词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻




从文化角度对比研究中英文中动物的隐喻现象发表时间:2018-09-18T10:07:40.793Z 来源:《知识-力量》2中作者:袁琳利[导读] 近年来,隐喻是一个众多学科关注的热门话题,尤其是隐喻的认知功能现在越来越受到人们的重视。




(云南师范大学外国语学院,云南省昆明市 650500)摘要:近年来,隐喻是一个众多学科关注的热门话题,尤其是隐喻的认知功能现在越来越受到人们的重视。




关键词:隐喻,跨文化交际,公鸡1. 隐喻与文化英语中的“隐喻”一词来源于希腊语“隐喻”。












尽管不同语言动物词的概念意义(conceptual meaning)相同或相近,但具有其民族特征的内涵意义(connotative meaning)有时则大相径庭。






又如,鸳鸯(Mandarin Duck)在中国文化中是一种生活在水中的鸟,雌雄偶居,形影不离,过着一种自由而甜美的生活,因此在中国传统文化中里成为过着幸福美满生活的夫妻的代名词。












从概念隐喻的角度对比分析英汉动物词汇隐喻的差异[Abstract]Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device, but also a model of thought and effective tool for human beings to recognize new things. This paper has done research on a large number of animal metaphors from both Chinese and English to reveal the cultural similarities and difference behind.[Key words]cognitive semantics,image schema,conceptual metaphorI. IntroductionThe earliest study of metaphor in the West can be dated back to as early as Aristotle, who defines metaphors as “consists in giving (or carrying to the) thing a name that belongs to something else”. Through the early years, metaphor was just regarded as a kind of decorative addition to ordinary language, a word-focus rhetorical device to be used to gain certain effects.\[1\]303 However, things have changed dramatically since 1980. With the development of modern science and cognition of human beings, the publication of Metaphor We Live by by Lakoff, which mainly states that metaphor is essential in language and thought. They maintain that language, metaphor and cognition are closely related to each other. Metaphor is not only rhetoric device, but a model ofthought and effective cognition for human beings to understand abstract domain in terms of another concrete domain.Ⅱ. Metaphors as Cognitive Instruments2.1 Metaphors as cognitive instrumentsAs is pointed out by Black, metaphors act as “cognitive instruments”, which means that metaphors are not just a way of expressing ideas by means of language, but a way of thinking about things.\[2\]118 In the way of thinking, metaphors link two conceptual domains, the “source” domain and the “target” domain. The source domain consists of a set of literal entities, attributes, processes and relationships, linked semantically and ap parently stored together in the mind. The “target” domain tends to be abstract, and takes its structure from the source domain, through the metaphorical link, or “conceptual metaphor”. Target domains are therefore believed to have relationships between entities, attributes and processes which mirror those found in the source domain. (/projects/ metaphor-analysis/theories.cfm paper=cmt) From the comparison of these two domains, it is easy to find out that metaphor plays an important role in recognizing the abstract world. Through the using of metaphor, abstract domains can be interpreted into a concrete one with regards to the similarities between them, which will facilitate the cognition.2.2 Image schemaImage schema is an important form of conceptual structure in the cognitive semantics literature. The basic idea is that because of our physical experience of being and acting in the world of perceiving the environment, moving our bodies, exerting and experiencing force, etc —we form basic conceptual structures which we then use to organize thought across a range of more abstract domains.\[1\]308 As Lakoff (1987) points out, “An image schema is a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience.” Related with “metaphor as a cognitive instrument”, image schema is a cognitive structure underlying metaphor, which links body experiences and the more complex concept, so that to provide an easy way to recognize and understand the abstract world.2.3 Classification of metaphorsLakoff has made a classification of metaphor, that is, the conventional metaphors and novel metaphors according to the conventionality of metaphors, and the structural / orientational / ontological metaphors according to the function of the metaphors.Conceptual metaphors can also be classified into structural, orientational and ontological metaphors according to their cognitivefunctions. In structural metaphor, the source domain provides a relatively rich knowledge structure for the target concept. Most of the orientational metaphors have to do with spatial orientation: up-down, in-out, front-back, on-off, deep-shallow, and central-peripheral.\[13\]14 Ontological metaphors are ways of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas, etc., as entities and substances.\[3\]25Ⅲ. Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese3.1 The similarities in the conceptualization of animal metaphors in English and ChineseAs a result of the similar nature of human bodies and brains, and the cultural interactions between different countries, as cognitive linguists point out, “there may well be universal image schemas, metaphorical concepts, or cognitive structures.” In both English and Chinese, there exist a great number of similar animal metaphors. The following categories are typical representatives of such metaphors.(1) Wolf: fierce wild animal of the dog family, usually hunting in packs.Examples in English: a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the man is a wolf Examples in Chinese: 披着羊皮的狼, 真是个狼心狗肺的家伙In both Chinese and Western culture, wolf is referred to as wild, greedy and harmful to human beings. In the metaphors related to wolf, the target domain is wolf, and the source domain is person. The ontological correspondences between wolf and person can be expressed as follows: the person who is tame in appearance but fierce in heart is compared to wolf; and the person who does really bad thing to those who are helpful or kind to him/her correspond to owing a wolf’s heart. In English, wolf also can be used to address those people who are philandering women, and in Chinese, the equivalence for this is “色狼”。














1. 虚构动物的象征意义由于各国不同的历史背景和不同的宗教信仰,在东西方文化中有很多虚构的动物,如龙、凤、麒麟等。












中英文动物名词的引申义和隐喻现象1. 中英文动物名词的引申义1. 中英文动物名词的引申义狐狸:狐狸被认为是狡猾的,因为它们可以聪明地解决问题。


Fox:Fox is thought to be cunning because they can solve problems smartly. Foxes are also seen as symbols of being shrewd, agile, witty, sly, and sharp.狼:狼被视为狡诈、残忍和凶恶的象征,但也被视为勇敢、忠诚和团结的象征。

Wolf: Wolves are seen as symbols of being cunning, cruel, and vicious, but also of being brave, loyal, and united.老鼠:老鼠被视为勤劳、机灵和聪明的象征,但也被视为破坏性的象征。

Mouse: Mice are seen as symbols of being industrious, clever, and intelligent, but also of being destructive.熊:熊被视为强大、勇敢和有力的象征,但也被视为暴力、凶恶和威胁的象征。

Bear: Bears are seen as symbols of being strong, brave, and powerful, but also of being violent, vicious, and threatening.猫:猫被视为狡猾、狡诈和敏锐的象征,但也被视为友善、温柔和慈爱的象征。

Cat: Cats are seen as symbols of being cunning, sly, and sharp, but also of being friendly, gentle, and loving.2. 中英文动物名词的隐喻现象中英文动物名词的隐喻现象在日常生活中十分常见。



enough to make a horse laugh
极其可笑 让人笑掉大牙
It rains cats and dogs
•let the cat out of the bat jumps
When the cat's away, the mice will play .
Proverbs About Animals
a wolf in sheep's clothing
a black sheep 害群之马
return to one's sheep 回到某人的主题
separate the sheep
from the goats(山羊)
copy cat
Under dog Dirty dog 失败者 道德败坏 的人 Love me, Every dog love my has its dog.(爱屋 day.(凡人 及乌) 皆有得意 时)
Contrast Between western and Chinese Animals
1 2 3 4
The different meaning(keystone) The same meaning (simple)
Proverbs About Animals Word about dog
“山中无老虎 猴子称霸王”
The last but not the least
Title2 Big dog要 人
Luck dog 幸运的人



