mmAverage S r A S R B r C R D Polyethylene (PE) 1.3 1.9 3.7ABS 3.227.9 2.1 4.1 5.711.5Acrylic3. r is the within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material.It is obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories:S r =[[(s 1)2+(s 2)2...+(s n )2]/n ]1/2BS R is the between-laboratories reproducibility,expressed as stated deviation:S R =[S r 2+S L 2]1/2where:S L =the standard deviation of laboratory means.Cr is the within-laboratory critical interval between two test results =2.83S r .DR is the between-laboratories critical interval between two test results =2.83S R.--`,`,,```,,,,`,`,`,``,`,`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---robin and are unlikely to be rigorously representative of other lots,formulations,conditions,materials or ers of this test method shall apply the principles outlined in Practice E691to generate data specific to their materials and laboratory (or between specific laboratories).The principles of 12.4-12.4.3would then be valid for such data.)12.4Concept of “r”and “R”—If S r and S R have been calculated from a large enough body of data,and for test results that were averages from testing three specimens for each test result,then:12.4.1Repeatability,r —Two test results obtained within one laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the “r ”value for the material.“r ”is the interval representing the critical difference between two test results for the same material,obtained by the same operator using the same equipment on the same day in the same laboratory.12.4.2Reproducibility,R —Two test results obtained from different laboratories shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more than the “R ”value for the material.“R ”is the interval representing the critical difference between two test results for the same material,obtained by different operators using different equipment in different laboratories.12.4.3Judgments in accordance with 12.4.1and 12.4.2have an approximate 95%(0.95)probability of being correct.12.5Bias —There are no recognized standards on which to base an estimate of bias for this test method.13.Keywords13.1burning characteristics;combustion;extent of burning;flammability;HB;horizontal burning rate;plastics;rate of burning;small-scale burning test burning;time of burningAPPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING THE RELATIVE LINEAR RATE OF BURNING AND/OR EXTENTAND TIME OF BURNING OF PLASTICSX1.1GeneralX1.1.1This appendix covers a classification system for characterizing the burning behavior of plastic materials,sup-ported in a horizontal position,in response to a small-flame ignition source.The use of a category designation code is optional and is determined by examining the test results of materials tested by this method.Each category code represents a preferred range of performance levels that simplifies descrip-tion in material designations or specifications and may assist certification bodies to determine compliance with applicable requirements.X1.2Category Designation —The behavior of specimens shall be classified HB (HB =horizontal burning)if,X1.2.1There are no visible signs of combustion after the ignition source is removed,orX1.2.2The flame front does not pass the 25mm reference mark,orX1.2.3The flame front passes the 25mm reference mark but does not reach the 100mm reference mark,orX1.2.4The flame front reaches the 100mm reference mark and the linear burning rate does not exceed 40mm/min for specimens having a thickness between 3and 13mm or 75mm/min for specimens having a thickness less than 3mm.X1.3If only one specimen from the first set of specimens does not comply with the criteria indicated,another set of specimens is to be tested.All specimens from this second set shall comply with the criteria indicated in order for the material,of that thickness,to be classified as HB.X1.4If the linear burning rate does not exceed 40mm/min when tested in the 3.0mm 60.2mm thickness,the HBMaterialRate of Linear Burning,mm/minNominal Specimen Thickness,mmAverage S r A S R Br C R DPolyurethane (PUR) 1.341.6 1.0E2.9EPolyurethane (PUR)0.860.910.914.430.640.4Polyurethane (PUR)0.482.310.626.629.874.4Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)0.1192.032.2E123.7EAS r =within-laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material.It is obtained by pooling the within-laboratory standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories,as follows:S r =[[(s 1)2+(s 2)2...+(s n )2]/n ]1/2BS R =between-laboratories reproducibility,expressed as stated deviation,as follows:S R =[S r 2+S L 2]1/2where S L =the standard deviation of laboratory means.Cr =within-laboratory critical interval between two test results =2.83S r .DR =between-laboratories critical interval between two test results =2.83S R .EThe number of laboratories in the interlaboratory study reporting a linear burning rate was too small to establish a between-laboratory standarddeviation.--`,`,,```,,,,`,`,`,``,`,`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---category designation shall be extended to a1.5mm minimum thickness.X1.5Recording the category designation in the test report is optional.X2.IBC REFERENCE TO TEST METHOD D635INTRODUCTIONIn the International Building Code(2003Edition),this test method is referenced in section2606.4 for LIGHT-TRANSMITTING PLASTICS.Classifications are established based on the extent of burning using this test method.The IBC states as follows:X2.12606.4Specifications Light-transmitting plastics, including thermoplastic,thermosetting or reinforced thermo-setting plastic material,shall have a self-ignition temperature of650°F[343°C]or greater where tested in accordance with Test Method D1929;a smoke-developed index not greater than 450where tested in the manner intended for use in accordance with Test Method E84,or not greater than75where tested in the thickness intended for use in accordance with Test Method D2843and shall conform to one of the following combustibil-ity classifications:X2.1.1Class CC1:Plastic materials that have a burning extent of1in.[25mm]or less where tested at a nominal thickness of0.060in.[1.5mm],or in the thickness intended for use,in accordance with this test method,X2.1.2Class CC2:Plastic materials that have a burning rate of2.5inches per minute[1.06mm/s]or less where tested at a nominal thickness of0.060in.[1.5mm],or in the thickness intended for use,in accordance with this test method.X2.2The classification scheme shown above is limited within the International Building Code to light-transmitting plastics only.It is not applicable to plastics used in other construction applications.In addition,theflammability re-quirements given here are not the only requirements for light-transmitting plastics.X2.3Test Method D2843reports values as a Smoke Density Rating.X2.4These classifications are not part of this test method and are not under the jurisdiction of ASTM committee D20. However,they are in common usage and are presented here for information only.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee D20has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue,D635-06, that may impact the use of this standard.(July1,2010)(1)Revised8.1for consistency with Practice D618.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the riskof infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website(/COPYRIGHT/).--`,`,,```,,,,`,`,`,``,`,`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。



ASTM B 265-2010

ASTM B 265-2010

