

现代大学英语精读4课文Spring sowing赏析

现代大学英语精读4课文Spring sowing赏析

现代大学英语精读4课文Spring sowing赏析作者:鲁美秀子来源:《青年时代》2019年第16期摘要:作为一名大学英语翻译专业的本科生,与其他英语专业的同学一样深知语言输入与输出的重要性,而现代大学英语精读教材是每一名本科英语相关专业的学生的必由之路,在语言的学习过程中,输入必不可少;本文将从不同的角度,选取现代大学英语系列教材中的其中一册的文章进行语篇解读,以帮助更多的初学者了解如何有效地学习和利用现代大学英语精读系列教材。












”而这样的俗语来源于1845年的土豆饥荒,一种引发土豆枯萎病的真菌(Phytophthora infestans)在欧洲蔓延,导致土豆在地下直接枯死。



杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit1)Unit1一、词汇短语Text Acrisis[]n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻adj.危机的;用于处理危机的【例句】Affair have reached a crisis.事情已经发展到了紧要关头。

endeavor[]n.&v.努力,尽力,力图【例句】We must always endeavour to improve our work.我们任何时候都要努力改进自己的工作。

【词组】make one’s(best)endeavor(s)尽全力,竭力【助记】end(最后)+eavor(联想favor)→最后,缘分使努力成为现实。

perceive[]v.感知,察觉;理解,领悟,意识到【例句】Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?【词组】perceive sth.as sth.理解或领悟某事物;认为【助记】per(透过)+ceive(取)→透过感觉来拿→察觉。

【派生】perception n.知觉;[生理]感觉;看法;洞察力;获取encyclopedia/encyclopaedia[]n.百科全书【例句】A dictionary deals with words and an encyclopedia deals with facts.词典讲解单词,而百科全书讲解事实。

genetic[]adj.遗传的,起源的【例句】Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。

【词组】genetic material遗传物质;基因材料genetic information遗传信息【派生】genetical adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的genetics n.遗传学【助记】gene(基因)+ticendow[]v.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予【例句】Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉。


Another School Year
Unit 1
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Warming up
Warming up Questions/Activities
• What do you go to college for? • How has your first semester in university
f_a_c_u_lt_y____ all the teachers of a university or college s_u_ff_ic_e_____ to be enough p_e_n_e_t_ra_t_in_g_ showing the ability to understand things clearly and
deeply s_a_v_a_g_e____ an uncivilized human being l_it_e_r_a_l ____ in a basic meaning of a word c_e_rt_if_y_____ to state something is correct e_n_r_o_ll_____ to officially arrange to join a university
Warming up Objectives
• Understand the occasion and stylistic features of the speech
• Think about the question of the purpose of university education
getting training for a job in a technical school but doing a B.Sc. at a university.

现代大学英语精读lesson 10 课文分析

现代大学英语精读lesson 10 课文分析

Im Kaleem’s house was bustling at just about any time of day, especially at night, when the loud voices of the men talking, laughing and arguing could be heard in the street below – a reassuring, homey sound.(para20) just about : almost ; very nearly. reassuring : making people feel less worried or uncertain about sth. homey : having a feeling of home ; homelike . Paraphrase : ...at that time, you could hear the loud voices of the men talking, laughing and arguing – a sound that made you feel less worried and that was in a pleasant way and reminded you of home.
run errands for sb.为某人办事 send sb. on an errand 差遣某人办某 事 assure (sth): to make sth certain to happen Paraphrase: If I was lucky, in one day I could have nine or ten of those jobs, which ensure that I have a steady income to buy marbles that I usually lost to other boys.











选材主题包括如下:学习态度(如Another School Year―What For?);家庭关系(如Message of the Land);人生感悟(如Half a Day);神话故事(如The Nightingale and the Rose);悬疑小说(如Midnight Visitor);历史灾难(如Pompeii);生态环保(如The Rite of Spring);生活轶事(如The Boy and the Bank Officer);人性探讨(如The Man in the Water);种族优越感(如Say Yes),等等。





