clinical science投稿格式要求
clinical science投稿格式要求临床科学(Clinical Science)的投稿格式要求如下:1.稿件类型:临床科学主要接收研究论文(Research Papers)和临床视角(Clinical Perspectives)。
2.4 Abstract一摘 要 是 对 论 文 内 容 的 简 短 陈 述 ,为 读 者 阅 读 、信息检 索提 供方便 ,不宜 太详尽 ,也 不 宜太 简短 ,100~250个 英文 单词 。 摘要主 要有 两大 类 : 说 明性 摘要 —— 只 向读 者指 出论 文的 主 要议 题是 什 么,不涉 及具 体的 研究 方法和 结 果 。一 股适用 于综 述性 文章 ,也用 于讨 论 、 评论 性 文章 ,以介 绍某 学科近 期 发展动 态的
2.2 Author(s)一作 者姓 名 按 照 欧 美 国 家 的 习 惯 , 名 字 (fi rst name) 在 前 ,姓 氏(surname / family name / last name) 在后 ,逐一 写 出各 自 的姓 名 ,以下 几种 写法都 可以 。
Luxin Yang/Yang Luxin/ZHANG hong Jun
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8972 2013.05.038
基金项 目:中国医科大学 “十二五 ”第一批医学教育科学研究立项课题 ,课题批准号 YDJK201 1066,课题名称 :SCI医学英语论文写作教学改革研究与实践
李 岩 中 医科 大 学 ,辽 宁 沈 阳 1 1 000
论文 结构是 重 点 ,医 学英语 论文 写作有 着 自己的一 套规 则和 格式 ,在 文章结 构和 文 字表 达上 都有 其特 点 ,只有严 格遵循 国际标 准和 相应 刊物 的规定 ,才 能提 高所投 稿 件的 录用 率 。
英国医学杂志中文版BMJ CHINESE EDITION(论文写作与投稿经验)科学论文的讨论需要结构化与结构式摘要相似The case for structuring the discussion of scientific papersMuch the same as that for structuring abstractsMichael Docherty Professor of rheumatologyCity Hospital, Nottingham NG5 1PBRichard Smith Editor, BMJ在写作中,结构安排最难,写小说、剧本、诗歌、政府报告或科学论文,莫不如此。
医学刊物的读者对论文的IMRaD结构(引言、方法、结果和讨论;Introduction,Methods ,Results and Discussion)1相当稔熟,自觉或不自觉地都知道每部分的作用。
有些刊物要求特殊论文使用特殊结构,如报告随机试验(randomised trials)的论文使用CONSORT结构4。
Lancet主编Richard Horton 和一些人士曾撰文谈及作者如何在论文的讨论中玩弄辞藻6,7。
6.文章格式与杂志稿约严重不符合麻醉学英文论文的类型1.General articles describe clinical or laboratory investigations.2.Case reports describe either new and instructive cases, anesthetic techniques and equipment of demonstrable originality, usefulness, and safety, or new information on diseases of importance to anesthesia.3.Brief reports simply describe clinical or laboratory investigations4.Technical communications describe instrumentation and analytic techniques.5.Review articles collate, describe, and evaluate previously published material to aid in evaluating new concepts.6.Medical intelligence articles usually describe and evaluate previously published material to aid in evaluating new concepts or updating old concepts or topics germane to anesthesiology.7.Special articles describe literature, education, societies, and other topics interests of a historical or current trend in anesthesiology.8.Letters to the editor include brief constructive comments concerning previously published articles or brief notations of general interest.论文的类型和字数要求Type of Manuscript Maximum Word AllowanceGeneral Article 3000 words (excluding abstract)Case Report 800 wordsBrief Report 1000 wordsTechnical Communications 1500 wordsReview Article 4000 wordsMedical Intelligence Article 3000 wordsSpecial Article 2000 wordsEditorial 1500 wordsLetter to the Editor 200 wordsOther Items见稿约具体要求其他要求Nontextual Material Maximum AllowanceFigures and Table No more than 6 figures or tables. Do not duplicatedata in tables, figures, or text.References No more than 25 references per article. For areview article, up to 70 references areacceptable. (For video files, see the descriptionbelow.)Abstract 200 words for all General Articles, TechnicalCommunications, Review Articles, MedicalIntelligence Articles, Special Articles. Abstract 50-100 words for Case Reports and Brief Reports. Implications 50 words正确选择期刊目前可供投稿的麻醉学杂志(大约20种)一、专业麻醉学期刊1.Anesthesiology(美国)2.Anesthesia & Analgesia(美国)3.Journal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia(美国)4.Journal of Clinical Anesthesia(美国)5.Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology(美国)6.Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing(美国)7.The International Journal of Anesthesia (美国)8.International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia(美国)9. International Anesthesiology Clinics10.Anesthesia Malpractice Prevention(美国)11.Canadian Journal of Anesthesia(加拿大)12.Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica(瑞典)13.Anaesthesia(英国)14.British Journal of Anaesthesia(英国)15.European Journal of Anaesthesiology(英国)16.Paediatric Anaesthesia(英国)17.Anaesthesia & Intensive Care(澳大利亚)18.Journal of Anesthesia(日本)19.Thai Journal of Anesthesiology (泰国)20.Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica(比利时)二、重症治疗期刊1.Critical Care Medicine2.Resuscitation3.Journal of Critical Care4.Pediatric Critical Care Medicine三、疼痛治疗期刊1.Pain2.Clinical Journal of Pain3.European Journal of Pain4.Journal of Pain5.Journal of Pain and Symptom Management6.Pain Clinic7.Pain Forum8.Pain Management Nursing9.Pain Medicine10.Pain Medicine News11.Pain Physician12.Pain Practice13.Pain Research & Management14.Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine15.Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management四、互联网麻醉学杂志1.World Anaesthesia Online2.Internet Journal of Anesthesiology3.Anaesthesia Online4.BMC Anesthesiology5.Online Journal of Anesthesiology五、国内英文期刊1.Chinese Medical Journal2.Chinese Journal of Medical Sciences3.Chinese Journal of Pharmacological Sciences4.Journal of Chinese Sciences正确选择期刊选择期刊应考虑的因素尽管目前国际著名生物医学期刊自由来稿的退稿率均在90%左右,但是,作者只要确信自己的研究成果已达到在国外生物医学期刊发表的水平,即具有突出的科学重要性、能引起有关学科读者的极大兴趣,就可能将自己的论文首先投向水平较高的期刊。
英文标题的写作-注意事项 英文标题的写作 注意事项
2.尽量选用特指词和关键词 尽量选用特指词和关键词 一个含意常有多种表达方式 肝癌:hepatocarcinoma, liver cancer/ carcinoma, 肝癌: hepatic cancer/ carcinoma, liver/ hepatic neoplasm 望文生义 :congenital skin webbed fingers syndactyly of fingers
A postmortem study of 64 vagus nerves from 32 children up to 1 year of age was done to determine the incidence of ectopic parathyroid tissue. The segments of nerve (average length, 2.6 cm), including the entire ganglion nodosum, were examined using a combination of step and serial sectioning. Discrete solitary collections of ectopic parathyroid chief cells were seen in 6% of vagus nerves and ranged in diameter from 162 to 360 micron. Confirmation of the nature of the cells was based on the presence of abundant glycogen and positive immunoreactivity for chromogranin and parathormone. The possible significance of intravagal parathyroid tissue is briefly discussed.
新 疆 医科 大 学 学报
J OURNAL OF XI I NJANG MEDI UNI CAI VERS TY 2 1 u . 3 ( ) I 0 0J n , 3 6
医学科 技 期 刊论 文 英 文 摘要 的撰 写 要 点
杨 晨 晨
( 新疆 医科 大 学 学报 编 辑 部 , 疆 新 乌 鲁木 齐 801) 3 0 1
1 思 想 的浓 缩 与 概 括 , 有 固定 的模 没 式 , 少 用 句 子 ( e t cs , 般 为 词组 ( h a e ) 主 要 由名 但 s ne e ) 一 n p rs s , 词 、 饰语 、 修 补语 构 成 , 有 动 词 。文 题 应 该 语 言 简 练 , 心 没 中 词 突 出 。标 题 一 般 在 l O个 实 词 以 内一 国际 标 准 化 组 织 规 ,
定 , 条 标 题不 超 过 8个 词 。标 题 除 了疑 问 句 使 用 问 号 外 , 每
不 使用 其 它 标点 符 号 。文 题 起 始 处 的 冠 词 “ 、 Th ” 省 A” “ e 应 去 , 突 出文 题 的 简 洁 , 文 题 中间 的“ h ” 能 省 。应 注 意 以 但 te 不 的是 , 题 中除 D 文 NA、 T、 D 、 C等 公 知 公 认 的 缩 略 词 C AI S WB 语 外 , 应 有 非标 准 化 的 缩 略 语 , 不 因作 者 不 看 全 文 可 能 会 引 起误 解 , 次检 索 文 献 时 可 能 引起 歧 义 。 二
文 中 应 直 截 了 当写 明研 究 的 内 容 , 也 是 中 英 文表 达 习惯 的 这
不 同 。如 : td n tera t no rlx cnwi ab — S u yo h e ci fNo f ai t Ov lu o o h
• Ethical issues are of vital importance in today’s research climate
• 动物实验 • 人体试验
• whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followffice, Chinese Medical Journal Chinese Medical Association 42, Dongsi Xidajie Beijing, 100710, China. Dear Editor,
总的要求:The author should tell the reader what the results mean by placing them in the context of previous published studies of the problem,即:与先有研究相比,本研究有何意义。
具体要求:A. 简要说明研究背景(background)B. 简要介绍总的发现(general findings);C. 介绍具体要点(introduction of points)D. 与现有发现(若有)进行比较(comparison in the context of other studies)E. 意义(suggested meaning)F. 结论(conclusion)G. 前瞻研究(future studies)结论往往是论文中最长也是最难写的部分,主要原因是作者要对研究结果和发现进行分析、推断、演绎和推理,要求作者具有很强逻辑思维能力和英语文字组织能力。