Designation:B265–10Standard Specification forTitanium and Titanium Alloy Strip,Sheet,and Plate1This standard is issued under thefixed designation B265;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification2covers annealed titanium and tita-nium alloy strip,sheet,and plate as follows:1.1.1Grade1—Unalloyed titanium,1.1.2Grade2—Unalloyed titanium,—Unalloyed titanium(Grade2with58 ksi minimum UTS),1.1.3Grade3—Unalloyed titanium,1.1.4Grade4—Unalloyed titanium,1.1.5Grade5—Titanium alloy(6%aluminum,4%vana-dium),1.1.6Grade6—Titanium alloy(5%aluminum,2.5%tin), 1.1.7Grade7—Unalloyed titanium plus0.12to0.25% palladium,—Unalloyed titanium plus0.12to0.25% palladium(Grade7with58ksi minimum UTS),1.1.8Grade9—Titanium alloy(3.0%aluminum,2.5% vanadium),1.1.9Grade11—Unalloyed titanium plus0.12to0.25% palladium,1.1.10Grade12—Titanium alloy(0.3%molybdenum,0.8%nickel),1.1.11Grade13—Titanium alloy(0.5%nickel,0.05% ruthenium),1.1.12Grade14—Titanium alloy(0.5%nickel,0.05% ruthenium),1.1.13Grade15—Titanium alloy(0.5%nickel,0.05% ruthenium),1.1.14Grade16—Unalloyed titanium plus0.04to0.08% palladium,—Unalloyed titanium plus0.04to 0.08%palladium(Grade16with58ksi minimum UTS),1.1.15Grade17—Unalloyed titanium plus0.04to0.08% palladium,1.1.16Grade18—Titanium alloy(3%aluminum,2.5% vanadium)plus0.04to0.08%palladium,1.1.17Grade19—Titanium alloy(3%aluminum,8% vanadium,6%chromium,4%zirconium,4%molybdenum), 1.1.18Grade20—Titanium alloy(3%aluminum,8% vanadium,6%chromium,4%zirconium,4%molybdenum) plus0.04%to0.08%palladium,1.1.19Grade21—Titanium alloy(15%molybdenum,3% aluminum,2.7%niobium,0.25%silicon),1.1.20Grade23—Titanium alloy(6%aluminum,4% vanadium with extra low interstitial elements,ELI),1.1.21Grade24—Titanium alloy(6%aluminum,4% vanadium)plus0.04%to0.08%palladium,1.1.22Grade25—Titanium alloy(6%aluminum,4% vanadium)plus0.3%to0.8%nickel and0.04%to0.08% palladium,1.1.23Grade26—Unalloyed titanium plus0.08to0.14% ruthenium,—Unalloyed titanium plus0.08to0.14%ruthenium(Grade26with58ksi minimum UTS),1.1.24Grade27—Unalloyed titanium plus0.08to0.14% ruthenium,1.1.25Grade28—Titanium alloy(3%aluminum,2.5% vanadium)plus0.08to0.14%ruthenium,1.1.26Grade29—Titanium alloy(6%aluminum,4% vanadium with extra low interstitial elements,ELI)plus0.08to0.14%ruthenium,1.1.27Grade30—Titanium alloy(0.3%cobalt,0.05% palladium),1.1.28Grade31—Titanium alloy(0.3%cobalt,0.05% palladium),1.1.29Grade32—Titanium alloy(5%aluminum,1%tin, 1%zirconium,1%vanadium,0.8%molybdenum),1.1.30Grade33—Titanium alloy(0.4%nickel,0.015% palladium,0.025%ruthenium,0.15%chromium),1.1.31Grade34—Titanium alloy(0.4%nickel,0.015% palladium,0.025%ruthenium,0.15%chromium),1.1.32Grade35—Titanium alloy(4.5%aluminum,2% molybdenum,1.6%vanadium,0.5%iron,0.3%silicon),1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B10onReactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee B10.01on Titanium.Current edition approved May1,2010.Published May2010.Originallyapproved st previous edition approved in2009as B265–09a´1.DOI:10.1520/B0265-10.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cations SB-265in Section II of that Code.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright.©ASTM International,100Barr Harbour Drive P.O.Box C-700West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania19428-2959,United States1.1.33Grade 36—Titanium alloy (45%niobium),1.1.34Grade 37—Titanium alloy (1.5%aluminum),and 1.1.35Grade 38—Titanium alloy (4%aluminum,2.5%vanadium,1.5%iron).N OTE 1—H grade material is identical to the corresponding numeric grade (that is,Grade 2H =Grade 2)except for the higher guaranteed minimum UTS,and may always be certified as meeting the requirements of its corresponding numeric grade.Grades 2H,7H,16H,and 26H are intended primarily for pressure vessel use.The H grades were added in response to a user association request based on its study of over 5200commercial Grade 2,7,16,and 26test reports,where over 99%met the 58ksi minimum UTS.1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard.The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:3E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with SpecificationsE290Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Duc-tilityE539Test Method for X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis of 6Al-4V Titanium AlloyE1409Test Method for Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by the Inert Gas Fusion TechniqueE1447Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion Ther-mal Conductivity/Infrared Detection MethodE1941Test Method for Determination of Carbon in Refrac-tory and Reactive Metals and Their AlloysE2371Test Method for Analysis of Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Atomic Emission Plasma SpectrometryE2626Guide for Spectrometric Analysis of Reactive and Refractory Metals 3.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1Any product 0.187in.(4.75mm)and under in thickness and less than 24in.(610mm)in width is classified as strip;products 0.187in.(4.75mm)and under in thickness and 24in.(610mm)or more in width are classified as sheet;any product over 0.187in.(4.75mm)in thickness and over 10in.(254mm)in width is classified as plate.4.Ordering Information4.1Orders for materials under this specification shall in-clude the following information as applicable:4.1.1Grade number (Section 1),4.1.2Product limitations (Section 3),4.1.3Special mechanical properties (Table 1),4.1.4Marking (Section 16),4.1.5Finish (Section 8),4.1.6Packaging (Section 16),4.1.7Additional required reports (Section 15),and 4.1.8Disposition of rejected material (Section 14).5.Chemical Composition5.1The grades of titanium and titanium alloy metal covered by this specification shall conform to the chemical composition requirements prescribed in Table elements listed in Table 2are intentional alloy additions or elements which are inherent to the manufacture of titanium sponge,ingot or mill product. other than those listed in Table 2are deemed to be capable of occurring in the grades listed in Table 2by and only by way of unregulated or unanalyzed scrap additions to the ingot melt.Therefore,product analysis for elements not listed in Table 2shall not be required unless specified and shall be considered to be in excess of the intent of this specification.5.1.2Elements intentionally added to the melt must be identified,analyzed,and reported in the chemical analysis.5.2When agreed upon by producer and purchaser and requested by the purchaser in his written purchase order,chemical analysis shall be completed for specific residual elements not listed in this specification.5.3Product Analysis —Product analysis tolerances do not broaden the specified heat analysis requirements but cover variations between laboratories in the measurement of chemi-cal content.The manufacturer shall not ship material that is outside the limits specified in Table 2for the applicable grade.Product analysis limits shall be as specified in Table 3.5.4At least two samples for chemical analysis shall be tested to determine chemical composition.Samples shall be taken from the ingot or the extremes of the product to be analyzed.6.Mechanical Properties6.1Material supplied under this specification shall conform to the mechanical property requirements given in Table 1for the grade specified.6.2Tension testing specimens are to be machined and tested in accordance with Test Methods E8.Tensile properties shall be determined using a strain rate of 0.003to 0.007in./in./min through the specified yield strength,and then increasing the rate so as to produce failure in approximately one additional minute.6.3For sheet and strip,the bend test specimen shall with-stand being bent cold through an angle of 105°without fracture in the outside of the bent portion.The bend shall be made on a radius equal to that shown in Table 1for the applicable grade.The bends are to be made in accordance with Test Method E290,using Method 1,Guided Bend Test described in paragraph 3.6,bent through 105°,and allowed to spring back naturally.The surface of the specimen must include the original material surface with no material removal or surface condi-tioning,except corners may be rounded to a maximum radius of 0.032in.