电动工具操作指南博世电动工具中文资料1. 引言电动工具在现代生活中起到了非常重要的作用。
2. 安全措施使用电动工具时,请始终注意以下安全措施:- 使用前需要仔细阅读和理解博世电动工具的用户手册。
- 保持工作区域干燥、整洁,并确保周围无杂物。
- 确保电动工具与身体、衣物或其他物体保持适当的距离。
- 使用电源线时,确保其没有损坏或扭曲,并远离尖锐物体。
- 使用眼睛和手部保护装备,如眼镜和手套。
3. 使用指南以下是使用博世电动工具的一般指南:- 在使用电动工具之前,请检查其是否完好,并确保电源已连接。
- 根据需要选择正确的附件,并正确安装在电动工具上。
- 开始操作之前,确认工作区域安全,确保没有其他人员靠近。
- 针对不同类型的电动工具,采取相应的操作方式,例如:- 锯类工具:将工件安全固定,并保持双手握紧工具手柄。
- 钻孔类工具:在使用前选择合适的钻头,并以适当的速度和压力进行钻孔。
- 榫接类工具:将工件牢固地夹住,并根据需要调整刀具的深度。
4. 维护和保养为了确保博世电动工具的性能和寿命,请遵循以下维护和保养指南:- 定期清洁电动工具,并确保其处于干燥的环境中存放。
- 如有需要,请更换电动工具的附件或部件,以确保其正常运行。
- 进行规定的日常保养,如润滑移动部件、紧固螺丝等。
- 如发现电动工具存在故障或损坏,请立即停止使用,并寻求专业维修帮助。
5. 总结本指南提供了使用博世电动工具的操作指导和安全措施。
博世Bosch Security Engine (SEE) 用户手册说明书
uProvides command and control of devices from clients and serversuSupports the administration of intrusion and entry systems in G-Series Control Panels uSupports the Conettix D6100/D6600Communications Receiver/Gateway u Uses serial or Ethernet communication uProvides time schedule controlThe Security Engine (SEE), as one of the mainfunctional modules within the Building Integration System (BIS), is designed to control multiple G-Series Control Panels and to monitor alarms and events from these devices, as well as from security systems connected to the Bosch Conettix D6100/D6600Communications Receiver/Gateway.By combining all the common BIS features with its own, SEE lets you tailor an alarm and security management system to your own individual requirements.An unlimited number of control panel connections can be added in groups of two. Each BIS connection server supports a maximum of 32 control panel connections.System overviewThe Security Engine Module connects to G-SeriesControl Panels and updates and downloads personnel database information such as user data and skeds (time schedules) to control panels through channels.Installers can use the DX4010i Serial Interface Module to connect each control panel with a RS-232 serial cable to an open COM port on the PC. Installers can use the DX4020 Network Interface Module to connect each control panel through an Ethernet network.Each control panel stores relevant data and uses field events to make intelligent decisions. The SecurityEngine supports Remote Programming Software (RPS)configuration for G-Series Control Panels.The Security Engine connects to a Conettix D6100 or D6600 Communications Receiver/Gateway through a serial or Ethernet connection.Users can configure and monitor up to 500 accounts.The system is expandable up to 3,200 accounts for each Conettix Communications Receiver/Gateway.PC withSecurity Engine SoftwareD X4010iD X4020NetworkRS232SerialRS232SerialSDI BusSDI BusCommand Cen t erConett i x Rece i ver/Ga t ew ayG Ser i es PanelCar d ReaderG Ser i es PanelCar d ReaderCommand Cen t erG Series Control PanelsThe Security Engine supports the following control panels:•D9412GV2 and GV3•D9412G •D7412GV2 and GV3•D7412G •D7212GV2 and GV3•D7212G •D91121•D721211The D9112 and D7212 do not support access controlreaders.NoticeVersion 6.60 or higherThe G-Series Control Panels offer the following features and functions:•Built-in digital communicator with phone line.•Multiple telephone numbers, primary and duplicate paths with main and alternate destinations.•Programmable reports within each of four route groups.•Optional DX4020 network interface module for two-way communication over Ethernet networks.•Automatic test and status reports.Admin9000With Admin9000 the SEE offers additionaladministrative tools integrated into the BIS user interface. This central part of the Security Engine allows administrators to:•Manage a database of human resource information for up to 996 authorized users for each control panel •Change user authorization •Add or delete users•Manage skeds and define scheduled events •Design and print Photo ID badges •Print database reportsAlarm and Event ManagementSupported by the BIS user interface and the common BIS features you have a sophisticated alarm and event management showing the following information during an alarm:•Alarm description (event state)•Alarm date •Alarm time •Alarm location•Panel/detector address (if supported by device)•Operator working on alarm event •Other configurable itemsAlarm information from devices experiencing real-time events (such as door access) and alarm information from internal system events are logged in anintegrated MSDE database that supports Microsoft ®SQL Server ™ software.ReportsSecurity reports from the event log are stored in an HTML table that users can view using InternetExplorer. Other reports are in Crystal Reports ® format that users can view using the Crystal Reports Viewer included in Admin 9000.SEE optional accessoriesThe features listed below can be added optionally to the Security Engine installation.OPC9000 2 panel upgradeExtends the number of controllable G-series