
In 1947, produced China's first animated puppet "Emperor's Dream"
1947年,我国制作了第一部木偶动画《皇 帝梦》
In 1960, completed the first water-and-ink animation of "small
The History of Chinese Animation
1.the early period of exploration-before the founding of China Chinese animation has a rich history.During the 20th century ,Chinese animation pioneer's brother,three brothers of Wans, began to study animation.It was they that produced China's first self-made people copainting "studio scene" Havoc in Heaven .In 1935, China's first animated sound "Offer Camel Dance" came out. In 1941, animated by the effects of"Snow White" in the USA, China's first large-scale animation "Princess Iron Fan" was produced.

The Valley of the Winds
Mobile Suit Gundam
A breakthrough period of painting techniques and route differentiation
Байду номын сангаас
Name: Miyazaki Hayao 宫崎骏 Job: Animation director, screenwriter, character designer The main achievements: Studio ghibli 吉卜力工作室 Representative works: Spirited away , princess mononoke, the valley of the wind 《千与千寻》《幽灵公主》
Alice in Wonderland
Sleeping beauty
Humorous Phases of Funny Faces 一张滑稽面孔的幽默姿态
Popeye 大力水手
Snow White 白雪公主
Pinocchio 匹诺曹
Looney tunes
Exploration Stage
Developing stage
Exploring period
Havoc in heaven
1961 Little Tadpoles 1980~1987 Searching for Calabash Brothers Mommy Black Cat Detective Afanty

本片于1988年获广 播电影电视部 1986—1987年优秀 影片奖,其中第一 集曾于1985年获首 届中国儿童少年电 影金牛奖优秀影片 奖、第四集获首届 中国儿童少年电影 油娃奖优秀影片奖。
传说葫芦山里关着蝎子 精和蛇精。一只穿山甲不 小心打穿了山洞,两个妖 精逃了出来,从此百姓遭 难。穿山甲急忙去告诉一 个老汉,只有种出七色葫 芦,才能消灭这两个妖精。 老汉种出了红、橙、黄、 绿、青、蓝、紫七个大葫 芦,却被妖精从如意镜中 窥见。它们摧毁不了这七 个葫芦,就把老汉和穿山 甲抓去。七个葫芦成熟了, 相继落地变成 七个男孩,穿着七种颜色 的服装。他们为了消灭妖 精,救出老汉和穿山甲, 一个接一个去与妖精搏斗。
欧美地区动画的风格 是由华纳、迪斯尼等为 基本发展而来。最初的 2d画面不拘一格,代表 作有——美女与野兽、 狮子王等。之后,从玩 具总动员开始,欧美动 画进入了全新的3d动画 时代,带来了全新的视 觉冲击享受。
米老鼠 世界上最出名的老鼠。 1928年在世界上第一部有声 动画《威利汽船》中米老鼠 正式登上银屏,从此进入娱 乐业。米奇以其随和、快乐 的天性成为孩子和家庭心目 中永远乐观的卡通形象并为 人们所钟爱和信任。米奇是 《米奇妙妙屋》中的主角, 他鼓励他的朋友和观众坚持 寻找生活中问题的答案。尽 管米奇具有多样的性格,但 是他是每一个人的好朋友。 他的感召力和友善使他成为 妙妙屋的中心人物,而他的 亲切和丰富情感使他成为史 上最受欢迎的卡通形象。
从2003年萌发创意,到2009 年的“牛气冲天”,31岁的编 剧黄伟健已经陪《喜羊羊与灰 太狼》走过了5年时间,他笑称 自己是和《喜羊羊与灰太狼》 一块长大的。

Sport:“the prince of tennis”(网球王子),“Slam Dunk ”(灌 篮高手)…
Inference:“detective conan”(名侦探柯南)… Besides these, there are many other species.
The development of Chinese animation
is zero yield because of the political influence. Although animation production began come out during the remaining years , But every year we just can grudgingly produced two to four departments. So after the eleven years, Chinese cartoon broadcast nearly eviscerated.
4:The shortcomings of chinese cartoons.
1. The audience positioning is narrow, has neglected the high school students, college students and adults huge market.
The development of cartoon
The main contents
1 . Cartoon's origin 2. Cartoon’s types 3.The development of Chinese animation 4. The shortcomings of chinese cartoons .