(0.8mm).The width of the bend shall be at least3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTMwebsite.5times the thickness.The test report shall,at minimum,indicate acceptable or unacceptable results.7.Permissible Variations in Dimensions7.1Dimensional tolerances on titanium and titanium alloy material covered by this specification shall be as specified in Tables 4-13,as applicable.8.Finish8.1Titanium and titanium alloy sheet,strip,and plate shall be free of injurious external and internal imperfections of a nature that will interfere with the purpose for which it is intended.Annealed material may be furnished as descaled,assandblasted,or as ground,or both sandblasted and ground.If shipped as descaled,sandblasted,or ground,the manufacturer shall be permitted to remove minor surface imperfections by spot grinding if such grinding does not reduce the thickness of the material below the minimum permitted by the tolerance for the thickness ordered.9.Sampling for Chemical Analysis9.1Samples for chemical analysis shall be representative of the material being tested.The utmost care must be used in sampling titanium for chemical analysis because of its great affinity for elements such as oxygen,nitrogen,and hydrogen.Therefore,in cutting samples for analysis,the operation shouldTABLE 1Tensile Requirements AGradeTensile Strength,minYield Strength,0.2%Offset Elongation in2in.or 50mm,min,%Bend Test (Radius of Mandrel)Bksi MPa minmaxUnder 0.070in.(1.8mm)in Thickness 0.070to 0.187in.(1.8–4.75mm)in Thicknessksi MPa ksi MPa 1352402013845310241.5T 2T 2503454027565450202T2.5T 2H C ,D 584004027565450202T 2T 3654505538080550182T 2.5T 480550704839565515 2.5T 3T 5130895120828......10E 4.5T 5T 6120828115793......10E 4T4.5T 7503454027565450202T 2.5T 7H C ,D 584004027565450202T 2T 99062070483......15F 2.5T 3T 1135240201384531024 1.5T 2T 127048350345......182T 2.5T 134027525170......24 1.5T 2T 146041040275......202T 2.5T 157048355380......182T 2.5T 16503454027565450202T 2.5T 16H C ,D 584004027565450202T 2T 1735240201384531024 1.5T 2T 189062070483......15F 2.5T 3T 19G ,H 115793110759......153T 3T 20G ,H 115793110759......153T 3T 21G ,H 115793110759......153T 3T 23G ,H 120828110759......10 4.5T 5T 24130895120828......10 4.5T 5T 25130895120828......10 4.5T 5T 26503454027565450202T 2.5T 26H C ,D 584004027565450202T 4T 2735240201384531024 1.5T 2T 289062070483......15 2.5T 3T 29120828110759......10 4.5T 5T 30503454027565450202T 2.5T 31654505538080550182T 2.5T 3210068985586......10E 3.5T 4.5T 33503454027565450202T 2.5T 34654505538080550182T 2.5T 35130895120828......58T 8T 3665450604109565510 4.5T 5T 37503453121565450202T 2.5T 38130895115794......104T4.5TAMinimum and maximum limits apply to tests taken both longitudinal and transverse to the direction of rolling.Mechanical properties for conditions other than annealed or plate thickness over 1in.(25mm)may be established by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.BBend to Radius of Mandrel,T equals the thickness of the bend test specimen.Bend tests are not applicable to material over 0.187in.(4.75mm)in thickness.CMaterial is identical to the corresponding numeric grade (that is,Grade 2H =Grade 2)except for the higher guaranteed minimum UTS,and may always be certified as meeting the requirements of its corresponding numeric grade.Grade 2H,7H,16H,and 26H are intended primarily for pressure vessel use.DThe H grades were added in response to a user association request based on its study of over 5200commercial Grade 2,7,16,and 26test reports,where over 99%met the 58ksi minimum UTS.EFor Grades 5,6and 32the elongation on materials under 0.025in.(0.635mm)in thickness may be obtained only by negotiation.FElongation for continuous rolled and annealed (strip product from coil)for Grade 9and Grade 18shall be 12%minimum in the longitudinal direction and 8%minimum in the transverse direction.GProperties for material in the solution treated condition.HMaterial is normally purchased in the solution treated condition.Therefore,properties for aged material shall be negotiated between manufacturer carried out insofar as possible in a dust-free atmosphere.Chips should be collected from clean metal and tools should be clean and sharp.Samples for analysis should be stored in suitable containers.10.Methods of Chemical Analysis10.1The chemical analysis shall normally be conducted using the ASTM standard test methods referenced in 2.1.Other industry standard methods may be used where the ASTM test methods in 2.1do not adequately cover the elements in the material or by agreement between the producer and purchaser.Alternate techniques are discussed in Guide E2626.11.Retests11.1If the results of any chemical or mechanical property test lot are not in conformance with the requirements of this specification,the lot may be retested at the option of the manufacturer.The frequency of the retest will double the initial number of tests.If the results of the retest conform to the specification,then the retest values will become the test values for certification.Only original conforming test results or the conforming retest results shall be reported to the purchaser.If the results for the retest fail to conform to the specification,the material will be rejected in accordance with Section 14.12.Referee Test and Analysis12.1In the event of disagreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser on the conformance of the material to the requirements of this specification,a mutually acceptable ref-eree shall perform the tests in question using the ASTM standard methods in 2.1.The referee’s testing shall be used in determining conformance of the material to this specification.13.Rounding-Off Procedure13.1For purposes of determining conformance with this specification,an observed or a calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest “unit”in the last right-hand signifi-cant digit used in expressing the limiting value.This is in accordance with the round-off method of Practice E29.14.Rejection14.1Material not conforming to the specification or to authorized modifications shall be subject to rejection.Unless otherwise specified,rejected material may be returned to the manufacturer at the manufacturer’s expense,unless the pur-chaser receives,within three weeks of notice of rejection,other instructions for disposition.TABLE 3Permissible Variations in Product AnalysisElementProduct Analysis Limits,max or Range,%Permissible Variation inProduct AnalysisAluminum 0.5to 2.560.20Aluminum 2.5to 6.7560.40Carbon 0.10+0.02Chromium 0.1to 0.260.02Chromium 5.5to 6.560.30Cobalt 0.2to 0.860.05Hydrogen 0.02+0.002Iron 0.80+0.15Iron1.2to 1.860.20Molybdenum 0.2to 0.460.03Molybdenum 0.6to 1.260.15Molybdenum 1.5to 4.560.20Molybdenum 14.0to 16.060.50Nickel 0.3to 0.960.05Niobium2.2to3.260.15Niobium >3060.50Nitrogen 0.05+0.02Oxygen 0.30+0.03Oxygen 0.31to 0.4060.04Palladium 0.01to 0.0260.002Palladium 0.04to 0.0860.005Palladium 0.12to 0.2560.02Ruthenium 0.02to 0.0460.005Ruthenium 0.04to 0.0660.005Ruthenium 0.08to 0.1460.01Silicon 0.06to 0.4060.02Tin0.6to 3.060.15Vanadium 0.6to 4.560.15Vanadium 7.5to 8.560.40Zirconium0.6to 1.460.15Residuals A (each)0.15+0.02AA residual is an element present in a metal or alloy in small quantities and is inherent to the manufacturing process but not added intentionally.In titanium these elements include aluminum,vanadium,tin,iron,chromium,molybdenum,niobium,zirconium,hafnium,bismuth,ruthenium,palladium,yttrium,copper,silicon,cobalt,tantalum,nickel,boron,manganese and tungsten.TABLE 4Permissible Variations in Thickness of Titanium SheetSpecified Thickness,in.(mm)Permissible Variations in Thickness,plus and minus,in.(mm)0.146to 0.1875(3.71to 4.76),excl 0.014(0.36)0.131to 0.145(3.33to 3.68)0.012(0.31)0.115to 0.130(2.92to 3.30)0.010(0.25)0.099to 0.114(2.51to 2.90)0.009(0.23)0.084to 0.098(2.13to 2.49)0.008(0.20)0.073to 0.083(1.85to 2.11)0.007(0.18)0.059to 0.072(1.50to 1.83)0.006(0.15)0.041to 0.058(1.04to 1.47)0.005(0.13)0.027to 0.040(0.69to 1.02)0.004(0.10)0.017to 0.026(0.43to 0.66)0.003(0.08)0.008to 0.016(0.20to 0.41)0.002(0.05)0.006to 0.007(0.15to 0.18)0.0015(0.04)0.005(0.13)0.001(0.03)TABLE 5Permissible Variations in Width and Length ofTitanium SheetSpecified Width,in.(mm),for Thicknesses Under 3⁄16in.Permissible Variations inWidth,in.(mm)24to 48(610to 1220),excl 48(1220)and over+1⁄16(+1.60),−0+1⁄8(+3.20),−0Specified Length,ft (m)Permissible Variations in Length,in.