动物隐喻在汉语和英语中的比较[Abstract]Animal metaphor, as a kind of metaphor, refers to a cognitive process in which some aspects of human beings are understood or experienced through the aspects of animals. The meanings of animal metaphors are determined by culture. Because it is based on human’s experience, there are many similarities in English and Chinese animal metaphors. But due to the differences in cultural backgrounds which include the influence of history, religion, geography, custom, and the way of thinking, there are different attitudes towards the animal metaphors. There are many figurative expressions in English and Chinese cultures, especially animal metaphors. Although English and Chinese are rich in animal words, they bring some problems because of the different cultures. Because human beings accumulate experience and knowledge from their practice and express them by language, different languages contain and represent different cultures. Therefore the comparison of animal metaphors becomes the method of getting to know the different cultures.[Key words]animal metaphor,communication,comparison,cultureI. IntroductionHuman beings and animals are both the products of natural evolution, and there has existed some inseparable relations between man andanimals since human beings created languages which are the carrier and container of cultural information.Metaphor, as a linguistic and cognitive phenomenon is an important way of understanding human cognition. Animal metaphor, as a kind of metaphor, refers to a cognitive process in which some aspects of human beings are understood or experienced through the aspects of animals. The meanings of animal metaphors are determined by culture. Because it is based on human’s experience, there are many similarities in English and Chinese animal metaphor. But due to the differences in cultural backgrounds which include the influence of history, religion, geography, custom, and the way of thinking, there are different attitudes towards the animal metaphor (Qin 2010). These differences lead to the diversity of language finally. This paper attempts to analysis the animal metaphors’differences and similarities and some methods to translate them are also addressed.Ⅱ. The Similar Meaning of Same Animal in bothEnglish and ChineseAs all human beings live in the similar environment, there is some same knowledge about animals. Therefore, they have the same or similar figurative meanings to animal words. For example, in English someonewould sayp The other animal that there is similar meaning in English and Chinese is sheep or lamb which is usually considered as sweet and tame. As a result, it is used to show the sweet and tame character. We can not forget the other animal, wolf. On the contrary, it refers to greedy and cruel. So in Chinese there exits many metaphors to describe its characters such as“狼狈为奸”, “狼子野心”. In English we can find the similar examples: “a wolf in a sheep’s clothing or a wolf in lamb’s skin”, “hold a wolf by the ears”. In addition, asses are regarded as stupid, e.g. “ass in grain (十足的大傻瓜)”; “an a ss in a lion’s skin (from Aesop’s Fables, 冒充聪明人的傻瓜)”; “all asses wag their ears (谚语:驴子摇耳朵,傻瓜装聪明)”. What’s more, bees are regarded as busy, birds are associated with freedom and nails are related to be slow. To parrot what others say and as grace as a swan also have the similar metaphor meanings. Pig refers to a greedy, dirty or bad-mannered person both in Chinese and English for instance eat like a pig and make a pig of oneself.The word “dove” in Chinese and English shares the same meaning, and symbolizes for peace. We regard the dove as “peace dove”. In some grand celebrations, we often see the scene of taking the doves away, standing for cherished desire for peace world of all of us. We can see the phenomenon in National Day in China.Let’s take our famil iar animal word “dog” for example. The dog isclosely related with people. In Chinese and English, the dog both has the commendatory and derogatory sense. Compared with Chinese, most of the “dog” expressions possess a commendatory sense or at least a neute r sense in English. It can be used to refer to certain people as “big dog (重要人物)”, “top dog (优胜者)”, “lucky dog (幸运儿)”, etc. in English. “To help a lame dog over the stile” means “to help someone in difficulty”. “Every dog has its day,” means “every person will succeed or become fortunate.” But in Chinese the word in most Chin ese phrases is associated with some derogatory meanings, as the sayings like “狗胆包天、狗头军师、狗腿子、狗血喷头、狼心狗肺、狗眼看人低”, etc. Although most Chinese people think the dog is man’s faithful friend, it usually has the derogatory metaphor. It seems that this animal is really very closely related with people so that person knows its feature and like to use the metaphor about it no matter what is good or bad.Because of the similar reason, in some cases the word may have derogatory sense in English, as is shown in the following examples: “yellow dog (卑鄙之人)”, “dirty dog (龌龊之人)”, “sly dog (阴险之人)”, “dead dog (无用的人)”. Meanwhile some vulgar languages also use it to express the derogatory sense.Ⅲ. Special Animals in Chinese and English3.1 Meaningful in English but meaningless in ChineseOstrich is a kind of large bird with a long neck and long legs, living in the area of African deserts. It can not fly but run very fast. In the English culture, “ostrich” has such figurative meanings like stupid evading and having a good appetite”. Its figurative meaning wo uld be reflected in the following expression: “Ostrich belief (鸵鸟信念)” .This belief is referred to deceptive idea. “To bury one’s head ostrich-like in the sand” is a person who prefers to ignore problems rather than go to have a try and deal with them. In addition, there exists another saying “have the digestion of an ostrich (胃口好如鸵鸟)”. It just shows the meaning of having a good appetite. With the development of the society, Chinese also use this metaphor which is always connected with the idea of evading. Although it is used, Chinese seldom consider the other meanings. However, in the past to most Chinese people, an ostrich is only a kind of animal without any figurative meanings.In Western culture, the goat is generally thought to be related with evils and the devil. In the legend, the devil created the goat, which is regarded as the phantom of the devil. Therefore the goat typically stands for those immoral people who are fond of women immorally.There are some sentences like these “The stock visited Howard Johnstons yesterday” or “you chicken.” The first one refers to the birth of a baby and the second one means that you are coward.Beaver is someone who works hard, cat is a woman who has a poisonous heart, cock is someone who is a leader, nightingale is someone who tells the secret, and a shark is a dishonest businessman.3.2 Meaningful in Chinese but meaningless in EnglishFor Chinese people, we must be very familiar with the words crane and tortoise, a symbol for longevity in Chinese culture. Therefore, some Chinese parents like to name their children as crane with the hope that their children live a long life. The crane is often linked with the pine tree, which is a symbol for sturdiness and long life. In China, it is a good way for people to send gifts with such designs of crane and pine tree to the older generations, especially on their birthday celebrating However they do not use the tortoise as it has derogatory meaning. One is longevity because of its physical features. Stone tortoises symbolic of venerable old ages can be seen in front of ancient halls, temples and palaces. The other is the symbol for the cuckold. But cranes are just ordinary animals in English. Mandarin Duck and silk worm also play important roles in Chinese. Mandarin duck is regarded as couple. Chinese often use it to express that the couple has good relationship with each other. Or they hope the new couple stays together happily forever. It stands for love .Silkworm has the meaning of hard working.Ⅳ. The Different Meaning of Animals4.1 The different meanings of same animalsWe are sure to be familiar with dragon and phoenix which are significant in Chinese culture. At beginning, we will try to get to know them in Chinese culture. No matter in ancient time or in modern time, we still think that dragon and phoenix represent sacred and notable. Dragon is the symbol of the Chinese nation, especially in the ancient time, people worshiped dragon to beg for rain Chinese people consider that they are descendents of the dragon. In ancient the Chinese emperors call themselves the sons of dragons. Phoenix is the king of birds. In Chinese phoenix represents the high position and good luck. (Luo 2007) .It usually has two: one is male we call it feng and the female one is called huang. What’s more, dragon and phoenix usually appear and refer together. So the wives of the emperors are called phoenix. Their clothes even anything is related them. Finally there are many metaphors about dragon and phoenix such as 龙凤呈祥,龙飞凤舞.In fact there is no evidence to prove that they ever exist but both these two cultures endow them meanings. Dragon is completely opposite in Chinese and English either in its shape or meanings. In Western people’s minds, the dragon is some evil monster with a large tail with wings and claws, breathing out fire and smoke. It symbolizes evil. However, phoenix means pure and rebirth.Monkey has different figurative meaning in Chinese and English languages. In Chinese, “monkey” is often likened to a sm art and agile person, with commendatory sense. The Chinese people often jokingly call clever and cute children “little monkey”. But, if you praise a western child “You are like a little monkey,” he will be angry, thinking that you curse him. Because in Eng lish, “little monkey,” means “a troublesome playful child”. And “monkey” is often likened to a person with a whole bag of tricks.In English the petrel is considered as an omen of disaster. However, in China the word “petrel” is associated with braving har dship and adversity, advancing with perseverance and courage. The spirit is well reflected in the poem petrel written by Gorky, a famous Russian writer. The magpie is a symbol of bad luck in English but opposite in Chinese. There are two explanations in The Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary: (a) person who collects or hoards things (爱收藏或贮藏东西的人), (b) person who chatters a lot (爱饶舌的人). All these explanations are figurative with derogatory meanings. On the contrary, a magpie is a symbol of good luck in China. If a magpie sings in a tree near houses, people would think some happy things would happen. Chinese people often say, “Magpie sings, happy thing comes.” because the pronunciation of magpie in Chinese represents good luck. The legend about the magpie tells the story of love. The beautiful fairy who lives inthe heaven falls in love with the ordinary boy. Unfortunately the girl’s mother does not allow their romantic love, so she let them live in the different sides of the Milky Way. They should have not met each other forever. To our pleasure, the magpie helps them by building the bridge which is across the river so that they can get together one day in a year. What’s about fish In English “fish” often has derogatory meaning that refers to bad things and persons, e.g.: “a poor fish (可怜虫)”; “a loose fish (生活放荡的女人)”; “fish in the air (水中捞月)”. In Chinese the pronounce of fish is similar with 余. Therefore, in the important festivals such as Spring Festival, Chinese people would like to use “fish” as an indispensable dish to symbolize “abundance”.In Chinese “bear” means “cowardly and timid” or “stupid” but people use “bear” to refer to those persons having special ability in English for instance he is a bear at music. Sometime bear is someone who is rude in English. In English sayings that as wise as an owl. It shows that English-speaking people put owl as a symbol of intelligence. At children’s books and cartoons, the owls are usually very serious, very minds, While Chinese people are afraid to see owl or hear its sound. They think it stands for bad luck.4.2 The different animals but same meaningsDifferent animal words have similar cultural connotations in Englishand Chinese languages and people use different animal words to express similar meanings. For instance, agriculture is the foundation of China’s economic development, so the cattle play a great role in Chinese culture. There are so ma ny expressions which use “cattle” as association vehicles. Meanwhile horse is important in English people’s life so they say that as strong as a horse or to work like a horse while we use cattle to express.In Chinese, tiger is regarded as the king of animals and stands for power, vigor and bravery. So there are many expressions with the letter : “英雄虎胆”, “龙争虎斗”, “藏龙卧虎”, “如虎添翼”, “虎将”, etc. But in English “tiger” symbolizes cruelty. The western regards “lion” as the king of animals. They think it is brave and powerful. They use “as bold as a lion” to describe a brave person. It is full of the respect in English which can be proved in these phrases regal as a lion, majestic as a lion and to see the lions (游览名胜古迹).So when people translate them, they should find the right translation like talk horse (吹牛) and a lion in the way (拦路虎).In addition the rabbit and the rat also share the similar meaning. They both describe the person who is lack of brevity and always afraid of anything for example as timid as a rabbit is translated as胆小如鼠.Ⅴ. Translation of Animal MetaphorsTranslation is a dialogic process. The purpose of translation is to transfer the source language into the target language to obtain the maximal equivalence. So translators play an important role in the process of translation. They should consider how to deal with the images of the words and how to express the figurative meanings correctly and properly. Meantime, they should think over not only the language structures and national features in source language but also the cultural backgrounds and the expressions in target language. Animal words contain many cultural meanings. In the process of translating animal words, the big problem is how to get the same or nearly the same effect culturally in the target language as that of the source language.English culture and Chinese culture have much in common, so the English and the Chinese share the same or similar feelings or attitudes to some animal words. And they use the same animal images to express the similar figurative meanings. Therefore, we can adopt literal translation to keep the original association vehicles. For example: (1)You stupid ass! How could you do a thing like that (2)dark horse (黑马), paper tiger (纸老虎), lamb duck (跛脚鸭子). Keeping image of association vehicles can make language vivid and vigorous and preserve the original style.English language and Chinese language have some cultural discrepancies. If some original association vehicles are kept in theprocess of translation, the target language readers may not understand them. Indeed, there are occasions where certain cultural aspects of original cannot be directly transferred into the target language culture. Thus, in the process of intercultural communication, we may replace the original image with a different one that retains the meaning of the original message and well fits in with the target language. For example: Mr. Smith may serve as a good secretary, for he is as close as an oyster.史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他守口如瓶。



