全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试外语教学法试题课程代码:00833Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!Ⅰ. Multiple Choice:(15%)Directions: In this section, you are given 15 questions beneath each of which are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Your are to make the best choice either to complete theincomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correctchoice.1. What is Stephen Krashen?A. He is a language teacher.B. He is an applied linguist.C. He is an anthropologist.D. He is a grammarian.2. The general objectives of the Total Physical Response Method are to teach _______proficiency at a beginning level.A. oralB. readingC. auralD. writing3. It is believed that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreignlanguage teaching from _______.A. about 2,500 years agoB. almost 1,000 years agoC. the 16th centuryD. the beginning of the 20th century4. Palmer viewed that classroom language teaching should follow the _______ principles oflanguage learning.A. naturalisticB. mentalisticC. cognitiveD. understanding5. The Oral Approach was developed by _______.A. American structuralistsB. British applied linguistsC. cognitive scienceD. transformational grammar6. Which of the following do Krashen and Terrell NOT emphasize?A. CommunicationB. V ocabularyC. MeaningD. Grammar7. In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar analysis and translation proved to be _______ instudying foreign culture through literary works.A. ineffective meansB. unaffective meansC. affective meansD. effective means8. In the Oral Approach, procedures at any level aim to move from _______ to _______ practice ofstructures.A. freer, controlledB. controlled, freerC. controlled, more controlledD. free, freer9. One of the most prominent contributions made by Palmer is _______ of vocabulary.A. the oral skillsB. frequency accountsC. the ideal presentationD. the efficient recitation10. Which of the following types of questions is NOT included in the Grammar-TranslationMethod?A. Questions whose answers are learner's subjective judegments.B. Questions whose answers are based on Dbjective information in the text.C. Questions whose answers are learner's inferences based on the text.D. Questions whose answers are related to learners' own experience.11. In _______ English became a formal requirement for the entrance examination in China andbegan to appear in the curriculum for the 4th and 5th year of primary schools.A. 1952B. 1962C. 1972D. 198212. The natural order hypothesis means _______.A. people acquire language rules in a predictable orderB. language rules must be taught in a certain orderC. language rules must be learned in a certain orderD. people tend to acquire simple rules early and difficult rules late.13. The input involves the following issues EXCEPT _______ .A. people acquire language best by understanding input slightly above their present level ofcompetenceB. the learner's ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directlyC. people must study grammar in order to express themselves correctlyD. with sufficient quantity of comprehensible input, i+l will usually be provided automatically14. The Silent Way is considered suitable for _______.A. more advanced learnersB. beginnersC. more advanced classes as well as for students at the beginning stagesD. learners' interactions with each other15. Which of the following statements is true in the Grammar-Translation Method?A. L1 was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L2.B. L2 was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L1.C. Latin was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L2.D. Latin was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L1.Ⅱ. Filling Blanks:(20%)Directions: In this section there are 15 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16. In the Direct Method only ________ vocabulary and sentences are taught.17. The ________ Method advocated the priority of oral skills for the first time in the languageteaching field.18. The idea of conditioning is based on the theory that you can train an animal to do anything ifyou follow a certain procedure which has three major stages:________,________, and reinforcement.19. In his review of Skinner's Verbal Behaviour, Chomsky explained his rejection of thebehaviourist model of language acquisition on the basis of his model of competence and ________.20. According to Canal and Swain, ________ competence refers to the interpretation of individualmessage elements in terms of their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text.21. According to Canal and Swain, ________ refers to an understanding of the social contexts inwhich communication takes place.22. ________ is vital element in the learning process, because it increases the likelihood that thebehaviour will occur again and eventually become a habit.23. In 1957, Noam Chomsky published his book ________ ________.24. Piaget considers that conceptual growth occurs because the child, while actively attempting toadapt to the environment, organizes actions into schemata through the processes of ________ and accommodation.25. In the behaviorist view, it was the ________ conditions that would cause animals as well ashuman beings to behave in a particular way.26. ________ analysis is the study of how sentences in spoken and ________ language form largermeaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, and interviews.27. To teach a foreign language well, we must divide it into small ________ units.28. Behaviourist psychology states that human and animal behaviour can and should be studied interms of ________ processes only.29. The emphasis on the ________ with new language items and on language skills, rather than onlanguage ________, is important in achieving automaticity of using the target language.30. The generative linguist is interested not only in ________ language but also in explaininglanguage. In other words, they attempt to find the what as well as the ________ in the study of language.Ⅲ. Matching:(15%)Directions: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked ①,②,③,④,and ⑤in Column A with the onemarked a, b, c, d, and e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match.31. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. problem solving activitiesnatural approach b. to help the students to develop basic②the theory of learning underlying the communication skillsnatural approach c. class time being devoted primarily to③one of the objectives of the natural providing input for acquisitionapproach d. communication as the primary function of④one of the techniques of the natural approach language⑤one of the main features of the natural e. the monitor modelapproach32. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. language best learned through use in socialcommunicative approach context②the theory of learning underlying the b. to develop the students' communicativecommunicative approach competence③one of the objectives of the c. role playcommunicative approach④one of the techniques of the d. the introduction of authentic texts into thecommunicative approach learning situation⑤one of the main features of the e. functional linguisticscommunicative approach33. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. translationgrammar-translation method②the theory of learning underlying the b. the emphasis on the teaching of the secondgrammar-translation method language grammar③one of the techniques of the grammar- c. superiority of the written form over the spokentranslation method form of the language④one of the techniques of the grammar- d. the faculty of psychologytranslation method⑤one of the main features of the e. enabling the learners to read and translate thegrammar-translation method literature of the target languageⅣ. Question for Brief Answers:(30%)Directions: This section has six questions. You are to briefly answer them. Five points are given to each question.34. What is the major difference between American Structuralism and British Structuralism?35. What are the roles of the learner in the communicative approach?36. When do most experts of foreign language teaching believe the Grammar-Translation Methodbegan to become a formal foreign language teaching method?37. What are the objectives of language teaching according to cognitive proponents?38. What are the four issues related to the input hypothesis of Krashen's monitor model of L2learning theory?39. Name some negative psychological factors in accordance with the acculturation theory.Ⅴ. Questions for Long Answers:(20%)Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you've learned. Tenpoints are given to each question.40. Compared with the Communicative Approach, the Oral Approach is still not enough to developlearners' communicative competence, why?41. What procedures were followed by the ELT method in the late 19th century and what were themajor features of the method used in the 1950s and 1960s in China?。