(mm)Up to 10(3)Over 10to 20(3to 6)+1⁄4(+6.35),−0+1⁄2(+12.7),−0TABLE 6Permissible Variations in Weight of Titanium SheetThe actual weight of any one item of an ordered thickness and size in any finish is limited in overweight by the following tolerance:Any item of five sheets or less,or any item estimated to weigh 200lb (91kg)or less,may actually weigh as much as 10%over the estimated weight.Any item of more than five sheets and estimated to weigh more than 200lb may actually weigh as much as 71⁄2%over the estimated weight.There is no under tolerance in weight for titanium sheets,under tolerance being restricted by the permissible thickness variations.Only random (or mill size)sheets may be ordered on a square foot basis,and the number of square feet shipped may exceed the number ordered by as much as 5%.15.Certification15.1The manufacturer shall supply at least one copy of the report certifying that the material supplied has been manufac-tured,inspected,sampled,and tested in accordance with the requirements of this specification and that the results of chemical analysis,tensile,and other tests meet the require-ments of this specification for the grade specified.The report shall include results of all chemical analysis,tensile tests,and all other tests required by the specification.16.Marking and Packaging16.1Marking :16.1.1Identification —Unless otherwise specified,each plate,sheet,and strip shall be marked in the respective location indicated below,with the number of this specification,heat number,manufacturer’s identification,and the nominal thick-ness in inches.The characters shall be not less than 3⁄8in.(9.52mm)in height,shall be applied using a suitable marking fluid,and shall be capable of being removed with a hot alkalineTABLE 7Permissible Variations in Width A of Titanium StripPermissible Variations in Thickness,plus and minus,for Widths Given,in.(mm)Specified Thickness,in.(mm)Under 1⁄2to 3⁄16(12.70to 4.76),incl1⁄2to 6(12.70to 152.40),incl Over 6to 9(152.40to 228.60),incl Over 9to 12(228.60to 304.80),incl Over 12to 20(304.80to 508.0),incl Over 20to 24(508.0to 609.6),excl Under 3⁄16to 0.161(4.76to 4.09),incl...0.016(0.41)0.020(0.51)0.020(0.51)0.031(0.79)0.031(0.79)0.160to 0.100(4.06to 2.54),incl0.010(0.25)0.010(0.25)0.016(0.41)0.016(0.41)0.020(0.51)0.020(0.51)0.099to 0.069(2.51to 1.75),incl0.008(0.20)0.008(0.20)0.010(0.25)0.010(0.25)0.016(0.41)0.020(0.51)0.068(1.73)and under0.005(0.13)0.005(0.13)0.005(0.13)0.010(0.25)0.016(0.41)0.020(0.51)AThese tolerances are applicable for a standard No.3edge.TABLE 8Permissible Variations in Length of Titanium StripSpecified Length,ft (m)Permissible Variations inLength,in.(mm)To 5(1.524),incl+3⁄8(+9.52),−0Over 5to 10(1.524to 3.048),incl +1⁄2(+12.70),−0Over 10to 20(3.048to 6.096),incl+5⁄8(+15.88),−0TABLE 9Permissible Variations in Thickness of Titanium Strip ASpecified Thickness,in.(mm)Permissible Variations in Thickness,plus and minus,for Widths Given,in.(mm)Under 1to 3⁄16(25.4to 4.76),incl Under 3to 1(76.2to 25.4),incl 3to 6(76.2to152.4),inclOver 6to 9(152.4to 228.6),incl Over 9to 12(228.6to 304.8),incl Over 12to 16(304.8to 406.4),incl Over 16to 20(406.4to 508.0),incl Over 20to 24(508.0to 609.6),incl Under 3⁄16to 0.161(4.76to 0.002(0.05)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.005(0.13)0.006(0.16)0.006(0.16)4.09),incl0.160to 0.100(4.06to 2.54),incl0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.005(0.13)0.005(0.13)0.099to 0.069(2.51to 1.75),incl 0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.068to 0.050(1.73to 1.27),incl 0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.049to 0.040(1.24to 1.02),incl 0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.0025(0.06)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.004(0.10)0.039to 0.035(0.99to 0.89),incl 0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.0025(0.06)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.034to 0.029(0.86to 0.74),incl 0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.002(0.05)0.0025(0.06)0.0025(0.06)0.0025(0.06)0.003(0.08)0.003(0.08)0.028to 0.026(0.71to 0.66),incl 0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.0025(0.06)0.003(0.08)0.025to 0.020(0.64to 0.51),incl 0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.0025(0.06)0.0025(0.06)0.019to 0.017(0.48to 0.43),incl 0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.016to 0.013(0.41to 0.33),incl0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.002(0.05)0.002(0.05)0.012(0.30)†0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.011(0.28)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)0.010B (0.25)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.001(0.03)0.0015(0.04)0.0015(0.04)AThickness measurements are taken 3⁄8in.(9.5mm)from the edge of the strip,except that on widths less than 1in.(25.4mm)the tolerances given are applicable for measurements at all locations.BFor thicknesses under 0.010in.(0.25mm),in widths to 16in.(406mm)a tolerance of 610%of the thickness shall apply.In widths over 16to 2315⁄16in.(406to 608mm),incl,a tolerance of 615%of the thickness shall apply.†Specified thickness was corrected from 0.02to 0.012.TABLE 10Permissible Variations in Weight of Titanium StripThe actual shipping weight of any one item of an ordered thickness and width in any finish may exceed estimated weight by as much as solution without rubbing.The markings shall have no deleterious effect on the material or its performance.The characters shall be sufficiently stable to withstand ordinary handling.16.1.2Plate,flat sheet,andflat strip over6in.(152mm)in width shall be marked in lengthwise rows of characters recurring at intervals not greater than3in.(76mm),the rows being spaced not more than2in.(51mm)apart and alternately staggered.Heat numbers shall occur at least3times across the width of the sheet and at intervals not greater than2ft(0.610 m)along the length.As an option,when permitted,each plate, sheet,or cut length strip may be marked in at least one corner with the number of this specification,heat number,manufac-turer’s identification,and the nominal thickness in inches or millimetres as required.16.1.3Flat strip6in.(152mm)and under in width shall be marked near one end.16.1.4Coiled sheet and strip shall be marked near the outside end of the coil.16.2Packaging—Unless otherwise specified,material pur-chased under this specification may be packaged for shipment either by boxing,crating,single boarding,burlapping,or with no protection in accordance with the manufacturer’s standard practice.17.Keywords17.1plate;sheet;strip;titanium;titanium alloysTABLE11Permissible Variations in Width and Length A of Titanium Plate,Rectangular,ShearedSpecified Length,in.(mm)Specified Width,in.(mm)Permissible Variations Over Specified Dimension for Thicknesses Given,in.(mm) Under3⁄8(9.52)3⁄8to5⁄8(9.52to15.88),excl5⁄8(15.88)and over Width Length Width Length Width LengthUnder120(3048)Under60(1524)3⁄8(9.52)1⁄2(12.70)7⁄16(11.11)5⁄8(15.88)1⁄2(12.70)3⁄4(19.05)60to84(1524to2134),excl7⁄16(11.11)5⁄8(15.88)1⁄2(12.70)11⁄16(17.46)5⁄8(15.88)7⁄8(22.22)84to108(2134to2743),excl1⁄2(12.70)3⁄4(19.05)5⁄8(15.88)7⁄8(22.22)3⁄4(19.05)1(25.40)108(2743)or over5⁄8(15.88)7⁄8(22.22)3⁄4(19.05)1(25.40)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄8(28.58) 120to240(3048to6096),excl Under60(1524)3⁄8(9.52)3⁄4(19.05)1⁄2(12.70)7⁄8(22.22)5⁄8(15.88)1(25.40)60to84(1524to2134),excl1⁄2(12.70)3⁄4(19.05)5⁄8(15.88)7⁄8(22.22)3⁄4(19.05)1(25.40)84to108(2134to2743),excl9⁄16(14.29)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄16(17.46)15⁄16(23.81)13⁄16(20.64)11⁄8(28.58)108(2743)or over5⁄8(15.88)1(25.40)3⁄4(19.05)11⁄8(28.58)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄4(31.75) 240to360(6096to9144),excl Under60(1524)3⁄8(9.52)1(25.40)1⁄2(12.70)11⁄8(28.58)5⁄8(15.88)11⁄4(31.75) 60to84(1524to2134),excl1⁄2(12.70)1(25.40)5⁄8(15.88)11⁄8(28.58)3⁄4(19.05)11⁄4(31.75)84to108(2134to2743),excl9⁄16(14.29)1(25.40)11⁄16(17.46)11⁄8(28.58)7⁄8(22.22)13⁄8(34.92)108(2743)or over11⁄16(17.46)11⁄8(28.58)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄4(31.75)1(25.40)13⁄8(34.92) 360to480(9144to7112),excl Under60(1524)7⁄16(11.11)11⁄8(28.58)1⁄2(12.70)11⁄4(31.75)5⁄8(15.88)11⁄2(38.10) 60to84(1524to2134),excl1⁄2(12.70)11⁄4(31.75)5⁄8(15.88)13⁄8(34.92)3⁄4(19.05)11⁄2(38.10)84to108(2134to2743),excl9⁄16(14.29)11⁄4(31.75)3⁄4(19.05)13⁄8(34.92)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄2(38.10)108(2743)or over3⁄4(19.05)13⁄8(34.92)7⁄8(22.22)11⁄2(38.10)1(25.40)15⁄8(41.28) 480to600(7112to15240),excl Under60(1524)7⁄16(11.11)11⁄4(31.75)1⁄2(12.70)11⁄2(38.10)5⁄8(15.88)15⁄8(41.28) 60to84(1524to2134),excl1⁄2(12.70)13⁄8(34.92)5⁄8(15.88)11⁄2(38.10)3⁄4(19.05)15⁄8(41.28)84to108(2134to2743),excl5⁄8(15.88)13⁄8(34.92)3⁄4(19.05)11⁄2(38.10)7⁄8(22.22)15⁄8(41.28)108(2743)or over3⁄4(19.05)11⁄2(38.10)7⁄8(22.22)15⁄8(41.28)1(25.40)13⁄4(44.45) 600(15240)or over Under60(1524)1⁄2(12.70)13⁄4(44.45)5⁄8(15.88)17⁄8(47.62)3⁄4(19.05)17⁄8(47.62) 60to84(1524to2134),excl5⁄8(15.88)13⁄4(44.45)3⁄4(19.05)17⁄8(47.62)7⁄8(22.22)17⁄8(47.62)84to108(2134to2743),excl5⁄8(15.88)13⁄4(44.45)3⁄4(19.05)17⁄8(47.62)7⁄8(22.22)17⁄8(47.62)108(2743)or over7⁄8(22.22)13⁄4(44.45)1(25.40)2(50.80)11⁄8(28.58)21⁄4(57.15)A The tolerance under the specified width and length is1⁄4in.