1 中英文中相同内涵的动物名称
驴(donkey):驴在中文和英文中都被认为是不讨 人喜爱的动物。在英文中如果要说某人愚蠢或固 执就会说“ he is an absolute donkey”。中文相同的 表达方法是“他倔得像头驴,蠢驴”。 狐狸(fox):在中文和英文的寓言故事中狐狸的形 象总是奸诈狡猾的。在中文中经常提到“一只狡 猾的狐狸”,在英文中会说“ a cunning fox”。 鹦鹉(parrot):中西方国家的人都认为鹦鹉能够 代表那些只会模仿别人而没有自己见解的人。因 此英文中的短语“talk like a parrot”对应于中文的 “鹦鹉学舌”。 当然,在纷繁复杂的语言中还有很多动物在中英文中具有相 同的内涵。例如, 百灵(lark)可以指代高兴的人。 绵羊(sheep) 指代胆小怯懦的人。猴子(monkey) 指代淘气的人。蛇(snake) 指代圆滑且对其他人构成威胁的人。
下表是那些在中英文中常见的而有截然相反 的隐含意的动物名称:
动物名 中文隐含意 英文隐含意
猫头鹰(Owl) 山羊(Goat)
倒霉的Bad luck 博学的Learned
坏脾气但有天赋 的人 智慧的
海燕(Petrel) 蝙蝠(Ba义
龙(dragon) 在中西方文化中其实都是想象出来的动物, 但是 中西方人却对它有截然相反的理解。在东方文化中,“龙” 是能够呼风唤雨的动物,中国人眼中的“龙”是吉祥、高贵、 强健和威严的。所以“龙”经常用来指代中国封建社会中的 帝王。自古以来,中国人认为自己是“龙的传人” (literally the descends of dragon)。中文里与龙有关的习语或成语不是 表示吉祥的事情就是与皇室有密切的联系。例如,龙腾虎跃(a scene of bustling activity),龙飞凤舞(lively and vigorous),生龙活 虎(strong and healthy), 真龙天子(the son of the heaven)等。但 在西方文化中,龙则被刻画为一种凶猛的野兽,是邪恶的象 征。在《圣经》中, 撒旦被称为“巨龙”(the great dragon), 在英国的史诗“The Song of Beowulf”中, 里面的主人公就是因 为除掉了邪恶的龙而成为了众人缅怀的英雄。因此在英文中 与龙(dragon)相关的词大都是贬义的,可以经常用来形容蛮横 的人 (尤指悍妇)或另人不悦的事物。