2018年10月大学语文自考真题答案1、30. 下列句子中加双引号的成语使用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.他恃着自己成绩优异,“目空一切”,每每不把人放在眼里,因而在班级中总是交不到知心的朋友。
2、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、荔枝(lì)吹嘘(xū)B、奶酪(lào)珊瑚(shān)C、贮藏(chǔ)嘲讽(zhāo)(正确答案)D、渣滓(zǐ)雌雄(cí)3、1“年貌虽小,其举止言谈不俗,身体面庞虽怯弱不胜,却有一段自然的风流态度,便知他有不足之症。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错4、1公司号召大家为贫困山区的孩子捐款,作为公司秘书的你说:“在座的不是董事长,就是总经理,现在请大家出钱出物,为国家尽匹夫之责。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)5、25. 下列词语中加双引号字的字音、字形完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.“彷”徨páng“襁”褓qiáng接“踵”而至zhǒng“振”耳欲聋zhènB.推“搡”sang苍“劲”jìn 目“眩”神迷xuàn纷至“踏”来tàC.“抉”择jué“拾”级shè轻歌“曼”舞màn不修边“幅”fú(正确答案)D.“漩”涡xuàn“拙”劣zhuō“慢”不经心màn挑“拨”离间bō6、1《荷塘月色》是一篇优美的写景抒情散文,是朱自清散文中的名篇,它生动形象地描绘了素淡朦胧、和谐宁静的荷塘和月色,表现了作者希望在自由宁静的环境中寻求精神上的解脱而又无法解脱的矛盾心情,抒发了对黑暗现实的不满和对宁静美好生活的向往。
子帅以正,孰敢不正?”说明在古人心目中,政治家的特点是A.品行端正B.相貌端正C.出身高贵D.居所方正8.儿童最初的语言阶段叫A.非自控阶段B.咿呀学语阶段C.单词句阶段D.双词句阶段9.下面各项中,与汉语有亲属关系的是A.维吾尔语B.藏语C.满语D.蒙语10.“我妹妹爱打乒乓球”的正确组合方式是A.(((我+妹妹)+爱)+(撸乒乓球))B.((我+妹妹)+((爱+打)+乒乓球))C.((我+(妹妹+爱))+(打+乒乓球))D.((我+妹妹)+(爱+(打+乒乓球)))11.现代汉民族共同语的基础方言是A.北京方言B.北方方言C.雅言D.通语12.下面各项属于符号的是A.代表有人家的炊烟B.象征风雨将至的乌云C.月晕而风D.表示禁止通行的红灯13.一种言语社团使用两种或两种以上语言的社会现象ⅡqA.语言融合B.语言对转C.双语现象D.转用现象14.中国传统的文字学、音韵学、训诘学统称A.大学B.名学C.玄学D.小学15.机器翻译要确定“I am going to the bank”游意思是“我要去银行”而不是“我要去河边”,必须达到A.语汇平面翻译B.句法平面翻译C.语义平面酿译D.语境平面翻译16.下面各项中表达间接言语行为的是A.能把书借给我吗?B.我宣布红方获胜!C.我向你道歉。
2018年4月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题课程代码:00838I. Each of thefollowing incomplete statements is followed by fouralternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternativescarefully and decide which of the four alternativesbest completesthe statement.1. Cultureis a phenomenon in that eachgeneration inherits the culture established by its forefathers.A. historicalB. verbalC. communicativeD. human2. Culturein its broad sense is also called culture.A. behaviouralB. anthropologicalC. academicD. small c .3. Thesupreme legislative body of the United Kingdom isA. prime ministerB. supreme courtC. congressD. parliament4.Connotations of words vary from culture to culture. In Chinese “宣传”is a neutral term. Its proper English equivalent isA. propagandaB. publicationC. conveying information toD. giving publicity to5. Gerunds,participles and infinitives in English are collectivelycalledA. auxiliary verbsB. non-finite verbsC. modal verbsD. linking verbs6. Englishspeakers tend to be analytic thinkers. In contrast, Chinese people tend to be thinkers.A. holisticB. logicalC. abstractD. deep7. Which ofthe following is NOT the personal name related to knowledge, authority or fame?A. John.B. Abraham.C. Henry.D. Benjamin.8. TheEnglish speaking people will say" "when they need to pass in front of others.A. I beg your pardonB. I'm sorryC. Excuse meD. Never mind9. Theidiomatic expression "to have two left feet" means" "A. to jokeB. to continue working hardC. to just make itD. to be clumsy10. "ARomeo" refers to a handsome young man, passionate, dashing, who has a waywith woman in English culture. It is an allusion fromA. mythologyB. religionC. historyD. literature11. So faras ideas are concerned, which of the following Chinese metaphorical expressionsmakes the same analogy as the English expression "He keeps up-to-date byreading the New York Review of Books"?A.味同嚼蜡 B.旧观念复活C.新、旧观念 D.新思想萌芽12.The red colour is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions, asin the following English expressions EXCEPTA.a red letter dayB. the red light districtC.paint the town redD.the red carpet13. To soundmodest and humble, one might use “鄙人”as to refer to himself in ancient times.A. aeuphemismB. anhonorificC. atabooD. aterm of humility14. TheEnglish euphemism for "ugly" isA. slenderB. plain lookingC. skinnyD. physicallyhandicapped15. Whichconnective should be put into the blank in order to show adversative relation betweenthe following sentences?For the whole clay he climbed up the steepmountainside, ahnost without stopping. he was hardly aware of being tired.A. YetB. AndC. SoD. Then16. If onehas a conversation with his colleagues or classmates, the spoken style can beA. formalB. consultativeC. casualD. intimate17. The useof a large number of technical terms is the most salient feature ofA. newspaper reportingB. brand namesC. advertisementsD. English for scienceand technology18. All theplanets got their names from Greco-Roman mythology EXCEPTA. MarsB. VenusC. EarthD. Mercury19. Yourfriend is going to have an interview for a new job. Youmay tosignify goodluck to him.A. stamp your footB. cross your forefingerand middle fingerC. wag your forefingerD. chew your finger nails20. Publicterritories are open to anyone and are seldom under constant control of anyperson or group, such asA. mother's kitchenB. father's chairC. classroom seatsD. library tablesII. Each ofthe following incomplete statements is followed by fouralternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives cancomplete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question.21. Modelsfor the analysis of culture may includeA. key questionsB. the thematic modelC. seven facetsD. the sociologicalmodel22. SomeEnglish words are related to the American history like" "A. dukeB. Continental CongressC. knightD. the May Flower23. Which ofthe following statements are TRUE?A. In English all the prefixes arederivational morphemes.B.'The inflectional morphemes in Englishare mainly word endings.C.The inflectional morphemes are also called grammatical morphemes.D. When attached to words, thederivational morphemes do not change the word class ofthe words.24. Parentsselect names for their children according totheir conceptsshaped by the culture they are in.A. moralB. aestheticC. economicD. political25. Theproverbs related to thrift are" "A. From saving comes havingB. Wives and children are bills ofchargesC. Tell money after your own fatherD. Frugality is an estate alone26. Thefollowing expressions that are associated with vigor and energy are" "A. a green old ageB. a greenhornC.green-eyedD. toremain green forever27. InEnglish culture, anything related to privacy or considered personal are taboo,such asA. incomeB. religiousbeliefC. family memberD. hobbies28. Thesentences in a text may be linked by means.A. linguisticB. grammaticalC. iexicalD. theoretical29. Thepronunciation difference between American and British English can be found in" "A. roadB. carC. heroD. chance30.Nonverbal messages can be used to accent or emphasize distinct points in verbalmessages, such asA. pausing before saying somethingB. saying something louder than usualC. saying something quickerD. speaking in a lower voice thanusualIII.Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.31. Languageis in that there is no logicalrelationship between language elements and their meaning.32. The wordfor the union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost is33. Thereare passive sentences in English, whichare active in form but passive in meaning, as illustrated by the sentence"The door locks easily".34.Americans value homemade objects. To ask if something, food, clothes ordecorations of furniture, is homemade is a35.Generally, phrasal verbs occur often in English,while their corresponding single words are frequently found in writing.36. A is a direct comparison between two ormore unlike things, normally introduced by "like" or "as".37.Nowadays, most native speakers of English try to avoid sounding likea sexist.For example,is used to replace "chairman" torefer to a male or a female who presidesa meeting.38. In anormal text sentences are connected either hypotactically or39. Englishis a language notorious for the non-correspondence between pronunciation and spelling.One reason is that there are toomany wordsfrom other languages, such as "metre" from French.40.Interpretation of nonverbal behaviors is dependent.IV.Answer the following questions briefly.41. Whatdoes culture emphasize when it is discussed in its narrow sense?42. Which ofthe following words are positive in meaning in English but pejorative orneutral in Chinese?ambitious, boss, do-gooder, self-made man, individualism43. Explainhow English and Chinese advertising differ.44. Whatfunctions do nonverbal messages have in human communication?V.Translation.45.他浑身哆嗦,脸色苍白,步履缓慢,好像一动就疼痛。