我是1950年在 算你狠, 日本出生的阿 童木, 我走!
说到中国历史,一个 无法回避的问题就是文 革时期,中国动画业明 显的受到了影响。 1966--1971这六年中, 竟然没有一部动画片制 作出来!之后的几年, 形势似乎有了一点好转, 但是1972-1977年间也 只有每年2-4部动画出 炉。这一段时期,中国 的动画事业几乎是在原 地停滞了十多年!
在此之后,中国动漫开始真正走进00后人的眼 球,中国动漫行业出现了真正的精品
动漫连续剧《秦时明月》是中国首部3D武侠动 漫。该动漫灵感来源于温世仁原著小说,于 2007年春节期间起在中国的全国各地正式首映。 时代背景从秦始皇兼并六国,建立中国首个帝 国开始,到咸阳被楚军攻陷结束,时间跨度30 年(包括回忆),记录秦末汉初这段英雄辈出可 歌可泣的壮烈历史。 剧情融武侠、奇幻、历史于一体,融入众多中 国元素,引领观众亲历两千年前风起云涌、瑰 丽多姿的古中国世界,在浓郁的中国风中注入 鲜明的时代感
中国制作的原创动画 片,可以说是新一代 国产动画片中最优秀 的作品。它是迄今为 止,唯一一部真正意 义上,具有国外写实 英雄动画片雏形的、 中国原创的作品。
《封神榜传奇》,是上海美术电影 制片厂精心打造的百集电视动画片, 是国内第一部运用数字化电脑技术 制作的国产动画片。该片获“金鹰 艺术节”最佳电视动画奖,最佳场 景设计奖。素材提取取材于著名神 魔小说《封神演义》,融传奇性, 历史性于一炉,通过人、神、魔的 超时空大战,颂扬了正义终将战胜 邪恶,光明终将战胜黑暗的鲜明主 题。
日漫的高速 发展压迫中 国动漫发展, 中国动漫在 此期间无太 大量中 国动漫涌入市场。
电视动画《梦里人》是根据中国漫画家姚非拉的同 名成漫画改编的动画作品。[1-2] 于2005年12月12 日在央视一套《动画城》、13日在少儿频道开始播 放,共26集。[3] 动画由中央电视台动画部制作,是央视首部面对青 少年观众、表现高中生现实生活题材的连续剧动画 节目,是第一部定位于写实风格的大型国产动画片, 也是中国第一部把新式漫画作品改编为系列动画节 目的尝试。内容贴近现实生活,画面风格形式高度 写实。制作中人物造型采用以真人演员为原型模特 创作的方式,背景环境也出自真实的海边城市。


1990年代,中 国动画产业开 始走向多元化
• 涌现出了一批优秀的动画制 作团队和作品 • 如《西游记》、《封神榜》 等
在这个时期, 中国动画人开 始注重国际合
• 如《宝莲灯》、《木兰辞》 等 • 这些作品为中国动画的发展 积累了宝贵的经验
• 国家对动画产业给予了大力支持,投 入大量资金 • 一批优秀的动画制作团队和作品涌现 出来,如《小蚱蜢》、《小鲤鱼跳龙门》 等
在这个时期,中国动画人开始注重民族 风格和文化传承
• 如《哪吒闹海》、《金猴降妖》等 • 这些作品具有很高的艺术价值和历史 意义
• 一批优秀的动画片相继问世,如《大闹天宫》、《哪咤闹海》等 • 这些作品在国内外都取得了很高的评价
• 如《蜜蜂与蝴蝶》、《草原英雄小姐妹》等 • 这些作品为中国动画的发展积累了宝贵的经验
1922年,万氏兄弟创作了中国第一 部动画《舒振东华文打字机》
1928年,万氏兄弟创 作了中国第一部有声动
• 这部动画采用手绘方式制作,具 有很高的历史价值 • 标志着中国动画的正式诞生
The development history of Chinese animation

The Development History of ChineseAnimation什么是动画?What is animation?动画是一种有意识的艺术表现形式,能够直观的表达人们的情感,将不切实际的虚拟转换为现实。
Animation is a conscious form of artistic expression, which can express people's emotion intuitively and convert unreality to reality.As early as twenty-five thousand ago, the Stone Age, people already had the consciousness of "animation” and the analysis diagram of running bison on the cave is the earliest evidence that human try to capture the action.中国动画片的发展一、中国动画的早期探索(20年代~1949年)Early Exploration of Chinese Animation (1920s~1949)(1)中国第一部自拍电影《定军山》的问世为中国拍摄动画奠定了技术基础。
这时仅距离美国动画电影之父Winsor Mccay于1909年制作的世界史上公认的第一部象样的动画短片才十七年。