Half a DayNaguibMahfousAbout the AuthorName: NaguibMahfous纳吉布·马哈福兹Nationality:EgyptianDates: From Dec.1911 to Aug. 2006 Birthplace:an old quarter of CairoEducation: studied philosophyat auniversity ofCairo, graduating in 1934.Job: in university administrationas a civil servantas a journalist(记者)Influence: 1st Arab to win the Nobel Prize for literature in 1988described as "a Dickens of the Cairo cafés" and "the Balzac of Egypt".Half of his novels have been made into filmsAbout the AuthorWorks: no fewer than 30 novels, more than 100 short stories, and more than 200 articles●the Cairo Trilogy in 1957●Children of Gebelawi in 1959 (Prize novel for the reasonthat "who, through works rich in nuance - nowclear-sightedly realistic, now evocatively ambiguous -has formed an Arabian narrative art that applies to allmankind"(他通过大量刻画入微的作品—洞察一切的现实主义,唤起人们树立雄心—形成了全人类所欣赏的阿拉伯语言艺术)●the Thief and the Dogs in 1961《小偷与狗》●Small Talk on the Nile in 1966《尼罗河上的絮语》About the Half a Day●First published in Arabic in 1989as part of a short story collectionentitled The False Dawn.●Included in an English-language collection entitled The Time andthe Place in 1991.●Belongs to his later phase and characterized by a shift from socialrealism to a more modern, experimental mode of writing.●An allegorical taleimplicates a commentary on the humancondition; an entire life span is experienced as only ''half a day'' in the school of life and also alludes to the cycle of life, whereby the narrator passes through childhood, middle age and old age in the course of one day.●Uses a strategy commonly used in fiction writing –theprotagonist returns after being absent for a short time to find everything changed beyond recognition. The best example is Rip Van Winkle, a short story by American writer, Washington Irving.●This technique is often used to emphasize rapid changes insociety.Structure●Plot故事情节: a little boy’s first time to go to school●Setting背景: on the way to schoolat schoolon the way home●Protagonist/Narrator主人公/讲述人: “I”–the boy in thestory●Theme of the story主题: rapid changes in societyThree Parts●Para. 1-7: t he boy’s reluctance to go to schoolHis misgivings about school●Para. 8-16: t he Boy’s life at school:Rich and colorful, Requiringdiscipline and hard workPara. 17-20: at the end of school day:Everything has changed!●Detailed Analysis—para1S1---I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand.1. What’s the function of the –ing form clutchinghis right hand?2. Who clutched his right hand?3. Can you find some other –ing form in this passage whose function is the same as clutching his right hand?S2---All my clothes were new:the black shoes, the green school uniform, and the red cap.S3---They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time.1. What does They refer to?2. What is the function of the clause I was to bethrown into school for the first time?3. Can you identify the sentence type?Simple sentence, Compound sentenceComplex sentence orCompound-complex sentence4. What’s the p art of speech of however?the minute/moment (that)... as soon as... 一...就...: I want to see him the minute (that) he arrives. 他一来到我就要见他.Detailed Analysis—para2S1---My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help.1. Can you identify the sentence type?2. Can you find the logical subject of the present participle phrases watching our progress and hoping she would help?3. What do you get from the phrase hoping she would help?4. What does watching our progress mean?Detailed Analysis—para2S2---We walked along a street lined with gardens and fields planted with crops, pears, and date palms.1. What’s the function of lined with gardens and planted with crops?2. Can you put in the omitted parts of lined with gardens and planted with crops?3. Can you find some more in this passage?Descriptive PhrasesCompare:1.People who are unhappy with the amount of spam they receiveshould write to their lawmakers.2.People unhappy with the amount of spam they receive should writeto their lawmakers.3.Pierre Omidyar, who is the founder of eBay, is one of the richest menin the world.4.Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, is one of the richest men in theworld.5.One-half of all of the e-mail that is sent today is spam.6.One-half of all of the e-mail sent today is spam.7.There are about 11 million items that are listed on eBay.8.There are about 11 million items listed on eBay.9.A man who is living in Florida retired at the age of 37 after makingmillions in the spam business.10.A man living in Florida retired at the age of 37 after making millions inthe spam business.Detailed Analysis—para2S2---We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops: pears, and date palms.Descriptive PhrasesCompare:11.Shoppers who are using eBay can locate a hard-to-find item.12.Shoppers using eBay can locate a hard-to-find item.13.Spam, which is unwanted commercial e-mail, is an annoyingproblem.14.Spam, unwanted commercial e-mail, is an annoying problem.15.eBay, which is an auction Web site, is very popular.16.eBay, an auction Web site, is very popular.17.A man who is in Florida retired at the age of 37.18.A man in Florida retired at the age of 37.19.Pierre, who is from France, created eBay.20.Pierre, from France, created eBay.Detailed Analysis—para2S2---We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops: pears, and date palms.3. From above, can you summarize the similarities of all these sentences?Descriptive PhrasesLanguage Note:1. A descriptive phrase can be essential or nonessential. A nonessentialphrase is set off by commas.People unhappy with the amount of spam they receive should writeto their lawmakers.Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, is one of the richest men in theworld.2.An appositive is always nonessential., an online store, is a very popular Web site.Detailed Analysis—para3S1---"Why school?" I asked my father. "What have I done?”1. What’s the feeling of the boy?2. What’s the elliptical sentence?3. What is the rhetorical question?Summary—para1-3What do you get from these paragraphs?The boy’s feelingHelpless—new clothes did not make me happy Thrown into schoolFrom time to timeHoping she would helpWhy school? What have I done?Detailed Analysis—para4S3---It's a place that makes useful men out of boys.1. make…(out) of sb/sth: cause sb/sth to be orbecome sth使某人[某事物]处於某状况或变成某事物:使其成为争论之点.Eg.W e'll make a footballer of him yet.我们还是要把他造就成优秀的足球运动员Don't make a habit of it/Don't make it a habit.不要养成那样的习惯.2. What is the function of that makes useful menout of boys? Can you find some more in this passage?3. Can you identify the sentence type?Detailed Analysis—para5S2---I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building.1. It is no good/use doing sth. Or There is no good to be had in doing sth.: It is not useful to do 做…没有什么用处eg. It’s no good crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收It’s no use talking to him2. tearoneself/sb. away from ...:leave sb/sthreluctantly 勉强使离开,忍痛舍去Eg.Do tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk. 你别舍不得离开电视了, 出去散散步吧.The young artist couldn't tear himself awayfrom da Vinci's Mona Lisa.He couldn’t tear himself away from the book.3. Can you identify the sentence type?Detailed Analysis—para6S1---When we arrived at the gate we could see the courtyard, vast and full of boys and girls.1. What’s the function of the adjective phrase vastand full of boys and girls?2. Can you put in the omitted parts of this phrase?3. Can you identify the sentence type?Detailed Analysis—para7S1---I hesitated and clung to his hand, but he gently pushed me from him.1. Can you identify the sentence type?2. What’s the base/original form of clung?Fling: 扔, 抛, 掷Sting: 蜇(伤), 刺(伤)(某人)String: 装弦, 用线或细绳将…穿起来Swing: 摆动, 摇摆S2---“Be a man,” he said.1. What does man mean here?S3---Y ou will find me waiting for you when it's time to leave. "1. What’s the function of waiting for you?2. Can you tell the difference between object complement andpresent participle as adverbial?Can you tell the difference between object complement and direct object?3. Can you identify the sentence type?4. Complete the Ex6 on page 14.Detailed Analysis—para8I took a few steps. Then the faces of the boys and girls came into view. I did not know a single one of them, and none of them knew me. I felt I was a stranger who had lost his way. But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity,and one of them came over and asked, "Who brought you?"Detailed Analysis—para11S1---I did not know what to say.1. question word + to do sthS2---The gate was now closed.1. What’s the function of closed? Is it a past participle as adjective or a past participle to form a passive voice?Detailed Analysis—para11S3---Some of the children burst into tears.burst into: send out or produce sth suddenly and violently 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物eg. The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火.burst into tears, song, angry speech突然哭﹑唱﹑吵起来trees bursting into leaf/ bloom/ blossom/flower 长出新叶[开花]的树木burst out●speak suddenly and with feeling; exclaim突然激动地说; 叫嚷:Eg.