如:cast pearls before swine“对牛弹琴”,这个成语源自《新约·马太福音》,含有轻蔑嘲笑色彩。



















两种语言中都存在许多与动物相关的成语和谚语,如英语中的“a wolf in sheep’s clothing”和汉语中的“披着羊皮的狼”,都表示伪装成好人的人。






在西方文化中,许多动物隐喻都与基督教传统有关,如“the lamb of God”表示耶稣基督。




例如,“to fly like a bird”在英语中表示自由、愉快,而在汉语中则更常见于诗歌和文学作品中。







最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识2 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎3 农村初中学生英语学习策略应用情况的调查分析——以xx初中为例4 功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略5 跨文化交际中的中西方时间观念6 英语广告中仿拟的关联分析7 文学翻译中的译者主体性8 探究希腊神话对英国戏剧及诗歌的影响9 英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析10 对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析11 《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我12 论模糊语言在广告英语中的功能与运用13 《幸存者回忆录》中多丽丝•莱辛的生态观14 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析15 从《在路上》解读“垮掉的一代”时代背景与主题16 试析英语广告中双关语的翻译17 论美国情景喜剧《老友记》中的言语幽默18 《洛丽塔》主题与艺术技巧之探析19 国际商务谈判中礼貌策略研究20 论商标翻译的原则及策略21 从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道22 浅论英文原声电影在英语教学中的应用23 商务英语合同的词汇特征24 从关联理论角度分析《绝望主妇》中话语标记语I mean25 The Politeness Principle in English Business Letters26 中西方创世神话文化的比较27 Color Words in Chinese and Western Literature28 《威尼斯商人》中的关键社会元素——莎士比亚心中的乌托邦社会29 The Similarities and the Differences between Gu Hongming and Lin Yutang3031 《基督山伯爵》与亚历山大•大仲马的金钱观32 《那个读伏尔泰的人》英译汉中定语从句的翻译策略33 浅谈电影名称的英汉互译34 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响35 中外汽车文化对比研究36 浅探高中英语听力教学策略37 从语用学角度分析简•奥斯丁的《爱玛》中的会话含义38 功能对等理论指导下的外贸函电翻译39 《洛丽塔》的悲剧分析40 心灵探索之旅——析《瓦尔登湖》的主题41 从文化的角度理解《喜福会》中的母女关系42 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由43 A Comparative Study on Tea Culture of China and English-speaking Countries44 An Analysis of Textual Functions of the English Passive Voice45 论商务名片英译——以功能对等为指导46 英汉新词理据对比研究47 从生态女性主义视角解析托尼•莫里森的《宠儿》48 文化视角下的英汉委婉语翻译探讨49 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新50 《小镇畸人》的现代主义解读51 目的论视角下的广告翻译52 英国文化中的非语言交际的研究53 An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education54 身势语在英语教学中的运用55 On Influence of Cultural Difference in Understanding English and Chinese Advertising56 浅析《还乡》中爱格敦荒原的象征意义57 英语中的女性歧视58 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective59 《麦琪的礼物》中环境语的分析60 On Promotion of Rural Middle School Students’ Oral English61 中外汽车文化对比研究62 从关联理论的角度看科技英语翻译63 荒诞与抵抗——《局外人》中莫尔索的荒诞表现之原因分析64 无尽的欲望致使毁灭65 A Comparative Study on Chinese and American Education66 Biblical Ideas on Women and Sex67 解读《纯真年代》中的女性主义68 简奥斯汀对英国小说的贡献——以《傲慢与偏见》为例69 从原型批评理论来看<<哈利波特>>系列小说中的人物原型70 从生态女性主义视角解读《永别了,武器》71 论跨文化因素对广告汉英翻译的影响72 浅谈英语习语的特点及其汉译73 男权制度下的悲剧——论《德伯家的苔丝》74 论《女巫》中的成人形象75 “白+动词”的语义及其英译76 网络英语的构词方式77 从《简•爱》与《藻海无边》看女性话语权的缺失78 《辛德勒名单》主人公性格分析79 从信息层面探析语言翻译中的动态对等原则80 Linguistic Features of English Advertising Language and Its Translation81 英语经济新闻标题翻译在模因传播中的分析82 中英寒暄语的对比与研究83 爱恨共辉煌——浅析《呼啸山庄》中的男主人公84 广告中的熟语模因探析85 分析与比较中美电视新闻的娱乐化,及其未来的发展86 广告翻译中功能对等的研究87 《紫色》主题的表现手法88 A Comparative Study of Chinese and French Higher Education89 从“进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格90 An Analysis of David’ s Dual Personality in David Copperfield91 接受美学理论在广告翻译中的运用92 论英汉动物隐喻的异同及其对英语学习的启示93 设计中国际主义风格与民族主义风格的平衡94 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系95 跨文化交际中身势语的运用对比分析96 谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》97 小说《小公主》主人公萨拉的性格魅力98 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经人物原型分析99 《紫色》的生态女性主义解读100 《天边外》的悲剧分析101 从《金色笔记》看多丽丝•莱辛的女性意识102 英汉文化差异对习语翻译的影响103 On the English-Chinese Translation of Entertainment News Reports Viewed from the Stylistic Perspective104 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突105 从顺应论角度看劳伦斯小说中关于心理动机的语码转换106 从英语口语与书面语的不同谈如何正确使用英语口语107 中西方空间观对比研究108 浅谈中国英语与中式英语之差异109 An Analysis of the Cultural Identity in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club110 从功能对等论的角度看电影《暮光之城》的字幕翻译111 消费主义视角下看《麦琪的礼物》中的男女主人公112 《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之东西方爱情比较113 语域理论观照下的商务合同翻译114 《京华烟云》中姚思安的性格分析115 中英商标翻译中的文化障碍与翻译策略研究116 析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的人生选择117 从谷歌和百度两大企业的管理方式看中美企业文化的差异118 英汉动物习语的文化差异研究119 英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例120 张培基翻译个案研究之背影121 阿法——《多芬的海》中的加勒比人122 用批评性语言分析中美主要矛盾123 A Brief Analysis of Female Consciousness in Cat in the Rain124 Christ Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin125 英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析126 The Name Translation in A Dream of Red Mansions127 《沙漠之花》的女性主义研究128 从人格结构论视角看《红字》中男女主人公的矛盾心理129 论中美商务谈判中个人主义和集体主义价值观冲突及对策130 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的性格131 《幸存者回忆录》中多丽丝•莱辛的生态观132 “美国梦”的破灭——《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征133 朋克摇滚的反叛与灵魂乐的激情134 尤金·奥尼尔《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》中人物刻画的反讽手法135 <<罗伯特家的苔丝>>中动植物的作用136 通过对比研究看电影《小红帽》对经典童话小红帽的颠覆137 英汉禁忌语异同之分析与比较138 归化和异化翻译策略的研究139 输出理论在大学英语教学中的应用140 An Archetypal Study of J.D.Salinger’s The Catcher in the R ye141 从两个H男孩的出走看美国历史的变迁142 高中英语教学中的文化教育143 On the Tragic Death of Martin Eden144 《嘉莉妹妹》中的不同价值观的研究145 约翰•斯坦贝克女性观流变初探146 浅析中国时政术语的常用英译方法147 The Environmental Influence on Emily Bront and "Wuthering Heights" 148 中美企业并购中的文化整合分析149 浅谈“白色”在英汉语言中的文化差异及其翻译策略150 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法151 身势语在国际商务谈判中的应用152 英语动结式V+PP的语义整合研究153 问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究154 模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究155 方位介词“over”的隐喻含义研究156 海明威的死亡哲学——海明威作品解读157 中国特色词汇及其翻译158 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感159 The Heartbroken Images in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde160 从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标名称的英译161 源于真爱的结合:简爱的婚姻对当代人的启示162 英汉颜色词文化内涵的异同分析163 文化视角下的商标语翻译策略164 Human Nature and Redemption——Thoughts on Reading The Kite Runner 165 浅谈英文原版电影与高中英语教学166 迷惘一代的英雄:厄内斯特海明威与弗雷德里克亨利167 中法餐桌文化对比168 试论爱伦•坡的作品在当时遭受非议的必然性169 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育170 英文科技产品说明书的语言特点与翻译171 关于英语谚语翻译的一些意见172 The Loss and Gain in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation173 杰克伦敦《野性的呼唤》中人生哲学的主题分析174 透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异175 《动物农庄》的极权主义的研究176 Current Status of Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System in China177 论中美婚礼习俗的差异与融合178 自然与自由之子--新女性戴茜米勒179 游戏在初中英语教学中的作用180 修辞学角度下的女性商品广告的语言分析181 论《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的对比及效果182 论爱伦•坡小说《莫格街谋杀案》中悬疑的设置183 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析184 英语国家姓氏文化研究185 论英汉翻译中的文化因素186 简析文化意识在高中英语学习中的重要性187 An Analysis of Jude’s Pursuit of Love in Jude the Obscure188 英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究——以《荷塘月色》英译本为例189 农村初中学生英语学习策略应用情况的调查分析——以xx初中为例190 《简爱》的特征—一位独立的女性191 “赞同”在英语商务谈判中的应用192 中美学校教育对比——学生个性发展方面193 浅析《老人与海》的主人公——圣地亚哥的人物形象分析194 论《毒日头》中的生命价值观195 从《爱玛》看简•奥斯丁的爱情观196 解析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性主义思想在其婚姻中的体现197 爵士时代下的狂欢化精神——解析豪华宴会在《了不起的盖茨比》中的写作手法以及作用198 从道德角度分析简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公安妮•艾略特199 动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译200 英语习语中隐喻的汉译。







































例如,“stubborn as a mule”形容一个人固执的性格,源自驴倔马强的形象,而“sly as a fox”则形容一个人狡猾多诡计。








那么,就动物类词汇的比喻意义而言,中西两种语言文化之间又存在哪些异同呢?二常见的有关动物的习语、俚语之中西对比第一,cat & dog (猫、狗)。

例如,(1) It ' s raining cats and dogs. 译为:下着倾盆大雨。


( 2) let the cat out of the bag: (无意中) 泄露秘密。


( 3) like a cat on hot bricks (砖):急得坐立不安。


( 4) When the cat is away ,the mice will play. 译为:猫儿不在,耗子闹。


( 5) Love me,love my dog. 译为:爱我,就要爱我的一切。


( 6) let the sleeping doglie :别招惹是非。


( 7) lead a dog ' s life :过着悲惨的日子。


( 8) Every dog has its day. 译为:人人都有出头日。


( 9) dog days :指“三伏天,大热天”,天气热得连狗都伸出舌头喘气,中文却没有这种比喻。

第二,bird (鸟)。

例如:(1) a bird in the hand :指已到手的东西、已定局的事情。


(2)The early bird gets the worms. 译为:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
































在很多习语中,狐狸都是作为贬义词出现,例如,在汉语中有“狐狸精”、“露出狐狸尾巴”等俗语;在英语中亦有“as cunning as a fox”的.说法。


在英国人心目中,狼是残忍、凶猛、贪婪的象征,有“wolf down”、“wolf in sheep's clothing”等习语,都体现了英国人民对狼的贬义看番。