《现代语言学》试题2018年4月高等教育自学考试课程代码:00830I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which oneof theour choices best completes the statement and blacken the correspondingletter A, B, C orD on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Language is a system of arbitrary symbols used for humancommunication.A. visualB. vocalC. writtenD. spoken2. The English sounds [j] and [w] areA. liquidsB. glidesC. affricativesD. nasals3. The optimum age for second languageacquisition isA. early teenageB. 7 years oldC. 6 years oldD. 20 years old4. modify the meaning and in manycases change the part of speech of the original word.A. Prefixes 13. Roots C. Suffixes D. Stems5. Neurolinguists have concluded that threeareas of the left hemisphere are vital to language, namely, Broca's area, Wernicke's area andA. neuronsB. cerebral cortexC. Exner's areaD. the angular gyrus6. A clause that takes a subject and a finiteverb, and at the same time stands alone is known as a finite clause.A. semanticallyB. structurallyC. sociolinguisticallyD. phonologically7. is a linguistic situation in whichtwo standard languages are used by an individual or by a group of speakers,such as the inhabitants of aparticular region or a nation.A. CreoleB. VernacularC. BilingualismD. Diglossia8. The sense relation that holds between the twowords piece and peace isA. polysemyB. homonymyC. hyponymyD. synonymy9. As an important theory in the pragmatic studyof language, speech act theory was originated with in the late 50's of the 20thcentury.A. Paul GriceB. John SearleC. Noam ChomskyD. John Austin10. Ingeneral, linguistic change in the system and the vocabulary of a language is more noticeable than thatin other systems of the grammar.A. syntacticB. morphologicalC. soundD. semanticII.Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the following statementswith one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note thatyou are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.11.According to Chomsky, a speaker has internalized a set of r about his language, which enableshim to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences.12. Englishvowels may be distinguished as front, c and back.13. B learning theory suggested that achild's verbal behavior was conditioned through association between a stimulusand the following response.14. I morphemes manifest variousgrammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree,and case.15. Thelocalization of cognitive and perceptual functions ina particular hemisphereof the brain is called I16.Syntactic rules that comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledgeof a language speaker is known as linguisticc17. A p is a variety of language that isgenerally used by native speakers of other languages as a medium ofcommunication.18. S refers to the sameness or closesimilarity of meaning.19.According to J. Austin, a I actis the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveyingliteral meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.20. It isgenerally accepted that the history of the English language is divided into theperiods of Old English, M Englishand Modem English.IIIDirections: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET. If you think a statementis false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version.21. Modemlinguistics regards the written language as primary.22. [s] and[z] are two alveolar fricatives in English.23. Ingeneral, language learning refers to children's development of their firstlanguage.24. The wordupdate is formed by derivation.25. The caseof Genie demonstrates that the language facultyof an average human degeneratesafter the critical period.26.Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss ofgrammaticality belong to the same syntactic category.27. Of thetwo sounds/b/and/1/, children are more likely to acquire/1/first rather than/b/.28. Theconceptualist view of meaning was further strengthened by Bloomfield, who drew onbehaviorist psychology when trying to define the meaning of linguistic form.29.Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstractmeaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication.30. Language change is essentially a matter ofchange in the grammar.IV.Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for illustrationwhere appropriate.31.displacement32. phoneme33.interlanguage34. root35. thecritical period hypothesis36.Universal Grammar37. slang38. hyponymy39.perlocutionary act40. semanticchangeV.Directions: Answer the following questions.41.Linguistics is generally defined as "the scientific study oflanguage". Describe briefly the process of linguistic study.42. What isthe Cooperative Principle? Please make ananalysis of what maxim is violated byB and what implicature is produced in the following conversation.A: Thespeaker is an awful bore. Don't you think?B: Thelecture hall is spacious, isn't it?(This issaid when it is known to both A and B that it is entirely possible for B tomake a comment on the speaker. )2018年10月高等教育自学考试《现代语言学》试题课程代码:00830I. Directions: Read each of the following statementscarefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statementand blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2% ×10=20%)1. According to F.de Saussure, refers to theabstract linguistic system shared byall members ofa speech community.petenceB. performanceC. langueD. parole2. The Englishsound [u:] is aA. close vowelB. semi-close vowelC. semi-open vowelD. open vowel3. Which of thefollowing factors is NOT a learner factor?A.AcculturationB. PersonalityC. InteractionD. Motivation4. The words"take" and "table" are called because they can occur unattached.A. freemorphemesB. boundmorphemesC. formwordsD.inflectional morphemes5. What can bedrawn safely from the case of Genie is thatA. it confirmsthe critical period hypothesisB. human'slanguage acquisition device is independent of other intellectual abilitiesC. languagecannot be acquired at all after the critical periodD. the languagefaculty of an average human degenerates after the critical period and, asa result,most linguistic skills cannot develop6. Constituentsthat can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticality belongto the sameA. syntacticcategoryB.phonological categoryC.morphological categoryD.semantic category7. Sociolinguistics is primarily concerned with the social significance oflanguage and language usein different speech communities.A.variationB. changeC. structureD. form8. In semanticanalysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called , which is the abstraction of themeaning of a sentence.A.predicationB. predicateC. argumentD. sense9. The notion of is essential to the pragmatic studyof language.A.utteranceB. sentenceC. contextD. speech act10. The first and most widely investigated languagefamily of the world isA. theSino-Tibetan FamilyB. theIndo-European FamilyC. theAustronesian FamilyD. theAfroasiatic FamilyII. Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWER SHEET ineach of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which isalready given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and youare not allowed to change theletter given. (1% × 10=10%)11. Cultural t means that language can be passed on from one generation to the nextthrough teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.12. When pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to thesentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i13. Language acquisition is concerned with languaged in humans.14. Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often i , not always being the sum total ofthe meanings of its components.15. The relationship between the name and the meaning ofa word is quite .a16. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionallycalled t rules, whose operationmay change the syntactic representation of a sentence.17. A creole language is originally a p that has become established as anative language in some speech community.18. P refersto the phenomenon that the same word may have more than one meaning.19. If one contributes more information than is requiredin a conversation, he/she violates the maxim of q20. Many of the most basic terms in the English languageoriginate from O English.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the followingstatements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWERSHEET. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so andthen give the correct version. (2%~10=20%)21. The description of a language at some point in timeis adiachronic study.22. [0] and [6] are two dental fricatives in English.23. Although there are individual differences in onsetand rate of language development, children across cultures follow the sameorder of language development.24. "Plural" is a morpheme.25. Language is the only means for thought.26. Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allowgeneral principles to operate in one way or another and contribute tosignificant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.27. A regional dialect is usually spoken by a group ofpeople living in the same community.28. Contexualism is based on the presumption that one canderive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.29. The twosentences "Tom smokes." and "Tom is smoking." have the samepredication.30. Modemlinguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spoken.IV. Directions: Explain the followingterms and give examples for illustration where appropriate. (3% × 10=30%)31. duality32. word stress33. second language acquisition (SLA)34. stem35. cerebral plasticity36. AUX-movement37. speech community38. sense39. pragmatics40. historical linguisticsV. Directions: Answer the followingquestions. (10% × 2=20%)41. Name and describe 5 of the core branches oflinguistics.42. How are semantics and pragmatics related, and how dothey differ?2019年4月高等教育自学考试《现代语言学》试题课程代码:00830I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which oneof the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the correspondingletter A, B, C orD on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%×10=20%)1. Linguistics is generally defined as the study of language.A. synchronicB. scientificC. specificD. diachronic2. aimsto discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these soundsare used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. PhoneD. Phoneme3. The American SLA scholar proposed the distinction betweenacquisition and learning.A. F. de SaussureB.N. ChomskyC.S. KrashenD.B.F.Skinner4. The basic unit in the study of morphology isA. phoneB. wordC. phonemeD. morpheme5. One of major mental functions controlled bythe right hemisphere of the brain isA. temporal orderingB. holistic reasoningC. calculationD. analytic reasoning6. Traditionally the three major types ofsentences are , and sentences.A. full / partial / incompleteB. affirmative / interrogative /imperativeC. positive / negative / neutralD. simple / coordinate or compound /complex7. Insociolinguistics, the more standard variety is called the variety, which is used for more formalor serious matters, such as speeches made in government, the media, school, orchurch.A. IowB. highC. authoritativeD. official8. The sense relation that holds between the twowordsfiower and rose isA. polysemyB.homonymyC. hyponymyD. synonymy9. While the meaning of a sentence is abstract,and decontextualized, the meaning of a(n)is concrete,and context-dependent.A. wordB. phraseC. idiomD. utterance10. Historical linguistics is the subfield oflinguistics that studies language change, therefore, it mainly adopts a approach.A. diachronicB. synchronicC. descriptiveD. prescriptiveII.Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the followingstatements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue.Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to changethe letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. D features refer to the definingproperties of humanlanguage that distinguish it from any animal system ofcommunication.12. Englishconsonants can be classified either in terms of m of articulation or in terms of placeof articulation.13. Languageacquisition is concerned with language d in humans.14. Boundmorphemes include two types: roots and a15. Thebrain is divided into two roughly symmetrical halves, called h , one on the right and one on theleft.16. Thetheory of Case Condition accounts for the fact that n phrases appear only in subject andobject positions.17. Aparticular r may be used bya particular group of people, usually sharing the same occupation like doctors,teachers, and lawyers, or the same interests, such as stamp collectors,football fans.18. R means what a linguistic form refersto in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between thelinguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.19.According to John Austin, p weresentences that did not state a fact or describe a state and were notverifiable.20. It isgenerally accepted that the history of the English language is divided into theperiods of O English, MiddleEnglish and Modem English.III.Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET. If you think a statementis false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version.(2%×10=20%)21.According to F. de Saussure, parole is concrete, while langue is abstract.22. Thereare two nasals in English: [m] [n].23. Studiesof the effect of formal instruction in general support the hypothesis that instructiondecides SLA.24. Since acompound is a word, its components cannot be written separately.25. For mostindividuals, the left hemisphere is dominant for language, regardless of handiness.26. Thearrangement of words in a linear sequence entails that sentences are simply linearly-structured.27. Aeuphemism is a mild, direct or less offensive word or expression substitutedwhen the speaker or writer fears more indirect wording might be harsh,unpleasantly offensive.28. When twowords are identical in spelling, they are homophones.29. If onesays what he believes to be false, he violates the maxim of quantity.30. The mostvigorous and on-going change in the historical development of a language is thechange in its vocabulary.IV.Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for illustrationwhere appropriate. (3%×10=30%)31. appliedlinguistics32.International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)33. languagetransfer34.inflectional affixes35.linguistic lateralization36.branching nodes37.semantics38.illocutionary act39.historical linguistics40. linguafrancaV.Directions: Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Of thetwo media of language, speech and writing, which is more basic in the view of modemlinguistics? Explain the reasons.42. What arethe major views concerning the study of meaning? Explain them briefly.2019年10月高等教育自学考试《现代语言学》试题课程代码:00830I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which oneof the fourchoices best completes the statementand blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D onthe ANSWER SHEET.1. provides speakers with anopportunity to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused byseparation in time and place.A. ArbitrarinessB. ProductivityC. DualityD. Displacement2. [ɜ:] [Ə] and [ʌ] are the vowels in English.A. frontB. semi-openC. centralD. back3. The root of the word carelessness isA. careB. carelessC. -lessD. -ness4. Syntax is a subfield of linguistics thatstudies the structure oflanguage.A. soundB. wordC. sentenceD. meaning5. The sense relation between the twowordsfiower and roseisA. antonymyB. hyponymyC. homonymyD. polysymy6. The study ofhow speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication iscommonly calledA. semanticsB. syntaxC. pragmaticsD. sociolinguistics7. Historical linguistics is the subfield oflinguistics that studies languageA. changeB. factC. grammarD. presence8. Variation in language use which is associatedwith the sex of individual speakers isA. ageB. genderC. registerD. slang9. The language center that is responsible forconverting a visual stimulus into an auditory form and vice versa is calleda(n)A. Broca's areaB. Wemicke's areaC. motor areaD. angular gyms10. Inlanguage learning, isdefined in terms of the learner's overall goal ororientation.A. motivationB. aptitudeC. acculturationD. personalityII.Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the following statementswith one word, the first letter ofwhich is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fillin ONE word only, and you are notallowed to change theletter given.11. Chomskydefines p as the actualrealization of the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language inlinguistic communication.12. Thearticulatory organs of a human being are contained in three important areas or cavities:the pharyngeal cavity, the oral cavity and the n cavity.13.Morphemes that can not stand alone, but must be combined with other morphemesto form words are calledb morphemes.14.Normally, a sentence consists of at least a s and its predicate.15. The c view holds that there is no directlink between a linguistic form and what it refers to.16. If yousay what you believe to be false in a conversation, you violate the maxim of q17. Many of the most basic terms, such as man, eat andhouse in the English language originate from O English.18. Asociolinguistic situation in which two different varieties of language co-existin a speech communication, each with a distinct range of purely social functionand appropriate for certain situations, is called d19. Thebrain is divided into two roughly symmetrical halves, called h , one on the right and one on theleft.20. Ingeneral, language acquisition refers tochildren's development of their f language.III.Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.Put a T fortrue or F for false on the ANSWERSHEET. If you think a statement is false, you mustexplain why you think so and then givethe correct version.21.Phonologists are interested in how sounds are put together and used to conveymeaning in communication.22. [p] [b][m] are the only three bilabial consonants in English.23.Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations.24. Move a(Alpha) means "move any word to any place."25. Referenceis the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.26. Aperlocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker's intention; it is theact performed in saying something.27.Linguistic change occurs in all components of the grammar, including changes inthe sound, morphological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic systems.28. A creolelanguage is originally a pidgin that has become established as a nativelanguage in somespeech community.29. Cerebralcortex in the outside surface of the brain is the most important part of thebrain.30.According to Krashen, learning refers to the gradual and subconsciousdevelopment of ability in the first language by using it naturally in dailycommunicative situations.IV. Direetions: Explain the followingterms and give examples for illustration where appropriate.31. language32. broadtranscriptionpounding34. theX-bar theory35. synonymy36. speechact theory37.diachronic linguistics38.euphemism39. thecritical period hypothesis40.interlanguageV.Directions: Answer the following questions.41. What isthe deletion rule? Explain your answer with examples.42. What doyou think are the causes of language change? Explain your answer with examples.。
语言与文化试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言是文化的载体,下列哪一项不是语言的功能?A. 交流思想B. 表达情感C. 记录历史D. 娱乐消遣答案:D2. 在中国文化中,“龙”象征着什么?A. 邪恶B. 吉祥C. 贫穷D. 疾病答案:B3. 以下哪种语言不属于印欧语系?A. 英语B. 俄语C. 汉语D. 法语答案:C4. 根据语言学家乔姆斯基的理论,人类天生具有什么能力?A. 语言习得能力B. 数学计算能力C. 音乐感知能力D. 绘画创作能力答案:A5. 在英语中,哪个词用来表示“礼貌的”?A. rudeB. impoliteC. politeD. disrespectful答案:C6. 以下哪个国家的语言使用阿拉伯字母?A. 日本B. 中国C. 印度D. 埃及答案:D7. 汉语中的“四书五经”指的是什么?A. 四部小说和五部诗歌B. 四部历史书和五部哲学书C. 四部儒家经典和五部儒家经典D. 四部戏剧和五部小说答案:C8. 以下哪种语言是西班牙的官方语言?A. 英语B. 法语C. 西班牙语D. 德语答案:C9. 在英语中,哪个词表示“文化”?A. languageB. cultureC. societyD. economy答案:B10. 以下哪个词是日语中的问候语?A. こんにちはB. こんばんはC. さようならD. おはようございます答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的三大功能包括______、______和文化传承。
答案:交流沟通、表达思想2. 汉语中“成语”是指一种______的短语,通常由四个字组成。
答案:固定3. 英语中的“莎士比亚”是______国的著名剧作家。
答案:英国4. 在法语中,“Bonjour”是______的意思。
答案:你好5. 汉语中的“文言文”是指古代______的书面语言。
答案:汉语6. 阿拉伯语是______洲的许多国家的官方语言。
2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试现代语言学 试卷(课程代码00830)本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。
考生答题注意事项:1 •本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。
答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均 可作草稿纸。
2 •第一部分为选择题。
必须对应试卷上的题号使用 2B 铅笔将“答题卡”的相应 代码涂黑。
3 .第二部分为非选择题。
必须注明大、小题号,使用 0. 5毫米黑色字迹签字笔 作答。
4 .合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。
第一部分 选择题Directionst Read e^ch of the following statements carefully;which one of the four choices best completes the statement bhekea the corresponding tetter A, C or D on theANSWER SHEET (2%Xlfr=20%5 What can be drawn safely from theof Genie is that __________ . A- it confirms the critical period hypothesisB, homan's language acquisition device k independent of other intellectual abilities申C language cannot be acquired at 汨]after th* critic^ periodD. the language iaculty of an average human degenerates after (he critical period and, as a result, most linguistic skiUs cannot developI. 3. According to E de Saussure, ___________ refers to 曲匕 abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.A, competence B, performanceThe English sound [u:] is a _ _ .A. close vowel B ・ scnu<lose vowel C. semi-open vowelWhich of the following factors is NOT a learner factor?A, AccuituratiOfi B. PersonalityC. Interaction The words 、帕ku” HIK I :l tabJe w are calledC. langueD. parole D H open vowel A. free morphemesC. form wordsD. Motivation _____ because they can occur unattached. B. bound morphemes D. inflectional morphemes6. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticalitybelong to the same __________ •A. syntactic categoryB. phonological categoryC. morphological categoryD. semantic category7. Sociolinguistics is primarily concerned with the social significance of language and language usein different speech communities.A. variationB. changeC. structureD. form8. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called __________________ , which is theabstraction of the meaning of a sentence・A. predicationB. predicate C・ argument D・ sense9. The notion of ___________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.A. utteranceB. sentence C・ context D・ speech act10. The first and most widely investigated language femily of the world is ________________ •A. the Sino-Tibetan FamilyB. the Indo-European FamilyC. the Austronesian Family D・ the Afroasiatic Family第二部分非选择题11. Directions: Fill in the bbink on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the following statements withone word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%X 10=10%)11. Cultural t ________ means that language can be passed on from one generation to thenext through teaching and leamin& rather than by instinct12. When pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word inisolation, they are collectively known as i ____________ •13. Language acquisition is concerned with language d __________ in humans.14. Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often i . not always being the sumtotal of the meanings of its components.15. ______________________________________________________________________ The relationship between the name and the meaning of a word is quite a ___________________ .16. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called t ________________ rules, whoseoperation may change the syntactic representation of a sentence.17. A creole language is originally a p ____________ that has become established as a nativelanguage in some speech community.】& E _____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have more than one meaning.19. If one contributes more information than is required in a conversation, hc/she violates themaxim of a .20. Many of the most basic terms in the English language originate from Q ___________ English.UL Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version. (2%X 10=20%)21. The description of a language at some point in time is a diachronic study.22. [0] and [d] are two dental fricatives in English・23. Although there are individual differences in onset and rate of language development, childrenacross cultures follow the same order of language development.24. “Plural” is a morpheme.25. Language is the only means for thought.26. Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way oranother and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.27. A regional dialect is usually spoken by a group of people living in the same community.28. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaningto observable contexts.29. The two sentences u Tom smokes^ and ^Tom is smoking/ have the same predication.30. Modem linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spoken・IV. Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for iUustration where appropriate* (3% X 10=30% )31 ・ duality32. word stress33. second language acquisition (SLA)34. stem35・ cerebral plasticity36. AUX-movcment37. speech community38. sense39. pragmatics40. historical linguisticsV. Directions: Answer the following questions (10%X2=20%)41 • Name and describe 5 of the core branches of linguistics.42. How are semantics and pragmatics related, and how do they differ?现代语J 学试題答案及评分参子第I 页(共3 U ()绝密★启用前2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试现代语言学试题答案及评分参考(课程代码00830 )I . Directions: Read each of the follouing statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices bestcompletes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A. B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.l.C 2. A 3.C 4. A Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWRR SHEET in each of (he ColloHinK statements with one word, the first letter of uhich is already given as a clue ・ Note that you are to fill in ONE v^ord only, and you are not allowed to change the letter 七iven. (1%X 10=10%)II. transmission12. intonation 13. development 15・ arbitrary17. pidgin19. quanlily 14. idiomatic 16. transformational 1X. Polysemy 20. Old 111. Directions : Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or P forfalse on the ANS'、ER SHEET. If you think a statement h fal^ >ou must explain why you think so andthen give the correct version. (2%X 10=20%)21. FThe description of a language at sonu: point in time is a synchronic study.或者I he (lcscnption of a la as il changes ihrou 字h linx is a diachronic simly评分标准:答对得2分;正饯判断错I 吴扣全分。
14.中国传统的文字学、音韵学、训诂学统称 A.大学 B.名学 C.玄学 D.小学 答案:D 解析:古代中国的语言研究是从研究汉字的构造、读音和意义开始的,并由此形
6.人的大脑左半球前部受伤,患者可能出现的语言障碍是 A.听不懂人说话 B.只能说长句 C.基本上不能说话 D.不能理解人的表情 答案:C 解析:人的大脑左半球的一定部位掌管语言和抽象的思维活动,1861 年法国医 生布洛卡最先发现大脑左球前部有个部位受伤,患者会出现语言障碍,基本上不 会说话,但仍能听懂别人说话。
根据词的音节数量,词可以分为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。(2 分) 根据一个词中所包含构词语素的数量,词可以分为单纯词和合成词(2 分)。单 纯词由一个构词语素构成,合成词由一个或一个以上语素构成。
不同的语言中词的音节数量与词內构词语素数量的关系不冋。单纯词与单音 节词、合成词与双节词或多音节词之间有一定的联系(2 分)。多数情况下,单 音节词基本上都是单纯词;但单纯词不仅包括单音节词,也包括多音节词(2 分)。
22.语言借用 答案:语言接触的过程中一种语言用了另一种语言的成分,就是语言借用现象。
23.正迁移 答案:第二语言学习时母语的语言规则对第二语言的学习产生积极影响,被称为 正迁移。
24.串对 答案:对偶句的前后两句意义相连叫串对。
三、分析题:本大题共 2 小题,每小题 7 分,共 14 分。 25.分析下面这个对话中违反会话准则所产生的会话含义。
1.在远古时期迈锡尼人的宗教信仰中,象征地母神的是()A.牡牛B.双面斧C.生殖女神D.雌狮子2.爱琴文化时期,迈锡尼人入主克诺索斯王宫后,借用了克里特人使用的线形文字A,并且在此基础上形成了()A.象形文字B B.迈锡尼文字AC.希腊文字A D.线形文字B3.荷马史诗《奥德赛》描写特洛伊战争结束后一位希腊英雄回国的艰难历程。
【考点】语用——会话准则和会话含义2、说说下面这些字声符、意符、记号箕汉鱼裁【答案】(1)箕:意符:其、⺮(2)汉:声符:氵;意符:又(3)鱼:意符(4)裁:声符: ;意符:衣【考点】文字——文字的形式和类型三、简答题:1、多义词同音词的区别【答案】(1)现时意义有联系的是多义词,现时意义没有联系的是同音词。
全国2018年10月自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and thefour alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1. “A Chauvinist pig” refers to a person who believes that women are ______.( )A. prone to tearsB. sociableC. frailD. inferior2. A hot, freshly cooked sausage sandwiched in a split roll of bread is called ______.( )A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. hot dogD. pudding3. Language is ______.( )A. the product of the human brainB. rule governedC. independent of cultureD. the result of social institutions4. Language is used for communication in that communication is the ____ function of language.( )A. primaryB. peripheralC. mediumD. personal5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?( )A. English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar.B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing.C. Chinese has no grammatical morphemes.D. Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English.6. English is the language which ______.( )A. demonstrates more hypotactic relations than Chinese doesB. demonstrates more paratactic relations than Chinese doesC. demonstrates only hypotactic relationsD. only relies on conjunctions for sentence construction7. ____ can be used as a title for an English woman whose marital status is unknown or is not indicated.( )A. Mrs.B. Ms.C. MissD. Madam8. “To kick the bucket” means“to _____ ” ( )A. dieB. workC. playD. study9. “Marry in May, repent always.” is related to ______.( )A. geographyB. ChristianityC. individualismD. Greco-Roman civilization10. “A Cleopatra” is an allusion from______.( )A. mythologyB. religionC. literatureD. sports11. A simile is a direct _____ between two or more unlike thing s, normally introduced by “like” or “as”.( )A. meaningB. comparisonC. linkD. way12. Terms of colours can be used either literally to refer to different colours or metaphorically to convey their ______ meanings.( )A. directB. impliedC. associativeD. comparative13. ______ are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.( )A. Terms of humilityB. HonourificsC. Similes and metaphorsD. Euphemisms14. Honourifics are used to show respect to one’s interlocutors and persons mentioned in conversations, while ______ are used to show the speaker’s modesty.( )A. honourificsB. complimentsC. terms of humilityD. euphemisms15. The term “text” refers to any piece of spoken or writte n language, which expresses a(n) ______ meaning.( )A. completeB. incompleteC. regularD. irregular16. A: Do you mind my smoking here ?( )B: This is non-smoking area.There is ______between the above two sentences.A. logicB. lexicalC. cohesionD. coherence17. Which of the following words is a coinage, which is often used in the advertisements or brand names?( )A. homelyB. packageC. smoothnessD. home office18. The Chinese meaning of “Mars” is ______ .( )A. 水星B. 金星C. 火星D.木星19. What does punctuality mean to Americans and Englishmen?( )A. in timeB. on time if not a little beforeC. a couple of minutes lateD. half an hour late20. ______ communication is communication without words.( )A. ActionB. GesturesC. VerbalD. NonverbalII. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. Affective meaning is communicated when ______ are expressed directly or indirectly in language.( )A. communicative valuesB. attitudesC. feelingsD. referential meanings22. Many English words refer to the historical aspects of English culture, such as ______.( ) A. reformation B. lynchC. cocktailD. scalp23. Which of the following statements is right?( )A. Hypotactic language is unambiguous and paratactic language is ambiguous.B. Hypotactic language like English relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.C. Paratactic language like Chinese never relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.D. Hypotactic and paratactic relations can be found in both English and Chinese.24. “ ______ ”is an appropriate reply to an expression of gratitude.( )A. Don’t mention itB. Don’t say thatC. It’s my pleasureD. It’s my duty25. ______ is an allusion from a historical event.( )A. NewcastleB. MarathonC. WaterlooD. Paris26. In English, green is usually associated with ______.( )A. jealousyB. lacking experienceC. authoritative permissionD. profit27. In English, we can use such euphemisms as ______ for “die”.( )A. “go”B. “depart”C. “go to a better world”D. “go the way of all flesh”28. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into ______. ( )A. additiveB. adversativeC. causalD. temporal29. A news report normally consists of ______.( )A. a headlineB. a leadC. a subtitleD. a story30. Thumbing one’s nose is used to show one’s ______.( )A. defianceB. greeting othersC. arousing other’s interestD. contemptIII. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Language is the carrier and ______ of culture.32. Each culture develops a particular way of ______ favoured by a particular population.33. The prefix “super-” and suffices “-logy”, “-ics” are all from______.34. ______ is used to talk about a person or event that attracts a lot of notice and is the subject of much talk for a short time but is soon forgotten.35. If the person calling is a stranger and does not tell who he or she is, English speakers normally ask“ ______ ”36. Which of the following words in the sentence “There are too many facts here for me to digest them all”is a metaphor?______37. In English a developing country is used to refer to a poor country. Here a developing country is a______.38. A: Are you from China?B: Yes, I am.The sentences in the above dialogue are connected by both grammatical and lexical means, so we say that they exhibit ______.39. In American English, the letters “er” in the word “clerk” are pronounced as______.40. “ ______ ”is signified by moving several times the hand whose forefinger touches one’s own cheek.IV. Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)41. Could you say something about the language features of English advertising?42. How is nonverbal communication related to culture?43. What does abstract thinking refer to?44. How would you explain the fact that “greenhouse”and its equivalent in Chinese “温室”are formed differently?V. Translation.(18%)45.趁热打铁。
