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∙set about 1. 开始:开始或出发 Set about solving the problem.


∙set apart 1. 留出,拨出:留出以备专用 2. 使引人注目Character traits that set her apart. 使她引人注目的个性

∙set aside 1. 留出,拨出:分开或留出以备专用 2. 抛弃,放弃 3.


∙The court has set aside the conviction.法庭宣告无罪

∙set at 1. 打击或袭击 The dogs set at the fox. 狗群冲向狐狸∙set back 1. 阻止:减慢进程;妨碍

2. 【非正式用语】花费 That coat set me back $1,000.那件衣服花了我1,000美元

∙set by 1. 保留为将来之用

∙It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency 为将来紧急情况贮备食物和钱是明智的

∙set down 1. 坐:使坐;坐下

∙Set the baby down here.让小孩坐这儿

2. 记录:写下;记录

We set down the facts.我们记下事实

3. 把…归于:由…引起;把…归于

Just set him down as a sneak.当他是个阴险的人

Let's set the error down to inexperience.让我们把错误归于没有



5.The pilot set the plane down hard.飞行员艰难地使飞机着陆

∙set forth

∙1. 提出:提出想法;建议

∙Set forth a sound plan.提出一个合理的计划


2.She has set forth her ideas.她已经表达出了想法

∙set forward

1. 开始旅程

∙set in

1. 插入

Set in the sleeve of a gown.插入礼服袖子中

2. 开始:开始发生或出现

“Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top”

( -- Charles Siebert)

“当我行于山顶公路时夜幕降临”( -- 查尔斯〃谢伯特)

3. (风)水向岸(吹)流:移向岸边。用于风和水

∙set off 1. 爆炸:引起爆炸

Set off a chemical reaction.发生化学反应

Set off a bomb.炸弹爆炸

2. 区分:指出不同;区分

Features setting him off from the crowd.使他与人群分开的特征

3. 强调:通过对比引起注意;强调

Set off a passage with italics.用斜体字强调一段

4. 开始旅程

Set off for Europe. 开始欧洲之旅

∙set out

∙1. 着手:开始一个热切的计划;着手

∙He set out to understand why the plan had failed.他开始明白为什么计划失败了

∙2. 生动形象地摆出

∙Set out a terrace.画出地形

∙3. 展览:为展览或出售而摆设

∙4. 种

Set out seedlings.种小树


She set out at dawn for town.她日出时出发去镇上

∙set to

∙1. 开始干起来:热忱地开始工作;开始 2. 开始战斗

∙set up

∙1. 直立:放于竖直位置

∙2. 组装:集合并装配

∙They set the general up as a dictator.他们赋与将军指挥者的权力∙He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.


∙Set up a new machine.组装一台新机器

∙3. 建立

∙Set up a charity.建立一家慈善机构

∙4. 引起,使产生

∙They set up howls of protest over new taxes.他们发起反对新税的吼声

∙5. 开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业

∙6. 为(饮料)付账

∙7. 【非正式用语】刺激或鼓励

∙A victory that really set the team up.胜利鼓舞了球队

∙8. 计划:制定计划

∙Set up a kidnapping. 策划绑架

∙9. 【非正式用语】哄骗:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协

∙Swindlers have set me up 骗子骗了我

∙set upon

∙1. 强烈打击

∙Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.


∙set one's heart (或 hopes) on

∙1. 渴望

∙She had her heart set on going to university.


∙set out one's stall

∙1. 展现才艺

He wanted to set out his stall as someone who would balance the

books and create a firm financial situation.