panels connected to a BIS Security Engine in steps of two.OPC6600 500 panel upgradeExtends the number of controllable accounts at aConettix D6100/6600 in steps of 500. The maximum is 3,200 accounts.Video-Badging for SEE/Photo ID badge printing optionActivates a component for designing and printing badges and the assignment to cardholders within the Security Engine.Video Verification option for SEEVideo verification extends the security level of your G-series access control system by using additional video equipment. When a reader is in video verificationmode the cardholder is not admitted directly. Instead the reader performs a request for entrance which appears as a message on the operator's screen.An action plan shows the operator the cardholder’s image as stored in the SEE user database inconjunction with a live image from a camera near the entrance/reader that sent the request. The operator compares both images and decides whether or not to open the door manually.Parts includedOrdering InformationSecurity Engine can be ordered in one of two ways:•as an integral part of an initial BIS configuration, inwhich case it is ordered along with a BIS basiclicense.•as an enhancement to an existing BIS configurationSEE 4.1 Basic PackageBasic license for the BIS module specifiedOrder number BIS-FSEE-BPA41SEE 4.1 additional 2 Panels (G Series)License for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XSEE-2PNL41SEE 4.1 additional 500 Accounts (D6x00)License for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XSEE-500P41Represented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2015 | Data subject to change without notice 8776554123 | en, V7, 29. Jun 2015。
四、夏季模式(集中供热关闭,仅热水打开) 1.保持设备打开状态。
五、故障代码博世欧洲之星操作手册一、设备打开1.首先确认燃气阀门已经打开,锅炉电源插头已插上;2.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备; 3.显示屏上显示采暖的出水温度二、试运行:1.打开系统散热片的所有阀门;2.打开补水阀,生活冷水阀,注水至1到2巴的压力,然后关闭冷水阀 3.散热片排气;4.打开冷水阀,将系统压力重新充注到1-2巴 5.打开燃气阀三、打开集中供热功能1.热水温度可设置在45℃至82℃之间;2.若为地板采暖系统,采暖温度不得高于60℃;3.旋转控制面板左下角的采暖控制旋钮,调节采暖温度;(初次使用时不宜调太高) 4.采暖类型不同,最大采暖出水温度设置不同:——地板采暖系统:2档(约50℃)四、生活热水温度设置1.调节锅炉控制面板右下角的生活热水温度调节旋钮来设置生活热水温度; 2.显示屏上显示的仍是采暖出水温度 3.生活热水温度可在40℃和60℃之间设置。
博世欧洲精英使用手册1. 前言欢迎使用博世欧洲精英,这是一款高品质的家用电器,具有强大且可靠的性能。
2. 产品介绍博世欧洲精英是一款高端咖啡机,具有多种功能和特点:•容量大:可以制作多种不同的咖啡,适合不同的口味需求;•操作简单:配备智能控制面板和触摸屏,快速上手;•可靠性高:采用高质量的材料和先进的制造技术,耐用可靠;•清洁方便:可拆卸的零件,易于清洁和维护。
3. 操作说明3.1 准备在使用博世欧洲精英之前,请确保已经完成以下准备工作:1.将机器放置在稳定的平面上,并插入电源;2.清洗咖啡机的水箱,并加入适量的清水;3.按照需要,添加咖啡豆和水。
3.2 制作咖啡制作咖啡非常简单,只需要按照以下步骤操作:1.打开咖啡机的电源,并等待机器启动完成;2.选择你想制作的咖啡类型和强度;3.等待机器热水加热完成;4.将杯子或水壶放在出水口下方;5.按下制作按钮,等待咖啡机完成制作。
3.3 清洁和维护博世欧洲精英的清洁和维护非常重要,可以延长机器寿命并确保咖啡品质。
4. 常见问题解答4.1 咖啡机无法启动怎么办?首先请确保咖啡机已经插入电源,并检查插座是否正常。
4.2 咖啡口感不理想怎么办?如果咖啡口感不理想,可能是因为咖啡豆或水的质量不佳。
4.3 咖啡机出水速度慢怎么办?如果咖啡机的出水速度较慢,可能是咖啡粉或水的流速不均匀引起的。
博世新欧洲之星采暖模式切换:按- 键选中暖气片的标志(下图中的3号图标),然后按 OK 键将温度调到40度以下即是非采暖模式(此时会自动选中下图中5号图标),40度以上就是采暖模式,选择自己舒适的温度后按 OK 键。
建议40-50度比较适中!博世新欧洲之星壁挂炉生活热水温度设置:按- 键选择水龙头的标志(如上图的4号图标),然后按OK 键进入调温度的界面,最后选择适合自己的温度按 OK 键就可以了博世盖世7000壁挂炉使用说明书;插上博世盖世7000壁挂炉插头通电,再按下面板上的待机键开机。
博世欧洲精英使用手册 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998博世欧洲精英使用手册一、设备打开1.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备;2.控制面板下方的运行指示灯亮,温度指示灯显示采暖或生活热水温度。
五、故障代码博世欧洲之星操作手册一、设备打开1.首先确认燃气阀门已经打开,锅炉电源插头已插上; 2.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备; 3.显示屏上显示采暖的出水温度 二、试运行:1.打开系统散热片的所有阀门;2.打开补水阀,生活冷水阀,注水至1到2巴的压力,然后关闭冷水阀 3.散热片排气;4.打开冷水阀,将系统压力重新充注到1-2巴 5.打开燃气阀 三、打开集中供热功能1.热水温度可设置在45℃至82℃之间; 2.若为地板采暖系统,采暖温度不得高于60℃;3.旋转控制面板左下角的采暖控制旋钮,调节采暖温度;(初次使用时不宜调太高)4.采暖类型不同,最大采暖出水温度设置不同: ——地板采暖系统:2档(约50℃) ——散热片采暖系统:5档(约73℃)四、生活热水温度设置1.调节锅炉控制面板右下角的生活热水温度调节旋钮来设置生活热水温度;2.显示屏上显示的仍是采暖出水温度3.生活热水温度可在40℃和60℃之间设置。
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH VIP X16 XF E 安装手册说明书
6 zh | 简短信息
本手册适用于负责安装和操作 VIP X16 XF E 编码器的工作人员。工作人员必须始终遵循国际、国家和 任何地区的电气工程规章要求。 此外,工作人员还需要具备相关的网络技术知识。 本手册介绍如何安 装装置。
一般要求 - 运行 Windows XP 或 Windows 7 操作系统的计算机 - 网络访问 (内联网或互联网) - 屏幕分辨率至少为 1,024 x 768 像素 - 色深 16 位或 32 位 - 安装了 Sun JVM 注释 Web 浏览器必须进行适当的配置,以便通过装置的 IP 地址来设置 Cookie。 在 Windows 7 中,可以通过 Internet 选项下的安全选项卡禁用保护模式。 有关 Microsoft Internet Explorer 的使用说明,请参见 Internet Explorer 的联机帮助。
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Bosch 电器用品说明书