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二、原创论文参考题目1、(英语毕业论文)社会因素对汉语中英语外来词的影响(开题报告+论文+文献综述)2、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我3、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我4、(英语毕业论文)从《京华烟云》探析林语堂的女性观5、(英语毕业论文)《乞力马扎罗的雪》中的象征手法解析(开题报告+论文)6、(英语毕业论文)浅析《觉醒》中艾德娜自杀的必然性7、(英语毕业论文)童话世界里的诗意与纯美—赏析奥斯卡王尔德的《夜莺与玫瑰》(开题报告+论文)8、(英语毕业论文)现代人对超人的需求--超人形象演变综述9、(英语毕业论文)跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析(开题报告+论文)10、(英语毕业论文)《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读(开题报告+论文)11、(英语毕业论文)On the Linguistic Features of English and Chinese News Headlines12、(英语毕业论文)从Salsa舞解析墨西哥人的性格(开题报告+论文)13、(英语毕业论文)论中英思维方式差异对主语翻译的影响14、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我15、(英语毕业论文)A Feministic Study of the Theme of “The Chrysanthemums”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)16、(英语毕业论文)功能目的论视角下汉语商标的英译策略(开题报告+论文)17、(英语毕业论文)Language Features and Translation Skills of Business English Contract18、(英语毕业论文)《红楼梦》中座次表达的英译比较19、(英语毕业论文)金融英语的规范性及翻译策略研究(开题报告+论文)20、(英语毕业论文)从生态和消费的角度解读《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的思想(开题报告+论文+文献综述)21、(英语毕业论文)关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究22、(英语毕业论文)论中英商标翻译中的文化差异23、(英语毕业论文)增译法在《水晶宫》英译汉翻译中的应用(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)24、(英语毕业论文)以篱笆和围墙看中西方居住文化差异25、(英语毕业论文)从认知角度看“水”的一词多义现象26、(英语毕业论文)从目的论角度研究法国香水网络广告语的汉译本的语言特征27、(英语毕业论文)对大学课程中“旅游英语”的教材分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)28、(英语毕业论文)中英爱情隐喻的对比研究29、(英语毕业论文)《红字》中海斯特性格分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)30、(英语毕业论文)霍桑《红字》女性主义的探析31、(英语毕业论文)试用标记模式理论分析广告语中的语码混用现象(开题报告+论文+文献综述)32、(英语毕业论文)从文化角度谈动物习语的翻译33、(英语毕业论文)车贴中的语言污染现象研究(开题报告+论文)34、(英语毕业论文)中国皮钦语的产生和发展35、(英语毕业论文)对非英语专业大学生英语自主学习能力的调查(开题报告+论文+文献综述)36、(英语毕业论文)情感教学在初中英语课堂中的理论和实践(开题报告+论文+文献综述)37、(英语毕业论文)简论爱伦•坡的建筑意象(开题报告+论文)38、(英语毕业论文)《名利场》中女性命运对比(开题报告+论文+文献综述)39、(英语毕业论文)A Comparison between Two Chinese Versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin40、(英语毕业论文)Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye41、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我42、(英语毕业论文)《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同43、(英语毕业论文)从美学角度评张培基先生所译散文“巷”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)44、(英语毕业论文)从奈达的动态对等理论比较研究《德伯家的苔丝》的两个中文译本(开题报告+论文+文献综述)45、(英语毕业论文)中西方礼貌原则及其差异对比研究46、(英语毕业论文)哥特元素在《宠儿》中的运用(开题报告+论文)47、(英语系经贸英语)论苹果公司的撇脂定价策略48、(英语毕业论文)从目的论看电影《音乐之声》中对白的汉译(开题报告+论文)49、(英语毕业论文)高中英语听、说、读教学活动中写作融入模式的初探(开题报告+论文+文献综述)50、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Racism in Of Mice and Men(开题报告+论文+文献综述)51、(英语毕业论文)英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析(开题报告+论文)52、(英语毕业论文)从《芒果街上的小屋》透视女性自我意识的觉醒(开题报告+论文)53、(英语毕业论文)Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names54、(英语毕业论文)对比分析中美可乐广告中的文化差异(开题报告+论文)55、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义视角浅析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公爱情观的不同(开题报告+论文)56、(英语毕业论文)On Symbolism in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow(开题报告+论文+文献综述)57、(英语毕业论文)中国旅游指南的中译英研究(开题报告+论)58、(英语毕业论文)《白鲸》主人公亚哈的悲剧性格分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)59、(英语毕业论文)解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识(开题报告+论文)60、(英语毕业论文)目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究(开题报告+论文)61、(英语毕业论文)A Research of Translation of English Songs into Chinese by Poetic Norms(开题报告+论文)62、(英语毕业论文)从艾米莉•狄金森与李清照的诗歌看女性文化差异(开题报告+63、(英语毕业论文)功能翻译理论关照下的英汉商标翻译64、(英语毕业论文)透过《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代托马斯的宗教观(开题报告+论文)65、(英语毕业论文)姚木兰和郝思嘉的女性意识对比分析66、(英语毕业论文)从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金•奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越67、(英语毕业论文)英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)68、(英语毕业论文)言语行为理论视角下口语交际误解现象69、(英语毕业论文)《永别了武器》中战争对人类所造成的毁灭(开题报告+论文+文献综述)70、(英语毕业论文)浪漫和现实冲突下的宿命论思想——赏析欧·亨利的《命运之路》71、(英语毕业论文)女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读72、(英语毕业论文)浅析《库珀尔街》中英语过去时的翻译(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)73、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Vanity Fair from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function(开题报告+论文+文献综述)74、(英语毕业论文)从输出原理探讨非英专业英语口语活动的设计75、(英语毕业论文)论科技英语翻译中科学性与艺术性的和谐统一(开题报告+论文)76、(英语毕业论文)Hardy’s View of feminism from Sue Bridehead in Jude the 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Twist(开题报告+论文+文献综述)99、(英语毕业论文)The Language Features of Advertising English100、(英语毕业论文)电影英文片名汉译的原则(开题报告+论文+文献综述)101、(英语毕业论文)Translation Strategies of Chinese-specific Idioms102、(英语毕业论文)中西方婚礼礼服颜色的对比研究(开题报告+论文)103、(英语毕业论文)心灵的挣扎:浅析福克纳短篇小说《烧马棚》中萨蒂的困境(开题报告+论文+文献综述)104、(英语毕业论文)从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译105、(英语毕业论文)礼貌原则框架下化妆品广告语篇研究(开题报告+论文)106、(英语毕业论文)论《重返巴比伦》中女性的身份的自我建构(开题报告+论文)107、(英语毕业论文)性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究108、(英语毕业论文)《黄鹤楼》五个英译本的语义等值研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)109、(英语毕业论文)《恋爱中的女人》欧秀拉和古迪兰的性格对其爱情观的影响(开题报告+论文)110、(英语毕业论文)论初中英语教学中的任务型教学法111、(英语毕业论文)On the