1.1 萌芽和探索时期(1922~1945)。
1.2 稳定发展时期(1946-1956)。
1.3 第一个繁荣时期(1957-1965)。

The Evolution of Chinese Cartoon FilmsChinese cartoon films have a rich and diverse history, spanning decades of innovation and cultural expression. Tracing back to the early days of animation in China, wecan see a blend of traditional art forms and modern techniques that have shaped the unique style and narrativeof Chinese cartoons.In the early 20th century, Chinese cartoon films emerged as a novel form of entertainment, influenced by Western animation styles. However, it wasn't until the1940s and 1950s that Chinese cartoons truly began to find their own voice. This period was marked by the emergence of classic cartoons like "The Black Cat Detective" and "The Magic Pen," which combined traditional Chinese painting techniques with animated storytelling.The 1960s and 1970s saw a further evolution in Chinese cartoon films, with a focus on educational and moral themes. Cartoons like "The Adventures of the Little Black Ant" and "The Legend of the White Snake" not only entertained young audiences but also taught important values and lessons. These films often incorporated elements of Chinese folkloreand mythology, adding a layer of cultural depth and resonance.With the advent of the reform and opening-up policy in China, the animation industry entered a new phase of growth and experimentation. This led to a surge in the production of cartoon films that were both visually stunning and narratively engaging. Titles like "Nezha Conquers the Dragon King" and "Legend of the White Snake" became household names, attracting a wider audience and elevating the status of Chinese animation on the global stage.In the 21st century, Chinese cartoon films have continued to innovate and diversify. Modern cartoons often blend traditional Chinese art styles with contemporary animation techniques, creating a unique visual aesthetic. Films like "Big Fish & Begonia" and "Ne Zha" have showcased the talents of Chinese animators and storytellers, receiving widespread praise and recognition.Moreover, with the rise of digital technology and the internet, Chinese cartoon films have also found new platforms for distribution and engagement. Online streaming services and social media platforms have made it easier foraudiences to access and share these films, further expanding their reach and influence.In conclusion, the history of Chinese cartoon films is a rich tapestry of cultural expression, innovation, and artistic excellence. From the early days of blending traditional art with animation, to the modern era ofdigital innovation and global recognition, Chinese cartoons have continually evolved and grown. As the industry continues to develop and expand, we can expect to see even more exciting and groundbreaking works of animation from China in the future.**中国卡通电影的发展**中国卡通电影有着丰富多样的历史,跨越了数十年的创新和文化表达。

From 1824 to 2003
• 1824 The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects.
• 1831 Phenakistoscope invented - produced an illusion of movement.
4. China don’t care to educate animation people.
5. We don’t have some new subject matter. dryness of content and persistent education .
6. it is related to the Chinese social culture.
When Astroboy
meets Ol020
The foundation of success lies in good habits
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
Ink Paining Cartoons
Painting skill
When the Ash Ketchum

关于国产动漫的英文作文英文:As someone who has grown up watching both Western and Chinese animation, I have noticed a significant increase in the quality and popularity of Chinese animation in recent years. China's animation industry has come a long way since the early days of low-budget, poorly animated shows.One of the biggest factors contributing to the success of Chinese animation is the emphasis on cultural elements. Many Chinese animated shows draw inspiration fromtraditional Chinese legends and folklore, giving them a unique and authentic feel. For example, the popular animated series "Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child" is based on a well-known Chinese mythological figure.Another factor is the investment in technology and talent. Chinese animation studios are now equipped with state-of-the-art technology and employ skilled animatorsand writers. This has led to the creation of visually stunning and engaging shows such as "The King's Avatar" and "The Legend of Luo Xiaohei."However, there are still some challenges facing the Chinese animation industry. One issue is the lack of international recognition and distribution. Many Chinese animated shows are not widely available outside of China, which limits their potential audience. Additionally, there is a perception that Chinese animation is primarily geared towards children, which may deter older viewers.Despite these challenges, I am optimistic about the future of Chinese animation. With continued investment and a focus on creating high-quality, culturally relevant content, Chinese animation has the potential to become a major player in the global animation industry.中文:作为一个既看过西方动画又看过中国动画的人,我注意到中国动画在近年来的质量和受欢迎程度上有了显著提升。

