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方建筠,栗卓新,史耀武,李国栋,魏 琪

(北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100022)

摘要:利用高速电弧喷涂和含有微米Ti B 2和纳米A l 2O 3陶瓷粉末的粉芯丝材在碳钢基体上制备了六组陶瓷颗粒弥散增强的Fe 2Ti B 2复合涂层,研究微纳米陶瓷粉末对电弧喷涂Fe 2Ti B 2复合涂层的形成和性能的影响。采用光学显微镜、W YK ONT1100三维表面形貌仪对比分析了扁平粒子形貌和厚度;用SE M ,E DAX 及XRD 分析涂层的形貌和相组成,测试了涂层的显微硬度和耐磨粒磨损性能,并用激光共聚焦显微镜观察磨损后的涂层形貌。结果表明,随着粉芯丝材中微纳米陶瓷粉末含量的增加,扁平粒子的形貌从飞溅严重的散点状逐渐转变成少量飞溅的盘状,涂层的孔隙率随之下降。对比6种涂层的组织及性能,发现当粉芯丝材中的Ti B 2粉末尺寸<2μm 时,Fe 2Ti B 2复合涂层中的陶瓷硬质相分布最为细小、弥散,涂层的耐磨性能最好。关键词:微纳米陶瓷粉末;高速电弧喷涂;金属2陶瓷复合涂层;扁平化;显微组织;耐磨性能中图分类号:TG17414 文献标识码:A 文章编号:025426051(2007)0920063205

Effects of Ceram i c Powder S i ze on Arc 2Sprayed M eta l 2Ceram i c Co m posite Coa ti n gs


G J ian 2jun,L I Zhuo 2xin,S


I Yao 2wu,L I Guo 2dong,W E IQ i

(College of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Technol ogy,Beijing 100022,China )

Abstract:The effect of nano and m icr on powders in cored wires on f or mati on and p r operties of Fe 2Ti B 2composite coat 2ings made by high vel ocity arc s p raying (HVAS )were investigated 1Six cored wires filled with different average cera m ic particle sizes (20~40nm ,2μm ,and 420μm )fine powder contents (0,8,16,20,24,32wt 1%)were p re 2pared 1The flattening behavi or of s p rayed particles was characterized and compared by using OM and 3D surface p r ofi 2ler 1The m icr ostructure of the coatings and phase compositi ons were characterized by means of SE M ,EDAX and XRD 1M icr ohardness and wear resistance were evaluated and wear scratch was observed by laser confocal scan m icr osco 2py 1The results show that,with increasing the percentage of fine cera m ic powders,the shape of the flat particles transfers fr om a dist orted heavy s p lash t o a disk 2like shape,with little s p lash,and the coatings por osity decreases 1W hen Ti B 2pow 2der size is less than 2μm ,Fe 2Ti B 2composite coatings reveal dis persi on of fine cera m ic particles and exhibit the best wear resistance 1

Key words:nano and m icr on cera m ic powders;high vel ocity arc s p raying (HVAS );metal 2cera m ic co mposite coatings;flattening;m icr ostructure;wear resistance

作者简介:方建筠(1973—),女,四川达县人,工程师,博士研究生,主要从事热喷涂、表面工程及焊接冶金方面的研究工作,发表论文8篇。联系方式:010********* E 2mails:fangjiany @e mails .bjut .edu .cn

基金项目:北京市自然科学基金(2062005);北京市教委科技发展项目(K M200610005026)收稿日期:2007201231

电弧喷涂制备的金属基陶瓷复合涂层(MMC )成本低、性能优良,具有广阔的工业应用前景,这种复合涂层具有许多优异的性能,如高温性能、耐磨损及耐腐蚀性能等。文献[1~4]的研究表明,硼化物、碳化物及氧化物等硬质相的加入可显著改善涂层的力学性能。涂层的组织和性能取决于撞击粒子的热能和动量,而粒子的热能和动量与作为喂料的粉末的尺寸紧密相连。随电弧喷涂金属涂层应用广泛,金属粒子的特性也已得到深入研究。文献[5~6]的研




瓷粒子的特性和涂层性能影响的研究尚未涉及。本研究采用高速电弧喷涂(HVAS )技术,在20G 钢基体上制备含有微米Ti B 2和纳米A l 2O 3陶瓷颗粒弥散增强的Fe 2Ti B 2复合涂层,分析扁平粒子结构与陶瓷粉末尺寸的关系,探讨陶瓷粉末尺寸对涂层的组织和性能影响机制。

1 试验材料及方法

试验选用市售常规尺寸的Ti B 2陶瓷粉末(颗粒尺

寸为420μm ,纯度>95%),微米级Ti B 2粉末(<2μm )和纳米级A l 2O 3(20~40n m )粉末,不同尺寸的Ti B 2具有相同的化学成分和相。选用尺寸为14mm ×013mm 的20G 钢带作为金属外皮,将一定组成的常
