
N3真题听力 日语1-4 2016.12.N3

①~によって根据…. 视情况而定②~かどうか是否,是…还是(不)…..(第三题出现过,复习)③今週中:表示时间的名词+中(ちゅう)在一段时间内④~ておく(提前预先做某事)(第一、三题也出现了,复习一下。
N3真题听力 日语1-3 2016.12.N3


《新日本语能力考试3级N 3》--听解模拟题一. 問題ニ、聴解スクリプト問題11番:男の人と女の人が話しています。
纸张、玻璃、衬衣一类东西的读法一いち枚まい(一张、一件) 二に枚まい 三さん枚まい 四よん枚まい 五ご枚まい 六ろく枚まい七枚しちまい・ななまい 八はち枚まい 九きゅう枚まい 十じゅう枚まい 十じゅう一いち枚まい 十じゅう二に枚まい 百ひゃく枚まい 千せん枚まい 万まん枚まい 何なん枚まい2番:男の人と女の人が話しています。
(1) この男の人の友達(2) この女の人の友達(3) この女の人のお兄さんの友達(4) この男の人のお兄さんの友達3番:(1) 1000円(2) 100円(3) 900円(4) 1100円3番:男の人と女の人が話しています。

3番 大学で男の学生が先生に話しています。 男:失礼します。 女:はい。 男:先生、あした、レポートの相談のお約束をしていたんですが。 女:ええ、明日の 3 時からね。 男:はい、そうなんですが、あのう、全部書いてから先生にご相談したいと思ったんです が。 女:ええ、そのほうがいいわね。 男:でも、実はまだできていなくて。あしたまでにはちょっと。 女:そう。うーん、できれば全部書いてからのほうがいいから。 男:はい、それで、来週は先生、ご都合いかがですか。 女:えーと、来週は、木曜の午後ならいいわよ。3 時まで授業だから、その後だったら。 男:じゃ、それでお願いします。ありがとうございます。 男の学生は先生のところへ何をしにきましたか。 1 レポートを見せる 2 レポートのテーマを相談する 3 相談する日を変える 4 授業の日を変える 正解:3
2番 デパートでアナウンスを聞いています。 女:お客様に桜デパートのサービスカードについてのご案内をいたします。このカードは 全国十選の桜デパートでお使いになれます。また、割引セールのご案内など、ざまざまな サービスがございます。まだお持ちでないお客様、ぜひこの機会にどうぞお申し込みくだ さい。詳しいことは、お近くの店員までお尋ねくださるようお願いいたします。 何についてのアナウンスですか。 1 全国の桜デパートの紹介 2 割引セールの案内 3 サービスカードの案内 4 案内係がいる場所のお知らせ
6 番 会社で女の人と男の人が話しています。男の人はいまどうして朝早く会社に来てい ますか。 女:おはようございます。田中さん早いですね。 男:ええ、毎日 8 時前には会社に来てるんです。朝は静かで、仕事に集中できますから。 女:え~、あっ、確か最近会社の近くに引越したんですよね。 男:ええ、でも、引っ越す前から早く来てたんです。満員電車に乗るのがいやで、今は電

沪江日语绿宝书之日文原版模拟题N3听力原文聴解問題11番正解 2女の人と男の人が午後の会議について話しています。
1 会議室を2時からに予約し直す2 会議室を3時からに予約し直す3 会議室を3時半から予約し直す4 3時半からの予約を取り消す2番正解 4男の人と女の人がコピー機のことについて話しています。
1 サービスセンターに電話する。

28五、真题解析之N3問題1 課題理解1番女の学生と先生が話しています。
2011.7 N3听力真题

1番ア.のりイ.ボールペンウ.ノートエ.ふうとうオ.コピー用紙1 アイウ2 アウエ3 アウオ4 アエオ2番1 赤ちゃんのふく2 赤ちゃんのおもちゃ3 友達のふく4 友達のバック3番1 友達にれんらくする2 レストランをよやくする3 旅行の計画を立てる4 ひこうきをよやくする4番1 映画をみる2 にもつをだす3 本屋に行く4 ご飯を食べる5番1 かさをよういする2 リビングのエアコンをけす3 台所の電気をけす4 台所のまどをしめる6番1 アンケートをとる2 行く場所をさがす3 何をするか決める4 しょくじする店をきめる問題2問題2では、まず質問を聞いてください。
1番1 来週の月曜日2 来週の火曜日3 来週の水曜日4 来週の木曜日2番1 いろいろな国の料理が作れるから2 平日に教室があるから3 一人で作れるから4 料金が安いから3番1 朝早い仕事だったから2 時給が安かったから3 物を作る仕事したかったから4 ほかの仕事を経験したかったから4番1 インターネットを使うこと2 メールをすること3 プリンターを使うこと4 DVDを見ること5番1 申し込みの締め切りがすぎたから2 二回目の参加だから3 一ヶ月後に帰国するから4 来日して半年以上になるから6番1 新しい店で働けること2 車を使って仕事ができること3 商品がたくさん売れること4 村の人が喜んでくれること問題3問題3では、問題用紙に何も印刷されていません。

男学生接受了擦黑板的任务,接着继续问“需要把CD 机放到老师的办公室吗”。
听力教程Ⅲ原文---Unit 9

Unit 9Section OnePart 1 Spot DictationAs the bulge of the baby boom pushes into (1) middle age - the 30-to-50-year-olds are now the (2) largest age group in this country - our outlook on getting older is (3) changing. In fact, experts are finding today that getting older is getting better, in very (4) real ways.Most people in their middle years are at the (5) peak of their working lives. This is the time of (6) competence when people get a great deal of (7) satisfaction and security out of realizing they have something to (8) offer others.As you get older, you're more (9) secure in your relationships. The longer you've been married, the more likely it is that you are going to (10) stay married.It takes a long time to become a (11) person. The older you get, the more (12) unique you become. You become (13) clearer about what you think, what you like and don'tlike. You know who you are.One of the things we fear about growing older is increasing(14) isolation. If you let it, your world can (15) shrink. But if you make the effort, (16) midlife can be a time of more personal relationships. If you (17) nourish your relationships, by the time you've reached midlife you have a rich network -lifelong friends, (18) acquaintances, colleagues, an extended family.While older people are free to spend their time the way they want, they also know they have (19) less of it. That makes them more aware of how precious timeis and more (20) discriminating about how they use it.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear. (Refer to Tapescript)Unlike air travel, which is regulated internationally, rail travel is in many cases controlled nationally. The degree of safety of rail travel is therefore highly variable from country to country, depending on the degree of regulation and the quality of regulation in the country concerned. In Britain and the United States rail passenger deaths work out at an average of less than 10 rail passenger deaths per year. Unfortunately, the rail passenger deaths per year statistics in the less developed parts of the world are considerably higher than the rail passenger deaths per year statistics are in the western world.In the UK over the last 25 years, there has been an average of one train accident for every million miles run. Because individual trains carry such a large number of passengers compared with the number of passengers carried in cars, buses and planes, this actually means that the degree of risk is, comparatively, one which is almost non-existent.By far the greatest cause of railway accidents is human error, either in controlling or responding to signals. Recent improvements in the numbers ofaccidents are in large measure due to the introduction of automatic and computerized signalling equipment. Radio communication systems between drivers and control centres have also proved influential in reducing accidents. With the continuing development of radio communication systems and automatic signalling systems we can look forward to further reductions in what are already impressively low accident rates.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the passage and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.1)This passage is about rail travel safety.2)The key words are highly variable. degree and quality of regulation: Britainand the United States. less than 10 rail passenger deaths per year: less developed parts. higher: UK. last25 years. one train accident for every million miles run: cause. human error: automatic. computerized signaling. radio communication systems. reduce accidents.Section Two Listening Comprehension ~Part 1DialogueAdolescenceInterviewer: So, you say Eric's what you'd consider pretty strict but pretty fair? So, for example, when he tells you to do Interviewer: somethingJora: Well, he's strict and I get angry when he doesn't want me to do stuff. But afterwards I can almost always see why he said it, y'know?Interviewer: Yeah.Jora:And there's only a couple of incidents where, well, that were totally,y'know, that I didn't understand at all.Interviewer:Hmm. Not a bad record.Eric:No. Vh, 'cos I'm sure I've made some mistakes.Interviewer: Is ... how would you compare your mom? Is she less strict than your dad? Mm-hmm. Well, she's less strict, but it's, it's like I can't win, y'know? The stuff that my dad's not strict about, my mom's strict about, and·the stuff that my mom's not strict about, my dad is. And, well, like my dad doesn't let me see PG-13* or R movies, but my mom does. She, well, she rents R-rated* movies, and lets me watch them and all, but my dad won't even let me see PG-13.Eric:Well, uh, that's not really true. It depends on what it is. My rule with PG-13 is either I've had to have seen it first or, you know, talked to someone who I trust ... who's seen it.Interviewer:So, your mom's looser about movies. Uh, what's shestricter about?Jora: Chores, junk food, buying me specific things -Interviewer:When you say buying you things, do you mean -Jora: Like when we go to the store.Interviewer:She doesn't want to pay for them?Jora: She doesn't want to pay for things. She wants me to buy my own friends' presents, you know, stuff like thatInterviewer:So, do you get anallowance?Jora: Yeah, I do.Interviewer:So,Jora, what do you think about your dad? Do you think he's a pretty good dad? I mean, how does he compare with your friends' fathers? Jora: Urn, my dad is very strict, but he's ... he's .. , he's pretty good. He ... he's very nice and he lets me do just enough so I don't get too angry.ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).l.