`I hate you!' she burst out.‘我讨厌你!’ 她叫嚷道.●(with the -ing form 与-ing连用) suddenly begin (doing sth) 突然开始(做某事):Eg.burst out crying/laughing/singing突然哭起来[笑起来/唱起来].Detailed Analysis—para11S5---A lady came along, followed by a group of men.1. What’s the function of followed by a group of men?S6---The men began sorting us into ranks.1. sort: ~ sth (out) (into sth); ~ sth (out) from stharrange things in groups; separate things of one type, class, etc from things ofother types, etc 将事物分类; 整理:Eg. He was sorting his foreign stamps into piles. 他正在整理外国邮票, 都分成一摞一摞的.We must sort out the good apples from the bad. 咱们得把好苹果拣出来, 同坏的分开.2. Can you list some verbs which should be followed by doing sth or by to do sth or both?The following verbs take a gerund.admit advise* allow* appreciate avoid consider delaydeny discuss dislike enjoy escape excuse finish forbid*imagine include keep (on) mind miss permit*postpone practice quitrecommendresentresist risk stand stop suggest*Allow doing sth allow sb to do sthDetailed Analysis—para11S7---We were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surrounded by high buildings;from each floor we wereoverlooked by a long balcony roofed in wood.1. Can you identify the sentence type? Why?2. What’s the function of the past participle phrases surrounded by high buildings and roofed in wood?Detailed Analysis—para13S1---Well, it seemed that my misgivings had had no basis.1. What’s the function of the clause that my misgivings had had no basis?2. Why the author use the two different tenses?3. What does the author convey to the reader?S2---From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls.1. What does the author convey to the reader?S3---I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experiences.1.How can you explain the two different tenses?2.What are the experiences?Detailed Analysis—para14S2---In the music room we sang our first songs. 1. What’s the base/original form of sang?Bgin, drink, ring, swim, spring*shrink收缩; 萎缩shrank, shrunk/shrunken (定语) *sink下沉sank, sunk/sunken(定语)*spin旋转spun/span(古语), spunS4---We saw a globe of the Earth, which revolved and showed the various continents andcountries.1. What’s the function of the clause which revolvedand showed the various continents andcountries?S5---We started learning numbers, and we were told the story of the Creator of the universe.1. What does the Creator means?2. Can you identify the sentence type? Why?Detailed Analysis—para14S6---We ate delicious food, took a little nap, and woke up to go on with friendship and love, playing and learning.1. Can you identify the sentence type? Why?2. What’s the function of the phrase playing and learning?3. What’s the function of the infinitive phrase to go on with friendship and love?4. What’s the difference between the result infinitive and purpose infinitive?Detailed Analysis—para15S1---Our path, however, was not totally sweet and unclouded.1. What’s part of speech of however?S2---We had to be observant and patient.1.observant●quick at noticing things 善於观察的; 机警的; 注意的:eg. An observant shop assistant had remembered exactly what the man was wearing. 有个机警的店员准确记得那个男子的穿着.Journalists are trained to be observant. 新闻记者都要训练成有敏锐观察力的人.●(fml文) careful to obey laws, customs, traditions, etc(对法律﹑习俗﹑传统等)谨慎遵守的: Eg. observant of the rules 遵守规则.Detailed Analysis—para15S3---It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around.1. a matter of: situation, question or issue that depends on sth else 取决於某事的情况﹑问题或事情:Eg. Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.处理这些问题全凭经验.Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when totake a chance. 商业上的成功就在於把握时机.2. fool around/about:●behave stupidly or foolishly 干蠢事:eg. Stop fooling about with that knife or someone will get hurt.不要摆弄那把刀, 会伤人的.●waste time; be idle 虚度光阴; 胡混:eg. I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day. 星期日我本应工作的, 但却闲混了一整天.3. What’s the part of speech of the word all?Detailed Analysis—para15S4---Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.1. bring about: cause sth to happen 使(某事物)发生; 导致:Eg.bring about reforms, a war, sb's ruin导致改革﹑战争﹑某人的毁灭The Liberals wish to bring about changesin the electoral system.自由党人想要改变选举制度.2. give rise to sth: (fml文) cause sth引起﹑导致某事物:Eg. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语.3. What does Rivalries means?S5----And while the lady would sometimes smile, she would often yell and scold.1. What’s the part of speech of while?2. What does would mean?Detailed Analysis—para15S6---Even more frequently she would resort to physical punishment.1.resort to sth: make use of sth for help; adopt sthas an expedient 求助於或诉诸某事物; 采取某手段或方法应急或作为对策:eg. If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action.假若谈判失败, 我们就采取罢工行动.resort to violence, deception, trickery, etc靠暴力﹑欺骗﹑欺诈等.2. What does physical punishment means?Detailed Analysis—para16S1---In addition, the time for changing one’s mind was over and gone and there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.1.there is some/no question of sth happening/sb doing sth there is a/no possibility of 有[没有]...的可能性:eg. There was some question of selling thebusiness. 有可能将公司转让.There will be no question of anyone beingmade redundant(多余的, 被解雇的, 失业的). 决不可能裁掉任何人2. the paradise of home: metaphor3. What’s metaphor and what’s difference betweenmetaphor and simile?Detailed Analysis—para16S2---Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion, struggle, and perseverance.1. What’s the part of speech of but?2. but(used after the negatives nobody, none, nowhere, etc, thequestion words who, where, etc, and also all, everyone, anyone, etc 用於否定词nobody﹑none﹑nowhere等和疑问词who﹑where等之後, 以及all﹑everyone﹑anyone等之後) except (sb/sth); apart from; other than 除(某人[某事物])以外; 此外;不同於:Eg. Everyone was there but him. 除了他之外, 所有的人都在.Nobody but you could be so selfish.除了你之外, 谁也不会这样自私.Nothing but trouble will come of this plan.这个计划只能带来麻烦.Right now he thinks about nothing but his research.She ate nothing but an apple for lunch.Detailed Analysis—para16S3---Those who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves.1. Can you analyze the sentence structure?2. take advantage of●make use of sth well, properly, etc充分利用:eg. They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.他们充分利用旅馆设备.●make use of sb/sth unfairly or deceitfully to get what one wants利用sb或sth:eg. He's using his charm to try to take advantage of her.他用魅力企图占她的便宜.3. present●present onself for sth (of a person) appear or attend (指人)出现, 出席:eg. You will be asked to present yourself for interview. 要求你到场面试.I have to present myself in court on 20 May. 我须於5月20日出庭.●present itself to sb(of an opportunity, a solution, etc) show itself (to sb);occur(指机会﹑解决办法等)(对某人)显露, 产生:eg. A wonderful opportunity suddenly presented itself.突然有了个绝妙的机会.The answer presented itself to him when he looked at the problem again.Detailed Analysis—para17S1---The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work.1. What’s the function of announcing the passing of the day?S2---The children rushed toward the gate, which was opened again.1. What’s the function of the clause which was opened again?S4---I looked around but found no trace of my father, who had promised to be there.1. What’s the function of the clause who had promised to be there?2. How do you understand the different tenses?Detailed Analysis—para17S6---When I had waited for a long time in vain, I decided to return home on my own.1. Can you identify the sentence type?2. What’s part of speech of home and return?3. in vain:●with no result; uselessly 无结果地; 徒然:eg. try in vain to sleep 怎麽也睡不着.●fruitless or useless 无效果的; 无用的:eg. All our work was in vain. 我们的工作全都白干了.4. on my own: alone, by oneself; without helpS7---I walked a few steps, then came to a startled halt.1. come/draw to a halt: to stopEg. Production has come to a halt owing to the lackof raw materials.由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。