第一篇美国质量学会ASQ 发展历程(英文版)1946The American Society for Quality Control is formed on February 16 by 253 members of 17 quality-related societies. George Edwards, director of quality assurance at Bell T elephone Labs, is elected president. Industrial Quality Control becomes ASQ’s first flagship publication. The first Section outside the U.S., the T oronto Section, received its ASQ charter December 15, 1946.1947Nearly 2,000 attend ASQC’s fi rst Annual T echnicalConference and the Second Midwest Quality Control Conference in Chicago. Walter Shewhart, the father of quality control, is named ASQC’s first honorary member.1948ASQC’s Code of Ethics establishes responsibilities and standards by which members should conduct their activities and business.1949First Shewhart Medal is awarded to Leslie Simon, director of the Ballistics Research Laboratory in Maryland.1951The Fifth Annual T echnical Conference, the first one fully sponsored by ASQC, is held.1952The T extile T echnical Committee is created to hold national and regional meetings and further the science of statistical quality control in the textile industry.1956Headquarters operations are consolidated in Milwaukee; a full-time administrative secretary is employed to handle expanding operations. The International Chapter is formed to provide services to members abroad.1959ASQC and the American Statistical Association jointly create T echnometrics, a journal covering the physical, chemical and engineering sciences.1960The Education and Training Institute Board is formed, with a national program focusing on management seminars and quality-control engineering courses.1965ASQC co-sponsors the first International Congress in Quality Control, hosted by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers in T okyo.1968Industrial Quality Control is replaced by two newpublications, Quality Progress magazine and The Journal of Quality T echnology. The first certification examinations are held for quality engineers.1974A sustaining corporate membership program is introduced to help pay for increased efforts in standards development.1984October is designated National Quality Month by Congress to emphasize to business leaders that quality is essential to U.S. preeminence in products and services.1985The NASA Excellence Award is established, with ASQC as its administrator. Renamed the George M. Low Trophy in 1990, the award is suspended in 1993.1987The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is established, with ASQC as a co-administrator.1990The Registrar Accreditation Board is founded as an independent organization to accredit third-party ISO 9000 registrars.1991ASQC celebrates its 45th anniversary and membership exceeds 100,000. ASQC becomes the sole administrator of the Baldrige Award.1993The Public Sector Network T echnical Committee (now the Government Division) established. Quality Management Journal debuts.1994The First American Customer Satisfaction Index is released, measuring consumer satisfaction with the quality of goods and services. Eleven elementary schools participate in the Koalaty Kid training initiative. The first efforts are made to establish a two-way flow of information about quality between ASQC and Washington, D.C.1995The Certified Quality Manager program is developed.1996ASQC celebrates its 50th anniversary, and collaborates with the Institute for HealthcareImprovement on a project to prevent automobile injuries.1997ASQC drops ―Control‖ from its name, becomes ASQ and formally adopts a new mission to promote performance excellence in a broad range of organizations and activities worldwide.1998ASQ is named administrator of the QuEST Forum, which develops the TL 9000 telecommunications standards. The journal Software Quality Professional debuts. ASQ rolls out Six Sigma black belt training for individuals and organizations. The American Customer Satisfaction Index expands to include 32 high-impact federal agencies.1999ASQ and its members help bring about expansion of the Baldrige Award to include awards for education and healthcare. Ralph Wareham, ASQ’s second president, receives ASQ’s first lifetime achievement award. ―Quality 101,‖ a computer-based training program, is developed to provide training on the basics of quality to a wider audience.2000A ―Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point‖ (HACCP) add-on is developed for the Certified Quality Auditor program. ASQ’s WorldPartner P rogram is founded. The Professional Argentine Institute for Quality and Excellence, InstitutoProfesionalArgentinopara la Calidad y la Excelencia (IPACE), becomes ASQ’s first WorldPartner. The Singapore Quality Institute (SQI), and the Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) also become WorldPartners.2001The Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA) program is introduced. ASQ relocates to the ASQ Center, its current world headquarters, in the landmark Gimbel’s building in downtown Milwaukee. ASQ’s Six Sigma Forumis launched. Six Sigma Forum Magazine debuts. Three educational institutions receive the Baldrige Award, the first time the award has been given in the education category. ASQ membership extends to 122 countries. International Six Sigma program is launched in Europe. Gazeta Global, an international newsletter, is founded. The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), Excellence Ireland, the Israel Society for Quality (ISQ), and Brazil’s Regional Program of Quality and Productivity, Progr amaGaúcho da Qualidade e Produtividade (PGQP), become WorldPartners.2002Calibration T echnician Certification is introduced. The Spanish Association for Quality, Asociación Española para la Calidad (AEC), and Excellence Finland become