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8. TPart 2 PassageA Brief History of Banking1)Situated usually at a table or in a small shop in the commercial district, thebankers aided travelers who came to the town by exchanging foreign coins for local money.2)It wasn't long before the idea of attracting deposits and securing temporaryloans from wealthy customers became an important source of bank funding.3)The banking industry gradually spread outward from the classicalcivilizations of Greece and Rome into northern and western Europe.4)The early banks in Europe were places for safekeeping of valuable items aspeople came to fear loss of their assets due to war, theft, or expropriation by government.5)As the 19th century began, the development of large, professionally managedbanking firms was centered in a few leading commercial centers, especially New York.When did the first banks appear? The first bankers lived more than 2,000 years ago. They were money changers, situated usually at a table or in a small shop in the commercial district, aiding travelers who came to the town by exchanging foreign coins for local money or discounting commercial notes for a fee in order to supply merchants with working capital.The first bankers probably used their own capital to fund their activities, but it wasn't long before the idea of attracting deposits and securing temporary loans from wealthy customers became an important source of bank funding.Loans were then made to merchants, shippers, and landowners, at rates of interest as low as 6 percent per annum to as high as 48 percent a month for the riskiest ventures * ! Most of the early banks of any size were Greek in origin.The banking industry gradually spread outward from the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome into northern and western Europe. Banking encountered religious opposition during the Middle Ages, primarily because loans made to the poor often carried high interest rates. However, as theRenaissance began in Europe, the bulk of bank loans and deposits involved relatively wealthy customers, which helped to reduce religious opposition to banking practices.The development of new overland trade routes and improvements in navigation in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries gradually shifted the center of world commerce from the Mediterranean region toward Europe and the British Isles, where banking became a leading industry. The Industrial Revolution demanded a well-developed financial system. In particular, the adoption of mass production methods required a corresponding expansion in global trade to absorb industrial output, requiring new methods for making payments and credit available. Banks that could deliver on these needs grew rapidly.The early banks in Europe were places for safekeeping of valuable items (such as gold and silver bullion) as people came to fear loss of their assets due to war, theft, or expropriation by government. In England during the reigns of.Henry VIII and Charles I, government efforts to seize private holdings of goldand silver resulted in people depositing their valuables in goldsmiths' shops, who, in turn, would issue tokens* or certificates, indicating that the customer had made a deposit at these businesses. Soon, goldsmith tokens or certificates began to circulate as money because they were more convenient and less risky to carry around. The goldsmiths also offered certification of value services - what we today might call property appraisals*. Customers would bring in valuables tohave an expert certify that these items were indeed real and not fakes - a service many banks still provide their customers.When colonies were established in North and South America, Old World banking practices were transferred to the New World. As the 19th century began, state governments in the United States began chartering* banking companies. The development of large, professionally managed banking firms was centered in a few leading commercial centers, especially New York. The federal government became a major force in US banking during Civil War.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionA bank is, actually, a business organization, usually a limited company, which trades mainly in money, receiving and holding deposits and paying sums out of them by order of the customer, lending money at interest, discounting bills of exchange, moving from one place to another, acting as customer's agent in buying and selling securities, serving as trustee or executor, and performing various extra services for customers, e.g. arranging travel and insurance andadvising on tax and investment.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirection: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times ..Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.l.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8. BExercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)The early banks in Europe were places for safekeeping of valuable items(such as gold and silver bullion) as people came to fear loss of their assets due to war, theft, or expropriation by government. In England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Charles I, government efforts to seize private holdings of gold and silver resulted in people depositing their valuables in goldsmiths' shops, who, in turn, would issue tokens or certificates, indicating that the customer had made a deposit at these businesses. Soon, goldsmith tokens or certificates began to circulate as money because they were more convenientand less risky to carry around. The goldsmiths also offered certification of value services - what we today might call property appraisals. Customers would bring in valuables to have an expert certify that these items were indeed real and not fakes - a service many banks still provide their customers.2)(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item 1Greenland Ice SheetA US Space Agency study finds that Greenland is melting around the edges. The loss to the world's second largest ice sheet - more than 50 cubic kilometers per year - is enough to raise global sea level by 0.13 millimeters. NASA scientist Bill Krabill says the data indicates a process of change that does not immediately threaten coastal regions."The more important thing is to consider it as a signal of global climate change and to monitor it in case it starts to accelerate."Eighty-five percent of Greenland is covered by ice and is more accessible for scientific study than Antarctica, which is under the world's largest ice sheet."Greenland, the way it's positioned - much more north south, and the southern tip of Greenland protrudes* into the more temperate* latitudes* - it may react much quicker to global climate change than Antarctica does."Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the rapid thinning of the ice sheet on Greenland.Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).l.F 2.F3.T 4.T5. TCoolingAntarcticaA new study says Antarctica, the southernmost continent, has cooled measurably in recent years. The findings are a departure from global trends that show significant warming during the last century.University of Chicago Professor Pete~ Doran monitors the pulse* of Antarctica. He and other researchers have plotted* climate trends in the region. They are working with data from weather stations in Antarctica's DryValleys, a perpetually snow-free, mountainous zone, and from stations across the continent.Their records show a decrease by 0.7 degrees Celsius per decade in the DryValleys since 1986 and a similar cooling trend across the continent since 1978.Doran said, "Antarctica is somewhat isolated because there is a big ocean current* that constantly circles around the continent and actually sort of isolatesit, and that's what makes it cold. And, that may be a factor in why we are seeing Antarctica cooling is that slight disconnect from the rest of the globe, and it's not behaving in the same way."Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the result of a new study which suggests Antarctic cooling.Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1. A new study says Antarctica, the southernmost continent, has cooled measurably in recent years.2. Professor Peter Doran and other researchers have plotted climate trends in the region.1.Antarctica's DryValleys is a perpetually snow-free, mountainous zone.2.The records show a decrease by 0.7 degrees Celsius per decade in theDryValleys since 1986 and a similar cooling trend across the continent since 19783.There is a big ocean current that constantly circles around the continent, soAntarctica is somewhat isolated from the rest of the globe, and does not behave in the same wayNews Item 3Climate ChangeTAPESCRIPT AND KEYThe UN study predicts global temperatures will increase by nearly six degrees Celsius during this century. It says this will lead to increased flooding, drought, a rise in sea levels, and other climatic effects.The study says all regions of the world will suffer adverse* effects of climate change. The panel's co-chairman, James McCarthy, says some plant and mammals will be irreversibly* damaged; others will become extinct.Mr McCarthy says millions of people will be made homeless in low-lying countries such as Bangladesh because of sea level rise. Some islands will disappear completely. Economic losses will be incalculableIn addition, the report says crop and water loss will lead to more famine* in dry areas of the world, such as Africa.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summaryThis news item is about a study report on the dangers of global warming. Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and complete the following outline.Global WarmingI.Global temperatures increaseA. Global temperatures will increase by nearly six degrees Celsius.II. Unfavorable effectsA. Increasedflooding drought with crop and water lossa.Some plants and mammals will be irreversibly damaged or becomeextinct.b.More faminein dry areas of the world, such as Africa.B. A rise in sea levels,and other climatic effectsa)M illions of people will become homelessin low-lying countries such asBangladesh.b)Some islands will disappear completely.c) Economic losses will be incalculable.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportGlobal WarmingBy the year 2100, authors of a new study say, there could be a major increase in global temperatures if nothing is done to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The predictions are contained in an article appearing in the current issue of the journal Science.Writing in Science, Tom Wigley of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, and Sarah Raper, of the University of East Anglia in England, described the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel * on Climate Change.The IPCC is a United Nations group made up of hundreds of climatologists*and geologists* from around the- world. It concluded that, if greenhouse gases - such as carbon dioxide and methane* - are allowed to continue to migrate into the earth's upper atmosphere unchecked, temperatures near the ground could rise between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius by the end of this century.However, what policymakers want to know according to MrWigley is the likelihood, or probability that temperatures will be at the low end of that range or exceed the range. So, he and a colleague Sarah Raper developed a formula for figuring out how large the temperature increase might be."One of the things we did was that we tried to work out what one would call the fifty-percent confidence interval *. The temperature range that corresponds to fifty-percent probability for warming lies within that range. But the fifty-percent confidence interval is roughly 2.4 to 3.8 degrees Celsius. And what that means is there's a 25 percent probability, or one chance in four, that, by 2100, the warming - the global warming - will exceed 3.8 degrees Celsius." Atmospheric scientist Tom Wigley says he used a computer model that refined the global warming range. The investigators plugged* in several different variables* that might occur throughout the century, such as the emissions of different greenhouse gases, to come up with the narrower range.But another study published in the journal Science challenged the IPCC's prediction that temperature will rise between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. John Reilly is with the global climate change program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Mr Reilly says the IPCC range containsno uncertainty analysis."It makes a difference whether you think there's a 60-percent chance it's going to rain today or a 30-percent chance it's going to rain today."Mr Reilly says mathematicians at MIT have made some calculations of their own, and come up with a different global warming range.MIT's John Reilly estimates the average rise in global temperatures will be 2.5 degrees Celsius if nothing is done by the end of the century.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news report and complete the summary.This news report is about different predictions of global warming range by 2100. Exercise BDirections: Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1)IPCC stands for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UnitedNations group made up of hundreds of climatologists and geologists from around the world.2)The IPCC concluded that, if greenhouse gases - such as carbon dioxide andmethane - are allowed to continue to migrate into the earth's upper atmosphere unchecked, temperatures near the ground could rise between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius by the end of this century.3)What policymakers want to know according to MrWigley is the likelihood, orprobability that temperatures will be at the low end of that range or exceed the range.4)They conclude that by 2100, the global warming will exceed 3.8 degreesCelsius.5)MIT's John Reilly and his colleagues estimate the average rise in globaltemperatures will be 2.5 degrees Celsius if nothing is done by the end of the century.International Financial Markets1)Policymakers try to stimulate growth through either expansionary monetaryor fiscal policy.2)With the increase in size and mobility of capital internationally, a substantialamount of national debts may be to foreigners, denominated in foreigncurrencies.3)Once the supply of international reserves is threatened, the country'scentral bank may be forced to step aside, allowing the currency todepreciate.4)The domestic economy may weaken severely following the currency crisis, ifother countries have pursued similar macroeconomic strategies, or facesimilar macroeconomic conditions.5)International financial markets impose a powerful disciplining force, muchthe same as stock market investors reward and penalize companies for good and bad performance.An important aspect in the transformation of international financial markets comes from the speed, severity*, and scope of market reactions. Policymakers who try to stimulate growth through either expansionary monetary or fiscal* policy must face an external constraint imposed by a pegged* exchange rate or a limit on how much can be borrowed from foreigners. Throughout most of the post-World War II period, imbalances resulting from differences in national economic policies or macroeconomic* performance were slow to develop. Capital mobility was limited, and there was less opportunity for capital flight. At some point, the overstretched country would devalue by 10 percent, 20 percent, or so and the cycle