
促成这一政策出台的是()A.《南京条约》B.《北京条约》C.《马关条约》D.《辛丑条约》2.辛亥革命为中国民族资本主义的发展扫除了一些障碍,这是指①辛亥革命推翻了阻碍民族资本主义发展的封建制度②南京临时政府颁布了一系列奖励发展实业的法令,促进了民族资本主义的发展③政治地位有了提高的实业家投资近代工业的热情被激发起来④辛亥革命促使帝国主义放松对华经济侵略()A.①②③④B.①②③C.②③④ D.②③3.下列是民国初年一组民族火柴商标•火花图案,能准确体现当时中国人民主要愿望有()①发展民族工业②收回领土主权③实现国家强盛④征服世界A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④ D.①②③④4.费正清曾把一战期间中国民族工业的发展称为“没有前途的经济奇迹” o这是因为()A.工业结构不合理B.地区分布不均衡C.社会环境未得到根本改变D.军阀割据混战5•孙中山在《中国革命的社会意义》:“再过五十年我们将有许多上海。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的GMAT改错试题练习附答案解析,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his “Essay on Heat and Light,” a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.(A) a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a(B) a critique of all chemistry following Robert Boyle and also his envisioning of a(C) a critique of all chemistry after Robert Boyle and envisioning as well(D) critiquing all chemistry from Robert Boyle forward and also a vision of(E) critiquing all the chemistry done since Robert Boyle as well as his own envisioning of答案解析如下:(A)a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a【正确】“as well as”两边比一定连接平行对象,但“a critique……”和“a vision……”用“as well as”平行在一起,没有任何错误,正确地作同位语修饰了“‘Essay on Heat and Light’”。

GMAT(VERBAL)语法改错模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.A.sang more than 20 leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera since havingB.sang more than 20 leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera since having had C.has sung more than 20 leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera sinceD.has sung more than 20 leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera afterE.has sung more than 20 leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera subsequently to正确答案:C解析:根据A、B中的since短语判断A、B时态不对,同时since后跟having 动名词组这种表达不符合习惯,应用since+名词短语/从句。
C、D、E均用了现在完成时,但D、E中的现在完成时态与后面的after,subsequently to短语无法对应,而C中的完成时与since时间短语完美匹配。
知识模块:语法改错8.Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decades, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the People’s Republic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2,000 calories per person per day for its population.A.Even though its per capita food supply hardly increases duringB.Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased inC.Despite its per capital food supply hardly increasing overD.Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply duringE.Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for正确答案:B解析:根据上篇所述GMAT公理,C、D的despite+名词这种复杂结构应换用although、though等引导的让步从句,而A、B、E最大的差异在于时态。

GMAT句子改错题关键点:比较对象对等:谁和谁比,比什么?GMAT句子改错题关键点:指代清楚that, it, the, they, their, them, him, he, her, his, there, 他们指到底指谁不能有任何可能的歧义。
It is unlikely that…单独可以,但如果在复杂句中it可能被认为指代主句或从句中的某个概念,尤其是that后面也有一个it做指代的时候。
键意有时间含义的动词如become,come to等,用不用表达意思不一样。
结构多余或累赘:not any改为no;双重所有格不对如the size of Colorado‘s;whether or not应为whether;because of +物主代词或名词+动名词不如because+物主代词或名词+动词简洁等。

1. The team are preparing for the upcoming match.原句中的谓语动词"are"是复数形式,而主语"team"是单数形式,因此谓语动词应该改为"is"。
修改后的句子为:The team is preparing for the upcoming match.2. The news are shocking everyone.同样,这个句子中的谓语动词"are"是复数形式,而主语"news"是单数形式,因此谓语动词应该改为"is"。
修改后的句子为:The news is shocking everyone.3. My dog likes to chase birds, but they never catch any.这个句子中的主语"dog"是单数形式,而谓语动词"catch"是复数形式,因此谓语动词应该改为"catches"。
修改后的句子为:My dog likes to chase birds, but it never catches any.4. The new computers is on sale this week.这个句子中的谓语动词"is"是单数形式,而主语"computers"是复数形式,因此谓语动词应该改为"are"。
修改后的句子为:The new computers are on sale this week.5. The children enjoys playing in the park.在这个句子中,主语"children"是复数形式,但是谓语动词"enjoys"是单数形式,因此谓语动词应该改为"enjoy"。

主谓一致改错题文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]“主谓一致”改错专题训练I. A级单项单句改错1. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith are teacher.2. Both coffee and beer is on sale in the shop.3. Either the students or the teacher are to blame.4. Not only the students but also their teacher don't know about it.5. Mr. Green besides his sons like sports.6. Each of the books costs five yuan.7. More than 30 percent of the surface are covered by water.8. A new type of machine are on show now.9. She is one of the teacher who have been to America.10. Four hours are enough to do the work.B级单项单句改错1. The questions raised by the boy is very important.2. The teacher and writer are her friend.3. Tom, together with Mary and Alice, are going to swim this afternoon.4. Neither of these words are correct.5. About 70 percent of the students is from the south, and the rest of them are from the north and foreign countries.6. Machines of this new type is made in Wuhan.7. The windows which faces south are all broken.8. She is the only one of the students who have been invited to the party.9. When and where to hold the sports meet is not decided yet.10. The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons.II. A级单项短文改错Some warm-blooded animals lead their usually life in winter. But a cold-blooded creature such as a frog or a snake has no choice but hibernate. Its blood temperature drops to just over 0℃. It breath only once ever y five minutes, and the movements of its heart and lungs are great reduced. So you see, hibernation is more than sleep. That it is to say, it is a very deep sleep. The fat storing in the body of an animal is enough to supply the energy for the greatly reduced movements. Some animals, included some bears, only half hibernate. Their winter sleep isn't so deeply. They can keep up their usual body temperature and the thick covering of fat and fur help to keep the cold out.B级单项短文改错Today, my classmates and I took part in the rehearsal(排练)of the National Day celebration. I got up at 3:30 because the teacher asked us to get to school before 4:30. So I had my breakfast very quick. And at four o'clock, I left home on my bike. On my way to the school, I noticed there was a few students wearing the same clothes with I did. "Maybe they're going to do the same thing," I said to myself. I rode faster and arrived at the school at twenty to four. Many of myclassmates were yet at the school. We talked and waited for some time, and at about 5:00 they set off by bus. It took us an hour to get to our destination (目的地) and there we spend half a day practising. At 9:30 we returned to the school Though we were really very tired, but we were all very happy. III. A级综合单句改错1. Now Tom with his classmates are playing football on the playground.2. Thirty dollars are too expensive.3. Nothing but one desk and six chairs are in the room.4. Between the two building stand a monument.5. You as well as I am right.6. Where to get the materials and how to get use of them has not been discussed at the meeting.7. Three-fourths of the bread were eaten by Bob, and the rest of the bread was left on the table.8. Bread and butter is their daily food.9. This pair of glasses belong to my grandmother.10. Many a student are busy with their lessons.B级综合单句改错1. He visited the museum once every a few weeks.2. You must have your tooth brushed before you go to bed.3. Please look around before cross the street.4. The team is made of 11 players.5. Many woman doctors have been invited.6. Please repeat the sentence again.7. He suggested me that I go to see a doctor.8. Will you please to say it again more slowly?9. If you work hard, you will be successful in time.10. Great changes have been taken place in our hometown since 1978.IV. A级综合短文改错Albert Einstein was from a Jewish family. He was born in German. When he was a boy, he liked to ask questions.By the time he was fourteen years old, he learned advanced mathematicsall by himself. By then he had decided to become a physicist and devoting himself to abstract research. His family was not rich, so his parents managed to send him to a technical school and later the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland. After the graduation, he began to teach. Later he worked in a government office. Then with the money he saving,he continued his studies at the University of Zurich. In 1905 he got a doctor's degree.It was at that time when he beganthe research and studies which lead to his famous theory of Relativity.B级综合短文改错As Einstein's theory proved correctly, he had gained world fame by 1914.The First World War stopped his work and make him suffer deeply. In postwar, honors was given to him. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921.Berlin held a public celebration for hisfiftieth birthday, but he didn't attend it because of he was a shy man. When Hitler came to power, Einstein found the doors of study closing to him. He lost everything, even his German citizenship. He was forced flee Germany. It was in Britain that he received a invitation from the United States. In 1940 Einstein became an America citizen. He lived the rest of his life in the United States. Except his work in physics, he spent much time working for human rights and progress.答案:改错阶梯训练I. A级单项单句改错1. teacher -- teachers2. is -- are3. are -- is4. don't -- doesn't5. like -- likes6. 正确7. are -- is8. are -- is9. teacher -- teachers10. are -- is B级单项单句改错1. is -- are2. are -- is3. are -- is4. are -- is5. is -- are6. is -- are7. faces -- face8. have -- has9. 正确10. them was --them wereII. A级单项短文改错1. usually -- usual2. but后加to3. breath --breathes4. great -- greatly5. 将That后的it划去6. storing --stored7. 正确8. included --including9. deeply -- deep10. help -- helpsB级单项短文改错1. 在school前加the2. quick - quickly3. was - were4. with - as5. to - past6. yet - already7. they - we8. 正确9. spend - spent10. 将but划去III. A级综合单句改错1. are -- is2. are -- is3. are -- is4. stand -- stands5. am -- are6. has -- have7. were -- was8. 正确9. belong --belongs10. are -- isB级综合单句改错1. 划去once2. tooth -- teeth3. cross --crossing4. made后加of5. woman -- women6. 划去again7. 划去me8. 划去to9. 正确10. 划去beenIV. A级综合短文改错1. German --Germany2. 在he后加had3. 正确4. devoting --devote5. so -- but6. later后加to7. 句首the划去8. saving -- saved9. When -- That10. lead -- ledB级综合短文改错1. correctly --correct2. make -- made3. was -- were4. 正确5. because后of划去6. closing --closed7. forced后加to8. a -- an9. America --American10. Except -- Besides。

GMAT(VERBAL)语法改错模拟试卷18(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 2.1.Dr. Hegsted argued just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the few who might actually contract polo, mass dietary change is needed to protect the significant number who are susceptible to the life—threatening effects of press eating habits.A.just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the few who might actually contract polio vaccine, which is given to every person to protect the few who might contract poloC.similar to polio vaccine which is given to every person in order to protect the few who might actually contract poloD.while, to protect the few who might actually contract polio, polio vaccine is given to every personE.similar to the giving of polio vaccine to every person in order to protect the few who might contract polio actually正确答案:A解析:从题意来看,仅A项合适;B、C、D、E要么结构不恰当,要么改变句意。

“主谓一致”改错专题训练I. A级单项单句改错1. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith are teacher.2. Both coffee and beer is on sale in the shop.3. Either the students or the teacher are to blame.4. Not only the students but also their teacher don't know about it.5. Mr. Green besides his sons like sports.6. Each of the books costs five yuan.7. More than 30 percent of the surface are covered by water.8. A new type of machine are on show now.9. She is one of the teacher who have been to America.10. Four hours are enough to do the work.B级单项单句改错1. The questions raised by the boy is very important.2. The teacher and writer are her friend.3. Tom, together with Mary and Alice, are going to swim this afternoon.4. Neither of these words are correct.5. About 70 percent of the students is from the south, and the rest of them are from the north and foreign countries.6. Machines of this new type is made in Wuhan.7. The windows which faces south are all broken.8. She is the only one of the students who have been invited to the party.9. When and where to hold the sports meet is not decided yet.10. The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons. II. A级单项短文改错Some warm-blooded animals lead their usually life in winter. But a cold-blooded creaturesuch as a frog or a snake has no choice but hibernate. Its blood temperature drops to just over 0℃. It breath only once every five minutes, and the movements of its heart and lungs are great reduced. So you see, hibernation is more than sleep. That it is to say, it is a very deep sleep. The fat storing in the body of an animal is enough to supply the energy for the greatly reduced movements. Some animals, included some bears, only half hibernate. Their winter sleep isn't so deeply. They can keep up their usual body temperature and the thick covering of fat and fur help to keep the cold out.B级单项短文改错Today, my classmates and I took part in the rehearsal(排练)of the National Day celebration. I got up at 3:30 because the teacher asked us to get to school before 4:30. So I had my breakfast very quick. And at four o'clock, I left home on my bike. On my way to the school, I noticed there was a few students wearing the same clothes with I did. "Maybe they're going to do the same thing," I said to myself. I rode faster and arrived at the school at twenty to four. Many of my classmates were yet at the school. We talked and waited for some time, and at about 5:00 they set off by bus. It took us an hour to get to our destination (目的地) and there we spend half a day practising. At 9:30 we returned to the school Though we were really very tired, but we were all very happy.III. A级综合单句改错1. Now Tom with his classmates are playing football on the playground.2. Thirty dollars are too expensive.3. Nothing but one desk and six chairs are in the room.4. Between the two building stand a monument.5. You as well as I am right.6. Where to get the materials and how to get use of them has not been discussed at the meeting.7. Three-fourths of the bread were eaten by Bob, and the rest of the bread was left on the table.8. Bread and butter is their daily food.9. This pair of glasses belong to my grandmother.10. Many a student are busy with their lessons.B级综合单句改错1. He visited the museum once every a few weeks.2. You must have your tooth brushed before you go to bed.3. Please look around before cross the street.4. The team is made of 11 players.5. Many woman doctors have been invited.6. Please repeat the sentence again.7. He suggested me that I go to see a doctor.8. Will you please to say it again more slowly?9. If you work hard, you will be successful in time.10. Great changes have been taken place in our hometown since 1978.IV. A级综合短文改错Albert Einstein was from a Jewish family. He was born in German. When he was a boy, he liked to ask questions.By the time he was fourteen years old, he learned advanced mathematics all by himself. By then he had decided to become a physicist and devoting himself to abstract research. His family was not rich, so his parents managed to send him to a technical school and later the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland. After the graduation, he began to teach. Later he worked in a government office. Then with the money he saving, he continued his studies at the University of Zurich. In 1905 he got a doctor's degree.It was at that time when he began the research and studies which lead to his famous theory of Relativity.B级综合短文改错As Einstein's theory proved correctly, he had gained world fame by 1914.The First World War stopped his work and make him suffer deeply. In postwar, honors was given to him. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921.Berlin held a public celebration for his fiftieth birthday, but he didn't attend it because of he was a shy man. When Hitler came to power, Einstein found the doors of study closing to him. He lost everything, even his German citizenship. He was forced flee Germany. It was in Britain that he received a invitation from the United States. In 1940 Einstein became an Americacitizen. He lived the rest of his life in the United States. Except his work in physics, he spent much time working for human rights and progress.答案:改错阶梯训练I. A级单项单句改错1. teacher -- teachers2. is -- are3. are -- is4. don't -- doesn't5. like -- likes6. 正确7. are -- is8. are -- is9. teacher -- teachers10. are -- isB级单项单句改错1. is -- are2. are -- is3. are -- is4. are -- is5. is -- are6. is -- are7. faces -- face8. have -- has9. 正确10. them was -- them wereII. A级单项短文改错1. usually -- usual2. but后加to3. breath -- breathes4. great -- greatly5. 将That后的it划去6. storing -- stored7. 正确8. included -- including9. deeply -- deep10. help -- helpsB级单项短文改错1. 在school前加the2. quick - quickly3. was - were4. with - as5. to - past6. yet - already7. they - we8. 正确9. spend - spent10. 将but划去III. A级综合单句改错1. are -- is2. are -- is3. are -- is4. stand -- stands5. am -- are6. has -- have7. were -- was8. 正确9. belong -- belongs10. are -- isB级综合单句改错1. 划去once2. tooth -- teeth3. cross -- crossing4. made后加of5. woman -- women6. 划去again7. 划去me8. 划去to9. 正确10. 划去beenIV. A级综合短文改错1. German -- Germany2. 在he后加had3. 正确4. devoting -- devote5. so -- but6. later后加to7. 句首the划去8. saving -- saved9. When -- That10. lead -- ledB级综合短文改错1. correctly -- correct2. make -- made3. was -- were4. 正确5. because后of划去6. closing -- closed7. forced后加to8. a -- an9. America -- American10. Except -- Besides。

14. Rising inventories, when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead to production cutbacks that would hamper economic growth.(A) when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead(B) when not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, possibly leads(C) when they were unaccompanied by corresponding sales increases, can lead(D) if not accompanied by correspondingly increased sales, possibly leads(E) if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead答案解析:(A)【错误】修饰成分:“correspondingly”,即“相应地”,是副词。
副词无法修饰名词,因此“correspondingly”只能修饰“unaccompanied by”,意思是“没有相应地被……陪伴”。
(B)【错误】主谓一致:leads的主语是“rising inventories”,“rising”(上升的)是“inventories”(存货)的形容词,主语核心词“inventories”与“leads”主谓不一致。

gmat考试句子改错规律2015年gmat考试句子改错规律一、语法结构GMAT改错考查的语法知识点是比较有规律的,主要包括以下几大类:1. 平行结构2. 句子结构3. 比较结构4. 主谓一致5. 时态、语态、语气6. 非谓语动词7. 代词使用8. 修饰语及地道搭配平时练习时,可以多从这几个方面进行强化练习。
我们现在来分析平行结构的一道例题:Researchers at Cornell University have demonstrated that homing pigeons can sense changes in the earth’s magnetic field, see light waves that people cannot see, detect low-frequency sounds from miles away, sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors.(A) sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors(B) can sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors(C) sense changes in air pressure, and identify familiar odors(D) air pressure changes can be sensed, and familiar odors identified(E) air pressure changes are sensed, and familiar odors identified我们纵向对比一下5个选项,可以发现,该题考查的是“can”到底应不应该有?如果明白平行结构的原则,考生可以很快从未划线部分得到提示。
GMAT 700+句子改错逻辑语义考点核心讲解

GMAT句子改错逻辑语义考点核心讲解>>>武汉申友GMAT编辑<<< 我们知道逻辑语义在GMAT句子改错里是最重要的核心考点,也是贯穿整个GMAT考试的核心,在掌握其他考点的前提之下,一定要把逻辑语义融入到每一道题里去,不管是高分题还是低分题,一个句子要表达明确,是不是得有逻辑?所以,养成一个结合考点和措辞看逻辑语义的好习惯,对我们做好GMAT 句子改错题目至关重要的,下面就来看看武汉申友GMAT精心挑选的5道GMAT句子改错逻辑语义题目的重点部分的讲解,希望各位G友看完后,下次碰到GMAT句子改错逻辑语义题,再也不害怕,轻松选出正确答案。
一、GMAT句子改错逻辑语义经典例题1The Achaemenid empire of Persia reached the Indus Valley in the fifth century B.C., bringing the Aramaic script with it, from which was derived both northern and southern Indian alphabets.(A) the Aramaic script with it, from which was derived both northern and(B) the Aramaic script with it, and from which deriving both the northern and the(C) with it the Aramaic script, from which derive both the northern and the(D) with it the Aramaic script, from which derives both northern and(E) with it the Aramaic script, and deriving from it both the northern and 答案:C1、主干是empire reached the valley,bringing... (虽然这里bringing是俩逗号之间的插入语,但由于后面的from which介宾结构是个修饰,所以句子主干其实还是svo,doing的形式)后面是伴随状语,来到山谷的同时带来了一些手稿,但由于from which这个介词+关系代词构成的介宾结构,也就是介词短语,就近修饰A,B里的it逻辑语义错误,所以应该修饰前面的script;又因为from which介词短语放句首倒装,真正主语在后面,所以derive应该是和后面的alphabets保持主谓一致。


《GMAT句子改错讲义》GMAT句子改错讲义一.主语与动词一致1.The relationship between corpulence and disease remain controversial, al though statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy with chronic o besity.A) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withB) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates a reduced life expectancy withC) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy toD) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withE) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy to2. Puritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of judg ment and mutability of purpose that some writers have though inconsistent wi th their religious zeal, but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it.A) but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of itB) but which were in fact a natural outgrowth of itC) but which were in fact natural outgrowths of itD) but it was in fact a natural outgrowth of themE) which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it3.Out of America’s fascination with all things antique have grown a marketfor bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.A) all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringingB) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that is bringingC) things that are antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bringD) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fix tures that are bringingE) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that bring4.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great ant hropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.A) makes his letters as a group the rival ofB) makes his letter as a group one to rivalC) makes his letters a group rivalingD) make his letters as a group the rival ofE) make his letters a group which is the rival of5.Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearl y 59 million, an area that is about Colorado’s size. (O.P. 297)A) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Co lorado’s sizeB) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of ColoradoC) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of ColoradoD) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million , an area about the size of Colorado’sE) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado’s size6. Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women, very different from the often pallid women who populate his novels. (O.P.300)A) Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women,B) Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gklhorn, and Mary Welsh-each of them Hemingway’s wives-were strong and interesting womenC) Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-were all strong and interesting women.D) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-each a wife of Hemingway, wasE) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeifferm Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-every one of Hemingway’s wives were7. One of every two new businesses fail within two years. (O.P. 302)A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed8. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work force.( O.P.311)A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-fiv e percent increaseB) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five per centC) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirt y-five percentD) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percentE) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirt y-five percent increase9. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LPP era. (O.P 312)A) What was as remarkable as the development of the compact discB) The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact discC) No less remarkable than the development of the compact discD) Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable thanE) Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as10. While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course. (O.P. 313)A) only if it would be taught as a separately required courseB) only if it is taught as a separate, required courseC) if it is taught only as a course required separatelyD) if it was taught only as a separate and required courseE) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately11. Credit cards are now accepted in exchange for many goods ad services around the world and in some countries, like the Americans, is used even more w idely than cash.( Z.P.92)A) like the Americans, is used even more widely thanB) like that of America, is used even more widely than’C) as in America, are sued even more widely thanD) such as America, are used even more widely thanE) such as America, are used even more widely as12. One of every two new businesses fail within two years.(Z.P.102)A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed13. The great difference in interpretation between him and his immediate pre decessor of the role of Anthony were the su bject of last week’s column by the well-known drama critic. (Z.P. 103)A) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereB) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereC) between he and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereD) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wasE) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were14. The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming m onths, but that the mixed performance of the index’s individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year. (Z.P.155)A) suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming mo nths, but thatB) suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months bu tC) suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming month s, but thatD) suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months, but thatE) suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, b utKEYS:D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.E二、动词时态1. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill , but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by atoxin present in the quail’s body only under certain conditions.A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makesB) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to makeC) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes makeD) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes makeE) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has som etimes made2.Interest rates on mortgages have declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remained unchanged during the next three m onths.A) have declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remained unchangedB) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remain unchangedC) steadily declined during the first six months of this year but remain vir tually unchangedD) declined steadily during the first six months of this but have remained v irtually unchanging’E) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but have remained virtually unchanged3.Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could n ot be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries mus t be drawn from “a fair cross section of the community”A)has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must beB)was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle that all juries must beC)was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all fur ies to beD)is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must beE)will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle4.Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake l ast year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code.A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year wereB) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake l ast year had beenC) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last yea r have beenD) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have beenE) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had been5. by the time peace and happiness will have come to the planet, many liveswill be wasted.A) will have come to the planet, many lives will be wastedB) come to the planet, many lives will have been wastedC) will have come to the planet, many lives will have been wastedD) shall have come to the planet, many lives shall be wasted’E) would have come to the planet, many lives would have been wasted6. the books of W.E.B. DuBois before World War I constituted as fundamentala challenge to the accepted ideas of race relations that, two generations later will be true of the writings of the radical writers of the 1960’s.A) that, two generations later will be true ofB) that, two generations later, would be true ofC) as, two generations later , would be true ofD) as, two generations later, wouldE) just in the way that, two generations later, did7.While everyone continues to hope for their survival, it is unlikely that the astronauts could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded.A) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant explodedB) were making it back to the shelter before the power plant explodedC) were able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant explodesD) have been able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant will explodeE) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant would have destroyed them8.parliament did not accord full refugee benefits to twelve of the recent im migrants because it believed that to do it rewards them for entering the cou ntry illegally.A) to do it rewardsB) doing it rewardsC) to do this would rewardD) doing so would rewardE) to do it would reward9.for many people, household labor remains demanding even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle.A) even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracleB) despite being able to afford household appliances their grandparents woul d find a miracleC) even if they can afford household appliances their grandparents would hav e found miraculousD) although they could afford household appliances their grandparents would find miraculousE) even if they are able to afford household appliances which would have bee n a miracle to their grandparents10. a huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million y ears ago , the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the largest flying creature the word has ever seen.A) believed to beB) and that is believed to beC) and it is believed to have beenD) which was, it is believed,E) which is believed to be11. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin inducesthe production of enzymes that are the organism’s trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it. (O.P.298)A) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritatingitB) trying that it metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritantC) attempt to try to metabolize, or render harmless such a chemical irritantD) attempt to try and metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritatin g itE) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant12. Native American burial sites dating back 5000 years indicate that the re sidents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquia n-speaking people.( O.P.300)A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking peopleB) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquian-speak ingC) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-spe akingD) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian -speakingE) were a people which had been part of a widespread, Algonquian-speaking cu lture13.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors had elected early retirement rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice insurance.(O.P.330)A) had elected early retirement rather than faceB) had elected early retirement instead of facingC) have elected retiring early instead of facingD) have elected to retire early rather than facingE) have elected to retire early rather than face14. Opening with tributes to jazz-age divas like Bessie Smith and closing with Koko Taylor’s electrified gravel-and thunder songs, the program will trace the blues’ vigorous matriarchal line over more than 50 years. (Z.P.91)A) the program will traceB) the program shall traceC) there will be a program tracingD) it it’s a program that tracesE) it will be a program tracing15. In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choi ces, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architec t, and builder of a growing church. (Z.P. 102)A) In a period of time when women typically haveB) During a time in which typically women haveC) Typically, during a time when womenD) At a time when women typicallyE) Typically in a time in which women16. During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throu ghout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited. (Z.P.106)A) forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they hadB) that were forming the basis of news reports about the princely statesC) to form the basis of news reports about the princely states which they haveD) which had formed the basis of news reports about the princely states where they hadE) that formed the basis of news reports about the princely stats they17. Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decad es, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the People’s Republic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2000 calories per person p er day for its population. ( Z.P.109)A) Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased duringB) Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased inC) Despite its per capita food supply hardly increasing overD) Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply dur ingE) Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for18. Since the past twenty years, thousands of magnificent United States elms have been killed by infestations of the tiny European bark beetle. (Z.P.117)A) Since the past twenty yearsB) Since twenty years have passedC) During the past twenty yearsD) Twenty years agoE) After twenty years19. Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billi on in debts; at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudia ted, is the solvency of some of the world’s largest multinational banks. (Z.P.123)A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, isB) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, areC) should they repudiate a significant number of these debts, areD) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts, would beE) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is20. During the summer of 1981, when it looked like parts of new York and new Jersey were going to run short of water, many businesses and homes were aff ected by the stringent restrictions on the use of water. (Z.P.132)A) it looked like parts of new York and new Jersey were going to runB) it looked as if parts of New York and New Jersey would have runC) it appearances that parts of New York and New Jersey would runD) appearances were that parts of New York and New Jersey would runE) it was the appearance that parts of New York and New Jersey would running21. The political masters of the health care system have not listened to pro fessional health planners because it has not been profitable for them to dothat thing. (Z.P.133)A) has not been profitable for them to do that thingB) has not been profitable for them to do soC) has been unprofitable for them to do that thingD) has been unprofitable for them to do soE) doing so had not been profitable for them22. Few baskets made by Southern California Indians would have survived to t he present had it not been for enthusiastic collectors at the turn of the ce ntury. (Z.P.134)A) had it not been forB) unless there had beenC) without the fact that there wereD) were it not due toE) except that there were23. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were const ructed in violation of the city’s building code. (Z.P.157)A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year wereB) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake l ast year had beenC) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last yea r have beenD) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have beenE) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had beenKEYS:1.A know后面的that 从句说明know的内容,that一般是不省的。

主谓一致的改错练习题1.The committee has given sound reasons for the changesof plans, so we should support their decision.2. 误:The United Nations were founded in 1945.3. 误:The girl andwinner are jumping with joy.4. 误:Each boy and each girl were invited5. 误:The girl together with the boys have learned to drive a car.6. All I know are that his father joinedthe revolution in Yan’an.7. 误:This kind of apples are highly priced.8. 误:The first two of the five questions on the test paper were very difficult, the rest was easy.9. 误:Planting young trees need watering.10. 误:The Wangs lives on eighty yuan a month.11. 误:Not only the children but also their father like to see the pictures.12. 误:Three-fourths of the surface of theearth are sea.13. When and where to build the new factory are not decided.14.Mary is the only one of the youngest girls who play in the band.15. The football team is having bath.SAT语法改错题——主谓一致主谓一致的知识点对于英语语言学习的重要性不言而喻,在SAT语法考试当中也得到了充分的证明;然而对于很多中国学生来说,由于中文语法的限制,他们在主谓一致这一知识点上习惯性地犯错。
第一篇:GMAT语法改错GMAT语法改错精解(刘振民)GMAT语法改错精解(刘振民)第一篇总论一、GMAT句子改错题的要求GMAT句子改错题在笔考时,一般有22道题,限时25分钟完成,其基本要求如下:Direction:In each of the following sentences,some part of the sentence or the entire sentence isunderlined.Beneath each sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part.Thefirst of these repeats the original;the other four are different.If you think the original is the bestof these answer choices,choose answer A;otherwise,choose one of the others.Select the bestversion and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet.This is a test of correctness and effectiveness of expression.In choosing answers,follow therequirements of standard written English;that is,pay attention to grammar,choice of words,and sentence construction.Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence;this an—swer should be clear mad exact,without awkwardness,ambiguity,redundancy,or grammaticalerror.在实行CAT考试后,该要求没有变化,只不过题量减少了,约为16~18题。