(6.35mm).TABLE12Permissible Variations from a Flat Surface for Titanium Plate,AnnealedN OTE1—Variations inflatness apply to plates up to15ft(4.57m)in length,or to any15ft of longer plates.N OTE2—If the longer dimension is under36in.(914mm)the variation is not greater than1⁄4in.(6.35mm).N OTE3—The shorter dimension specified is considered the width and the variation inflatness across the width does not exceed the tabular amount for that dimension.N OTE4—The maximum deviation from aflat surface does not customarily exceed the tabular tolerance for the longer dimension specified.Specified Thickness,in.(mm)48(1219)or Under48,excl to60(1219to1524),excl60to72(1524to1829),excl72to84(1829to2134),excl84to96(2134to2438),excl96to108(2438to2743),excl108to120(2743to3048),excl120to144(3048to3658),excl144(3658)and Over3⁄16to1⁄4(4.76to6.35),excl3⁄4(19.05)11⁄16(26.99)11⁄4(31.75)13⁄8(34.92)15⁄8(41.28)15⁄8(41.28).........1⁄4to3⁄8(6.35to9.54),excl11⁄16(17.46)3⁄4(19.05)15⁄16(23.81)11⁄8(28.58)13⁄8(34.92)17⁄16(36.51)19⁄16(36.69)17⁄8(47.62)...3⁄8to1⁄2(9.54to12.70),excl1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)11⁄16(17.46)3⁄4(19.05)15⁄16(23.81)11⁄8(28.58)11⁄4(31.75)17⁄16(36.51)13⁄4(44.45) 1⁄2to3⁄4(12.70to19.05),excl1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)5⁄8(15.88)5⁄8(15.88)13⁄16(20.64)11⁄8(28.58)11⁄8(28.58)11⁄8(28.58)13⁄8(34.92) 3⁄4to1(19.05to25.40),excl1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)5⁄8(15.88)5⁄8(15.88)3⁄4(19.05)13⁄16(20.64)15⁄16(23.81)1(25.40)11⁄8(28.58) 1to11⁄2(25.40to38.10),excl1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)9⁄16(14.29)9⁄16(14.29)11⁄16(17.46)11⁄16(17.46)11⁄16(17.46)3⁄4(19.05)1(25.40) Over11⁄2to4(38.10to101.6),excl3⁄16(4.76)5⁄16(7.94)3⁄8(9.54)7⁄16(11.11)1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)5⁄8(15.88)3⁄4(19.05)7⁄8(22.22)Over4to6(101.6to152.4), excl 1⁄4(6.35)3⁄8(9.54)1⁄2(12.70)9⁄16(14.29)5⁄8(15.88)3⁄4(19.05)7⁄8(22.22)1(25.40)11⁄8(28.58)。

ASTM D 256

ASTM D 256

Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:35 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:35 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:01 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:31 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:36 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:37 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:36 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:36 2001
Copyright by the American Society For Testing & Materials Mon Aug 27 17:00:32 2001

ASTM A255-10的验证计算及修订建议

ASTM A255-10的验证计算及修订建议

ASTM A255-10的验证计算及修订建议堵百城【摘要】According to ASTM A255-10 Standard Test Methods for Determining Hardenability of Steel established by American Society for Testing Materials,66 hardenability nodes of seven kinds of steels (45H steel, 40CrH steel,42CrMoH steel,20CrNi2MoH steel,40MnBH steel,20MnVBH steel and 17CrMnBH steel)were calculated.The results show that:compared with Chinese national standard,there were 42 data difference exceeding 3 HRC,and the error rate was 64%;among the 14 hardenability curves,there were 13 curves of which the node data difference exceeded 3 HRC,and 1 curve which cannot be calculated.Calculation results showed that partial content of this standard was not correct.It was suggested to correct table 14,tables 16,table 18 and improve table 11.%按照美国材料与试验协会制定的ASTM A255-10 Standard Test Methods for Deter-mining Hardenability of Steel,计算了45 H 钢、40CrH 钢、42CrMoH 钢、20CrNi2MoH 钢、40MnBH 钢、20MnVBH 钢和17CrMnBH 钢7个钢种的66个淬透性节点.结果表明:与我国国家标准相比,有42个数据差值超过3 HRC,错误率为64%;14条淬透性曲线中,13条曲线的节点数据差值超过3 HRC,1条曲线的节点数据无法计算.计算结果证明该标准部分内容不正确,建议更正该标准中的表14、表16、表18,改进表11.【期刊名称】《理化检验-物理分册》【年(卷),期】2016(052)011【总页数】10页(P797-806)【关键词】ASTMA255-10;钢;淬透性;乘子;除子;端距【作者】堵百城【作者单位】无锡热处理协会,无锡 214062【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG151钢的淬透性通常用硬度端距曲线表述,硬度端距曲线是通过试验得到的。

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Designation:D256–10Standard Test Methods forDetermining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D256;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1These test methods cover the determination of the resistance of plastics to“standardized”(see Note1)pendulum-type hammers,mounted in“standardized”machines,in break-ing standard specimens with one pendulum swing(see Note2). The standard tests for these test methods require specimens made with a milled notch(see Note3).In Test Methods A,C, and D,the notch produces a stress concentration that increases the probability of a brittle,rather than a ductile,fracture.In Test Method E,the impact resistance is obtained by reversing the notched specimen180°in the clamping vise.The results of all test methods are reported in terms of energy absorbed per unit of specimen width or per unit of cross-sectional area under the notch.(See Note4.)N OTE1—The machines with their pendulum-type hammers have been “standardized”in that they must comply with certain requirements, including afixed height of hammer fall that results in a substantiallyfixed velocity of the hammer at the moment of impact.However,hammers of different initial energies(produced by varying their effective weights)are recommended for use with specimens of different impact resistance. Moreover,manufacturers of the equipment are permitted to use different lengths and constructions of pendulums with possible differences in pendulum rigidities resulting.(See Section5.)Be aware that other differences in machine design may exist.The specimens are“standard-ized”in that they are required to have onefixed length,onefixed depth, and one particular design of milled notch.The width of the specimens is permitted to vary between limits.N OTE2—Results generated using pendulums that utilize a load cell to record the impact force and thus impact energy,may not be equivalent to results that are generated using manually or digitally encoded testers that measure the energy remaining in the pendulum after impact.N OTE3—The notch in the Izod specimen serves to concentrate the stress,minimize plastic deformation,and direct the fracture to the part of the specimen behind the notch.Scatter in energy-to-break is thus reduced. However,because of differences in the elastic and viscoelastic properties of plastics,response to a given notch varies among materials.A measure of a plastic’s“notch sensitivity”may be obtained with Test Method D by comparing the energies to break specimens having different radii at the base of the notch.N OTE4—Caution must be exercised in interpreting the results of these standard test methods.The following testing parameters may affect test results significantly:Method of fabrication,including but not limited to processingtechnology,molding conditions,mold design,and thermaltreatments;Method of notching;Speed of notching tool;Design of notching apparatus;Quality of the notch;Time between notching and test;Test specimen thickness,Test specimen width under notch,andEnvironmental conditioning.1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.N OTE5—These test methods resemble ISO180:1993in regard to title only.The contents are significantly different.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for TestingD883Terminology Relating to PlasticsD3641Practice for Injection Molding Test Specimens of Thermoplastic Molding and Extrusion MaterialsD4066Classification System for Nylon Injection and Ex-trusion Materials(PA)D5947Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10on MechanicalProperties.Current edition approved May1,2010.Published June2010.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2006as D256-06a´1.DOI: 10.1520/D0256-10.