would start again - with no great headlines, no great drop in national income, and no knock-on* effects to neighboring countries.Over the last 10 years, the nature of international financial adjustment has changed. With the increase in size and mobility of capital internationally, a substantial amount of national debts may be to foreigners, denominated in foreign currencies, and in practice these debts are often short-term. As long as foreigners feel confident about the macroeconomic performance of a country, existing short-term debts are rolled over and new capital flows may follow thus furthering the expansion.However, any event that shakes confidence (a corporate failure, a bank failure, a commodity price drop, a political speech, or a scandal) could halt theflow of capital and jeopardize* the rollover* of debt on existing terms. A scenario of this sort triggers* a demand for international reserves, which are in limited supply at the central bank. Once the supply of international reserves is threatened, the country's central bank may be forced to step aside, allowing the currency to depreciate without any assurance of where the next stable anchor will be. We can call this a currency crisis. Because bank debts are in foreign currencies, the devaluation worsens bank balance sheets and banks may be forced to stop lending or call in existing loans to raise cash. Domestic banks are likely to fail if these steps are unsuccessful. Thus, the domestic economy may weaken severely following the currency crisis. If other countries have pursued similar macroeconomic strategies, or face similar macroeconomic conditions, these events underscore the impact that a vast pool of capital may have when it is mobile across borders and denominated in a foreign currency.International financial markets impose a powerful disciplining force - rewarding good policies and outcomes, and penalizing* poor policies and outcomes - much the same as stock market investors reward and penalize companies for good and bad performance. This new international investment climate raises important questions for the pricing of foreign securities and for investors and macroeconomic policies.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe most conspicuous function of money is that it can be used as a means of making payment forgoodsand services. In a more scientific term, it is generally accepted as a medium of exchange.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.(Refer to Tapescript)Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1. The speed, accuracy, and scope of market reactions lead to another the transformation of international financial markets.(An important aspect in the transformation of international financialmarkets comes fromthe speed, severity, and scope of market reactions.)F 2. Through the most of the Second World War, capital mobility was limited.there were hardly any possibilities for capital flight.(Throughout most of the post-World War II period, there was lessopportunity for capitalflight.)3. To some degree, the overstretched country -at that time would devalue by Tat least 10percent in the circulation of capital.(At some point, the overstretched country would devalue by 10 percent, 20 so.)-T 4. Over the last decade, the nature of international financial has changed.(Over the last 10 years, the nature of international financial adjustmentT 5. Existing short-term debts can be put off as long as foreigners feel certain macroeconomic situation of a country.(As long as foreigners feel confident about the macroeconomicexisting short-term debts are rolled over.)F 6. Any event that shakes confidence could promote the flow of capital.(Any event that shakes confidence could halt the flow of capital.)F 7. Once the supply of international reserves is threatened, appreciation of thefollow.(Once the supply of international reserves is threatened, the country'scentral bank maybe forced to step aside, allowing the currency to depreciate without anyassurance ofwhere the next stable anchor will be.)8. The disciplining force which rewards good performance and penalizes bad Tperformanceis much alike in international financial markets and stock markets.(International financial markets impose a powerful disciplining force -rewarding good poli-cies and outcomes, and penalizing poor policies and outcomes - much thesame asstock market investors reward and penalize companies for good and badperformance.)Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Once the supply of international reserves is threatened, the country's centralbank may be forced to step aside, allowing the currency to depreciate without any assurance of where the next stable anchor will be. We can call this a currency crisis. Because bank debts are in foreign currencies, the devaluation worsens bank balance sheets and banks may be forced to stop lending or call in existing loans to raise cash. Domestic banks are likely to fail if these steps are unsuccessful. Thus, the domestic economy may weaken severely following。

森さん)が持ってきました。 森さん)が写真を撮ります。 森さん)が行きます。 森さん)が仕事を手伝いました。 森さん)が使います。
1番 (答え)
① (男の人 ② (男の人 ③ (男の人 ④ (男の人 ⑤ (男の人 女の人 女の人 女の人 女の人 女の人
森さん)が持ってきました。 森さん)が写真を撮ります。 森さん)が行きます。 森さん)が仕事を手伝いました。 森さん)が使います。
食べなくちゃ 食べなきゃ 食べちゃいけない
例:ま×ち マッチ
①レ_ス_ン ③ポ_ケ_ト ⑤ス_ト_プ ⑦ち_か_て_つ ②ま_す_ぐ ④ゆ_く_り ⑥せ_け_ん ⑧い_て_ら_しゃ_い
① 1 2 3 ② 1 2 3 ③ 1 2 3
男の人は女の人にペンを貸してくれます。 女の人は男の人にペンを借りてあげます。 男の人は女の人にペンを貸してもらいます。
女の人は森さんに褒められました。 男の人は森さんに褒められました。 森さんは男の人に女の人を褒めさせました。
第一章 準備をしましょう
1 発音について
「ちょとまてください」是不正确的。正确的是「ちょっとまってくださ い」。如果没有促音“っ(ッ)”,有时候会变成两个完全不同的单 词。如“まち(城镇)”、“マッチ(火柴)”。
第一章 準備をしましょう
2 文法について

Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET I.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer-A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?[A] A bus conductor.[B]A clerk at the airport.[C] A taxi driver.[D]A clerk at the station.From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B] and mark it in your test booklet.Sample Answer: [A] [B] [C] [D]Now look at question 1.1. What does the woman mean?[A] She invites the man to a pot luck next weekend.[B] She asks the man to help her with the gardening.[C] She is not free today.[D] She agrees to meet the man next Saturday.2. What will the man do?[A] Join his friends.[B] Play a card game.[C] Catch up with others.[D] Do more studying.3. Where did this conversation most probably take place?[A] At the bookstore.[B] At a department store.[C] At a club.[D] At a school.4. How much will the man pay for two tickets?[A] $8.[B] $24.[C] $18.[D] $36.5. What do they decide to do?[A] The man will bring some food back for dinner.[B] They will go to their friend ' s home for supper.[C] The woman will fill the refrigerator before supper.[D] They will eat out for dinner.6. How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation?[A] Angry.[B] Relieved.[C] Upset.[D] Sarcastic.7. What is the man going to do this morning?[A] Paint the bookshelf.[B] Fix the table.[C] Wash the car.[D] Go to the beach.8. How many students were absent from the test?[A] 15.[B] 20.[C] 25.[D] 30.9. What do we learn from the conversation?[A] The man needs three weeks to do something before leaving for Europe.[B] Something prevents the man from going to Europe.[C] The woman is leaving for Europe in just three weeks.[D] The man is excited about his trip to Europe.10. What do we learn from this conversation?[A] The man is giving a party.[B] The woman is staying at home.[C] The man is going to lower the music volume. .[D] The woman is invited to join the man.。