因此,对于however, may, might, could, would, possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think / consider) that, to our knowledge, in our experience (practice) 等插入语的使用就显得格外重要。
示例:Parenteral nutrition is being used with increasing frequency as a primary source of caloric support in adult and pediatric patients with gastrointestinal problems. Numerous complications have been associated with the administration of TPN, including a significantly increased ncidence of gallbladder disease [3-5,7]. The data here suggest that cholecystectomy is often required for the management of symptomatic gallbladder disease in this group of patients, and is associated with significant risks.[说明研究背景,包括意义] Of the 35 patients who required cholecystectomy for TPN-induced gallbladder disease, operative morbidity and mortality were 54 percent and 11 percent, respectively. Maingot [8] has stated that cholecystectomy “isone of the simplest and safest of the abdominal operations, and is ass ociated with a low operative mortality rate (about 0.5 percent). A review of the pediatric literature suggests that when cholecystectomy is performed in children, the operative morbidity is less than 10 percent, and the mortality is less than 1 percent. [8,9] Glenn [11] has reported a mortality rate of less than 0.1 percent in over 5,000 patients underthe age of 50 years who underwent cholecystectomy. The morbidity and mortality observed in our group of receiving long-term TPN, therefore, were far in excess of what would be expected for a population of patientswhose mean age was 29 years.[提出本研究主要发现并将其与其他研究发现相比较]Our data suggest that are specific factors unique to patients who require long-term TPN that contribute to the increased mortality and morbidity associated with cholecystectomy in this select group.[以下,作者用较大篇幅分析了这类病人死亡率和并发症增高的临床、实验室和手术等方面的原因,原文从略]Based on the results of our studies, we believe that early cholecystectomy is indicated in patients with TPN-induced gallbladder disease. Obviously, all patients with symptomatic disease should undergo cholecystectomy unless there specific medical contraindications. These operationsshould be performed in a timely, elective fashion because delay may result in the need for urgent surgery and thereby, increase an already high risk. Although recent studies have suggested that cholecystectoy maynot be warranted in otherwise healthy patients with asymptomatic gallbladder disease [20], we believe that this axiom does not apply to patients with TPN-induced gallbladder disease. Out data suggest that the natural history of gallbladder disease in patients receiving TPN is considerably different from that of their counterparts not receiving TPN. Based on our findings, we recommend elective cholecystectomy in patients receiving TPN when gallstones first appear. Furthermore, cholecystectomyshould be considered, especially in children without stones who are undergoing laparotomy for other reasons. [从对结果的分析及与其他研究的比较得出结论性意见,这是讨论部分最重要的内容] Whether TPN-induced gallstones can be prevented through daily stimulated gallbladder emptying awaits the results of further studies. [前瞻研究]5) 致谢部分总的要求:Always get approval of your intention to mention someone in the acknowledgement and approval of the form in which you will present the acknowledgement, 即:致谢词和致谢方式必须征得受谢人或单位的同意。
除了综述(review)或述评(comments)、编者按(editorials)和个例报告(case reports)外,大量的是医学科研论文,即原始报告(original articles)。
I.格式根据国际医学杂志编辑委员会 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE) 制定的《生物医学杂志投稿统一要求》(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997,URMSBJ)(国际——温哥华格式1979年创建, 2006年2月最新版本)*, 一篇生物医学科研论文(以下简称"论文")应包括以下12个部分:1.标题(Title) 7.致谢(Acknowledgements)2.摘要(Abstract)8.参考文献(References)3.引言(Introduction)9.插图说明(Legends)4.材料与方法(Materials and Methods ) 10.插图(Figures)5.结果(Results)11.表格(Tables)6.讨论(Discussion) 12.照片和说明(Plates and Explanations)以上除7、9、10、11、12部分因实际情况不需要外,其他各部分是一篇论文必不可少的内容。
