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作为中国人, 作为中国人,要学习与我们的母语完全不 同的英语,就必须从英语语法入手。 同的英语,就必须从英语语法入手。如果将英 语比作一座大厦, 语比作一座大厦,那么语法就是构成整个大厦 的水泥框架,词汇和短语则是构成墙壁的砖瓦, 的水泥框架,词汇和短语则是构成墙壁的砖瓦, 没有坚实的骨架,大厦是无法建成的。 没有坚实的骨架,大厦是无法建成的。为了我 们的英语大厦更加宏伟, 们的英语大厦更加宏伟,让我们从现在起精心 构建它的骨架。 构建它的骨架。 什么是语法?语法是造句的方法。 什么是语法?语法是造句的方法。 学习语法就是为了我们能够造出无数优美、 学习语法就是为了我们能够造出无数优美、 正确的英语句子。 正确的英语句子。
8. 同位语:表示同一主体的两个不同的词、 同位语: 短语或从句。 (由名词、名词短语、同位语从句充当)
We students should study hard. Jack, a friend of mine, has been sent abroad to study by our school. The fact that English is becoming more and more important is known to everyone. The question who will teach us English next term will be answered tomorrow.
5. 定语:用来修饰或限定一个名词的词、短语 定语: 或从句。 (由名词、代词、不定式、V-ing形 式、过去分词和定语从句充当)
A man doctor will take care of you. This girl is my best friend. I have a lot of homework to do today. The boy standing there is my brother. The dog killed in the accident belonged to my grandpa. The pen which I lost yesterday was given to me as a birthday gift by my mum.
4. 表语:跟在系动词之后对主语进行修饰说明。 表语: (由名词、名词短语、代词、不定式、 V-ing形式、过去分词和表语从句充当)
Knoweledge is power. She is a hard-working student. The person that she wants to marry is him. My aim is to go to a famous university. My job is teaching English to young children. We are excited. What I want to know is how he can learn English so well.
2. 主系表结构的句子扩充: 主系表结构的句子扩充: 定语) 主语+ 系动词+ 定语) (定语)+主语+(定语)+系动词+(定语)+ 表语+ 定语) 地状) 时状) 表语+(定语)+(地状)+(时状). The man is my teacher. The handsome man is my English teacher. The handsome man who is standing there talking with my mother is my English teacher that has been teaching me at his home for three years.
3. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语+(状语). 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语+(状语) +(状语 S + V + IO + DO +(A). ( ) She bought me a tie last week. She has been teaching us English for three years. 4. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 + (状语). 状语) S + LV + P + (A). I am a student. She is very beautiful. 5. There be + 主语 + 状语. 状语. There be + S + A. There is a book on the desk. There was a tree in the yard two years ago.
通过在基本句型中加入定语、各种状语等的方 通过在基本句型中加入定语、各种状语等的方 定语 式来造复杂的英文句子的方法。 式来造复杂的英文句子的方法。 1. 主谓宾结构的句子扩充: 主谓宾结构的句子扩充: (时状)+(定语)+主语+(定语)+谓语+ 时状) 定语) 主语+ 定语) 谓语+ (定语)+宾语+(定语)+(地状)+(时状). 定语) 宾语+ 定语) 地状) 时状) A boy met a girl. A handsome boy met a beautiful girl. A handsome boy who was wearing a black T-shirt met a beautiful girl that was dressed in a miniskirt. A handsome boy who was wearing a black T-shirt met a beautiful girl that was dressed in a miniskirt in the park yesterday.
9. 呼语:称呼用语。 呼语:
如:Sir、Madam、Your Majesty、Your Highness
英语的基本句型可以分为五种, 英语的基本句型可以分为五种,下面我们意义 进行学习。 进行学习。 1. 主语 + 谓语 + (状语). (状语 状语). S + V + (A). ) She smiles. He is laughing aloud. 2. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语+ (状语). 宾语+ (状语 状语). S + V + O +(A). ( ) I read English every day. She plays the piano well.
7. 补语(宾语补足语):跟在宾语之后对宾语进 补语(宾语补足语) 行补充说明的句子成分。 (由名词、形容词、副词、不定式、 V-ing形式、过去分词)
We will make him monitor. The good news made us happy. Please let me in. My mother gets me to read English every morning. He kept me waiting for two hours. The news that our team had won the match made us excited.
2. 谓语:主语所发出的动作。 谓语: (由动词构成,包括16种时态和10 种被动语态) 3. 宾语:谓语动词动作的承受者。 宾语: (由名词、名词短语、代词、不定 式、V-ing形式和宾语从句充当)
I like English. She keeps a cute monkey as her pet. She loves him. He refused to help. I enjoy learning English. I want to know when you will leave for New York.
攻克英语语法 踏上英语成功之路
学习英语语法的步骤: 学习英语语法的步骤:
九大句子成分; 九大句子成分; 五大基本句型; 五大基本句型; 十六种时态及十种被动语态; 十六种时态及十种被动语态 名词性从句(包括主语从句、宾语从句、 名词性从句(包括主语从句、宾语从句、 表语从句、同位语从句) 表语从句、同位语从句); 5. 定语从句 定语从句; 6. 状语从句; 状语从句; 7. 直接引语和间接引语; 直接引语和间接引语; 8. 情态动词; 情态动词; 9. 虚拟语气; 虚拟语气; 10.非谓语动词; 非谓语动词; 非谓语动词 11.强调句; 强调句; 强调句 12.主谓一致; 主谓一致; 主谓一致 13.冠词、名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词的用法。 冠词、 冠词 名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词的用法。 1. 2. 3. 4.
3. There be结构的句子扩充: 结构的句子扩充: 结构的句子扩充 There be +(定语) +主语+(定语)+(地状) 定语) 主语+ 定语) 地状) 时状) +(时状). There is a book on the desk. There is an English book on the desk. There is an English book on Chinese history, which was written by a famous British historian, on the desk that stands near the window. 积木式造句法是英语学习中最简洁明了的造 积木式造句法 句方法,同学们一定要多加练习、熟练掌握。
Thanks! Live with passion! Enjoy your study.
6. 状语:说明谓语动词动作所处的状态(包括 . 状语: 时间、地点、 原因、比较、目的、结果、 条件、方式和让步状语)。 (由副词、介词短语、不定式、V-ing形式、 过去分词和状语从句充当)
I met him there. He studies in a key middle school. To learn Englsih well, she takes every chance to practice her oral English. Seeing from the top of the building, you can see the whole town. Seen from th top of the buillding, the town looks beautiful. I was having dinner when he came to see me last evening.
九大句子成分: 九大句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定 语、状语、补语(宾语补足语)、同位 语、呼语。 (主、谓、宾、表、定、状、补、同、呼) 1. 主语:谓语动词动作的发出者。 主语: (由名词、名词短语、代词、不定式、 V-ing形式和主语从句充当)
Knowledge is power. A beautiful girl told me the news. He helped me a lot. To master English is my goal in 2011. Practicing playing the piano takes me an hour a day. What he did yesterday made his parents angry.