大学英语听力教程第三册(第二版)听力原文UNIT1 Is the Earth Being Squeezed DryPart1 Getting readyB The Amazon forests are disappearing because of increased burning and tree removal. In September, satellite pictures showed more than 20000 fires burning in the Amazon. Experts say most of these fires were set by farmers. The farmers were attempting to clear land to grow crops. The World Wildlife Fund says another serious problem is that too many trees in the Amazon rain forest are being cut down. The World Wildlife Fund says the fires show the need for urgent international action to protect the world's rain forests. The group warns that without such action some forests could be lost forever.2. Environmental issues swell to the full in Berlin this week, for the UN spongsored conference on global warming and climate change is the first such meeting since the Rio summit three years ago. With scientists and governments now generally ready to accept that the earth climate is being affected by emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, over a hundred countries are sending delegations. But how much progress has been made implementing the greenhouse gas reduction target agreed on at Rio? Simon Dary reports...Part2 The earth at riskI: Brian Cowles is the producer of a new series of documentaries called "The Earth at Risk" which can be seen on Channel 4 later this month. Each program deals with a different continent, doesn't it, Brian?B: That's right. We went to America, both North and South and then we went over to Africa and South-East Asia.I: And what did you find in each of these continents?B: Starting with Africa, our film shows the impact of the population on the environment. Generally speaking, this has caused the Sahara Desert to expand. It's a bit of a vicious circle we find. People cut down trees for firewood and their domestic animals eat all the available plants — and so consequently they have to move south as the Sahara Desert expands further south. I mean, soon the whole of Mali will become a desert. And in East Africa: here the grasslands are supporting too many animals and the result is, of course, there's no grass — nothing for the animals to eat.I: I see. And the next film deals with North America?B: That's right. In the USA, as you know, intensive agriculture requires a plentiful supply of rain for these crops to grow, I mean if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow. And growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. This is also true for any region that is intensely farmed — most of Europe, for example.I: And what did you find in South America?B: In South America (as in Central Africa and Southern Asia) tropical forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. This is done so that people can support themselves by growing food or to create ranches where cattle can be raised to be exported to Europe or America as tinned meat. The problem is that the soil is so poor that only a couple of harvests are possible before this very thin soil becomes exhausted. And it can't be fed with fertilizers like agricultural land in Europe.For example, in Brazil in 1982 an area of jungle the size of Britain and France combined was destroyed to make way for an iron ore mine. Huge numbers of trees are being cut down for exports as hardwood to Japan, Europe, USA to make things like luxury furniture. These forests can't be replaced — the forest soil is thin and unproductive and in just a few years, a jungle has become a waste land. Tropical forests contain rare plants (which we can use for medicines, for example) and animals — one animal or plant species becomes extinct every half hour. These forest trees also have worldwide effects. You know, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The consequence of destroying forests is not only that the climate of that region changes (because there is less rainfall) but this change affects the whole world. I mean,over half the world's rain forest has been cut down this century.Part3sectionA I-Interviewer B-Brian CowlesI: So, Brian, would you agree that what we generally think of as natural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes, by and large. I mean, obviously not hurricanes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. Practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is getting worse. You know, the cause is that forests have been cut down up in Nepal and India, I mean higher up-river in the Himalayas. Trees would hold rainfall in their roots, but if they've been cut down all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows sraight into the river Ganges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same — the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have been destroyed too.I: Well, this all sounds terribly depressing. Um ... What is to be done? I mean, can anything be done, in fact?B: Yes, of course it can. First, the national governments have to be forward-looking and consider the results of their policies in ten or twenty years, not just think as far ahead as the next election. Somehow, all the countries in the world have to work together on an international basis. Secondly, the population has to be controlled in some way: there are too many people trying to live off too little land. Thirdly, we don't need tropical hardwood to make our furniture — it's a luxury people in the West must do without. Softwoods are just as good, less expensive and can be produced on environment-friendly "tree farms", where trees are replaced at the same rate that they are cut down.I: And, presumably, education is important as well. People must be educated to realize the consequences of their actions?B: Yes, of course.I: Well, thank you, Brian.sectionB I-Interviewer B-Brian CowlesI: So, Brian, would you agree that what we generally think of as ... er... as er ... natural disasters are in fact man-made?B: Yes, by and large ... er ... I mean, obviously not hurricanes or earthquakes, but take flooding, for example. I mean, practically every year, the whole of Bangladesh is flooded and this is getting worse. You know, the cause is that forests have been cut down up in Nepal and India ... I mean ... higher up-river in the Himalayas. Trees ...er ... would hold rainfall in their roots, but if they've been cut down all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river Ganges and floods the whole country. The reason for flooding in Sudan is the same — the forests higher up the Blue Nile in Ethiopia have been destroyed too.Part4The world is warming up. We know this because average temperatures are the highest since scientists started measuring them 600 years ago. The increase is about 0.2℃every year. This may seem very slight, but we know that slight changes in temperature can have a big effect on other things. Most scientists now believe this global warming is due to human activity.Jeff Jenkins is head of Britain's Climate Prediction Center. He explains how global warming can happen."Sunlight strikes the earth and warms it up. At the same time heat leaves the earth, but part of that is trapped by carbon dioxide and other gases in the earth's atmosphere. That has been happening ever since the earth was formed. But the fear is that increasing amounts of carbon dioxide produced by industrial processes and transport and so on will lead to a greater warming of the earth's surface. So that's the golbal warming that people are concerned about."People are most concerned about the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are oil, coal, wood and so on. When these burn, they produce the gas carbon dioxide. Many scientists agree that an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and some of the gases in the atmosphere will increase the amount of warming. Computers are being used to predict what this may mean. They showed that there could begreat changes in rainfall and the rise in the sea level as ice caps in the north and south poles melt. This could have a serious effect on agriculture according to Prof. Martin Perry of University College in London. He says it could become