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.D6110Test Method for Determining the Charpy Impact Resistance of Notched Specimens of PlasticsE691Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method2.2ISO Standard:ISO180:1993Plastics—Determination of Izod Impact Strength of Rigid Materials33.Terminology3.1Definitions—For definitions related to plastics see Terminology D883.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1cantilever—a projecting beam clamped at only one end.3.2.2notch sensitivity—a measure of the variation of impact energy as a function of notch radius.4.Types of Tests4.1Four similar methods are presented in these test meth-ods.(See Note6.)All test methods use the same testing machine and specimen dimensions.There is no known means for correlating the results from the different test methods.N OTE6—Previous versions of this test method contained Test Method B for Charpy.It has been removed from this test method and has been published as D6110.4.1.1In Test Method A,the specimen is held as a vertical cantilever beam and is broken by a single swing of the pendulum.The line of initial contact is at afixed distance from the specimen clamp and from the centerline of the notch and on the same face as the notch.4.1.2Test Method C is similar to Test Method A,except for the addition of a procedure for determining the energy ex-pended in tossing a portion of the specimen.The value reported is called the“estimated net Izod impact resistance.”Test Method C is preferred over Test Method A for materials that have an Izod impact resistance of less than27J/m(0.5 ft·lbf/in.)under notch.(See Appendix X4for optional units.) The differences between Test Methods A and C become unimportant for materials that have an Izod impact resistance higher than this value.4.1.3Test Method D provides a measure of the notch sensitivity of a material.The stress-concentration at the notch increases with decreasing notch radius. a given system,greater stress concentration results in higher localized rates-of-strain.Since the effect of strain-rate on energy-to-break varies among materials,a mea-sure of this effect may be obtained by testing specimens with different notch radii.In the Izod-type test it has been demon-strated that the function,energy-to-break versus notch radius, is reasonably linear from a radius of0.03to2.5mm(0.001to 0.100in.),provided that all specimens have the same type of break.(See5.8and22.1.) the purpose of this test,the slope,b(see22.1), of the line between radii of0.25and1.0mm(0.010and0.040 in.)is used,unless tests with the1.0-mm radius give“non-break”results.In that case,0.25and0.50-mm(0.010and 0.020-in.)radii may be used.The effect of notch radius on the impact energy to break a specimen under the conditions of this test is measured by the value b.Materials with low values of b, whether high or low energy-to-break with the standard notch, are relatively insensitive to differences in notch radius;while the energy-to-break materials with high values of b is highly dependent on notch radius.The parameter b cannot be used in design calculations but may serve as a guide to the designer and in selection of materials.4.2Test Method E is similar to Test Method A,except that the specimen is reversed in the vise of the machine180°to the usual striking position,such that the striker of the apparatus impacts the specimen on the face opposite the notch.(See Fig. 1,Fig.2.)Test Method E is used to give an indication of the unnotched impact resistance of plastics;however,results ob-tained by the reversed notch method may not always agree with those obtained on a completely unnotched specimen.(See 28.1.)4,55.Significance and Use5.1Before proceeding with these test methods,reference should be made to the specification of the material being tested. Any test specimen preparation,conditioning,dimensions,and testing parameters covered in the materials specification shall take precedence over those mentioned in these test methods.If there is no material specification,then the default conditions apply.5.2The pendulum impact test indicates the energy to break standard test specimens of specified size under stipulated parameters of specimen mounting,notching,and pendulum velocity-at-impact.3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036,.4Supporting data giving results of the interlaboratory tests are available from ASTM Headquarters.Request RR:D20-1021.5Supporting data giving results of the interlaboratory tests are available from ASTM Headquarters.RequestRR:D20-1026.FIG.1Relationship of Vise,Specimen,and Striking Edge to Each Other for Izod Test Methods A andC5.3The energy lost by the pendulum during the breakage of the specimen is the sum of the following:5.3.1Energy to initiate fracture of the specimen;5.3.2Energy to propagate the fracture across the specimen;5.3.3Energy to throw the free end (or ends)of the broken specimen (“toss correction”);5.3.4Energy to bend the specimen;5.3.5Energy to produce vibration in the pendulum arm;5.3.6Energy to produce vibration or horizontal movement of the machine frame or base;5.3.7Energy to overcome friction in the pendulum bearing and in the indicating mechanism,and to overcome windage (pendulum air drag);5.3.8Energy to indent or deform plastically the specimen at the line of impact;and5.3.9Energy to overcome the friction caused by the rubbing of the striker (or other part of the pendulum)over the face of the bent specimen.5.4For relatively brittle materials,for which fracture propa-gation energy is small in comparison with the fracture initiation energy,the indicated impact energy absorbed is,for all practical purposes,the sum of factors 5.3.1and 5.3.3.The toss correction (see 5.3.3)may represent a very large fraction of the total energy absorbed when testing relatively dense and brittle materials.Test Method C shall be used for materials that have an Izod impact resistance of less than 27J/m (0.5ft·lbf/in.).(See Appendix X4for optional units.)The toss correction obtained in Test Method C is only an approximation of the toss error,since the rotational and rectilinear velocities may not be the same during the re-toss of the specimen as for the original toss,and because stored stresses in the specimen may have been released as kinetic energy during the specimen fracture.5.5For tough,ductile,fiber filled,or cloth-laminated mate-rials,the fracture propagation energy (see 5.3.2)may be large compared to the fracture initiation energy (see 5.3.1).When testing these materials,factors (see 5.3.2,5.3.5,and 5.3.9)canbecome quite significant,even when the specimen is accurately machined and positioned and the machine is in good condition with adequate capacity.(See Note 7.)Bending (see 5.3.4)and indentation losses (see 5.3.8)may be appreciable when testing soft materials.N OTE 7—Although the frame and base of the machine should be sufficiently rigid and massive to handle the energies of tough specimens without motion or excessive vibration,the design must ensure that the center of percussion be at the center of strike.Locating the striker precisely at the center of percussion reduces vibration of the pendulum arm when used with brittle specimens.However,some losses due to pendulum arm vibration,the amount varying with the design of the pendulum,will occur with tough specimens,even when the striker is properly positioned.5.6In a well-designed machine of sufficient rigidity and mass,the losses due to factors 5.3.6and 5.3.7should be very small.Vibrational losses (see 5.3.6)can be quite large when wide specimens of tough materials are tested in machines of insufficient mass,not securely fastened to a heavy base.5.7With some materials,a critical width of specimen may be found below which specimens will appear ductile,as evidenced by considerable drawing or necking down in the region behind the notch and by a relatively high-energy absorption,and above which they will appear brittle as evidenced by little or no drawing down or necking and by a relatively low-energy absorption.Since these methods permit a variation in the width of the specimens,and since the width dictates,for many materials,whether a brittle,low-energy break or a ductile,high