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1.What has made working at home possible?

A. Communication industry.

B. Personal computers.

C. Living far from companies.

2.How much should the man pay if he buys two pounds?

A. 1.5 dollars.

B. 2 dollars.

C. 3 dollars.

3.Why does the woman like the brick one better?

A. It has a larger yard.

B. It is prettier.

C. It is bigger.

4.What’s the matter with Mary?

A. She is sleepless.

B. She is ill.

C. She is crying.

5. What do we know about Peter Smith?

A. He has lost his ticket.

B. He is expecting a ticket.

C. He went out to buy a ticket.





6.Why does the man make his phone call?

A. To buy a table.

B. To reserve a table.

C. To sell a table.

7.At what time does Mr. Miller want to go?

A. At 7:00.

B. At 8:00.

C. At 9:00.


8.What would the woman do for her vacation if she had plenty of money?

A. Enjoy the fresh air at the seaside.

B. Go to visit the Great Wall.

C. Travel around the world.

9.How many places of interest are mentioned in the conversation?


A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 5.


10.Where did the conversation probably take place?

A. At Mr. French’s office.

B. At Miss Maggie’s house.

C. At Mr. Robinson’s office.

11.What was the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Manager and secretary.

12.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this conversation?

A. Miss Martin’s boyfriend lived near the office where she worked.

B. Mr. French asked Miss Maggie to bring him a cup of coffee.

C. Mr. French’s office might be in any country but France.


13.Kate didn’t expect her husband had come back so early, did she?

A. Yes, she did.

B. No, she didn’t.

C. It’s not mentioned.

14.What was the woman busy with?

A. She was busy getting ready for dinner.

B. She was busy sending her children to school.

C. She was busy working at school.

15.What haven’t they bought?

A. Food.

B. Vegetables.

C. Wine.

16.Where will the children stay after school?

A. At their sports club.

B. At Paul’s home.

C. In the kitchen.


17. What is the main feature(特征) of New England?

A. It is completely flat(平坦).

B. It has few rivers.

C. It is hilly.

18. Why is New England not good for farming?

A. The soil(土壤) has been overworked.

B. The climate is cold.

C. The weather is too dry.

19. How do most people in New England make a living?

A. By raising cattle.

B. By working on farms.

C. By working in factories.

20. Where do New Englanders learn many of their skills?

A. At school.

B. From their parents.

C. From books.


第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


A man came into a doctor’s office. The doctor turned to his students and asked,“What’s wrong with this man?”

“I don’t know, sir,” the student answered.“Shall I examine him?”