more difficult to grow food in the tropics at lower latitudes nearer to the equator."The most clear pattern emerging is the possibility of reduced potential production in lower latitude regions, and most generally speaking, increased potential in higher latitude regions. Lower latitude regions are already warm, to put it extremely simply, and plants there are quite near their limits of heat and drought stress. An increase in temperature or reduction in moisture would place limits on crop growth."Woman: Global warming could reduce food production in lower latitude regions. Lower latitude regions are already warm. Global warming could put more stress on plans and place limits on crop growth.Food production is only one area that could be affected. There could also be health and social problems. Prof. Antony MacMichael of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine believes that some rural areas are already suffering. And the insects and bacteria could spread disease more easily."Already a number of rural populations around the world are suffering from the decline of agricultural systems. Climate change would add to this. And we would expect that it would accelerate the flood of environmental refugees around the world. But it includes not just the food production systems, but the patterns of distribution of insects and infective agents around the world. It includes likely effects on patterns of hear-related food poisoning, water contamination and diarrhea diseases, lots of things like this that would respond sensitively to changes in climate."Woman: Global warming could affect the distribution of insects. Global warming could change patterns of heat-related food poisoning.Many countries now agree that something must be done to reduce the danger of global warming. But a worldwide agreement on lowering the production of carbon dioxide has been difficult to reach. This is because many economies depend on fossil fuels like oil. Scientists believe it's now the politicians in every region of the world who need to take action.Part5 Environment has taken rather a back seat politically since the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro nearly 5 years ago. But the problems that meeting highlighted had not gone away. One environmental think tank — the International Food Policy Research Institute — has been looking at the future of water and its report reflects growing concern at the huge leap in usage over the past few years.In some parts of the world, water consumption has increased five fold. And the institute, known by its initials IFPRI, says shortages could soon become the trigger for conflict and a major barrier to feeding the world's growing population. Here's Richard Black of our Science Unit."It's often been said that water rather than oil will be the cause of warfare in the next century. According to the IFPRI report, the time when that happens might not be far away. The number of people affected by water shortage will increase ten fold over the next 30 years, it says, which could well lead to large scale conflicts.The main reason why water is becoming a scarce resource is agriculture, which now accounts for 70% of water consumption worldwide, 90% in some developing countries. Countless farmers have switched from growing indigenous crops for the home market to high yield export varieties, which inevitably need far more water. But the IFPRI report says that in some regions water shortage is now the single biggest impediment to feeding the population. Water scarcity also leads to water pollution. In the Indian State of West Bengal, for example, over extraction of water from bore holes has led to arsenic poisoning which is estimated to have affected two million people so far. But the IFPRI report calls for better water management worldwide including financial incentives to encourage conservation."Unit 2Unit2Part1A: Hello, I'm calling on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund.B: The what?A: The World Wildlife Fund. If you've got a few minutes I'd like to tell you what that means.B: Oh, all right.A: We work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife. The seas, for example, have become polluted by the industrialized world; whales are being hunted to extinction; turtles are rolled off their eggs when they come ashore to breed or are slaughtered for their meat and oil …B: Oh.A: Crocodiles are killed to make handbags and shoes; walruses are hunted for their ivory.B: I see.A: Seals are bludgeoned to death to provide fur coats and the threat of extinction hangs over several species of whale, dolphin and porpoise.B: Really.A: We are now campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.B: Very interesting.A: Aided by our campaign, protected nesting sites for turtles have already been set up. As you can see, this is very valuable work and I wonder therefore if you'd like to make a donation?Part2 John James Audubon was an American artist in the early 1800s, who illustrated birds in their natural habitats. The Society named after him was founded in the late 1800s by conservationists concerned with the decline of birds, which were being killed so their feathers could be used in the manufacture of women's hats.Sponsored by the National Audubon Society, more than 40 000 volunteers will be outside counting birds from today until January 3rd. V olunteers from all 50 states of the United States, every Canadian province, parts of Central and South America, Bermuda, the West Indies and Pacific islands have begun to count and record every individual bird and bird species observed during the two and one half week period of the count.Jeffrey LeBaron is the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count editor. He says the count is the longest-running bird census in ornithology.This year, according to Mr. LeBaron, more than 1 600 separate bird counts have been scheduled. Some would have as few as 10 people taking part, others with hundreds. The logistics of the Christmas bird count, he adds, are simple."Each individual count is in a circle. It's a 15 mile diameter circle, um, around the exact center point. And it's always the exactly same area that's done every year, usually, even on the same weekend during the count period. And what the ideal would be, which is virtually impossible, is this census: every single individual bird within that circle on the count day."Mr. LeBaron says experienced bird counters can get a good idea of the total bird populations within the count circle based on the number of birds they actually see. The editor points out, however, that the counts are not only for experienced bird watchers."Anybody that is interested or concerned can become involved. Beginners will go out in a party with experienced individuals who know both the area and the birds in the area, in the field where more eyes and ears are better. And then anybody can point out a bird, and someone in the field will always be able to identify the bird."Part3A —Alan Tu R — Rick Troud D — Deborah Duffield P — Peter JonesJ — Jean Michel Cousteau[Alan Tu is an announcer for Colorado Public Radio; Peter Jones is a reporter for Colorado PublicRadio. The other speakers are identified in the report.]A: A planned aquatic park in Denver is raising the ire of animal rights activists who object to a proposal to include a captive dolphin display. Although officials for Colorado's Ocean Journeys say they have yet to make a final decision on the issue, local and national activists have already instigated a "No Dolphins in Denver' campaign. As Colorado Public Radio's Peter Jones reports, the battle lines have been clearly drawn.P: Rick Troud, a former navy dolphin trainer based in Florida, is taking an active role in the "No Dolphins" campaign.R: Average age in the wild ranges