Influence of Social Environment on Pip’s Growth in Great Expectation(开题报告+论文+文献综述)112、(英语毕业论文)简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度(开题报告+论文+文献综述)113、(英语毕业论文)功能对等角度下《最后一片叶子》的翻译策略(开题报告+论文+文献综述)114、(英语毕业论文)简•奥斯汀《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中女性角色的地位分析(开题报告+论文)115、(英语毕业论文)中西方数字“九”的文化对比分析与翻译116、(英语毕业论文)《周六夜现场》的幽默剖析117、(英语毕业论文)报刊广告英语的文体特色分析118、(英语毕业论文)《紫色》中“家”的解读(开题报告+论文+文献综述)119、(英语毕业论文)英国议会制辩论--探究与实践120、(英语毕业论文)拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)121、(英语毕业论文)《西游记》和《哈利波特》的对比122、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观(开题报告+论文+文献综述)123、(英语毕业论文)英汉鸟类词汇文化内涵比较(开题报告+论文)124、(英语毕业论文)化学专业学生英语阅读策略研究(开题报告+论文)125、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我126、(英语毕业论文)语境顺应视角下英语情景喜剧中幽默字幕翻译--以《生活大爆炸》为例(开题报告+论文)127、(英语毕业论文)教师在初中教学中对学生的评价128、(英语毕业论文)《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析(开题报告+论文)129、(英语毕业论文)从道德角度分析简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公安妮•艾略特(开题报告+论文+文献综述)130、(英语毕业论文)哈金小说《等待》中的女性悲剧分析(开题报告+论文)131、(英语毕业论文)论《失乐园》中撒旦的形象及象征意义132、(英语毕业论文)浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)133、(英语毕业论文)探析《呼啸山庄》男女主人公爱情悲剧的根源(开题报告+论文+文献综述)134、(英语毕业论文)Pragmatic Study on the Humor Effect in The Big Bang Theory(开题报告+论文+文献综述)135、(英语毕业论文)初中英语教学中的角色扮演(开题报告+论文+文献综述)136、(英语毕业论文)从许渊冲“三美论”评析《声声慢》三个译本(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)137、(英语毕业论文)以“三美论”对比《登高》两个英译版本的“意美”与“音美”(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)138、(英语毕业论文)英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究(开题报告+论)139、(英语毕业论文)李白对庞德和他的作品的影响140、(英语毕业论文)从成长小说角度解读《马丁•伊登》141、(英语毕业论文)Application of Foregrounding Theory to Translation of Simile and Metaphor142、(英语毕业论文)论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例(开题报告+论文)143、(英语毕业论文)跨文化视角下中西方选秀文化对比研究——以达人秀为例(开题报告+论文)144、(英语毕业论文)电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻分析(开题报告+论文)145、(英语毕业论文)跨文化交际中的语用失误分析及策略研究(开题报告+论文)146、(英语毕业论文)中美电影文化营销的比较研究(开题报告+论文)147、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing148、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我149、(英语毕业论文)在孤独中寻找自我——析《没有指针的钟》J.T.马龙的救赎150、(英语毕业论文)关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究151、(英语毕业论文)Rabbit’s Predicament and Dreamland152、(英语毕业论文)功能对等理论视角下李白诗歌中意象的英译(开题报告+论文)153、(英语毕业论文)Preciseness of Legal English154、(英语毕业论文)“It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)155、(英语毕业论文)Feminism in To the Lighthouse156、(英语毕业论文)浅析欧•亨利小说中恶棍骗子形象塑造--以《双料骗子》,《提线木偶》为例157、(英语毕业论文)对抗还是和谐——论《白鲸》人与自然的关系(开题报告+论文)158、(英语毕业论文)A Comparative Study of the Character of Tess and Jane Eyre(开题报告+论文+文献综述)159、(英语毕业论文)The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter160、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我161、(英语毕业论文)《格列佛游记》中格列佛的人格探析(开题报告+论文)162、(英语毕业论文)浅析《还乡》中爱格敦荒原的象征意义(开题报告+论文+文献综述)163、(英语毕业论文)《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析164、(英语毕业论文)从基因学的角度看多义词的词义关系(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)165、(英语毕业论文)浅谈《圣经》对英语习语的影响166、(英语毕业论文)《蝴蝶梦》中的女性成长主题研究(开题报告+论文)167、(英语毕业论文)影响二语习得的因素--案例研究168、(英语毕业论文)论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结(开题报告+论文)169、(英语毕业论文)学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响(开题报告+论文+文献综述)170、(英语毕业论文)从心理分析角度分析《屋顶丽人》中汤姆的升华(开题报告+论文)171、(英语毕业论文)英语动结式V+PP的语义整合研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)172、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我173、(英语毕业论文)基于微博(推特)文化的新型营销模式(开题报告+论文+文献综述)174、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我175、(英语毕业论文)Colonialist Ideology in The Last of the Mohicans(开题报告+论文+文献综述)176、(英语毕业论文)任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析--以xx 学校初一学生为例(开题报告+论文)177、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Feminism in Little Women(开题报告+论文+文献综述)178、(英语毕业论文)中英文姓名的文化内涵及其翻译的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)179、(英语毕业论文)Thackeray’s Ambivalent Attitude towards the Women in Vanity Fair180、(英语毕业论文)从语用角度探讨汉译英公示语181、(英语毕业论文)《呼啸山庄》中哥特式特征探析182、(英语毕业论文)《永别了,武器》中主人公亨利形象分析183、(英语毕业论文)The Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology184、(英语毕业论文)解析《宠儿》的象征意义(开题报告+论文)185、(英语毕业论文)托尼•莫里森《秀拉》中的女性主义(开题报告+论文)186、(英语毕业论文)解读罗伯特•彭斯的爱情观——以《一朵红红的玫瑰》和《约翰•安德生,我的爱人》为例187、(英语毕业论文)礼貌原则视角下奥巴马演讲技巧的分析(开题报告+论文)188、(英语毕业论文)肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用189、(英语毕业论文)《智血》中主要人物生命历程解读(开题报告+论)190、(英语毕业论文)海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例191、(英语毕业论文)从历届美国总统访华演说探讨其对中国所传递的价值观(开题报告+论文+文献综述)192、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我193、(英语毕业论文)从关联理论角度看电影台词翻译—电影“小屁孩日记”的个案研究194、(英语毕业论文)“黑尔舍姆”教育尝试的失败—析石黑一雄小说《别让我走》(开题报告+论)195、(英语毕业论文)从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译(开题报告+论文)196、(英语毕业论文)高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析(开题报告+论文)197、(英语毕业论文)浅析《野性的呼唤》中的“野性”与“人性”198、(英语毕业论文)An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting199、(英语毕业论文)《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较(开题报告+论文+文献综述)200、(英语毕业论文)对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析。