R e g i s t e ry o u rn e w d e v i c eo nM y B o s c h no w a n dg e t f r e e b en e f i t s:b o sc h-h o me.c o m/w e l c o m e HobPKE6..CA.,PKF6..CA1.[en]User manualPKF6..CA..PKE6..CA.2Ø = cmSafety en 3Table of contents1Safety (3)2Preventing material damage (4)3Environmental protection and saving en-ergy (5)4Familiarising yourself with your appliance (6)5Basic operation (6)6Cleaning and servicing (7)7Disposal (8)8Customer Service.................................................81 SafetyObserve the following safety instructions.1.1 General information¡Read this instruction manual carefully.¡Keep the instructions, the appliance passand the product information safe for futurereference or for the next owner.¡Do not connect the appliance if it has beendamaged in transit.1.2 Intended useOnly a licensed professional may connect ap-pliances without plugs. Damage caused by in-correct connection is not covered under thewarranty.Only use this appliance:¡To prepare meals and drinks.¡Under supervision. Never leave the appli-ance unattended when cooking for shortperiods.¡In private households and in enclosedspaces in a domestic environment.¡Up to an altitude of max. 2000 m abovesea level.Do not use the appliance:¡With an external timer or a separate remotecontrol. This does not apply if operationwith appliances included in EN 50615 isswitched off.1.3 Restriction on user groupThis appliance may be used by children aged8 or over and by people who have reducedphysical, sensory or mental abilities or inad-equate experience and/or knowledge,provided that they are supervised or have been instructed on how to use the appliance safely and have understood the resulting dangers.Children must not play with the appliance.Children must not perform cleaning or user maintenance unless they are at least 15 years old and are being supervised.Keep children under the age of 8 years away from the appliance and power cable.1.4 Safe use WARNING ‒ Risk of fire!Hot oils and fats ignite very quickly.▶Never leave hot oil or fat unattended.▶Never use water to put out burning oil or fat.▶Switching off the hotplate.▶Extinguish flames carefully using a lid, fire blanket or something similar.The hotplates become very hot.▶Never place combustible items on the hob.▶Do not store any objects on the hob.The appliance will become hot.▶Do not keep combustible objects or aero-sol cans in drawers directly underneath the hob.The hob switches off automatically and can no longer be operated. It may switch on unin-tentionally at a later point.▶Switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box.▶Call the after-sales service.Hob covers can cause accidents, for example due to overheating, catching fire or materials shattering.▶Do not use hob covers.WARNING ‒ Risk of burns!The hotplates and surrounding area (particu-larly the hob surround, if fitted) become very hot.▶Never touch the hot surfaces.▶Keep children at a safe distance.The hotplate heats up but the display does not work.▶Switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box.▶Call the after-sales service.Unsuitable safety devices or child hob guards may result in accidents.▶Only use safety devices, such as child hobguards, which have been approved by us.en Preventing material damage4The appliance becomes hot during operation.▶Allow the appliance to cool down beforecleaning.WARNING ‒ Risk of electric shock!Incorrect repairs are dangerous.▶Repairs to the appliance should only becarried out by trained specialist staff.▶Only use genuine spare parts when repair-ing the appliance.▶If the power cord of this appliance is dam-aged, it must be replaced with a specialconnection cable, which is available fromthe manufacturer or his Customer Service.If the appliance or the power cord is dam-aged, this is dangerous.▶Never operate a damaged appliance.▶Never operate an appliance with a crackedor fractured surface.▶Call customer services. → Page 8An ingress of moisture can cause an electricshock.▶Do not use steam- or high-pressure clean-ers to clean the appliance.The insulation on cables of electrical appli-ances may melt if it touches hot parts of the appliance.▶Never bring electrical appliance cables intocontact with hot parts of the appliance.WARNING ‒ Risk of injury!Saucepans may suddenly jump due to liquid between the saucepan base and the hotplate.▶Always keep hotplates and saucepanbases dry.WARNING ‒ Risk of suffocation!Children may put packaging material over their heads or wrap themselves up in it and suffocate.▶Keep packaging material away from chil-dren.▶Do not let children play with packaging ma-terial.Children may breathe in or swallow small parts, causing them to suffocate.▶Keep small parts away from children.▶Do not let children play with small parts.2 Preventing material damageATTENTION!Rough pot and pan bases will scratch the ceramic.▶Check your cookware.Boiling pans dry may damage cookware or the appli-ance.▶Never place empty pans on a heated hotplate or al-low to boil dry.Incorrectly positioned cookware can cause the appli-ance to overheat.▶Never place hot pots or pans on the controls or thehob surround.Damage can occur if hard or pointed objects fall ontothe hob.▶Do not let hard or pointed objects fall onto the hob.Non heat-resistant materials will melt on heated hot-plates.▶Do not use oven protective foil.▶Do not use aluminium foil or plastic containers. 