anywhere in some of the studies between 30 and 40 years of age. In captivity, you can expect a dolphin to live maybe 5.13 years, and every 7 years in captivity, the dolphin population is dead.P: According to Troud, there are many reasons why dolphins can't live full lives in captivity.R: If you take a look at where the real dolphin is in the real ocean, you find the dolphin who swims 40 miles a day, is very family-oriented. These animals are separated from their mothers; that's a stress. You put them in a concrete tank where their sonar bounces off of walls, they can't swim in the same amount of time and direction that they can in the wild.P: Environmentalist and ocean explorer, Jean Michel Cousteau:J: There are some animals which reject captivity right away, and they're very suicidal. I've had one of those in my own arms for many days. The next morning when I came to take care of him, he was dead. And what he'd done was to swim as fast as he could from one end of the pool on ... to the other side and destroyed his head by hitting the wall. They have a very sophisticated brain. I don't think we have any rights to play with the lives of these animals.P: Cousteau's anti-captivity position is challenged by Dr. Deborah Duffield, a biology professor at Portland State College in Oregon. Her 1990 study compared captive dolphins to the wild population of Sarasota Bay, Florida. Among other findings, the study showed little if any difference in the average age of death. And Duffield says life is generally getting better for captive dolphins.D: The census data say that every time I do a census, I've got older and older animals in it as well as this normal age distribution that we've been looking at. So my feeling is that the trend in captivity has been that the group of animals that we're following are getting older, and if they continue to do that over the next five years, they will then indeed be older than the wild population.P: There is also a debate over the educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity. According to Duffield, captive dolphins play an important role in our basic understanding of the animals.D: I firmly believe that we cannot learn anything about organisms that we share this world with if we do not understand how they live in an environment, and what they do, and that watching them go by in the wild will not do it. I cannot tell what an animal needs, unless I know how it operates, how it breeds, what it needs metabolically, and I can't learn that from animals in the wild.P: But Troud says the dolphin displays are anti-educational because the animals' natural behavior patterns are altered by captivity.R: In the wild, you don't have dolphins who beat each other to death. There are no dolphins that I've ever seen stranded on the beach, who are suffering from fractured skulls, fractured ribs or fractured jaws, as is the case in captivity.P: The Ocean Journey board will take all factors into consideration before making a final decision on whether to include dolphins in the park. For Colorado Public Radio, I'm Peter Jones.Part4Mr. LeBaron says there are about 9 300 different known species of birds. Larger numbers of them live in the warmer climates. For example, more than 300 different species have been counted in Panama, while far fewer species are native to colder climates. Aside from their esthetic value, Mr. LeBaron says birds are important to the environment because they can signal changes in it."Birds are one of the best indicators that we have of the quality of the environment within the given area. Whether it is a relatively local area, or even primarily on the worldwide bases, they areone of the first things to be altered. They are quite sensitive to a habitat alteration or to other threats. And often times when birds are disappearing out of the area, it just means there is a degradation of the quality of the habitat within that area which will adversely affect everything in there including humans."National Audubon Society editor Jeffrey LeBaron calls the world's bird populations a source of wealth that humans must protect."People get so much pleasure out of looking at birds and listening to birds. And if they start disappearing just the er, the quality of life, um, may be not physically, but the mental quality of life can be degraded quickly."Jeffrey LeBaron says that while the National Audubon Society's annual Christmas bird counts show a decline in some species, many types of birds are actually increasing their populations.Part5Scientists have cataloged more than one and one-half million of the species that exist on Earth today. By some recent estimates, at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet..Up to 100 species become extinct every day. Scientists estimate that the total number of species lost each year may climb to 40 000 by the year 2000, a rate far exceeding any in the last 65 million years..Around the world more than 3 500 protected areas exist in the form of parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves. These areas cover a total of about 2 million square miles (5 million square km, or 3% of our total land area)..Today, more than 200 animal species in the United States are classified as endangered. More than 1 000 animal species are endangered worldwide..Little-noticed aquatic animals are in big trouble. In North America, a third of our fish species, two-thirds of our crayfish species and nearly three-quarters of the mussel species are in trouble.Unit 3Unit3 part1 Looking here at Wednesday's weather forecast for Europe. It's certainly clear that winter is starting to take its grip on the continent. Berlin on Wednesday, mostly cloudy and very cold, and -2 degrees for your high. Brussels, Belgium, a little warmer at one degree, partly sunny. London, 5 degrees for your high, mostly cloudy throughout the day. In Paris, your high temperature is 0 degrees on Wednesday, partly cloudy as well. Rome, 8 degrees for your high, with periods of clouds and sunshine. And Vienna, Austria, -2 degrees on Wednesday, cloudy and of course cold. Athens, Greece, a little warmer at 10 degrees, periods of clouds and sunshine on Wednesday. Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1 degree for your high, mostly cloudy. Istanbul, 5 degrees, and partly sunny. And Kiev, Ukraine, -7 degrees, and you can expect snow. Moscow, -9 degrees on Wednesday, also snowy. And in Prague, the Czech Republic, -4 degrees with snow flurries, so sounds like typical of weather for that area of the world. Let's look at what we have here in Washington D.C., no snow yet, but it will be coming.As 1998 ends and people look forward to the last year of the century, the World Almanac spoke with experts about what comes next. Almanac editorial director says the experts believe the next century will bring lots of changes."Warm, of course, that our climate is going to continue getting warmer. That's the subject, by the way, of another new article on the 1999 World Almanac. The greenhouse effect, exactly what causes it, and what steps to be taken to, um, perhaps, to alleviate global warmings. I've seen recently that 1998 is going to go down as the warmest year ever on record. And so that's going to be a major issue of the next century, and possible tremendous consequences of the global warmings, whether it is rising sea levels affecting the coastal areas; changes in climate zones affecting what crops can be grown, and inwhat regions. This is potentially a very significant trend to be watched."Major ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn over waters near the equator. They are known by several different names. Scientists call these storms cyclones when they happen just north or south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. In