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adj. five minutes fast 块五分钟; fast road快速路

adv. fast asleep快速入睡; run fast



a fault(缺陷,过错)in the theory

He always finds ~ with my work.

merits and ~s; 优缺点

faultless 完美的,无懈可击的

3. favor

do sb. a ~ , a style in ~ 流行的一种款式

That might be in your favor.


in ~ of: in support of 支持


feed on 以……为食

Feed sb. with sth. 用……喂养……


feedback n. 反馈

be fed up with… 厌烦……

5. feel

~ like doing 想要做某事

It ~s good to be home. 回到家真好

~ one‟s way 摸索

~ the earth moving (注意后面的动词用-ing形式)

Can you feel the tension in this room? 你能感受到屋里的紧张气氛吗?

The dead cannot feel。死人没有知觉。



区别get比fetch口语化,意思基本一致,take 是拿走,bring是拿来

7. field

in the fields 在田里in the field of… 在……领域

on the field 在……场地

8. figure

the ~ of a hero 英雄的风姿

They figured(估计,认为,料想)it was better to stay where they were.


~ out(make clear弄明白)…:I can't figure out why he quit his job.

9. fill

~… with… 用……填满……

~ in the time 填写时间~ in the form 填写表格

Laughter filled the room. 屋里充满了笑声。

fill up/ out 填好

10. find

找到,强调结果;与look for “寻找”对应。

find out查明,指经过调查或研究得到的结果。

finding n. 发现

11. fine

~ paper 薄纸,~ hairs细发, ~ china精美瓷器

I will be~.我会没事的。

He is a very fine musician.卓越的

That suits me fine.

~ sb. $ for sth.罚款

12. fire

~ at 强调动作,向……开火, ~ sb. 强调结果,强调射中……,也可以表示“炒了某人,解聘”

set ~ to 向……点火, be on ~ 着火,强调状态。

make a ~生火; catch ~着火,强调动作The house caught fire.注意主语为着了的对象, put out the ~ 扑灭火, start a ~ 点火

13. fit

be fit for 适合某人,主要指工作,或衣服的尺寸/ keep ~ 减肥,保持苗条;

keep fit with diet and exercise.

a nice ~(n)衣服合身;

v. I fit the job./ The job fits me.

These shoes fit me.

The music fits your mood.

I‟d like to have a desk in the room but it won‟t fit. (搁不下)

They fitted a smoke alarm on the ceiling. (安装)

14. fix

~ the car修理;

~a time/ day/place etc 敲订

~ sth. on/ to… 把……固定到……

~ attention/ mind/eyes on sth. 集中注意力

keep one‟s eyes fixed on the ceiling

15. focus

~ (attention) on… 集中注意力在……

~ sth. on… 对准……

n. the ~ of sth.

the ~ of attention关注的焦点

16. follow

~ sb. 跟随某人/ ~ the advice

Read as ~s 阅读如下

The following is/ are…

There followed a short silence.

follower 拥护者,赶时髦者,追随者

17. forbid

~ sb. from doing sth.

~ sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事