2.1 Overview of the most common damage Here you can find the most common types of damage and tips on how to avoid them.Damage Cause Measure Stains Food boiling over Remove boiled-over food immediately with a glass scraper.Stains Unsuitable cleaning products Only use cleaning products that are suitable for glass ceramic.Scratch es Salt, sugar or sand Do not use the hob as a work surface or storage space.Scratch es Rough pot or pan bases Check your cookware.Discol-ouration Unsuitable cleaning products Only use cleaningproducts that are suitablefor glass ceramic.Discol-ouration Pan abrasion,e.g. aluminium Lift pots and pans tomove on the hob.Blisters Sugar or food with a high sugar contentRemove boiled-over foodimmediately with a glassscraper.Environmental protection and saving energy en 53 Environmental protection and saving energy3.1 Disposing of packagingThe packaging materials are environmentally compat-ible and can be recycled.▶Sort the individual components by type and disposeof them separately.3.2 Saving energyIf you follow these instructions, your appliance will useless energy.Select the cooking zone to match the size of yourpan. Centre the cookware on the hob.Use cookware whose base diameter is the same dia-meter as the hotplate.Tip: Cookware manufacturers often give the upperdiameter of the saucepan. It is often larger than thebase diameter.¡Unsuitable cookware or incompletely covered cook-ing zones consume a lot of energy.Cover saucepans with suitable lids.¡Cooking without a lid consumes far more energy.Lift lids as infrequently as possible.¡When you lift a lid, a lot of energy escapes.Using a glass lid¡You can see into the pan through a glass lid without having to lift it.Use pots and pans with flat bases.¡Uneven bases increase energy consumption.Use cookware suited to the quantity of food.¡Large items of cookware containing little food need more energy to heat up.Cook with little water.¡The more water contained in cookware, the more energy is required to heat it up.Turn down to a lower heat setting early on. Use a suit-able ongoing cooking setting to continue cooking.¡If you continue cooking with an ongoing cooking setting that is too high, you'll waste energyTake advantage of the hob's residual heat. Withlonger cooking times switch off the hotplate5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.¡Unused residual heat increases energy consump-tion.en Familiarising yourself with your appliance 64 Familiarising yourself with your appliance4.1 Control panelYou can use the control panel to configure all functionsof your appliance and to obtain information about theoperating status.Hotplate controls The hotplate controls are permanently fixed in place.They must not be removed. Forcibly removing the hot-plate controls leads to them being destroyed.4.2 HotplatesYou can find an overview of the different activations ofthe hotplates here.If you operate the activations, the relevant displays lightup.Switching off: Turn the hot-plate switch to 0 and reset.Never turn the hotplateswitch past the symbol to0.Notes¡Dark areas in the glow pattern of the hotplate arepart of the technical design. They do not affect thefunctionality of the hotplate.¡The hotplate regulates the temperature by switchingthe heat on and off. The heat may also switch onand off when on the highest setting.–This protects easily damaged components fromoverheating.–The appliance is protected from electrical over-load.–Better cooking results are achieved.¡With multi-circuit hotplates, the heating of the innerfilament circuits and the heating of the activations may switch on and off at different times.4.3 Hotplate display and residual heatindicatorThe hob has a hotplate display and a residual heat in-dicator. The display lights up when a hotplate is warm.DisplayMeaning Hotplatedisplay Lights up during operation, shortly after switching on.Residualheat indic-ator Lit up after cooking when the hotplate is still warm.Note: You can keep small dishes warmor melt cooking chocolate.5 Basic operation5.1 Switching the hob on or off You can switch the hob on and off with the hotplateswitch.5.2 Setting the hotplatesYou can use the hotplate control to adjust the heat out-put of the hotplate.Heat setting1Lowest setting Heat setting 9Highest setting The symbol in the display panel indicates the hotplatewhich the display refers to, e.g. for the right rear hot-plate.Cleaning and servicing en75.3 Recommended cooking settingsYou can find an overview of different foods with appro-priate heat settings here.The cooking time will vary depending on the type,weight, thickness and quality of the food. The ongoingcooking setting depends on the cookware used.Cooking tips¡To bring food to the boil, use heat setting 9.¡Stir thick liquids occasionally.¡Food that needs to be seared quickly or that initiallyloses a lot of liquid during frying should be fried insmall portions.