WorldPartners. A healthcare institution earns the Baldrige Award for the first time. ASQ’s Koalaty Kids conducts landmark research, gauging the state of the quality approach to education nationwide.2003For the first time, recipients are named in all five BaldrigeAward categories. Canada’s NationalQuality Institute (NQI) and the German Society for Quality, Deutsche GesellschaftfürQualitäte.V. (DGQ), become WorldPartners. ASQ adds ―webinars‖ –web and phone based interactive learning programs –to its growing list of learning options. ASQ adopts a new logo and unified ―brand‖ look. The Association for Quality and Participation (AQP) merges with ASQ.2004The ASQ tagline Make Good Great® debuts. ASQ launches a ―Living Community Model‖ by introducing several new membership options, communities and networks for both members and non-members. ASQ China is launched. Also launched is a campaign specifically directed at senior management with ads in high profile media, including The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Industry Week, and a sponsorship of National Public Radio’s ―Marketplace‖ program. ASQ leads the charge that culminates with President Bush signing into law the bill to create a nonprofit category of the Baldrige Award. ASQ’s board of directors voted to change the name of Region 4,which represented all 15 Canadian Sections, to ASQ Canada. The Korean Standards Association (KSA) becomes a WorldPartner. ASQ’s International Six Sigma Program expands into Latin America with Spanish-language Six Sigma courses offered through local training partners. ASQ Costa Rica becomes the first International Member Unit (equivalent to a Section) outside of North America.2005ASQ China subsidiary is established. ASQ Quarterly Quality Report debuts. Boeing becomes first ASQ Organizational Member. Annual Quality Congress changes name to World Conference on Quality and Improvement. First certification for quality process analysts is offered. Online presence expands with the launch of ASQ’s first online blogs. ASQ’s board of directors approves the Brazil International Member Unit (IMU).2006ASQ launches initiative to promote the Economic Case for Quality. ASQ is named secretariat for the US TAG to the ISO Committee on Social Responsibility. ASQ successfully campaigns to have the Baldrige Award expanded to coverthe nonprofit sector. ASQ forms 11 new networks and communities of practice to expand networking opportunities for individuals with a wide range of interests. ASQ hosts expert panel discussion on quality and healthcare for members of Congress.2007Ron Atkinson is the first Canadian to serve as ASQ president. ASQ receives Wisconsin Forward Award recognition at the Mastery level. Community Good Works grants are awarded to the Boys and Girls Club of MetroWest, Massachusetts, and to the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil. New Advocacy Room on the ASQ Web site serves as focal point for public affairs and issues activity. Spanish-language services expand with offering of Spanish Webinar on Six Sigma and Spanish-language ASQ blog.2008Quality Progress magazine introduces a new design and launches its own separate and fully featured Web site..cn第二篇我国的动画片历史渊源流长,从60年代开始一直到80年代中期,不仅种类繁多,而且内容和艺术性都远高于同一时期的日本和美国,特别是日本很多的早期动画都受到我国动画的影响。
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• It was the peak of domestic animation works, from the character, action, picture, sound and so on to the highest level in the world at that time.
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• The first origami animation "a cabbage"
China during the Cultural Revolution (1966
to 1977)
• When it comes to China history, an unavoidable problem is the cultural revolution period, China animation is industry significantly affected. The 1966--1971 in these six years, there is not even a cartoon produced!
• Adding new animation form, China animation career reached a peak. In this period, China's animation development or ahead of Japan
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• Today, the development of Chinese animation is also booming
Early exploration stage
• “The Princess of Iron Fan”
• It is the first Chinese large cartoon
• "Havoc in heaven"
• It is in the early sixty century, the WAN brothers in Wan Laiming director, is divided into upper and lower two sets
• It is in the London International Film Festival and won the best film award
The slow development period (1978 to 1998)
• Reform and opening up, Chinese animation and finally made a heavy pace, but the delay caused by the cultural revolution, but can not be changed. This period, the development Chinese animation no longer have strong spirit at the beginning of new China, although the animation production started to return, every year there are many animation, however, the pioneering spirit is gone.
• Of course, thi来自 period of fine or some
• The first puppet animation "emperor dream";
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• The first paper-cut animation "pig eating watermelon";
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• During this period, China also began to try to make use of different methods of animation, the bold use of traditional art .
The development of China animation
• China animation career very early, in 20s China Animation pioneer Wan brothers began to study animation
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• The first ink animation "Little Tadpoles Looking for mother";
The flourishing period (1949 to 1965)
• After a few years, the situation seems to be a little better, but 1972-1977 only every 2-4 animation released.
• This period of time, China animation industry is almost stagnant in place for more than ten years