energy break will occur,it is necessary that the width be stated in the specification covering that material and that the width be reported along with the impact resistance.In view of the preceding,one should not make comparisons between data from specimens having widths that differ by more than a few mils.5.8The type of failure for each specimen shall be recorded as one of the four categories listed as follows:C =Complete Break —A break where the specimen separates into two or more pieces.H =Hinge Break —An incomplete break,such that one part of the specimen cannot support itself above the horizontal when the other part is held vertically (less than 90°included angle).P =Partial Break —An incomplete break that does not meet the definition for a hinge break but has frac-tured at least 90%of the distance between the vertex of the notch and the opposite side.NB =Non-Break —An incomplete break where the frac-ture extends less than 90%of the distance be-tween the vertex of the notch and the opposite side.For tough materials,the pendulum may not have the energy necessary to complete the breaking of the extreme fibers and toss the broken piece or pieces.Results obtained from “non-break”specimens shall be considered a departure from stan-dard and shall not be reported as a standard result.Impact resistance cannot be directly compared for any two materials that experience different types of failure as defined in the test method by this code.Averages reported must likewise be derived from specimens contained within a single failure category.This letter code shall suffix the reported impact identifying the types of failure associated with the reported value.If more than one type of failure is observed for asampleFIG.2Relationship of Vise,Specimen,and Striking Edge to EachOther for Test MethodEmaterial,then the report will indicate the average impact resistance for each type of failure,followed by the percent of the specimens failing in that manner and suffixed by the letter code.5.9The value of the impact methods lies mainly in the areas of quality control and materials specification.If two groups of specimens of supposedly the same material show significantly different energy absorptions,types of breaks,critical widths,or critical temperatures,it may be assumed that they were made of different materials or were exposed to different processing or conditioning environments.The fact that a material shows twice the energy absorption of another under these conditions of test does not indicate that this same relationship will exist under another set of test conditions.The order of toughness may even be reversed under different testing conditions.N OTE8—A documented discrepancy exists between manual and digital impact testers,primarily with thermoset materials,including phenolics, having an impact value of less than54J/m(1ft-lb/in.).Comparing data on the same material,tested on both manual and digital impact testers, may show the data from the digital tester to be significantly lower than data from a manual tester.In such cases a correlation study may be necessary to properly define the true relationship between the instruments.TEST METHOD A—CANTILEVER BEAM TEST6.Apparatus6.1The machine shall consist of a massive base on which is mounted a vise for holding the specimen and to which is connected,through a rigid frame and bearings,a pendulum-type hammer.(See 6.2.)The machine must also have a pendulum holding and releasing mechanism and a mechanism for indicating the breaking energy of the specimen.6.2A jig for positioning the specimen in the vise and graphs or tables to aid in the calculation of the correction for friction and windage also should be included.One type of machine is shown in Fig.3.One design of specimen-positioning jig is illustrated in Fig.4.Detailed requirements are given in subsequent paragraphs.General test methods for checking and calibrating the machine are given in Appendix X2.Additional instructions for adjusting a particular machine should be supplied by the manufacturer.6.3The pendulum shall consist of a single or multi-membered arm with a bearing on one end and a head, containing the striker,on the other.The arm must be suffi-ciently rigid to maintain the proper clearances and geometric relationships between the machine parts and the specimen and to minimize vibrational energy losses that are always includedin the measured impact resistance.Both simple and compound pendulum designs may comply with this test method.6.4The striker of the pendulum shall be hardened steel and shall be a cylindrical surface having a radius of curvature of 0.8060.20mm(0.03160.008in.)with its axis horizontal and perpendicular to the plane of swing of the pendulum.The line of contact of the striker shall be located at the center of percussion of the pendulum within62.54mm(60.100in.) (See Note9.)Those portions of the pendulum adjacent to the cylindrical striking edge shall be recessed or inclined at a suitable angle so that there will be no chance for other than this cylindrical surface coming in contact with the specimen during the break.N OTE9—The distance from the axis of support to the center of percussion may be determined experimentally from the period of small amplitude oscillations of the pendulum by means of the following equation:L5~g/4p2!p2FIG.3Cantilever Beam(Izod-Type)ImpactMachine FIG.4Jig for Positioning Specimen forClampingwhere:L=distance from the axis of support to the center of percussion,m or(ft),g=local gravitational acceleration(known to an accuracy of one part in one thousand),m/s2or(ft/s2),p= 3.1416(4p2=39.48),andp=period,s,of a single complete swing(to and fro)determined by averaging at least20consecutive and uninterrupted swings.Theangle of swing shall be less than5°each side of center.6.5The position of the pendulum holding and releasing mechanism shall be such that the vertical height of fall of the striker shall be61062mm(24.060.1in.).This will produce a velocity of the striker at the moment of impact of approxi-mately3.5m(11.4ft)/s.(See Note10.)The mechanism shall be so constructed and operated that it will release the pendulum without imparting acceleration or vibration to it.N OTE10—V5~2gh!0.5where:V=velocity of the striker at the moment of impact(m/s),g=local gravitational acceleration(m/s2),andh=vertical height of fall of the striker(m).This assumes no windage or friction.6.6The effective length of the pendulum shall be between 0.33and0.40m(12.8and16.0in.)so that the required elevation of the striker may be obtained by raising the pendulum to an angle between60and30°above the horizontal.6.7The machine shall be provided with a basic pendulum capable of delivering an energy of2.760.14J(2.0060.10 ft·lbf).This pendulum shall be used with all specimens that extract less than85%of this energy.Heavier pendulums shall be provided for specimens that require more energy to break. These may be separate interchangeable pendulums or one basic pendulum to which extra pairs of equal calibrated weights may be rigidly attached to opposite sides of the pendulum.It is imperative that the extra weights shall not significantly change the position of the center of percussion or the free-hanging rest point of the pendulum(that would consequently take the machine outside of the allowable calibration tolerances).A range of pendulums having energies from2.7to21.7J(2to16 ft·lbf)has been found to be sufficient for use with most plastic specimens and may be used with most machines.A series of pendulums such that each has twice the energy of the next will be found convenient.Each pendulum shall have an energy within60.5%of its nominal capacity.6.8A vise shall be provided for clamping the specimen rigidly in position so that the long axis of the specimen is vertical and at right angles to the top plane of the vise.