全国自学考试试题语言与文化试卷全国高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. Language is_________. ()A. the product of the human brainB. rule governedC. independent of cultureD. the result of social institutions2.Culture is a social phenomenon because it is a _________ product of human societies.()A. technical B. cooperativeC. newD. language3.A_________is a small open space symbolically enclosed with very low walls and adjoining a building.()A. semi houseB. balconyC. plotD. yard4.English is often referred to as a _________ language because it uses frequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements. ()A. paratacticB. hypotacticC. branchingD. linear5.Decide which of the following words is the word with an inflectional morpheme.()A. completeB. behaviorC. playedD. membership6.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_________.()A. “Thank you very much. How much is it?”B. “Where did you get it? This is really what I want.”C. “It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much.”D. “It’s very nice.”7.Which expression is NOT appropriate for you to use after you receive an apology? ()1A. It’s O.K.B. It’s all right.C. Not at all.D. Never mind.8. A: Is Jenny co .ruing to the party?B: Yes, she is.The sentences in the above dialogue are connected by both grammatical and lexical means, so we say that they exhibit_________. ()A. cohesionB. coherenceC. coexistenceD. cooperation9.Most of the cultural interpretations of the difference between English and Chinese at the textual level are_________.()A. conclusions rather than tentative assumptionsB,. tentative assumptions rather than conclusionsC. either tentative assumptions or conclusionsD. neither tentative assumptions nor conclusions10. In American English, the equivalent word for“公寓”is_________.()A. departmentB. flatC. apartmentD. basement11.7 days without 7-up make one weak.In this advertisement, one can find the tactful use of _________.()A. homophonesB. figure of speechC. repetitionD. several adjectives12. Nodding means “agreement”to Chinese and most Europeans. But in the Eskimo gesturalsystem, head nodding means“_________”. ()A. yesB. angerC. pleasureD. no13. _________is a construction, expression, etc., having a meaning different from the literal oneor not according to the usual patterns of the language.()A. “T o pull one’s leg”B. “To keep a straight face”C. “To make a cat laugh”D. “To ride one’s high horse”14. The proverb “Homer sometimes nods”is related to_________.2()A. Christianity B. Greco-Roman civilizationC. individualismD. insular culture15. In English culture _________ connote wisdom.A. miceB. chickensC. owlsD. mules16. _________is the symbol of fear, cowardice or timidity.()A. A white slaveB. A white elephantC. A white hopeD. A white feather17. _________shows a biased attitude towards certain ethnic groups.A. Racist languageB. Religious languageC. Sexist languageD. Metaphorical language18. The thematic model emphasizes three culture elements: _________.()A. traits, values and world viewsB. personal behaviours, thinking patterns and valuesC. norms, customs and circumstancesD. time, space and dimension19. _________are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.A. HonourificsB. Terms of humilityC. EuphemismsD. Taboos20. For example, a boy told his mother in a whispering voice that it was not he who broke thevase but did not dare to look at his mother in her eyes. How could one interpret his verbal and nonverbal messages? ()A. Complementing.B. Contradicting.C. RepeatingD. Regulating.Ⅱ. Each of the following incomplete statements is foll owed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide what alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. Some of the important properties in a language are_________. ()3A. a set of symbolsB. human specificC. vocalD. unsystematic22. “Handsome”means nice looking and can be used together with the followingwords_________.()A. villageB. vesselC. typewriterD. overcoat23. Inductive argumentation has been related to_________.()A. the linear thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. inductive reasoningD. indirect personality24. When people are introduced, _________.()A. they always shake handsB. they normally shake hands in formal or business situationsC. they do not always shake handsD. men shake hands more often than women25. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into_________.()A. additive B. adversativeC. causalD. temporal26. The word “hero”can be pr onounced as_________.()A. ['her?v]B. ['hi:r?v]C. ['hir?v]D. ['hi?r?v]27. Silence may send the nonverbal messages of_________.()A. displeasureB. pleasureC. indifferenceD. irritation28. _________means to be clumsy.()A. “T o put one’s foot in one’s mouth”B. “To be all thumbs”C. “To have a chip on one’s shoulder”D. “To have two left feet”29. _________have the metaphorical meaning of timidity.()4。
全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830Ⅰ. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1. The tone, defined as pitch variation, is an important suprasegmental feature of tone languagessuch as .A. ChineseB. EnglishC. Chinese and EnglishD. English and French2. V oicing as a quality of speech sounds is caused by the vibration of .A. the velumB. the vocal cordsC. the glottisD. the uvula3. The words that contain only one morpheme are called .A. bound morphemesB. affixesC. free morphemesD. roots4. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called .A. phase structure rulesB. syntactic rulesC. lexical rulesD. transformational rules5. The naming theory was proposed by .A. the Greek scholar PlatoB.C.K. Ogden and I.A. RichardsC. the British linguist J. FirthD. the American linguist L. Bloomfield6. Speech act theory was first proposed by .A. John AustinB. John SearleC. Noam ChomskyD. John Firth7. linguistics refers to the study of a language or languages at a single point in time,without reference to earlier or later stages.A. DiachronicB. SynchronicC. HistoricalD. Comparative8. Different functional speech varieties known as are expected in, say, a churchsermon, a diplomatic encounter, a family dinner, or a sports broadcast.A. registersB. stylesC. dialectsD. accents9. is the study of language in relation to the mind.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. LinguisticsD. Semantics10. In general, children’s holophrastic sentences begin .A. in the late part of the first year or the early part of the second year1B. in the second half of the second yearC. between two and three years oldD. between four and five years oldⅡ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. Language can be defined as a system of arbitrary v symbols used for humancommunication.12. To satisfy the needs of the phoneticians in the study of speech sounds, a set of symbols calledd are added to broad transcription to show the more subtle differences between similarsounds.13. The meaning of a compound is often i ,not always being the sum total of the meaningsof its components.14. The clause into which another clause is embedded is called a m clause.15. Componential analysis is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected intomeaning components, called s features.16. C is regarded as constituted by all kinds of knowledge assumed to be shared by thespeaker and the hearer.17. The major phonological change in the history of English known as the Great V owel Shiftinvolves seven long, or t , vowels of Middle English.18. Certain words in all societies are considered t -- they are forbidden or to be avoided.19. It’s known that specialized linguistic and perceptual skills are each localized in a particularhemisphere of the brain. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called l .20. C speech refers to the simple, modified speech used by parents, baby-sitters, etc. whenthey talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.Ⅲ. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and give the correct version.(2%×10=20%) 21.( ) According to Chomsky, a speaker can produce and understand an unlimited numberof sentences because he possesses an internalized set of rules about his language. 22. ( ) Phonological rules are not language specific, i.e. once proved to be valid, they canbe applied to all languages.23. ( ) Under the Case Condition principle, when the Move αrule operates to change asentence from the active voice to the passive voice, it can move a noun phrase to anyCase receiving position.24. ( ) Lexical categories are generally known as parts of speech, and a language has majorand minor lexical categories of a finite set.25. ( ) A grammatically well-formed sentence is always semantically well-formed.26. ( ) All illocutionary acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose or thesame illocutionary point.227. ( ) Borrowing occurs when one language takes a word or morpheme from anotherlanguage and adds it to its lexicon.28. ( ) It is obvious that the standard variety of language is the correct form of language.29. ( ) Human linguistic ability largely depends on the structure of their vocal cords.30. ( ) According to Behaviorist learning theory, children are believed to gradually assumecorrect forms of the language of their community when their “bad” speech getscorrected and when their good speech gets positively reinforced.Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration.(3%×10=30%)31. cultural transmission (as a defining feature of human language)32. phoneme33. linguistic competence34. syntactic movement35. homonymy36. derivation37. idiolect38. the critical period hypothesis39. intrapersonal communication40. telegraphic speechⅤ. Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)41. Prefixes occur at the beginning of a word, and modify the meaning of a stem, but usually donot change the part of speech of the original word. Do you think it is true? Support your answer with examples.42. What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle? Please give examples to show howthe flouting of these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature (Give at least two examples, each flouting a different maxim).3。
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2018年10月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题课程代码:00838I. Each of the statements is followed by four alternatives. Read following incomplete each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. Without the emergence of man would remain what he was one or two million years ago.A.cultureB. speechC. languageD. thinking2. When we say that language is , we mean that the language is rule governed.A.systematicB. arbitraryC. vocalD. symbolic3. The relationship between a word and an object in the real world to which the word refers isthe meaning of the word.A. connotativeB. socialC. affectiveD. conceptual4. If an entry in a dictionary consists of two or more words, it will be treated as aA. phraseB. clauseC. compoundD. sentence5. The following Chinese sentences are implicit passive sentences EXCEPTA.花晒着太阳了。
6. The following sentences have hypotactic relations EXCEPT" "A. Bread and butter is my favoufite breakfastB. The man ran away when he saw the dogC. John loves Mary and Mary loves John, tooD. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc7. "Flora" is a quite common English name. It belongs to names.A. religiousB. weaponC. flowerD. knowledge8. In English speaking countries some elderly persons may use" "as a vocative toaddress a young lad without meaning to offend.A. sonB. ladC. manD. buddy9. The meaning of the idiom "the cat's got your tongue" is" "A. you're jokingB. you're clumsyC. you're very quietD. you're angry10. The sentence "她是个王熙凤式的人物" uses an allusion from a Chinese literary workA. Three KingdomsB. Dream of Red MansionsC. Water MarginD. Pilgrimage to the West11. In the sentence "Bring the child down to me for a formight. I have a huge old gardenwhere he can be as free as a bird", the tenor isA. a birdB. a fortnightC. a huge old gardenD. the child12. In the following metaphorical expressions," " shows ideas are food.A. That idea won't sellB. That's budding theoryC. We don't need to spoon-feed our studentsD. That cuts right into the heart of that matter13. There are more honourifics in Oriental language than in European language, is particularly rich in honourifics.A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. EnglishD. French14. Pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions that are used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths areA. honourificsB. terms of humilityC. euphemismsD. taboos15. Hypotactic relations at the sentential level refer to constructions whose components are linked through the use ofA. conjunctionsB. juxtapositionC. punctuationD. prepositions16. For the whole day he climbed up the steer mountainside, almost without stopping. And in all this time he met no one.In the above example, the logical relationship between the sentences is relations.A. additiveB. adversativeC. causalD. temporal17. The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is the pronunciation of" "in words.A.aB.rC.iD. wh18. Advertisement English differs from other varieties of English in many ways. A tactful use of homophones can be found in the following advertisement" "A. Never bathe aloneB. I'm MORE satisfied (cigarette)C. 7 days without 7-up make one weak (beverage)D. We've hidden a garden full of vegetables where you'd never expected in a pie19. Nonverbal messages which serve the function of the verbal messages are ones that could stand alone ifthe verbal messages were not present.A. complementingB. repeatingC. contradictingD. regulating20. When an item in the target nonverbal communication systems corresponds in both form and meaning to an item in the native nonverbal communication system, the learner can simply the item in his or her native non-communication systems to the target ones.A. associateB. transferC. interpretD. differentiateII. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question.(10%)21. Thought is the of the human brain.A. functionB. influenceC. productD. medium22. The word "young" is associated with" "in English culture.A. vigorousB. creativeC. inexperiencedD. flexible23. Which of the words have inflectional morphemes?A. running.B. eats.C. quickly.D. worked.24. Among the following forms of address, are NOT accepted in English culture.A. Mayor StoneB. Accountant SmithC. Teacher JonesD. Director Black25. What is true about a proverb?A. A proverb is a brief familiar maxim of folk wisdom.B. A proverb is usually compressed in meaning.C. A proverb contains scientific accuracy rather than folk wisdom.D. A proverb often involves a bold image or a jingle that catches the memory.26. Metaphors can be found in the sentence " "A. That young man is a bear at mathematicsB. He is as strong as a horseC. His words stabbed at her heartD. Pop looked so unhappy, almost like a child who has lost his piece of candy27. "不敢当" in Chinese can be translated into" "A. It's very kind of you to say soB. You praised me too muchC. Not reallyD. Thank you28. In which of the following sentences can paratactic relations be found?A. I believe he is an honest man.B. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc.C. The man ran away when he saw the dog.D. Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.29. Words that are used in American English areA. barB. trousersC. flatD. candy30. Which of the following are typical examples of emblems?A. The "pointing" gesture, when accompanying language.B. Patting one's pen or pencil on the desk, rubbing one's arms, nail biting.C. The "salute" gesture (formed by briskly bringing a flattened hand to the right side ofthe forehead).D. The "Ok" gesture (with one's thumb and forefinger forming an O shape and the otherthree fingers stretching out).III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. The medium of verbal interaction is without which cooperation would be impossible.32. The Chinese equivalent for "housewarming" is rather than "室内供暖"。