II.要求1.标题A. 标题的要求Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field, telling them exactly what you have done in your work.(告诉你的同行确切研究了什么)要求:(1) Short and concise(简明扼要):Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, e.g. DNA, RNA, AIDS, CT, etc.; 中文标题常见的“试论”,“浅谈”,“初探”等词在英文标题中一般不用。
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon. Today, I am honored to present a systematic review on the impact of telemedicine on access to healthcare. As we navigate through the digital era, telemedicine has emerged as a revolutionary tool that has the potential to transform the healthcare landscape. In this presentation, I will discuss the findings of our comprehensive review and highlight the key insights.Introduction:Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people worldwide still face barriers in receiving timely and appropriate medical care. These barriers include geographical distance, lack of transportation, financial constraints, and limited healthcare resources. Telemedicine, or telehealth, offers a promising solution to these challenges by leveraging technology to provide medical services remotely.Methodology:Our systematic review aimed to evaluate the impact of telemedicine on access to healthcare. We conducted a thorough search of relevant literature, including peer-reviewed articles, grey literature, andpolicy documents, published between 2010 and 2021. The search was conducted using electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. We followed the PRISMA guidelines to ensure the quality of our review.Results:Our review identified 42 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The studies covered various aspects of telemedicine, including its impact on access to primary care, mental health services, and specialist consultations. The key findings are as follows:1. Telemedicine has significantly improved access to healthcare for individuals living in remote areas. Patients in rural regions can now consult with specialists without the need to travel long distances, saving time and resources.2. Telemedicine has helped to reduce the disparities in access to mental health services. Patients with mental health conditions can now receive timely interventions and support from mental health professionals, regardless of their location.3. Telemedicine has facilitated access to specialist consultations for patients with chronic conditions. This has enabled early detection and management of complications, leading to better health outcomes.4. However, there are challenges associated with telemedicine that need to be addressed. These include issues related to internet connectivity, privacy, and data security. Additionally, there is a need for standardization of telemedicine services to ensure quality and consistency.Discussion:The findings of our review suggest that telemedicine has the potential to significantly improve access to healthcare. However, the benefits of telemedicine are not without limitations. The challenges associated with telemedicine, as identified in our review, need to be addressed to maximize its potential. Some recommendations include:1. Ensuring equitable access to telemedicine services by improving internet infrastructure in underserved areas.2. Developing policies and regulations to protect patient privacy and data security.3. Standardizing telemedicine practices to ensure quality and consistency of care.4. Training healthcare professionals to adapt to telemedicine and provide effective remote care.Conclusion:In conclusion, our systematic review demonstrates that telemedicine has a significant impact on access to healthcare. By leveraging technology, telemedicine can help overcome geographical, financial, and logisticalbarriers that prevent individuals from receiving timely and appropriate medical care. As we continue to advance in the digital age, it iscrucial to address the challenges associated with telemedicine to maximize its potential and ensure equitable access to healthcare for all.Thank you for your attention. I am now open to any questions you may have regarding our findings and recommendations.[Your Name]。