(See Fig.1.)This top plane shall bisect the angle of the notch with a tolerance of0.12mm(0.005in.).Correct positioning of the specimen is generally done with a jig furnished with the machine.The top edges of thefixed and moveable jaws shall have a radius of0.2560.12mm(0.01060.005in.).For specimens whose thickness approaches the lower limiting value of3.00mm(0.118in.),means shall be provided to prevent the lower half of the specimen from moving during the clamping or testing operations(see Fig.4and Note11.)N OTE11—Some plastics are sensitive to clamping pressure;therefore,cooperating laboratories should agree upon some means of standardizing the clamping force.One method is using a torque wrench on the screw of the specimen vise.If the faces of the vise or specimen are notflat and parallel,a greater sensitivity to clamping pressure may be evident.See the calibration procedure in Appendix X2for adjustment and correction instructions for faulty instruments.6.9When the pendulum is free hanging,the striking surface shall come within0.2%of scale of touching the front face of a standard specimen.During an actual swing this element shall make initial contact with the specimen on a line22.0060.05 mm(0.8760.002in.)above the top surface of the vise. 6.10Means shall be provided for determining the energy expended by the pendulum in breaking the specimen.This is accomplished using either a pointer and dial mechanism or an electronic system consisting of a digital indicator and sensor (typically an encoder or resolver).In either case,the indicated breaking energy is determined by detecting the height of rise of the pendulum beyond the point of impact in terms of energy removed from that specific pendulum.Since the indicated energy must be corrected for pendulum-bearing friction, pointer friction,pointer inertia,and pendulum windage,in-structions for making these corrections are included in10.3and Annex A1and Annex A2.If the electronic display does not automatically correct for windage and friction,it shall be incumbent for the operator to determine the energy loss manually.(See Note12.)N OTE12—Many digital indicating systems automatically correct for windage and friction.The equipment manufacturer may be consulted for details concerning how this is performed,or if it is necessary to determine the means for manually calculating the energy loss due to windage and friction.6.11The vise,pendulum,and frame shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain correct alignment of the hammer and speci-men,both at the moment of impact and during the propagation of the fracture,and to minimize energy losses due to vibration. The base shall be sufficiently massive that the impact will not cause it to move.The machine shall be so designed,con-structed,and maintained that energy losses due to pendulum air drag(windage),friction in the pendulum bearings,and friction and inertia in the indicating mechanism are held to a minimum.6.12A check of the calibration of an impact machine is difficult to make under dynamic conditions.The basic param-eters are normally checked under static conditions;if the machine passes the static tests,then it is assumed to be accurate.The calibration procedure in Appendix X2should be used to establish the accuracy of the equipment.However,for some machine designs it might be necessary to change the recommended method of obtaining the required calibration measurements.Other methods of performing the required checks may be substituted,provided that they can be shown to result in an equivalent accuracy.Appendix X1also describes a dynamic test for checking certain features of the machine and specimen.6.13Micrometers—Apparatus for measurement of the width of the specimen shall comply with the requirements of Test Methods D5947.Apparatus for the measurement of the depth of plastic material remaining in the specimen under the notch shall comply with requirements of Test Methods D5947, provided however that the one anvil or presser foot shall beatapered blade conforming to the dimensions given in Fig.5.The opposing anvil or presser foot shall be flat and conforming to Test Methods D5947.7.Test Specimens7.1The test specimens shall conform to the dimensions and geometry of Fig.6,except as modified in accordance with 7.2,7.3,7.4,and 7.5.To ensure the correct contour and conditions of the specified notch,all specimens shall be notched as directed in Section have shown that,for some materials,the location of the notch on the specimen and the length of the impacted end may have a slight effect on the measured impact resistance.Therefore,unless otherwise specified,care must be taken to ensure that the specimen conforms to the dimensions shown in Fig.6and that it is positioned as shown in Fig.1or Fig.2.7.2Molded specimens shall have a width between 3.0and 12.7mm (0.118and 0.500in.).Use the specimen width as specified in the material specification or as agreeduponN OTE 1—These views not to scale.N OTE 2—Micrometer to be satin-chrome finished with friction thimble.N OTE 3—Special anvil for micrometer caliper 0to 25.4mm range (50.8mm frame)(0to 1in.range (2-in.frame)).N OTE 4—Anvil to be oriented with respect to frame as shown.N OTE 5—Anvil and spindle to have hardened surfaces.N OTE 6—Range:0to 25.4mm (0to thousandths of an inch).N OTE 7—Adjustment must be at zero when spindle and anvil are in contact.FIG.5Early (ca.1970)Version of a Notch-DepthMicrometerbetween the supplier and the customer.All specimens having one dimension less than 12.7mm (0.500in.)shall have the notch cut on the shorter side.Otherwise,all compression-molded specimens shall be notched on the side parallel to the direction of application of molding pressure.(See Fig.6.)N OTE 13—While subsection 7.5requires perpendicular pairs of plane parallel surfaces,the common practice has been to accept the non-parallel drafted surfaces formed when directly injection molding specimens for Izod ers must be aware that employing a trapezoidal section rather than a rectangular section may lead to data shifts and scatter.Unequal stress,created by clamping in the fracture region and dynamic twisting,caused by uneven striking of the specimen are prone to occur when the faces of the specimen are not parallel.Interlaboratory compari-sons must clearly spell out the specimen preparation conditions.7.2.1Extreme care must be used in handling specimens less than 6.35mm (0.250in.)wide.Such specimens must be accurately positioned and supported to prevent twist or lateral buckling during the test.Some materials,furthermore,are very sensitive to clamping pressure (see Note 11).7.2.2A critical investigation of the mechanics of impact testing has shown that tests made upon specimens under 6.35mm (0.250in.)wide absorb more energy due to crushing,bending,and twisting than do wider specimens.Therefore,specimens 6.35mm (0.250in.)or over in width are recom-mended.The responsibility for determining the minimumspecimen width shall be the investigator’s,with due reference to the specification for that material.7.2.3Material specification should be consulted for pre-ferred molding conditions.The type of mold and molding machine used and the flow behavior in the mold cavity will influence the impact resistance obtained.A specimen taken from one end of a molded plaque may give different results than a specimen taken from the other end.Cooperating laboratories should therefore agree on standard molds con-forming to the material specification.Practice D3641can be used as a guide for general molding tolerances,but refer to the material specification for specific molding conditions.7.2.4The impact resistance of a plastic material may be different if the notch is perpendicular to,rather than parallel to,the direction of molding.The same is true for specimens cut with or across the grain of an anisotropic sheet or plate.7.3For sheet materials,the specimens shall be cut from the sheet in both the lengthwise and crosswise directions unless otherwise specified.The width of the specimen shall be the thickness of the sheet if the sheet thickness is between 3.0and 12.7mm (0.118and 0.500in.).Sheet material thicker than 12.7mm shall be machined down to 12.7mm.Specimens with a 12.7-mm square cross section may be tested either edgewise or flatwise as cut from the sheet.When specimens are tested flatwise,the notch shall be made on the machined surface ifthemmin.A 10.1660.050.40060.002B 31.861.0 1.2560.04C 63.562.0 2.5060.08D 0.25R 60.050.010R 60.002E12.7060.200.50060.008FIG.6Dimensions of Izod-Type TestSpecimen。
