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I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):


Y ou may have heard about a pet dog flown to its new home, or a lion to a zoo. Anything—from fish to elephants—can be flown up in the air.

In a plane, each kind of animal needs special care. Crocodiles can go nearly a week without food. But their bodies must be watered daily. Some snakes will die unless they are kept warm. Birds will not eat in the dark. They will starve(饿死)if kept in a dark place. Penguins(企鹅)and seals(海豹)must be fed(喂养)by hand. They won’t eat anything that has fallen to the ground.

Elephants from Africa eat hay. But those from South Asia want sugar cane(甘蔗). Once, a plane carrying three elephants from India ran out of sugar cane. The pilot called ahead to a city in T urkey(土耳其). “Have two tons of sugar cane ready,” he said. When the plane landed, two tons of sugar cane were waiting at the airport!

Monkeys are flown in large numbers as scientists in many countries want to study them. Before each flight, the troublemakers among them should be put into separate cages(分开的笼子).

Monkeys are very good at opening cage doors. During one flight, a pilot had to radio to the control tower on the ground, “Need to land immediately. Monkeys loose on plane.” When the plane was on the runway, there was a monkey at each window peeping(窥探)out! True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):( ) 1. A pet dog can fly as well as a plane.

( ) 2. Each kind of animal has different habits.

( ) 3. Crocodiles in a plane need some water to drink every day.

( ) 4. Some snakes will die if they are not kept warm enough.

( ) 5. This passage tells us we must take special care of the animals carried in planes. ( ) 6. Monkeys are clever enough to open the doors of their cage.


Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work after school and during his holidays to pay for his education. He managed to get to the university, but it was so expensive to study there that during the holidays he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to get enough money to pay for his studies.

One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher’s shop(肉店)during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop he learned to cut meat up quite well, so the butcher often let him sell the meat while he went into a room behind the shop to do other things. In the hospital, of course, he could only do the easier jobs, like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher’s and a t the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to a room. She was to have an operation there. The woman was very much frightened when she thought about the operation. Suddenly she saw Dick. He came to get her and carried her to the room. She cried out, “No! No! Not my butcher! I won’t be operated on by my butcher!” She fainted(昏死)away.

Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):

( ) 1. Dick’s family was _______.

A. big

B. small

C. poor

D. rich

( ) 2. He decided to find two jobs during the holidays because he wanted to get enough money _______.

A. to pay for his studies in the university

B. to buy some fine clothes

C. to help his parents