现代大学英语精读LessonSpringSowing分析解析 (2).ppt

现代大学英语精读LessonSpringSowing分析解析 (2).ppt
on fire: (fig.) burning with emotion, passion or sensation; greatly excited; full of ardor; very enthusiastic, excited, or passionate
eg: He was on fire with excitement at this
Liam O’Flaherty
Pre-class work
1. Do you know how spring sowing is done against the background of a traditional agricultural country in Ireland?
2. Do you know how spring sowing is done in our country?
Liam O’Flaherty
Liam O’Flaherty was born in Ireland in 1896. He wrote in English and Irish. His main works include the novels: Thy Neighbour’s Wife The Black Soul The Informer The Assassin Shame the Devil Famine
Detailed Discussion of the Text
Para 1
rake out sth: remove ashes from ( a fire, kiln, etc) live coals
live: still burning or glowing; not extinct eg: a live spark; a live volcano hearth: the area around a fire place or the area of floor in front of it streak: a streak is a long thin mark, line or band of a different substance or color. Here in the text, it refers to the ray of early sunlight which was white against the dark sky. eg: There are streaks of gray appearing in her black



现代大学英语精读第二版第六课课文分析B T L E W Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Part Three ENTER B T L E W Text Appreciation Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Text analysis 1 General analysis 2 Theme 3 Structure 4 Further discussion II Sentence paraphrase Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Plotof the story Setting of the story Protagonists of the story Theme of the story Text Analysis Have you got the key elements in the story To be continued on the next page Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Plot My experience in a small Brazilian village and what I concluded Settinga small village in the central area of Brazil Protagonists an American traveler I several Brazilian people Theme of the storygo to the next page Text Analysis For reference The end of General Analysis Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Text Analysis We should respect all civilizations in the world Wisdoms are to be discovered with an open mindto other cultures Theme of the story The end of Theme Part 1 paras 1 about Part 2 paras about Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Text Analysis Structure of the text 4 The story of the green bananas What the author learned We should respect all civilizations in the world The endof Structure 5 8 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana What is learning moments Have you ever experienced learning moments Have you ever heard of orencountered the experience of cultural differences List the examples The occasion called for some show of recognition on my part para3 What does this sentence mean trying to show interest if not complete acceptance para3 Does the author agree with the villagers Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page W Lesson 10 –The Green Banana its time had come to meet my need It was my own time that had come all in relation to it para5 It was my own time to do what Why is it in the authors opinion that many useful things remain unknown to us Who is to blame But once a conscious breakthrough to a second center is made a life-long perspective and collection can begin para7 What does he mean by the second center Which is the first center How can we make a conscious breakthrough to a second center What does he mean by perspective and collection Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Whats the use of green bananas in the text Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page Green bananas are first used as something to stop the leak of the jeep temporarily and then as a symbol of the unknown treasures of each civilization W For Reference Lesson 10 – The Green Banana When the author says we should leave our own centers of the world does he mean we should travel to other countries more often Text Analysis Further discussion about the story To be continued on the next page The author believes that everynation has good things to offer to the rest of the world It is therefore wrong to regard any nation as inferior We should reject ethnocentrism andadopt cultural relativism For Reference in the central area of Brazilsteep mountain road jeep stopped stopped for help went on reached destination special potential of green bananas importance of the rock Cultural relativism Text Analysis To be continued on the nextpage Lesson 10 – The Green Banana Beginning Ending Cli Development learning experience paras5-8 Telling the first part of the StoryStory Narration The end of Text Analysis Text Analysis Lesson 10 –The Green Banana Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 1 My ancient jeep was straining up through beautiful countryside when the radiator began to leak para 1 When the radiator started to drip my oldjeep was trying hard to climb up the mountain in the scenery rural areathe infinitive as object go to 2 to strain to try very hard radiator thepart of a car which prevents the engine from getting too hot 散热器Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 2 Theover-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village which consistedof a small store and a few houses that were scattered here and there para1 Due to the high temperature of the engine I had to stop at thenext village which contained a small shop and several houses that were loosely distributed infinitive as object complement go to 3 over-heatedtoo hot consist of contain be made of Lesson 10 – The Green BananaII Sentence Paraphrase 3 He patted me on the shoulder assuring me that everything would work out para 1 He patted my shoulder confirming methat all the things would be resolved telling me that something is sureto happen or is definitely true go to 4 patted my shoulder More ExamplesTo be continued on the next page Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase Similarly 1 to wound sb in the leg to wound ones leg 2 tohit sb at the back to hit ones back back to 3 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 4 I did not ask them though as that would show my ignorance para 2 However I did not inquire about the reason since it would reveal my lack of knowledge go to 5 an adverbial clause of reason Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 5He in turn inspected me carefully as if to make sure I grasped the significance of his statement para 3 in a proper order Then he examined me with great caution in the way of ensuring whether I understoodthe importance of his words The infinitive is used in a set constructiongo to 6 with the appearance of apparently More Examples Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 1He looked as if he had seen a ghost followed by a clause 2 She cleared her throat as if to speak followedby an infinitive 3 He was standing by the window as if waiting for somebody followed by a present participle back to 5 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 6 I looked to see if he was teasingme but his face was serious para3 I looked in order to find outwhether he was joking but he seemed deeply earnest infinitive as adverbial go to 7 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 7 They then refilled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to take along in case my radiator should give me trouble again para 4 Then my radiator was filled again by them and I was provided with more bananas as a precaution my radiator should leak again infinitive as attribute go to 8 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 8 As a product of American education I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come para 5 As someone educated in the United States I naturally had never paid any attention to the green banana except to take it as a fruit which was not yet ripe or which was not yet ready to be picked and eaten go to 9 The tone is humorous and self-mocking Lesson 10 –The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 9 It was my own time that had come all in relation to it para 5 It was me who had come to know the green bananas and everything connected with it According to the author every civilization has special geniuses symbolized by the green banana which have existed for many years But they will not come to your notice and benefit you until and unless you are ready to go out and meet them go to 10 Lesson 10 – The Green Banana II Sentence Paraphrase 10 I had been wondering for some time about what educators like to call learning moments and I now knew I had just experienced two of them at once para5 refers to the two learning moments The two things that suddenly dawned on him are the fact that every civilization has wonderful treasure to share with others and the idea that every village town region or country has a right to regard itself as the center of the world infinitive as objectgo to 11 B T L E W。