2.方法2.1 研究对象选取XXX年~XXX年期间,在我院就诊的XXX例患者为研究对象。
2.2 分组方法将符合纳入标准的患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组各XXX例。
SCI医学论文究竟是怎样发表的?SCI医学论文发表,是指通过SCI(Science Citation Index,科学引文索引)所收录的医学期刊来发布研究成果和观点的一种方式,它同时也是衡量研究人员学术水平和研究机构学术实力的确认标志之一。
journal of surgery and research 投稿经验
journal of surgery and research 投稿经验摘要:一、引言二、期刊简介三、投稿经验分享1.选题与构思2.论文写作技巧3.投稿注意事项4.审稿与修改四、总结与建议正文:一、引言作为一名医学工作者,发表学术论文是学术交流和职业发展的必备条件。
本文将分享一篇投稿至《Journal of Surgery and Research》的投稿经验,为广大医学同仁提供参考。
二、期刊简介《Journal of Surgery and Research》是一本涵盖外科和生物医学研究的国际性学术期刊,发表有关实验和临床研究的原创文章、综述及案例报告。
science translational medicine投稿经验
science translational medicine投稿经验作为一个医学研究者,我一直关注着科学杂志上的最新研究成果。
其中,Science Translational Medicine是我一直关注的重要期刊
在这里,我想分享一下我在向Science Translational Medicine 投稿的经验。
因此,在选择课题时,我一般会先阅读Science Translational Medicine最
最后,投稿之前,我会认真阅读Science Translational Medicine 的投稿要求和编辑要求,并按照要求准备好所有必要的材料。
总之,向Science Translational Medicine投稿需要有一定的
如何发表医学SCI论文写作及技巧英文医学论文(medical papers)的定义医学论文是对整理和发表医学研究成果的一种特殊文本的总称,就其内容和文体特点而言科分为以下几种:1.医学科研论文(scientific papers)2.调查报告(survey)3.综述(review)4.学位论文(theses)5.医学科研论文(scientific papers)医学科研论文定义国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行:①评价所观察到的结果;②评价其推理过程;③重复实验。
分为以下两种:①临床研究(clinical study);②基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)医学科研论文的格式(1)标题(title)(2)摘要(abstract)(3)引言(introduction)(4)材料和方法(materials and methods)(5)结果(results)(6)讨论(discussion)(7)致谢(acknowledgement)(8)参考文献(references)一、标题(一)要求1.简明扼要(short and concise)(1)尽量控制在一行,但不是一个句子(2)不超过25个单词或120-140个字母(3)除DNA、RNA、CT等不用缩写2.信息丰富(informative)3.便于索引(indexing)4.较长标题可采用副标题(二)标题写作中常用词组和表达方式1.用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价:Study(analysis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) …(by) using 方法/with工具)2.A对B的作用Effort of A on BProtective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury3.A与B的关系Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and BCorrelation of A with B and C常用修饰词:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly4.用…治疗…Use of …in the treatment of …(病)in …(生物)Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly5.A是B A as B二、著录部分书写(一)姓名标准式:WANG aobang,HUANG aobang,GUO Xiao’an (二)地址800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China(三)资助A project funded by the National “863” Program三、摘要的分类与格式摘要是作者要给读者的精华,分两大类:(一)指示性摘要(二)资料性摘要1.非结构式摘要缺点:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读和计算机处理带来诸多不便2.全结构式摘要(8要素摘要)(1)目的(2)设计(3)地点(4)对象(5)处理(6)主要测定项目(7)结果(8)结论全结构式摘要的优点(1)观点更明确(2)信息量更大(3)差错更少(4)符合计算机数据库建立和使用的要求全结构式摘要的缺点:烦琐、重复、篇幅过长3.半结构式摘要(四要素摘要)(1)目的(objective/purpose/aim)(2)方法(methods)(3)结果(results)(4)结论(conclusion)目的:是作者想要介绍的关键问题一、目的格式(一)单表目的(二)背景+目的二、目的常用时态(一)背景:现在时(一般现在时、完成时和进行时)(二)目的:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时举例:(1)To evaluate the effects on 24-hour intragastric pH levels of infusions with omeprazole and H2 receptor antagonists in bleeding duodenal ulcer patients.(2)The role of omeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistance on treatment outcome are not established. This study investigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pylori resistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance.三、介绍目的常用句型主要用动词不定式to表达1.