熊猫中西方不同含义英语作文英文回答:The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a beloved animal across the globe, but its cultural significancevaries significantly between Eastern and Western societies.In China, the panda is a symbol of peace, harmony, and prosperity. Its iconic black and white coat is said to resemble the yin-yang symbol, representing the balance of opposing forces. Pandas are also considered to be messengers of good luck, and they are often featured in traditional Chinese art and literature.In the West, the panda is primarily seen as a cute and cuddly animal. It is often associated with childhood and innocence. The panda's playful nature and clumsy demeanor have made it a popular subject for children's books, movies, and toys.While the Western perception of the panda focuses onits adorable外表, the Chinese view emphasizes its 象征意义. This difference is likely due to the fact that the panda is a native species to China and has been a part of Chinese culture for centuries. In the West, the panda is arelatively recent arrival, and it has not had the same opportunity to develop deep cultural roots.Despite their different interpretations, the panda remains a beloved animal around the world. It is a symbolof the diversity and richness of our planet, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting endangered species.中文回答:在中国,熊猫是和平、和谐和繁荣的象征。

词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻

词汇学论文 关于中西方动物隐喻

A Comparative Study on Some Animal words in Chinese and Western CulturesAbstractIn people’s daily life, animals are so closely related to the human activities that people often use the behaviors and characteristics of animals to describe the other things. There are a large number of animal metaphors in both English and Chinese languages, which derive from a conceptual metaphor called “Man is an animal”. Due to the cultural differences between Chinese and Western nations, so many animal words may not have the same meanings sometimes. But some of the meanings and the usage may be same or similar.This paper, by contrasting the metaphorical meanings of animal words in Chinese and Western nations, analyzes the different modes of thinking between two nations and exposes causes to those differences.KEY WORDS:animal words; metaphorical meaning; cultural difference1IntroductionMetaphor abounds in human languages, and it is not only a figure of speech but also a way of thinking. In metaphoric structure, two unrelated things being mentioned in the same breath. The reason lies in that human have a similar association of both things, which is used to explain and express people’s feelings about the thing referred to. In this way, people can get a visual, intuitive and specific understanding of terms.From the time immemorial, animal is closely linked to survival and development of mankind. In frequent contacts with animals, people get a keen perception of animals, including those distinctive images, striking characteristics and unique habits. Meanwhile, animal images are found to have something in common with human characteristics and social phenomenon. Thus, people create numerous animal metaphors which can enrich meaning and express more economically and forcefully. Animal metaphors are pervasive in everyday language and allow us to think and talk about abstract concepts. There are a large number of animal vocabularies in both Chinese and English, forexample:虎背熊腰(He has a large strong body),horse play (boisterous larkishness),the great dragon (Satan: the Devil in the Bible),flea market(fairground where goods are sold at discounted prices.Those metaphorical expressions in the characteristics and behaviors of animals successfully refer to attributes of people or other relevant terms. Meanwhile, they are of rich cultural connotations and distinctive national characteristics.However, due to the discrepancies on culture in Chinese and Western nations, people’s associations about animals and cultural significances vary largely. This paper attempted at an analysis of the animal metaphors contrast in both the Chinese and English languages from the perspective of cultural similarities and differences. At the same time, factors that lay a great emphasis on these characteristics are also analyzed in this paper.2Comparison of the figurative meanings of animal metaphors in English and Chinese2.1 Homogeneity of animal metaphor in English and ChineseAs all human beings live under the same sky, with the similar experience and social development, Chinese people and English people nearly have the same understanding of animals. Therefore, both languages enjoy a number of animal words having same or similar figurative meanings, which means many metaphors have the same tenor and same vehicle.Metaphorical meaning of wolf is basically same in Chinese and Western cultures, which means “cruel”“greedy”“crafty”. English would say “ a wolf in sheep’s' clothing”(Bible)(披着羊皮的狼), Chinese people can also understand what the phrase refers to. This example shows “wolf”can describe a man looked meek but actually fierce and savage.There exist other expressions:“wolf down” (bolt down the food)“as cruel as a wolf”“Throw to the wolves.”(betray one’s friend)“Cry wolf” (tell a lie)“set the wolf keep the sheep”(bring in a trouble maker)Similarly, the crafty image of wolf also shows vividly in Chinese culture,such as:“狼心狗肺”(be brutal and cold-blooded)“狼吞虎咽”(wolf down)“如狼似虎”(be heartless and cruel)“狼狈为奸”(work in collusion with each other)“狼子野心”(wild ambition)Pig is often considered as ugly and dirty, whose figurative meaning is a combination of “laziness”“greed”“obese”and “foolishness”. In Chinese, the vulgar words mouthed off such as “猪头三”(swine) “肥得像猪”(fat as a pig) are both described with pigs.There are other expressions:猪狗不如(worse than pigs or dogs)猪朋狗友(Lazy and greedy friends.)猪八戒照镜子,里外不是人(Zhu Bajie looking at himself in a mirror/blamed everywhere)In English, pigs also convey the vicious meanings: a greedy, dirty or bad mannered person. Meanwhile, it can also be used to jeer at a fatty man, for example:pigs in clover(the vulgar rich man),pigs might fly(groundless utterances)give sb. a pig of his own sow(repay in kind)What can you expect from a pig but a grunt? (nothing nice comes from afilthy mouth)There are many other examples in this respect:as fast as a hare(动如脱兔)as busy as a bee(蜜蜂般忙碌)as proud as a peacock(孔雀般骄傲)as lovely as a little sheep(像小羊羔一样可爱)This homogeneity in language is beneficial to the culture exchange and intercommunication in both nations.2.2 Heterogeneity of animal metaphor in English and ChineseDue to the discrepancies on languages, cultures as well as customs, animal metaphors in different nations may not have the same meanings. The phenomenon can be divided into two parts:2.2.1 the same vehicle but different tenorsDifferent natural and social environment give rise to the different values, so maybe the same animal is endowed with opposite figurative meanings in both nations.Chinese people are quiet familiar with dragons, which occupy a prominent position in Chinese culture. It is the symbolization of right, nobility, honor, as well as success. Dragons are always regarded as the ancestors of Chinese nation that’s the reason why Chinese people also call themselves as the descendants of dragon. Nearly every words about dragon in Chinese has commendatory meanings, there are some phrases:生龙活虎: full of vigor and vitality望子成龙: hope one's children will have a bright future龙腾虎跃:a scene of bustling activity藏龙卧虎:undiscovered talentOn the contrary, dragon in west is described as an enormous monster with wings and the power to breathe out fire. Westerners think dragon is an ominous and dangerous creature, which is the symbol of evil and sin, for example, Satan is called “the old Dragon.”If people say: “He mother is areal dragon.” What the sentence means is that her mother is so strict with her. Definitely dragon in western culture is with derogatory meanings:She was are a real dragon (She is so angry and cruel)sow dragon’s teeth(sow the seeds of hatred)In order to conform to the expressions of westerners, “亚洲四小龙”istranslated into “four tigers in Asia.”Different from the dragon, dogs often have derogatory meanings in Chinese but commendatory meanings in English. In westerner’s minds, dogs are referred to an smart, honest and friendly fellow. They tend to describe a person with dogs:lucky dog(a lucky guy)dead dog(useless person)top dog(a winner)a gay dog(a happy person)an old dog (an aged man)a clever dog(smart kid)Similarly, many English idioms possess commendatory senses, as is shown in the following expression:Love me,love dog(loving one thing on account of another)To help a lame dog over a stile (give timely assistance)A good dog deserves a good bone (a good guy deserves the award)An old dog barks not in vain. (Aged man has experiences in doing things)While in the Chinese culture, most of dog expressions are of derogatory meanings. It can be used to name-calling as well as well portrait bad guys. There are some usages in Chinese:狐朋狗友(a gang of scoundries)狗仗人势(be a bully with the backing of a powerful person)丧家之犬(an outcast)、人模狗样(pretending to be what one is not)2.2.2 the same tenor but different vehiclesOn the other hand, some different animal word may have the same connotations in Chinese and English.Tiger in Chinese and lion in EnglishIn Chinese peopl e’s minds, tiger is the embodiment of wisdom and courage. For instance, a valiant general will be commended as “虎将”. And even today, there are still some Chinese parents in countryside tend to make the tiger head imitation cap for their children so as to make them safe and sound. While in western myths, lion is the equivalent of tiger in Chinese. It represents the royalty, courage and strength. For example:“lion heart”(quiet brave)“a great lion”(a famous person)“the British lion”(another name of Britain)Some cases that tiger is compared to lion:置身虎穴(to play oneself in the lion’s mouth)拦路虎(A lion in the way).虎头蛇尾(come in like a lion and go out like a lamb)Ox in Chinese and horse in EnglishFrom the ancient time, ox is appreciated by Chinese people for its hardworking and strength, while in west, the figure which is just the same as the ox is horse.The equivalent can be easily found in both cultures:as strong as a horse-力大如牛Horsepower-牛劲Horse opera-牛仔戏talk horse吹牛work like a willing horse-老黄牛Other expressions in this respect:shedding crocodile s' tears猫哭耗子(both means counterfeit sentiment)as timid as a rabbit胆小如鼠like a cat on hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁(vividly show the anxious time of people)let the cat out of the bag露马脚(expose themselves carelessly)break a butterfly on the wheel杀鸡用牛刀(make a great fuss over a trifle)3ConclusionAs a vast part of vocabularies, animal metaphors are rich in meanings and embody cultural characters in both Chinese and English. As we all know, animal words are derived from people’s daily life, so those expressions necessarily reflect the cultures and customs of both nations. They are not just animal images but essences of culture. Some of the animal expressions have the same senses in both languages. However, major or minor, the two nations viewed animals from different angles. Thus, it’s clear that animal metaphors are not always consistent to each other. Religious influences, fables, customs and living habits, these factors have been connected to be a combination of reasons why their figurative meanings differs largely. From the perspective of metaphorical cognition and cultural differences, people are bound to realize the charm of the languages. In the process of language learning, acquiring the animal metaphors is beneficial for English learners to perceive the cultures in both nations and make culture interchange efficient.Bibliography[1]GU Jian-min. Metaphorical Cognition and Cultural Reflex of the Chinese and English Animal Metaphorical Words[M]. Journal of Shaoguan University, 2011(7):77-80[2]项成东,王茂. 英汉动物隐喻的跨文化研究[J]. 现代外语. 2009(03): 243[3]苏筱玲. 英汉动物词语的隐喻认知与语域投射[J]. 四川外语学院学报. 2008(05)[4]廖光蓉. 英汉文化动物词对比[J]. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2000(05)[5] Martsa,S. Animal verbs. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference (HUSSE Papers1997) . 1997[6]张广林,薛亚红. 英汉动物隐喻的认知语义对比研究[J]. 昌吉学院学报.2010(6): 71-72[7] Lakoff,G& Johnson,M. Metaphors We Live By[M] University Of Chicago Press. 1980。