¡Tips for saving energy when cooking. → Page 5MeltingFood Ongoing cooking setting Ongoingcookingtime inminutesButter, gelatine 1-Heating or keeping warm Stew, e.g. lentil stew 1-Milk 11-2-1Prepare the dish without the lid.Poaching or simmering Dumplings 1, 23-420-30Fish 1, 2310-15White sauce, e.g. béchamel 13-61Bring the water to the boil with the lid on.2Continue to cook the dish without a lid.Boiling, steaming or braising Rice with double the volume of water 315-30Potatoes boiled in their skin 3-425-30Boiled potatoes 3-415-20Pasta, noodles 1, 256-10Stew, soup 3-415-60Vegetables, fresh or frozen 3-410-20Food in a pressure cooker 3-4-1Bring the water to the boil with the lid on.2Continue to cook the dish without a lid.Stewing Beef olives 3-450-60Pot roast 3-460-100Goulash 3-450-60Frying with little oilFry food without a lid.Escalope, plain or breaded 6-76-10Chops, plain or breaded 16-78-12Steak, 3 cm thick 7-88-12Fish or fish fillet, plain orbreaded 4-58-20Fish or fish fillet, breaded andfrozen, e.g. fish fingers 6-78-12Stir fry, frozen 6-76-10Pancakes 5-6-1Turn the dish several times.6 Cleaning and servicingTo keep your appliance working efficiently for a longtime, it is important to clean and maintain it carefully.6.1 Cleaning products You can obtain suitable cleaning products and glass scrapers from customer service, the online shop or a retailer.ATTENTION!Unsuitable cleaning products may damage the sur-faces of the appliance.▶Never use unsuitable cleaning products.Unsuitable cleaning products ¡Undiluted detergent¡Detergent intended for dishwashers¡Abrasive cleaners¡Aggressive cleaning products such as oven sprayor stain remover¡Abrasive sponges¡High-pressure or steam jet cleaners 6.2 Cleaning the glass ceramic Clean the hob after every use to stop cooking residuesfrom getting burnt on.Note: Note the information on unsuitable cleaningproducts. → Page 7Requirement: The hob has cooled down.1.Remove heavy dirt using a glass scraper.2.Clean the hob with a cleaning product for glassceramic.Follow the cleaning instructions on the productpackaging.Tip: You can achieve good cleaning results if youuse a special sponge for glass ceramic.6.3 Cleaning the hob surround Clean the hob frame after use if dirty or stained.Notes ¡Note the information on unsuitable cleaningproducts. → Page 7¡Do not use the glass scraper.1.Clean the hob frame with hot soapy water and a softcloth.en Disposal8Wash new sponge cloths thoroughly before use. 2.Dry with a soft cloth.7 DisposalFind out here how to dispose of old appliances cor-rectly.7.1 Disposing of old applianceValuable raw materials can be reused by recycling.▶Dispose of the appliance in an environmentallyfriendly manner.Information about current disposal methods areavailable from your specialist dealer or local author-ity.(waste electrical and electronic equip-ment - WEEE).The guideline determines the frame-work for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.8 Customer ServiceIf you have any queries on use, are unable to rectifyfaults on the appliance yourself or if your applianceneeds to be repaired, contact Customer Service.Function-relevant genuine spare parts according to thecorresponding Ecodesign Order can be obtained fromCustomer Service for a period of at least 10 years fromthe date on which your appliance was placed on themarket within the European Economic Area.Note: Under the terms of the manufacturer's warrantythe use of Customer Service is free of charge.Detailed information on the warranty period and termsof warranty in your country is available from our after-sales service, your retailer or on our website.If you contact Customer Service, you will require theproduct number (E-Nr.) and the production number(FD) of your appliance.The contact details for Customer Service can be foundin the enclosed Customer Service directory or on ourwebsite.8.1 Product number (E-Nr.) and productionnumber (FD)You can find the product number (E-Nr.) and the pro-duction number (FD) on the appliance's rating plate.The rating plate is located on the appliance certificate.Make a note of your appliance's details and the Cus-tomer Service telephone number to find them againquickly.Thank you for buying a Bosch Home Appliance!Register your new device on MyBosch now and profit directly from:•Expert tips & tricks for your appliance •Warranty extension options •Discounts for accessories & spare-parts •Digital manual and all appliance data at hand •Easy access to Bosch Home Appliances Service Free and easy registration – also on mobile phones:/welcomeLooking for help? You'll find it here.Expert advice for your Bosch home appliances, help with problems or a repair from Bosch experts.Find out everything about the many ways Bosch can support you: /serviceContact data of all countries are listed in the attached service directory.*9001596004*9001596004 (001215)en Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße 3481739 München GERMANY Valid within Great Britain:Imported to Great Britain by BSH Home Appliances Ltd.Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5PT United Kingdom。