选材主题包括如下:学习态度(如Another School Year―What For?);家庭关系(如Message of the Land);人生感悟(如Half a Day);神话故事(如The Nightingale and the Rose);悬疑小说(如Midnight Visitor);历史灾难(如Pompeii);生态环保(如The Rite of Spring);生活轶事(如The Boy and the Bank Officer);人性探讨(如The Man in the Water);种族优越感(如Say Yes),等等。





Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1)adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintainfriendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。

2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2) 【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4) 【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4.Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistr ust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4) 【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6)affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has great affectionfor her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。



Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Structure of the text
Part 1 (paras. 1—17) about: The policeman (Jimmy) met with Bob and had a conversation.
Bob was arrested by a plain clothes man Part 2 (paras.18—33) about:without his awareness until he found that the policeman was his expected friend Jimmy.
The end of the Drama.
I. Text Analysis
Theme of the story
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Loyalty to friend VS. Devotion to duty
The end of the Theme.
I. Text Analysis
Para.9: … “for he always was the truest, best old friend in the world.”
Para. 13: “He was a kind of slow man, though, good fellow as he was.”
The end of Text Analysis.
The end of the Setting.
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Drama of the story
When they met again twenty years later, they should find themselves on opposite sides of the law—one was the man wanted by the police and the other turned out to be the police officer instructed to watch out for the runaway criminal. But no matter how much Jim had cherished their friendship, he would not let a personal relationship stand in the way of discharging his duty.


– a law-making body 工法机构 – the governing body of the university 大学管理机构
Sentence Paraphrase
• Two weeks later we started Hamlet.(Para.1)
• Obviously, the writer was teaching a course on Shakespeare. In such a course, generally five of Shakespeare's plays are studied. Hamlet generally included.
• • part of the student body: one of the students
• the student body: all the students of the university
• body: a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who are connected in some other way, e. g.
believes to be the purpose of a university: putting its students in touch with the best civilizations the human race has created.
Sentence Paraphrase
• Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher.(Para. 1)






二、课文概要1. 故事发生在美国一个偏远的农场,主人公是一位酗酒成性的男子。



2. 有一天,男子在醉酒后用刀划伤了普卢托的左眼。


3. 在黑猫被埋葬的当晚,男子听到了黑猫的哀嚎声。


4. 为了摆脱黑猫的纠缠,男子决定离开农场,搬到城里居住。


5. 最终,男子在精神崩溃中走向毁灭,被黑猫的鬼魂复仇。

三、课文难点解析1. 生词短语(1)酗酒成性:drunkard,意为“酒鬼”。



2. 句子结构(1)It was in the early part of the evening that I first became aware of the symptoms of my little trouble.本句中,It wasthat为强调句型,强调时间状语“in the early part of the evening”。


(2)I resolved to get rid of the cat at once.本句中,resolve to do sth. 意为“决定做某事”,get rid of意为“摆脱”。




The theme is summed up at the very end.
The end of Theme. 第二页,共39页。
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 7 - Mandela's Garden
Structure of the text
Part 1 (para. 1- 8) about:
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 7 - Mandela's Garden
I. Text Analysis
Question 5: Like gardeners, leaders must take responsibility for what they cultivate…and eliminate what cannot succeed. (Para. 9) What does Mandela imply by saying it?
Here Mandela obviously alludes to his relationship with his wife. If not properly looked after and nourished, it would perish.
To be continued on the next page.
To be continued on the next page. 第四页,共39页。
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 7 - Mandela's Garden
Question 2: What role does Para. 2 play in the first part?