直接用to do短语表达举例:To determine if use of omeprazole protects against the gastric mucosal injury2.The purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to举例:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of omeprazole on gastric mucosal injury3.The present study is /was designed/devised/intended to举例:The present study was designed to establish whether there might be a genetic predisposition to an altered pattern of anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome4.This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to举例:An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode toelucidate …5.We aimed/sought to/attempted to举例:We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of tuberculosis among individuals who work in certain industries occupations.四、介绍目的常用动词1.研究:study, investigate, examine, observe, explore举例:Our objective in this report is to examine the clinical feature, pathology and treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer.2.评价:evaluate, validate举例:To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma.3.确定:determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize4.证实:prove, demonstrate, document, test, support, testify, verify5.阐明、搞清:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out, contribute to the knowledge of6.介绍:describe, present, report7.建立:establish, develop, set out8.寻找:search for, look for, seek, find9.识别、区分:identify, differentiate, discriminate10.优选:optimize11.比较:compare12.回顾:review13.相关:correlate A with B方法部分(1)研究设计(2)研究对象的特性(3)干预或处理方法(4)测定或观察方法一、研究对象的选择、来源及标准1.纳入研究:were entered into/enrolled in/selected (randomly)举例:A total of 169 patients were included in the study, 83 of whom received……2.排除或退出研究:were excluded from participation,withdrew from the study due to/because to举例:……Patients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded.二、研究对象的分组1.……were divided into/classified/grouped into2.……were divided randomly/randomized into3.……were divided equally into举例:Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1……Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole, ……三、年龄1.某一年龄举例:A 50-year-old patient. Patients (age 26±3 years).2.在某年龄范围内及平均年龄举例:Patients range in age from …to…, with a mean of (50 years).3.在某一年龄以上或以下举例:Patients more than 50 years. Patients under/less than 50 years.四、性别、时间1.性别twelve patients (7 male and 5 female )The male-to-female ratio was 1:42.时间Body weight was measured weekly, and liver biopsy was obtained at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. ……五、诊断与治疗1.诊断be diagnosed as having …be diagnosed as …by …/with …®be suspected as …2.治疗be treated with…(alone or in combination with …)be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis举例:(1)Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole,…(2)50 patients with active bleeding duodenal ulcer were randomly assigned to receive one of the four treatment regimens. …结果部分1.是文章结论的根据2.应记录真实的科研数据3.除指示性说明外,一般用过去时表示一、常用句型1.结果表明:The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented / indicated/suggested…that…®It was found that…举例:The results showed that high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percent sensitive, 56 percent specific and 63 percent accurate.2.与…有关:A was related / correlated /associated with B. There was a relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C举例:Insulin sensitivity index was negatively with blood velocity (r=0.530,P<0.05), body mass index (r=o.563, P<0.01) and baseline insulinemia (r=0.489,P<0.05)3.增加或减少(1)表示数值增加的动词:increase, rise, elevate(2)表示数值增加的名词:increase, increment, elevation(3)表示数值减少的动词:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower(4)表示数值减少的名词:decrease, decrement, reduction, fall, drop, decline, lowering(5)从…增加到…,平均增加…:increase from …to …, with a mean/average (increase) of …(6)从…增加到…,总的增加…:increase from …to …, with an overall increase of …(7)增加了10%:increase by (10%)4.