the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, these storms are called typhoons. In the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes.Part2 Satellite readings confirm that conditions are right for another El Nino, a cyclic weather pattern that affects the global climate."El Nino's normally show up about twice a decade and it lasts about 12 to 18 months, bringing warmer weather to parts of the earth. Some regions become wetter than usual, others drier. The El Nino, which began in 1991 has lingered through this year. Although several years might have been expected to pass before the next one, an American-French satellite observing the oceans has found a sign that El Nino may come back quicker than expected."'These kinds of things still happen.' This is Brig Jacker, an oceanographer of the US Naval Research Laboratory in Mississippi."'Every year is unpredictable. One year might be El Nino year, one year might not. Generally El Nino's come in four year cycles. But there's nothing to say that you can't have two El Nino years in a row.'"El Nino's begin with the decline of winds pulling cold water away from South America's west coast to around the equator. This allows warm water in the western Pacific Ocean to expand eastward toward the America's. At the same time, the clouds and rain over the warm water move eastward too. Radar aboard the American-French satellite detected the hint thatsuch water movement began in early August and reached South America two months later. It saw a ripple called a 'Calvin wave' moving slowly eastward. Such pulses sometimes give rise to El Nino conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific."El Nino's can change the weather around the world, but how much depends on its strength. A strong one in 1982 and 1983 has been linked to droughts in Australia and Indonesia, rains and flooding in South America, and unseasonably warm weather in much of the United States. But even the mild El Nino that began in 1991 has caused trouble. It has been associated with devastating floods in the US southeast last year and in the US midwest this year. El Nino's are hard on the South American fishing industry. The warm waters prevent nutrients rich cold water from rising to the surface, causing fish stocks to become depletive. Mr. Jacker said a new El Nino apparently would be mild but he is not betting on it yet."The US Naval oceanographer says predictions are difficult because the strength of El Nino depends on how winds affect the 'Calvin wave' that has moved across the Pacific."Part3It’s about an hour’s drive from the outskirts of San Jose, California, near the upper side of the state’s hig h-technology region known as “Silicon Valley”. As a visitor drives up the narrow winding road past red flowers, and eucalyptus trees, one of the first two seismographic stations in the world, it’s almost a surprise to glimpse the largest dome of Lick Obser vatory’s eight telescopes. Overlooking the world of computer age manufacturing are telescopes from the turn of the century which help shape our understanding of the universe.The huge dome, housing Lick Observatory’s giant, one meter wide reflecting telescope, is one of the few instruments in motion this morning on Mount Hamilton. At the 1260-meter summit of Mount Hamilton is a small village of 55 permanent residents, some of them students in a one-room school house. But most at the research complex are visiting astronomers catching their first hours of sleep in an old dormitory after a night’s work at the telescopes. Reminton Stone, director of operations at Lick Observatory has worked at the top of Mount Hamilton for three decades. Now a part of the University of California, Lick Observatory got its name from a wealthy businessman who never studied。
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問題4 発話表現 1番 会社で後輩が先に帰ります。後輩に何と言いますか。 1 お世話になりました。 2 お疲れ様。 3 お先に失礼します。
2番 前の人のハンカチを拾いました。何と言いますか。 1 ハンカチ、どうぞ。 2 ハンカチ、要りますか。 3 ハンカチ、落としましたよ。
3番 辞書を忘れたので、クラスメートに借りたいです。何と言いますか。 1 辞書、貸してくれない。 2 辞書、貸しましょう。 3 辞書、どうですか。
4番 大学で男の学生と先生が今日の研究会の準備について話しています。男の学生はこの後何 をしなければなりませんか。 学生:先生、研究会のポスターは会場の建物の入り口と正門に張っておきましたが、その 二箇所でよろしいでしょうか。 先生:ああ、ありがとう。それで大丈夫でしょう。後は次の研究会の案内を配らないとい けないから、コーピーしておいて。それから、発表者のための飲み物ですね。 学生:飲み物は昨日買って冷蔵庫に入れておきました。 先生:あ、ありがとう。 学生:コーピーは何部くらい必要でしょうか。 先生:そうですね…20部お願いできますか。会場のパソコンは私のほうでセットしてお きますから、コーピーが終わったら、会場に持ってきてください。 学生:はい、わかりました。
問題3 概要理解
1番 女の人と男の人が話しています。 F:あのう、お願いって何でしょうか。 M:あのう、田中さんは歌やピアノを教えていらっしゃるってきいたんですが。実は来月、 知り合いの結婚式があって、私がピアノを演奏して、友達が歌を歌うことになったんです。 でも、私、そんなにできるわけじゃなくて、困っているんですが。あのう、お時間のある ときに教えていただけないでしょうか。
ください。もしまだだったら、すぐに準備してもらえますか。 F:はい。 M:それから、あした来られそうかどうかも聞いてみてもらえますか。無理そうだったら、 悪いけど、一人で行ってくださいね。 F:はい、わかりました。
問題二 ポイント理解
1 番: 留守番電話のメッセージを聞いています。加藤さんは何時ごろ着くと言っていますか。加 藤さんです。 M:加藤です。今日、四時半に田中さんと三人で会う約束でしたが、一時間ぐらい遅れそ うなんです。事故があって、もう30分も電車が駅に止まったままで、先連絡があったん ですが、田中さんは授業が早く終わったんで、四時には着くそうです。すいません、とに かく、急いでいきます。
2番 プールの受付で男の人が係りの人と話しています。この後、男の人はいくら支払いますか。 男:こちらのプールを利用したいんですが。 女:初めてですか。 男:はい。 女:それでは、利用カードをお作りしますね。プールをご利用になる時は利用カードを見 せて400円払ってください。本日はカード代の200円もお願いします。 男:わかりました。 女:それから、泳ぐときには水泳用の帽子が必要で、こちらは100円でおかししていま す。 男:帽子はあります。 女:あ、そうですか。
アナウンサーは何についてリポートしていますか。 1、面白い形の野菜。 2、珍しい色の野菜。 3、変わった味の野菜。 4、値段の高い野菜。
3番 中学生の男の子が友達についてスピーチしています。 M:よく、みんな友達は多ければ多いほどいいって言いますよね。ぼくは、前から、その ことに疑問を感じていました。どうして、友達がそんなにたくさん必要なのかわからない のです。数はすくなくても、お互いに心を開いて何でも話せるような付き合いをするのが 理想的なのではないでしょうか。友達が多いと、一人一人としっかり向き合うことが難し くなると思います。 男の子はどんな付き合い方がいいと言っていますか。 1、多くの友達と浅く付き合う。 2、多くの友達と深く付き合う。 3、少数の友達と浅く付き合う。 4、少数の友達と深く付き合う。
男の人は女の人にどのようなことをお願いしていますか。 1、結婚式で歌ってもらうこと。 2、結婚式でピアノを弾いてもらうこと。 3、歌を教えてもらうこと。 4、ピアノを教えてもらうこと。
2番 アナウンサーがスーパーからリポートしています。 F:こちら、スーパーの野菜売り場です。ごらんください。珍しい野菜が並んでいますね。 この黄色いのなんだと思いますか。形はきゅうりですが、ちょっといただきます。う~ん、 きゅうりの味です。おいしいです。実は、技術がすすんで、簡単に野菜の色を変えられる ようになったそうです。おもしろいですね。ところが、このような野菜はあまり売れてい ません。値段は普通の野菜と変わらないのですが。やはりおいしそうに見えないのでしょ うか。それが原因かもしれません。
6番 会社で男の人と女の人が話しています。男の人はこの後、まず何をしなければなりません か。 F:課長、田中さんから電話がありまして、熱があって今日はお休みだそうです。 M:ああ、そう。最近、忙しかったから。あっ、あした田中さんと 2 人で、光電気の会議 に出てもらうことになってましたね。その準備はどうなってますか。 F:私のほうの準備は終わっています。田中さんは家でやるって言っていました。 M:そう、じゃ、田中さんに電話して、書類ができているかどうか、ちょっと聞いてみて
3番 留守番電話のメッセージを聞いています。メッセージを聞いた人はこの後何をしますか。 あっ、もしもし、鈴木です。先週のパーティーに来てくれて、ありがとう。ところで、あ の日、うちに帽子忘れていたでしょう。今度送るので、住所教えてもらえる?あ、でも、 今ファックスが壊れてるんで、メールでお願い。後、パーティーの時の写真もできたので、
いろいろ教えてくださって、ありがとうございました。 F:こちらこそ。マイクさんには、子供と遊んでもらって。 M:僕には兄弟がいませんから、忘れられない最高の思い出になりました。 F:寂しくなりますね。また、遊びに来てくださいね。 M:はい、ありがとうございます。帰ったら、メールで写真を送ります。 F:ありがとう。じゃ、メール、楽しみに待っていますね。
5番 男の人と女の人が話しています。男の人はこれからどうしますか。 M:今朝ラジオを聴いてたら、懐かしい曲がかかっててね。 F:へえ、何って曲なの。 M:それがね、どうしても思い出せなくてね。気になってしようがないんだ。大学時代に よくうたってたんだけど。 F:ずいぶん前の話ね。じゃ、そのラジオ局に電話して聞いたらわかるんじゃない? M:うん…でも、なんて聞けばいいだろう。歌が歌えればいいんだけど。 F:そうね。あ、そのラジオ局のホームページに曲名がのってるんじゃないかな。 M:あ、そうだね。ありがとう。
2 番: 女の人と男の人が話しています。男の人は今、どのスポーツをしていますか。 F:ねえ、田中君、サッカー好き? M:うん、ボールを使うスポーツって、いいよね。サッカーとか、バスケットとか。山田 さんは? F:私?私も小さい頃からサッカーが好きで、今でも時々見に行くのよ。 M:そう。何かスポーツしないの? F:ううん。スポーツは、見るだけ。田中君は、何かスポーツしてる? M:僕は高校時代、テニスをしてたんだけど、最近は卓球をしてるんだ。やってみたら、 結構面白くてね。 M:へえ、そうなんだ。私もやってみようかな。
6 番: 夫婦が話をしています。女の人が、遠くのスーパーに行くのは、どうしてですか。 M:今日、花子、喜んでたよ。お母さんに、猫の形のパンを買ってもらったって。 F:花子、あのパンが大好きなんだけど、遠くのスーパーにしか売ってなくて、近くのス ーパーのほうが、何でも安くていいんだけど。 M:君が最近、遠くのスーパーに歩いていくのは、健康のためかと思ってたよ。本当は花 子のためだったんだね。
4番 自分たちの写真を撮ってもらいたいので、近くの人に頼みます。何と言いますか。 1 写真を撮っていただけませんか。 2 写真を撮らせていただけませんか。 3 写真を撮ってもいいですか。 答え:1 問題5 即時応答 1番 コーヒーもう一杯いかがですか。 (1) 結構だと思います。 (2) おかげさまで。 (3) いただきます。
4 番: 男のアナウンサーが女の人にインタビューをしています。女の人はどうしてこのグループ のコンサートに来ましたか。 M:あのう、ミナミテレビですが、ちょっとインタビューいいですか。 F:あっ、はい。 M:このグループのコンサートには、よくいらっしゃいますか。 F:そうですね、ときどき来てます。このグループの歌、私は、まあ、悪くないかなーく らいなんですけど、とにかく、友達が毎回、一緒に行こうって言うんで… M:お友達はこのグループのファンなんですか。 F:ええ、CD、全部持ってるんですよ。歌も好きみたいですけど、とにかく、グループ のリーダーに夢中で、部屋中に、彼のポスターがあって、それに、ダンスが最高って言っ ています。 M:なるほど、そうですか。どうもありがとうございます。
2番 いつ日本にいらっしゃったんですか。 (1) 三ヶ月前に参りました。 (2) 3年の予定です。 (3) 来年の三月までいます。
3番 お久しぶりです。お元気ですか。 (1) 結構です。 (2) お構いなく。 (3) おかげさまで。
4番 風邪、どういちゃった。
5番 あのう、明日のテスト、どうしても受けなくちゃいけませんか。
(1) 受けられますよ。 (2) 必ず受けてください。 (3) 明日のほうが良かったですか。