英语专业精读授课教案(第五册)Lesson One Where Do We Go from HereTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textTeaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:I. Background information:The 1960s were turbulent times for the United States. The anti-war movement, the Civil Right movement, the counter-culture movement, the feminist movement were all unfolding in this period of time. The civil Rights movement was a major movement which began with the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954 and the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955. Martin Luther King jr. (1929-1968), as a key leader of the movement, played a significant and irreplaceable role. His name is associated with the march on Washington in 1963 and his famous speech ― I have a dream‖, delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. this speech, delivered in 1967, in more on the side of reasoning and persuasion and less on emotional appeal. Thus his analysis of riots and revolution in the united states in his speech is sound and convincing. On the night of April4. 1968, King was shot dead, as he stood o the balcony of his hotel in Memphis, Tennessee.Part II. Details studies of the textPart III. Structure of the text:Part i. Para. 1—2 Martin Luther King link the theme of the speech with the question of "Where we are now". That is, in order to know where we go from here we must first recognize where we are now. Without knowing our present situation, how can we design a policy for the future?Part ii Para. 3--5 This is a transitional paragraph to call for all the African-American must ―rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood‖.Part iii (Para. 6--9) In this part the author puts forward the second task: how to organize thestrength of the Negro in terms of economic and political power. Then the author goes on to define power and points out the consequence of the misinterpretation of power.Part iv (Paras.10--15) This part deals with economic security for the Negro Americans. The speaker advocates guaranteed annual income which he thinks is possible and achievable. He also deals on the advantages of this security.Part v (paras. 16—20) In this part, Martin reaffirms his commitment to nonviolence. He explains why he thinks violence is no solution to racial discrimination. He refutes the idea of Black revolution.Part vi (para 21—25) In this part, Dr. King raises a fundamental question—the restructuring of the whole of American society. He points out that the problem of racism. The problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are tied together. They are the triple evils of the society.Part vii. (para 26—28) This part serves as the concluding remark for the speech: we shall overcome.Lesson Two Two KindsTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. present their viewpoint on generation gapTeaching difficulties: how to identify the development of a storyTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Background information:The Joy Luck Club, from which ―Two Kinds‖ is taken, explores conflicts between two generations and two different cultures. Set in China and in the United States, the novel is woven by stories of four Chinese mothers and their four daughters. Four Chinese women, who have just arrived in the United States and who are drawn together by the shadow of their past—meet in San Francisco to play mah-jongg, eat dim sum and tell stories. They call their gatherings the Joy Luck Club. While they place high hopes on their daughters, the youger generation think of themselves as Americans and resist their mothers’ attempts to change them into obedient Chinese daughters. Only after they have grown up and become more mature do they realize that the legacy left by their mothers is animportant part of their lives, too. The noivel stayed on the best-selling book list of The New York Times for 9 months. A finalist for the national Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, it has been translated into about 20 languages and made into a Hollywood movie.Part II. Detailed Study of the TextPart III. The Structure of the text:Part i (paras.1—3) the beginning part of the story provides the reader with some background information. It tells about the mother and her hopes for her daughter. This paves the way ofr the development of the conflict between the daughter and the mother.Part ii(paras.4—11)this part is about the mother’s unsuccessful attempt to change her daughter into a Chinese Shirley Temple. In the beginning the child was as excited as the mother about becoming a prodigy. At this point, the conflict between mother and daughter was not visible.Part iii(paras12—20) in this part we learn that the mother was trying very hard to train her daughter to be a genius. As the tests got more and more difficult, the daughter lost heart. She decided that she would not let her mother change her. This change of attitudes would lead to the gradual development of the conflict.Part iv (paras 21—28) while watching a Chinese girl playing the piano on an Ed Sullivan Show, a new idea flashed into the mother’s head. With the new plan introduced, the ocnflict would develop further.Part v (paras 29—46) it tells about how the girl was made to learn the piano under the instructions of Old Chong. The relationship between mother and daughter was getting more and more tense.Part vi (para.47—60) Jing-mei was to perform in a talent show held in the church. Jing-mei started all right and soon made a mess of her performance. Undoubtedly this was a heavy blow to her mother. The crisis of the story is about to come.Part vii (para 61—76) the girl assumed that her failure at the show meant she would never have to play the paino. Yet two days later her mother urged her to practice as usual. She refused and the mother insisted. They had the most fierce quarrel they had ever had. This is the crisis or climax of the story.Part viii( 77—93) this concluding part is narrated from a different point of view. Now the daughter had grown up form a little girl to a mature woman.Part IV. Discussion about generation gap.Part V. Complete the exercises of the text.A report about generation gapLesson ThreeGoods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.Teaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. How to develop an argumentTeaching difficulties: how to develop an argumentTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Lead-in : Globalization has become one of those words with the highest frequency of appearance but at the same time it is also a most controversial issue in terms of content, implication and consequence. Since the early 1990s, globalization has developed rapidly and brought great changes to the world. However, groups of people for various reasons oppose globalization and point to the negative effects of globalization. So when we face an article of such an important and sensitive issue, we are apt to ask:What is the author’s attitude towards globalization? What makes her adopt such an attitude? How does she present her argument?Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Structure of the textPart i (para 1—3) Globalization is a reality but it is not something complietly new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes.Part ii (para 4—6) this part deals with different views on globalization.Part iii (para 7—9) three points are made in this part:a. Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either.b. Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.c. Teenagers are one of the powerful engines of merging global cultures.Part iv (para 10—13) this part tells of the author’s experience with Amanda Freeman.Part v (para 14—19) in order to prove fusion is the trend, the author used Tom Soper and mah-jongg as an example.Part vi(para 20—24) this part describes the cultural trends in Shanghai.Part viii( para25—28) the author used the experience at Shanghai Theatre Academy to illustrate the point that the change is at the level of ideas.Part ix (para 29—34)the author in this part introduced Toffler’s view on conflict, change and world order.Part x (para35—36)the main idea is there will not be a uniform world culture in the future; the cultures will coexist and transform each other.Part xii(37—39) the author again used an example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformation of culture.Part IV. Complete the exercises in the textbookPart V. collect their viewpoints about attitude towards globalizaion.Lesson FourProfessions for WomenTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textTeaching difficulties: how to understand the poetic and symbolic sentences in the articleTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Background information:Virginia Woolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of modernism as well as one ofthe pioneers of women’s liberat ion from patriarchy. She is known for her experimentation and innovation in novel writing. In her novel, emphasis is on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living, which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness. In this essay, Virginia Woolf gives a clear and convincing presentation of the obstacles facing professional women.Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. General analysis of the textPara 1: In the profession of literature, the author finds that there are fewer experiences peculiar to women than in other profession because many women writers before her have made the road smooth.Para 2: the author responds to the host’s suggestion that she should tell th e audience something about her own professional experiences. So she now tells her own story –how she became a book reviewer when she was a girl.Para 3.the speaker focuses on the first obstacle to becoming a professional women writer. She uses a figure of speech ―killing the Angel in the House‖ in describing her determination to get rid of the conventional role of women in her writing.Para 4. after the Angel was dead, the question which remains to be answered is ―what is a woman?‖ it is a transitional link between the quthor’s first and second experience.Paragraph 5. In this paragraph the author talks about her second experience in her profession of literature. As a novelist, she wished to remain "as unconscious as possible" so that nothing might disturb or disquiet the imagination. But she was faced with the conflict between her own approach to art and the conventional approach expected of her by male critics. She believed that sex-consciousness was a great hindrance to women's writing. To illustrate this point, she employs a second figure of speech, "the image of a fisherman lying sunk in dreams on the verge of a deep lake."Para 6. This paragraph sums up the author's two experiences, pointing out that the second obstacle is more difficult to overcome than the first. Women have many prejudices to overcome in the profession of literature and especially in new professions that women are entering.Para.7. In this last paragraph Woolf concludes her speech by raising some important questions concerning the new role of women and the new relationship between men and women.Part IV. Complete the exercise of the textPart V. a report on the professional women in ChinaLesson FiveLove Is a FallacyTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textTeaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Lead-in:This is a humorous essay in which the narrator tells his failure to win the heart of a young woman with the force of logic, which therefore proves to him that "love is a fallacy"--"it is inconsistent with logic."Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Question on Appreciation:1.How did the narrator describe himself? What does it show? How does the author bring out the pomposity of the narrator? What makes the satire humorous?2.why was the narrator interested in Polly Espy? What kind of girl was she.3. How did the narrator's first date with Polly Espy go?4. How does the language used by Polly strike you? Find some examples from the text and explain what effect her language creates.5. Why did the narrator teach Polly Espy logic? Did he succeed?6. Did the narrator love Polly Espy? How did he try to "acquaint her with his feeling"?7. How did Polly respond to the narrator's arguments for going steady with her? Why did she reject him? What does it show? As the story progresses, Polly turned out to be smarter than thenarrator had previously thought. How does this contrast contribute to the humor of the piece?Part IV complete the exercise in the textLesson SixLife Beyond EarthTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. learn to analyze the textTeaching difficulties: how to learn to analyze the text and understand the implication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. General introduction:The author deals with recent developments in the search for alien organisms. He discusses various arguments about alien civilization. He does not think that such belief and search is irrational or even crazy. He writes that most people with such belief ―operate from the same instinct, which is to know the truth about the universe‖. At the same time he maintains a scientific attitude, pointing out that although there are many persuasive arguments, there is still no hard evidence to prove the existence of alien life. Yet he does not stop there. He further points out that since the world we live in—the only inhabitable world in the universe so far—is still far from perfect, people in the world need to direct more energy to making it better. Life on Earth is his greater concern.Part II. Detailed study of the text:Part III. Organization of the piece:1. Analysis of the text:(1) Paras. 1--2 the emergence of life(2) Para. 3 (transition) What else is alive out(3) Paras. 4--10 search for life(4) Paras. 11--23 search for intelligence(5) Paras. 24--42 Mars.(6) Paras. 43--45 Dyson's argument(7) Paras. 46--52 conclusion2. Questions to discuss:1) What do you think of the opening paragraph? Does the author begin the article in a forceful way?2)What role does this paragraph play? What is meant by "the enveloping nebula of uncertainties"? What is the contrast involved as imroduced by "despite"?3) What new idea is introduced in Paras. 17--19?4) Comment on the first sentence in Paragraph 21.5) Comment on the role of Paragraph 35.6) What is the conclusion of the author? What would the author expect of people investigating extraterrestrial life?Lesson SevenInvisible ManTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the implied meaning of some sentencesTeaching difficulties: how to identify the implied meaning in the sentenceTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Background Information:1. about the author2. about the articlePart II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Analysis of the text:Para 1. From this opening paragraph we readers can learn a number of important things:(l) By saying "It goes a long way back, some twenty years," the author tells us that the story took place in the past.(2) The "I' here is the narrator, not the author, of the story, and the author is using the first-person narration in telling the story. As we read On, we will find this narrator is also the main character, the protagonist, of the story.(3) Words like "I was looking for myself" and "I am nobody but myself" point out the central theme of the novel--searching for self-identity.Para. 2 This paragraph tells us a bit about the historical background against place. It also introduces a new character--the narrator's grandfather. On his deathbed, he said something that alarmed and puzzled the whole family.Para 3 This paragraph is about the tremendous effect of the grandfather's words upon the narrator, Those words became a constant puzzle for him. As the old man said these words ironically, the boy couldn't understand him. Although the grandfather did not appear in the battle royal scene or any other events in the rest of the book, his words haunted the narrator at every important moment in his life.Para 4 It tells us about the setting of the battle royal. The narrator was to give his speech at a smoker in a leading hotel in the town. The time is round 1950, the place is a hotel in a Southern town, and the occasion is a gathering of the leading white men of the town. Bearing these in mind will help us readers understand why things happened that way and what was the meaning of all this.Para. 5 Besides giving more details about the place, this paragraph introduces the people involved in the incident the town's big shots, who were "wolfing down the buffet food, drinking beer and whisky and smoking black cigars," and the other black boys who were to take part, who were "tough guys".Para 6 to 9 The main body of the battle royal incident is from Paragraph 4 to paragraph 9. It can be further divided into 4 subsections: the naked white girl's dance; the fight itself; the grabbing for the prize money; the narrator's speech. Paragraphs 6 to 9 form the first subsection in which the author describes the white girl's dance.Paras. 10--28 They form the second subsection of the battle royal incident violent and brutalfight itself. Pay attention to the use of specific words narration realistic and vivid.Paras. 29--46 They describe how the white men further humiliated the black boys even after the battle royal was over. Instead of giving the money the boys were supposed to get for their performance, the white men made fun of them by making them scramble for the money on an electrified rug. This part adds to the general chaos of the whole scene.Para 47--90 They form the last subsection of the whole battle royal incident. In this part the narrator finally got his chance to deliver his well-prepared speech. However, in the middle of his speech, he made a mistake, but everything went well in the end and he was given an award--a scholarship for college.Para. 91—94 They bring the story to a final end. The narrator was overjoyed with his triumph, and that night he dreamed of his grandfather and awoke with the old man’s laughter rining in his ears.Part IV. Complete the exercise in the textPart V. Do some translation work.Lesson EightThe Merely Very GoodTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the development of the textTeaching difficulties: how to analyze the development of the article and the implied meaning for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. Information on the author:Jeremy Bernstein(1929- ): professor of physics and writer. After getting his Ph. D. in physics at Harvard, he spent time at the institute for advanced study in Princeton and at the National Science Foundation. He taught physics for 5years at New York University and then at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey.But Jeremy Bernstein has also spent more than 30 years on the staff of The New Yorker magazine, writing mostly about physics, computers, and other topics in physical science. He moves as comfortably among sentences and paragraphs as among equations.Part II. Detailed study of the text:Part III. Questions about the article1. Oppenteimer is called ― Father of the Atomic Bomb‖ and had been in charge of the Los Alamas nuclear laboratory for many years. Yet the author considers him as merely very good. Do you think the author is right and fair in relegating Oppenheimer to the merely very good?2. Do you think it is right to say to be highly focused or not is the cause separating the great ones from the merely very good? What is your view?3. How does the author manage to bring the people he wants to compare into the article?O ppenheimer’s anecdote: Oppenheimer and dirac meetingGottingen, talking about poetry and physicsHis decision to go to the conferenceSpender’s being at the conference—Spende r’s obsession with Auden—great versus merely very good.4.How does the author develop the article?He uses the 1981 conference as the benchmark and goes back to earlier times and in the last two paragraphs returns the scene to the time of writing. This technique of montage is used largely in cinema.For example:The 1981 conference and the author’s indecision—(flashback to 1925—1927) earlier life of Oppenheimer and his relations with Dirac—(back to 1981) the author’s decision: Spender and Auden—(flashback)Spender and Oppenheimer(1956)—(1958)Oppenheimer, Dirac and the author—(back to 1981) meeting with Spender—(bringing the scene to 1996) concluding remarks.Lesson NineThe Way to Rainy MountainTeaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textTeaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsTeaching method: students-centeredTeaching procedures:Part I. About the AuthorN. Scott Momaday was born in Lawton, Oklahoma in 1934. Momaday belongs to a generation of American Indians born when most tribal communities had long ceased to exist as vital social organizations. His Kiowa ancestors shared with other Plains Indians the horrors of disease, military defeat, and cultural and religious deprivation in the 19th century. Their only chance of survival was to adapt themselves to new circumstances. Momaday’s grandfather, for example, adjusted to changing conditions by taking up farming, a decision pressed upon him by the General Allotment Act of 1887.Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. The analysis of the textPara 1. the opening paragraph of the essay is a lyrical description of the author’s ancestral land, which plays a key role in his exploration of his Kiowa identity.Para 2. the author explains his purpose of his visit to Rainy Mountain: to be at his grandmother’s grave.Para 3. it sums up the history of the Kiowas as a Plains Native culture—the golden time and the decline in their history.Para 4. it is about how the Kiowas migrated from western Montana and how the migration transformed the Kiowas.Para 5. the author returns to his grandmother again. Since she is the immediate reason for him to come to Rainy Mountain, she is the link between the author and his ancestors.Para 6. The Kiowas felt a sense of confinement in Yellowstone, Montana.Para 7. this paragraph is a depiction of the landscape which they came upon when they got out of the highlands in Montana.Para 8. in this para the author describes Devil’s Tower and tells the Kiowas’s legend about it.Para 9. the author tells about the last days of the Sun Dance culture by using his grandmother as a witness.Para 10. for the first time, the author concentrates only on his grandmother’s story rather than mixing it with the history of the whole Kiowa tribe. Also for the first time, the author shifts the focus of depicting the lanscape to describing a person—his grandmother Aho as an old woman.Para 11—12 paragraph 11 is about the old houses at Rainy Mountain, which the author’s grandmother and other Kiowas used to live in, but which are now empty. This paragraph serves as a transition between the depiction of Grandma Aho and the reunion at her house.Para 11 and 12 describe the reunions that were once held at the grandmother’s house when the author was a child. We can see the author accepts change and loss as facts of life. He neither denies nor defies them. Imagination helps him strike a balance between them. So, after depicting his dead grandmother’s old house, he brings to life the joy and activity that once filled it. As a child Momaday took part in those events. By re-creating those scenes, he reminds himself of who he is.Part IV. Complete the exercise of the text。