倍数比较(1)增加或减少3倍:increase by 3 fold (times). a 3-fold increase(2)A 是B的3倍:A is 3 fold (times) as…as B. A is 3 fold (times) B5.结果的统计学意义(1)明显不同(significant difference)(2)很明显不同(very/highly significant difference)(3)区别不明显(insignificant difference)(4)无区别(nonsignificant difference/no difference)6.统计学意义常用句型(1)There was/is significant difference in…between A and B(2)The difference in …between A and B was/is significant(3)A was/is significant difference from B in …(4)No significant difference was found / observed / noted in …between A and B“in”表示区分的性质或内容举例:①There were no significant difference between treatment groups in symptoms and lung function (P>0.05).②Significant difference were not noted in the level of HDL cholesterol, and LDL peak particle diameter before and after treatment.结论部分:是作者发表观点和见解,给读者的精髓部分1.归纳性说明研究结果或发现2.结论性说明结果的可能原因、机理或意义3.前瞻性说明未解决的问题一、结论部分时态1.过去时(1)涉及本研究的内容(2)涉及他人研究过程的内容(3)作者认为只适用于本研究环境和条件的结论2.现在时(1)指示性说明(2)普遍接受的思想、理论或结论(3)作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义(4)前瞻性说明举例:Our findings indicate that hepatitis C is a progressive disease [指示性说明-现在时],but only a few died during the average 20.4 years after the initiation of injection drug use [本试验过程中发生的事-过去时]. Antiviral treatment to eradicate the virus and halt the progression of diseases is indicated in this group of patients [作者认为具有普遍意义的结论-现在时].二、结论部分常用句型1.结果提示…:These results suggest that…举例:These data confirm the presence of at least two major HCV genotypes in Nigeria.2.结果支持或反对某种观点:These results support the idea that…;These results fail to support the idea that…举例:These results do not support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterol concentration cause mood disturbance.3.表示观点的确定或不确定性:There is no evidence that…;It is likely/unlikely that …举例:There is no evidence that NIDDM produce any change in bone metabolism or mass.4.具有…意义:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…to …举例:The detection of p53 gene is of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis.5.前瞻性说明:…remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that …举例:However, the relation of insulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied.6.插入语:This is the first case of pancreas divisum.举例:This is the first case, to our knowledge, of pancreas divisum.小结中文是关键符合英语习惯不用简单句注意词语的用法注意时态。
SCI论文写作全攻略-选题与创新一、先想先写最后做:1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪里?2. 先把文章大框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓心中有沟壑!3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪里、自己研究与同类研究有何出色之处”之前,就不要动手做!4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做!5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的东东或别人没有做过……这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了!6. 要是先做事,做完发现别人做过,或无法用理论来解释,岂不是冤大头?二、如何科学选题:1. 课题选择和国际接轨。
2. 课题要有可发展性。
我院被SCI收录论文最多的杨新民老师从事凸性理论研究,该理论兴起于 20世纪70年代,90年代进入高峰。
international journal of molecular medicine 投稿模板
international journal of molecular medicine 投稿模板1. 引言1.1 概述在这个信息时代,分子医学的发展变得越来越重要。
1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构展开讨论:引言、背景知识、研究方法、研究结果、数据分析、讨论与分析以及结论与展望。
1.3 目的本文旨在介绍并探讨最新的关于分子医学领域中一项重要工作的研究成果,通过详细描述背景知识、研究方法和结果,以期为读者提供全面而深入的理解。
以上就是文章“1. 引言”部分的详细内容。
2. 正文:2.1 背景知识:在这一部分中,我们将介绍与研究主题相关的基本概念和背景信息。
2.2 研究方法:在这一部分,我们将详细描述我们所采用的研究方法和实验设计。
2.3 研究结果:在这一部分,我们将展示并详细描述我们的研究结果。
以上就是“2. 正文”部分内容的详细介绍,请参考上述内容进行撰写。
3. 数据分析3.1 统计分析本研究使用统计学方法对所获得的数据进行了分析。
• • • • • 作者须事先取得有关杂志编辑的同意 二级发表应与第一次发表间隔一周以上 主要是针对不同的读者群 应该忠实于原版 应在首页脚注第一次发表的出处
– 英文版目前不赞成二级发表形式,将逐步取 消二级发表 – 英文版欢迎发表前未投他刊,发表后也不再 投别的杂志的论文
• 定义:前两年杂志发表的文章数在统计 年的被引用情况
• 公式:2003年英文版影响因子=SCI数据 库中所有杂志2003年引用英文版2001和 2002年发表的各类文章的频次 / 2001和 2002年英文版发表的论著和综述总数 • 意义:反映期刊的影响力
英文医学论文的撰写 及注意事项
中华医学杂志英文版 汪谋岳
