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• temple[英][templ] [美
• n.庙,寺;耶路撒冷古神 殿;[犹太教] 犹太教聚会 ;太阳穴
• 山上有座庙。There is a
temple on the hill.
• Do you know this temple?
• 你知道这间寺庙吗?
• There used to be a temple here.
• Prove
• ① vi. 显示,表明
• prove +to be +adj.
• 结果证实他是那本书的作者
• He proved to be the author of the book.
• ② vt. 证明,证实 • 我将会证明给你看
• I will prove it to you.
• 首先你应该证明你是在这买的东西。
• 两国的战争一直持续到1453年。
• The war between the two countriFra Baidu biblioteks lasted until 1453.
• 2) 最不可能…的,最不…的 (most unlikely) • 他是我最不想见的人
• He is the last man in the world I want to see.
• The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation.
• B.C.为Before Christ( 公元前)的缩写 • A.D.表示anno Domini (=in the year
of the Lord 或 since Christ was born),即“公元” • A.D.用来与B.C.形成对比,它们都出现在正式的史书
• come into operation 实施;生效 • 这项计划什么时候实施?
• When will the plan come into operation?
• The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.
• 2)部分 • 飞机的尾部着火了。
• The back section of the plane caught fire.
• 考试由四部分组成。
• The test consists of four sections.
• figure
• 1)n.(女人的)体形 • 那女人身材很棒。
• The lady has a great figure.
• normally adv. 通常地,正常地 • 通常他的坏心情会持续一到俩天。
• Normally his bad mood will last one or two days.
• 通常在早上路上的车会少些。
• There are less cars in the morning.
• survive v.幸免于,存活 • 没有乘客在空难中幸存。
中,平时一般不用。 • A.D. 应该写在年数之前, B.C. 应该写在年数之后 • 由公元前三百年到公元四百年
• from 300 B.C. to A.D. 400
• Operation
• have an operation (on sb) 动手术 • 他鼻子动了手术
• He had an operation on his nose.
• 以前这里有一座庙。
• mark
• 1)n. 斑点 • 这匹马头上有一个白色斑点
• The horse has a white mark on its head
• 2)n. 分数 • 我在拼写考试中得了满分
• I got full marks in the spelling test.
• 3)n. 标记 • 他用铅笔做标记
• None of the passengers survived in the air crash.
• 我很想知道他们靠那么可怜的收入是怎么活下来的。
• I wonder how they can survive on such poor income.
• survival n. 幸存 • survivor n. 幸存者 • victim n.死难者,受害者
• give an operation on sb for sth给某人做…手术 • 医生给他做了癌症手术
• The doctor gave an operation on him for cancer
• be in operation
• 这条规定生效了吗?
• Is this rule in operation yet?
• He made marks with a pencil.
• 3)v. 标记 • 商品上都标有价格
• Prices are marked on the goods.
• last
• 1)vi. 持续,延续 • 常跟一个表示时间的名词或短语,没有被动语态 • 会议进行了3个小时
• The meeting lasts three hours.
• You should first prove that you bought these goods here.
• Section
• 1)切片 • 医生在显微镜下仔细检查从尸体上切下来的切片。
• The doctor examined the section cut from the dead body under the microscope.
Lesson 77
A successful operation
• mummy • Egyptian • temple • mark • plate • disease • last • prove • resin • skin • section • figure • normally • survive
• 你最好多运动一下来保持体形。
• You’d better exercise more to keep your figure.
• 2)人像;人影
• She screamed when she saw a dark figure in her bedroom.
• 当她看到卧室的房间里有个黑影时尖叫了起来。