marvelous sight.
man and wife: husband and wife
open up: (cause sth to) be available for development, production, etc
eg: open up undeveloped land, new territory, etc But somehow the imminence of an event that had
“Event” here refers to the spring planting
dejected: irritated; in low spirits; depressed;
disheartened; sad
Para 4
Martin fell over a basket in the half-darkness of the barn, he hwore and said that a man would be better off dead than…
Liam O’Flaherty
Pre-class work
1. Do you know how spring sowing is done against the background of a traditional agricultural country in Ireland?
2. Do you know how spring sowing is done in our country?
Liam O’Flaherty
Liam O’Flaherty was born in Ireland in 1896. He wrote in English and Irish. His main works include the novels: Thy Neighbour’s Wife The Black Soul The Informer The Assasslarge comb gleaming in the middle of the pile, Spanish fashion. P: her black hair piled into a mass at the back of her head with a comb shining in the middle of the pile,in the way Spanish do. Comb is used here to keep her hair back and for decoration.



Referring to Paras. 1, 11
The same place:
‘Big Joe’ Brady’s restaurant 20 years ago—in the doorway of a hardware store now
Referring to Paras. 3, 4, 5 and 7
The end of the Drama.
I. Text Analysis
Theme of the story
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Loyalty to friend VS. Devotion to duty
The end of the Structure.
I. Text Analysis
Protagonists of the story
average height
a bit slow
strongly built
ready to try in every
The end of the Plot.
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 14 - After Twenty Years
Setting of the story
On a business avenue of New York: The same hour: ten o’clock at night
Para. 10: He pulled out a handsome watch, the lids of it set with small diamonds.
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The end of Theme.
The theme is summed up at the very end.
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Structure of the text
The reason why the author Part 1 (paras. 1— 4 ) about: decided to start on this
How did he feel when he concluded his journey?
Has he found the answer to the question he had in mind?
The end of Further Discussion.
II. Writing Devices
To be continued on the next page.
I. Text Analysis
I didn’t know whether to kiss them or scold them for stopping.
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Have you got the key
elements in the story?
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Plot: The author traveled across the States alone to find out if people were willing to help strangers.
In Para. 3
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
I. Text Analysis
… and headed for the Golden Gate Bridge with a
Part Three
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangiation
I. Text analysis
1. General analysis 2. Theme 3. Structure 4. Further discussion
In Para. 8
Question: Why did the author say so?
The author was deeply touched. He said this to emphasize the kindness and courage of the two old ladies, not to suggest that it was wrong or stupid.
In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, the narrator is one of the few truly successful characters in terms of moral development. However, she is also seriously flawed in some ways.
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
I. Text Analysis
Does anyone stop any more?... Could anyone
rely on the kindness of strangers these days?
Question: Why did the author ask these questions?
Americans are known as generous people. “Love thy neighbor” and “Be your brother’s keeper” used to be their national mottoes. In recent decades, however, things have changed. People seem to have become more and more indifferent to other people’s needs. Crime rates have increased seriously.More and more people are worried about the general moral decay. The author wanted to find out the fact.
What was the author’s plan for the trip?
What did the author learn about people in general during the trip?
What was the author’s experience at the Wilson’s?
The end of Tense Consistency.
II. Writing Devices
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Pronoun Preference
Remember that if you're referring to you, or we, or I, or one, try to remain consistently within the same case.
In Para. 1
This is the usual gesture of hitchhikers when they ask for a free ride. The gas can is obviously meant to explain why they need this favor. (They have run out of gas.)
journey. Part 2 (paras. 5—7) about: The author’s plan for the trip.
(paras. 8—11)
The author was treated with kindness everywhere he went.
Part 4 (paras. 12—15) about: The author’s experience at the Wilson’s.
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
Tense Consistency
Remember that if you're writing in the present tense, don't shift to the past tense (or vice versa) unless you have a good reason to do so. For instance, in the sentences below there is no reason to switch from the present tense. This is especially true when writing papers about literature: wherever possible, stay in the present tense.
I. Writing devices
1. Consistency of Tense 2. Pronoun Preference
II.Sentence paraphrase
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
I. Text Analysis
Plot of the story Setting of the story Protagonists of the story Writing techniques of the story Theme of the story
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
II. Writing Devices
Tense Consistency
Confusion Repair Work
In Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, the narrator is one of the few truly successful characters in terms of moral development. However, she was also seriously flawed in some ways.
The end of Structure.
I. Text Analysis
Lesson 12 - The Kindness of Strangers
He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his
other hand.
Question: Why did the young man do like that?
Theme of the story
The author of this article tries to tell people that based on his personal experience, one can still depend on the kindness of strangers in the United States.