• • • • 创新性 科学性 理论或实用价值 可读性
– 语言 – 内容
• 选题
– 新颖 – 有理论或实用价值 – 可行性
• 设计
– 随机,对照,盲法,可重复性 – 大样本,多中心
• 资料的收集、整理 • 统计学分析
• 英文版发表的哪些文章被SCI收录?
– 答案:所有学术文章。
• SCI:科学引文索引(Science citation index), 1963创办,收录全球3700种杂志,覆盖100多 个学科 • SCIE Science citation index expanded, SCIE:Science expanded,收录近 5900种杂志,覆盖150多个学科 • ISI: 美国科学信息所(Institute for Scientific Information),1958年Garfield博士创办,1975 年开始发布期刊引证报告(JCR,Journal Citation Reports)
international journal of surgery投稿 经验
international journal of surgery投稿经验国际外科医学期刊 (International Journal of Surgery) 是一本高质量的同行评审期刊,接受外科学术研究的投稿。
Advances in Control of Cancer Pain控制癌肿疼痛方法的进展。
Semiquantitatie Analysis of the Autoradiographs放射自显影半剂量分析The Higher the Diffusion Rate,the Higher thdChance of Each NewlyIodinated Tgb Molecule Cominginto Repeated Contact with the Peroxidase Site at theApical Membrane弥散率越高,新碘化的Tgb分子与实膜过氧物酶部位所接触的机会越多。
Ultra-Low-Volume Administration:SystemsEvaluation and Date Analysis超低量用药一系列评价和数据分析(补充正题)。
Medical Chemotherapy Works forBreast Cancer with Involved Nodes医学新闻:辅助性化学疗法对伴有淋巴结转移的乳腺癌奏效(说明上题)。
Unresolved Issue:Do Smokers Catch Less LungCancer?尚未解决的问题:吸烟者患肺癌少吗?(提醒人们注意吸烟者患肺癌的数量增加)。
Effect of LATS(=Long-Acting Thyroid Stimula-tor)and LATS Protectoron HTACA(=Human Thy-roid Adeny Cyclase Activity)长效甲状腺刺激素和长效甲状腺刺激素保护物对人体甲状腺甙酸环化酶活性的作用。
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2. 整理、分析研究结果: 收集、整理、分析作为论据的研究
结果或数据 ;认真仔细地思考要采用那些插图和表格。
3. 检索并查阅参考文献:充分重视检索并查阅重要的相关文
献,包括具有研究背景意义的文献,供实验或研究方法参考或引用的文 献,支持或不支持论文证据的文献,对证据或论点进行比较的文献等。
正确:Gastric cancer treated with radiotherapy in
combination with Buzhong Yiqi Tang
举例2:“Action of antibiotics on bacteria”, 虽然简洁但不准确。可将这个题名改成以
英文医学科研论文的撰写与投 稿
▪ 为什麽要写这篇论文 ▪ 要阐述那些观点和论据 ▪ 用什麽方式表达 ▪ 投给那种期刊 ▪ 投给的期刊有哪些文体方面的具体要求 ▪ 具体应作好以下几项工作
1. 拟订论文的试用题名和摘要:试用题名和摘要对于规定选
的文章的质量或作为你晋升技术职务的依据是看你的文章是 否被重要检索刊物和引用源期刊收录。
因此,科研论文的标题必须是论文的缩影,题名中的术语应 是文章内容的亮点词(highlight words), 即论文标题必须 是由最能突出论文重要内容的那些词构成。
▪ 题名撰写的基本要求
准确 (Accuracy) 简洁 (Brevity) 清楚 (Clarity) 严谨 (Strictness)
(a) Action of streptomycin on Mycobaterium tuberculosis
(b) Action of streptomycin, neomycin and tetracycline on Gram-positive
bacteria (c) Action of polyene antibiotics on plant-pathogenic bacteria (d) Action of various antifungal antibiotics on Candidaalbicans and Aspergillus
“Action of ” 依然不够十分准确,准确表达形式为: (a) Inhibition of growth of Mycobaterium tuberculosis by streptomycin (b) Inhibition of growth of Gram-positive bacteria by streptomycin, neomycin and tetracycline (c) Inhibition of growth of plant-pathogenic bacteria by polyene antibiotics (d) Inhibition of growth of Candidaalbicans and Aspergillus by various antifungal antibiotics
▪ 创新性原则:
科学研究离不开前人的科研结果,只有充分吸收、利用和借 鉴前人已有的成果,才能少走弯路,才能更有效地开创知识的 新天地。科研论文的精髓在于创新,创新是科研论文的生命。 一篇科研论文是否有价值,关键是它是否提出了新发现、新 成果、新方法和新观点,其结果是否经得住实践的检验,并被 大家承认、接受和推广利用。在组织写作构思时,一定要注 意以下三点:要站在前人的肩上;要从别人容易忽略的地方 入手;要勇于开拓新领域
▪ 如何选择拟投稿的期刊 :
●主题要符合拟投稿期刊所规定的范围 ●选择影响因子较高的期刊 ●选择读者群和发行量大的期刊 ●注意期刊对来稿的录用率和倾向性
▪ 题名的重要性
俗话说,人美美于目,文美美于题。这是因为: (1) 标题吸引人,才能让更多的人看你的文章。 (2) 只有高质量的论文才能被重要检索刊物收录,而衡量你
பைடு நூலகம்题的选择原则
科研论文写作的前提是建立在科学研究 选题之上的 。科学研究的本质是创造, 是不停地走向未知。因此,科研论文写作 的构思必须遵循科学性、创新性的原则。
▪ 科学性原则:
科学性是科研论文的灵魂。科研论文要正确 地反映客观事物,忠于事实和资料,并揭示客观 世界的本质规律。因此, 构思时必须从客观出 发和经过周密的观察、调查、实验并在占有 充分的材料基础上进行。
▪ 选择合适期刊的重要性 :
由于期刊日益专业化,而且期刊常常根据实际需要 变更其刊载论文的范围,因此作者一定要了解自己 研究领域的重要期刊,才能作到所选期刊的出版内 容与自己投稿的主题密切相关。换句话说,选择投 稿的期刊时要投其所好,只有将其刊载的内容研究 透了,才能增加你所投稿件的命中率。
▪ 准确 (Accuracy):题名要准确反映论文的主 要内容,因为大多数读者只看标题。因此, 作为论文的标签,题名的含义一定要准确, 用词要具有专指性 举例1: 错误:Tumors treated with integrated traditional and
Western medicine
▪ 简洁 (Brevity):
提名应当言简意赅,用最少的文字概括尽可能多的内容。题名最好不要 超过 10-12个单词或100个英文字符。能用一行文字表达,不要用两行。
如: “Inosital trisphosphate and calcium signaling”
●不能因要追求形式上的简洁而忽视对论文内容的反映,起不到帮助读者理解 论文的作用。如“Studies on Brucella”, 虽然简洁,但很难看出它是有关 Brucella分类学、遗传学、生物化学还是它引起疾病方面的论文。
●去掉多余的词:如:“关于 … 研究”,“ 关于 …分析”,“关于 … 观