2018-博世,move,说明书-word范文模板 (10页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==博世,move,说明书篇一:博世欧洲精英使用手册博世欧洲精英使用手册一、设备打开1.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备;2.控制面板下方的运行指示灯亮,温度指示灯显示采暖或生活热水温度。
四、夏季模式(集中供热关闭,仅热水打开) 1.保持设备打开状态。
五、故障代码博世欧洲之星操作手册一、设备打开1.首先确认燃气阀门已经打开,锅炉电源插头已插上; 2.按下锅炉控制面板左上角的电源开关,运行设备; 3.显示屏上显示采暖的出水温度二、试运行:1.打开系统散热片的所有阀门;2.打开补水阀,生活冷水阀,注水至1到2巴的压力,然后关闭冷水阀 3.散热片排气;4.打开冷水阀,将系统压力重新充注到1-2巴 5.打开燃气阀三、打开集中供热功能1.热水温度可设置在45℃至82℃之间;2.若为地板采暖系统,采暖温度不得高于60℃;3.旋转控制面板左下角的采暖控制旋钮,调节采暖温度;(初次使用时不宜调太高) 4.采暖类型不同,最大采暖出水温度设置不同:——地板采暖系统:2档(约50℃)四、生活热水温度设置1.调节锅炉控制面板右下角的生活热水温度调节旋钮来设置生活热水温度;2.显示屏上显示的仍是采暖出水温度 3.生活热水温度可在40℃和60℃之间设置。
Bosch 产品使用说明.pdf_1702005303.3892837说明书
For help and assistance with Bosch accessories please call 1-800-944-2904 Mon-Fri 5am to 6pm PST Sat 6am to 3pm PSTNotes: All height, width and depth dimensions are shown in inches. BSH reserves the absolute and unrestricted right to change product materials and specifications, at any time, without notice. Consult the product’s installation instructions for final dimensional data and other details prior to making cutout. Applicable product warranty can be found in accompanying product literature or you may contact your account manager for further details.HII8055C Stainless SteelThe full-depth induction slide-in range allows fast & efficient cooking and has an oven that provides even baking on three racks.Innovative induction technology offers fast,precise & efficient cooking.Induction cooktop offers faster cooking results than gas or electric.The warming drawer keeps your meals warm and ready to serve.SpeedBoost® boils water 2x as fast as conventional electric ranges.Genuine Europeanconvection for even bakingresults on multiple racks.30" Induction Slide-in Range800 Series – Stainless Steel HII8055CHEZTR301 30" Telescopic rack HEZBS3014" Low backguardHEZ390210 8" AutoChef® pan for 6" element HEZ390220 9" AutoChef® pan for 7" elementHEZ390230 10" AutoChef® panfor 8" and 9" elementsFor help and assistance with Bosch accessories please cal l 1-800-944-2904 Mon-Fri 5am to 6pm PST Sat 6am to 3pm PSTNotes: All height, width and depth dimensions are shown in inches. BSH reserves the absolute and unrestricted right to change product materials and specifications, at any time, without notice. Consult the product’s installation instructions for final dimensional data and other details prior to making cutout. Applicable product warranty can be found in accompanying product literature or you may contact your account manager for further details.Installation Details30" Induction Slide-in Range800 Series – Stainless Steel HII8055C(902-940)(762)(635)。
博世Bosch DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 产品说明书
uAll-in-one, fully featured video recording and management solution for up to 42 channels uOut-of-the-box IP video recording with up to 48 TB (4 x 12 TB) storage capacity pre-installeduRobust, secure operation — instant real time access to videou Advanced user and alarm managementu3 years warranty, including parts replacement within 3 business days servicesThe DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 appliance is an affordable and easy to use all-in-one recording, viewing, andmanagement solution for network surveillance systems of up to 42 channels (with 8 channels pre-licensed).Running the full BVMS solution and powered by Bosch Video Recording Manager including the Video Streaming Gateway to integrate third-partycameras, it is an intelligent IP video management and storage device.DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 is a 4-bay mini tower unit that combines advanced management and state-of-the-art recording management into a single cost-effective,plug and play IP recording appliance for IT-minded customers.System overviewThe DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 appliance utilizes a highly energy efficient, embedded design which boasts Bosch quality through-and-through.Easy to install and operate, the system featureswizard-based set-up and centralized configuration. All components are pre-installed and pre-licensed. Simply connect to the network and power the unit up -DIVAR IP all-in-one is ready to begin recording straight out of the box.BVMS manages all IP and digital video and audio, plus all the security data being transmitted across your IP network. It seamlessly combines IP cameras and encoders, provides system-wide event and alarm management, system health monitoring, user and priority management.FunctionsDIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 