Lakoff (1980)将隐喻看作是人们思维、行为和表达思想的一种系统的方式。









比如,在英语中,人们会说“ he is a fox ”(他是一只狐狸),形容一个人很狡猾。


这些例子表明在英汉两种语言中,“ fox ”(狐狸)这种动物被赋予了相同的隐喻意义。

另一种动物在英汉两种语言中也有相近的含义,那就是“sheep”或“ lamb”(羊)。


《圣经》里有“ silent lamb” (沉默的羔羊), 而中文中有“待宰的羔羊”,“温顺的小绵羊”的说法。






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A Comparative Study on Some Animal words in Chinese and Western CulturesAbstractIn people’s daily life, animals are so closely related to the human activities that people often use the behaviors and characteristics of animals to describe the other things. There are a large number of animal metaphors in both English and Chinese languages, which derive from a conceptual metaphor called “Man is an animal”. Due to the cultural differences between Chinese and Western nations, so many animal words may not have the same meanings sometimes. But some of the meanings and the usage may be same or similar.This paper, by contrasting the metaphorical meanings of animal words in Chinese and Western nations, analyzes the different modes of thinking between two nations and exposes causes to those differences.KEY WORDS:animal words; metaphorical meaning; cultural difference1IntroductionMetaphor abounds in human languages, and it is not only a figure of speech but also a way of thinking. In metaphoric structure, two unrelated things being mentioned in the same breath. The reason lies in that human have a similar association of both things, which is used to explain and express people’s feelings about the thing referred to. In this way, people can get a visual, intuitive and specific understanding of terms.From the time immemorial, animal is closely linked to survival and development of mankind. In frequent contacts with animals, people get a keen perception of animals, including those distinctive images, striking characteristics and unique habits. Meanwhile, animal images are found to have something in common with human characteristics and social phenomenon. Thus, people create numerous animal metaphors which can enrich meaning and express more economically and forcefully. Animal metaphors are pervasive in everyday language and allow us to think and talk about abstract concepts. There are a large number of animal vocabularies in both Chinese and English, forexample:虎背熊腰(He has a large strong body),horse play (boisterous larkishness),the great dragon (Satan: the Devil in the Bible),flea market(fairground where goods are sold at discounted prices.Those metaphorical expressions in the characteristics and behaviors of animals successfully refer to attributes of people or other relevant terms. Meanwhile, they are of rich cultural connotations and distinctive national characteristics.However, due to the discrepancies on culture in Chinese and Western nations, people’s associations about animals and cultural significances vary largely. This paper attempted at an analysis of the animal metaphors contrast in both the Chinese and English languages from the perspective of cultural similarities and differences. At the same time, factors that lay a great emphasis on these characteristics are also analyzed in this paper.2Comparison of the figurative meanings of animal metaphors in English and Chinese2.1 Homogeneity of animal metaphor in English and ChineseAs all human beings live under the same sky, with the similar experience and social development, Chinese people and English people nearly have the same understanding of animals. Therefore, both languages enjoy a number of animal words having same or similar figurative meanings, which means many metaphors have the same tenor and same vehicle.Metaphorical meaning of wolf is basically same in Chinese and Western cultures, which means “cruel”“greedy”“crafty”. English would say “ a wolf in sheep’s' clothing”(Bible)(披着羊皮的狼), Chinese people can also understand what the phrase refers to. This example shows “wolf”can describe a man looked meek but actually fierce and savage.There exist other expressions:“wolf down” (bolt down the food)“as cruel as a wolf”“Throw to the wolves.”(betray one’s friend)“Cry wolf” (tell a lie)“set the wolf keep the sheep”(bring in a trouble maker)Similarly, the crafty image of wolf also shows vividly in Chinese culture,such as:“狼心狗肺”(be brutal and cold-blooded)“狼吞虎咽”(wolf down)“如狼似虎”(be heartless and cruel)“狼狈为奸”(work in collusion with each other)“狼子野心”(wild ambition)Pig is often considered as ugly and dirty, whose figurative meaning is a combination of “laziness”“greed”“obese”and “foolishness”. In Chinese, the vulgar words mouthed off such as “猪头三”(swine) “肥得像猪”(fat as a pig) are both described with pigs.There are other expressions:猪狗不如(worse than pigs or dogs)猪朋狗友(Lazy and greedy friends.)猪八戒照镜子,里外不是人(Zhu Bajie looking at himself in a mirror/blamed everywhere)In English, pigs also convey the vicious meanings: a greedy, dirty or bad mannered person. Meanwhile, it can also be used to jeer at a fatty man, for example:pigs in clover(the vulgar rich man),pigs might fly(groundless utterances)give sb. a pig of his own sow(repay in kind)What can you expect from a pig but a grunt? (nothing nice comes from afilthy mouth)There are many other examples in this respect:as fast as a hare(动如脱兔)as busy as a bee(蜜蜂般忙碌)as proud as a peacock(孔雀般骄傲)as lovely as a little sheep(像小羊羔一样可爱)This homogeneity in language is beneficial to the culture exchange and intercommunication in both nations.2.2 Heterogeneity of animal metaphor in English and ChineseDue to the discrepancies on languages, cultures as well as customs, animal metaphors in different nations may not have the same meanings. The phenomenon can be divided into two parts:2.2.1 the same vehicle but different tenorsDifferent natural and social environment give rise to the different values, so maybe the same animal is endowed with opposite figurative meanings in both nations.Chinese people are quiet familiar with dragons, which occupy a prominent position in Chinese culture. It is the symbolization of right, nobility, honor, as well as success. Dragons are always regarded as the ancestors of Chinese nation that’s the reason why Chinese people also call themselves as the descendants of dragon. Nearly every words about dragon in Chinese has commendatory meanings, there are some phrases:生龙活虎: full of vigor and vitality望子成龙: hope one's children will have a bright future龙腾虎跃:a scene of bustling activity藏龙卧虎:undiscovered talentOn the contrary, dragon in west is described as an enormous monster with wings and the power to breathe out fire. Westerners think dragon is an ominous and dangerous creature, which is the symbol of evil and sin, for example, Satan is called “the old Dragon.”If people say: “He mother is areal dragon.” What the sentence means is that her mother is so strict with her. Definitely dragon in western culture is with derogatory meanings:She was are a real dragon (She is so angry and cruel)sow dragon’s teeth(sow the seeds of hatred)In order to conform to the expressions of westerners, “亚洲四小龙”istranslated into “four tigers in Asia.”Different from the dragon, dogs often have derogatory meanings in Chinese but commendatory meanings in English. In westerner’s minds, dogs are referred to an smart, honest and friendly fellow. They tend to describe a person with dogs:lucky dog(a lucky guy)dead dog(useless person)top dog(a winner)a gay dog(a happy person)an old dog (an aged man)a clever dog(smart kid)Similarly, many English idioms possess commendatory senses, as is shown in the following expression:Love me,love dog(loving one thing on account of another)To help a lame dog over a stile (give timely assistance)A good dog deserves a good bone (a good guy deserves the award)An old dog barks not in vain. (Aged man has experiences in doing things)While in the Chinese culture, most of dog expressions are of derogatory meanings. It can be used to name-calling as well as well portrait bad guys. There are some usages in Chinese:狐朋狗友(a gang of scoundries)狗仗人势(be a bully with the backing of a powerful person)丧家之犬(an outcast)、人模狗样(pretending to be what one is not)2.2.2 the same tenor but different vehiclesOn the other hand, some different animal word may have the same connotations in Chinese and English.Tiger in Chinese and lion in EnglishIn Chinese peopl e’s minds, tiger is the embodiment of wisdom and courage. For instance, a valiant general will be commended as “虎将”. And even today, there are still some Chinese parents in countryside tend to make the tiger head imitation cap for their children so as to make them safe and sound. While in western myths, lion is the equivalent of tiger in Chinese. It represents the royalty, courage and strength. For example:“lion heart”(quiet brave)“a great lion”(a famous person)“the British lion”(another name of Britain)Some cases that tiger is compared to lion:置身虎穴(to play oneself in the lion’s mouth)拦路虎(A lion in the way).虎头蛇尾(come in like a lion and go out like a lamb)Ox in Chinese and horse in EnglishFrom the ancient time, ox is appreciated by Chinese people for its hardworking and strength, while in west, the figure which is just the same as the ox is horse.The equivalent can be easily found in both cultures:as strong as a horse-力大如牛Horsepower-牛劲Horse opera-牛仔戏talk horse吹牛work like a willing horse-老黄牛Other expressions in this respect:shedding crocodile s' tears猫哭耗子(both means counterfeit sentiment)as timid as a rabbit胆小如鼠like a cat on hot bricks像热锅上的蚂蚁(vividly show the anxious time of people)let the cat out of the bag露马脚(expose themselves carelessly)break a butterfly on the wheel杀鸡用牛刀(make a great fuss over a trifle)3ConclusionAs a vast part of vocabularies, animal metaphors are rich in meanings and embody cultural characters in both Chinese and English. As we all know, animal words are derived from people’s daily life, so those expressions necessarily reflect the cultures and customs of both nations. They are not just animal images but essences of culture. Some of the animal expressions have the same senses in both languages. However, major or minor, the two nations viewed animals from different angles. Thus, it’s clear that animal metaphors are not always consistent to each other. Religious influences, fables, customs and living habits, these factors have been connected to be a combination of reasons why their figurative meanings differs largely. From the perspective of metaphorical cognition and cultural differences, people are bound to realize the charm of the languages. In the process of language learning, acquiring the animal metaphors is beneficial for English learners to perceive the cultures in both nations and make culture interchange efficient.Bibliography[1]GU Jian-min. Metaphorical Cognition and Cultural Reflex of the Chinese and English Animal Metaphorical Words[M]. Journal of Shaoguan University, 2011(7):77-80[2]项成东,王茂. 英汉动物隐喻的跨文化研究[J]. 现代外语. 2009(03): 243[3]苏筱玲. 英汉动物词语的隐喻认知与语域投射[J]. 四川外语学院学报. 2008(05)[4]廖光蓉. 英汉文化动物词对比[J]. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2000(05)[5] Martsa,S. Animal verbs. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference (HUSSE Papers1997) . 1997[6]张广林,薛亚红. 英汉动物隐喻的认知语义对比研究[J]. 昌吉学院学报.2010(6): 71-72[7] Lakoff,G& Johnson,M. Metaphors We Live By[M] University Of Chicago Press. 1980。