⼀.主语与动词⼀致1.The relationship between corpulence and disease remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy with chronic obesity.A) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withB) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates a reduced life expectancy withC) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy toD) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withE) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy to2.Puritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of judg ment and mutability of purpose that some writers have though inconsistent with their religious zeal, but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it.A) but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of itB) but which were in fact a natural outgrowth of itC) but which were in fact natural outgrowths of itD) but it was in fact a natural outgrowth of themE) which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it3.Out of America’s fascination with all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.A) all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringingB) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringingC) things that are antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bringD) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fix tures that are bringingE) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that bring4.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great ant hropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best nove ls of the time.A) makes his letters as a group the rival ofB) makes his letter as a group one to rivalC) makes his letters a group rivalingD) make his letters as a group the rival ofE) make his letters a group which is the rival of5.Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado’s size. (O.P. 297)A) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado’s sizeB) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colora doC) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of ColoradoD) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million , an area about the size of Colorado’sE) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado’s size6.Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women, very different from the often pallid women who populate his novels. (O.P.300)A) Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women,B) Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gklhorn, and Mary Welsh-each of them Hemingway’s wives-were strong and interesting womenC) Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-were all strong and interesting women.D) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, MarthaGelhorn, and Mary Welsh-each a wife of Hemingway, wasE) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeifferm Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-every one of Hemingway’s wives were7.One of every two new businesses fail within two years. (O.P. 302)A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed8.A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work force.( O.P.311)A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increaseB) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five percentC) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirty-five percentD) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percentE) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirty-five percent increase9.What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LPP era. (O.P 312)A) What was as remarkable as the development of the compact discB) The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact discC) No less remarkable than the development of the compact discD) Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable thanE) Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as10.While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course. (O.P. 313)A) only if it would be taught as a separately required courseB) only if it is taught as a separate, required courseC) if it is taught only as a course required separatelyD) if it was taught only as a separate and required courseE) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately11.Credit cards are now accepted in exchange for many goods ad services around the world and in some countries, like the Americans, is used even more widely than cash.( Z.P.92)A) like the Americans, is used even more widely thanB) like that of America, is used even more widely than’C) as in America, are sued even more widely thanD) such as America, are used even more widely thanE) such as America, are used even more widely as12.One of every two new businesses fail within two years.(Z.P.102)A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed13. The great difference in interpretation between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were the subject of last week’s column by the well-known drama critic. (Z.P. 103)A) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereB) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereC) between he and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereD) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wasE) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were14.The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but that the mixed performance of the index’s individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year. (Z.P.155)A) suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming months, but thatB) suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months butC) suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming months, but thatD) suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months,but thatE) suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, butKEYS:D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.E。

【关键字】句子GMAT句子改错讲义一.主语与动词一致1.The relationship between corpulence and disease remain controversial, al though statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy with chronic o besity.A) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withB) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates a reduced life expectancy withC) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy toD) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy withE) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy to2. Puritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of judgment and mutability of purpose that some writers have though inconsistent wi th their religious zeal, but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it.A) but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of itB) but which were in fact a natural outgrowth of itC) but which were in fact natural outgrowths of itD) but it was in fact a natural outgrowth of themE) which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it3.Out of ’s fascination with all things antique have grown a marketfor bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.A) all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringingB) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that is bringingC) things that are antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bringD) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fix tures that are bringingE) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that bring4.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great ant hropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.A) makes his letters as a group the rival ofB) makes his letter as a group one to rivalC) makes his letters a group rivalingD) make his letters as a group the rival ofE) make his letters a group which is the rival of5.Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about ’s size. (O.P. 297)A) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado’s sizeB) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of ColoradoC) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size ofColoradoD) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million , an area about the size of Colorado’sE) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado’s si ze6. Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women, very different from the often pallid women who populate his novels. (A) Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women,B) Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gklhorn, and Mary Welsh-each of them Hemingway’s wives-were strong and interesting womenC) Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, a nd Mary Welsh-were all strong and interesting women.D) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-each a wife of Hemingway, wasE) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeifferm Martha Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-every one of Hemingway’s wives were7. One of every two new businesses fail within two years. (O.P. 302)A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed8. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work force.(A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-fiv e percent increaseB) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five per centC) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirt y-five percentD) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-f ive percentE) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirt y-five percent increase9. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LPP era. (O.P 312)A) What was as remarkable as the development of the compact discB) The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact discC) No less remarkable than the development of the compact discD) Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable thanE) Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as10. While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it would be taught as a separately required course. (O.P. 313)A) only if it would be taught as a separately required courseB) only if it is taught as a separate, required courseC) if it is taught only as a course required separatelyD) if it was taught only as a separate and required courseE) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately11. Credit cards are now accepted in exchange for many goods ad services aro und the world and in some countries, like the Americans, is used even more w idely than cash.(A) like the Americans, is used even more widely thanB) like that of America, is used even more widely than’C) as in America, are sued even more widely thanD) such as America, are used even more widely thanE) such as America, are used even more widely as12. One of every two new businesses fail within two years.(A) failB) failsC) should failD) may have failedE) has failed13. The great difference in interpretation between him and his immediate pre decessor of the role of Anthony were the subject of last week’s column by the well-known drama critic. (Z.P. 103)A) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereB) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereC) between he and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wereD) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony wasE) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were14. The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicators suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming m onths, but that the mixed performance of the index’s individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year. (A) suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming mo nths, but thatB) suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months bu tC) suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming month s, but thatD) suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months, but thatE) suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, b utKEYS:D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.E二、动词时态1. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill , but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by atoxin present in the quail’s body only under certain conditions.A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makesB) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to makeC) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes makeD) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes makeE) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has som etimes made2.Interest rates on mortgages have declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remained unchanged during the next three m onths.A) have declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remained unchangedB) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually remain unchangedC) steadily declined during the first six months of this year but remain vir tually unchangedD) declined steadily during the first six months of this but have remained v irtually unchanging’E) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but have remained virtually unchanged3.Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could n ot be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century has been necessary to develop and enforce the pr inciple that all juries must be drawn from “a fair cross section of the community”A)has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juriesmust beB)was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle that all juries must beC)was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all fur ies to beD)is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must beE)will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle4.Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake l ast year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code.A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year wereB) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake l ast year had beenC) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last yea r have beenD) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that have beenE) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had been5. by the time peace and happiness will have come to the planet, many lives will be wasted.A) will have come to the planet, many lives will be wastedB) come to the planet, many lives will have been wastedC) will have come to the planet, many lives will have been wastedD) shall have come to the planet, many lives shall be wasted’E) would have come to the planet, many lives would have been wasted6. the books of DuBois before World War I constituted as fundamentala challenge to the accepted ideas of race relations that, two generations later will be true of the writings of the radical writers of the 1960’s.A) that, two generations later will be true ofB) that, two generations later, would be true ofC) as, two generations later , would be true ofD) as, two generations later, wouldE) just in the way that, two generations later, did7.While everyone continues to hope for their survival, it is unlikely that the astronauts could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded.A) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant explodedB) were making it back to the shelter before the power plant explodedC) were able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant explodesD) have been able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant will explodeE) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant would havedestroyed them8.parliament did not accord full refugee benefits to twelve of the recent im migrants because it believed that to do it rewards them for entering the cou ntry illegally.A) to do it rewardsB) doing it rewardsC) to do this would rewardD) doing so would rewardE) to do it would reward9.for many people, household labor remains demanding even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle.A) even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would finda miracleB) despite being able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracleC) even if they can afford household appliances their grandparents would hav e found miraculousD) although they could afford household appliances their grandparents would find miraculousE) even if they are able to afford household appliances which would have bee n a miracle to their grandparents10. a huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million y ears ago , the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the largest flying creature the word has ever seen.A) believed to beB) and that is believed to beC) and it is believed to have beenD) which was, it is believed,E) which is believed to be11. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin inducesthe production of enzymes that are the organism’s trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it. (A) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritatingitB) trying that it metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritantC) attempt to try to metabolize, or render harmless such a chemical irritantD) attempt to try and metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritating itE) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant12. Native American burial sites dating back 5000 years indicate that the re sidents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people.(A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking peopleB) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquian-speakingC) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-spe akingD) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian -speakingE) were a people which had been part of a widespread, Algonquian-speaking cu lture13.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors had elected early retirement rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice insurance.(A) had elected early retirement rather than faceB) had elected early retirement instead of facingC) have elected retiring early instead of facingD) have elected to retire early rather than facingE) have elected to retire early rather than face14. Opening with tributes to jazz-age divas like Bessie Smith and closing with Koko Taylor’s electrified gravel-and thunder songs, the program will trace the blues’ vigorous matriarchal line over more than 50 years. (A) the program will traceB) the program shall traceC) there will be a program tracingD) it it’s a program that tracesE) it will be a program tracing15. In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choi ces, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architec t, and builder of a growing church. (Z.P. 102)A) In a period of time when women typically haveB) During a time in which typically women haveC) Typically, during a time when womenD) At a time when women typicallyE) Typically in a time in which women16. During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throu ghout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited. (A) forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they hadB) that were forming the basis of news reports about the princely statesC) to form the basis of news reports about the princely states which they haveD) which had formed the basis of news reports about the princely states where they hadE) that formed the basis of news reports about the princely stats they17. Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decad es, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the People’sRepublic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2000 calories per person per day for its population. (A) Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased duringB) Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased inC) Despite its per capita food supply hardly increasing overD) Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply duringE) Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for18. Since the past twenty years, thousands of magnificent United States elms have been killed by infestations of the tiny European bark beetle. ()A) Since the past twenty yearsB) Since twenty years have passedC) During the past twenty yearsD) Twenty years agoE) After twenty years19. Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billi on in debts; at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudia ted, is th e solvency of some of the world’s largest multinational banks. (A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, isB) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, areC) should they repudiate a significant number of these debts, areD) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts, would beE) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is20. During the summer of 1981, when it looked like parts of new York and new Jersey were going to run short of water, many businesses and homes were aff ected by the stringent restrictions on the use of water. (A) it looked like parts of new York and new Jersey were going to runB) it looked as if parts of New York and New Jersey would have runC) it appearances that parts of New York and New Jersey would runD) appearances were that parts of New York and New Jersey would runE) it was the appearance that parts of New York and New Jersey would running21. The political masters of the health care system have not listened to pro fessional health planners because it has not been profitable for them to dothat thing. (A) has not been profitable for them to do that thingB) has not been profitable for them to do soC) has been unprofitable for them to do that thingD) has been unprofitable for them to do soE) doing so had not been profitable for them22. Few baskets made by Southern California Indians would have survived to t he present had it not been for enthusiastic collectors at the turn of the ce ntury. (A) had it not been forB) unless there had beenC) without the fact that there wereD) were it not due toE) except that there were23. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquakelast year were constr ucted in violation of the city’s building code. (Z.P.157)A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquakelast year wereB) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had beenC) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last year have beenD) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings thathave beenE) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged inthe earthquake had beenKEYS:1.A know后面的that 从句说明know的内容,that一般是不省的。
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16. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
(A) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought
(B) claims suggests that the economy might not be so weak as some analysts have previously thought
(C) claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as have been previously thought by some analysts
(D) claims, suggesting about the economy that it might not be so weak as previously thought by some analysts
(E) claims, suggesting the economy might not be as weak as previously thought to be by some analysts
(B)【错误】主谓一致:动词“suggests”的主语是“a surge in new home sales and a drop……”,其核心词为“a surge and a drop”,是一个复数概念,因此主谓不一致。
(C)【错误】主谓一致:“have been previously thought”的逻辑主语是“economy”,主谓不一致。
(D)【错误】句子结构:“suggesting”单独不能做谓语动词,则主语“a surge in new home sales and a drop……”没有谓语动词,主谓结构不完整。
(C)句子结构有些复杂“as have been previously thought”似乎是一个没头没尾的东西,但可以看出“have been previously thought”应该是某个发生省略的从句的谓语动词,由此发现其逻辑主语是“economy”,于是发现主谓不一致,立即排除。