features front-swappable SATA hard drives providing up to 48 TB of grossstorage capacity. All system software is pre-installed —creating an out-of-the-box ready-to-use video management appliance. DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000utilizes Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2016 (64-bit).Instant real time access to videoView high quality HD or even UHD video despite low or limited bandwidth connections. Dynamic Transcoding technology ensures you can view your video immediately — anytime, anywhere.Dynamic Transcoding decodes and re-encodes the data stream to a lower rate bit stream tailored to the bandwidth of the connection.When the video is paused, the instant detail enhancement feature instantly displays the full resolution video.ManagementOnce booted up the system will offer immediate access to the BVMS management application via a customized GUI. The ability to use one central GUI for configuration and operation management reduces installation and training requirements, and helps keep ongoing system management costs low.Remote viewingFor remote viewing of a single DIVAR IP all-in-one system, BVMS Operator Client is included. For multiple systems, add them to BVMS Enterprise Management Server.Alternatively, use Video Security App for remote viewing from mobile devices.Bosch qualityBosch subjects all its products to the most comprehensive and rigorous battery of quality endurance tests in the industry. Our recording products are subjected to extreme temperatures, voltages and vibrations to determine reliable operating limits, so you can be assured of long-term reliable operation. And Bosch firmly stands behind every product it sells with an end-to-end 3 year warranty backed by technical support.Installation/configuration notesSystem statusDIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 comes fully loaded and fully functional with Microsoft Operating System and Bosch applications:Windows Storage Server 2016, 64‑bit;BVMS;Video Recording Manager includingVideo Streaming Gateway;Dynamic Transcoding.ConfigurationDIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 comes pre-configured in a standard non-RAID configuration and provides the following specifications:These values refer to the system with all supported Bosch CCTV applications installed and running; netcapacity for a non-RAID configuration; 42 connected cameras indicate the number of concurrent recordablecameras including the connected replay clients. Operation modesDIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 can operate in three different modes:•Full video recording and management system,utilizing the BVMS and Video Recording Manager core components and services. This mode allows foradvanced video management features such as eventand alarm handling. A base license with 8 includedcamera channels is already pre-licensed. You canexpand the system up to 32 channels with a MBV-BLIT-DIP license and further up to 42 channels withadditional 1-channel licenses (MBV-1CHAN-DIP). The recorded video streams need to be configured in away that the maximum bandwidth of the system(BVMS/Video Recording Manager base system plusiSCSI storage expansions) is not exceeded.•Pure video recording system, utilizing theVideo Recording Manager core components andservices. In this mode 32 Video Recording Managercamera-recording channels are already pre-licensed.You can expand the system up to 42 channels withthe Video Recording Manager channel licenses listedin the ordering information. The recorded videostreams need to be configured in a way that themaximum bandwidth of the system (BVMS/Video Recording Manager base system plus iSCSIstorage expansions) is not exceeded.•iSCSI storage expansion for a BVMS orVideo Recording Manager system, which runs on adifferent hardware. Up to two of these iSCSI storage expansions can be added to a BVMS orVideo Recording Manager system running on aDIVAR IP all-in-one 5000.License limitationsFor the BVMS licenses applied on DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000, please note the upper limit of each:*Mobile Video Service needs to run on separate hardwareFor further information, under Ordering information see Software Options.NoticeBosch is not liable for system failures of units equipped with third-party hard drives if the third-party hard drives are source of the issues.NoticeThe system requires mouse and keyboard for setup and operation. These components are notincluded.NoticeThe parts replacement within 3 business daysservice level can only be provided if the respective system has been registered immediately afterreceipt and installation. Otherwise, service will be provided based on best effort basis.Information about registration details is available in every shipment (registration form) or from the Bosch online product catalog.This service level cannot be provided in every country everywhere. For limitations andexceptions see the registration details in the registration form.DIP-5244IG-4HD Management Appliance 4x4TBAll-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With onboard graphics and 4 x 4 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-5244IG-4HDDIP-5248IG-4HD Management Appliance 4x8TBAll-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With onboard graphics and 4 x 8 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-5248IG-4HDDIP-524CIG-4HD Management Appliance 4x12TBAll-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With onboard graphics and 4 x 12 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-524CIG-4HDDIP-5240IG-00N Management Appliance w/o HDDAll-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With onboard graphics and without HDD.Order number DIP-5240IG-00NDIP-5244GP-4HD Management Appliance GPU 4x4TB All-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With graphics card and 4 x 4 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-5244GP-4HDDIP-5248GP-4HD Management Appliance GPU 4x8TB All-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With graphics card and 4 x 8 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-5248GP-4HDDIP-524CGP-4HD Management Appliance GP 4x12TB All-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With graphics card and 4 x 12 TB storage capacity. Order number DIP-524CGP-4HDDIP-5240GP-00N Management Appliance GPU wo HD All-in-one recording, viewing and management solution for network surveillance systems.With graphics card and without HDD.Order number DIP-5240GP-00NAccessoriesDIP-AIO4-HDD 4TB HDD DIVAR IP all-in-oneHard disk storage expansion for DIVAR IP all-in-one appliances with a capacity of 4 TB.Order number DIP-AIO4-HDDDIP-AIO8-HDD 8TB HDD DIVAR IP all-in-oneHard disk storage expansion for DIVAR IP all-in-one appliances with a capacity of 8 TB.Order number DIP-AIO8-HDD DIP-AIO12-HDD 12TB HDD DIVAR IP all-in-oneHard disk storage expansion for DIVAR IP all-in-one appliances with a capacity of 12 TB.Order number DIP-AIO12-HDDKBD-UXF Keyboard, USB CCTV-orientedUSB CCTV-oriented keyboard for use with BVMS, BIS - Video Engine, or DIVAR IP systems.Order number KBD-UXFSoftware OptionsMBV-BLIT-DIP License Lite base for DIVAR IP AIO 5000BVMS license for DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000. Expansion license to expand to 32 channels (cameras/ decoders).Order number MBV-BLIT-DIPMBV-1CHAN-DIP License Camera/decoder expansion BVMS license for DIVAR IP all-in-one.Expansion license for 1 channel (cameras/decoders). Order number MBV-1CHAN-DIPMBV-1DUR-DIP License Camera dual recording expan-sionBVMS license for DIVAR IP all-in-one.Expansion license for 1 encoder channel used for dual recording.Order number MBV-1DUR-DIPMBV-1FOV-DIP License VRM Failover channel expan-sionBVMS license for DIVAR IP all-in-one.Expansion license for 1 encoder channel used with a Failover VRM.Order number MBV-1FOV-DIPMBV-XWST-DIP License Workstation expansion BVMS license for DIVAR IP.Expansion license for 1 workstation (each extra workstation requires 1 license).Order number MBV-XWST-DIPMBV-XDVR-DIP License DVR expansionBVMS license for DIVAR IP.Expansion license for 1 DVR. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XDVR-DIPMBV-XKBD-DIP License Keyboard expansion BVMS license for DIVAR IP.Expansion license for 1 CCTV keyboard. Order the exact number required.Order number MBV-XKBD-DIPMBV-XMVS-DIP License Mobile video service expan-sionBVMS license for DIVAR IP.Expansion license for 1 Mobile Video Service.Order number MBV-XMVS-DIPMBV-XINT-DIP License Intrusion panel expansion BVMS license for DIVAR IP.Expansion license to integrate intrusion panels. Order number MBV-XINT-DIPMVM-XVRM-016 16 camera Upgrade LicenseVideo Recording Manager upgrade license.For 16 cameras.Order number MVM-XVRM-016Represented by:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific:Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284****************************** Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbHRobert-Bosch-Ring 585630 GrasbrunnGermanyBosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, New York, 14450, USAPhone: +1 800 289 0096Fax: +1 585 223 9180*******************.comRobert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2019 | Data subject to change without notice 65663175307 | en, V5, 17. Oct 2019。
8.清洁牛奶打泡器 (步骤如下所述)。
注2:如果电器长期未用 (如假期后),则要彻底清洁整个电器,包括牛奶系统和冲泡装置。
操作时找到咖啡机上标注的Please short rinse the milk system. (请快速清洗牛奶系统),Press 启动/停止(按下启动/停止)·在用后未进行清洁时;·在电器刚自动关断且未事先清洁时。
在冬季使用采暖时,采暖热水温度设置小贴士:1、暖气片系统:建议采暖温度设置在65度左右~ 2、地暖系统:建议采暖温度设置在50度左右~
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