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1.来自….Be from

2.你的/我的/他的/她的名字your/my/his/her name

3.见到你真高兴nice to meet you

4.在这边over here

5.我的朋友my friend

6.早上好Good morning

7.这是…This is…

8.那是…That is…

9.先做;先来;先走go first

10.在四班in Class Four

11.那边的那个人the man over there


13.我们的指导教师our homeroom teacher

14.和琼斯先生在一起的女孩the girl with Mr.Jones

15.我的同班同学our classmate

16.什么事?What’s up ?

17.欢迎到…..Welcome to …

18.一个访问生 a visiting student

19.在李明的学校in Li Ming’s school

20.让我做……Let me do

21.带某人参观show sb around

22.上课have lessons

23.一间办公室an office

24.备课plan one’s lessons

25.做运动do/play sports

26.过得愉快have fun/a good time

27.借书get/borrow books

28.上我们的科学课have our science classes

29.一块橡皮an eraser

30.让我们做…吧Let’s do…

31.玩一个猜谜游戏play a guessing game

32.又长又细long and thin

33.用它写write with it

34.轮到你做…了It’s your turn to do…

35.在墙上on the wall

36.我可以有…吗?May I have…?

37.给你Here you are

38.不用谢You’s welcome

39.三只蜡笔three crayons

40.我没有蜡笔I don’t have any cray ons

I have no crayons

41.在商店at the store/shop

42.为你买一些铅笔盒buy some pencil boxes for you

43.再见see you later/Goodbye

44.谢谢你Thank you

45.起立/坐下stand up/sit down

46.那是什么?What’s tha t?

47.向上跳/向下跳jump up/jump down

48.向上看/向下看look up/look down

49.向上伸展/向下伸展reach up/reach down

50.向上指/向下指point up/point down

51.我的购物清单my shopping list

52.一些新朋友some new friends

53.今年/这周/这个月this year/this week/this month

54.需要买…need to buy

55.一些上课用的东西some things for classes

56.所有这些东西all of these things

57.制作清单make lists/make a list

58.(做)…怎么样/如何?What about…?/How about…?

59.给/为某人买…buy sb sth

buy sth for sb

60.向某人出示/展示…show sb sth

Show sth for sb

61.没关系That’s OK
